implementation module osbitmap // PA: other version of bitmaps: create a bitmap handle instead of continuesly copying String to OS import StdArray, StdBool, StdChar, StdClass, StdInt, StdFile, StdTuple import ospicture, ostoolbox, pictCCall_12 :: Bitmap = OSBitmap !OSBitmap :: OSBitmap = { originalSize :: !(!Int,!Int) // The size of the bitmap , reSize :: !(!Int,!Int) // to store values passed to resizeBitmap , bitmapContents :: !{#Char} // The (device independent) bitmap information (for printing) , bitmapHandle :: !Int // The handle to the screen bitmap (for screen) } toBitmap :: !OSBitmap -> Bitmap toBitmap osBitmap = OSBitmap osBitmap fromBitmap :: !Bitmap -> OSBitmap fromBitmap (OSBitmap osBitmap) = osBitmap // osReadBitmap reads a bitmap from a file. See page 176 of Programming Windows 95 (Charles Petzold) osReadBitmap :: !*File -> (!Bool,!OSBitmap,!*File) osReadBitmap file # (_, c1,file) = freadc file # (ok,c2,file) = freadc file // read first two bytes | not ok || c1<>'B' || c2<>'M' // are they "BM"? = (False,noBitmap,file) # (_, fileSize,file) = freadi file // read file size # (_, _, file) = freadi file // skip bfReserved1 & 2 # (_, _, file) = freadi file // skip bfOffBits # (_, _, file) = freadi file // skip biSize # (_, w, file) = freadi file // read width # (ok1,h, file) = freadi file // read height # (ok2, file) = fseek file 0 FSeekSet | not ok1 || not ok2 = (False,noBitmap,file) # (data,file) = freads file fileSize | size data <> fileSize = (False,noBitmap,file) | otherwise # (hdc, tb) = winCreateScreenHDC OSNewToolbox # (hbmp,tb) = winCreateBitmap data hdc tb # tb = winDestroyScreenHDC (hdc,tb) = (if (tb==OSDummyToolbox) True True,{originalSize=(w,h),reSize=(w,h),bitmapContents=data,bitmapHandle=hbmp},file) where noBitmap = {originalSize=(0,0),reSize=(0,0),bitmapContents={},bitmapHandle=0} // osGetBitmapSize returns the size of the bitmap. osGetBitmapSize :: !OSBitmap -> (!Int,!Int) osGetBitmapSize {reSize} = reSize // osGetBitmapContent returns the content string of the bitmap osGetBitmapContent :: !OSBitmap -> {#Char} osGetBitmapContent {bitmapContents} = bitmapContents // osGetBitmapHandle returns the handle of the bitmap osGetBitmapHandle :: !OSBitmap -> Int osGetBitmapHandle {bitmapHandle} = bitmapHandle /* osResizeBitmap (w,h) bitmap resizes the argument bitmap to the given size. It is assumed that w and h are not negative. */ osResizeBitmap :: !(!Int,!Int) !OSBitmap -> OSBitmap osResizeBitmap size bitmap = {bitmap & reSize=size} /* osDrawBitmap bitmap pos origin pictContext draws the argument bitmap with the left top corner at pos, given the current origin and drawing context. */ osDrawBitmap :: !OSBitmap !(!Int,!Int) !(!Int,!Int) !Bool !OSPictContext !*OSToolbox -> (!OSPictContext,!*OSToolbox) osDrawBitmap {originalSize,reSize,bitmapContents,bitmapHandle} pos=:(px,py) origin=:(ox,oy) isScreenOutput pictContext tb | isScreenOutput | originalSize==reSize = winDrawBitmap originalSize destination bitmapHandle (pictContext,tb) // otherwise = winDrawResizedBitmap originalSize destination reSize bitmapHandle (pictContext,tb) | otherwise = winPrintResizedBitmap originalSize destination reSize bitmapContents (pictContext,tb) where destination = (px-ox,py-oy)