implementation module clCCall_12 import StdClass, StdInt from StdIOCommon import :: Modifiers{..} from ostoolbox import :: OSToolbox import code from "cCCallSystem_121.o", "cCCallWindows_121.o", "cCrossCallWindows_121.o", "cCrossCall_121.o", "cdebug_121.o", "cpicture_121.o", "util_121.o" :: CSTR :== Int :: ACCLPTR :== Int MaxRand :== 32767 WinHelpKey :== 5 WinEscapeKey :== 27 WinReturnKey :== 13 WinTabKey :== 9 WinDelKey :== 127 WinBackSpKey :== 8 WinEndKey :== 4 WinBeginKey :== 1 WinPgDownKey :== 12 WinPgUpKey :== 11 WinRightKey :== 29 WinLeftKey :== 28 WinDownKey :== 31 WinUpKey :== 30 WinF1Key :== 1001 WinF2Key :== 1002 WinF3Key :== 1003 WinF4Key :== 1004 WinF5Key :== 1005 WinF6Key :== 1006 WinF7Key :== 1007 WinF8Key :== 1008 WinF9Key :== 1009 WinF10Key :== 1010 WinF11Key :== 1011 WinF12Key :== 1012 CTRLBIT :== 4 ALTBIT :== 2 SHIFTBIT :== 1 KEYREPEAT :== 4 KEYUP :== 2 KEYDOWN :== 1 BUTTONUP :== 50 BUTTONSTILLDOWN :== 40 BUTTONTRIPLEDOWN :== 3 BUTTONDOUBLEDOWN :== 2 BUTTONDOWN :== 1 BUTTONSTILLUP :== 0 /* PA: new constant for passing mouse move events. */ // PA: moved from windowevent.icl because also used by menuCrossCall_12 toModifiers :: !Int -> Modifiers toModifiers i = { shiftDown = shifton , optionDown = alton , commandDown = ctrlon , controlDown = ctrlon , altDown = alton } where shifton = i bitand SHIFTBIT <> 0 alton = i bitand ALTBIT <> 0 ctrlon = i bitand CTRLBIT <> 0 winLaunchApp :: !{#Char} !Bool !*OSToolbox -> ( !Bool, !*OSToolbox) winLaunchApp _ _ _ = code { .inline WinLaunchApp ccall WinLaunchApp "SII-II" .end } winLaunchApp2 :: !{#Char} !{#Char} !Bool !*OSToolbox -> ( !Bool, !*OSToolbox) winLaunchApp2 _ _ _ _ = code { .inline WinLaunchApp2 ccall WinLaunchApp2 "SSII-II" .end } winCallProcess :: !CSTR !CSTR !CSTR !CSTR !CSTR !CSTR !*OSToolbox -> ( !Bool, !Int, !*OSToolbox) winCallProcess _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = code { .inline WinCallProcess ccall WinCallProcess "IIIIIII-III" .end } winGetModulePath :: {#Char} winGetModulePath = code { .inline WinGetModulePath ccall WinGetModulePath "-S" .end } winFileModifiedDate :: !{#Char} -> ( !Bool, !Int, !Int, !Int, !Int, !Int, !Int) winFileModifiedDate _ = code { .inline WinFileModifiedDate ccall WinFileModifiedDate "S-IIIIIII" .end } winFileExists :: !{#Char} -> Bool winFileExists _ = code { .inline WinFileExists ccall WinFileExists "S-I" .end } winBeep :: !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox winBeep tb = code { .inline WinBeep ccall WinBeep "I-I" .end } rand :: Int rand = code { .inline Rand ccall Rand "-I" .end } winReleaseCString :: !CSTR !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox winReleaseCString _ _ = code { .inline WinReleaseCString ccall WinReleaseCString "pI-I" .end } winGetCStringAndFree :: !CSTR !*OSToolbox -> ( !{#Char}, !*OSToolbox) winGetCStringAndFree _ _ = code { .inline WinGetCStringAndFree ccall WinGetCStringAndFree "pI-SI" .end } winGetCString :: !CSTR !*OSToolbox -> ( !{#Char}, !*OSToolbox) winGetCString _ _ = code { .inline WinGetCString ccall WinGetCString "pI-SI" .end } winMakeCString :: !{#Char} !*OSToolbox -> ( !CSTR, !*OSToolbox) winMakeCString _ _ = code { .inline WinMakeCString ccall WinMakeCString "SI-pI" .end } winGetAppPath :: CSTR winGetAppPath = code { .inline WinGetAppPath ccall WinGetAppPath "-I" .end } winSetDoubleDownDist :: !Int !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox winSetDoubleDownDist _ _ = code { .inline WinSetDoubleDownDist ccall WinSetDoubleDownDist "II-I" .end } winGetHorzResolution :: Int winGetHorzResolution = code { .inline WinGetHorzResolution ccall WinGetHorzResolution "-I" .end } winGetVertResolution :: Int winGetVertResolution = code { .inline WinGetVertResolution ccall WinGetVertResolution "-I" .end } winMaxFixedWindowSize :: ( !Int, !Int) winMaxFixedWindowSize = code { .inline WinMaxFixedWindowSize ccall WinMaxFixedWindowSize "-II" .end } winMaxScrollWindowSize :: ( !Int, !Int) winMaxScrollWindowSize = code { .inline WinMaxScrollWindowSize ccall WinMaxScrollWindowSize "-II" .end } // PA: interface added for determining screen width and height. winScreenYSize :: !*OSToolbox -> (!Int,!*OSToolbox) winScreenYSize _ = code { .inline WinScreenYSize ccall WinScreenYSize "I-II" .end } winScreenXSize :: !*OSToolbox -> (!Int,!*OSToolbox) winScreenXSize _ = code { .inline WinScreenXSize ccall WinScreenXSize "I-II" .end } winMinimumWinSize :: ( !Int, !Int) winMinimumWinSize = code { .inline WinMinimumWinSize ccall WinMinimumWinSize "-II" .end } // PA: function added to get system metrics for width and height of scrollbars. winScrollbarSize :: !*OSToolbox -> ( !Int, !Int, !*OSToolbox ) winScrollbarSize _ = code { .inline WinScrollbarSize ccall WinScrollbarSize "I-III" .end } /* PA: two new routines (win(M/S)DIClientToOuterSizeDims added to convert between the client and outer size of (M/S)DI windows. The Int argument contains the style flags of the window. */ winMDIClientToOuterSizeDims :: !Int !*OSToolbox -> (!Int,!Int,!*OSToolbox) winMDIClientToOuterSizeDims _ _ = code { .inline WinMDIClientToOuterSizeDims ccall WinMDIClientToOuterSizeDims "II-III" .end } winSDIClientToOuterSizeDims :: !Int !*OSToolbox -> (!Int,!Int,!*OSToolbox) winSDIClientToOuterSizeDims _ _ = code { .inline WinSDIClientToOuterSizeDims ccall WinSDIClientToOuterSizeDims "II-III" .end } winPlaySound :: !{#Char} !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool,!*OSToolbox) winPlaySound _ _ = code { .inline WinPlaySound ccall WinPlaySound "SI-II" .end }