/* C module intrface */ #include "util_121.h" #define MaxRand 32767 #define iWhitePattern 4 #define iLtGreyPattern 3 #define iGreyPattern 2 #define iDkGreyPattern 1 #define iBlackPattern 0 #define iModeNotBic 7 #define iModeNotXor 6 #define iModeNotOr 5 #define iModeNotCopy 4 #define iModeBic 3 #define iModeXor 2 #define iModeOr 1 #define iModeCopy 0 #define iStrikeOut 8 #define iUnderline 4 #define iItalic 2 #define iBold 1 #define WinEscapeKey 27 #define WinReturnKey 13 #define WinTabKey 9 #define WinBackSpKey 8 #define WinF1Key 1001 #define WinF2Key 1002 #define WinF3Key 1003 #define WinF4Key 1004 #define WinF5Key 1005 #define WinF6Key 1006 #define WinF7Key 1007 #define WinF8Key 1008 #define WinF9Key 1009 #define WinF10Key 1010 #define WinF11Key 1011 #define WinF12Key 1012 #define WinHelpKey 1013 #define WinDelKey 1014 #define WinEndKey 1015 #define WinBeginKey 1016 #define WinPgDownKey 1017 #define WinPgUpKey 1018 #define WinRightKey 1019 #define WinLeftKey 1020 #define WinDownKey 1021 #define WinUpKey 1022 #define CTRLBIT 4 #define ALTBIT 2 #define SHIFTBIT 1 #define KEYREPEAT 4 #define KEYUP 2 #define KEYDOWN 1 #define BUTTONSTILLUP 0 /* PA: new constant for mouse handling. */ #define BUTTONUP 50 #define BUTTONSTILLDOWN 40 #define BUTTONTRIPLEDOWN 3 #define BUTTONDOUBLEDOWN 2 #define BUTTONDOWN 1 #define EDITISMULTILINE 1 /* PA: flag value: edit control is multi-line. */ #define EDITISKEYSENSITIVE 2 /* PA: flag value: edit control sends keyboard events to Clean. */ /* Constants that are passed when creating (custom)button controls. */ #define ISNORMALBUTTON 0 /* The button is a normal button. */ #define ISOKBUTTON 1 /* The button is the OK button. */ #define ISCANCELBUTTON 2 /* The button is the CANCEL button. */ /* Game cross call codes. */ #define CcRqUSERGAMEEVENT 1905 /* send user event to other objects */ #define CcRqCREATEGAMEOBJECT 1904 /* create a new game object */ #define CcRqPLAYSOUNDSAMPLE 1903 /* initialize sound sample */ #define CcRqRUNGAME 1901 /* run the game engine */ #define CcRqCREATEGAMEWINDOW 1900 /* create a game window */ /* Print cross call codes. */ #define CcRqDO_PRINT_SETUP 1828 #define CcRqDO_HTML_HELP 1827 #define CcRqGET_PRINTER_DC 1824 #define CcRqDISPATCH_MESSAGES_WHILE_PRINTING 1823 #define CcRqENDDOC 1822 #define CcRqSTARTDOC 1821 #define CcRqCREATETCPWINDOW 1820 /* create TCP window */ #define CcRqDESTROYMDIDOCWINDOW 1817 /* destroy MDI document window */ #define CcRqCREATESDIDOCWINDOW 1816 /* create SDI document window */ #define CcRqCREATEMDIDOCWINDOW 1815 /* create MDI document window */ #define CcRqCREATEMDIFRAMEWINDOW 1814 /* create MDI frame window */ #define CcRqCREATESDIFRAMEWINDOW 1813 /* create SDI frame window */ #define CcRqCLIPBOARDHASTEXT 1812 #define CcRqGETCLIPBOARDTEXT 1811 #define CcRqSETCLIPBOARDTEXT 1810 #define CcRqDIRECTORYDIALOG 1802 /* create directory selector dialog. */ #define CcRqFILESAVEDIALOG 1801 #define CcRqFILEOPENDIALOG 1800 #define CcRqSHOWCONTROL 1755 #define CcRqSELECTPOPUPITEM 1754 #define CcRqENABLEPOPUPITEM 1753 #define CcRqADDTOPOPUP 1752 #define CcRqSETITEMCHECK 1751 #define CcRqENABLECONTROL 1750 #define CcRqCREATECOMPOUND 1729 #define CcRqCREATESCROLLBAR 1728 #define CcRqCREATECUSTOM 1727 #define CcRqCREATEICONBUT 1726 #define CcRqCREATEPOPUP 1725 #define CcRqCREATECHECKBOX 1724 #define CcRqCREATERADIOBUT 1723 #define CcRqCREATEEDITTXT 1722 #define CcRqCREATESTATICTXT 1721 #define CcRqCREATEBUTTON 1720 #define CcRqCREATEMODALDIALOG 1701 /* create modal dialog. */ #define CcRqCREATEDIALOG 1700 #define CcRqCREATETOOLBARSEPARATOR 1603 /* create a toolbar separator item. */ #define CcRqCREATETOOLBARITEM 1602 /* create a toolbar bitmap item. */ #define CcRqCREATEMDITOOLBAR 1601 /* create a toolbar for a MDI process. */ #define CcRqCREATESDITOOLBAR 1600 /* create a toolbar. */ #define CcCbFONTSIZE 1530 #define CcCbFONTNAME 1520 #define CcRqGETFONTSIZES 1510 #define CcRqGETFONTNAMES 1500 #define CcRqSETCLIENTSIZE 1438 /* set client size. */ #define CcRqDELCONTROLTIP 1437 /* remove controls from tooltip areas. */ #define CcRqADDCONTROLTIP 1436 /* add controls to tooltip areas. */ #define CcRqGETWINDOWSIZE 1435 #define CcRqRESTACKWINDOW 1434 #define CcRqSHOWWINDOW 1433 #define CcRqSETWINDOWSIZE 1432 #define CcRqSETSELECTWINDOW 1431 #define CcRqSETWINDOWPOS 1430 #define CcRqSETEDITSELECTION 1428 #define CcRqSETSCROLLSIZE 1427 #define CcRqSETSCROLLPOS 1426 #define CcRqSETSCROLLRANGE 1425 #define CcRqOBSCURECURSOR 1422 #define CcRqCHANGEWINDOWCURSOR 1421 #define CcRqACTIVATEWINDOW 1420 /* activating window. */ #define CcRqACTIVATECONTROL 1419 /* activating controls. */ #define CcRqCREATECARET 1610 #define CcRqSETCARETPOS 1611 #define CcRqDESTROYCARET 1612 #define CcRqHIDECARET 1613 #define CcRqSHOWCARET 1614 #define CcRqGETWINDOWPOS 1416 #define CcRqGETCLIENTSIZE 1415 #define CcRqUPDATEWINDOWRECT 1412 /* updating rect part of a window/control. */ #define CcRqGETWINDOWTEXT 1411 #define CcRqSETWINDOWTITLE 1410 #define CcRqFAKEPAINT 1405 /* combination of BeginPaint; EndPaint; InvalidateRect; */ #define CcRqENDPAINT 1404 #define CcRqBEGINPAINT 1403 #define CcRqDESTROYWINDOW 1402 #define CcRqDESTROYMODALDIALOG 1401 /* destroy modal dialog. */ #define CcRqDRAWMBAR 1265 #define CcRqTRACKPOPMENU 1256 /* handling pop up menu. */ #define CcRqCREATEPOPMENU 1255 #define CcRqINSERTSEPARATOR 1245 #define CcRqMENUENABLE 1235 #define CcRqMODIFYMENU 1230 #define CcRqINSERTMENU 1226 /* inserting a menu in the menu bar. */ #define CcRqITEMENABLE 1220 #define CcRqREMOVEMENUSHORTKEY 1217 /* removing a shortkey of a menu item. */ #define CcRqADDMENUSHORTKEY 1216 /* adding a shortkey of a menu item. */ #define CcRqMODIFYMENUITEM 1215 #define CcRqDESTROYMENU 1214 #define CcRqDELETEMENU 1213 /* deleting a menu */ #define CcRqREMOVEMENUITEM 1212 #define CcRqCHECKMENUITEM 1210 #define CcRqINSERTMENUITEM 1205 #define CcRqCREATELISTBOX 1206 #define CcRqADDTOLISTBOX 1207 #define CcRqSELECTLISTBOXITEM 1208 #define CcRqMARKLISTBOXITEM 1209 #define CcRqDOMESSAGE 1100 /* Game OS to Clean codes: 500-599 */ #define CcWmCHECKQUIT 513 /* check user's quit function */ #define CcWmUSEREVENT 512 /* user defined event */ #define CcWmSTATISTICS 511 /* request for statistics */ #define CcWmOBJECTKEYUP 510 /* key released */ #define CcWmOBJECTKEYDOWN 509 /* key pressed for object */ #define CcWmOBJECTTIMER 508 /* framecounter reached 0 */ #define CcWmANIMATION 507 /* animation sequence ended */ #define CcWmCOLLISION 506 /* collision of two objects */ #define CcWmTOUCHBOUND 505 /* object touches bound */ #define CcWmOBJECTDONE 504 /* object is destroyed */ #define CcWmMOVEOBJECT 503 /* move object */ #define CcWmINITOBJECT 502 /* initialize new object */ #define CcWmSCROLL 501 /* calculate layer positions */ #define CcWmGAMEKEYBOARD 500 /* keyboard input for game */ /* TCP OS to Clean codes: */ #define CcWmINETEVENT 140 #define CcWmSPECIALBUTTON 133 /* info about OK/CANCEL button selected. */ #define CcWmPROCESSDROPFILES 132 /* requesting opening of files. */ #define CcWmGETTOOLBARTIPTEXT 131 /* getting tooltip text. */ #define CcWmSETFOCUS 130 /* notifying obtaining keyboard input focus. */ #define CcWmKILLFOCUS 129 /* notifying loss of keyboard input focus. */ #define CcWmPROCESSCLOSE 127 /* requesting closing of process. */ #define CcWmDRAWCLIPBOARD 126 /* clipboard handling. Copied from Ronny. */ #define CcWmGETSCROLLBARINFO 125 /* info about scrollbars. */ #define CcWmSCROLLBARACTION 124 /* scrollbar handling. */ #define CcWmDDEEXECUTE 123 #define CcWmIDLEDIALOG 121 /* initialising modal dialogues. */ #define CcWmDRAWCONTROL 120 #define CcWmITEMSELECT 119 #define CcWmBUTTONCLICKED 118 #define CcWmINITDIALOG 117 #define CcWmIDLETIMER 116 #define CcWmTIMER 115 #define CcWmNEWVTHUMB 114 #define CcWmNEWHTHUMB 113 #define CcWmGETVSCROLLVAL 112 #define CcWmGETHSCROLLVAL 111 #define CcWmSIZE 110 /* resize information. */ #define CcWmMOUSE 109 #define CcWmKEYBOARD 108 #define CcWmDEACTIVATE 107 #define CcWmACTIVATE 106 #define CcWmCLOSE 105 #define CcWmCOMMAND 103 #define CcWmCHAR 102 #define CcWmCREATE 101 #define CcWmPAINT 100 #define CcWmNOTIFY 78 /* notify events. */ #define CcWINMESSmax 999 #define CcWINMESSmin 100 #define CcRETURN6 16 #define CcRETURN5 15 #define CcRETURN4 14 #define CcRETURN3 13 #define CcRETURN2 12 #define CcRETURN1 11 #define CcRETURN0 10 #define CcRETURNmax 19 #define CcRETURNmin 10 #define CcWASQUIT 1 /* * MW: new convention: messages that are passed within the OS thread * begin with PM. They can be in range WM_USER (currently 0x0400) * to 0x7FFF. */ #define PM_SOCKET_EVENT 0x0405 #define PM_DNS_EVENT 0x0406 /* Cursor types */ #define CURSHIDDEN 6 #define CURSARROW 5 #define CURSFATCROSS 4 #define CURSCROSS 3 #define CURSIBEAM 2 #define CURSBUSY 1