path: root/ospicture.dcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'ospicture.dcl')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ospicture.dcl b/ospicture.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbb9184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ospicture.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+definition module ospicture
+// Clean Object I/O library, version 1.2
+/* Drawing functions and other operations on Pictures.
+import osrgn, ostypes
+from StdFunc import :: St
+from osfont import :: Font
+from ostoolbox import :: OSToolbox
+import StdPictureDef
+:: Picture
+:: Origin
+ :== Point2
+/* PA: moved to ostypes
+:: OSPictContext
+ :== HDC
+:: Pen
+ = { penSize :: !Int // The width and height of the pen
+ , penForeColour :: !Colour // The drawing colour of the pen
+ , penBackColour :: !Colour // The background colour of the pen
+ , penPos :: !.Point2 // The pen position in local coordinates
+ , penFont :: !Font // The font information to draw text and characters
+ }
+/* Conversion operations to and from Picture.
+ To open/close a picture context:
+ packPicture creates a Picture, given the proper OS resources. The picture is initialised.
+ unpackPicture unpacks a Picture, releasing the proper OS resources.
+ To open/close an existing picture:
+ peekPicture gives you the components of a Picture
+ unpeekPicture restores the components to a Picture
+ To obtain the graphics context of an existing picture:
+ peekOSPictContext
+ To obtain a read-only picture:
+ sharePicture creates a copy of the Picture. This copy does not occupy OS resources.
+ To obtain temporary access to the screen:
+ peekScreen creates a window picture, applies the argument function to it, and releases the OS resources.
+packPicture :: !Origin !*Pen !Bool !OSPictContext !*OSToolbox -> *Picture
+unpeekPicture :: !Origin !*Pen !Bool !OSPictContext !*OSToolbox -> *Picture
+unpackPicture :: !*Picture -> (!Origin,!*Pen,!Bool,!OSPictContext,!*OSToolbox)
+peekPicture :: !*Picture -> (!Origin,!*Pen,!Bool,!OSPictContext,!*OSToolbox)
+peekOSPictContext :: !*Picture -> (!OSPictContext,!*Picture)
+sharePicture :: !*Picture -> (!Picture, !*Picture)
+peekScreen :: !.(St *Picture .x) !*OSToolbox -> (!.x,!*OSToolbox)
+defaultPen :: *Pen // The Pen for customised drawing operations
+dialogPen :: *Pen // The Pen for system drawing operations
+setPenAttribute :: !PenAttribute !u:Pen -> u:Pen
+sharePen :: !*Pen -> (!Pen,!*Pen)
+copyPen :: ! Pen -> *Pen
+// Picture interface functions.
+apppicttoolbox :: !(IdFun *OSToolbox) !*Picture -> *Picture
+accpicttoolbox :: !(St *OSToolbox .x) !*Picture -> (!.x,!*Picture)
+/* Attribute functions.
+// Access to Origin and Pen:
+setpictpen :: !Pen !*Picture -> *Picture
+getpictpen :: !*Picture -> (!Pen, !*Picture)
+setpictorigin :: !Origin !*Picture -> *Picture
+getpictorigin :: !*Picture -> (!Origin,!*Picture)
+// PenPos attributes:
+setpictpenpos :: !Point2 !*Picture -> *Picture
+getpictpenpos :: !*Picture -> (!Point2,!*Picture)
+movepictpenpos :: !Vector2 !*Picture -> *Picture
+// Move the pen position over the given vector
+// PenSize attributes:
+setpictpensize :: !Int !*Picture -> *Picture
+getpictpensize :: !*Picture -> (!Int,!*Picture)
+// PenColour attributes:
+setpictpencolour :: !Colour !*Picture -> *Picture
+setpictbackcolour :: !Colour !*Picture -> *Picture
+getpictpencolour :: !*Picture -> (!Colour,!*Picture)
+getpictbackcolour :: !*Picture -> (!Colour,!*Picture)
+toRGBtriple :: !Colour -> (!Int,!Int,!Int)
+// PenFont attributes:
+setpictpenfont :: !Font !*Picture -> *Picture
+getpictpenfont :: !*Picture -> (!Font,!*Picture)
+setpictpendefaultfont :: !*Picture -> *Picture
+// setpictpendefaultfont opens and sets the defaultFont (see StdFont).
+/* Drawing mode setting functions.
+setpictxormode :: !*Picture -> *Picture
+setpicthilitemode :: !*Picture -> *Picture
+setpictnormalmode :: !*Picture -> *Picture
+/* Point2 drawing operations.
+ pictdrawpoint
+ only draws a point at that position. The pen position is not changed.
+pictdrawpoint :: !Point2 !*Picture -> *Picture
+/* Line drawing operations.
+ pictdrawlineto
+ draws a line from the current pen position to the given pen position.
+ The new pen position is the endpoint of the line.
+ pictdrawline
+ draws a line from the first point to the second point. The pen position
+ is not changed.
+ pictundrawlineto
+ is the same as pictdrawlineto except that temporarily the background colour is used.
+ pictundrawline
+ is the same as pictdrawline except that temporarily the background colour is used.
+pictdrawlineto :: !Point2 !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictdrawline :: !Point2 !Point2 !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictundrawlineto :: !Point2 !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictundrawline :: !Point2 !Point2 !*Picture -> *Picture
+/* Text drawing operations.
+ pictdraw(char/string) draws a char/string at the current pen position. The new
+ pen position is immediately after the drawn char/string.
+pictdrawchar :: !Char !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictundrawchar :: !Char !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictdrawstring :: !String !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictundrawstring :: !String !*Picture -> *Picture
+/* Oval drawing operations.
+ pict(draw/fill)oval center oval
+ draws/fills an oval at center with horizontal and vertical radius. The new
+ pen position is not changed.
+ pict(undraw/unfill)oval center oval
+ draw/fill an oval at center with horizontal and vertical radius using the
+ background colour of the picture.
+pictdrawoval :: !Point2 !Oval !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictfilloval :: !Point2 !Oval !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictundrawoval :: !Point2 !Oval !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictunfilloval :: !Point2 !Oval !*Picture -> *Picture
+/* Curve drawing operations.
+ pict(draw/fill)curve movePen point curve
+ draws/fills a curve starting at point with a shape defined by curve. If movePen
+ is True, then the new pen position is at the end of the curve, otherwise it does
+ not change.
+ pictun(draw/fill)curve
+ is equal to pict(draw/fill)curve, using the background colour temporarily.
+ getcurve_rect_begin_end point curve
+ returns the enclosing rect of the curve and begin and end point lying on that
+ curve.
+pictdrawcurve :: !Bool !Point2 !Curve !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictundrawcurve :: !Bool !Point2 !Curve !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictfillcurve :: !Bool !Point2 !Curve !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictunfillcurve :: !Bool !Point2 !Curve !*Picture -> *Picture
+getcurve_rect_begin_end :: !Point2 !Curve -> (!OSRect,!Point2,!Point2)
+/* OSRect drawing operations.
+ pict(draw/fill)rect rect
+ draws/fills a rect. The pen position is not changed.
+ pictun(draw/fill)rect
+ is equal to pict(draw/fill)rect, using the background colour temporarily.
+pictdrawrect :: !OSRect !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictundrawrect :: !OSRect !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictfillrect :: !OSRect !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictunfillrect :: !OSRect !*Picture -> *Picture
+/* Scrolling operation (handle with care).
+pictscroll :: !OSRect !Vector2 !*Picture -> (!OSRect,!*Picture)
+pictscroll2 :: !OSRect !Vector2 !*Picture -> (!OSRect,!*Picture)
+/* Polygon drawing operations.
+ pict(draw/fill)polygon point polygon
+ draws/fills a polygon starting at point. The pen position is not changed.
+ pictun(draw/fill)polygon
+ is equal to pict(draw/fill)polygon, using the background colour temporarily.
+pictdrawpolygon :: !Point2 !Polygon !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictundrawpolygon :: !Point2 !Polygon !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictfillpolygon :: !Point2 !Polygon !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictunfillpolygon :: !Point2 !Polygon !*Picture -> *Picture
+/* Clipping operations.
+ pictgetcliprgn gets the current clipping region.
+ pictsetcliprgn sets the given clipping region.
+ pictandcliprgn takes the intersection of the current clipping region and the argument region.
+pictgetcliprgn :: !*Picture -> (!OSRgnHandle,!*Picture)
+pictsetcliprgn :: !OSRgnHandle !*Picture -> *Picture
+pictandcliprgn :: !OSRgnHandle !*Picture -> *Picture
+/* Resolution access function (added by MW):
+getResolutionC :: !OSPictContext !*OSToolbox -> (!(!Int,!Int),!*OSToolbox)
+// MW: scaling of screen coordinates to printer coordinates.
+getPictureScalingFactors:: !OSPictContext !*OSToolbox -> (!(!Int,!Int),!(!Int,!Int),!OSPictContext,!*OSToolbox)
+getpictpenattributes :: !*Picture -> (![PenAttribute],!*Picture)
+getPenPenPos :: !*Pen -> (!Point2,!*Pen)