Clean OS Windows library module version 1.2.1.
This module is part of the Clean Object I/O library, version 1.2.1,
for the Windows platform.
About this module:
Routines related to printer handling.
#include "cCrossCallPrinter_121.h"
#if 0
#include "cCrossCall_121.h"
#include "cprinter_121.h"
extern BOOL bUserAbort;
extern HWND hDlgPrint; /* MW: hDlgPrint is the handle of the "Cancel Printing" dialog. */
extern HWND hwndText; /* MW: hwndText is the handle of the page count text in the dialog. */
/* Cross call procedure implementations.
Eval<nr> corresponds with a CrossCallEntry generated by NewCrossCallEntry (nr,Eval<nr>).
void EvalCcRqDO_PRINT_SETUP (CrossCallInfo *pcci)
{ int ok;
printSetup(0, pcci->p1,
(char*) pcci->p2, (char*) pcci->p3, (char*) pcci->p4, (char*) pcci->p5,
&ok, &pdPtr);
MakeReturn2Cci (pcci, ok, (int) pdPtr);
void EvalCcRqGET_PRINTER_DC (CrossCallInfo *pcci)
{ int doDialog,emulateScreenRes,
// unpack doDialog and emulateScreenRes
doDialog = (pcci->p1) & 1;
emulateScreenRes = (pcci->p1) & 2;
getDC( doDialog,emulateScreenRes,FALSE,pcci->p2,
(char*) pcci->p3,(char*) pcci->p4,(char*) pcci->p5,(char*) pcci->p6,
MakeReturn6Cci (pcci,err,first,last,copies,pPrintDlg,deviceContext);
void EvalCcRqSTARTDOC (CrossCallInfo *pcci)
HDC hdc = (HDC) pcci->p1;
int err;
EnableWindow (ghMainWindow, FALSE) ;
hDlgPrint = CreateCancelDialog ();
SetAbortProc (hdc, AbortProc) ;
err = startDoc((int) hdc);
if (err<=0 && ghMainWindow!=NULL && !bUserAbort)
EnableWindow (ghMainWindow, TRUE) ;
DestroyWindow (hDlgPrint) ;
MakeReturn1Cci (pcci,err);
void EvalCcRqENDDOC (CrossCallInfo *pcci)
HDC hdc = (HDC) pcci->p1;
endDoc((int) hdc);
if (ghMainWindow!=NULL && !bUserAbort)
EnableWindow (ghMainWindow, TRUE) ;
DestroyWindow (hDlgPrint) ;
MakeReturn0Cci (pcci);
MSG msg ;
char *pageMessage= (char *) (pcci->p1);
while (!bUserAbort && PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
if (!hDlgPrint || !IsDialogMessage (hDlgPrint, &msg))
TranslateMessage (&msg) ;
DispatchMessage (&msg) ;
MakeReturn0Cci (pcci);
/* Install the cross call procedures in the gCrossCallProcedureTable of cCrossCall_121.
void InstallCrossCallPrinter ()
CrossCallProcedureTable newTable;
newTable = EmptyCrossCallProcedureTable ();
AddCrossCallEntry (newTable, CcRqDO_PRINT_SETUP, EvalCcRqDO_PRINT_SETUP);
AddCrossCallEntry (newTable, CcRqGET_PRINTER_DC, EvalCcRqGET_PRINTER_DC);
AddCrossCallEntry (newTable, CcRqSTARTDOC, EvalCcRqSTARTDOC);
AddCrossCallEntry (newTable, CcRqENDDOC, EvalCcRqENDDOC);
AddCrossCallEntries (gCrossCallProcedureTable, newTable);
OS InstallCrossCallPrinter (OS ios)
return ios;