definition module Logic import StdEnv // Expressions :: Expr = B Bool // A constant | Atom AtomName // An atomic expression | App1 Op1 Expr // Applying an Op1 on an expression | App2 Expr Op2 Expr // Applying an Op2 on two expressions // Operators with one argument :: Op1 = Not // logical not // Operators with two arguments :: Op2 = And // logical and; left-associative | Or // logical or; right-associative | Impl // material implication; right-associative | Equiv // equivalence; right-associative // All Chars may be used, but typically only [a-zA-Z] are used :: AtomName :== Char // Possibility for an atom to be true or false :: AtomOption :== (AtomName,Bool) :: TruthTable = {exprs :: [Expr], options :: [[AtomOption]]} isBool :: Expr -> Bool isAtom :: Expr -> Bool isApp1 :: Expr -> Bool isApp2 :: Expr -> Bool isApp :: Expr -> Bool isNot :: Expr -> Bool isAnd :: Expr -> Bool isOr :: Expr -> Bool isImpl :: Expr -> Bool isEquiv :: Expr -> Bool instance toString Op1 instance toString Op2 instance toString Expr binds_stronger :: Op2 Op2 -> Bool // True iff arg1 stronger binds than arg2 all_atoms :: Expr -> [AtomName] // All the atomic expressions in an expressions all_atom_options :: Expr -> [[AtomOption]] // All AtomOptions for all atomic expressions in an expression substitute :: AtomOption Expr -> Expr // Substitute all atomic expressions with some name with some constant substitute_all :: [AtomOption] Expr -> Expr // Same, for multiple options eval :: Expr -> [Bool] // Evaluate to a simpler form instance toString TruthTable