diff options
4 files changed, 310 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/Logic.icl b/Logic.icl
index 0b5c0cf..87368dc 100644
--- a/Logic.icl
+++ b/Logic.icl
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ isAnd :: Expr -> Bool
isAnd (App2 _ And _) = True
isAnd _ = False
-isOr :: Expr -> Bool
+isOr :: Expr -> Bool
isOr (App2 _ Or _) = True
isOr _ = False
@@ -75,118 +75,118 @@ apply2 x Equiv y = x == y
instance == OutputOption
- (==) Plain Plain = True
- (==) Html Html = True
- (==) LaTeX LaTeX = True
- (==) _ _ = False
+ (==) Plain Plain = True
+ (==) Html Html = True
+ (==) LaTeX LaTeX = True
+ (==) _ _ = False
instance show Bool
- show LaTeX True = "\\top"
- show LaTeX False = "\\bot"
- show _ b = toString b
+ show LaTeX True = "\\top"
+ show LaTeX False = "\\bot"
+ show _ b = toString b
instance show Char
- show LaTeX c = " " +++ toString c
- show _ c = toString c
+ show LaTeX c = " " +++ toString c
+ show _ c = toString c
instance show Op1
- show Plain Not = "~"
- show Html Not = "¬"
- show LaTeX Not = "\\neg"
+ show Plain Not = "~"
+ show Html Not = "¬"
+ show LaTeX Not = "\\neg"
instance show Op2
- show Plain And = "&"
- show Plain Or = "|"
- show Plain Impl = "->"
- show Plain Equiv = "<->"
- show Html And = "&and;"
- show Html Or = "&or;"
- show Html Impl = "&rarr;"
- show Html Equiv = "&harr;"
- show LaTeX And = "\\land"
- show LaTeX Or = "\\lor"
- show LaTeX Impl = "\\rightarrow"
- show LaTeX Equiv = "\\leftrightarrow"
+ show Plain And = "&"
+ show Plain Or = "|"
+ show Plain Impl = "->"
+ show Plain Equiv = "<->"
+ show Html And = "&and;"
+ show Html Or = "&or;"
+ show Html Impl = "&rarr;"
+ show Html Equiv = "&harr;"
+ show LaTeX And = "\\land"
+ show LaTeX Or = "\\lor"
+ show LaTeX Impl = "\\rightarrow"
+ show LaTeX Equiv = "\\leftrightarrow"
instance show Expr
- show opt (B b) = show opt b
- show opt (Atom a) = show opt a
- show opt (App1 op (App2 x y z)) = show opt op +++ "(" +++ show opt (App2 x y z) +++ ")"
- show opt (App1 op e) = show opt op +++ show opt e
- show opt (App2 e1 op e2) = if needs_l "(" "" +++
- show opt e1 +++
- if needs_l ")" "" +++
- " " +++ show opt op +++ " " +++
- if needs_r "(" "" +++
- show opt e2 +++
- if needs_r ")" ""
- where
- needs_l = needs_parentheses_left (App2 e1 op e2)
- needs_r = needs_parentheses_right (App2 e1 op e2)
+ show opt (B b) = show opt b
+ show opt (Atom a) = show opt a
+ show opt (App1 op (App2 x y z)) = show opt op +++ "(" +++ show opt (App2 x y z) +++ ")"
+ show opt (App1 op e) = show opt op +++ show opt e
+ show opt (App2 e1 op e2) = if needs_l "(" "" +++
+ show opt e1 +++
+ if needs_l ")" "" +++
+ " " +++ show opt op +++ " " +++
+ if needs_r "(" "" +++
+ show opt e2 +++
+ if needs_r ")" ""
+ where
+ needs_l = needs_parentheses_left (App2 e1 op e2)
+ needs_r = needs_parentheses_right (App2 e1 op e2)
instance == Op1
- (==) Not Not = True
+ (==) Not Not = True
instance < Op1
- (<) Not Not = False
+ (<) Not Not = False
instance == Op2
- (==) And And = True
- (==) Or Or = True
- (==) Impl Impl = True
- (==) Equiv Equiv = True
- (==) _ _ = False
+ (==) And And = True
+ (==) Or Or = True
+ (==) Impl Impl = True
+ (==) Equiv Equiv = True
+ (==) _ _ = False
instance < Op2
- (<) op1 op2
- | op1 == op2 = False
- | otherwise = comp op1 op2
- where
- comp And And = False
- comp And _ = True
- comp _ And = False
- comp Or Or = False
- comp Or _ = True
- comp _ Or = False
- comp Impl Impl = False
- comp Impl _ = True
- comp Equiv Equiv = False
+ (<) op1 op2
+ | op1 == op2 = False
+ | otherwise = comp op1 op2
+ where
+ comp And And = False
+ comp And _ = True
+ comp _ And = False
+ comp Or Or = False
+ comp Or _ = True
+ comp _ Or = False
+ comp Impl Impl = False
+ comp Impl _ = True
+ comp Equiv Equiv = False
instance == Expr
- (==) (B b1) (B b2) = b1 == b2
- (==) (Atom a1) (Atom a2) = a1 == a2
- (==) (App1 op e) (App1 op` e`) = op == op` && e == e`
- (==) (App2 e1 op e2) (App2 e1` op` e2`) = e1 == e1` && op == op` && e2 == e2`
- (==) _ _ = False
+ (==) (B b1) (B b2) = b1 == b2
+ (==) (Atom a1) (Atom a2) = a1 == a2
+ (==) (App1 op e) (App1 op` e`) = op == op` && e == e`
+ (==) (App2 e1 op e2) (App2 e1` op` e2`) = e1 == e1` && op == op` && e2 == e2`
+ (==) _ _ = False
instance < Expr
- (<) e1 e2
- | e1 == e2 = False
- | otherwise = comp e1 e2
- where
- comp (B False) _ = True
- comp _ (B False) = False
- comp (B _) _ = True
- comp _ (B _) = False
- comp (Atom a) (Atom b) = a < b
- comp (Atom _) _ = True
- comp _ (Atom _) = False
- comp (App1 Not e) (App1 Not e`) = e < e`
- comp e1 e2
- | isMember e1 (subexprs e2) = True
- | isMember e2 (subexprs e1) = False
- | otherwise = strlen (show Plain e1) < strlen (show Plain e2)
+ (<) e1 e2
+ | e1 == e2 = False
+ | otherwise = comp e1 e2
+ where
+ comp (B False) _ = True
+ comp _ (B False) = False
+ comp (B _) _ = True
+ comp _ (B _) = False
+ comp (Atom a) (Atom b) = a < b
+ comp (Atom _) _ = True
+ comp _ (Atom _) = False
+ comp (App1 Not e) (App1 Not e`) = e < e`
+ comp e1 e2
+ | isMember e1 (subexprs e2) = True
+ | isMember e2 (subexprs e1) = False
+ | otherwise = strlen (show Plain e1) < strlen (show Plain e2)
// Does a the argument of a unary operator need parentheses?
needs_parentheses :: Expr -> Bool
@@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ needs_parentheses_right (App2 _ op1 (App2 _ op2 _)) = not (binds_stronger op2 op
// Associativity rules
binds_stronger :: Op2 Op2 -> Bool
-binds_stronger _ And = False // And is left-associative
+binds_stronger _ And = False // And is left-associative
binds_stronger And _ = True
-binds_stronger Or _ = True // The rest is right-associative
+binds_stronger Or _ = True // The rest is right-associative
binds_stronger _ Or = False
binds_stronger Impl _ = True
binds_stronger _ Impl = False
@@ -228,10 +228,10 @@ all_atoms (App2 e1 _ e2) = removeDup (all_atoms e1 ++ all_atoms e2)
all_atom_options :: Expr -> [[AtomOption]]
all_atom_options e = removeDup [opt \\ opt <- all_opts (sort (all_atoms e)) []]
- all_opts :: [AtomName] [AtomOption] -> [[AtomOption]]
- all_opts [] opts = [opts]
- all_opts [a:as] opts
- = all_opts as (opts ++ [(a,False)]) ++ all_opts as (opts ++ [(a,True)])
+ all_opts :: [AtomName] [AtomOption] -> [[AtomOption]]
+ all_opts [] opts = [opts]
+ all_opts [a:as] opts
+ = all_opts as (opts ++ [(a,False)]) ++ all_opts as (opts ++ [(a,True)])
substitute :: AtomOption Expr -> Expr
substitute (a,b) (Atom a`)
@@ -269,143 +269,145 @@ truthtable :: Expr -> TruthTable
truthtable e = {exprs = sorted_subexprs e ++ [e], options = all_atom_options e}
truthtable_n :: [Expr] -> TruthTable
-truthtable_n es = {exprs = sort (removeDup (flatten ([[e:subexprs e] \\ e <- es]))), options = removeDup (flatten (map all_atom_options es))}
+truthtable_n es = {exprs = sort (removeDup (flatten ([[e:subexprs e] \\ e <- es]))), options = removeSubOptions (flatten (map all_atom_options es))}
+ removeSubOptions :: [[AtomOption]] -> [[AtomOption]]
+ removeSubOptions opts = filter (\this -> not (any (\that -> all (flip isMember that) this) (removeMember this opts))) opts
compute :: TruthTable -> FilledTruthTable // Fill in a truthtable
compute table=:{exprs,options} = {table=table, values=values}
- values = [[toMaybeBool val \\ val <- map (eval o substitute_all options`) exprs] \\ options` <- options]
- toMaybeBool [] = Nothing
- toMaybeBool [b:bs] = Just b
+ values = [map (toMaybeBool o eval o substitute_all options`) exprs \\ options` <- options]
+ toMaybeBool [] = Nothing
+ toMaybeBool [b:_] = Just b
instance show FilledTruthTable
- show :: OutputOption FilledTruthTable -> String
- show opt t=:{table=table=:{exprs,options},values}
- = begin +++
- head_b +++
- join head_s [pad_right (showOrNot head_i) header len \\ header <- map (show opt) exprs & len <- padlens] +++
- head_e +++
- line_b +++
- join line_s [foldr (+++) "" (repeatn len (showOrNot line_i)) \\ len <- padlens] +++
- line_e +++
- foldr (+++) "" [row_b +++ join row_s [pad_right (showOrNot row_i) (showOrNot v) len \\ v <- r & len <- padlens] +++ row_e \\ r <- values] +++
- end
- where
- padlens = map ((\l . maxList (map strlen [l,show opt True,show opt False])) o (show opt)) exprs
- // Ideally, we would some kind of DOM writer for Html, but for this project this is sufficient (although not very readable)
- (begin,end) = gen
- gen
- | opt == Plain = ("","")
- | opt == Html = ("<table>", "</tbody></table>")
- | opt == LaTeX = ("\\begin{tabular}{" +++ join "|" (repeatn (length exprs) "c") +++ "}", "\\end{tabular}")
- (head_b,head_e,head_s,head_i) = head
- head
- | opt == Html = ("<thead><tr><th>", "</th></tr></thead><tbody>", "</th><th>", Nothing)
- | otherwise = row
- (row_b,row_e,row_s,row_i) = row
- row
- | opt == Plain = (" ", " \n", " | ", Just ' ')
- | opt == Html = ("<tr><td>", "</td></tr>", "</td><td>", Nothing)
- | opt == LaTeX = ("$", "$\\\\", "$&$", Nothing)
- (line_b,line_e,line_s,line_i) = line
- line
- | opt == Plain = ("-", "-\n", "-+-", Just '-')
- | opt == Html = ("", "", "", Nothing)
- | opt == LaTeX = ("\\hline", "", "", Nothing)
- showOrNot :: (Maybe a) -> String | show a
- showOrNot Nothing = ""
- showOrNot (Just a) = show opt a
-NOT :== '~'
-AND :== '&'
-OR :== '|'
-IMPL :== '>'
+ show :: OutputOption FilledTruthTable -> String
+ show opt t=:{table=table=:{exprs,options},values}
+ = begin +++
+ head_b +++
+ join head_s [pad_right (showOrNot head_i) header len \\ header <- map (show opt) exprs & len <- padlens] +++
+ head_e +++
+ line_b +++
+ join line_s [foldr (+++) "" (repeatn len (showOrNot line_i)) \\ len <- padlens] +++
+ line_e +++
+ foldr (+++) "" [row_b +++ join row_s [pad_right (showOrNot row_i) (showOrNot v) len \\ v <- r & len <- padlens] +++ row_e \\ r <- values] +++
+ end
+ where
+ padlens = map ((\l . maxList (map strlen [l,show opt True,show opt False])) o (show opt)) exprs
+ // Ideally, we would some kind of DOM writer for Html, but for this project this is sufficient (although not very readable)
+ (begin,end) = gen
+ gen
+ | opt == Plain = ("","")
+ | opt == Html = ("<table>", "</tbody></table>")
+ | opt == LaTeX = ("\\begin{tabular}{" +++ join "|" (repeatn (length exprs) "c") +++ "}", "\\end{tabular}")
+ (head_b,head_e,head_s,head_i) = head
+ head
+ | opt == Html = ("<thead><tr><th>", "</th></tr></thead><tbody>", "</th><th>", Nothing)
+ | otherwise = row
+ (row_b,row_e,row_s,row_i) = row
+ row
+ | opt == Plain = (" ", " \n", " | ", Just ' ')
+ | opt == Html = ("<tr><td>", "</td></tr>", "</td><td>", Nothing)
+ | opt == LaTeX = ("$", "$\\\\", "$&$", Nothing)
+ (line_b,line_e,line_s,line_i) = line
+ line
+ | opt == Plain = ("-", "-\n", "-+-", Just '-')
+ | opt == Html = ("", "", "", Nothing)
+ | opt == LaTeX = ("\\hline", "", "", Nothing)
+ showOrNot :: (Maybe a) -> String | show a
+ showOrNot Nothing = ""
+ showOrNot (Just a) = show opt a
+NOT :== '~'
+AND :== '&'
+OR :== '|'
+IMPL :== '>'
EQUIV :== '='
parse :: String -> Expr
parse s = parse_stack (shunting_yard (prep s) [] [])
- // Make sure every token is ONE character by replacing <-> and ->
- // Remove whitespace
- prep :: String -> [Char]
- prep s
- # s = repl "<->" EQUIV s
- # s = repl "->" IMPL s
- # cs = fromString s
- # cs = removeAll ' ' cs
- = cs
- where
- removeAll c cs
- | isMember c cs = removeAll c (removeMember c cs)
- | otherwise = cs
- // The shunting yard algorithm for propositional logic; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting-yard_algorithm
- shunting_yard :: [Char] [Char] [Char] -> [Char]
- shunting_yard [] output [] = output
- shunting_yard [] output ['(':_] = abort "Mismatched parentheses"
- shunting_yard [] output [')':_] = abort "Mismatched parentheses"
- shunting_yard [] output [op:operators] = shunting_yard [] (output ++ [op]) operators
- shunting_yard ['(':input] output operators = shunting_yard input output ['(':operators]
- shunting_yard [')':input] output ['(':operators] = shunting_yard input output operators
- shunting_yard [')':input] output [op:operators] = shunting_yard [')':input] (output ++ [op]) operators
- shunting_yard [NOT:input] output operators = shunting_yard input output [NOT:operators]
- shunting_yard [AND:input] output operators
- | not (isEmpty operators) && (hd operators == NOT || hd operators == AND) = shunting_yard [AND:input] (output ++ [hd operators]) (tl operators)
- | otherwise = shunting_yard input output [AND:operators]
- shunting_yard [OR:input] output operators
- | not (isEmpty operators) && (hd operators == NOT || hd operators == AND) = shunting_yard [OR:input] (output ++ [hd operators]) (tl operators)
- | otherwise = shunting_yard input output [OR:operators]
- shunting_yard [IMPL:input] output operators
- | not (isEmpty operators) && (hd operators == NOT || hd operators == AND || hd operators == OR) = shunting_yard [IMPL:input] (output ++ [hd operators]) (tl operators)
- | otherwise = shunting_yard input output [IMPL:operators]
- shunting_yard [EQUIV:input] output operators
- | not (isEmpty operators) && (hd operators == NOT || hd operators == AND || hd operators == OR || hd operators == IMPL) = shunting_yard [EQUIV:input] (output ++ [hd operators]) (tl operators)
- | otherwise = shunting_yard input output [EQUIV:operators]
- shunting_yard [ip:input] output operators
- | cIsAtom [ip] || cIsBool [ip] = shunting_yard input (output ++ [ip]) operators
- | otherwise = abort ("Unknown character " +++ toString ip)
- // Parse the outcome of the shunting yard algorithm into one expression
- parse_stack :: [Char] -> Expr
- parse_stack [] = abort "Cannot parse: empty input"
- parse_stack cs = parse_stack` cs []
- where
- parse_stack` :: [Char] [Expr] -> Expr
- parse_stack` [] [e] = e
- parse_stack` [] [] = abort "Cannot parse: not enough expressoins on the stack"
- parse_stack` [] es = abort ("Cannot parse: too many expressions on the stack:\n" +++ join "\n" (map (show Plain) es) +++ "\n")
- parse_stack` [AND:st] [e1:[e2:es]] = parse_stack` st [App2 e2 And e1:es]
- parse_stack` [OR:st] [e1:[e2:es]] = parse_stack` st [App2 e2 Or e1:es]
- parse_stack` [IMPL:st] [e1:[e2:es]] = parse_stack` st [App2 e2 Impl e1:es]
- parse_stack` [EQUIV:st] [e1:[e2:es]] = parse_stack` st [App2 e2 Equiv e1:es]
- parse_stack` [NOT:st] [e:es] = parse_stack` st [App1 Not e:es]
- parse_stack` [c:st] es
- | cIsAtom [c] = parse_stack` st [Atom (cToAtom [c]) : es]
- | cIsBool [c] = parse_stack` st [B (cToBool [c]) : es]
- parse_stack` [c:st] es = abort ("Cannot parse: tried to perform an operation (" +++ show Plain c +++ ") with too few expressions on the stack:\n" +++ join "," (map (show Plain) es) +++ "\n")
- cIsOp :: [Char] -> Bool
- cIsOp ['~'] = True
- cIsOp ['&'] = True
- cIsOp ['|'] = True
- cIsOp ['->'] = True
- cIsOp ['<->'] = True
- cIsOp _ = False
- cIsAtom :: [Char] -> Bool
- cIsAtom [c] = 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z'
- cIsAtom _ = False
- cToAtom :: [Char] -> AtomName
- cToAtom [c:cs] = c
- cIsBool :: [Char] -> Bool
- cIsBool ['1'] = True
- cIsBool ['0'] = True
- cIsBool _ = False
- cToBool :: [Char] -> Bool
- cToBool ['1'] = True
- cToBool _ = False
+ // Make sure every token is ONE character by replacing <-> and ->
+ // Remove whitespace
+ prep :: String -> [Char]
+ prep s
+ # s = repl "<->" EQUIV s
+ # s = repl "->" IMPL s
+ # cs = fromString s
+ # cs = removeAll ' ' cs
+ = cs
+ where
+ removeAll c cs
+ | isMember c cs = removeAll c (removeMember c cs)
+ | otherwise = cs
+ // The shunting yard algorithm for propositional logic; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting-yard_algorithm
+ shunting_yard :: [Char] [Char] [Char] -> [Char]
+ shunting_yard [] output [] = output
+ shunting_yard [] output ['(':_] = abort "Mismatched parentheses"
+ shunting_yard [] output [')':_] = abort "Mismatched parentheses"
+ shunting_yard [] output [op:operators] = shunting_yard [] (output ++ [op]) operators
+ shunting_yard ['(':input] output operators = shunting_yard input output ['(':operators]
+ shunting_yard [')':input] output ['(':operators] = shunting_yard input output operators
+ shunting_yard [')':input] output [op:operators] = shunting_yard [')':input] (output ++ [op]) operators
+ shunting_yard [NOT:input] output operators = shunting_yard input output [NOT:operators]
+ shunting_yard [AND:input] output operators
+ | not (isEmpty operators) && (hd operators == NOT || hd operators == AND) = shunting_yard [AND:input] (output ++ [hd operators]) (tl operators)
+ | otherwise = shunting_yard input output [AND:operators]
+ shunting_yard [OR:input] output operators
+ | not (isEmpty operators) && (hd operators == NOT || hd operators == AND) = shunting_yard [OR:input] (output ++ [hd operators]) (tl operators)
+ | otherwise = shunting_yard input output [OR:operators]
+ shunting_yard [IMPL:input] output operators
+ | not (isEmpty operators) && (hd operators == NOT || hd operators == AND || hd operators == OR) = shunting_yard [IMPL:input] (output ++ [hd operators]) (tl operators)
+ | otherwise = shunting_yard input output [IMPL:operators]
+ shunting_yard [EQUIV:input] output operators
+ | not (isEmpty operators) && (hd operators == NOT || hd operators == AND || hd operators == OR || hd operators == IMPL) = shunting_yard [EQUIV:input] (output ++ [hd operators]) (tl operators)
+ | otherwise = shunting_yard input output [EQUIV:operators]
+ shunting_yard [ip:input] output operators
+ | cIsAtom [ip] || cIsBool [ip] = shunting_yard input (output ++ [ip]) operators
+ | otherwise = abort ("Unknown character " +++ toString ip)
+ // Parse the outcome of the shunting yard algorithm into one expression
+ parse_stack :: [Char] -> Expr
+ parse_stack [] = abort "Cannot parse: empty input"
+ parse_stack cs = parse_stack` cs []
+ where
+ parse_stack` :: [Char] [Expr] -> Expr
+ parse_stack` [] [e] = e
+ parse_stack` [] [] = abort "Cannot parse: not enough expressoins on the stack"
+ parse_stack` [] es = abort ("Cannot parse: too many expressions on the stack:\n" +++ join "\n" (map (show Plain) es) +++ "\n")
+ parse_stack` [AND:st] [e1:[e2:es]] = parse_stack` st [App2 e2 And e1:es]
+ parse_stack` [OR:st] [e1:[e2:es]] = parse_stack` st [App2 e2 Or e1:es]
+ parse_stack` [IMPL:st] [e1:[e2:es]] = parse_stack` st [App2 e2 Impl e1:es]
+ parse_stack` [EQUIV:st] [e1:[e2:es]] = parse_stack` st [App2 e2 Equiv e1:es]
+ parse_stack` [NOT:st] [e:es] = parse_stack` st [App1 Not e:es]
+ parse_stack` [c:st] es
+ | cIsAtom [c] = parse_stack` st [Atom (cToAtom [c]) : es]
+ | cIsBool [c] = parse_stack` st [B (cToBool [c]) : es]
+ parse_stack` [c:st] es = abort ("Cannot parse: tried to perform an operation (" +++ show Plain c +++ ") with too few expressions on the stack:\n" +++ join "," (map (show Plain) es) +++ "\n")
+ cIsOp :: [Char] -> Bool
+ cIsOp ['~'] = True
+ cIsOp ['&'] = True
+ cIsOp ['|'] = True
+ cIsOp ['->'] = True
+ cIsOp ['<->'] = True
+ cIsOp _ = False
+ cIsAtom :: [Char] -> Bool
+ cIsAtom [c] = 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z'
+ cIsAtom _ = False
+ cToAtom :: [Char] -> AtomName
+ cToAtom [c:cs] = c
+ cIsBool :: [Char] -> Bool
+ cIsBool ['1'] = True
+ cIsBool ['0'] = True
+ cIsBool _ = False
+ cToBool :: [Char] -> Bool
+ cToBool ['1'] = True
+ cToBool _ = False
diff --git a/LogicParser.icl b/LogicParser.icl
index ab99abf..46ac605 100644
--- a/LogicParser.icl
+++ b/LogicParser.icl
@@ -30,15 +30,14 @@ Start
| length (removeDup (foldr (++) [] (map all_atoms exprs))) > 8 = abort "You don't need more than 8 atomic expressions."
| otherwise = show outputoption (compute (if extended truthtable_n simple_truthtable_n exprs))
- argc = size argv - 1
- argv = getCommandLine
+ argc = size argv - 1
+ argv = getCommandLine
- exprs = map parse (filter (\s . s.[0] <> '-') [argv.[n] \\ n <- [1..argc]])
- extended = hasArg "-e"
- outputoption
- | hasArg "-html" = Html
- | hasArg "-latex" = LaTeX
- | otherwise = Plain
- hasArg arg = or [arg == argv.[n] \\ n <- [0..argc]]
+ exprs = map parse (filter (\s . s.[0] <> '-') [argv.[n] \\ n <- [1..argc]])
+ extended = hasArg "-e"
+ outputoption
+ | hasArg "-html" = Html
+ | hasArg "-latex" = LaTeX
+ | otherwise = Plain
+ hasArg arg = or [arg == argv.[n] \\ n <- [0..argc]]
diff --git a/LogicTest.icl b/LogicTest.icl
index 6c13eb7..4113673 100644
--- a/LogicTest.icl
+++ b/LogicTest.icl
@@ -55,5 +55,5 @@ exprs_assoc = [e10,e11,e12,e13,e14,e15,e16,e17]
//Start = map toString exprs_rand
//Start = map toString exprs_assoc
-Start = show Plain (compute (truthtable e15))
+Start = /*show Plain (compute*/ (truthtable_n [e1, e4])//)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f463e28..4dcccac 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,39 +3,49 @@
Logic toolbox in [Clean](http://wiki.clean.cs.ru.nl/Clean). Features include:
* Straightforward types for (atomic) expressions, operators and truth tables
- * `show` (`toString`-like) instances for all types that take care of associativity
+ * `show` (`toString`-like) instances for all types that take care of
+ associativity
* Substituting atomic expressions for constants
* Evaluating expressions without atomic expressions
* Generating truth tables for expressions, possibly with intermediate steps
* Displaying truth tables
* Parsing strings to expressions
- * A web frontend to access the Clean program through, so only server-side installation is necessary
+ * A web frontend to access the Clean program through, so only server-side
+ installation is necessary
* Different output options (Plain / ASCII art, HTML, LaTeX)
Read further for examples.
### Demo
-A demo of the web frontend may be found on https://demo.camilstaps.nl/CleanLogic.
+A demo of the web frontend may be found on
### License
-This program and the example are distributed under the MIT license. For more details, see the LICENSE file.
+This program and the example are distributed under the MIT license. For more
+details, see the LICENSE file.
## Installation
-Set `CLEAN_HOME` to your Clean installation directory. To install the parser and the example program:
+Set `CLEAN_HOME` to your Clean installation directory. To install the parser
+and the example program:
- clm -I $CLEAN_HOME/lib/StdLib -I $CLEAN_HOME/lib/ArgEnv LogicParser -o LogicParser
- clm -I $CLEAN_HOME/lib/StdLib -I $CLEAN_HOME/lib/ArgEnv LogicTest -o LogicTest
## Types
### Operators
-There is one unary operator (`Op1`): `Not`. It binds stronger than all other operators.
+There is one unary operator (`Op1`): `Not`. It binds stronger than all other
-There are four binary operators (`Op2`). In order of descending precedence: `And`, `Or`, `Impl` and `Equiv`. `And` is considered left-associative; all others are considered right-associative. Associativity is only important in `toString` functions. `Expr` itself is an unambiguous recursive type.
+There are four binary operators (`Op2`). In order of descending precedence:
+`And`, `Or`, `Impl` and `Equiv`. `And` is considered left-associative; all
+others are considered right-associative. Associativity is only important in
+`toString` functions. `Expr` itself is an unambiguous recursive type.
The operators are represented as:
@@ -47,7 +57,9 @@ The operators are represented as:
### Expressions
-Expressions are constants (`B Bool`), atomic expressions (`Atom Char`), or applications of operators on other expressions (`App1 Op1 Expr` or `App2 Expr Op2 Expr`).
+Expressions are constants (`B Bool`), atomic expressions (`Atom Char`), or
+applications of operators on other expressions (`App1 Op1 Expr` or `App2 Expr
+Op2 Expr`).
### Examples
@@ -77,19 +89,30 @@ Expressions are constants (`B Bool`), atomic expressions (`Atom Char`), or appli
## Substitution
-You can substitute all occurences of `Atom a` in an `Expr e` by a `Bool b` with `substitute (a,b) e`. This yields a new `Expr`, in which all occurences have been replaced by the contstant `B b`.
+You can substitute all occurrences of `Atom a` in an `Expr e` by a `Bool b`
+with `substitute (a,b) e`. This yields a new `Expr`, in which all occurrences
+have been replaced by the constant `B b`.
-An alternative is `substitute_all`, which takes a list of tuples `(a :: AtomName, b :: Bool)` and substitutes all atomnames with the corresponding booleans.
+An alternative is `substitute_all`, which takes a list of tuples `(a ::
+AtomName, b :: Bool)` and substitutes all atomnames with the corresponding
## Evaluation
-An expression `e` **without atomic expressions** may be evaluated to its result by calling `eval e`. This yields the empty list `[]` if `e` *did* have atomic expressions, or a singleton `[b :: Bool]` with the result of the evaluation.
+An expression `e` **without atomic expressions** may be evaluated to its result
+by calling `eval e`. This yields the empty list `[]` if `e` *did* have atomic
+expressions, or a singleton `[b :: Bool]` with the result of the evaluation.
## Truth tables
-A `TruthTable` has a list of expressions `exprs` and a list of `options`, which has the type `[[(AtomName,Bool)]]` and describes all the options the truth table should list.
+A `TruthTable` has a list of expressions `exprs` and a list of `options`, which
+has the type `[[(AtomName,Bool)]]` and describes all the options the truth
+table should list.
-A simple truth table of an expression `e` contains only the atomic expressions in `e` and `e` itself. It may be built with `simple_truthtable e`. A more complex truth table lists all `e`'s subexpressions. In either table, the expressions are roughly sorted by complexity.
+A simple truth table of an expression `e` contains only the atomic expressions
+in `e` and `e` itself. It may be built with `simple_truthtable e`. A more
+complex truth table lists all `e`'s subexpressions. In either table, the
+expressions are roughly sorted by complexity.
A truth table `table` can be shown with `toString table`.
@@ -123,50 +146,64 @@ The `truthtable` of `e15`:
## Parsing
-The `parse` function may be used to read an expression from a String. The following rules are used:
+The `parse` function may be used to read an expression from a String. The
+following rules are used:
* Spaces are ignored.
- * All latin letters (`[a-zA-Z]`) are considered atomic expressions
+ * All Latin letters (`[a-zA-Z]`) are considered atomic expressions
* Operators are expected in their representation described above
* True and False are expected as `1` and `0`, respectively
* Unknown characters will throw an error
-A usage example is found in `LogicParser.icl`. This file, once compiled, reads the command line arguments and shows their truth tables:
- $./LogicParser -b -nt -e "~~(((A | (A -> B)) -> B) -> B)"
- A | B | A -> B | A | (A -> B) | A | (A -> B) -> B | (A | (A -> B) -> B) -> B | ~((A | (A -> B) -> B) -> B) | ~~((A | (A -> B) -> B) -> B)
- -------+-------+--------+--------------+-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------------
- False | False | True | True | False | True | False | True
- False | True | True | True | True | True | False | True
- True | False | False | True | False | True | False | True
- True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True
-Here, `-b` and `-nt` are common Clean options to disable outputting basic values for constructors, and disable outputting execution times, respectively.
-The option `-e` tells the parser to show the extended truth table. With this option, only the first formula is considered. Without `-e`, multiple formulas may be given (possibly with different atomic expressions), and all will be evaluated in one table:
- $./LogicParser -b -nt "~~(((A | (A -> B)) -> B) -> B)" "A & B"
- A | B | ~~((A | (A -> B) -> B) -> B) | A & B
- -------+-------+------------------------------+-------
- False | False | True | False
- False | True | True | False
- True | False | True | False
- True | True | True | True
- False | False | True | False
- False | True | True | False
- True | False | True | False
- True | True | True | True
-The parsers also recognises `-html` and `-latex` and will output an HTML or LaTeX table if these arguments are present.
+A usage example is found in `LogicParser.icl`. This file, once compiled, reads
+the command line arguments and shows their truth tables:
+$./LogicParser -e "~~(((A | (A -> B)) -> B) -> B)"
+ A | B | A -> B | A | (A -> B) | A | (A -> B) -> B | (A | (A -> B) -> B) -> B | ~((A | (A -> B) -> B) -> B) | ~~((A | (A -> B) -> B) -> B)
+ False | False | True | True | False | True | False | True
+ False | True | True | True | True | True | False | True
+ True | False | False | True | False | True | False | True
+ True | True | True | True | True | True | False | True
+The option `-e` tells the parser to show the extended truth table. With this
+option, only the first formula is considered. Without `-e`, multiple formulas
+may be given (possibly with different atomic expressions), and all will be
+evaluated in one table:
+$./LogicParser -b -nt "~~(((A | (A -> B)) -> B) -> B)" "A & B"
+ A | B | ~~((A | (A -> B) -> B) -> B) | A & B
+ False | False | True | False
+ False | True | True | False
+ True | False | True | False
+ True | True | True | True
+ False | False | True | False
+ False | True | True | False
+ True | False | True | False
+ True | True | True | True
+The parsers also recognises `-html` and `-latex` and will output an HTML or
+LaTeX table if these arguments are present.
## Web frontend
-There is a simple web frontend in PHP and a basic HTML template which allows one to connect to the Clean application through his browser. The files for this are `index.html` and `request.php`, and a demo may be found on https://demo.camilstaps.nl/CleanLogic. For this to work, the `exec()` function should be enabled in your PHP configuration.
+There is a simple web frontend in PHP and a basic HTML template which allows
+one to connect to the Clean application through his browser. The files for this
+are `index.html` and `request.php`, and a demo may be found on
+https://demo.camilstaps.nl/CleanLogic. For this to work, the `exec()` function
+should be enabled in your PHP configuration.
## Future ideas
- * Different `toString` formats for booleans: `0` and `1` or `T` and `F` instead of `True` and `False`
+ * Different `toString` formats for booleans: `0` and `1` or `T` and `F`
+ instead of `True` and `False`
* Simplifying expressions with atomic expressions as far as possible
* Testing equivalence or impliance of expressions with atomic expressions
* Add support for multi-letter atomic expressions
- * Would it be easier / neater / more intuitive to get rid of `Op1` and `Op2` and use `Not`, `And`, etc. as type constructors of `Expr`?
+ * Would it be easier / neater / more intuitive to get rid of `Op1` and `Op2`
+ and use `Not`, `And`, etc. as type constructors of `Expr`?