/** Interactive Clean Clean program to easily compile and run one-line Clean expressions The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Camil Staps Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ module iclean import StdEnv import Data.Maybe import ReadLine import ExtraString // SETTINGS temp_path :== "/tmp/" temp_module :== "iclean" readline_history :== "/home/.iclean_history" template :== map ((+++) "import ") ["StdEnv", "StdDynamic", "GenPrint"] template_file :== "/home/.iclean_template" // END SETTINGS temp_file =: temp_path +++ temp_module +++ ".icl" help =: "\tInteractive Clean - known commands:\n\n" +++ "\t:quit\t\t\tExit iClean\n" +++ "\t:mem\t\t\tDisplay current memory\n" +++ "\t:help\t\t\tDisplay this message\n\n" +++ "\t:set K V\t\tSet iClean's setting K to value V\n\n" +++ "\t:def F X1 .. Xn = RHS\tAdd a rewrite rule to the memory\n" +++ "\t:undef F\t\tRemove all rewrite rules starting with 'F ' from the memory\n" :: Status = { memory :: [String] , settings :: Settings } instance zero Status where zero = { memory = [], settings = zero } :: Settings = { show_type :: Bool , show_result :: Bool } instance zero Settings where zero = { show_type = False, show_result = True } Start :: *World -> *World Start w # w = setReadLineName "iClean" w # w = usingHistory w # w = checkedWorldFunc readHistory "Couldn't read history" readline_history w # (more_template,w) = readTemplate template_file w # w = loop {zero & memory = template ++ more_template} True w # w = checkedWorldFunc writeHistory "Couldn't write history" readline_history w = w where loop :: !Status Bool !*World -> *World loop stat success w # prompt = color (if success None Red) "λ. " # (s,w) = readLine prompt False w | isNothing s = print "\n" w # s = fromJust s | s == "" = loop stat False (print "Use Ctrl-D to exit\n" w) # w = addHistory s w | s == ":quit" || s == ":q" = w | s == ":mem" = loop stat True (print (join "\n" stat.memory) w) | matches ":def " s = loop {stat & memory = stat.memory ++ [skip 5 s]} True w | matches ":undef " s = loop {stat & memory = filter (undef (skip 7 s)) stat.memory} True w | matches ":set " s # (setting, value) = span ((<>) ' ') (fromString (skip 5 s)) # (setting, value) = (toString setting, toString (drop 1 value)) # (ok, msg, stat) = set setting value stat = loop stat ok (if (isNothing msg) id (print (fromJust msg +++ "\n")) w) | s == ":help" = loop stat True (print help w) | matches "import " s = loop {stat & memory = stat.memory ++ [s]} True w | matches ":" s = loop stat False (print ("Unknown command\n") w) # w = writemodule stat s w # (r,w) = compile temp_path temp_module w | r <> 0 = loop stat False w # (r,w) = run (temp_path +++ temp_module) w | r <> 0 = loop stat False w = loop stat True w undef :: !String !String -> Bool undef n h = not (matches (n +++ " ") h) readTemplate :: !String !*World -> *([String], *World) readTemplate f w # (ok,f,w) = fopen f FReadText w | not ok = ([], w) # (lines,f) = readLines f # (ok,w) = fclose f w = (lines, w) where readLines :: !*File -> *([String], *File) readLines f # (end,f) = fend f | end = ([], f) # (line,f) = freadline f # (lines,f) = readLines f = ([line % (0,size line - 2):lines], f) // iClean functions set :: !String !String !Status -> (Bool, Maybe String, Status) set k v stat = case lookup k settings of Nothing = (False, Just "Unknown setting", stat) (Just f) = f v stat where set_bool :: String String (Bool -> Status -> Status) String Status -> (Bool, Maybe String, Status) set_bool iftrue iffalse f s stat | isMember s ["True", "true", "1"] = (True, Just iftrue, f True stat) | isMember s ["False", "false", "0"] = (False, Just iffalse, f False stat) = (False, Just ("Couldn't parse '" +++ v +++ "' as boolean"), stat) settings = [ ("show_type", set_bool "Showing types" "Not showing types" (\b s -> {s & settings.show_type = b})) , ("show_result", set_bool "Showing results" "Not showing results" (\b s -> {s & settings.show_result = b})) ] lookup :: k [(k,v)] -> Maybe v | == k lookup _ [] = Nothing lookup k [(k`,v):vs] = if (k == k`) (Just v) (lookup k vs) checkedWorldFunc :: (a *World -> (Bool, *World)) !String !a !*World -> *World checkedWorldFunc f err s w # (ok, w) = f s w | not ok = print (err +++ "\n") w | otherwise = w print :: String *World -> *World print s w # (io,w) = stdio w # io = fwrites s io # (ok,w) = fclose io w | not ok = abort "Couldn't close stdio\n" | otherwise = w writemodule :: !Status !String !*World -> *World writemodule stat s w # (ok,f,w) = fopen temp_file FWriteText w | not ok = abort ("Couldn't open " +++ temp_file +++ " for writing.\n") # f = f <<< "module " <<< temp_module <<< "\n" # f = f <<< join "\n" stat.memory # f = f <<< "start = " <<< s <<< "\n" <<< "Start = " <<< start # (ok,w) = fclose f w | not ok = abort ("Couldn't close " +++ temp_file +++ "\n") | otherwise = w where start = case (stat.settings.show_type, stat.settings.show_result) of (True, True) = type +++ "+++\" :: \"+++" +++ rslt +++ "+++\"\\n\"\n" (True, False) = type +++ "+++\"\\n\"\n" (False, True) = rslt +++ "+++\"\\n\"\n" (False, False) = "()" where type = "toString (typeCodeOfDynamic (dynamic start))" rslt = "printToString start" // C functions compile :: !String !String !*World -> *(!Int,!*World) compile _ _ _ = code { ccall compile "SS:p:A" } run :: !String !*World -> (!Int, !*World) run _ _ = code { ccall run "S:I:A" }