# Crosswords Crossword generator tool ### Features * Generates a crossword puzzle that contains as many given words as possible * Fills up empty space with words from a dictionary ### Prerequisites * [Clean][clean] * TeX * The [crossword][crossword] TeX package for `cwpuzzle.dtx` * A dictionary for your language (one word per line, for Dutch you can have a look at [OpenTaal][opentaal]) ### Installation $ clm -I $CLEAN_HOME/lib/MersenneTwister -b -h 100M Crosswords -o cwgen ### Usage example Words are read from stdin, ended with an empty line or `EOF`, and of course from the dictionary installed. $ ./cwgen < words.txt > cw-gen.tex $ pdftex cw.tex ### Author & License Copyright © 2016 [Camil Staps][camilstaps]. Licensed under MIT, See the `LICENSE` file for details. ### Acknowledgements * `dict/wordsEn.txt`: compiled from [SIL International](http://www-01.sil.org/linguistics/wordlists/english/) (only words with 3-10 characters were kept) [camilstaps]: https://camilstaps.nl [clean]: http://clean.cs.ru.nl [crossword]: http://ctan.org/pkg/crossword [opentaal]: http://www.opentaal.org/bestanden