implementation module trd // $Id$ import rule import graph import basic import StdEnv /* trd.lit - Type rule derivation ============================== Description ----------- This module defines the derivation of a type rule from a given rule. ------------------------------------------------------------ Interface --------- Exported identifiers: > %export > ruletype || Derive a type rule from a rule ------------------------------------------------------------ Includes -------- > %include "basic.lit" > %include "pfun.lit" > %include "graph.lit" > %include "rule.lit" Naming conventions: * - symbol (sym) ** - node (node) *** - type symbol (tsym) **** - type node in type rule to build (tnode) ***** - type node in given type rules (trnode) ------------------------------------------------------------ Implementation -------------- `Ruletype' determines the type of a rule. First, for every closed node, its type rule is copied into a global (initially unconnected) type graph, and for every open node, a distinct type node is allocated in the same type graph. Then for every closed node n and argument n-i, the result type of n-i is unified with the i-th argument type of n. > ruletype > :: [****] -> > ((*,[**])->rule *** *****) -> > rule * ** -> > rule *** **** > ruletype theap typerule rule > = foldr (buildtype typerule graph) bcont nodes theap emptygraph [] > where args = lhs rule; root = rhs rule; graph = rulegraph rule > nodes = nodelist graph (root:args) > bcont theap tgraph assignment > = foldr sharepair spcont pairs id tgraph assignment > where pairs = mkpairs assignment > spcont redirection tgraph assignment > = mkrule (map lookup args) (lookup root) tgraph > where lookup = redirection.foldmap id notype assignment > notype = error "ruletype: no type node assigned to node" */ ruletype :: .[tvar] ((Node sym var) -> .Rule tsym trvar) .(Rule sym var) -> .Rule tsym tvar | == var & == tsym & == tvar & == trvar ruletype theap typerule rule = foldr (buildtype typerule graph) bcont nodes theap emptygraph [] where args = arguments rule root = ruleroot rule graph = rulegraph rule nodes = varlist graph [root:args] bcont theap tgraph assignment = foldr sharepair spcont pairs id tgraph assignment where pairs = mkpairs assignment spcont redirection tgraph assignment = mkrule (map lookup args) (lookup root) tgraph where lookup = redirection o (foldmap id notype assignment) notype = abort "ruletype: no type node assigned to node" /* `Buildtype' builds the part of the global type graph corresponding to a node. For a closed node, the type rule is copied; for an open node, a single type node is allocated. Track is kept of which type nodes have been assigned to the node and its arguments. */ buildtype :: .((Node sym var) -> .Rule tsym trvar) // Assignement of type rules to symbols .(Graph sym var) // Graph to which to apply typing var // ??? .([tvar] -> .(z:(Graph tsym tvar) -> .(x:[y:(var,tvar)] -> .result))) // Continuation .[tvar] // Type heap w:(Graph tsym tvar) // Type graph build so far u:[v:(var,tvar)] // Assignment of type variables to variables -> .result // Final result | == var & == trvar , [u<=x,v<=y,w<=z] buildtype typerule graph node bcont theap tgraph assignment | def = bcont theap` tgraph` assignment` = bcont (tl theap) tgraph [(node,hd theap):assignment] where (def,cont) = varcontents graph node (_,args) = cont trule = typerule cont trargs = arguments trule; trroot = ruleroot trule; trgraph = rulegraph trule trnodes = varlist trgraph [trroot:trargs] (tnodes,theap`) = claim trnodes theap matching = zip2 trnodes tnodes tgraph` = foldr addnode tgraph matching addnode (trnode,tnode) | trdef = updategraph tnode (mapsnd (map match) trcont) = id where (trdef,trcont) = varcontents trgraph trnode match = foldmap id nomatch matching nomatch = abort "buildtype: no match from type rule node to type node" assignment` = zip2 [node:args] (map match [trroot:trargs])++assignment sharepair :: (.var,.var) // Variables to share w:((.var->var2) -> v:(x:(Graph sym var2) -> .result)) // Continuation (.var->var2) // Redirection u:(Graph sym var2) // Graph before redirection -> .result // Final result | == sym & == var2 , [u<=x,v<=w] sharepair lrnode spcont redirection graph = share (mappair redirection redirection lrnode) spcont redirection graph /* `Share' shares two nodes in a graph by redirecting all references from one to the other, and sharing the arguments recursively. The resulting redirection function is also returned. */ /* share :: (var,var) // Variables to share ((var->var) (Graph sym var) -> result) // Continuation (var->var) // Redirection (Graph sym var) // Graph before redirection -> result | == sym & == var // Final result */ share lrnode scont redirect graph | lnode==rnode = scont redirect graph | ldef && rdef = foldr share scont lrargs redirect` graph` = scont redirect` graph` where (lnode,rnode) = lrnode (ldef,(lsym,largs)) = varcontents graph lnode (rdef,(rsym,rargs)) = varcontents graph rnode lrargs | lsym<>rsym = abort "share: incompatible symbols" | not (eqlen largs rargs) = abort "share: incompatible arities" = zip2 (redargs largs) (redargs rargs) redargs = map adjustone redirect` = adjustone o redirect adjustone | ldef = adjust rnode lnode id = adjust lnode rnode id graph` = redirectgraph adjustone graph /* mkpairs :: [(var1,var2)] -> [(var2,var2)] | == var1 */ mkpairs pairs = f (map snd (partition fst snd pairs)) where f [[x1,x2:xs]:xss] = [(x1,x2):f [[x2:xs]:xss]] f [xs:xss] = f xss f [] = []