implementation module rule

// $Id$

import graph
import basic

:: Rule sym var
   :== ([var],var,Graph sym var)

:: Rgraph sym var
   :== (var,Graph sym var)


rule.lit - Rooted graphs and rules


This module implements abstract  types  for  rooted  graphs  and  rules,
together  with  some  useful  functions  on  them.   Though  very simple
definitions, it greatly helps  the  readability  of  error  messages  if
rooted graphs or rules occur in them.

A rooted graph is a tuple consisting of a root  and  an  unrooted  graph
(how obvious).

The implementation of a rule is less obvious.  Instead of simply using a
graph  with  two  roots,  the  root  of  the  pattern and its associated
function symbol  have  been  taken  out.   Hence  the  pattern  is  only
accessibly  by  its  arguments.   The  root  of the replacement is still
accessible.  The reason for this is twofold: the root  must  be  defined
anyway,  and  if  the  rule  is  a type rule, we are now able to use two
different domains for (normal) symbols and type symbols.



Exported identifiers:

>   %export
>       compilerule  ||  Compile a rule from all loose parts
>       emptyrgraph  ||  Creates an empty rooted graph
>       lhs          ||  Determines the left root of a rule
>       mkrgraph     ||  Composes a rooted graph from a root and a graph
>       mkrule       ||  Composes a rule from left and right roots and a graph
>       printrgraph  ||  Makes a readable representation of a rooted graph
>       printrule    ||  Makes a readable representation of a rule
>       prunergraph  ||  Undefines the contents of a node of a rooted graph
>       rgraph       ||  Type of rooted graph over functorspace * and nodespace **
>       rgraphgraph  ||  Determines the (unrooted) graph of a rooted graph
>       rgraphroot   ||  Determines the root of a rooted graph
>       rhs          ||  Determines the right root of a rule
>       rule         ||  Type of rules over functorspace * and nodespace **
>       rulegraph    ||  Determines the graph of a rule
>       showrgraph   ||  Make a representation of a rooted graph
>       showrule     ||  Make a representation of a rule
>       updatergraph ||  Updates the contents of a node of a rooted graph

Required types:

    mkrgraph     - graph@graph.lit
    mkrule       - graph@graph.lit
    rgraphgraph  - graph@graph.lit
    rulegraph    - graph@graph.lit



>   %include "basic.lit"
>   %include "graph.lit" -extgraph



>   abstype rgraph * **
>      with emptyrgraph  :: ** -> rgraph * **
>           updatergraph :: ** -> (*,[**]) -> rgraph * ** -> rgraph * **
>           prunergraph  :: ** -> rgraph * ** -> rgraph * **
>           rgraphroot   :: rgraph * ** -> **
>           rgraphgraph  :: rgraph * ** -> graph * **
>           mkrgraph     :: ** -> graph * ** -> rgraph * **
>           showrgraph   :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rgraph * ** -> [char]
>           printrgraph  :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rgraph * ** -> [char]

>   abstype rule * **
>      with mkrule    :: [**] -> ** -> graph * ** -> rule * **
>           lhs       :: rule * ** -> [**]
>           rhs       :: rule * ** -> **
>           rulegraph :: rule * ** -> graph * **
>           showrule  :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rule * ** -> [char]
>           printrule :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> rule * ** -> [char]

Rooted graphs

>   emptyrgraph root = (root,emptygraph)
>   updatergraph node contents (root,graph) = (root,updategraph node contents graph)
>   prunergraph node (root,graph) = (root,prunegraph node graph)
>   rgraphroot (root,graph) = root
>   rgraphgraph (root,graph) = graph
>   mkrgraph root graph = (root,graph)

emptyrgraph :: .var -> Rgraph .sym .var
emptyrgraph root = (root,emptygraph)

updatergraph :: .var (Node .sym .var) !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
updatergraph var node rgraph = mapsnd (updategraph var node) rgraph

prunergraph :: .var !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
prunergraph var rgraph = mapsnd (prunegraph var) rgraph

rgraphroot :: !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> .var
rgraphroot (root,_) = root

rgraphgraph :: !(Rgraph .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
rgraphgraph (_,graph) = graph

mkrgraph :: .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Rgraph .sym .var
mkrgraph root graph = (root,graph)

>   showrgraph showfunc shownode (root,graph)
>       = '(':snd (showsubgraph root ([],"emptyrgraph) "))++shownode root
>         where showsubgraph node (seen,repr)
>                   = (seen,repr), if ~def \/ member seen node
>                   = (seen'',repr''), otherwise
>                     where (def,(f,args)) = nodecontents graph node
>                           (seen'',repr') = foldlr showsubgraph (seen',repr) args
>                           seen' = node:seen
>                           repr''
>                               = "updatergraph "++shownode node++" ("++
>                                 showfunc f++',':showlist shownode args++")."++
>                                 repr'

>   printrgraph showfunc shownode (root,graph)
>       = hd (printgraph showfunc shownode graph [root])


>   mkrule lroots rroot graph = (lroots,rroot,graph)
>   lhs (lroots,rroot,graph) = lroots
>   rhs (lroots,rroot,graph) = rroot
>   rulegraph (lroots,rroot,graph) = graph

mkrule :: [.var] .var (Graph .sym .var) -> Rule .sym .var
mkrule args root graph = (args,root,graph)

arguments :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> [.var]
arguments (args,_,_) = args

ruleroot :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> .var
ruleroot (_,root,_) = root

rulegraph :: !(Rule .sym .var) -> Graph .sym .var
rulegraph (_,_,graph) = graph

>   showrule showfunc shownode (lroots,rroot,graph)
>       = "((mkrule "++showlist shownode lroots++' ':shownode rroot++repr'++") emptygraph)"
>         where (seen,repr') = showsubgraph rroot ([],repr)
>               (seen',repr) = foldlr showsubgraph (seen,"") lroots
>               showsubgraph node (seen,repr)
>                   = (seen,repr), if ~def \/ member seen node
>                   = (seen'',repr''), otherwise
>                     where (def,(f,args)) = nodecontents graph node
>                           (seen'',repr') = foldlr showsubgraph (seen',repr) args
>                           seen' = node:seen
>                           repr''
>                               = ".updategraph "++shownode node++" ("++
>                                 showfunc f++',':showlist shownode args++')':repr'

>   printrule showfunc shownode (lroots,rroot,graph)
>       = ( (++" ").init) reprs++"-> "++last reprs
>         where reprs = printgraph showfunc shownode graph (lroots++[rroot])

>   compilerule :: [**] -> ** -> [(**,(*,[**]))] -> rule * **
>   compilerule args root = mkrule args root.compilegraph
