implementation module loop // $Id$ import strat import trace import spine import history import rewr import rule import graph import pfun import basic from general import Yes,No import StdEnv /* loop.lit - Looping to produce a trace ===================================== Description ----------- This module describes the transformation of a tree of spines into a trace. This is where the actual transformations on graphs are applied like instantiation, reduction or strict annotation. ------------------------------------------------------------ The function that produces a trace is given an initial task expression. The function first determines a transformation (Reduce,Annotate,Instantiate) to apply, using the strategy. This may fail when the termination history indicates a required abstraction higher up. In that case, return at once with failure, and the current graph (with shared parts excluded) as the most specific generaliser. After application of the transformation, a trace is produced for the resulting graph(s). However, the production of the subtraces may fail initially because of a necessary abstraction higher-up which wasn't there (introduced recursion). Therefore, producing a trace can return one of two results: either a successful trace, or failure, with an indication of which abstraction was actually necessary. The needed generalisation is computed by taking the most specific generaliser for each pattern in the termination history. In the general case, generation of the subtraces fails for both the history pattern of the current transformation, and some patterns higher up (which were also passed to the trace generation function. There are now two courses of action: [1] Apply abstraction instead of the current transformation. Use the returned most specific generaliser and the original graph to determine how to abstract. Then, generate subtraces. There should be no more abstractions necessary for the current node, because they should be handled in the graphs resulting from the abstraction.[*] [2] Immediately return the failure, assuming (rule of thumb) that when the upper generalisation was necessary, the lower one won't make it go away. This is probably an optimisation of the optimisation process, but it can be important, as some backtracking code (exponential!) may not have to be executed. [*] This may not be entirely true in the case of sharing. Because shared parts must be pruned, the termination pattern may get smaller in the abstraction operation. Questions: [?] Which would yield better results and/or perform better: [1] or [2] above? [?] Must the abstracted areas be associated with termination patterns that caused their introduction? Or somehow with the trace node where they were introduced? The termination patterns don't have to be the same over different branches of the trace! Do they play a role at all in selecting the abstracted part? Actually, they don't. We just need their roots so we can find the corresponding subgraphs and determine the MSG's. It would appear we can traverse the trace when everything is done and collected all the introduced functions from it. ------------------------------------------------------------ */ :: FallibleTrace sym var pvar = GoodTrace (Trace sym var pvar) | NeedAbstraction [Rgraph sym var] :: Strat sym var pvar :== (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> Answer sym var pvar maketrace :: (Strat sym var pvar) // The strategy (History sym var) // Patterns to stop partial evaluation (Rgraph sym var) // Subject graph -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar // The result maketrace strategy history subject = ( case answer of No // Root normal form, abstract and continue with arguments -> handlernf Yes spine // Do something, even if it is to fail -> ( case subspine of Cycle // Cycle in spine. Generate x:_Strict x x with _Strict :: !a b -> b. Probably becomes a #! -> handlecycle Delta // Primitive function. Abstract its application and continue with remainder. -> handledelta Force n (spine) // Shouldn't happen -> abort "loop: maketrace: spinetip returned Force???" MissingCase // Missing case. Generate _MissingCase, possibly parametrised with user function? -> handlemissingcase Open pattern // Need instantiation. Generate two branches, extend history (for both) and continue. -> handleopen pattern Partial rule match rulenode spine -> abort "loop: maketrace: spinetop returned Partial???" Unsafe histpat // Require pattern from history. -> handleunsafe histpat // If we have a more general version with a name attached, use that. // Otherwise, fail with the corresponding subgraph Redex rule match // Found a redex. Unfold, extend history and continue. -> handleredex rule match Strict // Need to put a strictness annotation on an open node-id. -> handlestrict // Abstract _Strict and continue with rest. ) spine where (redexroot,subspine) = spinetip spine ) strategy history subject where answer = strategy history subject handlernf :: (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar handlernf _ _ _ = undef handlecycle :: (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar handlecycle _ _ _ _ = undef handledelta :: (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar handledelta _ _ _ _ = undef handlemissingcase :: (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar handlemissingcase _ _ _ _ = undef handleopen :: (Rgraph sym pvar) (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar handleopen _ _ _ _ _ = undef handleunsafe :: (HistoryPattern sym var) (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar handleunsafe _ _ _ _ _ = undef handleredex :: (Rule sym pvar) (Pfun pvar var) (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar handleredex _ _ _ _ _ _ = undef handlestrict :: (Spine sym var pvar) (Strat sym var pvar) (History sym var) (Rgraph sym var) -> FallibleTrace sym var pvar handlestrict _ _ _ _ = undef /* ------------------------------------------------------------ Types ----- */ /* The action itself takes various arguments, and returns a transformation */ :: Action sym var pvar :== (Actcont sym var pvar) // Continuation to do subsequent symbolic reduction (History sym var) // Termination patterns (Failinfo sym var pvar) // Failed matches Bool // Instantiation attempted [Bool] // Strict arguments of function to generate var // Root of subject graph (Graph sym var) // Subject graph [var] // Heap of unused nodes -> Transformation sym var pvar /* Action continuation An action continuation takes the result of a single partial evaluation action, and ultimately collects all suchs actions into a trace. */ :: Actcont sym var pvar :== (History sym var) // Termination patterns (Failinfo sym var pvar) // Failed matches Bool // Instantiation attempted [Bool] // Strict arguments of function to generate var // Root of subject graph (Graph sym var) // Subject graph [var] // Heap of unused nodes -> Trace sym var pvar /* Failinfo is a function type A function of this type assigns a list of rooted graphs to a varable. This list of rooted graphs are precisely those patterns that symfailedsym to match at the given variable in the subject graph. */ :: Failinfo sym var pvar :== var -> [Rgraph sym pvar] /* ------------------------------------------------------------ Implementation -------------- */ loop :: (((Graph sym pvar) pvar var -> ub:Bool) -> Strategy sym var pvar (Answer sym var pvar)) ([Rgraph sym pvar] (Rgraph sym pvar) -> ub:Bool) !(.[var],.Rule sym var) -> Trace sym var pvar | == sym & == var & == pvar loop strategy matchable (initheap,rule) = maketrace inithistory initfailinfo initinstdone initstricts initsroot initsubject initheap where maketrace history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap = Trace stricts (mkrule sargs sroot subject) answer history transf where answer = makernfstrategy history (strategy matchable`) rnfnodes sroot subject transf = transform sroot sargs answer maketrace history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap rnfnodes = removeDup (listselect stricts sargs++fst (graphvars subject sargs)) matchable` pgraph pnode snode = matchable (failinfo snode) (mkrgraph pnode pgraph) inithistory = [] initfailinfo = const [] initinstdone = False initstricts = map (const False) sargs sargs = arguments rule; initsroot = ruleroot rule; initsubject = rulegraph rule listselect :: [.Bool] [.elem] -> [.elem] listselect [True:bs] [x:xs] = [x:listselect bs xs] listselect [False:bs] [x:xs] = listselect bs xs listselect _ _ = [] initrule :: ![var] (sym->[pvar]) sym -> ([var],Rule sym var) initrule [root:heap] template sym = (heap`,mkrule args root (updategraph root (sym,args) emptygraph)) where (args,heap`) = claim (template sym) heap initrule _ _ _ = abort "initrule: out of heap space" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ transform :: var // Top of spine (starting point for strategy) [var] // Arguments of function to generate !(Answer sym var pvar) // Result of strategy -> Action sym var pvar | == sym & == var & == pvar transform anode sargs (Yes spine) = selectfromtip (spinetip spine) where selectfromtip (nid,Open rgraph) = tryinstantiate nid rgraph anode sargs selectfromtip (nid,Redex rule matching) = tryunfold nid rule matching spine selectfromtip (nid,Strict) = tryannotate nid sargs selectfromtip spine = dostop transform anode sargs No = dostop // ==== ATTEMPT TO INSTANTIATE A FREE VARIABLE WITH A PATTERN ==== tryinstantiate :: var // The open node (Rgraph sym pvar) // The pattern to instantiate with var // The root of the spine [var] // Arguments of the function to generate -> Action sym var pvar | == var & == pvar tryinstantiate onode rpattern anode sargs = act where act continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap | anode==sroot // Check if strategy applied at root && goodorder strictargs sargs subject subject` // Check if order of arguments of rule ok = Instantiate success fail = Stop where success = continue history failinfo True stricts` sroot subject` heap` fail = continue history failinfo` True stricts` sroot subject heap failinfo` = adjust onode [rpattern:failinfo onode] failinfo (heap`,subject`) = instantiate pgraph proot onode (heap,subject) proot = rgraphroot rpattern; pgraph = rgraphgraph rpattern stricts` = if instdone stricts (map2 ((||) o (==) onode) sargs stricts) // Quickly annotate the open node as strict if this is the first instantiation strictargs = [sarg\\(True,sarg)<-zip2 stricts` sargs] goodorder :: [var] [var] (Graph sym var) (Graph sym var) -> Bool | == var goodorder stricts sargs subject subject` = startswith match match` where match = removeMembers (fst (graphvars subject sargs)) stricts match` = removeMembers (fst (graphvars subject` sargs)) stricts // See if second argument list has the first one as its initial part startswith :: .[elem] // list S .[elem] // list L -> .Bool // whether L starts with S | == elem startswith [] _ = True startswith [x:xs] [y:ys] | x==y = startswith xs ys startswith _ _ = False // ==== ATTEMPT TO UNFOLD A REWRITE RULE ==== tryunfold :: var // The root of the redex (Rule sym pvar) // The rule to unfold (Pfun pvar var) // The matching from rule's pattern to subject (Spine sym var pvar) // The spine returned by the strategy -> Action sym var pvar | == sym & == var & == pvar tryunfold redexroot rule matching spine = act where act continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap = Reduce reductroot trace where (heap`,sroot`,subject`,matching`) = xunfold redexroot rule (heap,sroot,subject,matching) noredir = abort "transtree: no mapping foor root of replacement" reductroot = total noredir matching` (ruleroot rule) history` = extendhistory subject spine history trace = continue history` failinfo instdone stricts sroot` subject` heap` tryannotate :: var // The node to be made strict [var] // Arguments of the function to generate -> Action sym var pvar | == var tryannotate strictnode sargs = act where act continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap | not instdone && isMember strictnode sargs = Annotate trace = Stop where stricts` = map2 ((||) o (==) strictnode) sargs stricts trace = continue history failinfo instdone stricts` sroot subject heap // ==== STOP PARTIAL EVALUATION ==== dostop :: Action sym var pvar dostop = ds where ds continue history failinfo instdone stricts sroot subject heap = Stop