implementation module compile import StdEnv import frontend import backendinterface import CoclSystemDependent import RWSDebug :: CoclOptions = { moduleName :: {#Char} , pathName :: {#Char} , errorPath :: {#Char} , errorMode :: Int , outPath :: {#Char} , outMode :: Int , searchPaths :: SearchPaths } InitialCoclOptions = { moduleName = "" , pathName = "" , errorPath = "errors" , errorMode = FWriteText , outPath = "messages" , outMode = FWriteText , searchPaths = {sp_locations = [], sp_paths = []} } compile :: [{#Char}] *Files -> (!Bool, !*Files) compile args files = compileModule (parseCommandLine args InitialCoclOptions) args files parseCommandLine :: [{#Char}] CoclOptions -> CoclOptions parseCommandLine [] options = prependModulePath options where // RWS +++ hack, both module name and file path should be passed to frontEndInterface prependModulePath options=:{pathName, searchPaths} = { options & moduleName = baseName pathName , searchPaths = {searchPaths & sp_paths = [directoryName pathName : searchPaths.sp_paths]} } parseCommandLine ["-P", searchPathsString : args] options=:{searchPaths} = parseCommandLine args {options & searchPaths = {searchPaths & sp_paths = splitPaths searchPathsString}} parseCommandLine ["-RO", outPath : args] options = parseCommandLine args {options & outPath = stripQuotes outPath, outMode = FWriteText} parseCommandLine ["-RAO", outPath : args] options = parseCommandLine args {options & outPath = stripQuotes outPath, outMode = FAppendText} parseCommandLine ["-RE", errorPath : args] options = parseCommandLine args {options & errorPath = stripQuotes errorPath, errorMode = FWriteText} parseCommandLine ["-RAE", errorPath : args] options = parseCommandLine args {options & errorPath = stripQuotes errorPath, errorMode = FAppendText} parseCommandLine [arg : args] options | arg.[0] == '-' = parseCommandLine args options // otherwise = parseCommandLine args {options & pathName = stripExtension ".icl" (stripQuotes arg)} stripExtension :: {#Char} {#Char} -> {#Char} stripExtension extension string | stringSize >= extensionSize && (string % (stringSize-extensionSize, stringSize-1)) == extension = string % (0, stringSize-extensionSize-1) // otherwise = string where stringSize = size string extensionSize = size extension stripQuotes :: {#Char} -> {#Char} stripQuotes string | stringSize > 1 && string.[0] == '"' && string.[stringSize-1] == '"' = string % (1, stringSize-2) // otherwise = string where stringSize = size string splitPaths :: {#Char} -> [{#Char}] splitPaths paths = [path +++ {DirectorySeparator} \\ path <- splitBy PathSeparator paths] splitBy :: Char {#Char} -> [{#Char}] splitBy char string = splitBy` 0 0 where splitBy` frm to | to >= stringSize = [string % (frm, to-1)] | string.[to] == char = [string % (frm, to-1) : splitBy` (to+1) (to+1)] // otherwise = splitBy` frm (to+1) stringSize = size string baseName :: {#Char} -> {#Char} baseName path = last (splitBy DirectorySeparator path) directoryName :: {#Char} -> {#Char} directoryName path = foldr (\p ps -> p +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ ps) "" (init (splitBy DirectorySeparator path)) compileModule :: CoclOptions [{#Char}] *Files -> (!Bool, !*Files) compileModule options commandLineArgs files # (opened, error, files) = fopen options.errorPath options.errorMode files | not opened = abort ("couldn't open error file \"" +++ options.errorPath +++ "\"\n") # (opened, out, files) = fopen options.outPath options.outMode files | not opened = abort ("couldn't open out file \"" +++ options.outPath +++ "\"\n") # (io, files) = stdio files # (predefSymbols, hashTable) = buildPredefinedSymbols newHashTable (moduleIdent, hashTable) = putIdentInHashTable options.moduleName IC_Module hashTable list_inferred_types = if (isMember "-lt" commandLineArgs) (Yes (not (isMember "-lattr" commandLineArgs))) No # (predefs, _, files, error, io, out, optionalSyntaxTree) = frontEndInterface FrontEndPhaseAll moduleIdent options.searchPaths list_inferred_types predefSymbols hashTable files error io out # (closed, files) = fclose io files | not closed = abort ("couldn't close stdio") # (closed, files) = fclose out files | not closed = abort ("couldn't close out file \"" +++ options.outPath +++ "\"\n") # (success, error, files) = case optionalSyntaxTree of Yes syntaxTree -> backEndInterface outputPath (map appendRedirection commandLineArgs) predefs syntaxTree error files with appendRedirection arg = case arg of "-RE" -> "-RAE" "-RO" -> "-RAO" arg -> arg No -> (False, error, files) with outputPath // = /* directoryName options.pathName +++ "Clean System Files" +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ */ baseName options.pathName = baseName options.pathName # (closed, files) = fclose error files | not closed = abort ("couldn't close error file \"" +++ options.errorPath +++ "\"\n") = (success, files)