/* module owner: Ronny Wichers Schreur */ implementation module compile import StdEnv import frontend import backendinterface import filesystem, CoclSystemDependent import portToNewSyntax import compilerSwitches //import RWSDebug from CoclSystemDependent import DirectorySeparator, ensureCleanSystemFilesExists baseName :: {#Char} -> {#Char} baseName path = last (splitBy DirectorySeparator path) directoryName :: {#Char} -> {#Char} directoryName path = foldr (\p ps -> p +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ ps) "" (init (splitBy DirectorySeparator path)) splitBy :: Char {#Char} -> [{#Char}] splitBy char string = splitBy` 0 0 where splitBy` frm to | to >= stringSize = [string % (frm, to-1)] | string.[to] == char = [string % (frm, to-1) : splitBy` (to+1) (to+1)] // otherwise = splitBy` frm (to+1) stringSize = size string openTclFile :: !Bool !String !*File !*Files -> (!Bool, !Optional .File, !*File, !*Files) openTclFile False icl_mod_pathname error files = (True,No,error,files) openTclFile compile_for_dynamics icl_mod_pathname error files # csf_path = directoryName icl_mod_pathname +++ "Clean System Files" # tcl_path = csf_path +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ baseName icl_mod_pathname +++ ".tcl" # (opened, tcl_file, files) = fopen tcl_path FWriteData files | opened = (True, Yes tcl_file, error, files) // try again after creating Clean System Files folder # (ok, files) = ensureCleanSystemFilesExists csf_path files | not ok # error = fwrites ("can't create folder \"" +++ csf_path +++"\"\n") error = (False, No, error, files) # (opened, tcl_file, files) = fopen tcl_path FWriteData files | not opened # error = fwrites ("couldn't open file \"" +++ tcl_path +++ "\"\n") error = (False, No, error, files) = (True, Yes tcl_file, error, files) closeTclFile :: !*(Optional *File) *Files -> *(!Bool,*Files) closeTclFile (Yes tcl_file) files = fclose tcl_file files closeTclFile _ files = (True,files); :: CoclOptions = { moduleName:: {#Char} , pathName ::{#Char} , outputPathName ::{#Char} , errorPath:: {#Char} , errorMode:: Int , outPath:: {#Char} , outMode:: Int , searchPaths:: SearchPaths , listTypes :: ListTypesOption , compile_for_dynamics :: !Bool , compile_with_fusion :: !Bool , dump_core :: !Bool , strip_unused :: !Bool , compile_with_generics :: !Bool } StdErrPathName :== "_stderr_" StdOutPathName :== "_stderr_" InitialCoclOptions = { moduleName= "" , pathName= "" , outputPathName= "" , errorPath= StdErrPathName , errorMode= FWriteText , outPath= StdErrPathName , outMode= FWriteText , searchPaths= {sp_locations = [], sp_paths = []} , listTypes = {lto_showAttributes = True, lto_listTypesKind = ListTypesNone} , compile_for_dynamics = False , compile_with_fusion = False , dump_core = False , strip_unused = False , compile_with_generics = True } :: DclCache = { dcl_modules::!{#DclModule}, functions_and_macros::!.{#.{#FunDef}}, predef_symbols::!.PredefinedSymbols, hash_table::!.HashTable, heaps::!.Heaps }; empty_cache :: !*SymbolTable -> *DclCache empty_cache symbol_heap # heaps = {hp_var_heap = newHeap, hp_expression_heap = newHeap, hp_type_heaps = {th_vars = newHeap, th_attrs = newHeap}, hp_generic_heap = newHeap} # (predef_symbols, hash_table) = buildPredefinedSymbols (newHashTable symbol_heap) = {dcl_modules={},functions_and_macros={},predef_symbols=predef_symbols,hash_table=hash_table,heaps=heaps} compile :: ![{#Char}] !*DclCache !*Files -> (!Bool,!*DclCache,!*Files) compile args cache files # (args_without_modules,modules,cocl_options) = parseCommandLine args InitialCoclOptions = compile_modules modules 0 cocl_options args_without_modules cache files; // WARNING: // if you add an option which is not supported by the backend, then you should remove it from // the first list in the tuple returned by parseCommandLine parseCommandLine :: [{#Char}] CoclOptions -> ([{#Char}],[{#Char}],CoclOptions) parseCommandLine [] options = ([],[],options) parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-o", outputPathName : args] options=:{searchPaths} = parseCommandLine args {options & outputPathName = outputPathName} parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-P", searchPathsString : args] options=:{searchPaths} // RWS, voor Maarten +++ = parseCommandLine args {options & searchPaths = {searchPaths & sp_paths = splitPaths searchPathsString}} # (args,modules,options) = parseCommandLine args {options & searchPaths.sp_paths = splitPaths searchPathsString} = ([arg1,searchPathsString:args],modules,options) parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-RO", outPath : args] options # (args,modules,options)= parseCommandLine args {options & outPath = stripQuotes outPath, outMode = FWriteText} = ([arg1,outPath:args],modules,options) parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-RAO", outPath : args] options # (args,modules,options)= parseCommandLine args {options & outPath = stripQuotes outPath, outMode = FAppendText} = ([arg1,outPath:args],modules,options) parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-RE", errorPath : args] options # (args,modules,options)= parseCommandLine args {options & errorPath = stripQuotes errorPath, errorMode = FWriteText} = ([arg1,errorPath:args],modules,options) parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-RAE", errorPath : args] options # (args,modules,options)= parseCommandLine args {options & errorPath = stripQuotes errorPath, errorMode = FAppendText} = ([arg1,errorPath:args],modules,options) /* RWS FIXME: "-id" option is only used for the Mac version and should be moved elsewhere */ parseCommandLine ["-id",compiler_id_string : args] options # compiler_id=toInt compiler_id_string | set_compiler_id compiler_id==compiler_id = parseCommandLine args options parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-dynamics":args] options // generates for each .icl module a .tcl file (which contains the type information for that module) = parseCommandLine args {options & compile_for_dynamics = True} parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-fusion":args] options // switch on fusion transformations # (args,modules,options) = parseCommandLine args {options & compile_with_fusion = True} = ([arg1:args],modules,options) parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-dump":args] options = parseCommandLine args {options & dump_core = True} parseCommandLine [arg1=:"-strip":args] options = parseCommandLine args {options & strip_unused = True} parseCommandLine ["-generics":args] options // enable generics = parseCommandLine args (SwitchGenerics {options & compile_with_generics = True} options) parseCommandLine ["-lattr":args] options = parseCommandLine args {options & listTypes.lto_showAttributes = False} parseCommandLine ["-lt":args] options = parseCommandLine args {options & listTypes.lto_listTypesKind = ListTypesInferred} parseCommandLine ["-lset":args] options = parseCommandLine args {options & listTypes.lto_listTypesKind = ListTypesStrictExports} parseCommandLine ["-lat":args] options = parseCommandLine args {options & listTypes.lto_listTypesKind = ListTypesAll} parseCommandLine [arg : args] options | arg.[0] == '-' # (args,modules,options)= parseCommandLine args options = ([arg:args],modules,options) // otherwise # (args,modules,options) = parseCommandLine args options = (args,[arg : modules],options); stripExtension :: {#Char} {#Char} -> {#Char} stripExtension extension string | stringSize >= extensionSize && (string % (stringSize-extensionSize, stringSize-1)) == extension = string % (0, stringSize-extensionSize-1) // otherwise = string where stringSize = size string extensionSize = size extension stripQuotes :: {#Char} -> {#Char} stripQuotes string | stringSize > 1 && string.[0] == '"' && string.[stringSize-1] == '"' = string % (1, stringSize-2) // otherwise = string where stringSize = size string splitPaths :: {#Char} -> [{#Char}] splitPaths paths = [path +++ {DirectorySeparator} \\ path <- splitBy PathSeparator paths] compile_modules [module_:modules] n_compiles cocl_options args_without_modules cache files # cocl_options = prependModulePath {cocl_options & pathName=stripExtension ".icl" (stripQuotes module_)} with // RWS +++ hack, both module name and file path should be passed to frontEndInterface prependModulePath options=:{pathName, searchPaths} = { options & moduleName = baseName pathName // RWS, voor Maarten +++ , searchPaths = {searchPaths & sp_paths = [directoryName pathName : searchPaths.sp_paths]} // , searchPaths = [directoryName pathName : searchPaths] } # (ok,cache,files) = compileModule cocl_options (args_without_modules++[module_]) cache files; | ok = compile_modules modules (n_compiles+1) cocl_options args_without_modules cache files; // otherwise = (ok,cache,files); compile_modules [] n_compiles cocl_options args_without_modules cache files = (True,cache,files); openPath :: {#Char} Int *Files -> (Bool, *File, *Files) openPath path mode files | path == StdErrPathName = (True, stderr, files) | path == StdOutPathName # (io, files) = stdio files = (True, io, files) // otherwise = fopen path mode files compileModule :: CoclOptions [{#Char}] *DclCache *Files -> (!Bool,!*DclCache,!*Files) compileModule options backendArgs cache=:{dcl_modules,functions_and_macros,predef_symbols,hash_table,heaps} files # (opened, error, files) = openPath options.errorPath options.errorMode files | not opened = abort ("couldn't open error file \"" +++ options.errorPath +++ "\"\n") # (opened, out, files) = openPath options.outPath options.outMode files | not opened = abort ("couldn't open out file \"" +++ options.outPath +++ "\"\n") # (optional_tcl_opened, tcl_file, error, files) = openTclFile options.compile_for_dynamics options.pathName error files | not optional_tcl_opened # (closed, files) = fclose out files | not closed = abort ("couldn't close stdio") # (closed, files) = fclose error files | not closed = abort ("couldn't close out file \"" +++ options.outPath +++ "\"\n") = (False, cache, files) # (io, files) = stdio files # ({boxed_ident=moduleIdent}, hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable options.moduleName IC_Module hash_table # list_inferred_types = if (options.listTypes.lto_listTypesKind == ListTypesInferred) (Yes options.listTypes.lto_showAttributes) No # (optionalSyntaxTree,cached_functions_and_macros,cached_dcl_mods,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,main_dcl_module_n,predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out,tcl_file,heaps) = frontEndInterface {feo_up_to_phase=FrontEndPhaseAll ,feo_generics=options.compile_with_generics ,feo_fusion=options.compile_with_fusion ,feo_dump_core=options.dump_core ,feo_strip_unused=options.strip_unused } moduleIdent options.searchPaths dcl_modules functions_and_macros list_inferred_types predef_symbols hash_table fmodificationtime files error io out tcl_file heaps # unique_copy_of_predef_symbols={predef_symbol\\predef_symbol<-:predef_symbols} # (closed, files) = closeTclFile tcl_file files | not closed = abort ("couldn't close tcl file \"" +++ options.pathName +++ "tcl\"\n") # (closed, files) = fclose io files | not closed = abort ("couldn't close stdio") # (closed, files) = fclose out files | not closed = abort ("couldn't close out file \"" +++ options.outPath +++ "\"\n") # var_heap=heaps.hp_var_heap hp_type_heaps=heaps.hp_type_heaps attrHeap=hp_type_heaps.th_attrs # (success,functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,var_heap,attrHeap,error, files) = case optionalSyntaxTree of Yes syntaxTree # functions_and_macros = syntaxTree.fe_icl.icl_functions # (porting_ok, files) = switch_port_to_new_syntax (createPortedFiles options.moduleName options.searchPaths files) (False, files) error = switch_port_to_new_syntax (case porting_ok of True -> error False -> error <<< "Error: couldn't write ported versions of module " <<< options.moduleName <<< '\n') error # (success, var_heap, attrHeap, error, files) = backEndInterface outputPath (map appendRedirection backendArgs) options.listTypes options.outPath predef_symbols syntaxTree main_dcl_module_n var_heap attrHeap error files -> (success,functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,var_heap,attrHeap, error, files) // -> (True,functions_and_macros,n_functions_and_macros_in_dcl_modules,var_heap,attrHeap, error, files) with appendRedirection arg = case arg of "-RE" -> "-RAE" "-RO" -> "-RAO" arg -> arg No -> (False,{},0,var_heap,attrHeap,error, files) with /* outputPath = if (options.outputPathName == "") (directoryName options.pathName +++ "Clean System Files" +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ baseName options.pathName) options.outputPathName */ outputPath // = /* directoryName options.pathName +++ "Clean System Files" +++ {DirectorySeparator} +++ */ baseName options.pathName = baseName options.pathName # heaps = {heaps & hp_var_heap=var_heap, hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_attrs = attrHeap}} # (closed, files) = fclose error files | not closed = abort ("couldn't close error file \"" +++ options.errorPath +++ "\"\n") | success # dcl_modules={{dcl_module \\ dcl_module<-:cached_dcl_mods} & [main_dcl_module_n].dcl_macro_conversions=No} # cache={dcl_modules=dcl_modules,functions_and_macros=cached_functions_and_macros,predef_symbols=unique_copy_of_predef_symbols,hash_table=hash_table,heaps=heaps} = (success,cache,files) # cache={dcl_modules=cached_dcl_mods,functions_and_macros=cached_functions_and_macros,predef_symbols=unique_copy_of_predef_symbols,hash_table=hash_table,heaps=heaps} = (success,cache,files)