#include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <time.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "Clean.h" #ifndef NAME_MAX #define NAME_MAX 500 #endif #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE (!FALSE) /* error codes: */ #define NoDirError 0 #define OtherDirError -1 #define DoesntExist -2 #define BadName -3 #define NotEnoughSpace -4 #define AlreadyExists -5 #define NoPermission -6 #define MoveIntoOffspring -7 #define MoveAcrossDisks -8 #define NotYetRemovable -9 uid_t gUserId; gid_t gGroupId; struct DIR *gpDir; struct dirent *gpDirent; struct stat gFileStat; char *gPath; int gPathLength; CleanStringVariable(gFileName,NAME_MAX+1); static int unix_error_to_clean_error(int errCode) { switch(errCode) { case ENOENT: case ENOTDIR: return DoesntExist; case ENAMETOOLONG: return BadName; case EMLINK: case ENOSPC: return NotEnoughSpace; case EISDIR: case EEXIST: return AlreadyExists; case EPERM: case EACCES: case EROFS: return NoPermission; case EINVAL: return MoveIntoOffspring; case EXDEV: return MoveAcrossDisks; case ENOTEMPTY: return NotYetRemovable; default: return OtherDirError; }; } static int openSearch(const char *path, int length) { int i; gPathLength = length; gPath = (char*) malloc(gPathLength+NAME_MAX+2); if (!gPath) { gpDir = NULL; return 0; } else { memcpy(gPath, path, gPathLength); gPath[gPathLength] = '\0'; gpDir = (struct DIR*) opendir(gPath); if (!gpDir) return unix_error_to_clean_error(errno); gPath[gPathLength] = '/'; /* filename will be added later */ gUserId = getuid(); gGroupId = getgid(); return NoDirError; }; } int findNextFileC (int); int findFirstFileC(CleanString cs_path) { int errCode; errCode = openSearch(CleanStringCharacters(cs_path), CleanStringLength(cs_path)); if (errCode) return errCode; else return findNextFileC(0); } void getCommonFileInfoC(int also_get_file_name, CleanString *pFileName, int *pFileSizeLow, int *pFileSizeHigh, int *pYear, int *pMonth, int *pDay, int *pDayNr, int *pHours, int *pMinutes, int *pSeconds, int *pIsDirectory, int *pIsReadOnly) /* requires gFileName and gFileStat to be initialized */ { struct tm *pModificationTime; int mask; static void *null = NULL; /* int 0 with the size of a Clean INT */ *pFileName = also_get_file_name ? (CleanString) gFileName : (CleanString) &null; *pFileSizeLow = gFileStat.st_size; *pFileSizeHigh = 0; pModificationTime= localtime(&gFileStat.st_mtime); *pYear = pModificationTime->tm_year+1900; *pMonth = pModificationTime->tm_mon+1; *pDay = pModificationTime->tm_mday; *pDayNr = pModificationTime->tm_wday+1; *pHours = pModificationTime->tm_hour; *pMinutes = pModificationTime->tm_min; *pSeconds = pModificationTime->tm_sec % 60; *pIsDirectory = (gFileStat.st_mode & S_IFDIR) != 0; mask = gUserId==gFileStat.st_uid ? S_IWUSR : gGroupId==gFileStat.st_gid ? S_IWGRP : S_IWOTH; *pIsReadOnly = (gFileStat.st_mode & mask) == 0; } int findNextFileC(int dummy) /* return values: 0=ok, 1=no further files in directory */ { int i; gpDirent = readdir((void*)gpDir); if (!gpDirent) return 1; for(i=0; gpDirent->d_name[i]!='\0' && i<NAME_MAX; i++) { CleanStringCharacters(gFileName)[i] = gpDirent->d_name[i]; gPath[gPathLength+1+i] = gpDirent->d_name[i]; }; CleanStringLength(gFileName)= i; gPath[gPathLength+1+i] = '\0'; gFileStat.st_size = 0; gFileStat.st_mode = 0; lstat(gPath,&gFileStat); return 0; } int getPlatformIdC(int dummy) { #define UnixPlatform 0 return UnixPlatform; } void getWindowsFileInfoC() {} void getMacFileInfoC() {} void getUnixFileInfoC(int *pModeBits, int *pOwnerUserId, int *pOwnerGroupId, int *pLAYear, int *pLAMonth, int *pLADay, int *pLADayNr, /* last access time */ int *pLAHours, int *pLAMinutes, int *pLASeconds) /* dito */ { struct tm *pModificationTime; *pModeBits = gFileStat.st_mode; *pOwnerUserId = gFileStat.st_uid; *pOwnerGroupId = gFileStat.st_gid; pModificationTime= localtime(&gFileStat.st_atime); *pLAYear = pModificationTime->tm_year+1900; *pLAMonth = pModificationTime->tm_mon+1; *pLADay = pModificationTime->tm_mday; *pLADayNr = pModificationTime->tm_wday+1; *pLAHours = pModificationTime->tm_hour; *pLAMinutes = pModificationTime->tm_min; *pLASeconds = pModificationTime->tm_sec % 60; } void closeSearchC() { free(gPath); if (gpDir) closedir((void*)gpDir); } int findSingleFileC(CleanString cs_path) { int err,i,length; char *path_chars; gFileStat.st_size = 0; gFileStat.st_mode = 0; path_chars = CleanStringCharacters(cs_path); if (lstat(path_chars,&gFileStat)) return unix_error_to_clean_error(errno); i = CleanStringLength(cs_path)-2; while (i>=0 && path_chars[i]!='/') i--; /* the last path element ranges from path_chars[i+1] to path_chars[CleanStringLength(cs_path)-2] */ length = CleanStringLength(cs_path)-2-i; CleanStringLength(gFileName) = length; memcpy(CleanStringCharacters(gFileName), path_chars+i+1, length); return NoDirError; } void closeSingleSearchC() {} int createDirectoryC(CleanString cs_path) { int err; err = mkdir(CleanStringCharacters(cs_path), S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); /* access rights for newly created directory: rwx--x--x */ if (err) return unix_error_to_clean_error(errno); else return NoDirError; } int fremoveC(CleanString cs_path) { int err; err = remove(CleanStringCharacters(cs_path)); if (err) { if (errno==EEXIST) return NotYetRemovable; else return unix_error_to_clean_error(errno); } else return NoDirError; } /* Try this code with slackware linux, if the testLinux program doesn't work //int fremoveC(CleanString cs_path) //{ // int err; // // err = unlink(CleanStringCharacters(cs_path)); // if (err) { // if (errno==EPERM) { // err = rmdir(CleanStringCharacters(cs_path)); // if (err) // return unix_error_to_clean_error(errno); // else // return NoDirError; // } // else // return unix_error_to_clean_error(errno); // } // else // return NoDirError; //} */ #define OK 0 #define STRING_TOO_SMALL 1 int getCurrentDirectory_SE(CleanString cs) { if (getcwd(CleanStringCharacters(cs), CleanStringLength(cs))) { /* success. convert C String to Clean string */ int i; i = 0; while(CleanStringCharacters(cs)[i]!='\0') i++; CleanStringLength(cs) = i; return OK; } else { /* failure */ if (errno==EACCES) { /* the permission to read the current directory was denied (how ever) return root directory */ CleanStringLength(cs) = 1; CleanStringCharacters(cs)[0] = '/'; return OK; } else return STRING_TOO_SMALL; }; } void get_mac_dir_parent_and_name_C() { } int setCurrentDirectoryC(CleanString csPath) { int err; err = chdir(CleanStringCharacters(csPath)); if (err) return unix_error_to_clean_error(errno); else return NoDirError; } void getMacDiskNameC() {} void get_windows_disk_available_bits_C() {} void macRenameC() {} void macMoveC() {} int fmoveC(int overwrite, CleanString from, CleanString to) { int err,clean_err; if (overwrite) { err = rename(CleanStringCharacters(from), CleanStringCharacters(to)); if (err && errno==ENOTDIR) { /* from is a directory and to a file try again after removing to */ err = remove(CleanStringCharacters(to)); if (!err) err = rename(CleanStringCharacters(from), CleanStringCharacters(to)); }; clean_err = err ? unix_error_to_clean_error(errno) : NoDirError; } else { struct stat fileStat; if (stat(CleanStringCharacters(to),&fileStat)) { err = rename(CleanStringCharacters(from), CleanStringCharacters(to)); clean_err = err ? unix_error_to_clean_error(errno) : NoDirError; } else clean_err = AlreadyExists; }; return clean_err; }