implementation module transform import syntax, check, StdCompare, utilities, mergecases; //, RWSDebug :: LiftState = { ls_var_heap :: !.VarHeap , ls_x :: !.LiftStateX , ls_expr_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap } :: LiftStateX = { x_fun_defs :: !.{#FunDef}, x_macro_defs :: !.{#.{#FunDef}}, x_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int } class lift a :: !a !*LiftState -> (!a, !*LiftState) instance lift [a] | lift a where lift l ls = mapSt lift l ls instance lift (a,b) | lift a & lift b where lift t ls = app2St (lift,lift) t ls instance lift (Optional a) | lift a where lift (Yes x) ls # (x, ls) = lift x ls = (Yes x, ls) lift no ls = (no, ls) instance lift CheckedAlternative where lift ca=:{ca_rhs} ls # (ca_rhs, ls) = lift ca_rhs ls = ({ ca & ca_rhs = ca_rhs }, ls) instance lift Expression where lift (FreeVar {fv_name,fv_info_ptr}) ls=:{ls_var_heap} # (var_info, ls_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr ls_var_heap ls = { ls & ls_var_heap = ls_var_heap } = case var_info of VI_LiftedVariable var_info_ptr # (var_expr_ptr, ls_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty ls.ls_expr_heap -> (Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, { ls & ls_expr_heap = ls_expr_heap}) _ # (var_expr_ptr, ls_expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty ls.ls_expr_heap -> (Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, { ls & ls_expr_heap = ls_expr_heap}) lift (App app) ls # (app, ls) = lift app ls = (App app, ls) lift (expr @ exprs) ls # ((expr,exprs), ls) = lift (expr,exprs) ls = (expr @ exprs, ls) lift (Let lad=:{let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr}) ls # (let_strict_binds, ls) = lift let_strict_binds ls (let_lazy_binds, ls) = lift let_lazy_binds ls (let_expr, ls) = lift let_expr ls = (Let {lad & let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds, let_expr = let_expr}, ls) lift (Case case_expr) ls # (case_expr, ls) = lift case_expr ls = (Case case_expr, ls) lift (Selection is_unique expr selectors) ls # (selectors, ls) = lift selectors ls (expr, ls) = lift expr ls = (Selection is_unique expr selectors, ls) lift (Update expr1 selectors expr2) ls # (selectors, ls) = lift selectors ls (expr1, ls) = lift expr1 ls (expr2, ls) = lift expr2 ls = (Update expr1 selectors expr2, ls) lift (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) ls # (expression, ls) = lift expression ls (expressions, ls) = lift expressions ls = (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions, ls) lift (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr) ls # (expr, ls) = lift expr ls = (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr, ls) lift (MatchExpr opt_tuple cons_symb expr) ls # (expr, ls) = lift expr ls = (MatchExpr opt_tuple cons_symb expr, ls) lift expr ls = (expr, ls) instance lift Selection where lift (ArraySelection array_select expr_ptr index_expr) ls # (index_expr, ls) = lift index_expr ls = (ArraySelection array_select expr_ptr index_expr, ls) lift record_selection ls = (record_selection, ls) instance lift App where lift app=:{app_symb = app_symbol=:{symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_object,glob_module}}, app_args} ls | glob_module == ls.ls_x.LiftStateX.x_main_dcl_module_n # (fun_def,ls) = ls!ls_x.x_fun_defs.[glob_object] = lift_function_app app fun_def.fun_info.fi_free_vars ls # (app_args, ls) = lift app_args ls = ({ app & app_args = app_args }, ls) lift app=:{app_symb = {symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction glob_object},app_args} ls # (fun_def,ls) = ls!ls_x.x_fun_defs.[glob_object] = lift_function_app app fun_def.fun_info.fi_free_vars ls lift app=:{app_symb = {symb_kind = SK_LocalDclMacroFunction {glob_object,glob_module}}} ls # (fun_def,ls) = ls!ls_x.x_macro_defs.[glob_module,glob_object] = lift_function_app app fun_def.fun_info.fi_free_vars ls lift app=:{app_args} ls # (app_args, ls) = lift app_args ls = ({ app & app_args = app_args }, ls) lift_function_app app=:{app_symb=app_symbol,app_args} [] ls # (app_args, ls) = lift app_args ls = ({ app & app_args = app_args }, ls) lift_function_app app=:{app_args} fi_free_vars ls # (app_args, ls) = lift app_args ls # (app_args, ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap) = add_free_variables_in_app fi_free_vars app_args ls.ls_var_heap ls.ls_expr_heap # app = { app & app_args = app_args } = (app, { ls & ls_var_heap = ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap = ls_expr_heap }) where add_free_variables_in_app :: ![FreeVar] ![Expression] !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap -> (![Expression],!*VarHeap,!*ExpressionHeap) add_free_variables_in_app [] app_args var_heap expr_heap = (app_args, var_heap, expr_heap) add_free_variables_in_app [{fv_name, fv_info_ptr} : free_vars] app_args var_heap expr_heap # (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap = case var_info of VI_LiftedVariable var_info_ptr # (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap -> add_free_variables_in_app free_vars [Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr } : app_args] var_heap expr_heap _ # (var_expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty expr_heap -> add_free_variables_in_app free_vars [Var { var_name = fv_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr } : app_args] var_heap expr_heap instance lift LetBind where lift bind=:{lb_src} ls # (lb_src, ls) = lift lb_src ls = ({ bind & lb_src = lb_src }, ls) instance lift (Bind a b) | lift a where lift bind=:{bind_src} ls # (bind_src, ls) = lift bind_src ls = ({ bind & bind_src = bind_src }, ls) instance lift Case where lift kees=:{ case_expr,case_guards,case_default } ls # ((case_expr,(case_guards,case_default)), ls) = lift (case_expr,(case_guards,case_default)) ls = ({ kees & case_expr = case_expr,case_guards = case_guards, case_default = case_default }, ls) instance lift CasePatterns where lift (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) ls # (patterns, ls) = lift patterns ls = (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns, ls) lift (BasicPatterns type patterns) ls # (patterns, ls) = lift patterns ls = (BasicPatterns type patterns, ls) lift (OverloadedListPatterns type decons_expr patterns) ls # (patterns, ls) = lift patterns ls # (decons_expr, ls) = lift decons_expr ls = (OverloadedListPatterns type decons_expr patterns, ls) lift (DynamicPatterns patterns) ls # (patterns, ls) = lift patterns ls = (DynamicPatterns patterns, ls) instance lift AlgebraicPattern where lift pattern=:{ap_expr} ls # (ap_expr, ls) = lift ap_expr ls = ({ pattern & ap_expr = ap_expr }, ls) instance lift BasicPattern where lift pattern=:{bp_expr} ls # (bp_expr, ls) = lift bp_expr ls = ({ pattern & bp_expr = bp_expr }, ls) instance lift DynamicPattern where lift pattern=:{dp_rhs} ls # (dp_rhs, ls) = lift dp_rhs ls = ({ pattern & dp_rhs = dp_rhs }, ls) import RWSDebug liftFunctions :: [FunctionOrMacroIndex] Int Int *{#FunDef} *{#*{#FunDef}} *(Heap VarInfo) *(Heap ExprInfo) -> .LiftState; liftFunctions group group_index main_dcl_module_n fun_defs macro_defs var_heap expr_heap # (contains_free_vars, lifted_function_called, fun_defs,macro_defs) = foldSt (add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_calls_to_function group_index) group (False, False, fun_defs,macro_defs) | contains_free_vars # (fun_defs,macro_defs) = iterateSt (add_free_vars_of_recursive_calls_to_functions group_index group) (fun_defs,macro_defs) = lift_functions group {ls_x={x_fun_defs=fun_defs,x_macro_defs=macro_defs,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n},ls_var_heap=var_heap,ls_expr_heap=expr_heap} | lifted_function_called = lift_functions group {ls_x={x_fun_defs=fun_defs,x_macro_defs=macro_defs,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n},ls_var_heap=var_heap,ls_expr_heap=expr_heap} = {ls_x={x_fun_defs=fun_defs,x_macro_defs=macro_defs,x_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n},ls_var_heap=var_heap, ls_expr_heap=expr_heap} where add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_calls_to_function group_index (FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun) (contains_free_vars, lifted_function_called, fun_defs,macro_defs) # (fun_def=:{fun_info}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun] { fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls } = fun_info (lifted_function_called, fi_free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) = add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_calls fi_def_level group_index fi_calls lifted_function_called fi_free_vars fun_defs macro_defs = (contains_free_vars || not (isEmpty fi_free_vars), lifted_function_called, { fun_defs & [fun] = { fun_def & fun_info = { fun_info & fi_free_vars = fi_free_vars }}},macro_defs) add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_calls_to_function group_index (DclMacroIndex macro_module_index macro_index) (contains_free_vars, lifted_function_called, fun_defs,macro_defs) # (fun_def=:{fun_info}, macro_defs) = macro_defs![macro_module_index,macro_index] { fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls } = fun_info (lifted_function_called, fi_free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) = add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_calls fi_def_level group_index fi_calls lifted_function_called fi_free_vars fun_defs macro_defs = (contains_free_vars || not (isEmpty fi_free_vars), lifted_function_called, fun_defs,{ macro_defs & [macro_module_index,macro_index] = { fun_def & fun_info = { fun_info & fi_free_vars = fi_free_vars }}}) add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_calls fi_def_level group_index fi_calls lifted_function_called fi_free_vars fun_defs macro_defs = foldSt (add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_call fi_def_level group_index) fi_calls (lifted_function_called, fi_free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) where add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_call fun_def_level group_index (FunCall fc_index _) (lifted_function_called, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) # ({fun_info = {fi_free_vars,fi_group_index}}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index] | (if (fi_group_index>=NoIndex) (fi_group_index==group_index) (-2-fi_group_index==group_index)) || (isEmpty fi_free_vars) = (lifted_function_called, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) # (free_vars_added, free_vars) = add_free_variables fun_def_level fi_free_vars (False, free_vars) = (True, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) add_free_vars_of_non_recursive_call fun_def_level group_index (MacroCall macro_module_index fc_index _) (lifted_function_called, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) # ({fun_info = {fi_free_vars,fi_group_index}}, macro_defs) = macro_defs![macro_module_index,fc_index] | (if (fi_group_index>=NoIndex) (fi_group_index==group_index) (-2-fi_group_index==group_index)) || (isEmpty fi_free_vars) = (lifted_function_called, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) # (free_vars_added, free_vars) = add_free_variables fun_def_level fi_free_vars (False, free_vars) = (True, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) add_free_vars_of_recursive_calls_to_functions group_index group (fun_defs,macro_defs) = foldSt (add_free_vars_of_recursive_calls_to_function group_index) group (False, (fun_defs,macro_defs)) add_free_vars_of_recursive_calls_to_function group_index (FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun) (free_vars_added, (fun_defs,macro_defs)) # (fun_def=:{fun_info}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun] { fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls } = fun_info (free_vars_added, fi_free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) = foldSt (add_free_vars_of_recursive_call fi_def_level group_index) fi_calls (free_vars_added, fi_free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) fun_defs = { fun_defs & [fun] = { fun_def & fun_info = { fun_info & fi_free_vars = fi_free_vars }}} = (free_vars_added, (fun_defs,macro_defs)) add_free_vars_of_recursive_calls_to_function group_index (DclMacroIndex module_index fun) (free_vars_added, (fun_defs,macro_defs)) # (fun_def=:{fun_info}, macro_defs) = macro_defs![module_index,fun] { fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls } = fun_info (free_vars_added, fi_free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) = foldSt (add_free_vars_of_recursive_call fi_def_level group_index) fi_calls (free_vars_added, fi_free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) macro_defs = { macro_defs & [module_index,fun] = { fun_def & fun_info = { fun_info & fi_free_vars = fi_free_vars }}} = (free_vars_added, (fun_defs,macro_defs)) add_free_vars_of_recursive_call fun_def_level group_index (FunCall fc_index _) (free_vars_added, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) # ({fun_info = {fi_free_vars,fi_group_index}}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index] | if (fi_group_index>=NoIndex) (fi_group_index==group_index) (-2-fi_group_index==group_index) # (free_vars_added, free_vars) = add_free_variables fun_def_level fi_free_vars (free_vars_added, free_vars) = (free_vars_added, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) = (free_vars_added, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) add_free_vars_of_recursive_call fun_def_level group_index (MacroCall module_index fc_index _) (free_vars_added, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) # ({fun_info = {fi_free_vars,fi_group_index}}, macro_defs) = macro_defs![module_index,fc_index] | if (fi_group_index>=NoIndex) (fi_group_index==group_index) (-2-fi_group_index==group_index) # (free_vars_added, free_vars) = add_free_variables fun_def_level fi_free_vars (free_vars_added, free_vars) = (free_vars_added, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) = (free_vars_added, free_vars, fun_defs,macro_defs) add_free_variables fun_level new_vars (free_vars_added, free_vars) = add_free_global_variables (skip_local_variables fun_level new_vars) (free_vars_added, free_vars) where skip_local_variables level vars=:[{fv_def_level}:rest_vars] | fv_def_level > level = skip_local_variables level rest_vars = vars skip_local_variables _ [] = [] add_free_global_variables [] (free_vars_added, free_vars) = (free_vars_added, free_vars) add_free_global_variables free_vars (free_vars_added, []) = (True, free_vars) add_free_global_variables [var:vars] (free_vars_added, free_vars) # (free_var_added, free_vars) = newFreeVariable var free_vars = add_free_global_variables vars (free_var_added || free_vars_added, free_vars) lift_functions group lift_state = foldSt lift_function group lift_state where lift_function (FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun) {ls_x=ls_x=:{x_fun_defs=fun_defs=:{[fun] = fun_def}}, ls_var_heap=var_heap, ls_expr_heap=expr_heap} # {fi_free_vars} = fun_def.fun_info fun_lifted = length fi_free_vars (PartitioningFunction {cb_args,cb_rhs} fun_number) = fun_def.fun_body (cb_args, var_heap) = add_lifted_args fi_free_vars cb_args var_heap (cb_rhs, {ls_x,ls_var_heap,ls_expr_heap}) = lift cb_rhs { ls_x={ls_x & x_fun_defs = fun_defs}, ls_var_heap = var_heap, ls_expr_heap = expr_heap } ls_var_heap = remove_lifted_args fi_free_vars ls_var_heap fun_defs = ls_x.x_fun_defs fun_defs = { fun_defs & [fun] = { fun_def & fun_lifted = fun_lifted, fun_body = PartitioningFunction {cb_args = cb_args, cb_rhs = cb_rhs} fun_number}} = {ls_x={ls_x & x_fun_defs=fun_defs}, ls_var_heap=ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap= ls_expr_heap} // ---> ("lift_function", fun_def.fun_symb, fi_free_vars, cb_args, cb_rhs) lift_function (DclMacroIndex module_index fun) {ls_x=ls_x=:{x_macro_defs=macro_defs=:{[module_index,fun] = fun_def}}, ls_var_heap=var_heap, ls_expr_heap=expr_heap} # {fi_free_vars} = fun_def.fun_info fun_lifted = length fi_free_vars (PartitioningFunction {cb_args,cb_rhs} fun_number) = fun_def.fun_body (cb_args, var_heap) = add_lifted_args fi_free_vars cb_args var_heap (cb_rhs, {ls_x,ls_var_heap,ls_expr_heap}) = lift cb_rhs { ls_x={ls_x & x_macro_defs = macro_defs}, ls_var_heap = var_heap, ls_expr_heap = expr_heap } ls_var_heap = remove_lifted_args fi_free_vars ls_var_heap macro_defs = ls_x.x_macro_defs macro_defs = { macro_defs & [module_index].[fun] = { fun_def & fun_lifted = fun_lifted, fun_body = PartitioningFunction {cb_args = cb_args, cb_rhs = cb_rhs} fun_number}} = {ls_x={ls_x & x_macro_defs=macro_defs}, ls_var_heap=ls_var_heap, ls_expr_heap= ls_expr_heap} remove_lifted_args vars var_heap = foldl (\var_heap {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} -> writePtr fv_info_ptr VI_Empty var_heap) var_heap vars add_lifted_args [lifted_arg=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr} : lifted_args] args var_heap # (new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap args = [{ lifted_arg & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr } : args ] = add_lifted_args lifted_args args (writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_LiftedVariable new_info_ptr) var_heap) add_lifted_args [] args var_heap = (args, var_heap) unfoldVariable :: !BoundVar UnfoldInfo !*UnfoldState -> (!Expression, !*UnfoldState) unfoldVariable var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr} ui us # (var_info, us) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr us = case var_info of VI_Expression expr -> (expr, us) VI_Variable var_name var_info_ptr # (var_expr_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty us.us_symbol_heap -> (Var {var_name = var_name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr}, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap}) VI_Body fun_symb _ vars -> (App { app_symb = fun_symb, app_args = [ Var { var_name=fv_name, var_info_ptr=fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr=nilPtr } \\ {fv_name,fv_info_ptr}<-vars], app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, us) VI_Dictionary app_symb app_args class_type # (new_class_type, us_opt_type_heaps) = substitute_class_types class_type us.us_opt_type_heaps (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr (EI_DictionaryType new_class_type) us.us_symbol_heap app = App { app_symb = app_symb, app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr } us = { us & us_opt_type_heaps = us_opt_type_heaps, us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap } -> unfold app ui us _ -> (Var var, us) where substitute_class_types class_types No = (class_types, No) substitute_class_types class_types (Yes type_heaps) # (_,new_class_types, type_heaps) = substitute class_types type_heaps = (new_class_types, Yes type_heaps) readVarInfo var_info_ptr us # (var_info, us_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr us.us_var_heap us = { us & us_var_heap = us_var_heap } = case var_info of VI_Extended _ original -> (original, us) _ -> (var_info, us) writeVarInfo :: VarInfoPtr VarInfo *VarHeap -> *VarHeap writeVarInfo var_info_ptr new_var_info var_heap # (old_var_info, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap = case old_var_info of VI_Extended extensions _ -> writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Extended extensions new_var_info) var_heap _ -> writePtr var_info_ptr new_var_info var_heap :: CopiedLocalFunction = { old_function_n :: !FunctionOrMacroIndex, new_function_n :: !Int } :: CopiedLocalFunctions = { copied_local_functions :: [CopiedLocalFunction], used_copied_local_functions :: [CopiedLocalFunction], new_copied_local_functions :: [CopiedLocalFunction], next_local_function_n :: !Int } :: UnfoldState = { us_var_heap :: !.VarHeap , us_symbol_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap , us_opt_type_heaps :: !.Optional .TypeHeaps, us_cleanup_info :: ![ExprInfoPtr], us_local_macro_functions :: !Optional CopiedLocalFunctions } :: UnfoldInfo = { ui_handle_aci_free_vars :: !AciFreeVarHandleMode, ui_convert_module_n :: !Int, // -1 if no conversion ui_conversion_table :: !Optional {#Int} } :: AciFreeVarHandleMode = LeaveThem | RemoveThem | SubstituteThem class unfold a :: !a !UnfoldInfo !*UnfoldState -> (!a, !*UnfoldState) instance unfold Expression where unfold (Var var) ui us = unfoldVariable var ui us unfold (App app) ui us # (app, us) = unfold app ui us = (App app, us) unfold (expr @ exprs) ui us # ((expr,exprs), us) = unfold (expr,exprs) ui us = (expr @ exprs, us) unfold (Let lad) ui us # (lad, us) = unfold lad ui us = (Let lad, us) unfold (Case case_expr) ui us # (case_expr, us) = unfold case_expr ui us = (Case case_expr, us) unfold (Selection is_unique expr selectors) ui us # ((expr, selectors), us) = unfold (expr, selectors) ui us = (Selection is_unique expr selectors, us) unfold (Update expr1 selectors expr2) ui us # (((expr1, expr2), selectors), us) = unfold ((expr1, expr2), selectors) ui us = (Update expr1 selectors expr2, us) unfold (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) ui us # ((expression, expressions), us) = unfold (expression, expressions) ui us = (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions, us) unfold (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr) ui us # (expr, us) = unfold expr ui us = (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr, us) unfold (MatchExpr opt_tuple cons_symb expr) ui us # (expr, us) = unfold expr ui us = (MatchExpr opt_tuple cons_symb expr, us) unfold (DynamicExpr expr) ui us # (expr, us) = unfold expr ui us = (DynamicExpr expr, us) unfold expr ui us = (expr, us) instance unfold DynamicExpr where unfold expr=:{dyn_expr} ui us # (dyn_expr, us) = unfold dyn_expr ui us = ({ expr & dyn_expr = dyn_expr }, us) instance unfold Selection where unfold (ArraySelection array_select expr_ptr index_expr) ui us=:{us_symbol_heap} # (new_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty us_symbol_heap (index_expr, us) = unfold index_expr ui { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap} = (ArraySelection array_select new_ptr index_expr, us) unfold (DictionarySelection var selectors expr_ptr index_expr) ui us=:{us_symbol_heap} # (new_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty us_symbol_heap (index_expr, us) = unfold index_expr ui { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap} (var_expr, us) = unfoldVariable var ui us = case var_expr of App {app_symb={symb_kind= SK_Constructor _ }, app_args} # [RecordSelection _ field_index:_] = selectors (App { app_symb = {symb_name, symb_kind = SK_Function array_select}}) = app_args !! field_index -> (ArraySelection { array_select & glob_object = { ds_ident = symb_name, ds_arity = 2, ds_index = array_select.glob_object}} new_ptr index_expr, us) Var var -> (DictionarySelection var selectors new_ptr index_expr, us) unfold record_selection ui us = (record_selection, us) instance unfold FreeVar where unfold fv=:{fv_info_ptr,fv_name} ui us=:{us_var_heap} # (new_info_ptr, us_var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty us_var_heap = ({ fv & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }, { us & us_var_heap = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name new_info_ptr) us_var_heap }) instance unfold App where unfold app=:{app_symb={symb_kind}, app_args, app_info_ptr} ui=:{ui_convert_module_n,ui_conversion_table} us = case symb_kind of SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object} -> unfold_function_app app ui us SK_IclMacro macro_index /* | ui_convert_module_n<> (-1) # (Yes conversion_table) = ui_conversion_table # app={app & app_symb.symb_kind=SK_IclMacro (conversion_table.[macro_index])} -> unfold_function_app app ui us */ -> unfold_function_app app ui us SK_DclMacro {glob_module,glob_object} /* | ui_convert_module_n==glob_module # (Yes conversion_table) = ui_conversion_table # app={app & app_symb.symb_kind=SK_DclMacro {glob_module=glob_module,glob_object=conversion_table.[glob_object]}} -> unfold_function_app app ui us */ -> unfold_function_app app ui us SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module,glob_object} -> unfold_function_app app ui us SK_LocalMacroFunction local_macro_function_n -> unfold_local_macro_function (FunctionOrIclMacroIndex local_macro_function_n) SK_LocalDclMacroFunction {glob_module,glob_object} -> unfold_local_macro_function (DclMacroIndex glob_module glob_object) SK_Constructor _ | not (isNilPtr app_info_ptr) # (app_info, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr app_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap (new_app_info, us_opt_type_heaps) = substitute_EI_DictionaryType app_info us.us_opt_type_heaps (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr new_app_info us_symbol_heap us={ us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = us_opt_type_heaps } (app_args, us) = unfold app_args ui us -> ({ app & app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, us) # (app_args, us) = unfold app_args ui us -> ({ app & app_args = app_args}, us) _ # (app_args, us) = unfold app_args ui us -> ({ app & app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, us) where unfold_function_app app=:{app_args, app_info_ptr} ui us # (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty us.us_symbol_heap # us={ us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap } # (app_args, us) = unfold app_args ui us = ({ app & app_args = app_args, app_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, us) unfold_local_macro_function local_macro_function_n # (us_local_macro_functions,us) = us!us_local_macro_functions = case us_local_macro_functions of No -> unfold_function_app app ui us uslocal_macro_functions=:(Yes local_macro_functions) # (new_local_macro_function_n,us_local_macro_functions) = determine_new_local_macro_function_n local_macro_function_n local_macro_functions with determine_new_local_macro_function_n local_macro_function_n local_macro_functions=:{copied_local_functions,used_copied_local_functions,new_copied_local_functions,next_local_function_n} # new_local_macro_function_n = search_new_local_macro_function_n used_copied_local_functions | new_local_macro_function_n>=0 = (new_local_macro_function_n,us_local_macro_functions) # (new_local_macro_function_n,used_copied_local_functions) = search_new_local_macro_function_n_and_add_to_used_functions copied_local_functions used_copied_local_functions | new_local_macro_function_n>=0 = (new_local_macro_function_n,Yes {local_macro_functions & used_copied_local_functions=used_copied_local_functions}) # (new_local_macro_function_n,used_copied_local_functions) = search_new_local_macro_function_n_and_add_to_used_functions new_copied_local_functions used_copied_local_functions | new_local_macro_function_n>=0 = (new_local_macro_function_n,Yes {local_macro_functions & used_copied_local_functions=used_copied_local_functions}) # new_local_function = {old_function_n=local_macro_function_n,new_function_n=next_local_function_n} # new_copied_local_functions=new_copied_local_functions++[new_local_function] # us_local_macro_functions=Yes {copied_local_functions=copied_local_functions, new_copied_local_functions=new_copied_local_functions, used_copied_local_functions=[new_local_function:used_copied_local_functions], next_local_function_n=next_local_function_n+1} = (next_local_function_n,us_local_macro_functions) where search_new_local_macro_function_n [{old_function_n,new_function_n}:local_functions] | local_macro_function_n==old_function_n = new_function_n = search_new_local_macro_function_n local_functions search_new_local_macro_function_n [] = -1 search_new_local_macro_function_n_and_add_to_used_functions [copied_local_function=:{old_function_n,new_function_n}:local_functions] used_copied_local_functions | local_macro_function_n==old_function_n = (new_function_n,[copied_local_function:used_copied_local_functions]) = search_new_local_macro_function_n_and_add_to_used_functions local_functions used_copied_local_functions search_new_local_macro_function_n_and_add_to_used_functions [] used_copied_local_functions = (-1,used_copied_local_functions) # us={us & us_local_macro_functions=us_local_macro_functions} # app={app & app_symb.symb_kind=SK_LocalMacroFunction new_local_macro_function_n} -> unfold_function_app app ui us substitute_EI_DictionaryType (EI_DictionaryType class_type) (Yes type_heaps) # (_,new_class_type, type_heaps) = substitute class_type type_heaps = (EI_DictionaryType new_class_type, Yes type_heaps) substitute_EI_DictionaryType x opt_type_heaps = (x, opt_type_heaps) instance unfold LetBind where unfold bind=:{lb_src} ui us # (lb_src, us) = unfold lb_src ui us = ({ bind & lb_src = lb_src }, us) instance unfold (Bind a b) | unfold a where unfold bind=:{bind_src} ui us # (bind_src, us) = unfold bind_src ui us = ({ bind & bind_src = bind_src }, us) instance unfold Case where unfold kees=:{ case_expr,case_guards,case_default,case_info_ptr} ui us=:{us_cleanup_info} # (old_case_info, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr case_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap (new_case_info, us_opt_type_heaps) = substitute_let_or_case_type old_case_info us.us_opt_type_heaps (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr new_case_info us_symbol_heap us_cleanup_info = case old_case_info of EI_Extended _ _ -> [new_info_ptr:us_cleanup_info] _ -> us_cleanup_info us = { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = us_opt_type_heaps, us_cleanup_info=us_cleanup_info } ((case_guards,case_default), us) = unfold (case_guards,case_default) ui us (case_expr, us) = update_active_case_info_and_unfold case_expr new_info_ptr us = ({ kees & case_expr = case_expr,case_guards = case_guards, case_default = case_default, case_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, us) where update_active_case_info_and_unfold case_expr=:(Var {var_info_ptr}) case_info_ptr us # (case_info, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr case_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap us = { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap } = case case_info of EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase aci=:{aci_free_vars}) ei # (new_aci_free_vars, us) = case ui.ui_handle_aci_free_vars of LeaveThem -> (aci_free_vars, us) RemoveThem -> (No, us) SubstituteThem -> case aci_free_vars of No -> (No, us) Yes fvs # (fvs_subst, us) = mapSt unfoldBoundVar fvs us -> (Yes fvs_subst, us) (var_info, us) = readVarInfo var_info_ptr us -> case var_info of VI_Body fun_symb {tb_args, tb_rhs} new_aci_params # tb_args_ptrs = [ fv_info_ptr \\ {fv_info_ptr}<-tb_args ] (original_bindings, us_var_heap) = mapSt readPtr tb_args_ptrs us.us_var_heap us_var_heap = fold2St bind tb_args_ptrs new_aci_params us_var_heap (tb_rhs, us) = unfold tb_rhs ui { us & us_var_heap = us_var_heap } us_var_heap = fold2St writePtr tb_args_ptrs original_bindings us.us_var_heap new_aci = { aci & aci_params = new_aci_params, aci_opt_unfolder = Yes fun_symb, aci_free_vars = new_aci_free_vars } new_eei = (EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase new_aci) ei) us_symbol_heap = writePtr case_info_ptr new_eei us.us_symbol_heap -> (tb_rhs, { us & us_var_heap = us_var_heap, us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap }) _ # new_eei = EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase { aci & aci_free_vars = new_aci_free_vars }) ei us_symbol_heap = writePtr case_info_ptr new_eei us.us_symbol_heap -> unfold case_expr ui { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap } _ -> unfold case_expr ui us where // XXX consider to store BoundVars in VI_Body bind fv_info_ptr {fv_name=name, fv_info_ptr=info_ptr} var_heap = writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression (Var {var_name=name, var_info_ptr=info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr})) var_heap /* bind ({fv_info_ptr}, var_bound_var) var_heap = writeVarInfo fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression var_bound_var) var_heap */ /* update_active_case_info_and_unfold case_expr=:(Var {var_info_ptr}) case_info_ptr us #! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr us.us_var_heap = case var_info of VI_Body fun_symb fun_body new_aci_var_info_ptr # (fun_body, us) = unfold fun_body us (EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase aci) ei, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr case_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap new_aci = { aci & aci_var_info_ptr = new_aci_var_info_ptr, aci_opt_unfolder = Yes fun_symb } us_symbol_heap = writePtr case_info_ptr (EI_Extended (EEI_ActiveCase new_aci) ei) us_symbol_heap -> (fun_body, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap }) _ -> unfold case_expr us */ update_active_case_info_and_unfold case_expr _ us = unfold case_expr ui us unfoldBoundVar {var_info_ptr} us # (VI_Expression (Var act_var), us_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr us.us_var_heap = (act_var, { us & us_var_heap = us_var_heap }) instance unfold Let where unfold lad=:{let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr, let_info_ptr} ui us # (let_strict_binds, us) = copy_bound_vars let_strict_binds us # (let_lazy_binds, us) = copy_bound_vars let_lazy_binds us # (let_strict_binds, us) = unfold let_strict_binds ui us # (let_lazy_binds, us) = unfold let_lazy_binds ui us # (let_expr, us) = unfold let_expr ui us (old_let_info, us_symbol_heap) = readPtr let_info_ptr us.us_symbol_heap (new_let_info, us_opt_type_heaps) = substitute_let_or_case_type old_let_info us.us_opt_type_heaps (new_info_ptr, us_symbol_heap) = newPtr new_let_info us_symbol_heap = ({lad & let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds, let_expr = let_expr, let_info_ptr = new_info_ptr}, { us & us_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = us_opt_type_heaps }) where copy_bound_vars [bind=:{lb_dst} : binds] us # (lb_dst, us) = unfold lb_dst ui us (binds, us) = copy_bound_vars binds us = ([ {bind & lb_dst = lb_dst} : binds ], us) copy_bound_vars [] us = ([], us) substitute_let_or_case_type expr_info No = (expr_info, No) substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_Extended extensions expr_info) yes_type_heaps # (new_expr_info, yes_type_heaps) = substitute_let_or_case_type expr_info yes_type_heaps = (EI_Extended extensions new_expr_info, yes_type_heaps) substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_CaseType case_type) (Yes type_heaps) # (_,new_case_type, type_heaps) = substitute case_type type_heaps = (EI_CaseType new_case_type, Yes type_heaps) substitute_let_or_case_type (EI_LetType let_type) (Yes type_heaps) # (_,new_let_type, type_heaps) = substitute let_type type_heaps = (EI_LetType new_let_type, Yes type_heaps) instance unfold CasePatterns where unfold (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) ui us # (patterns, us) = unfold patterns ui us = (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns, us) unfold (BasicPatterns type patterns) ui us # (patterns, us) = unfold patterns ui us = (BasicPatterns type patterns, us) unfold (OverloadedListPatterns type decons_expr patterns) ui us # (patterns, us) = unfold patterns ui us # (decons_expr, us) = unfold decons_expr ui us = (OverloadedListPatterns type decons_expr patterns, us) unfold (DynamicPatterns patterns) ui us # (patterns, us) = unfold patterns ui us = (DynamicPatterns patterns, us) instance unfold AlgebraicPattern where unfold guard=:{ap_vars,ap_expr} ui us # (ap_vars, us) = unfold ap_vars ui us (ap_expr, us) = unfold ap_expr ui us = ({ guard & ap_vars = ap_vars, ap_expr = ap_expr }, us) instance unfold BasicPattern where unfold guard=:{bp_expr} ui us # (bp_expr, us) = unfold bp_expr ui us = ({ guard & bp_expr = bp_expr }, us) instance unfold DynamicPattern where unfold guard=:{dp_var,dp_rhs} ui us # (dp_var, us) = unfold dp_var ui us (dp_rhs, us) = unfold dp_rhs ui us = ({ guard & dp_var = dp_var, dp_rhs = dp_rhs }, us) instance unfold [a] | unfold a where unfold l ui us = map_st l us where map_st [x : xs] s # (x, s) = unfold x ui s (xs, s) = map_st xs s #! s = s = ([x : xs], s) map_st [] s = ([], s) instance unfold (a,b) | unfold a & unfold b where unfold (a,b) ui us # (a,us) = unfold a ui us # (b,us) = unfold b ui us = ((a,b),us) instance unfold (Optional a) | unfold a where unfold (Yes x) ui us # (x, us) = unfold x ui us = (Yes x, us) unfold no ui us = (no, us) updateFunctionCalls :: ![FunCall] ![FunCall] !*{# FunDef} !*SymbolTable -> (![FunCall], !*{# FunDef}, !*SymbolTable) updateFunctionCalls calls collected_calls fun_defs symbol_table = foldSt add_function_call calls (collected_calls, fun_defs, symbol_table) where add_function_call fc=:(FunCall fc_index _) (collected_calls, fun_defs, symbol_table) // # fc_index = trace ("add_function_call: "+++toString fc_index+++" ") fc_index # ({fun_symb}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index] (collected_calls, symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall fun_symb fc (collected_calls, symbol_table) = (collected_calls, fun_defs, symbol_table) examineFunctionCall {id_info} fc=:(FunCall fc_index _) (calls, symbol_table) # (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table = case entry.ste_kind of STE_Called indexes | is_member fc_index indexes -> (calls, symbol_table) -> ([ fc : calls ], symbol_table <:= (id_info, { entry & ste_kind = STE_Called [ FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fc_index : indexes ]})) _ -> ( [ fc : calls ], symbol_table <:= (id_info, { ste_kind = STE_Called [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fc_index], ste_index = NoIndex, ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = entry })) where is_member fc_index [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex index:indexes] | fc_index==index = True = is_member fc_index indexes is_member fc_index [_:indexes] = is_member fc_index indexes is_member _ [] = False examineFunctionCall {id_info} fc=:(MacroCall macro_module_index fc_index _) (calls, symbol_table) # (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table = case entry.ste_kind of STE_Called indexes | is_member macro_module_index fc_index indexes -> (calls, symbol_table) -> ([ fc : calls ], symbol_table <:= (id_info, { entry & ste_kind = STE_Called [ DclMacroIndex macro_module_index fc_index : indexes ]})) _ -> ( [ fc : calls ], symbol_table <:= (id_info, { ste_kind = STE_Called [DclMacroIndex macro_module_index fc_index], ste_index = NoIndex, ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = entry })) where is_member macro_module_index fc_index [DclMacroIndex module_index index:indexes] | fc_index==index && module_index==macro_module_index = True = is_member macro_module_index fc_index indexes is_member macro_module_index fc_index [_:indexes] = is_member macro_module_index fc_index indexes is_member _ _ [] = False :: ExpandState = { es_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable , es_var_heap :: !.VarHeap , es_symbol_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap , es_error :: !.ErrorAdmin, es_fun_defs :: !.{#FunDef}, es_macro_defs :: !.{#.{#FunDef}}, es_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int, es_dcl_modules :: !.{# DclModule}, es_expand_in_imp_module :: !Bool, es_new_fun_def_numbers :: ![Int] } copy_macro_and_local_functions :: FunDef (Optional CopiedLocalFunctions) Bool *ExpandState -> (!FunDef,![(CopiedLocalFunction,FunDef)],!Optional CopiedLocalFunctions,!*ExpandState); copy_macro_and_local_functions macro=:{fun_kind} local_macro_functions is_def_macro es # (macro,local_macro_functions,es) = copy_macro_or_local_macro_function is_def_macro macro local_macro_functions es # (new_functions,local_macro_functions,es) = copy_local_functions_of_macro local_macro_functions is_def_macro [] es = (macro,new_functions,local_macro_functions,es) copy_local_functions_of_macro :: (Optional CopiedLocalFunctions) Bool [CopiedLocalFunction] *ExpandState -> (![(CopiedLocalFunction,FunDef)],!Optional CopiedLocalFunctions,!*ExpandState); copy_local_functions_of_macro local_macro_functions is_def_macro local_functions_to_be_copied es # (local_functions_to_be_copied,local_macro_functions) = add_new_local_functions_to_be_copied local_functions_to_be_copied local_macro_functions with add_new_local_functions_to_be_copied local_functions_to_be_copied local_macro_functions=:(Yes copied_local_macro_functions=:{new_copied_local_functions=[]}) = (local_functions_to_be_copied,Yes {copied_local_macro_functions & used_copied_local_functions=[]}) add_new_local_functions_to_be_copied local_functions_to_be_copied (Yes {copied_local_functions,new_copied_local_functions,next_local_function_n}) # local_macro_functions=Yes {copied_local_functions=copied_local_functions++new_copied_local_functions, new_copied_local_functions=[],used_copied_local_functions=[],next_local_function_n=next_local_function_n} = (local_functions_to_be_copied++new_copied_local_functions,local_macro_functions) = case local_functions_to_be_copied of [] -> ([],local_macro_functions,es) [(old_and_new_function_n=:{old_function_n,new_function_n}):local_functions_to_be_copied] # (function,es) = case old_function_n of FunctionOrIclMacroIndex old_function_index # (function,es)=es!es_fun_defs.[old_function_index] #! function_group_index=function.fun_info.fi_group_index # es = {es & es_fun_defs.[old_function_index].fun_info.fi_group_index= if (function_group_index>NoIndex) (-2-function_group_index) function_group_index} # function = {function & fun_info.fi_group_index=if (function_group_index (function,es) DclMacroIndex old_function_module_index old_function_index # (function,es)=es!es_macro_defs.[old_function_module_index,old_function_index] #! function_group_index=function.fun_info.fi_group_index # es = {es & es_macro_defs.[old_function_module_index].[old_function_index].fun_info.fi_group_index= if (function_group_index>NoIndex) (-2-function_group_index) function_group_index} # function = {function & fun_info.fi_group_index=if (function_group_index (function,es) # (function,local_macro_functions,es) = copy_macro_or_local_macro_function is_def_macro function local_macro_functions es # (new_functions,local_macro_functions,es) = copy_local_functions_of_macro local_macro_functions is_def_macro local_functions_to_be_copied es -> ([(old_and_new_function_n,function):new_functions],local_macro_functions,es) update_calls calls No = calls update_calls calls (Yes {used_copied_local_functions=[]}) = calls update_calls calls (Yes {used_copied_local_functions}) # calls = remove_old_calls calls = add_new_calls used_copied_local_functions calls where remove_old_calls [call=:(FunCall fc_index _):calls] | contains_old_function_n used_copied_local_functions // # calls = trace ("remove_old_calls1: "+++toString fc_index) calls = remove_old_calls calls // # calls = trace ("remove_old_calls2: "+++toString fc_index) calls = [call:remove_old_calls calls] where contains_old_function_n [{old_function_n=FunctionOrIclMacroIndex old_function_index }:local_functions] = fc_index==old_function_index || contains_old_function_n local_functions contains_old_function_n [_:local_functions] = contains_old_function_n local_functions contains_old_function_n [] = False remove_old_calls [call=:(MacroCall macro_module_index fc_index _):calls] | contains_old_function_n used_copied_local_functions = remove_old_calls calls = [call:remove_old_calls calls] where contains_old_function_n [{old_function_n=DclMacroIndex old_macro_module_index old_function_index }:local_functions] = fc_index==old_function_index && macro_module_index==old_macro_module_index || contains_old_function_n local_functions contains_old_function_n [_:local_functions] = contains_old_function_n local_functions contains_old_function_n [] = False remove_old_calls [] = [] add_new_calls [{new_function_n}:local_functions] calls // # local_functions = trace ("add_new_calls: "+++toString new_function_n) local_functions = add_new_calls local_functions [FunCall new_function_n NotALevel:calls] add_new_calls [] calls = calls copy_macro_or_local_macro_function :: !Bool !FunDef !(Optional CopiedLocalFunctions) !*ExpandState -> (!FunDef,!Optional CopiedLocalFunctions,!.ExpandState); copy_macro_or_local_macro_function is_def_macro macro=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_kind,fun_info={fi_local_vars,fi_calls}} local_macro_functions es=:{es_var_heap,es_symbol_heap,es_expand_in_imp_module,es_main_dcl_module_n,es_dcl_modules} # (tb_args,es_var_heap) = create_new_arguments tb_args es_var_heap with create_new_arguments [var=:{fv_name,fv_info_ptr} : vars] var_heap # (new_vars,var_heap) = create_new_arguments vars var_heap # (new_info, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap # new_var = { fv_name = fv_name, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_info_ptr = new_info, fv_count = 0 } = ([new_var : new_vars], writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name new_info) var_heap) create_new_arguments [] var_heap = ([],var_heap) # us = { us_symbol_heap = es_symbol_heap, us_var_heap = es_var_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = No,us_cleanup_info = [], us_local_macro_functions = local_macro_functions } # (result_expr,dcl_modules,{us_local_macro_functions,us_symbol_heap,us_var_heap}) = unfold_and_convert es_dcl_modules us with unfold_and_convert dcl_modules us | es_expand_in_imp_module && is_def_macro # (dcl_mod,dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![es_main_dcl_module_n] # ui = {ui_handle_aci_free_vars = RemoveThem, ui_convert_module_n = es_main_dcl_module_n, ui_conversion_table=dcl_mod.dcl_macro_conversions } # (expr,es) = unfold tb_rhs ui us = (expr,dcl_modules,es) # ui = {ui_handle_aci_free_vars = RemoveThem, ui_convert_module_n = -1 ,ui_conversion_table=No } # (expr,es) = unfold tb_rhs ui us = (expr,dcl_modules,es) # (fi_local_vars,us_var_heap) = update_local_vars fi_local_vars us_var_heap with update_local_vars :: ![FreeVar] !*(Heap VarInfo) -> (![FreeVar],!*Heap VarInfo); update_local_vars [fv=:{fv_info_ptr}:fvs] var_heap # (fvs,var_heap)=update_local_vars fvs var_heap # (fv_info,var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap # fv = {fv & fv_info_ptr=case fv_info of (VI_Variable _ info_ptr) -> info_ptr } = ([fv:fvs],var_heap) update_local_vars [] var_heap = ([],var_heap) # fi_calls = update_calls fi_calls us_local_macro_functions = ({macro & fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args=tb_args,tb_rhs=result_expr},fun_info.fi_local_vars=fi_local_vars,fun_info.fi_calls=fi_calls},us_local_macro_functions, {es & es_var_heap=us_var_heap, es_symbol_heap=us_symbol_heap, es_dcl_modules=dcl_modules}) unfoldMacro :: !FunDef ![Expression] !Bool !*ExpandInfo -> (!Expression, !*ExpandInfo) unfoldMacro {fun_body =fun_body=: TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs}, fun_info = {fi_calls},fun_kind,fun_symb} args is_def_macro (calls, es=:{es_var_heap,es_symbol_heap,es_fun_defs,es_expand_in_imp_module,es_main_dcl_module_n,es_dcl_modules}) # (let_binds, var_heap) = bind_expressions tb_args args [] es_var_heap #! size_fun_defs = size es_fun_defs # copied_local_functions = Yes { copied_local_functions=[],used_copied_local_functions=[],new_copied_local_functions=[],next_local_function_n=size_fun_defs} # us = { us_symbol_heap = es_symbol_heap, us_var_heap = var_heap, us_opt_type_heaps = No,us_cleanup_info = [], us_local_macro_functions = copied_local_functions } # (result_expr,dcl_modules,{us_local_macro_functions,us_symbol_heap,us_var_heap}) = unfold_and_convert es_dcl_modules us with unfold_and_convert dcl_modules us | es_expand_in_imp_module && is_def_macro # (dcl_mod,dcl_modules) = dcl_modules![es_main_dcl_module_n] # ui = {ui_handle_aci_free_vars = RemoveThem, ui_convert_module_n = es_main_dcl_module_n, ui_conversion_table=dcl_mod.dcl_macro_conversions } # (result_expr,us) = unfold tb_rhs ui us = (result_expr,dcl_modules,us) # ui = {ui_handle_aci_free_vars = RemoveThem, ui_convert_module_n = -1 ,ui_conversion_table=No } # (result_expr,us) = unfold tb_rhs ui us = (result_expr,dcl_modules,us) # es = {es & es_var_heap = us_var_heap, es_symbol_heap = us_symbol_heap, es_dcl_modules=dcl_modules} # fi_calls = update_calls fi_calls us_local_macro_functions # (new_functions,us_local_macro_functions,es) = copy_local_functions_of_macro us_local_macro_functions is_def_macro [] es # {es_symbol_heap,es_symbol_table,es_fun_defs,es_new_fun_def_numbers} = es # (es_fun_defs,es_new_fun_def_numbers) = case new_functions of [] -> (es_fun_defs,es_new_fun_def_numbers) _ # last_function_index = case us_local_macro_functions of (Yes {next_local_function_n}) -> next_local_function_n-1 # new_fun_defs = new_fun_defs with new_fun_defs :: *{!FunDef} new_fun_defs => {fun_def \\ (_,fun_def)<-new_functions} -> ({if (i (![LetBind],!*Heap VarInfo); bind_expression {fv_count} expr binds var_heap | fv_count == 0 = (binds, var_heap) bind_expression {fv_info_ptr} (Var {var_name,var_info_ptr}) binds var_heap = (binds, writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable var_name var_info_ptr) var_heap) bind_expression {fv_name,fv_info_ptr,fv_count} expr binds var_heap | fv_count == 1 = (binds, writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Expression expr) var_heap) # (new_info, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty var_heap new_var = { fv_name = fv_name, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_info_ptr = new_info, fv_count = 0 } = ([{ lb_src = expr, lb_dst = new_var, lb_position = NoPos} : binds], writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Variable fv_name new_info) var_heap) :: Group = { group_members :: ![Int] } :: PartitioningInfo = { pi_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable , pi_var_heap :: !.VarHeap , pi_symbol_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap , pi_error :: !.ErrorAdmin , pi_fun_defs :: !.{#FunDef} , pi_macro_defs :: !.{#.{#FunDef}} , pi_next_num :: !Int , pi_next_group :: !Int , pi_groups :: ![[FunctionOrMacroIndex]] , pi_deps :: ![FunctionOrMacroIndex] , pi_unexpanded_dcl_macros :: ![(Int,Int,FunDef)] } NotChecked :== -1 :: PredefSymbolsForTransform = { predef_alias_dummy :: !PredefinedSymbol, predef_and :: !PredefinedSymbol, predef_or :: !PredefinedSymbol }; reset_body_of_rhs_macros pi_deps fun_defs macro_defs = foldSt reset_body_of_rhs_macro pi_deps (fun_defs,macro_defs) where reset_body_of_rhs_macro (FunctionOrIclMacroIndex macro_index) (fun_defs,macro_defs) # (macro_def,fun_defs) = fun_defs![macro_index] = case macro_def.fun_body of RhsMacroBody body -> ({ fun_defs & [macro_index] = { macro_def & fun_body = CheckedBody body }},macro_defs) _ -> (fun_defs,macro_defs) reset_body_of_rhs_macro (DclMacroIndex module_index macro_index) (fun_defs,macro_defs) # (macro_def,macro_defs) = macro_defs![module_index,macro_index] = case macro_def.fun_body of RhsMacroBody body -> (fun_defs,{ macro_defs & [module_index,macro_index] = { macro_def & fun_body = CheckedBody body }}) _ -> (fun_defs,macro_defs) expand_simple_macro mod_index macro=:{fun_body = CheckedBody body, fun_info, fun_symb, fun_pos,fun_kind} expand_in_imp_module predef_symbols_for_transform modules pi=:{pi_symbol_table,pi_symbol_heap,pi_var_heap,pi_fun_defs,pi_macro_defs,pi_error} # identPos = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos # es = { es_symbol_table = pi_symbol_table, es_var_heap = pi_var_heap, es_symbol_heap = pi_symbol_heap, es_error = setErrorAdmin identPos pi_error, es_fun_defs=pi_fun_defs, es_macro_defs=pi_macro_defs, es_main_dcl_module_n = mod_index, es_dcl_modules=modules, es_expand_in_imp_module=expand_in_imp_module,es_new_fun_def_numbers=[] } # (tb_args, tb_rhs, local_vars, fi_calls, fi_dynamics,{es_symbol_table, es_var_heap, es_symbol_heap, es_error,es_dcl_modules,es_fun_defs,es_macro_defs}) = expandMacrosInBody [] body fun_info.fi_dynamics predef_symbols_for_transform es # macro = { macro & fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs}, fun_info = { fun_info & fi_calls = fi_calls, fi_local_vars = local_vars, fi_dynamics=fi_dynamics }} = ( macro, es_dcl_modules, { pi & pi_symbol_table = es_symbol_table, pi_symbol_heap = es_symbol_heap, pi_var_heap = es_var_heap, pi_fun_defs = es_fun_defs,pi_macro_defs=es_macro_defs,pi_error = es_error }) expand_dcl_macro_if_simple mod_index macro_index macro=:{fun_body = CheckedBody body, fun_info} predef_symbols_for_transform (modules, pi=:{pi_symbol_table,pi_symbol_heap,pi_var_heap,pi_fun_defs,pi_macro_defs,pi_error}) | macros_are_simple fun_info.fi_calls pi_fun_defs pi_macro_defs && has_no_curried_macro body.cb_rhs pi_fun_defs pi_macro_defs # (macro,modules,pi) = expand_simple_macro mod_index macro False predef_symbols_for_transform modules pi = (modules, { pi & pi_macro_defs.[mod_index,macro_index] = macro }) = (modules, { pi & pi_deps = [DclMacroIndex mod_index macro_index:pi.pi_deps], pi_macro_defs.[mod_index,macro_index] = { macro & fun_body = RhsMacroBody body }}) expand_icl_macro_if_simple mod_index macro_index macro=:{fun_body = CheckedBody body, fun_info} predef_symbols_for_transform (modules, pi=:{pi_symbol_table,pi_symbol_heap,pi_var_heap,pi_fun_defs,pi_macro_defs,pi_error}) | macros_are_simple fun_info.fi_calls pi_fun_defs pi_macro_defs && has_no_curried_macro body.cb_rhs pi_fun_defs pi_macro_defs # (macro,modules,pi) = expand_simple_macro mod_index macro True predef_symbols_for_transform modules pi = (modules, { pi & pi_fun_defs.[macro_index] = macro }) = (modules, { pi & pi_deps = [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex macro_index:pi.pi_deps], pi_fun_defs.[macro_index] = { macro & fun_body = RhsMacroBody body }}) macros_are_simple :: [FunCall] {#FunDef} {#{#FunDef}} -> Bool; macros_are_simple [] fun_defs macro_defs = True macros_are_simple [FunCall fc_index _ : calls ] fun_defs macro_defs # {fun_kind,fun_body, fun_symb} = fun_defs.[fc_index] = is_a_pattern_macro fun_kind fun_body && macros_are_simple calls fun_defs macro_defs macros_are_simple [MacroCall module_index fc_index _ : calls ] fun_defs macro_defs # {fun_kind,fun_body, fun_symb} = macro_defs.[module_index,fc_index] = is_a_pattern_macro fun_kind fun_body && macros_are_simple calls fun_defs macro_defs is_a_pattern_macro FK_Macro (TransformedBody {tb_args}) = True is_a_pattern_macro _ _ = False visit_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform (FunCall fc_index _) modules_pi = partitionate_icl_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform fc_index modules_pi visit_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform (MacroCall macro_module_index fc_index _) modules_pi = partitionate_dcl_macro macro_module_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform fc_index modules_pi partitionate_dcl_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform macro_index (modules, pi) # (macro_def, pi) = pi!pi_macro_defs.[mod_index,macro_index] | case macro_def.fun_kind of FK_Macro->True ; _ -> False = case macro_def.fun_body of CheckedBody body # pi={ pi & pi_macro_defs.[mod_index,macro_index] = { macro_def & fun_body = PartitioningMacro }} # macros_modules_pi = foldSt (visit_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform) macro_def.fun_info.fi_calls (modules, pi) -> expand_dcl_macro_if_simple mod_index macro_index macro_def predef_symbols_for_transform macros_modules_pi PartitioningMacro # identPos = newPosition macro_def.fun_symb macro_def.fun_pos -> (modules, { pi & pi_error = checkError macro_def.fun_symb "recursive macro definition" (setErrorAdmin identPos pi.pi_error) }) _ -> (modules, pi) = (modules, pi) partitionate_icl_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform macro_index (modules, pi) # (macro_def, pi) = pi!pi_fun_defs.[macro_index] | case macro_def.fun_kind of FK_Macro->True; _ -> False = case macro_def.fun_body of CheckedBody body # pi={ pi & pi_fun_defs.[macro_index] = { macro_def & fun_body = PartitioningMacro }} # macros_modules_pi = foldSt (visit_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform) macro_def.fun_info.fi_calls (modules, pi) -> expand_icl_macro_if_simple mod_index macro_index macro_def predef_symbols_for_transform macros_modules_pi PartitioningMacro # identPos = newPosition macro_def.fun_symb macro_def.fun_pos -> (modules, { pi & pi_error = checkError macro_def.fun_symb "recursive macro definition" (setErrorAdmin identPos pi.pi_error) }) _ -> (modules, pi) = (modules, pi) partitionateDclMacros :: !IndexRange !Index !PredefSymbolsForTransform !*{#FunDef} !*{#*{#FunDef}} !*{#DclModule} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin -> (!*{#FunDef},!*{#*{#FunDef}},!.{#DclModule},!*VarHeap,!*ExpressionHeap,!*SymbolTable,!*ErrorAdmin ) partitionateDclMacros {ir_from,ir_to} mod_index predef_symbols_for_transform fun_defs macro_defs modules var_heap symbol_heap symbol_table error #! max_fun_nr = cMAXINT # partitioning_info = { pi_var_heap = var_heap, pi_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, pi_symbol_table = symbol_table, pi_fun_defs=fun_defs, pi_macro_defs=macro_defs, pi_error = error, pi_deps = [], pi_next_num = 0, pi_next_group = 0, pi_groups = [], pi_unexpanded_dcl_macros=[] } (modules, {pi_symbol_table, pi_var_heap, pi_symbol_heap, pi_fun_defs, pi_macro_defs, pi_error, pi_next_group, pi_groups, pi_deps}) = iFoldSt (partitionate_dcl_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform) ir_from ir_to (modules, partitioning_info) (fun_defs,macro_defs) = reset_body_of_rhs_macros pi_deps pi_fun_defs pi_macro_defs = (fun_defs,macro_defs,modules, pi_var_heap, pi_symbol_heap, pi_symbol_table, pi_error) partitionateIclMacros :: !IndexRange !Index !PredefSymbolsForTransform !*{#FunDef} !*{#*{#FunDef}} !*{#DclModule} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin -> (!*{#FunDef},!*{#*{#FunDef}},!.{#DclModule},!*VarHeap,!*ExpressionHeap,!*SymbolTable,!*ErrorAdmin ) partitionateIclMacros {ir_from,ir_to} mod_index predef_symbols_for_transform fun_defs macro_defs modules var_heap symbol_heap symbol_table error #! max_fun_nr = cMAXINT # partitioning_info = { pi_var_heap = var_heap, pi_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, pi_symbol_table = symbol_table, pi_fun_defs=fun_defs, pi_macro_defs=macro_defs, pi_error = error, pi_deps = [], pi_next_num = 0, pi_next_group = 0, pi_groups = [], pi_unexpanded_dcl_macros=[] } (modules, {pi_symbol_table, pi_var_heap, pi_symbol_heap, pi_fun_defs, pi_macro_defs, pi_error, pi_next_group, pi_groups, pi_deps}) = iFoldSt (partitionate_icl_macro mod_index max_fun_nr predef_symbols_for_transform) ir_from ir_to (modules, partitioning_info) (fun_defs,macro_defs) = reset_body_of_rhs_macros pi_deps pi_fun_defs pi_macro_defs = (fun_defs,macro_defs,modules, pi_var_heap, pi_symbol_heap, pi_symbol_table, pi_error) add_new_macros_to_groups :: ![Int] !Int Int *{#FunDef} [FunctionOrMacroIndex] [[FunctionOrMacroIndex]] -> (!Int,!*{#FunDef},![FunctionOrMacroIndex],![[FunctionOrMacroIndex]]); add_new_macros_to_groups [new_macro_fun_def_index] n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group pi_groups = add_new_macro_and_local_functions_to_groups new_macro_fun_def_index n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group pi_groups add_new_macros_to_groups [new_macro_fun_def_index:macro_fun_def_numbers=:[next_macro_fun_def_index:_]] n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group pi_groups # (pi_next_group,es_fun_defs,functions_in_group,pi_groups) = add_new_macro_and_local_functions_to_groups new_macro_fun_def_index next_macro_fun_def_index pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group pi_groups = add_new_macros_to_groups macro_fun_def_numbers n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group pi_groups add_new_macros_to_groups [] n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group pi_groups = (pi_next_group,es_fun_defs,functions_in_group,pi_groups) add_new_macro_and_local_functions_to_groups :: !Int !Int Int *{#FunDef} [FunctionOrMacroIndex] [[FunctionOrMacroIndex]] -> (!Int,!*{#FunDef},![FunctionOrMacroIndex],![[FunctionOrMacroIndex]]); add_new_macro_and_local_functions_to_groups new_macro_fun_def_index n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group pi_groups # (pi_next_group,es_fun_defs,functions_in_group,macros) = add_macros_to_current_group new_macro_fun_def_index n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group [] # (macros_with_group_numbers,es_fun_defs) = add_group_numbers macros es_fun_defs with add_group_numbers [fun_def_index:l] es_fun_defs # (group_number,es_fun_defs) = es_fun_defs![fun_def_index].fun_info.fi_group_index // # group_number=trace ("add_group_numbers: "+++toString fun_def_index+++" "+++toString group_number+++"\n") group_number; # (l,es_fun_defs) = add_group_numbers l es_fun_defs = ([(fun_def_index,group_number):l],es_fun_defs) add_group_numbers [] es_fun_defs = ([],es_fun_defs) # sorted_macros_with_group_numbers = sortBy (\(_,group_number1) (_,group_number2) -> group_number1 (!Int,!*{#FunDef},![FunctionOrMacroIndex],![Int]); add_macros_to_current_group new_macro_fun_def_index n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group macros | new_macro_fun_def_index>=n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros = (pi_next_group,es_fun_defs,functions_in_group,macros) | es_fun_defs.[new_macro_fun_def_index].fun_info.fi_group_index<=NoIndex = abort ("add_macros_to_current_group: "+++toString new_macro_fun_def_index) // +++" "+++toString es_fun_defs.[new_macro_fun_def_index].fun_info.fi_group_index) | es_fun_defs.[new_macro_fun_def_index].fun_info.fi_group_index==pi_next_group // # new_macro_fun_def_index=trace ("add_macros_to_current_group1: "+++toString new_macro_fun_def_index+++"\n") new_macro_fun_def_index; # functions_in_group=[FunctionOrIclMacroIndex new_macro_fun_def_index:functions_in_group] = add_macros_to_current_group (new_macro_fun_def_index+1) n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group macros // # new_macro_fun_def_index=trace ("add_macros_to_current_group2: "+++toString new_macro_fun_def_index+++"\n") new_macro_fun_def_index; // # pi_groups=[[new_macro_fun_def_index]:pi_groups] // # pi_next_group=pi_next_group+1 = add_macros_to_current_group (new_macro_fun_def_index+1) n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group [new_macro_fun_def_index:macros] has_no_curried_macro cb_rhs fun_defs macro_defs = has_no_curried_macro_CheckedAlternative cb_rhs where has_no_curried_macro_CheckedAlternative [{ca_rhs}:cas] = has_no_curried_macro_Expression ca_rhs && has_no_curried_macro_CheckedAlternative cas has_no_curried_macro_CheckedAlternative [] = True has_no_curried_macro_Expression (App {app_symb={symb_kind = SK_DclMacro {glob_object,glob_module}}, app_args}) | macro_defs.[glob_module,glob_object].fun_arity<>length app_args = False; = has_no_curried_macro_Expressions app_args has_no_curried_macro_Expression (App {app_symb={symb_kind = SK_IclMacro glob_object}, app_args}) | fun_defs.[glob_object].fun_arity<>length app_args = False; = has_no_curried_macro_Expressions app_args has_no_curried_macro_Expression (App {app_args}) = has_no_curried_macro_Expressions app_args has_no_curried_macro_Expression (expr @ exprs) = has_no_curried_macro_Expression expr && has_no_curried_macro_Expressions exprs has_no_curried_macro_Expression (Let {let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr}) = has_no_curried_macro_LetBinds let_strict_binds && has_no_curried_macro_LetBinds let_lazy_binds && has_no_curried_macro_Expression let_expr where has_no_curried_macro_LetBinds [{lb_src}:xs] = has_no_curried_macro_Expression lb_src && has_no_curried_macro_LetBinds xs has_no_curried_macro_LetBinds [] = True has_no_curried_macro_Expression (Case {case_expr,case_guards,case_default}) = has_no_curried_macro_Expression case_expr && has_no_curried_macro_CasePatterns case_guards && has_no_curried_macro_OptionalExpression case_default where has_no_curried_macro_CasePatterns (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) = has_no_curried_macro_AlgebraicPatterns patterns where has_no_curried_macro_AlgebraicPatterns [{ap_expr}:patterns] = has_no_curried_macro_Expression ap_expr && has_no_curried_macro_AlgebraicPatterns patterns has_no_curried_macro_AlgebraicPatterns [] = True has_no_curried_macro_CasePatterns (BasicPatterns type patterns) = has_no_curried_macro_BasicPatterns patterns where has_no_curried_macro_BasicPatterns [{bp_expr}:patterns] = has_no_curried_macro_Expression bp_expr && has_no_curried_macro_BasicPatterns patterns has_no_curried_macro_BasicPatterns [] = True has_no_curried_macro_CasePatterns (DynamicPatterns patterns) = has_no_curried_macro_DynamicPatterns patterns where has_no_curried_macro_DynamicPatterns [{dp_rhs}:patterns] = has_no_curried_macro_Expression dp_rhs && has_no_curried_macro_DynamicPatterns patterns has_no_curried_macro_DynamicPatterns [] = True has_no_curried_macro_OptionalExpression (Yes expr) = has_no_curried_macro_Expression expr has_no_curried_macro_OptionalExpression No = True has_no_curried_macro_Expression (Selection is_unique expr selectors) = has_no_curried_macro_Expression expr && has_no_curried_macro_Selections selectors has_no_curried_macro_Expression (Update expr1 selectors expr2) = has_no_curried_macro_Expression expr1 && has_no_curried_macro_Expression expr2 && has_no_curried_macro_Selections selectors has_no_curried_macro_Expression (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) = has_no_curried_macro_Expression expression && has_no_curried_macro_Binds expressions where has_no_curried_macro_Binds [{bind_src}:binds] = has_no_curried_macro_Expression bind_src && has_no_curried_macro_Binds binds has_no_curried_macro_Binds [] = True has_no_curried_macro_Expression (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr) = has_no_curried_macro_Expression expr has_no_curried_macro_Expression (MatchExpr opt_tuple cons_symb expr) = has_no_curried_macro_Expression expr has_no_curried_macro_Expression expr = True has_no_curried_macro_Expressions [x:xs] = has_no_curried_macro_Expression x && has_no_curried_macro_Expressions xs has_no_curried_macro_Expressions [] = True has_no_curried_macro_Selections [ArraySelection array_select expr_ptr index_expr:selections] = has_no_curried_macro_Expression index_expr && has_no_curried_macro_Selections selections has_no_curried_macro_Selections [record_selection:selections] = has_no_curried_macro_Selections selections has_no_curried_macro_Selections [] = True import StdDebug partitionateAndLiftFunctions :: ![IndexRange] !Index !PredefSymbolsForTransform !*{#FunDef} !*{#*{#FunDef}} !*{#DclModule} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap !*SymbolTable !*ErrorAdmin -> (!*{!Group}, !*{#FunDef},!*{#*{#FunDef}},!.{#DclModule},!*VarHeap,!*ExpressionHeap,!*SymbolTable,!*ErrorAdmin ) partitionateAndLiftFunctions ranges main_dcl_module_n predef_symbols_for_transform fun_defs macro_defs modules var_heap symbol_heap symbol_table error #! max_fun_nr = cMAXINT # partitioning_info = { pi_var_heap = var_heap, pi_symbol_heap = symbol_heap, pi_symbol_table = symbol_table, pi_fun_defs=fun_defs, pi_macro_defs=macro_defs, pi_error = error, pi_deps = [], pi_next_num = 0, pi_next_group = 0, pi_groups = [], pi_unexpanded_dcl_macros=[] } (modules, {pi_groups, pi_symbol_table, pi_var_heap, pi_symbol_heap, pi_fun_defs, pi_macro_defs, pi_error,pi_unexpanded_dcl_macros}) = foldSt (partitionate_functions main_dcl_module_n max_fun_nr) ranges (modules, partitioning_info) # (reversed_pi_groups,fun_defs) = remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse pi_groups pi_fun_defs [] # groups = { {group_members = group} \\ group <- reversed_pi_groups } # pi_macro_defs = restore_unexpanded_dcl_macros pi_unexpanded_dcl_macros pi_macro_defs with restore_unexpanded_dcl_macros [(macro_module_index,macro_index,macro_def):unexpanded_dcl_macros] macro_defs # macro_defs = {macro_defs & [macro_module_index,macro_index] = macro_def} = restore_unexpanded_dcl_macros unexpanded_dcl_macros macro_defs restore_unexpanded_dcl_macros [] macro_defs = macro_defs = (groups, fun_defs, pi_macro_defs, modules, pi_var_heap, pi_symbol_heap, pi_symbol_table, pi_error) where remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse [group:groups] fun_defs result_groups # (group,fun_defs) = remove_macros_from_group group fun_defs = case group of [] -> remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse groups fun_defs result_groups _ -> remove_macros_from_groups_and_reverse groups fun_defs [group:result_groups] where remove_macros_from_group [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun:funs] fun_defs # (funs,fun_defs)=remove_macros_from_group funs fun_defs | fun_defs.[fun].fun_info.fi_group_index try_to_close_group mod_index max_fun_nr (-1) fun_index fun_number min_dep modules_pi PartitioningFunction _ fun_number -> (fun_number, (modules, pi)) TransformedBody _ | fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index == NoIndex # pi = add_called_macros fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls pi -> (max_fun_nr, (modules, // -> (max_fun_nr, ({ fun_defs & [fun_index] = {fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = -2-pi.pi_next_group }}, modules, {pi & pi_fun_defs.[fun_index] = {fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = pi.pi_next_group }, pi_next_group = inc pi.pi_next_group, pi_groups = [ [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index] : pi.pi_groups]} // {pi & pi_next_group = pi.pi_next_group} )) -> (max_fun_nr, (modules, pi)) partitionate_macro mod_index max_fun_nr macro_module_index macro_index (modules, pi) # (fun_def, pi) = pi!pi_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,macro_index] = case fun_def.fun_body of CheckedBody body # fun_number = pi.pi_next_num # pi={pi & pi_unexpanded_dcl_macros=[(macro_module_index,macro_index,fun_def):pi.pi_unexpanded_dcl_macros]} # (min_dep, modules_pi) = foldSt (visit_function mod_index max_fun_nr) fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls (max_fun_nr, (modules, { pi & pi_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,macro_index] = { fun_def & fun_body = PartitioningFunction body fun_number }, pi_next_num = inc fun_number, pi_deps = [DclMacroIndex macro_module_index macro_index : pi.pi_deps] })) -> try_to_close_group mod_index max_fun_nr macro_module_index macro_index fun_number min_dep modules_pi PartitioningFunction _ fun_number -> (fun_number, (modules, pi)) TransformedBody _ | fun_def.fun_info.fi_group_index == NoIndex # pi = add_called_macros fun_def.fun_info.fi_calls pi -> (max_fun_nr, (modules, {pi & pi_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,macro_index] = {fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = pi.pi_next_group }, pi_next_group = inc pi.pi_next_group, pi_groups = [ [DclMacroIndex macro_module_index macro_index] : pi.pi_groups]} )) -> (max_fun_nr, (modules, pi)) visit_function mod_index max_fun_nr (FunCall fc_index _) (min_dep, modules_pi) # (next_min, modules_pi) = partitionate_function mod_index max_fun_nr fc_index modules_pi = (min next_min min_dep, modules_pi) visit_function mod_index max_fun_nr (MacroCall macro_module_index fc_index _) (min_dep, modules_pi) # (next_min, modules_pi) = partitionate_macro mod_index max_fun_nr macro_module_index fc_index modules_pi = (min next_min min_dep, modules_pi) try_to_close_group mod_index max_fun_nr macro_module_index fun_index fun_number min_dep (modules, pi=:{pi_symbol_table, pi_var_heap, pi_symbol_heap, pi_fun_defs,pi_macro_defs,pi_deps, pi_groups, pi_next_group, pi_error,pi_unexpanded_dcl_macros}) | fun_number <= min_dep # (pi_deps, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,pi_macro_defs) = close_group macro_module_index fun_index pi_deps [] [] max_fun_nr pi_next_group pi_fun_defs pi_macro_defs {ls_x={x_fun_defs=fun_defs,x_macro_defs}, ls_var_heap=pi_var_heap, ls_expr_heap=pi_symbol_heap} = liftFunctions (functions_in_group ++ macros_in_group) pi_next_group main_dcl_module_n fun_defs pi_macro_defs pi_var_heap pi_symbol_heap # es = expand_macros_in_group macros_in_group { es_symbol_table = pi_symbol_table, es_var_heap = pi_var_heap, es_symbol_heap = pi_symbol_heap, es_fun_defs=fun_defs, es_macro_defs=x_macro_defs, es_main_dcl_module_n=mod_index, es_dcl_modules=modules, es_new_fun_def_numbers=[], es_expand_in_imp_module=False, // function expand_macros fills in correct value es_error = pi_error } # {es_symbol_table, es_var_heap, es_symbol_heap, es_error,es_dcl_modules,es_fun_defs,es_macro_defs,es_new_fun_def_numbers} = expand_macros_in_group functions_in_group es # (n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros,es_fun_defs) = usize es_fun_defs # (pi_next_group,es_fun_defs,functions_in_group,pi_groups) = add_new_macros_to_groups (reverse es_new_fun_def_numbers) n_fun_defs_after_expanding_macros pi_next_group es_fun_defs functions_in_group pi_groups = (max_fun_nr, (es_dcl_modules, { pi & pi_deps = pi_deps, pi_var_heap = es_var_heap, pi_symbol_table = es_symbol_table, pi_fun_defs=es_fun_defs, pi_macro_defs=es_macro_defs, pi_error = es_error, pi_symbol_heap = es_symbol_heap, pi_next_group = inc pi_next_group, pi_groups = [ functions_in_group ++ macros_in_group : pi_groups ],pi_unexpanded_dcl_macros=pi_unexpanded_dcl_macros })) = (min_dep, (modules, pi)) where close_group macro_module_index fun_index [index=:FunctionOrIclMacroIndex d:ds] functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs # (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![d] | case fun_def.fun_kind of FK_Macro->True; _ -> False # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = -2-group_number }} // # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }} # macros_in_group = [index : macros_in_group] | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==(-1) = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs) = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs # fun_defs = { fun_defs & [d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }} # functions_in_group = [index : functions_in_group] | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==(-1) = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs) = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs close_group macro_module_index fun_index [index=:DclMacroIndex module_index d:ds] functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs # (fun_def, macro_defs) = macro_defs![module_index,d] | case fun_def.fun_kind of FK_Macro->True; _ -> False # macro_defs = { macro_defs & [module_index,d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = -2-group_number }} # macros_in_group = [index : macros_in_group] | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==module_index = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs) = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs # macro_defs = { macro_defs & [module_index,d] = { fun_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = group_number }} # functions_in_group = [index : functions_in_group] | d == fun_index && macro_module_index==module_index = (ds, functions_in_group, macros_in_group, fun_defs,macro_defs) = close_group macro_module_index fun_index ds functions_in_group macros_in_group nr_of_fun_defs group_number fun_defs macro_defs expand_macros_in_group group es = foldSt expand_macros group es where expand_macros (FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fun_index) es # (fun_def,es) = es!es_fun_defs.[fun_index] {fun_symb,fun_body = PartitioningFunction body _, fun_info, fun_pos,fun_kind} = fun_def identPos = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos # es={ es & es_expand_in_imp_module=True, es_error = setErrorAdmin identPos es.es_error } # (tb_args, tb_rhs, fi_local_vars, fi_calls,fi_dynamics, es) = expandMacrosInBody fun_info.fi_calls body fun_info.fi_dynamics predef_symbols_for_transform es fun_def = { fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs}, fun_info = { fun_info & fi_calls = fi_calls, fi_local_vars = fi_local_vars,fi_dynamics=fi_dynamics }} = {es & es_fun_defs.[fun_index] = fun_def } expand_macros (DclMacroIndex macro_module_index fun_index) es # (old_fun_def,es) = es!es_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,fun_index] {fun_symb,fun_body = PartitioningFunction body _, fun_info, fun_pos,fun_kind} = old_fun_def identPos = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos # es={ es & es_expand_in_imp_module=False, es_error = setErrorAdmin identPos es.es_error } # (tb_args, tb_rhs, fi_local_vars, fi_calls,fi_dynamics, es) = expandMacrosInBody fun_info.fi_calls body fun_info.fi_dynamics predef_symbols_for_transform es fun_def = { old_fun_def & fun_body = TransformedBody { tb_args = tb_args, tb_rhs = tb_rhs}, fun_info = { fun_info & fi_calls = fi_calls, fi_local_vars = fi_local_vars,fi_dynamics=fi_dynamics }} = {es & es_macro_defs.[macro_module_index,fun_index] = fun_def } add_called_macros calls pi = foldSt add_called_macro calls pi where add_called_macro (FunCall fc_index _) pi // # fc_index = trace ("add_called_macro: "+++toString fc_index+++" ") fc_index # (macro_def, pi) = pi!pi_fun_defs.[fc_index] = case macro_def.fun_body of TransformedBody _ | macro_def.fun_info.fi_group_index == NoIndex # pi = add_called_macros macro_def.fun_info.fi_calls pi // -> ({ macro_defs & [fc_index] = {macro_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = pi.pi_next_group }}, // # fc_index = trace ("add_called_macro2: "+++toString fc_index+++" ") fc_index // -> ({ macro_defs & [fc_index] = {macro_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = -2-pi.pi_next_group }}, -> {pi & pi_fun_defs.[fc_index] = {macro_def & fun_info.fi_group_index = pi.pi_next_group }, pi_next_group = inc pi.pi_next_group, pi_groups = [ [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fc_index] : pi.pi_groups]} // {pi & pi_next_group = pi.pi_next_group} -> pi addFunctionCallsToSymbolTable calls fun_defs macro_defs symbol_table = foldSt add_function_call_to_symbol_table calls ([], fun_defs,macro_defs, symbol_table) where add_function_call_to_symbol_table fc=:(FunCall fc_index _) (collected_calls, fun_defs,macro_defs, symbol_table) # ({fun_symb = { id_info }, fun_kind}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index] = case fun_kind of FK_Macro -> (collected_calls, fun_defs,macro_defs,symbol_table) _ # (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table -> ([fc : collected_calls], fun_defs,macro_defs, symbol_table <:= (id_info, { ste_kind = STE_Called [FunctionOrIclMacroIndex fc_index], ste_index = NoIndex, ste_def_level = NotALevel, ste_previous = entry })) add_function_call_to_symbol_table (MacroCall _ _ _) (collected_calls, fun_defs,macro_defs, symbol_table) = (collected_calls, fun_defs,macro_defs,symbol_table) removeFunctionCallsFromSymbolTable calls fun_defs symbol_table = foldSt remove_function_call_from_symbol_table calls (fun_defs, symbol_table) where remove_function_call_from_symbol_table (FunCall fc_index _) (fun_defs, symbol_table) # ({fun_symb = { id_info }}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fc_index] (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table = case entry.ste_kind of STE_Called indexes -> (fun_defs, symbol_table <:= (id_info, entry.ste_previous)) _ -> (fun_defs, symbol_table) expandMacrosInBody :: [.FunCall] CheckedBody ![ExprInfoPtr] PredefSymbolsForTransform *ExpandState -> ([FreeVar],Expression,[FreeVar],[FunCall],![ExprInfoPtr],.ExpandState); expandMacrosInBody fi_calls {cb_args,cb_rhs} fi_dynamics predef_symbols_for_transform es=:{es_symbol_table,es_symbol_heap,es_fun_defs,es_macro_defs} # (max_index,es_symbol_heap) = determine_amount_of_dynamics 0 fi_dynamics es_symbol_heap # cos_used_dynamics = createArray (inc max_index) False // means not removed # (prev_calls, fun_defs, macro_defs,es_symbol_table) = addFunctionCallsToSymbolTable fi_calls es_fun_defs es_macro_defs es_symbol_table ([rhs:rhss], (all_calls, es) ) = mapSt expandCheckedAlternative cb_rhs (prev_calls, { es & es_fun_defs=fun_defs, es_macro_defs=macro_defs,es_symbol_table = es_symbol_table, es_symbol_heap=es_symbol_heap }) (fun_defs, symbol_table) = removeFunctionCallsFromSymbolTable all_calls es.es_fun_defs es.es_symbol_table ((merged_rhs, _), es_var_heap, es_symbol_heap, es_error) = mergeCases rhs rhss es.es_var_heap es.es_symbol_heap es.es_error (new_rhs, new_args, local_vars, {cos_error, cos_var_heap, cos_symbol_heap, cos_used_dynamics}) = determineVariablesAndRefCounts cb_args merged_rhs { cos_error = es_error, cos_var_heap = es_var_heap, cos_symbol_heap = es_symbol_heap, cos_predef_symbols_for_transform = predef_symbols_for_transform, cos_used_dynamics = cos_used_dynamics } # (changed,fi_dynamics,_,cos_symbol_heap) = foldSt remove_fi_dynamic fi_dynamics (False,[],cos_used_dynamics,cos_symbol_heap) = (new_args, new_rhs, local_vars, all_calls,fi_dynamics, { es & es_error = cos_error, es_var_heap = cos_var_heap, es_symbol_heap = cos_symbol_heap, es_fun_defs=fun_defs, es_symbol_table = symbol_table }) // ---> ("expandMacrosInBody", (cb_args, ca_rhs, '\n'), ("merged_rhs", merged_rhs, '\n'), ("new_rhs", new_args, local_vars, (new_rhs, '\n'))) where remove_fi_dynamic dyn_expr_ptr (changed,accu,cos_used_dynamics,cos_symbol_heap) # (expr_info,cos_symbol_heap) = readPtr dyn_expr_ptr cos_symbol_heap | not (isEI_Dynamic expr_info) = (changed,[dyn_expr_ptr:accu],cos_used_dynamics,cos_symbol_heap) # (EI_Dynamic _ id) = expr_info | cos_used_dynamics.[id] = (changed,[dyn_expr_ptr:accu],cos_used_dynamics,cos_symbol_heap) // unused = (True,accu,cos_used_dynamics,cos_symbol_heap) where isEI_Dynamic (EI_Dynamic _ _) = True isEI_Dynamic _ = False determine_amount_of_dynamics max_index [] es_symbol_table = (max_index,es_symbol_table) determine_amount_of_dynamics max_index [expr_info_ptr:expr_info_ptrs] es_symbol_table # (expr_info,es_symbol_table) = readPtr expr_info_ptr es_symbol_table # (max_index,es_symbol_table) = case expr_info of EI_Dynamic _ id -> (max max_index id,es_symbol_table) EI_DynamicTypeWithVars _ _ expr_info_ptrs2 -> determine_amount_of_dynamics max_index expr_info_ptrs2 es_symbol_table // EI_DynamicType _ expr_info_ptrs2 // -> determine_amount_of_dynamics max_index expr_info_ptrs2 es_symbol_table = determine_amount_of_dynamics max_index expr_info_ptrs es_symbol_table expandCheckedAlternative {ca_rhs, ca_position} ei # (ca_rhs, ei) = expand ca_rhs ei = ((ca_rhs, ca_position), ei) :: ExpandInfo :== (![FunCall], !.ExpandState) add_new_fun_defs new_functions new_function_index last_function_index es=:{es_fun_defs,es_new_fun_def_numbers} # new_fun_defs = new_fun_defs with new_fun_defs :: *{!FunDef} new_fun_defs => {fun_def \\ (_,fun_def)<-new_functions} # es_fun_defs = {if (i (!a, !*ExpandInfo) instance expand Expression where expand (App app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_DclMacro {glob_object,glob_module}}, app_args}) ei # (app_args, (calls, es)) = expand app_args ei # (macro, es) = es!es_macro_defs.[glob_module,glob_object] #! macro_group_index=macro.fun_info.fi_group_index # es = {es & es_macro_defs.[glob_module,glob_object].fun_info.fi_group_index= if (macro_group_index>NoIndex) (-2-macro_group_index) macro_group_index} | macro.fun_arity == length app_args = unfoldMacro macro app_args True (calls, es) # macro = {macro & fun_info.fi_group_index=if (macro_group_index next_local_function_n-1 # es = add_new_fun_defs [({old_function_n=DclMacroIndex glob_module glob_object,new_function_n=new_function_index},macro):new_functions] new_function_index last_function_index es # (calls, es_symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall macro.fun_symb (FunCall new_function_index NotALevel) (calls, es.es_symbol_table) # app = App { app & app_symb = { symb & symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction new_function_index }, app_args = app_args } /* | macro.fun_info.fi_group_index>NoIndex # macro = {macro & fun_info.fi_group_index= -2-macro.fun_info.fi_group_index} # es= {es & es_fun_defs.[new_function_index]=macro} = (app, (calls, { es & es_symbol_table = es_symbol_table })) */ = (app, (calls, { es & es_symbol_table = es_symbol_table })) /* # (calls, es_symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall macro.fun_symb {fc_index = glob_object, fc_level = NotALevel} (calls, es.es_symbol_table) # app = App { app & app_symb = { symb & symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_object = glob_object, glob_module = glob_module} }, app_args = app_args } | macro.fun_info.fi_group_indexNoIndex) (-2-macro_group_index) macro_group_index} | macro.fun_arity == length app_args = unfoldMacro macro app_args False (calls, es) # macro = {macro & fun_info.fi_group_index=if (macro_group_index next_local_function_n-1 # es = add_new_fun_defs [({old_function_n=FunctionOrIclMacroIndex glob_object,new_function_n=new_function_index},macro):new_functions] new_function_index last_function_index es # (calls, es_symbol_table) = examineFunctionCall macro.fun_symb (FunCall new_function_index NotALevel) (calls, es.es_symbol_table) # app = App { app & app_symb = { symb & symb_kind = SK_LocalMacroFunction new_function_index }, app_args = app_args } = (app, (calls, { es & es_symbol_table = es_symbol_table })) expand (App app=:{app_args}) ei # (app_args, ei) = expand app_args ei = (App { app & app_args = app_args }, ei) expand (expr @ exprs) ei # ((expr,exprs), ei) = expand (expr,exprs) ei = (expr @ exprs, ei) expand (Let lad=:{let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr}) ei # (let_strict_binds, ei) = expand let_strict_binds ei # (let_lazy_binds, ei) = expand let_lazy_binds ei # (let_expr, ei) = expand let_expr ei = (Let {lad & let_expr = let_expr, let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds}, ei) expand (Case case_expr) ei # (case_expr, ei) = expand case_expr ei = (Case case_expr, ei) expand (Selection is_unique expr selectors) ei # ((expr, selectors), ei) = expand (expr, selectors) ei = (Selection is_unique expr selectors, ei) expand (Update expr1 selectors expr2) ei # (((expr1, expr2), selectors), ei) = expand ((expr1, expr2), selectors) ei = (Update expr1 selectors expr2, ei) expand (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) ei # ((expression, expressions), ei) = expand (expression, expressions) ei = (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions, ei) expand (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr) ei # (expr, ei) = expand expr ei = (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr, ei) expand (MatchExpr opt_tuple cons_symb expr) ei # (expr, ei) = expand expr ei = (MatchExpr opt_tuple cons_symb expr, ei) expand expr ei = (expr, ei) instance expand Selection where expand (ArraySelection array_select expr_ptr index_expr) ei # (index_expr, ei) = expand index_expr ei = (ArraySelection array_select expr_ptr index_expr, ei) expand record_selection ei = (record_selection, ei) instance expand LetBind where expand bind=:{lb_src} ei # (lb_src, ei) = expand lb_src ei = ({ bind & lb_src = lb_src }, ei) instance expand (Bind a b) | expand a where expand bind=:{bind_src} ei # (bind_src, ei) = expand bind_src ei = ({ bind & bind_src = bind_src }, ei) instance expand Case where expand kees=:{ case_expr,case_guards,case_default } ei # ((case_expr,(case_guards,case_default)), ei) = expand (case_expr,(case_guards,case_default)) ei = ({ kees & case_expr = case_expr,case_guards = case_guards, case_default = case_default }, ei) instance expand CasePatterns where expand (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) ei # (patterns, ei) = expand patterns ei = (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns, ei) expand (BasicPatterns type patterns) ei # (patterns, ei) = expand patterns ei = (BasicPatterns type patterns, ei) expand (OverloadedListPatterns type decons_expr patterns) ei # (patterns, ei) = expand patterns ei = (OverloadedListPatterns type decons_expr patterns, ei) expand (DynamicPatterns patterns) ei # (patterns, ei) = expand patterns ei = (DynamicPatterns patterns, ei) instance expand AlgebraicPattern where expand alg_pattern=:{ap_expr} ei # (ap_expr, ei) = expand ap_expr ei = ({ alg_pattern & ap_expr = ap_expr }, ei) instance expand BasicPattern where expand bas_pattern=:{bp_expr} ei # (bp_expr, ei) = expand bp_expr ei = ({ bas_pattern & bp_expr = bp_expr }, ei) instance expand DynamicPattern where expand dyn_pattern=:{dp_rhs} ei # (dp_rhs, ei) = expand dp_rhs ei = ({ dyn_pattern & dp_rhs = dp_rhs }, ei) instance expand [a] | expand a where expand [x:xs] ei # (x, ei) = expand x ei (xs, ei) = expand xs ei = ([x:xs], ei) expand [] ei = ([], ei) instance expand (a,b) | expand a & expand b where expand (x,y) ei # (x, ei) = expand x ei (y, ei) = expand y ei = ((x,y), ei) instance expand (Optional a) | expand a where expand (Yes x) ei # (x, ei) = expand x ei = (Yes x, ei) expand no ei = (no, ei) :: CollectState = { cos_var_heap :: !.VarHeap , cos_symbol_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap , cos_error :: !.ErrorAdmin , cos_predef_symbols_for_transform :: !PredefSymbolsForTransform , cos_used_dynamics :: !.{#Bool} } determineVariablesAndRefCounts :: ![FreeVar] !Expression !*CollectState -> (!Expression , ![FreeVar], ![FreeVar], !*CollectState) determineVariablesAndRefCounts free_vars expr cos=:{cos_var_heap} # (expr, local_vars, cos) = collectVariables expr [] { cos & cos_var_heap = clearCount free_vars cIsAGlobalVar cos_var_heap } (free_vars, cos_var_heap) = retrieveRefCounts free_vars cos.cos_var_heap (local_vars, cos_var_heap) = retrieveRefCounts local_vars cos_var_heap = (expr, free_vars, local_vars, { cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap }) retrieveRefCounts free_vars var_heap = mapSt retrieveRefCount free_vars var_heap retrieveRefCount :: FreeVar *VarHeap -> (!FreeVar,!.VarHeap) retrieveRefCount fv=:{fv_info_ptr} var_heap # (VI_Count count _, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap = ({ fv & fv_count = count }, var_heap) /* 'clearCount' initialises the 'fv_info_ptr' field of each 'FreeVar' */ class clearCount a :: !a !Bool !*VarHeap -> *VarHeap instance clearCount [a] | clearCount a where clearCount [x:xs] locality var_heap = clearCount x locality (clearCount xs locality var_heap) clearCount [] locality var_heap = var_heap instance clearCount LetBind where clearCount bind=:{lb_dst} locality var_heap = clearCount lb_dst locality var_heap instance clearCount FreeVar where clearCount{fv_info_ptr} locality var_heap = var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Count 0 locality) /* In 'collectVariables' all local variables are collected. Moreover the reference counts of the local as well as of the global variables are determined. Aliases and unreachable bindings introduced in a 'let' are removed. */ class collectVariables a :: !a ![FreeVar] !*CollectState -> !(!a, ![FreeVar],!*CollectState) cContainsACycle :== True cContainsNoCycle :== False instance collectVariables Expression where collectVariables (Var var) free_vars cos # (var, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables var free_vars cos = (Var var, free_vars, cos) /* optimize && and || */ collectVariables (App app=:{app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_object,glob_module}},app_args}) free_vars cos=:{cos_predef_symbols_for_transform={predef_and,predef_or}} # ([e1,e2:_], free_vars, cos) = collectVariables app_args free_vars cos | glob_object==predef_and.pds_def && glob_module==predef_and.pds_module && two_args app_args # (kase,cos) = if_expression e1 e2 (BasicExpr (BVB False)) cos = (kase, free_vars, cos) | glob_object==predef_or.pds_def && glob_module==predef_or.pds_module && two_args app_args # (kase,cos) = if_expression e1 (BasicExpr (BVB True)) e2 cos = (kase, free_vars, cos) where if_expression :: Expression Expression Expression *CollectState -> (!Expression,!.CollectState); if_expression e1 e2 e3 cos # (new_info_ptr,symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty cos.cos_symbol_heap # kase = Case { case_expr=e1, case_guards=BasicPatterns BT_Bool [{bp_value=BVB True,bp_expr=e2,bp_position=NoPos}], case_default=Yes e3, case_ident=No, case_info_ptr=new_info_ptr, case_default_pos = NoPos, case_explicit = False } = (kase,{cos & cos_symbol_heap=symbol_heap}); two_args [_,_] = True; two_args app_args = False; collectVariables (App app=:{app_args}) free_vars cos # (app_args, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables app_args free_vars cos = (App { app & app_args = app_args}, free_vars, cos) collectVariables (expr @ exprs) free_vars cos # ((expr, exprs), free_vars, cos) = collectVariables (expr, exprs) free_vars cos = (expr @ exprs, free_vars, cos) collectVariables (Let lad=:{let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr}) free_vars cos=:{cos_var_heap} # cos_var_heap = determine_aliases let_strict_binds cos_var_heap cos_var_heap = determine_aliases let_lazy_binds cos_var_heap (is_cyclic_s, let_strict_binds, cos) = detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds True let_strict_binds { cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap } (is_cyclic_l, let_lazy_binds, cos) = detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds False let_lazy_binds cos | is_cyclic_s || is_cyclic_l = (Let {lad & let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds }, free_vars, { cos & cos_error = checkError "" "cyclic let definition" cos.cos_error}) // | otherwise # (let_expr, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables let_expr free_vars cos all_binds = mapAppend (\sb->(True, sb)) let_strict_binds [(False, lb) \\ lb<-let_lazy_binds] (collected_binds, free_vars, cos) = collect_variables_in_binds all_binds [] free_vars cos (let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds) = split collected_binds | isEmpty let_strict_binds && isEmpty let_lazy_binds = (let_expr, free_vars, cos) = (Let {lad & let_expr = let_expr, let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds}, free_vars, cos) where /* Set the 'var_info_field' of each bound variable to either 'VI_Alias var' (if this variable is an alias for 'var') or to 'VI_Count 0 cIsALocalVar' to initialise the reference count info. */ determine_aliases [{lb_dst={fv_info_ptr}, lb_src = Var var} : binds] var_heap = determine_aliases binds (writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Alias var) var_heap) determine_aliases [bind : binds] var_heap = determine_aliases binds (clearCount bind cIsALocalVar var_heap) determine_aliases [] var_heap = var_heap /* Remove all aliases from the list of lazy 'let'-binds. Add a _dummyForStrictAlias function call for the strict aliases. Be careful with cycles! */ detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict [] cos = (cContainsNoCycle, [], cos) // detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict [bind=:{bind_dst={fv_info_ptr}} : binds] cos detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict [bind=:{lb_dst={fv_info_ptr}} : binds] cos # (var_info, cos_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr cos.cos_var_heap cos = { cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap } = case var_info of VI_Alias {var_info_ptr} | is_cyclic fv_info_ptr var_info_ptr cos.cos_var_heap -> (cContainsACycle, binds, cos) | is_strict # cos_var_heap = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Count 0 cIsALocalVar) cos.cos_var_heap (new_bind_src, cos) = add_dummy_id_for_strict_alias bind.lb_src { cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap } (is_cyclic, binds, cos) = detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict binds cos -> (is_cyclic, [{ bind & lb_src = new_bind_src } : binds], cos) -> detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict binds cos _ # (is_cyclic, binds, cos) = detect_cycles_and_handle_alias_binds is_strict binds cos -> (is_cyclic, [bind : binds], cos) where is_cyclic orig_info_ptr info_ptr var_heap | orig_info_ptr == info_ptr = True #! var_info = sreadPtr info_ptr var_heap = case var_info of VI_Alias {var_info_ptr} -> is_cyclic orig_info_ptr var_info_ptr var_heap _ -> False add_dummy_id_for_strict_alias bind_src cos=:{cos_symbol_heap, cos_predef_symbols_for_transform} # (new_app_info_ptr, cos_symbol_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty cos_symbol_heap {pds_module, pds_def} = cos_predef_symbols_for_transform.predef_alias_dummy pds_ident = predefined_idents.[PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun] app_symb = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Function {glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def} } = (App { app_symb = app_symb, app_args = [bind_src], app_info_ptr = new_app_info_ptr }, { cos & cos_symbol_heap = cos_symbol_heap } ) /* Apply 'collectVariables' to the bound expressions (the 'bind_src' field of 'let'-bind) if the corresponding bound variable (the 'bind_dst' field) has been used. This can be determined by examining the reference count. */ collect_variables_in_binds binds collected_binds free_vars cos # (continue, binds, collected_binds, free_vars, cos) = examine_reachable_binds False binds collected_binds free_vars cos | continue = collect_variables_in_binds binds collected_binds free_vars cos = (collected_binds, free_vars, cos) examine_reachable_binds bind_found [bind=:(is_strict, {lb_dst=fv=:{fv_info_ptr},lb_src}) : binds] collected_binds free_vars cos # (bind_found, binds, collected_binds, free_vars, cos) = examine_reachable_binds bind_found binds collected_binds free_vars cos # (VI_Count count is_global, cos_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr cos.cos_var_heap # cos = { cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap } | count > 0 # (lb_src, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables lb_src free_vars cos = (True, binds, [ (is_strict, { snd bind & lb_dst = { fv & fv_count = count }, lb_src = lb_src }) : collected_binds ], free_vars, cos) = (bind_found, [bind : binds], collected_binds, free_vars, cos) examine_reachable_binds bind_found [] collected_binds free_vars cos = (bind_found, [], collected_binds, free_vars, cos) split :: ![(Bool, x)] -> (![x], ![x]) split [] = ([], []) split [(p, x):xs] # (l, r) = split xs | p = ([x:l], r) = (l, [x:r]) collectVariables (Case case_expr) free_vars cos # (case_expr, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables case_expr free_vars cos = (Case case_expr, free_vars, cos) collectVariables (Selection is_unique expr selectors) free_vars cos # ((expr, selectors), free_vars, cos) = collectVariables (expr, selectors) free_vars cos = (Selection is_unique expr selectors, free_vars, cos) collectVariables (Update expr1 selectors expr2) free_vars cos # (((expr1, expr2), selectors), free_vars, cos) = collectVariables ((expr1, expr2), selectors) free_vars cos = (Update expr1 selectors expr2, free_vars, cos) collectVariables (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) free_vars cos # ((expression, expressions), free_vars, cos) = collectVariables (expression, expressions) free_vars cos = (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions, free_vars, cos) collectVariables (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr) free_vars cos # (expr, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables expr free_vars cos = (TupleSelect symbol argn_nr expr, free_vars, cos) collectVariables (MatchExpr opt_tuple cons_symb expr) free_vars cos # (expr, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables expr free_vars cos = (MatchExpr opt_tuple cons_symb expr, free_vars, cos) collectVariables (DynamicExpr dynamic_expr=:{dyn_expr /* MV ... */ , dyn_info_ptr /* ... MV */}) free_vars cos #! (dyn_expr, free_vars, cos /* MV ... */ =:{cos_symbol_heap} /* ... MV */) = collectVariables dyn_expr free_vars cos // MV ... # (expr_info,cos_symbol_heap) = readPtr dyn_info_ptr cos_symbol_heap # cos = { cos & cos_symbol_heap = cos_symbol_heap } # cos = case expr_info of EI_Dynamic _ id -> { cos & cos_used_dynamics = { cos.cos_used_dynamics & [id] = True } } _ -> cos // ... MV = (DynamicExpr {dynamic_expr & dyn_expr = dyn_expr}, free_vars, cos); collectVariables expr free_vars cos = (expr, free_vars, cos) instance collectVariables Selection where collectVariables (ArraySelection array_select expr_ptr index_expr) free_vars cos # (index_expr, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables index_expr free_vars cos = (ArraySelection array_select expr_ptr index_expr, free_vars, cos) collectVariables record_selection free_vars cos = (record_selection, free_vars, cos) instance collectVariables [a] | collectVariables a where collectVariables [x:xs] free_vars cos # (x, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables x free_vars cos # (xs, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables xs free_vars cos = ([x:xs], free_vars, cos) collectVariables [] free_vars cos = ([], free_vars, cos) instance collectVariables (!a,!b) | collectVariables a & collectVariables b where collectVariables (x,y) free_vars cos # (x, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables x free_vars cos # (y, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables y free_vars cos = ((x,y), free_vars, cos) instance collectVariables (Optional a) | collectVariables a where collectVariables (Yes x) free_vars cos # (x, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables x free_vars cos = (Yes x, free_vars, cos) collectVariables no free_vars cos = (no, free_vars, cos) instance collectVariables (Bind a b) | collectVariables a where collectVariables bind=:{bind_src} free_vars cos # (bind_src, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables bind_src free_vars cos = ({bind & bind_src = bind_src}, free_vars, cos) instance collectVariables Case where collectVariables kees=:{ case_expr, case_guards, case_default } free_vars cos # (case_expr, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables case_expr free_vars cos # (case_guards, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables case_guards free_vars cos # (case_default, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables case_default free_vars cos = ({ kees & case_expr = case_expr, case_guards = case_guards, case_default = case_default }, free_vars, cos) instance collectVariables CasePatterns where collectVariables (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) free_vars cos # (patterns, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables patterns free_vars cos = (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns, free_vars, cos) collectVariables (BasicPatterns type patterns) free_vars cos # (patterns, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables patterns free_vars cos = (BasicPatterns type patterns, free_vars, cos) collectVariables (OverloadedListPatterns type decons_expr patterns) free_vars cos # (patterns, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables patterns free_vars cos = (OverloadedListPatterns type decons_expr patterns, free_vars, cos) collectVariables (DynamicPatterns patterns) free_vars cos # (patterns, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables patterns free_vars cos = (DynamicPatterns patterns, free_vars, cos) instance collectVariables AlgebraicPattern where collectVariables pattern=:{ap_vars,ap_expr} free_vars cos # (ap_expr, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables ap_expr free_vars { cos & cos_var_heap = clearCount ap_vars cIsALocalVar cos.cos_var_heap} (ap_vars, cos_var_heap) = retrieveRefCounts ap_vars cos.cos_var_heap = ({ pattern & ap_expr = ap_expr, ap_vars = ap_vars }, free_vars, { cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap }) instance collectVariables BasicPattern where collectVariables pattern=:{bp_expr} free_vars cos # (bp_expr, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables bp_expr free_vars cos = ({ pattern & bp_expr = bp_expr }, free_vars, cos) instance collectVariables DynamicPattern where collectVariables pattern=:{dp_var,dp_rhs} free_vars cos # (dp_rhs, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables dp_rhs free_vars { cos & cos_var_heap = clearCount dp_var cIsALocalVar cos.cos_var_heap} (dp_var, cos_var_heap) = retrieveRefCount dp_var cos.cos_var_heap = ({ pattern & dp_rhs = dp_rhs, dp_var = dp_var }, free_vars, { cos & cos_var_heap = cos_var_heap }) instance collectVariables BoundVar where collectVariables var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr} free_vars cos=:{cos_var_heap} #! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr cos_var_heap = case var_info of VI_Alias alias # (original, free_vars, cos) = collectVariables alias free_vars cos -> ({ original & var_expr_ptr = var_expr_ptr }, free_vars, cos) VI_Count count is_global | count > 0 || is_global -> (var, free_vars, { cos & cos_var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Count (inc count) is_global) cos.cos_var_heap }) -> (var, [{fv_name = var_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_count = 0} : free_vars ], { cos & cos_var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_Count 1 is_global) cos.cos_var_heap }) _ -> abort "collectVariables [BoundVar] (transform, 1227)" // <<- (var_info ---> (var_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr)) instance <<< (Ptr a) where (<<<) file p = file <<< ptrToInt p instance <<< VarInfo where (<<<) file (VI_Expression expr) = file <<< expr (<<<) file vi = file <<< "VI??"