implementation module syntax import StdEnv, compare_constructor import RWSDebug import scanner, general, Heap, typeproperties, utilities :: Ident = { id_name :: !String , id_info :: !SymbolPtr } instance toString Ident where toString {id_name} = id_name instance toString (Import from_symbol) where toString {import_module} = toString import_module /* Each Identifier is equipped with a pointer to a SymbolTableEntry that is used for binding the identifier with its definition. */ :: SymbolTable :== Heap SymbolTableEntry :: SymbolPtr :== Ptr SymbolTableEntry :: SymbolTableEntry = { ste_kind :: !STE_Kind , ste_index :: !Index , ste_def_level :: !Level , ste_previous :: SymbolTableEntry } :: STE_BoundTypeVariable = { stv_count :: !Int, stv_attribute :: !TypeAttribute, stv_info_ptr :: !TypeVarInfoPtr} :: STE_Kind = STE_FunctionOrMacro ![Index] | STE_Type | STE_Constructor | STE_Selector ![Global Index] | STE_Field !Ident | STE_Class | STE_Member | STE_Instance | STE_Variable !VarInfoPtr | STE_TypeVariable !TypeVarInfoPtr | STE_TypeAttribute !AttrVarInfoPtr | STE_BoundTypeVariable !STE_BoundTypeVariable | STE_BoundType !AType | STE_Imported !STE_Kind !Index | STE_DclFunction | STE_Module !(Module (CollectedDefinitions ClassInstance IndexRange)) | STE_OpenModule !Int !(Module (CollectedDefinitions ClassInstance IndexRange)) | STE_ClosedModule | STE_LockedModule | STE_Empty | STE_DictType !CheckedTypeDef | STE_DictCons !ConsDef | STE_DictField !SelectorDef | STE_Called ![Index] /* used during macro expansion to indicate that this function is called */ :: Global object = { glob_object :: !object , glob_module :: !Index } :: Module defs = { mod_name :: !Ident , mod_type :: !ModuleKind , mod_imports :: ![ParsedImport] // RWS ... , mod_imported_objects :: ![ImportedObject] // ... RWS , mod_defs :: !defs } :: ParsedModule :== Module [ParsedDefinition] :: ScannedModule :== Module (CollectedDefinitions (ParsedInstance FunDef) IndexRange) :: ModuleKind = MK_Main | MK_Module | MK_System | MK_None :: RhsDefsOfType = ConsList ![ParsedConstructor] | SelectorList !Ident ![ATypeVar] ![ParsedSelector] | TypeSpec !AType | EmptyRhs !BITVECT :: CollectedDefinitions instance_kind macro_defs = { def_types :: ![TypeDef TypeRhs] , def_constructors :: ![ConsDef] , def_selectors :: ![SelectorDef] , def_macros :: !macro_defs , def_classes :: ![ClassDef] , def_members :: ![MemberDef] , def_funtypes :: ![FunType] , def_instances :: ![instance_kind] } :: LocalDefs = LocalParsedDefs [ParsedDefinition] | CollectedLocalDefs CollectedLocalDefs :: IndexRange = { ir_from :: !Index, ir_to :: !Index } :: Index :== Int NoIndex :== -1 :: Level :== Int NotALevel :== -1 :: CollectedLocalDefs = { loc_functions :: !IndexRange , loc_nodes :: ![(Optional SymbolType, NodeDef ParsedExpr)] } :: NodeDef dst = { nd_dst ::!dst, nd_alts ::!OptGuardedAlts, nd_locals ::!LocalDefs } :: Rhs = { rhs_alts :: !OptGuardedAlts , rhs_locals :: !LocalDefs } cIsAFunction :== True cIsNotAFunction :== False :: ParsedDefinition = PD_Function Position Ident Bool [ParsedExpr] Rhs FunKind | PD_NodeDef Position ParsedExpr Rhs | PD_Type ParsedTypeDef | PD_TypeSpec Position Ident Priority (Optional SymbolType) Specials | PD_Class ClassDef [ParsedDefinition] | PD_Instance (ParsedInstance ParsedDefinition) | PD_Instances [ParsedInstance ParsedDefinition] | PD_Import [ParsedImport] // RWS ... | PD_ImportedObjects [ImportedObject] // ... RWS | PD_Erroneous :: FunKind = FK_Function | FK_Macro | FK_Caf | FK_Unknown :: ParsedSelector = { ps_field_name :: !Ident , ps_selector_name :: !Ident , ps_field_type :: !AType , ps_field_var :: !Ident , ps_field_pos :: !Position } :: ParsedConstructor = { pc_cons_name :: !Ident , pc_cons_arity :: !Int , pc_exi_vars :: ![ATypeVar] , pc_arg_types :: ![AType] , pc_cons_prio :: !Priority , pc_cons_pos :: !Position } :: ParsedInstance member = { pi_class :: !Ident , pi_ident :: !Ident , pi_types :: ![Type] , pi_context :: ![TypeContext] , pi_pos :: !Position , pi_members :: ![member] , pi_specials :: !Specials } :: Specials = SP_ParsedSubstitutions ![Env Type TypeVar] | SP_Substitutions ![SpecialSubstitution] | SP_ContextTypes ![Special] | SP_FunIndex !Index | SP_TypeOffset !Int | SP_None :: SpecialSubstitution = { ss_environ :: !Env Type TypeVar , ss_context :: ![TypeContext] , ss_vars :: ![TypeVar] , ss_attrs :: ![AttributeVar] } :: Special = { spec_index :: !Global Index , spec_types :: ![[Type]] , spec_vars :: ![TypeVar] , spec_attrs :: ![AttributeVar] } :: AttrInequality = { ai_demanded :: !AttributeVar , ai_offered :: !AttributeVar } :: DefinedSymbol = { ds_ident :: !Ident , ds_arity :: !Int , ds_index :: !Index } :: ClassSymbIdent = { cs_name :: !Ident , cs_arity :: !Int , cs_index :: !Int } :: ClassDef = { class_name :: !Ident , class_arity :: !Int , class_args :: ![TypeVar] , class_context :: ![TypeContext] , class_members :: !{# DefinedSymbol} , class_dictionary :: !DefinedSymbol , class_pos :: !Position , class_cons_vars :: !BITVECT } :: MemberDef = { me_symb :: !Ident , me_class :: !Global Index , me_offset :: !Index , me_type :: !SymbolType , me_type_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr , me_class_vars :: ![TypeVar] , me_pos :: !Position , me_priority :: !Priority } :: InstanceType = { it_vars :: [TypeVar] , it_types :: ![Type] , it_attr_vars :: [AttributeVar] , it_context :: ![TypeContext] } :: ClassInstance = { ins_class :: !Global DefinedSymbol , ins_ident :: !Ident , ins_type :: !InstanceType , ins_members :: !{# DefinedSymbol} , ins_specials :: !Specials , ins_pos :: !Position } :: Import from_symbol = { import_module :: !Ident , import_symbols :: ![from_symbol] , import_file_position:: !(!FileName, !Int) // for error messages // MW++ } :: ParsedImport :== Import ImportDeclaration :: ImportedIdent = { ii_ident :: !Ident , ii_extended :: !Bool } :: ImportDeclaration = ID_Function !ImportedIdent | ID_Class !ImportedIdent !(Optional [ImportedIdent]) | ID_Type !ImportedIdent !(Optional [ImportedIdent]) | ID_Record !ImportedIdent !(Optional [ImportedIdent]) | ID_Instance !ImportedIdent !Ident !(![Type],![TypeContext]) // MW2 moved some type definitions // RWS ... cIsImportedLibrary :== True cIsImportedObject :== False :: ImportedObject = { io_is_library :: !Bool , io_name :: !{#Char} } // ... RWS :: RecordType = { rt_constructor :: !DefinedSymbol , rt_fields :: !{# FieldSymbol} } :: FieldSymbol = { fs_name :: !Ident , fs_var :: !Ident , fs_index :: !Index } :: TypeRhs = AlgType ![DefinedSymbol] | SynType !AType | RecordType !RecordType | AbstractType !BITVECT | UnknownType :: ParsedTypeDef :== TypeDef RhsDefsOfType :: CheckedTypeDef :== TypeDef TypeRhs cAllBitsClear :== 0 cIsHyperStrict :== 1 cIsNonCoercible :== 2 cMayBeNonCoercible :== 4 :: TypeDef type_rhs = { td_name :: !Ident , td_index :: !Int , td_arity :: !Int , td_args :: ![ATypeVar] , td_attrs :: ![AttributeVar] , td_context :: ![TypeContext] , td_rhs :: !type_rhs , td_attribute :: !TypeAttribute , td_pos :: !Position } :: FunType = { ft_symb :: !Ident , ft_arity :: !Int , ft_priority :: !Priority , ft_type :: !SymbolType , ft_pos :: !Position , ft_specials :: !Specials , ft_type_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr } :: FreeVar = { fv_def_level :: !Level , fv_name :: !Ident , fv_info_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr , fv_count :: !Int } :: FunCall = { fc_level :: !Level , fc_index :: !Index } :: FunInfo = { fi_calls :: ![FunCall] , fi_group_index :: !Index , fi_def_level :: !Level , fi_free_vars :: ![FreeVar] , fi_local_vars :: ![FreeVar] , fi_dynamics :: ![ExprInfoPtr] , fi_is_macro_fun :: !Bool // whether the function is a local function of a macro } :: ParsedBody = { pb_args :: ![ParsedExpr] , pb_rhs :: !Rhs } :: CheckedBody = { cb_args :: ![FreeVar] , cb_rhs :: ![Expression] } :: TransformedBody = { tb_args :: ![FreeVar] , tb_rhs :: !Expression } :: FunctionBody = ParsedBody ![ParsedBody] | CheckedBody !CheckedBody /* The next three constructors are used during macro expansion (module transform) */ | PartioningMacro | PartioningFunction !CheckedBody !Int | RhsMacroBody !CheckedBody /* macro expansion the transforms a CheckedBody into a TransformedBody */ | TransformedBody !TransformedBody | Expanding ![FreeVar] // the parameters of the newly generated function | BackendBody ![BackendBody] :: BackendBody = { bb_args :: ![FunctionPattern] , bb_rhs :: !Expression } :: FunDef = { fun_symb :: !Ident , fun_arity :: !Int , fun_priority :: !Priority , fun_body :: !FunctionBody , fun_type :: !Optional SymbolType , fun_pos :: !Position , fun_index :: !Int , fun_kind :: !FunKind , fun_lifted :: !Int // , fun_type_ptr :: !TypeVarInfoPtr , fun_info :: !FunInfo } cIsAGlobalVar :== True cIsALocalVar :== False :: ConsClasses = { cc_size ::!Int , cc_args ::![ConsClass] // the lists have the , cc_linear_bits ::![Bool] // same length } :: ConsClass :== Int :: OptionalVariable :== Optional (Bind Ident VarInfoPtr) :: AuxiliaryPattern = AP_Algebraic !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Index [AuxiliaryPattern] OptionalVariable | AP_Variable !Ident !VarInfoPtr OptionalVariable | AP_Basic !BasicValue OptionalVariable | AP_Dynamic !AuxiliaryPattern !DynamicType !OptionalVariable | AP_Constant !AP_Kind !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Priority | AP_WildCard OptionalVariable | AP_Empty !Ident :: AP_Kind = APK_Constructor !Index | APK_Macro :: VarInfo = VI_Empty | VI_Type !AType | VI_Occurrence !Occurrence | VI_UsedVar !Ident | VI_Expression !Expression | VI_Variable !Ident !VarInfoPtr | VI_LiftedVariable !VarInfoPtr | VI_Count !Int /* the reference count of a variable */ !Bool /* true if the variable is global, false otherwise */ | VI_AccVar !ConsClass !ArgumentPosition /* used during fusion to determine accumulating parameters of functions */ | VI_Alias !BoundVar /* used for resolving aliases just before type checking (in transform) */ | /* used during elimination and lifting of cases */ VI_FreeVar !Ident !VarInfoPtr !Int !AType | VI_BoundVar !AType | VI_LocalVar | VI_Forward !BoundVar | VI_LetVar !LetVarInfo | VI_LetExpression !LetExpressionInfo | VI_CaseVar !VarInfoPtr | VI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int | VI_SequenceNumber !Int | VI_Used | /* for indicating that an imported function has been used */ VI_PropagationType !SymbolType | /* for storing the type with propagation environment of an imported function */ VI_ExpandedType !SymbolType | /* for storing the (expanded) type of an imported function */ VI_Record ![AuxiliaryPattern] | VI_Pattern !AuxiliaryPattern | VI_Default !Int | /* used during conversion of dynamics; the Int indiacted the refenrence count */ VI_Body !SymbIdent !TransformedBody ![FreeVar] | /* used during fusion */ VI_Dictionary !SymbIdent ![Expression] ![Type] | /* used during fusion */ VI_Extended !ExtendedVarInfo !VarInfo :: ExtendedVarInfo = EVI_VarType !AType :: ArgumentPosition :== Int :: VarInfoPtr :== Ptr VarInfo :: LetVarInfo = { lvi_count :: !Int , lvi_depth :: !Int , lvi_new :: !Bool , lvi_var :: !Ident , lvi_expression :: !Expression , lvi_previous :: ![PreviousLetVarInfo] } :: PreviousLetVarInfo = { plvi_count :: !Int , plvi_depth :: !Int , plvi_new :: !Bool } :: LetExpressionStatus = LES_Untouched | LES_Moved | LES_Updated !Expression :: LetExpressionInfo = { lei_count :: !Int , lei_depth :: !Int , lei_strict :: !Bool , lei_var :: !FreeVar , lei_expression :: !Expression , lei_status :: !LetExpressionStatus , lei_type :: !AType } cNotVarNumber :== -1 :: BoundVar = { var_name :: !Ident , var_info_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr , var_expr_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr } :: TypeSymbIdent = { type_name :: !Ident , type_arity :: !Int , type_index :: !Global Index , type_prop :: !TypeSymbProperties } :: TypeSymbProperties = { tsp_sign :: !SignClassification , tsp_propagation :: !PropClassification , tsp_coercible :: !Bool } :: SymbKind = SK_Unknown | SK_Function !(Global Index) | SK_OverloadedFunction !(Global Index) | SK_Constructor !(Global Index) | SK_Macro !(Global Index) // | SK_RecordSelector !(Global Index) | SK_GeneratedFunction !FunctionInfoPtr !Index | SK_TypeCode // MW2 moved some type definitions /* Some auxiliary type definitions used during fusion. Actually, these definitions should have beengiven in seperate module. Unfortunately, Clean's module system forbids cyclic dependencies between def modules. */ :: FunctionHeap :== Heap FunctionInfo :: FunctionInfoPtr :== Ptr FunctionInfo :: FunctionInfo = FI_Empty | FI_Function !GeneratedFunction :: Producer = PR_Empty | PR_Function !SymbIdent !Index !Int // Int: number of actual arguments in application | PR_Class !App ![BoundVar] ![Type] // | PR_Constructor !SymbIdent ![Expression] | PR_GeneratedFunction !SymbIdent !Index !Int // Int: number of actual arguments in application :: InstanceInfo = II_Empty | II_Node !{! Producer} !FunctionInfoPtr !InstanceInfo !InstanceInfo :: GeneratedFunction = { gf_fun_def :: !FunDef , gf_instance_info :: !InstanceInfo , gf_cons_args :: !ConsClasses , gf_fun_index :: !Index } /* ... main type definitions continued .... */ :: ExpressionHeap :== Heap ExprInfo :: ExprInfoPtr :== Ptr ExprInfo :: TempLocalVar :== Int :: DynamicPtr :== ExprInfoPtr :: ExprInfo = EI_Empty /* For handling overloading */ | EI_Overloaded !OverloadedCall /* initial, set by the type checker */ | EI_Instance !(Global DefinedSymbol) ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */ | EI_Selection ![Selection] !BoundVar ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */ | EI_Context ![Expression] /* intermedediate, used during resolving of overloading */ /* For handling dynamics */ | EI_Dynamic !(Optional DynamicType) | EI_DynamicType !DynamicType ![DynamicPtr] /* Auxiliary, was EI_DynamicType before checking */ | EI_DynamicTypeWithVars ![TypeVar] !DynamicType ![DynamicPtr] /* Auxiliary, used during type checking */ | EI_TempDynamicType !(Optional DynamicType) !AType ![TypeContext] !ExprInfoPtr !SymbIdent | EI_TempDynamicPattern ![TypeVar] !DynamicType ![DynamicPtr] ![TempLocalVar] !AType ![TypeContext] !ExprInfoPtr !SymbIdent | EI_TypeOfDynamic ![VarInfoPtr] !TypeCodeExpression /* Final */ | EI_TypeOfDynamicPattern ![VarInfoPtr] !TypeCodeExpression /* Final */ | EI_TypeCode !TypeCodeExpression | EI_TypeCodes ![TypeCodeExpression] | EI_Attribute !Int /* EI_FreeVariables is uded to store the (free) variables occurring in the case expression */ // | EI_FreeVariables ![UnboundVariable] !ExprInfo /* EI_ClassTypes is used to store the instance types of a class These type are used during fusion to generate proper types for the fusion result (i.e. the resulting function after elimination of dictionaries) */ | EI_ClassTypes ![Type] | EI_CaseType !CaseType | EI_LetType ![AType] | EI_CaseTypeAndRefCounts !CaseType !RefCountsInCase | EI_LetTypeAndRefCounts ![AType] ![Int] /* for converting case into function patterns the following auxiliary constuctors are used */ | EI_Default !Expression !AType !ExprInfoPtr | EI_DefaultFunction !SymbIdent ![Expression] | EI_Extended !ExtendedExprInfo !ExprInfo :: ExtendedExprInfo = EEI_ActiveCase !ActiveCaseInfo :: ActiveCaseInfo = { aci_params :: ![FreeVar] , aci_opt_unfolder :: !(Optional SymbIdent) , aci_free_vars :: !Optional [BoundVar] , aci_linearity_of_patterns :: ![[Bool]] } :: RefCountsInCase = { rcc_all_variables :: ![CountedVariable] , rcc_default_variables :: ![CountedVariable] , rcc_pattern_variables :: ![[CountedVariable]] } :: CountedVariable = { cv_variable :: !VarInfoPtr , cv_count :: !Int } /* OverloadedCall contains (type) information about functions that are overloaded. This structure is built during type checking and used after (standard) unification to insert the proper instances of the corresponding functions. */ :: OverloadedCall = { oc_symbol :: !SymbIdent , oc_context :: ![TypeContext] , oc_specials :: ![Special] } /* CaseType contains the type information needed to type the corresponding case construct: ct_pattern_type : the type of the pattern ct_result_type : the type of the result (of each pattern) ct_cons_types : the types of the arguments of each pattern constructor */ :: CaseType = { ct_pattern_type :: !AType , ct_result_type :: !AType , ct_cons_types :: ![[AType]] } :: SymbIdent = { symb_name :: !Ident , symb_kind :: !SymbKind , symb_arity :: !Int } :: ConsDef = { cons_symb :: !Ident , cons_type :: !SymbolType , cons_arg_vars :: ![[ATypeVar]] , cons_priority :: !Priority , cons_index :: !Index , cons_type_index :: !Index , cons_exi_vars :: ![ATypeVar] // , cons_exi_attrs :: ![AttributeVar] , cons_type_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr , cons_pos :: !Position } :: SelectorDef = { sd_symb :: !Ident , sd_field :: !Ident , sd_type :: !SymbolType , sd_exi_vars :: ![ATypeVar] // , sd_exi_attrs :: ![AttributeVar] , sd_field_nr :: !Int , sd_type_index :: !Int , sd_type_ptr :: !VarInfoPtr , sd_pos :: !Position } :: SymbolType = { st_vars :: ![TypeVar] , st_args :: ![AType] , st_arity :: !Int , st_result :: !AType , st_context :: ![TypeContext] , st_attr_vars :: ![AttributeVar] , st_attr_env :: ![AttrInequality] } :: TypeContext = { tc_class :: !Global DefinedSymbol , tc_types :: ![Type] , tc_var :: !VarInfoPtr } :: AType = { at_attribute :: !TypeAttribute , at_annotation :: !Annotation , at_type :: !Type } :: TempAttrId :== Int :: TempVarId :== Int :: Type = TA !TypeSymbIdent ![AType] | (-->) infixr 9 !AType !AType | (:@:) infixl 9 !ConsVariable ![AType] | TB !BasicType // | TFA [ATypeVar] Type | GTV !TypeVar | TV !TypeVar | TempV !TempVarId /* Auxiliary, used during type checking */ | TQV TypeVar | TempQV !TempVarId /* Auxiliary, used during type checking */ | TLifted !TypeVar /* Auxiliary, used during type checking of lifted arguments */ | TE :: ConsVariable = CV !TypeVar | TempCV !TempVarId | TempQCV !TempVarId :: DynamicType = { dt_uni_vars :: ![ATypeVar] , dt_global_vars :: ![TypeVar] , dt_type :: !AType } :: KindHeap :== Heap KindInfo :: KindInfoPtr :== Ptr KindInfo :: KindInfo = KI_Var !KindInfoPtr | KI_Indirection !KindInfo | KI_Arrow ![KindInfo] | KI_Const | KI_ConsVar | KI_VarBind !KindInfoPtr | KI_NormVar !Int :: TypeVarInfo = TVI_Empty | TVI_Type !Type | TVI_Forward !TempVarId | TVI_TypeKind !KindInfoPtr | TVI_SignClass !Index !SignClassification !TypeVarInfo | TVI_PropClass !Index !PropClassification !TypeVarInfo | TVI_Attribute TypeAttribute | TVI_CorrespondenceNumber !Int | TVI_Used /* to adminster that this variable is encountered (in checkOpenTypes) */ | TVI_TypeCode !TypeCodeExpression | TVI_FreshTypeVar TypeVar /* auxiliary used during fusion */ :: TypeVarInfoPtr :== Ptr TypeVarInfo :: TypeVarHeap :== Heap TypeVarInfo :: AttrVarInfo = AVI_Empty | AVI_Attr !TypeAttribute | AVI_Forward !TempAttrId :: AttrVarInfoPtr :== Ptr AttrVarInfo :: AttrVarHeap :== Heap AttrVarInfo :: TypeHeaps = { th_vars :: ! .TypeVarHeap , th_attrs :: ! .AttrVarHeap } :: TypeVar = { tv_name :: !Ident , tv_info_ptr :: !TypeVarInfoPtr } :: ATypeVar = { atv_attribute :: !TypeAttribute , atv_annotation :: !Annotation , atv_variable :: !TypeVar } :: TypeAttribute = TA_Unique | TA_Multi | TA_Var !AttributeVar | TA_RootVar !AttributeVar | TA_TempVar !Int | TA_Anonymous | TA_None | TA_List !Int !TypeAttribute | TA_Omega :: AttributeVar = { av_name :: !Ident , av_info_ptr :: !AttrVarInfoPtr } :: Annotation = AN_Strict | AN_None :: BasicType = BT_Int | BT_Char | BT_Real | BT_Bool | BT_Dynamic | BT_File | BT_World | BT_String !Type /* the internal string type synonym only used to type string denotations */ :: BasicValue = BVI !String | BVC !String | BVB !Bool | BVR !String | BVS !String :: TypeKind = KindVar !KindInfoPtr | KindConst | KindArrow !Int :: Occurrence = { occ_ref_count :: !ReferenceCount , occ_bind :: !OccurrenceBinding , occ_observing :: !Bool , occ_previous :: ![ReferenceCount] } :: ReferenceCount = RC_Used !RC_Used | RC_Unused :: SelectiveUse = { su_field :: !Int, su_multiply :: ![ExprInfoPtr], su_uniquely :: ![ExprInfoPtr] } :: RC_Used = { rcu_multiply :: ![ExprInfoPtr], rcu_selectively :: ![SelectiveUse], rcu_uniquely :: ![ExprInfoPtr] } :: OccurrenceBinding = OB_Empty | OB_OpenLet !Expression | OB_LockedLet !Expression | OB_Pattern ![(FreeVar, Int)] !OccurrenceBinding // | OB_Closed !LetOccurrences | OB_Marked !LetOccurrences :: TypeDefInfo = { tdi_kinds :: ![TypeKind] , tdi_properties :: !BITVECT , tdi_group :: ![Global Index] , tdi_group_nr :: !Int , tdi_group_vars :: ![Int] , tdi_cons_vars :: ![Int] , tdi_classification :: !TypeClassification } :: TypeDefInfos :== {# .{# TypeDefInfo}} :: OptGuardedAlts = GuardedAlts ![GuardedExpr] !(Optional ExprWithLocalDefs) | UnGuardedExpr !ExprWithLocalDefs :: GuardedExpr = { alt_nodes :: ![NodeDefWithLocals] , alt_guard :: !ParsedExpr , alt_expr :: !OptGuardedAlts } :: ExprWithLocalDefs = { ewl_nodes :: ![NodeDefWithLocals] , ewl_expr :: !ParsedExpr , ewl_locals :: !LocalDefs } :: NodeDefWithLocals = { ndwl_strict :: !Bool , ndwl_def :: !Bind ParsedExpr ParsedExpr , ndwl_locals :: !LocalDefs } :: CaseAlt = { calt_pattern :: !ParsedExpr , calt_rhs :: !Rhs } :: LocalDef :== ParsedDefinition cUniqueSelection :== True cNonUniqueSelection :== False :: ParsedExpr = PE_List ![ParsedExpr] | PE_Ident !Ident | PE_Basic !BasicValue | PE_Bound !BoundExpr | PE_Lambda !Ident ![ParsedExpr] !ParsedExpr | PE_Tuple ![ParsedExpr] | PE_Record !ParsedExpr !(Optional Ident) ![FieldAssignment] | PE_Array !ParsedExpr ![ElemAssignment] ![Qualifier] | PE_ArrayDenot ![ParsedExpr] | PE_Selection !Bool !ParsedExpr ![ParsedSelection] | PE_Update !ParsedExpr [ParsedSelection] ParsedExpr | PE_Case !Ident !ParsedExpr [CaseAlt] | PE_If !Ident !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr !ParsedExpr | PE_Let !Bool !LocalDefs !ParsedExpr | PE_Compr !GeneratorKind !ParsedExpr ![Qualifier] | PE_Sequ Sequence | PE_WildCard | PE_Field !ParsedExpr !(Global FieldSymbol) /* Auxiliary, used during checking */ | PE_ABC_Code ![String] !Bool | PE_Any_Code !(CodeBinding Ident) !(CodeBinding Ident) ![String] | PE_DynamicPattern !ParsedExpr !DynamicType | PE_Dynamic !ParsedExpr !(Optional DynamicType) | PE_Empty :: ParsedSelection = PS_Record !Ident !(Optional Ident) | PS_Array !ParsedExpr | PS_Erroneous :: GeneratorKind :== Bool cIsListGenerator :== True cIsArrayGenerator :== False :: Generator = { gen_kind :: !GeneratorKind , gen_pattern :: !ParsedExpr , gen_expr :: !ParsedExpr , gen_var :: !Ident } :: Qualifier = { qual_generators :: ![Generator] , qual_filter :: !Optional ParsedExpr , qual_fun_id :: !Ident } :: Sequence = SQ_FromThen ParsedExpr ParsedExpr | SQ_FromThenTo ParsedExpr ParsedExpr ParsedExpr | SQ_From ParsedExpr | SQ_FromTo ParsedExpr ParsedExpr :: BoundExpr :== Bind ParsedExpr Ident :: FieldAssignment :== Bind ParsedExpr Ident :: ElemAssignment :== Bind ParsedExpr ParsedExpr //:: NodeDef :== Bind ParsedExpr ParsedExpr cIsStrict :== True cIsNotStrict :== False :: Expression = Var !BoundVar | App !App | (@) infixl 9 !Expression ![Expression] | Let !Let | Case !Case | Selection !(Optional (Global DefinedSymbol)) !Expression ![Selection] | Update !Expression ![Selection] Expression | RecordUpdate !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Expression ![Bind Expression (Global FieldSymbol)] | TupleSelect !DefinedSymbol !Int !Expression | Lambda .[FreeVar] !Expression | BasicExpr !BasicValue !BasicType | WildCard | Conditional !Conditional | AnyCodeExpr !(CodeBinding BoundVar) !(CodeBinding FreeVar) ![String] | ABCCodeExpr ![String] !Bool | MatchExpr !(Optional (Global DefinedSymbol)) !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Expression | FreeVar FreeVar | Constant !SymbIdent !Int !Priority !Bool /* auxiliary clause used during checking */ | DynamicExpr !DynamicExpr // | TypeCase !TypeCase | TypeCodeExpression !TypeCodeExpression | EE :: CodeBinding variable :== Env String variable :: App = { app_symb :: !SymbIdent , app_args :: ![Expression] , app_info_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr } :: Case = { case_expr :: !Expression , case_guards :: !CasePatterns , case_default :: !Optional Expression , case_ident :: !Optional Ident , case_info_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr } :: Let = { let_strict :: !Bool , let_binds :: !(Env Expression FreeVar) , let_expr :: !Expression , let_info_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr } :: DynamicExpr = { dyn_expr :: !Expression , dyn_opt_type :: !Optional DynamicType , dyn_info_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr , dyn_uni_vars :: ![VarInfoPtr] /* filled after type checking */ , dyn_type_code :: !TypeCodeExpression /* filled after type checking */ } :: CasePatterns = AlgebraicPatterns !(Global Index) ![AlgebraicPattern] | BasicPatterns !BasicType [BasicPattern] | DynamicPatterns [DynamicPattern] /* auxiliary */ | NoPattern /* auxiliary */ :: Selection = RecordSelection !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Int | ArraySelection !(Global DefinedSymbol) !ExprInfoPtr !Expression | DictionarySelection !BoundVar ![Selection] !ExprInfoPtr !Expression :: TypeCodeExpression = TCE_Empty | TCE_Var !VarInfoPtr | TCE_Constructor !Index ![TypeCodeExpression] | TCE_Selector ![Selection] !VarInfoPtr :: GlobalTCType = GTT_Basic !BasicType | GTT_Constructor !TypeSymbIdent | GTT_Function :: FunctionPattern = FP_Basic !BasicValue !(Optional FreeVar) | FP_Algebraic !(Global DefinedSymbol) ![FunctionPattern] !(Optional FreeVar) | FP_Variable !FreeVar | FP_Dynamic ![VarInfoPtr] !FreeVar !TypeCodeExpression !(Optional FreeVar) | FP_Empty :: AlgebraicPattern = { ap_symbol :: !(Global DefinedSymbol) , ap_vars :: ![FreeVar] , ap_expr :: !Expression } :: BasicPattern = { bp_value :: !BasicValue , bp_expr :: !Expression } :: TypeCase = { type_case_dynamic :: !Expression , type_case_patterns :: ![DynamicPattern] , type_case_default :: !Optional Expression , type_case_info_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr } :: DynamicPattern = { dp_var :: !FreeVar , dp_type :: !ExprInfoPtr , dp_type_patterns_vars :: ![VarInfoPtr] /* filled after type checking */ , dp_type_code :: !TypeCodeExpression /* filled after type checking */ , dp_rhs :: !Expression } :: Conditional = { if_cond :: !Expression , if_then :: !Expression , if_else :: !Optional Expression } /* error handling */ :: Position = FunPos FileName LineNr FunctName | LinePos FileName LineNr | PreDefPos Ident | NoPos :: IdentPos = { ip_ident :: !Ident , ip_line :: !Int , ip_file :: !FileName } :: FileName :== String :: FunctName :== String :: LineNr :== Int cNotALineNumber :== -1 /* Used for hashing identifiers */ class needs_brackets a :: a -> Bool instance == BoundVar where (==) varid1 varid2 = varid1.var_name == varid2.var_name instance == Ident where (==) id1 id2 = id1.id_info == id2.id_info instance needs_brackets AType where needs_brackets {at_type} = needs_brackets at_type instance needs_brackets Type where needs_brackets (TA {type_arity} _) = type_arity > 0 needs_brackets (_ --> _) = True needs_brackets (_ :@: _) = True /* needs_brackets (TFA _ _) = True */ needs_brackets _ = False instance needs_brackets Expression where needs_brackets (App app) = app.app_symb.symb_arity > 0 needs_brackets (_ @ _) = True needs_brackets (Let _) = True needs_brackets (Case _) = True needs_brackets (Lambda _ _) = True needs_brackets (Selection _ _ _) = True needs_brackets _ = False instance needs_brackets a where needs_brackets _ = False instance <<< BasicType where (<<<) file BT_Int = file <<< "Int" (<<<) file BT_Char = file <<< "Char" (<<<) file BT_Real = file <<< "Real" (<<<) file BT_Bool = file <<< "Bool" /* (<<<) file (BT_String _) = file <<< "String" */ (<<<) file BT_Dynamic = file <<< "Dynamic" (<<<) file BT_File = file <<< "File" (<<<) file BT_World = file <<< "World" instance <<< TypeVar where // (<<<) file varid = file <<< varid.tv_name <<< '[' <<< ptrToInt varid.tv_info_ptr <<< ']' (<<<) file varid = file <<< varid.tv_name instance <<< AttributeVar where // (<<<) file {av_name,av_info_ptr} = file <<< av_name <<< '[' <<< ptrToInt av_info_ptr <<< ']' (<<<) file {av_name,av_info_ptr} = file <<< av_name instance toString AttributeVar where // toString {av_name,av_info_ptr} = toString av_name + "[" + toString (ptrToInt av_info_ptr) + "]" toString {av_name,av_info_ptr} = toString av_name instance <<< AType where (<<<) file {at_annotation,at_attribute,at_type} = file <<< at_annotation <<< at_attribute <<< at_type instance <<< TypeAttribute where (<<<) file ta = file <<< toString ta instance toString TypeAttribute where toString (TA_Unique) = "* " toString (TA_TempVar tav_number) = "u" + toString tav_number + ": " toString (TA_Var avar) = toString avar + ": " /* toString (TA_TempExVar tav_number) = "e" + toString tav_number + ": " toString (TA_ExVar avar) = toString avar + "': " */ toString (TA_RootVar avar) = toString avar + ": " toString (TA_Anonymous) = ". " toString TA_None = "" toString TA_Multi = "o " toString TA_Omega = "w " toString (TA_List _ _) = "??? " instance <<< Annotation where (<<<) file an = file <<< toString an instance toString Annotation where toString AN_Strict = "!" toString _ = "" instance <<< ATypeVar where (<<<) file {atv_annotation,atv_attribute,atv_variable} = file <<< atv_annotation <<< atv_attribute <<< atv_variable instance <<< ConsVariable where (<<<) file (CV tv) = file <<< tv (<<<) file (TempCV tv) = file <<< "v" <<< tv <<< ' ' instance <<< Type where (<<<) file (TV varid) = file <<< varid (<<<) file (TempV tv_number) = file <<< 'v' <<< tv_number <<< ' ' (<<<) file (TA consid types) = file <<< consid <<< " " <<< types (<<<) file (arg_type --> res_type) = file <<< arg_type <<< " -> " <<< res_type (<<<) file (type :@: types) = file <<< type <<< " @" <<< types (<<<) file (TB tb) = file <<< tb /* (<<<) file (TFA vars types) = file <<< "A." <<< vars <<< ':' <<< types */ (<<<) file (TQV varid) = file <<< "E." <<< varid (<<<) file (TempQV tv_number) = file <<< "E." <<< tv_number <<< ' ' (<<<) file TE = file <<< "### EMPTY ###" /* instance <<< [a] | <<< , needs_brackets a where (<<<) file [] = file (<<<) file [x:xs] | needs_brackets x = file <<< " (" <<< x <<< ')' <<< xs = file <<< ' ' <<< x <<< xs */ instance <<< SymbolType where (<<<) file st=:{st_vars,st_attr_vars} | st.st_arity == 0 = write_inequalities st.st_attr_env (write_contexts st.st_context (file <<< '[' <<< st_vars <<< ',' <<< st_attr_vars <<< ']' <<< st.st_result)) = write_inequalities st.st_attr_env (write_contexts st.st_context (file <<< '[' <<< st_vars <<< ',' <<< st_attr_vars <<< ']' <<< st.st_args <<< " -> " <<< st.st_result)) write_contexts [] file = file write_contexts [tc : tcs] file = write_contexts2 tcs (file <<< " | " <<< tc) where write_contexts2 [] file = file write_contexts2 [tc : tcs] file = write_contexts2 tcs (file <<< " & " <<< tc) instance <<< AttrInequality where (<<<) file {ai_demanded,ai_offered} = file <<< ai_offered <<< " <= " <<< ai_demanded write_inequalities [] file = file write_inequalities [ineq:ineqs] file = write_remaining_inequalities ineqs (file <<< ',' <<< ineq) where write_remaining_inequalities [] file = file write_remaining_inequalities [ineq:ineqs] file = write_remaining_inequalities ineqs (file <<< ' ' <<< ineq) instance <<< TypeContext where (<<<) file co = file <<< co.tc_class <<< " " <<< co.tc_types instance <<< SymbIdent where (<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function symb_index } = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '.' <<< symb_index (<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction _ symb_index } = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< '.' <<< symb_index (<<<) file symb=:{symb_kind = SK_OverloadedFunction symb_index } = file <<< symb.symb_name <<< "OL" (<<<) file symb = file <<< symb.symb_name instance <<< TypeSymbIdent where (<<<) file symb = file <<< symb.type_name <<< '.' <<< symb.type_arity instance <<< ClassSymbIdent where (<<<) file symb = file <<< symb.cs_name instance <<< BoundVar where (<<<) file {var_name,var_info_ptr,var_expr_ptr} = file <<< var_name <<< '<' <<< ptrToInt var_info_ptr /*<<< ',' <<< ptrToInt var_expr_ptr*/ <<< '>' instance <<< Bind a b | <<< a & <<< b where (<<<) file {bind_src,bind_dst} = file <<< bind_dst <<< " = " <<< bind_src instance <<< AlgebraicPattern where (<<<) file g = file <<< g.ap_symbol <<< g.ap_vars <<< " -> " <<< g.ap_expr instance <<< BasicPattern where (<<<) file g = file <<< g.bp_value <<< " -> " <<< g.bp_expr instance <<< CasePatterns where (<<<) file (BasicPatterns type patterns) = file <<< patterns (<<<) file (AlgebraicPatterns type patterns) = file <<< patterns (<<<) file (DynamicPatterns patterns) = file <<< patterns (<<<) file NoPattern = file instance <<< Qualifier where (<<<) file {qual_generators,qual_filter = Yes qual_filter} = file <<< qual_generators <<< "| " <<< qual_filter (<<<) file {qual_generators,qual_filter = No} = file <<< qual_generators instance <<< Generator where (<<<) file {gen_kind,gen_pattern,gen_expr} = file <<< gen_pattern <<< (if gen_kind "<-" "<-:") <<< gen_expr instance <<< BasicValue where (<<<) file (BVI int) = file <<< int (<<<) file (BVC char) = file <<< char (<<<) file (BVB bool) = file <<< bool (<<<) file (BVR real) = file <<< real (<<<) file (BVS string) = file <<< string instance <<< Sequence where (<<<) file (SQ_From expr) = file <<< expr (<<<) file (SQ_FromTo from_expr to_expr) = file <<< from_expr <<< ".." <<< to_expr (<<<) file (SQ_FromThen from_expr then_expr) = file <<< from_expr <<< ',' <<< then_expr <<< ".." (<<<) file (SQ_FromThenTo from_expr then_expr to_expr) = file <<< from_expr <<< ',' <<< then_expr <<< ".." <<< to_expr instance <<< Expression where (<<<) file (Var ident) = file <<< ident (<<<) file (App {app_symb, app_args, app_info_ptr}) = file <<< app_symb <<< (if (app_symb.symb_name.id_name=="==" && isNilPtr app_info_ptr) "\"NIL\"" "") <<< ' ' <<< app_args // was (<<<) file (App {app_symb, app_args}) // = file <<< app_symb <<< ' ' <<< app_args (<<<) file (f_exp @ a_exp) = file <<< '(' <<< f_exp <<< " @ " <<< a_exp <<< ')' (<<<) file (Let {let_binds, let_expr}) = write_binds (file <<< "let " <<< '\n') let_binds <<< "in\n" <<< let_expr where write_binds file [] = file write_binds file [bind : binds] = write_binds (file <<< bind <<< '\n') binds (<<<) file (Case {case_expr,case_guards,case_default=No}) = file <<< "case " <<< case_expr <<< " of\n" <<< case_guards (<<<) file (Case {case_expr,case_guards,case_default= Yes def_expr}) = file <<< "case " <<< case_expr <<< " of\n" <<< case_guards <<< "\n\t-> " <<< def_expr (<<<) file (BasicExpr basic_value basic_type) = file <<< basic_value (<<<) file (Conditional {if_cond,if_then,if_else}) = else_part (file <<< "IF " <<< if_cond <<< "\nTHEN\n" <<< if_then) if_else where else_part file No = file <<< '\n' else_part file (Yes else) = file <<< "\nELSE\n" <<< else <<< '\n' /* (<<<) file (Conditional {if_cond = {con_positive,con_expression},if_then,if_else}) = else_part (file <<< (if con_positive "IF " "IFNOT ") <<< con_expression <<< "\nTHEN\n" <<< if_then) if_else where else_part file No = file <<< '\n' else_part file (Yes else) = file <<< "\nELSE\n" <<< else <<< '\n' */ (<<<) file (Selection opt_tuple expr selectors) = file <<< expr <<< selector_kind opt_tuple <<< selectors where selector_kind No = '.' selector_kind (Yes _) = '!' (<<<) file (Update expr1 selections expr2) = file <<< '{' <<< expr1 <<< " & " <<< selections <<< " = " <<< expr2 <<< '}' (<<<) file (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) = file <<< '{' <<< cons_symbol <<< ' ' <<< expression <<< " & " <<< expressions <<< '}' (<<<) file (TupleSelect field field_nr expr) = file <<< expr <<<'.' <<< field_nr (<<<) file (Lambda vars expr) = file <<< '\\' <<< vars <<< " -> " <<< expr (<<<) file WildCard = file <<< '_' (<<<) file (MatchExpr _ cons expr) = file <<< cons <<< " =: " <<< expr (<<<) file EE = file <<< "** E **" (<<<) file (DynamicExpr {dyn_expr,dyn_uni_vars,dyn_type_code}) = writeVarPtrs (file <<< "dynamic " <<< dyn_expr <<< " :: ") dyn_uni_vars <<< dyn_type_code // (<<<) file (TypeCase type_case) = file <<< type_case (<<<) file (TypeCodeExpression type_code) = file <<< type_code (<<<) file (Constant symb _ _ _) = file <<< "** Constant **" <<< symb (<<<) file (ABCCodeExpr code_sequence do_inline) = file <<< (if do_inline "code inline\n" "code\n") <<< code_sequence (<<<) file (AnyCodeExpr input output code_sequence) = file <<< "code\n" <<< input <<< "\n" <<< output <<< "\n" <<< code_sequence (<<<) file (FreeVar {fv_name}) = file <<< "FREEVAR " <<< fv_name (<<<) file expr = abort ("<<< (Expression) [line 1290]" <<- expr) instance <<< TypeCase where (<<<) file {type_case_dynamic,type_case_patterns,type_case_default} = file <<< "typecase " <<< type_case_dynamic <<< "of\n" <<< type_case_patterns <<< type_case_default instance <<< DynamicPattern where (<<<) file {dp_type_patterns_vars,dp_var,dp_rhs,dp_type_code} = writeVarPtrs (file <<< dp_var <<< " :: ") dp_type_patterns_vars <<< dp_type_code <<< " = " <<< dp_rhs writeVarPtrs file [] = file writeVarPtrs file vars = write_var_ptrs (file <<< '<') vars <<< '>' where write_var_ptrs file [var] = file <<< ptrToInt var write_var_ptrs file [var : vars] = write_var_ptrs (file <<< ptrToInt var <<< '.') vars instance <<< TypeCodeExpression where (<<<) file TCE_Empty = file (<<<) file (TCE_Var info_ptr) = file <<< "VAR " <<< ptrToInt info_ptr (<<<) file (TCE_Constructor index exprs) = file <<< "CONS " <<< index <<< ' ' <<< exprs (<<<) file (TCE_Selector selectors info_ptr) = file <<< "CONS " <<< selectors <<< "VAR " <<< ptrToInt info_ptr instance <<< Selection where (<<<) file (RecordSelection selector _) = file <<< selector (<<<) file (ArraySelection _ _ index_expr) = file <<< '[' <<< index_expr <<< ']' (<<<) file (DictionarySelection var selections _ index_expr) = file <<< '(' <<< var <<< '.' <<< selections <<< ')' <<< '[' <<< index_expr <<< ']' instance <<< LocalDefs where (<<<) file (LocalParsedDefs defs) = file <<< defs (<<<) file (CollectedLocalDefs defs) = file <<< defs instance <<< NodeDef dst | <<< dst where (<<<) file {nd_dst,nd_alts,nd_locals} = file <<< nd_dst <<< nd_alts <<< nd_locals instance <<< CollectedLocalDefs where (<<<) file {loc_functions,loc_nodes} = file <<< loc_functions <<< loc_nodes /* (<<<) file {def_types,def_constructors,def_selectors,def_macros,def_classes,def_members,def_instances} = file <<< def_types <<< def_constructors <<< def_selectors <<< def_macros <<< def_classes <<< def_members <<< def_instances */ instance <<< ParsedExpr where (<<<) file (PE_List exprs) = file <<< exprs (<<<) file (PE_Tuple args) = file <<< '(' <<< args <<< ')' (<<<) file (PE_Basic basic_value) = file <<< basic_value (<<<) file (PE_Selection is_unique expr selectors) = file <<< expr <<< (if is_unique '!' '.') <<< selectors (<<<) file (PE_Update expr1 selections expr2) = file <<< '{' <<< expr1 <<< " & " <<< selections <<< " = " <<< expr2 <<< '}' (<<<) file (PE_Record PE_Empty _ fields) = file <<< '{' <<< fields <<< '}' (<<<) file (PE_Record rec _ fields) = file <<< '{' <<< rec <<< " & " <<< fields <<< '}' (<<<) file (PE_Compr True expr quals) = file <<< '[' <<< expr <<< " \\ " <<< quals <<< ']' (<<<) file (PE_Compr False expr quals) = file <<< '{' <<< expr <<< " \\ " <<< quals <<< '}' (<<<) file (PE_Sequ seq) = file <<< '[' <<< seq <<< ']' (<<<) file PE_Empty = file <<< "** E **" (<<<) file (PE_Ident symb) = file <<< symb (<<<) file PE_WildCard = file <<< '_' (<<<) file (PE_Lambda _ exprs expr) = file <<< '\\' <<< exprs <<< " -> " <<< expr (<<<) file (PE_Bound bind) = file <<< bind (<<<) file (PE_Case _ expr alts) = file <<< "case " <<< expr <<< " of\n" <<< alts (<<<) file (PE_Let _ defs expr) = file <<< "let " <<< defs <<< " in\n" <<< expr (<<<) file (PE_DynamicPattern expr type) = file <<< expr <<< "::" <<< type (<<<) file (PE_Dynamic expr maybetype) = case maybetype of Yes type -> file <<< "dynamic " <<< expr <<< "::" <<< type No -> file <<< "dynamic " <<< expr (<<<) file _ = file <<< "some expression" instance <<< ParsedSelection where (<<<) file (PS_Record selector _) = file <<< selector (<<<) file (PS_Array index_expr) = file <<< '[' <<< index_expr <<< ']' (<<<) file PS_Erroneous = file <<< "Erroneous selector" // PK instance <<< CaseAlt where (<<<) file {calt_pattern,calt_rhs} = file <<< calt_pattern <<< " -> " <<< calt_rhs instance <<< ParsedBody where (<<<) file {pb_args,pb_rhs} = file <<< pb_args <<< " = " <<< pb_rhs instance <<< BackendBody where (<<<) file {bb_args,bb_rhs} = file <<< bb_args <<< " = " <<< bb_rhs instance <<< FunctionPattern where (<<<) file (FP_Basic val (Yes var)) = file <<< var <<< "=:" <<< val (<<<) file (FP_Basic val No) = file <<< val (<<<) file (FP_Algebraic constructor vars (Yes var)) = file <<< var <<< "=:" <<< constructor <<< vars (<<<) file (FP_Algebraic constructor vars No) = file <<< constructor <<< vars (<<<) file (FP_Variable var) = file <<< var (<<<) file (FP_Dynamic vars var type_code _) = writeVarPtrs (file <<< var <<< " :: ") vars <<< type_code (<<<) file (FP_Empty) = file <<< '_' instance <<< FunDef where (<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_index,fun_body=ParsedBody bodies} = file <<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< fun_index <<< ' ' <<< bodies (<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_index,fun_body=CheckedBody {cb_args,cb_rhs},fun_info={fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls}} = file <<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< fun_index <<< "C " <<< cb_args <<< " = " <<< cb_rhs // <<< fun_index <<< '.' <<< fi_def_level <<< ' ' <<< '[' <<< fi_free_vars <<< ']' <<< cb_args <<< " = " <<< cb_rhs (<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_index,fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info={fi_free_vars,fi_def_level,fi_calls}} = file <<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< fun_index <<< "T " <<< tb_args <<< '[' <<< fi_calls <<< ']' <<< " = " <<< tb_rhs // <<< fun_index <<< '.' <<< fi_def_level <<< ' ' <<< '[' <<< fi_free_vars <<< ']' <<< tb_args <<< " = " <<< tb_rhs (<<<) file {fun_symb,fun_index,fun_body=BackendBody body,fun_type=Yes type} = file <<< type <<< '\n' <<< fun_symb <<< '.' <<< fun_index <<< body <<< '\n' instance <<< FunCall where (<<<) file { fc_level,fc_index } = file <<< fc_index <<< '.' <<< fc_level instance <<< FreeVar where (<<<) file {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} = file <<< fv_name <<< '<' <<< ptrToInt fv_info_ptr <<< '>' instance <<< DynamicType where (<<<) file {dt_uni_vars,dt_type} | isEmpty dt_uni_vars = file <<< dt_type = file <<< "A." <<< dt_uni_vars <<< ":" <<< dt_type instance <<< SignClassification where (<<<) file {sc_pos_vect,sc_neg_vect} = write_signs file sc_pos_vect sc_neg_vect 0 where write_signs file sc_pos_vect sc_neg_vect index | sc_pos_vect == 0 && sc_neg_vect == 0 = file # index_bit = (1 << index) | sc_pos_vect bitand index_bit == 0 | sc_neg_vect bitand index_bit == 0 = write_signs (file <<< 'O') sc_pos_vect sc_neg_vect (inc index) = write_signs (file <<< '-') sc_pos_vect (sc_neg_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) (inc index) | sc_neg_vect bitand index_bit == 0 = write_signs (file <<< '+') (sc_pos_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) sc_neg_vect (inc index) = write_signs (file <<< 'T') (sc_pos_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) (sc_neg_vect bitand (bitnot index_bit)) (inc index) instance <<< TypeKind where (<<<) file (KindVar _) = file <<< "**" (<<<) file KindConst = file <<< '*' (<<<) file (KindArrow arity) = write_kinds file arity where write_kinds file 1 = file <<< "* -> *" write_kinds file n = write_kinds (file <<< "* -> ") (dec n) instance <<< TypeDefInfo where (<<<) file {tdi_group,tdi_group_vars,tdi_cons_vars} = file <<< '[' <<< tdi_group <<< '=' <<< tdi_group_vars <<< '=' <<< tdi_cons_vars <<< ']' instance <<< DefinedSymbol where (<<<) file {ds_ident} = file <<< ds_ident instance <<< TypeDef a | <<< a where (<<<) file {td_name, td_args, td_rhs} = file <<< ":: " <<< td_name <<< ' ' <<< td_args <<< td_rhs instance <<< TypeRhs where (<<<) file (SynType type) = file <<< " :== " <<< type (<<<) file (AlgType data) = file <<< " = " <<< data (<<<) file (RecordType record) = file <<< " = " <<< '{' <<< record <<< '}' (<<<) file _ = file instance <<< RecordType where (<<<) file {rt_fields} = iFoldSt (\index file -> file <<< rt_fields.[index]) 0 (size rt_fields) file instance <<< FieldSymbol where (<<<) file {fs_name} = file <<< fs_name /* where write_data_defs file [] = file write_data_defs file [d:ds] = write_data_defs (file <<< d <<< '\n') ds */ instance <<< InstanceType where (<<<) file it = write_contexts it.it_context (file <<< it.it_types) instance <<< RhsDefsOfType where (<<<) file (ConsList cons_defs) = file <<< cons_defs (<<<) file (SelectorList _ _ sel_defs) = file <<< sel_defs (<<<) file (TypeSpec type) = file <<< type (<<<) file _ = file instance <<< ParsedConstructor where (<<<) file {pc_cons_name,pc_arg_types} = file <<< pc_cons_name <<< pc_arg_types instance <<< ParsedSelector where (<<<) file {ps_field_name,ps_field_type} = file <<< ps_field_name <<< ps_field_type instance <<< ModuleKind where (<<<) file kind = file instance <<< ConsDef where (<<<) file {cons_symb,cons_type} = file <<< cons_symb <<< " :: " <<< cons_type instance <<< SelectorDef where (<<<) file {sd_symb} = file <<< sd_symb instance <<< ClassDef where (<<<) file {class_name} = file <<< class_name instance <<< ClassInstance where (<<<) file {ins_class,ins_type} = file <<< ins_class <<< " :: " <<< ins_type instance <<< Optional a | <<< a where (<<<) file (Yes x) = file <<< x (<<<) file No = file instance <<< Module a | <<< a where (<<<) file {mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs} = file <<< mod_type <<< mod_name <<< mod_defs instance <<< CollectedDefinitions a b | <<< a & <<< b where (<<<) file {def_types,def_constructors,def_selectors,def_macros,def_classes,def_members,def_instances} = file instance <<< ParsedDefinition where (<<<) file (PD_Function _ name _ exprs rhs _ ) = file <<< name <<< exprs <<< " = " <<< rhs (<<<) file (PD_NodeDef _ pattern rhs) = file <<< pattern <<< " =: " <<< rhs (<<<) file (PD_TypeSpec _ name prio st sp) = file <<< name <<< st (<<<) file (PD_Type td) = file <<< td (<<<) file _ = file instance <<< Rhs where (<<<) file {rhs_alts,rhs_locals} = file <<< rhs_alts <<< rhs_locals instance <<< OptGuardedAlts where (<<<) file (GuardedAlts guarded_exprs def_expr) = file <<