definition module predef import syntax, hashtable :: PredefinedSymbols :== {# PredefinedSymbol} :: PredefinedSymbol = { pds_module :: !Index, pds_def :: !Index } cPredefinedModuleIndex :== 1 PD_StringTypeIndex :== 0 PD_Arity2TupleTypeIndex :== 8 PD_Arity32TupleTypeIndex :== 38 /* identifiers not present the hastable */ PD_PredefinedModule :== 0 FirstTypePredefinedSymbolIndex:==PD_StringType; // to compute index in com_type_defs PD_StringType :== 1 PD_ListType :== 2 PD_StrictListType :== 3 PD_UnboxedListType :== 4 PD_TailStrictListType :== 5 PD_StrictTailStrictListType :== 6 PD_UnboxedTailStrictListType :== 7 PD_OverloadedListType :== 8 PD_Arity2TupleType :== 9 PD_Arity32TupleType :== 39 PD_LazyArrayType :== 40 PD_StrictArrayType :== 41 PD_UnboxedArrayType :== 42 // constructors: FirstConstructorPredefinedSymbolIndex :== PD_ConsSymbol; // to compute index in com_cons_defs PD_ConsSymbol :== 43 PD_StrictConsSymbol :== 44 PD_UnboxedConsSymbol :== 45 PD_TailStrictConsSymbol :== 46 PD_StrictTailStrictConsSymbol :== 47 PD_UnboxedTailStrictConsSymbol :== 48 PD_OverloadedConsSymbol :== 49 PD_NilSymbol :== 50 PD_StrictNilSymbol :== 51 PD_UnboxedNilSymbol :== 52 PD_TailStrictNilSymbol :== 53 PD_StrictTailStrictNilSymbol :== 54 PD_UnboxedTailStrictNilSymbol :== 55 PD_OverloadedNilSymbol :== 56 PD_Arity2TupleSymbol :== 57 PD_Arity32TupleSymbol :== 87 // end constructors PD_TypeVar_a0 :== 88 PD_TypeVar_a31 :== 119 /* Dynamics */ PD_TypeCodeMember :== 120 PD_DynamicTemp :== 121 PD_DynamicValue :== 122 PD_DynamicType :== 123 /* identifiers present in the hashtable */ PD_StdArray :== 124 PD_StdEnum :== 125 PD_StdBool :== 126 PD_AndOp :== 127 PD_OrOp :== 128 /* Array functions */ PD_ArrayClass :== 129 PD_CreateArrayFun :== 130 PD__CreateArrayFun :== 131 PD_ArraySelectFun :== 132 PD_UnqArraySelectFun :== 133 PD_ArrayUpdateFun :== 134 PD_ArrayReplaceFun :== 135 PD_ArraySizeFun :== 136 PD_UnqArraySizeFun :== 137 /* Enum/Comprehension functions */ PD_SmallerFun :== 138 PD_LessOrEqualFun :== 139 PD_IncFun :== 140 PD_SubFun:== 141 PD_From :== 142 PD_FromThen :== 143 PD_FromTo :== 144 PD_FromThenTo :== 145 /* StdMisc */ PD_StdMisc :== 146 PD_abort :== 147 PD_undef :== 148 PD_Start :== 149 PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun :== 150 PD_StdStrictLists:==151 PD_cons:==152 PD_decons:==153 PD_cons_u:==154 PD_decons_u:==155 PD_cons_uts:==156 PD_decons_uts:==157 PD_nil:==158 PD_nil_u:==159 PD_nil_uts:==160 PD_ListClass :== 161 PD_UListClass :== 162 PD_UTSListClass :== 163 /* Dynamics */ PD_StdDynamic :== 164 PD_TypeCodeClass :== 165 PD_TypeObjectType :== 166 PD_TypeConsSymbol :== 167 PD_unify :== 168 PD_coerce :== 169 PD_PV_Placeholder :== 170 // Pattern variable (occurs only in pattern) PD_UPV_Placeholder :== 171 // Universal Pattern Variable (occurs only in pattern; universally quantified variable) PD_UV_Placeholder :== 172 // Universal Variable (occurs only in dynamic; universally quantified variable) PD_undo_indirections :== 173 PD_TypeID :== 174 PD_ModuleID :== 175 PD_ModuleConsSymbol :== 176 /* Generics */ PD_StdGeneric :== 177 PD_TypeISO :== 178 PD_ConsISO :== 179 PD_iso_to :== 180 PD_iso_from :== 181 PD_TypeUNIT :== 182 PD_ConsUNIT :== 183 PD_TypeEITHER :== 184 PD_ConsLEFT :== 185 PD_ConsRIGHT :== 186 PD_TypePAIR :== 187 PD_ConsPAIR :== 188 PD_TypeARROW :== 189 PD_ConsARROW :== 190 PD_TypeConsDefInfo :== 191 PD_ConsConsDefInfo :== 192 PD_TypeTypeDefInfo :== 193 PD_ConsTypeDefInfo :== 194 PD_cons_info :== 195 PD_TypeCONS :== 196 PD_ConsCONS :== 197 PD_isomap_ARROW_ :== 198 PD_isomap_ID :== 199 PD_TypeType :== 200 PD_ConsTypeApp :== 201 PD_ConsTypeVar :== 202 PD_NrOfPredefSymbols :== 203 GetTupleConsIndex tup_arity :== PD_Arity2TupleSymbol + tup_arity - 2 GetTupleTypeIndex tup_arity :== PD_Arity2TupleType + tup_arity - 2 init_identifiers :: !*SymbolTable !*World -> (!*SymbolTable,!*World) predefined_idents :: {!Ident} buildPredefinedSymbols :: !*HashTable -> (!.PredefinedSymbols,!*HashTable) buildPredefinedModule :: !*PredefinedSymbols -> (!ScannedModule, !.PredefinedSymbols) // MV ... // changes requires recompile of {static,dynamic}-linker plus all dynamics ever made UnderscoreSystemDynamicModule_String :== "_SystemDynamic" DynamicRepresentation_String :== "DynamicTemp" T_ypeObjectTypeRepresentation_String :== "T_ypeObjectType" // List-type PD_ListType_String :== "_List" PD_ConsSymbol_String :== "_Cons" PD_NilSymbol_String :== "_Nil" // Array-type PD_UnboxedArray_String :== "_#Array" // ... MV