implementation module postparse import StdEnv import syntax, parse, predef, utilities, StdCompare import RWSDebug /** **/ cIsAGlobalDef :== True cIsNotAGlobalDef :== False :: PredefinedIdents :== {!Ident} SelectPredefinedIdents :: *PredefinedSymbols -> (!PredefinedIdents, !*PredefinedSymbols) SelectPredefinedIdents predefs = selectIdents 0 (createArray PD_NrOfPredefSymbols {id_name="", id_info = nilPtr}) predefs where selectIdents i idents symbols | i == PD_NrOfPredefSymbols = (idents, symbols) // otherwise #! symbol = symbols.[i] = selectIdents (i+1) {idents & [i] = symbol.pds_ident} symbols predef :: Int PredefinedIdents -> ParsedExpr predef index ids = PE_Ident ids.[index] (##) infixl 9 (##) f a :== \idents -> apply (f idents) (toParsedExpr a idents) (#<) a b :== predef PD_SmallerFun ## a ## b // apply :: ParsedExpr ParsedExpr -> ParsedExpr apply :: ParsedExpr ParsedExpr -> ParsedExpr apply (PE_List application) a = PE_List (application ++ [a]) apply f a = PE_List [f, a] class toParsedExpr a :: !a !PredefinedIdents -> ParsedExpr instance toParsedExpr [a] | toParsedExpr a where toParsedExpr [] ids = predef PD_NilSymbol ids toParsedExpr [hd:tl] ids = (predef PD_ConsSymbol ## hd ## tl) ids //instance toParsedExpr a where // toParsedExpr _ _ // = abort "toParsedExpr (a) shouldn't be called" instance toParsedExpr ParsedExpr where toParsedExpr x _ = x instance toParsedExpr Int where toParsedExpr x _ = PE_Basic (BVI (toString x)) instance toParsedExpr Char where toParsedExpr x _ = PE_Basic (BVC (toString x)) instance toParsedExpr Ident where toParsedExpr x _ = PE_Ident x postParseError pos msg ps=:{ca_error={pea_file}} # (filename, line, funname) = get_file_and_line_nr pos pea_file = pea_file <<< "Post Parse Error [" <<< filename <<< "," <<< line // PK pea_file = case funname of Yes name -> pea_file <<< "," <<< name No -> pea_file pea_file = pea_file <<< "]: " <<< msg <<< ".\n" = {ps & ca_error = { pea_file = pea_file, pea_ok = False }} where get_file_and_line_nr (FunPos filename linenr funname) = (filename, linenr, Yes funname) get_file_and_line_nr (LinePos filename linenr) = (filename, linenr, No) :: *CollectAdmin = { ca_error :: !ParseErrorAdmin , ca_fun_count :: !Int , ca_predefs :: !PredefinedIdents } class collectFunctions a :: a !CollectAdmin -> (a, ![FunDef], !CollectAdmin) instance collectFunctions ParsedExpr where collectFunctions (PE_List exprs) ca # (exprs, fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions exprs ca = (PE_List exprs, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (PE_Bound bound_expr) ca # (bound_expr, fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions bound_expr ca = (PE_Bound bound_expr, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (PE_Lambda lam_ident args res) ca # fun_count = ca.ca_fun_count next_fun_count = inc fun_count ((args,res), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (args,res) {ca & ca_fun_count = next_fun_count} fun_def = transformLambda lam_ident args res = (PE_Let cIsStrict (CollectedLocalDefs { loc_functions = { ir_from = fun_count, ir_to = next_fun_count }, loc_nodes = [] }) (PE_Ident lam_ident), [fun_def : fun_defs], ca) collectFunctions (PE_Record rec_expr type_name fields) ca # ((rec_expr,fields), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (rec_expr,fields) ca = (PE_Record rec_expr type_name fields, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (PE_Tuple exprs) ca # (exprs, fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions exprs ca = (PE_Tuple exprs, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (PE_Selection is_unique expr selectors) ca # ((expr, selectors), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (expr, selectors) ca = (PE_Selection is_unique expr selectors, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (PE_Update expr1 updates expr2) ca # ((expr1, (updates, expr2)), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (expr1, (updates, expr2)) ca = (PE_Update expr1 updates expr2, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (PE_Case case_ident pattern_expr case_alts) ca # ((pattern_expr,case_alts), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (pattern_expr,case_alts) ca = (PE_Case case_ident pattern_expr case_alts, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (PE_If if_ident c t e) ca # true_pattern = PE_Basic (BVB True) false_pattern = PE_WildCard // PE_Basic (BVB False) = collectFunctions (PE_Case if_ident c [ {calt_pattern = true_pattern , calt_rhs = exprToRhs t} , {calt_pattern = false_pattern, calt_rhs = exprToRhs e} ]) ca where exprToRhs expr = { rhs_alts = UnGuardedExpr { ewl_nodes = [] , ewl_expr = expr , ewl_locals = LocalParsedDefs [] } , rhs_locals = LocalParsedDefs [] } collectFunctions (PE_Let strict locals in_expr) ca # ((node_defs,in_expr), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (locals,in_expr) ca = (PE_Let strict node_defs in_expr, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (PE_Compr gen_kind expr qualifiers) ca=:{ca_predefs} = transformComprehension gen_kind expr qualifiers ca collectFunctions (PE_Array expr assignments _) ca=:{ca_predefs} = collectFunctions (transformArrayUpdate expr assignments ca_predefs) ca collectFunctions (PE_Sequ sequence) ca=:{ca_predefs} = collectFunctions (transformSequence sequence ca_predefs) ca collectFunctions (PE_ArrayDenot exprs) ca=:{ca_predefs} = collectFunctions (transformArrayDenot exprs ca_predefs) ca collectFunctions expr ca = (expr, [], ca) instance collectFunctions [a] | collectFunctions a where collectFunctions [x:xs] ca # (x, fun_defs_in_x, ca) = collectFunctions x ca (xs, fun_defs_in_xs, ca) = collectFunctions xs ca = ([x:xs], fun_defs_in_x ++ fun_defs_in_xs, ca) collectFunctions [] ca = ([], [], ca) instance collectFunctions (a,b) | collectFunctions a & collectFunctions b where collectFunctions (x,y) ca # (x, fun_defs_in_x, ca) = collectFunctions x ca (y, fun_defs_in_y, ca) = collectFunctions y ca = ((x,y), fun_defs_in_x ++ fun_defs_in_y, ca) instance collectFunctions Qualifier where collectFunctions qual=:{qual_generators, qual_filter} ca # ((qual_generators, qual_filter), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (qual_generators, qual_filter) ca = ({ qual & qual_generators = qual_generators, qual_filter = qual_filter }, fun_defs, ca) instance collectFunctions Generator where collectFunctions gen=:{gen_pattern,gen_expr} ca # ((gen_pattern,gen_expr), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (gen_pattern,gen_expr) ca = ({gen & gen_pattern = gen_pattern, gen_expr = gen_expr}, fun_defs, ca) instance collectFunctions (Optional a) | collectFunctions a where collectFunctions (Yes expr) ca # (expr, fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions expr ca = (Yes expr, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions No ca = (No, [], ca) instance collectFunctions ParsedSelection where collectFunctions (PS_Array index_expr) ca # (index_expr, fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions index_expr ca = (PS_Array index_expr, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions expr ca = (expr, [], ca) instance collectFunctions CaseAlt where collectFunctions calt=:{calt_pattern,calt_rhs} ca # ((calt_pattern,calt_rhs), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (calt_pattern,calt_rhs) ca = ({calt & calt_pattern = calt_pattern, calt_rhs = calt_rhs}, fun_defs, ca) instance collectFunctions Sequence where collectFunctions (SQ_FromThen from_expr then_expr) ca # ((from_expr,then_expr), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (from_expr,then_expr) ca = (SQ_FromThen from_expr then_expr, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (SQ_FromThenTo from_expr then_expr to_expr) ca # ((from_expr,(then_expr,to_expr)), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (from_expr,(then_expr,to_expr)) ca = (SQ_FromThenTo from_expr then_expr to_expr, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (SQ_FromTo from_expr to_expr) ca # ((from_expr,to_expr), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (from_expr,to_expr) ca = (SQ_FromTo from_expr to_expr, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (SQ_From from_expr) ca # (from_expr, fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions from_expr ca = (SQ_From from_expr, fun_defs, ca) instance collectFunctions Bind a b | collectFunctions a & collectFunctions b where collectFunctions bind=:{bind_src,bind_dst} ca # ((bind_src,bind_dst), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (bind_src,bind_dst) ca = ({ bind_src = bind_src, bind_dst = bind_dst }, fun_defs, ca) instance collectFunctions OptGuardedAlts where collectFunctions (GuardedAlts guarded_exprs (Yes def_expr)) ca # ((guarded_exprs, def_expr), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (guarded_exprs, def_expr) ca = (GuardedAlts guarded_exprs (Yes def_expr), fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (GuardedAlts guarded_exprs No) ca # (guarded_exprs, fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions guarded_exprs ca = (GuardedAlts guarded_exprs No, fun_defs, ca) collectFunctions (UnGuardedExpr unguarded_expr) ca # (unguarded_expr, fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions unguarded_expr ca = (UnGuardedExpr unguarded_expr, fun_defs, ca) instance collectFunctions GuardedExpr where collectFunctions alt=:{alt_nodes,alt_guard,alt_expr} ca # ((alt_nodes, (alt_guard, alt_expr)), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (alt_nodes, (alt_guard, alt_expr)) ca = ({alt & alt_nodes = alt_nodes, alt_guard = alt_guard, alt_expr = alt_expr}, fun_defs, ca) instance collectFunctions ExprWithLocalDefs where collectFunctions expr=:{ewl_nodes, ewl_expr,ewl_locals} ca # ((ewl_nodes, (ewl_expr, ewl_locals)), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (ewl_nodes, (ewl_expr, ewl_locals)) ca = ({expr & ewl_nodes = ewl_nodes, ewl_expr = ewl_expr, ewl_locals = ewl_locals}, fun_defs, ca) instance collectFunctions NodeDefWithLocals where collectFunctions node_def=:{ndwl_def, ndwl_locals} ca # (( ndwl_def, ndwl_locals), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (ndwl_def, ndwl_locals) ca = ({node_def & ndwl_def = ndwl_def, ndwl_locals = ndwl_locals}, fun_defs, ca) instance collectFunctions Rhs where collectFunctions {rhs_alts, rhs_locals} ca # ((rhs_alts, rhs_locals), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (rhs_alts, rhs_locals) ca = ({rhs_alts = rhs_alts, rhs_locals = rhs_locals}, fun_defs, ca) instance collectFunctions LocalDefs where collectFunctions (LocalParsedDefs locals) ca # (fun_defs, node_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitions locals ca ir_from = ca.ca_fun_count ir_to = ca.ca_fun_count + length fun_defs (node_defs, fun_defs_in_node_defs, ca) = collect_functions_in_node_defs node_defs {ca & ca_fun_count = ir_to} (fun_defs, collected_fun_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfFunctions fun_defs ca = (CollectedLocalDefs { loc_functions = { ir_from = ir_from, ir_to = ir_to }, loc_nodes = node_defs }, fun_defs ++ fun_defs_in_node_defs ++ collected_fun_defs, ca) where collect_functions_in_node_defs [ (node_def_type, bind) : node_defs ] ca # (bind, fun_defs_in_bind, ca) = collectFunctions bind ca (node_defs, fun_defs_in_node_defs, ca) = collect_functions_in_node_defs node_defs ca = ([(node_def_type, bind):node_defs], fun_defs_in_bind ++ fun_defs_in_node_defs, ca) collect_functions_in_node_defs [] ca = ([], [], ca) instance collectFunctions NodeDef a | collectFunctions a where collectFunctions node_def=:{nd_dst,nd_alts,nd_locals} ca # ((nd_dst,(nd_alts,nd_locals)), fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions (nd_dst,(nd_alts,nd_locals)) ca = ({ node_def & nd_dst = nd_dst, nd_alts = nd_alts, nd_locals = nd_locals }, fun_defs, ca) /* instance collectFunctions a where collectFunctions e ca = (e, [], ca) */ instance collectFunctions Ident where collectFunctions e ca = (e, [], ca) NoCollectedLocalDefs :== CollectedLocalDefs { loc_functions = { ir_from = 0, ir_to = 0 }, loc_nodes = [] } transformLambda lam_ident args result # lam_rhs = { rhs_alts = UnGuardedExpr { ewl_nodes = [], ewl_expr = result, ewl_locals = NoCollectedLocalDefs }, rhs_locals = NoCollectedLocalDefs } lam_body = [{pb_args = args, pb_rhs = lam_rhs }] fun_def = MakeNewFunction lam_ident (length args) lam_body FK_Function NoPrio No NoPos = fun_def makeNilExpression ca=:{ca_predefs} #! nil_id = ca_predefs.[PD_NilSymbol] = (PE_List [PE_Ident nil_id], ca) makeConsExpression a1 a2 ca=:{ca_predefs} #! cons_id = ca_predefs.[PD_ConsSymbol] = (PE_List [PE_Ident cons_id, a1, a2], ca) transformComprehension gen_kind expr qualifiers ca | gen_kind == cIsListGenerator # (nil_expr, ca) = makeNilExpression ca = build_list_comprehension expr nil_expr qualifiers ca // gen_kind == cIsArrayGenerator = abort "transformComprehension: cIsArrayGenerator NYI" ---> "transformComprehension: cIsArrayGenerator NYI" // PK where build_list_comprehension expr nil_case [] ca # (expr, fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions expr ca (cons_expr, ca) = makeConsExpression expr nil_case ca = (cons_expr, fun_defs, ca) build_list_comprehension expr nil_case [qual: quals] ca # fun_count = ca.ca_fun_count next_fun_count = inc fun_count ({qual_generators,qual_fun_id,qual_filter}, fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions qual {ca & ca_fun_count = next_fun_count} (cons_patterns, nil_patterns, tail_args, args, arity, opt_index, sizes, selections, ca) = build_patterns qual_generators ca (selectId,ca) = get_predef_id PD_AndOp ca /* ????????? */ (incId,ca) = get_predef_id PD_IncFun ca (smallerId,ca) = get_predef_id PD_SmallerFun ca (cons_patterns, nil_patterns, tail_args, args, arity) = add_index cons_patterns nil_patterns tail_args args arity incId opt_index tail_call = PE_List [PE_Ident qual_fun_id : tail_args] (compr, tail_fun_defs, ca) = build_list_comprehension expr tail_call quals ca (andId,ca) = get_predef_id PD_AndOp ca bound_checks = make_bounds_check opt_index smallerId andId sizes guard = combine_guards qual_filter bound_checks andId fun_def = build_generator_function guard qual_fun_id compr nil_case arity cons_patterns nil_patterns gen_appl = PE_List [PE_Ident fun_def.fun_symb : args] = (PE_Let cIsStrict (CollectedLocalDefs { loc_functions = { ir_from = fun_count, ir_to = next_fun_count }, loc_nodes = [] }) gen_appl, [fun_def : fun_defs ++ tail_fun_defs], ca) where // +++ combine build_generator_function No qual_fun_id expr nil_case arity cons_patterns nil_patterns # cons_rhs = { rhs_alts = UnGuardedExpr { ewl_nodes = [], ewl_expr = expr, ewl_locals = NoCollectedLocalDefs }, rhs_locals = NoCollectedLocalDefs } nil_rhs = { rhs_alts = UnGuardedExpr { ewl_nodes = [], ewl_expr = nil_case, ewl_locals = NoCollectedLocalDefs }, rhs_locals = NoCollectedLocalDefs } body = [{pb_args = cons_patterns, pb_rhs = cons_rhs },{pb_args = nil_patterns, pb_rhs = nil_rhs }] fun_def = MakeNewFunction qual_fun_id arity body FK_Function NoPrio No NoPos = fun_def build_generator_function (Yes guard) qual_fun_id expr nil_case arity cons_patterns nil_patterns # cons_rhs = { rhs_alts = GuardedAlts [{alt_nodes = [], alt_guard = guard, alt_expr = UnGuardedExpr { ewl_nodes = [], ewl_expr = expr, ewl_locals = NoCollectedLocalDefs}}] No, rhs_locals = NoCollectedLocalDefs } nil_rhs = { rhs_alts = UnGuardedExpr { ewl_nodes = [], ewl_expr = nil_case, ewl_locals = NoCollectedLocalDefs }, rhs_locals = NoCollectedLocalDefs } body = [{pb_args = cons_patterns, pb_rhs = cons_rhs },{pb_args = nil_patterns, pb_rhs = nil_rhs }] fun_def = MakeNewFunction qual_fun_id arity body FK_Function NoPrio No NoPos = fun_def build_patterns [{gen_pattern,gen_expr,gen_var} : gens] ca | gen_kind == cIsListGenerator # tail_arg = PE_Ident gen_var (cons_pattern, ca) = makeConsExpression gen_pattern tail_arg ca nil_pattern = PE_WildCard (cons_patterns, nil_patterns, tail_args, gen_exprs, nr_of_args, opt_index, sizes, selections, ca) = build_patterns gens ca = ([cons_pattern : cons_patterns], [nil_pattern : nil_patterns], [tail_arg : tail_args], [gen_expr : gen_exprs], inc nr_of_args, opt_index, sizes, selections, ca) // gen_kind == cIsArrayGenerator # array_arg = PE_Ident gen_var (cons_patterns, nil_patterns, tail_args, gen_exprs, nr_of_args, opt_index, sizes, selections, ca) = build_patterns gens ca index_ident = get_index_ident opt_index gen_var selection = make_selection gen_pattern array index = ([array_arg : cons_patterns], [array_arg : nil_patterns], [array_arg : tail_args], [gen_expr : gen_exprs], inc nr_of_args, Yes index_ident, sizes, selections, ca) where get_index_ident No var = PE_Ident var get_index_ident (Yes var) _ = var build_patterns [] ca = ([], [], [], [], 0, No, [], [], ca) add_index cons_patterns nil_patterns tail_args gen_exprs arity _ _ = (cons_patterns, nil_patterns, tail_args, gen_exprs, arity) add_index cons_patterns nil_patterns tail_args gen_exprs arity incId (Yes index) = ([index : cons_patterns], [PE_WildCard : nil_patterns], [next_index : tail_args], [PE_Basic (BVI "0") : gen_exprs], arity+1) where next_index = PE_List [PE_Ident incId, index] make_selection pattern array index = PD_NodeDef (PE_List [Arity2TupleConsIndex, array, pattern]) (PE_List [selectId, array, index]) combine_guards No No _ = No combine_guards a No _ = a combine_guards No b _ = b combine_guards (Yes a) (Yes b) andId = Yes (PE_List [PE_Ident andId, a, b]) get_predef_id predef_index ca=:{ca_predefs} #! symb = ca_predefs.[predef_index] = (symb, ca) make_bounds_check _ _ _ [] = No make_bounds_check (Yes index) andId smallerId [size : sizes] = combine_guards (Yes check) (make_bounds_check (Yes index) andId smallerId sizes) andId where check = PE_List [PE_Ident smallerId, index, size] transformSequence :: Sequence -> PredefinedIdents -> ParsedExpr transformSequence (SQ_FromThen frm then) = predef PD_FromThen ## frm ## then transformSequence (SQ_FromThenTo frm then to) = predef PD_FromThenTo ## frm ## then ## to transformSequence (SQ_From frm) = predef PD_From ## frm transformSequence (SQ_FromTo frm to) = predef PD_FromTo ## frm ## to transformArrayUpdate :: ParsedExpr [ElemAssignment] PredefinedIdents -> ParsedExpr transformArrayUpdate expr updates pi = foldr (update (predef PD_ArrayUpdateFun)) expr updates where update updateIdent {bind_src=value, bind_dst=index} expr = (updateIdent ## expr ## index ## value) pi transformArrayDenot :: [ParsedExpr] PredefinedIdents -> ParsedExpr transformArrayDenot exprs pi = PE_Array ((predef PD__CreateArrayFun ## length exprs) pi) [{bind_dst=toParsedExpr i pi, bind_src=expr} \\ expr <- exprs & i <- [0..]] [] scanModules [] parsed_modules fun_count hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files = (True, parsed_modules, [], fun_count, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) scanModules [{import_module,import_symbols} : mods] parsed_modules fun_count hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files # (found, mod) = try_to_find import_module parsed_modules | found = scanModules mods parsed_modules fun_count hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files # (succ, parsed_modules, local_fun_defs, fun_count, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) = parseAndScanDclModule import_module parsed_modules fun_count hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files (mods_succ, parsed_modules, local_fun_defs_in_imports, fun_count, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) = scanModules mods parsed_modules fun_count hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files = (succ && mods_succ, parsed_modules, local_fun_defs ++ local_fun_defs_in_imports, fun_count, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) where try_to_find mod_id [] = (False, abort "module not found") try_to_find mod_id [pmod : pmods] | mod_id == pmod.mod_name = (True, pmod) = try_to_find mod_id pmods MakeEmptyModule name :== { mod_name = name, mod_type = MK_None, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = { def_types = [], def_constructors = [], def_selectors = [], def_classes = [], def_macros = { ir_from = 0, ir_to = 0 }, def_members = [], def_funtypes = [], def_instances = [] } } parseAndScanDclModule :: !Ident ![ScannedModule] !Int !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files -> *(!Bool, ![ScannedModule], ![FunDef], !Int, !*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files); parseAndScanDclModule dcl_module parsed_modules fun_count hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files # (parse_ok, mod, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) = wantModule cWantDclFile dcl_module hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files | parse_ok = scan_dcl_module mod parsed_modules fun_count hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files = (False, [ MakeEmptyModule mod.mod_name : parsed_modules ], [], fun_count, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) where scan_dcl_module mod=:{mod_defs = pdefs} parsed_modules fun_count hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files # (predefIdents, predefs) = SelectPredefinedIdents predefs # state = {ca_error = { pea_file = err_file, pea_ok = True }, ca_fun_count = 0, ca_predefs = predefIdents} (_, defs, imports, imported_objects, state) = reorganizeDefinitions False pdefs 0 0 0 state macro_count = length defs.def_macros + fun_count (macro_defs, local_fun_defs, {ca_fun_count=new_fun_count, ca_error={pea_file,pea_ok}, ca_predefs}) = reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfFunctions defs.def_macros {state & ca_fun_count = macro_count} mod = { mod & mod_imports = imports, mod_imported_objects = imported_objects, mod_defs = { defs & def_macros = { ir_from = fun_count, ir_to = macro_count } }} (import_ok, parsed_modules, imported_local_fun_defs, fun_count, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) = scanModules imports [mod : parsed_modules] new_fun_count hash_table pea_file searchPaths predefs files = (pea_ok && import_ok, parsed_modules, macro_defs ++ local_fun_defs ++ imported_local_fun_defs, fun_count, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) scanModule :: !ParsedModule !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files -> (!Bool, !ScannedModule, !Int, ![FunDef], !ScannedModule, !ScannedModule, ![ScannedModule], !*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files) scanModule mod=:{mod_name,mod_type,mod_defs = pdefs} hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files # (predefIdents, predefs) = SelectPredefinedIdents predefs # state = {ca_fun_count = 0, ca_error = { pea_file = err_file, pea_ok = True }, ca_predefs = predefIdents} (fun_defs, defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions True pdefs 0 0 0 state fun_count = length fun_defs macro_count = length defs.def_macros (fun_defs, local_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfFunctions (fun_defs ++ defs.def_macros) {ca & ca_fun_count = fun_count + macro_count} (def_instances, local_defs_in_insts, {ca_fun_count=tot_fun_count, ca_error = {pea_file,pea_ok}, ca_predefs}) = reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfInstances defs.def_instances ca (import_ok, parsed_modules, local_defs_in_dcl, tot_fun_count, hash_table, err_file, ca_predefs, files) = scan_dcl_module mod_name mod_type tot_fun_count hash_table pea_file predefs files (import_ok, parsed_modules, local_defs_in_imports, tot_fun_count, hash_table, err_file, ca_predefs, files) = scanModules imports parsed_modules tot_fun_count hash_table err_file searchPaths ca_predefs files mod = { mod & mod_imports = imports, mod_imported_objects = imported_objects, mod_defs = { defs & def_instances = def_instances, def_macros = { ir_from = fun_count, ir_to = fun_count + macro_count } }} [dcl_mod : modules] = reverse parsed_modules all_local_defs = fun_defs ++ local_defs ++ local_defs_in_insts ++ local_defs_in_dcl ++ local_defs_in_imports (pre_def_mod, ca_predefs) = buildPredefinedModule ca_predefs = (pea_ok && import_ok, mod, fun_count, all_local_defs, dcl_mod, pre_def_mod, modules, hash_table, err_file, ca_predefs, files) where scan_dcl_module mod_name MK_Main fun_count hash_table err_file predefs files = (True, [MakeEmptyModule mod_name ], [], fun_count, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) scan_dcl_module mod_name MK_None fun_count hash_table err_file predefs files = (True, [MakeEmptyModule mod_name ], [], fun_count, hash_table, err_file, predefs , files) scan_dcl_module mod_name kind fun_count hash_table err_file predefs files = parseAndScanDclModule mod_name [] fun_count hash_table err_file searchPaths predefs files reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfInstances [] ca = ([], [], ca) reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfInstances [inst=:{pi_members} : insts] ca # (pi_members, local_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfFunctions pi_members ca (insts, local_defs_in_insts, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfInstances insts ca = ([{inst & pi_members = pi_members } : insts], local_defs ++ local_defs_in_insts, ca) reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfFunction fun_def=:{fun_body = ParsedBody bodies} ca # (bodies, rhs_fun_defs, ca) = collect_local_definitions_in_bodies bodies ca = ({fun_def & fun_body = ParsedBody bodies}, rhs_fun_defs, ca) where collect_local_definitions_in_bodies [pb=:{pb_rhs} : bodies] ca # (pb_rhs, rhs_fun_defs, ca) = collectFunctions pb_rhs ca (bodies, body_fun_defs, ca) = collect_local_definitions_in_bodies bodies ca = ([ { pb & pb_rhs = pb_rhs } : bodies], rhs_fun_defs ++ body_fun_defs, ca) collect_local_definitions_in_bodies [] ca = ([], [], ca) reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfFunctions [] ca = ([], [], ca) reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfFunctions [fun_def : fun_defs] ca # (fun_def, rhs_fun_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfFunction fun_def ca (fun_defs, rhss_fun_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitionsOfFunctions fun_defs ca = ([fun_def : fun_defs], rhs_fun_defs ++ rhss_fun_defs, ca) MakeNewFunction name arity body kind prio opt_type pos :== { fun_symb = name, fun_arity = arity, fun_priority = prio, fun_type = opt_type, fun_kind = kind, fun_body = ParsedBody body, fun_pos = pos, fun_lifted = 0, fun_index = NoIndex, fun_info = EmptyFunInfo } collectFunctionBodies :: !Ident !Int !Priority !FunKind ![ParsedDefinition] !*CollectAdmin -> (![ParsedBody], !FunKind, ![ParsedDefinition], !*CollectAdmin) collectFunctionBodies fun_name fun_arity fun_prio fun_kind all_defs=:[PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs new_fun_kind : defs] ca | belongsToTypeSpec fun_name fun_prio name is_infix # (new_fun_kind, ca) = combine_fun_kinds pos fun_kind new_fun_kind ca (bodies, new_fun_kind, rest_defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies fun_name fun_arity fun_prio new_fun_kind defs ca act_arity = length args | fun_arity == act_arity = ([{ pb_args = args, pb_rhs = rhs } : bodies ], new_fun_kind, rest_defs, ca) = ([{ pb_args = args, pb_rhs = rhs } : bodies ], new_fun_kind, rest_defs, postParseError pos ("This alternative has " + toString act_arity + (if (act_arity == 1)" argument instead of " " arguments instead of ") + toString fun_arity ) ca ) = ([], fun_kind, all_defs, ca) where combine_fun_kinds pos FK_Unknown fun_kind ca = (fun_kind, ca) combine_fun_kinds pos fun_kind new_fun_kind ca | fun_kind == new_fun_kind = (fun_kind, ca) = (fun_kind, postParseError pos "illegal combination of function alternatives" ca) collectFunctionBodies fun_name fun_arity fun_prio fun_kind defs ca = ([], fun_kind, defs, ca) reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca # prio = if is_infix (Prio NoAssoc 9) NoPrio fun_arity = length args (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name fun_arity prio fun_kind defs ca (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count ca fun = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity [{ pb_args = args, pb_rhs = rhs } : bodies] fun_kind prio No pos | fun_kind == FK_Macro = (fun_defs, { c_defs & def_macros = [ fun : c_defs.def_macros ]}, imports, imported_objects, ca) = ([ fun : fun_defs ], c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_TypeSpec fun_pos fun_name prio No specials : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca = case defs of [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : defs] | fun_name <> name -> reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count (postParseError fun_pos ("function alternative for "+++fun_name.id_name+++" expected") ca) | not (sameFixity prio is_infix) -> reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count (postParseError fun_pos "infix of type specification and alternative should match" ca) // | belongsToTypeSpec fun_name prio name is_infix # fun_arity = length args (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name fun_arity prio fun_kind defs ca (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count ca fun = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity [{ pb_args = args, pb_rhs = rhs } : bodies ] fun_kind prio No pos | fun_kind == FK_Macro -> (fun_defs, { c_defs & def_macros = [ fun : c_defs.def_macros]}, imports, imported_objects, ca) -> ([ fun : fun_defs ], c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) // -> reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count (postParseError fun_pos "function body expected (1)" ca) _ -> reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count (postParseError fun_pos "function alternative expected (2)" ca) // ... PK reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_TypeSpec pos name prio (Yes fun_type=:{st_arity}) specials : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca # (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name st_arity prio FK_Unknown defs ca (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count ca | isEmpty bodies # fun_type = MakeNewFunctionType name st_arity prio fun_type pos specials nilPtr c_defs = { c_defs & def_funtypes = [ fun_type : c_defs.def_funtypes ]} | icl_module = (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, postParseError pos "function body expected" ca) = (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) # fun = MakeNewFunction name fun_type.st_arity bodies fun_kind prio (Yes fun_type) pos | icl_module = ([fun : fun_defs], c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = ([fun : fun_defs], c_defs, imports, imported_objects, postParseError pos "function body not allowed in definition module" ca) reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_Type type_def=:{td_rhs = ConsList cons_defs} : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca # (cons_symbs, cons_count) = determine_symbols_of_conses cons_defs cons_count (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count ca type_def = { type_def & td_rhs = AlgType cons_symbs } /* Sjaak ... */ c_defs = { c_defs & def_types = [type_def : c_defs.def_types], def_constructors = mapAppend ParsedConstructorToConsDef cons_defs c_defs.def_constructors } /* ... Sjaak */ = (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) where determine_symbols_of_conses [{pc_cons_name,pc_cons_arity} : conses] next_cons_index # cons = { ds_ident = pc_cons_name, ds_arity = pc_cons_arity, ds_index = next_cons_index } (conses, next_cons_index) = determine_symbols_of_conses conses (inc next_cons_index) = ([cons : conses], next_cons_index) determine_symbols_of_conses [] next_cons_index = ([], next_cons_index) reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_Type type_def=:{td_name, td_rhs = SelectorList rec_cons_id exivars sel_defs, td_pos } : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca # (sel_syms, new_count) = determine_symbols_of_selectors sel_defs sel_count (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs (inc cons_count) new_count mem_count ca cons_arity = new_count - sel_count cons_def = { pc_cons_name = rec_cons_id, pc_cons_prio = NoPrio, pc_cons_arity = cons_arity, pc_cons_pos = td_pos, pc_arg_types = [ ps_field_type \\ {ps_field_type} <- sel_defs ], pc_exi_vars = exivars } // MW was type_def = { type_def & td_rhs = RecordType {rt_constructor = { ds_ident = td_name, ds_arity = cons_arity, ds_index = cons_count }, type_def = { type_def & td_rhs = RecordType {rt_constructor = { ds_ident = rec_cons_id, ds_arity = cons_arity, ds_index = cons_count }, rt_fields = { sel \\ sel <- sel_syms }}} /* Sjaak ... */ c_defs = { c_defs & def_types = [type_def : c_defs.def_types], def_constructors = [ParsedConstructorToConsDef cons_def : c_defs.def_constructors], def_selectors = mapAppend ParsedSelectorToSelectorDef sel_defs c_defs.def_selectors } /* ... Sjaak */ = (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) where determine_symbols_of_selectors [{ps_field_name,ps_field_var} : sels] next_selector_index # field = { fs_name = ps_field_name, fs_var = ps_field_var, fs_index = next_selector_index } (fields, next_selector_index) = determine_symbols_of_selectors sels (inc next_selector_index) = ([field : fields], next_selector_index) determine_symbols_of_selectors [] next_selector_index = ([], next_selector_index) reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_Type type_def=:{td_rhs = TypeSpec type} : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca # (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count ca type_def = { type_def & td_rhs = SynType type } c_defs = { c_defs & def_types = [type_def : c_defs.def_types] } = (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_Type type_def=:{td_rhs = EmptyRhs properties} : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca # (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count ca type_def = { type_def & td_rhs = AbstractType properties } c_defs = { c_defs & def_types = [type_def : c_defs.def_types] } = (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_Class class_def=:{class_name,class_arity,class_args} members : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca # type_context = { tc_class = {glob_module = NoIndex, glob_object = {ds_ident = class_name, ds_arity = class_arity, ds_index = NoIndex }}, tc_types = [ TV tv \\ tv <- class_args ], tc_var = nilPtr } (mem_defs, mem_macros, ca) = check_symbols_of_class_members members type_context ca (mem_symbs, mem_defs, class_size) = reorganize_member_defs mem_defs mem_count (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count (mem_count + class_size) ca class_def = { class_def & class_members = { member \\ member <- mem_symbs }} c_defs = { c_defs & def_classes = [class_def : c_defs.def_classes], def_macros = mem_macros ++ c_defs.def_macros, def_members = mem_defs ++ c_defs.def_members } = (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) where check_symbols_of_class_members :: ![ParsedDefinition] !TypeContext !*CollectAdmin -> (![MemberDef], ![FunDef], !*CollectAdmin) check_symbols_of_class_members [PD_TypeSpec pos name prio opt_type=:(Yes type=:{st_context,st_arity}) specials : defs] type_context ca # (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name st_arity prio FK_Unknown defs ca | isEmpty bodies # mem_def = { me_symb = name, me_type = { type & st_context = [type_context : st_context ]}, me_pos = pos, me_priority = prio, me_offset = NoIndex, me_class_vars = [], me_class = { glob_module = NoIndex, glob_object = NoIndex}, me_type_ptr = nilPtr } ( mem_defs, mem_macros, ca) = check_symbols_of_class_members defs type_context ca = ([mem_def : mem_defs], mem_macros, ca) # macro = MakeNewFunction name st_arity bodies FK_Macro prio opt_type pos (mem_defs, mem_macros,ca) = check_symbols_of_class_members defs type_context ca = (mem_defs, [macro : mem_macros], ca) check_symbols_of_class_members [PD_TypeSpec fun_pos fun_name prio No specials : defs] type_context ca = case defs of [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : defs] | belongsToTypeSpec fun_name prio name is_infix # fun_arity = length args (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name fun_arity prio fun_kind defs ca (mem_defs, mem_macros, ca) = check_symbols_of_class_members defs type_context ca macro = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity bodies FK_Macro prio No pos -> (mem_defs, [macro : mem_macros], ca) -> check_symbols_of_class_members defs type_context (postParseError fun_pos "macro body expected" ca) _ -> check_symbols_of_class_members defs type_context (postParseError fun_pos "macro body expected" ca) check_symbols_of_class_members [PD_Function fun_pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : defs] type_context ca # prio = if is_infix (Prio NoAssoc 9) NoPrio fun_arity = length args (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name fun_arity prio fun_kind defs ca (mem_defs, mem_macros, ca) = check_symbols_of_class_members defs type_context ca macro = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity [{ pb_args = args, pb_rhs = rhs } : bodies] FK_Macro prio No fun_pos = (mem_defs, [macro : mem_macros], ca) check_symbols_of_class_members [] type_context ca = ([], [], ca) reorganize_member_defs mem_defs first_mem_index # mem_defs = sort mem_defs = determine_indexes_of_class_members mem_defs first_mem_index 0 determine_indexes_of_class_members [member=:{me_symb,me_type}:members] first_mem_index mem_offset #! (member_symbols, member_defs, last_mem_offset) = determine_indexes_of_class_members members first_mem_index (inc mem_offset) = ([{ds_ident = me_symb, ds_index = first_mem_index + mem_offset, ds_arity = me_type.st_arity } : member_symbols], [ { member & me_offset = mem_offset } : member_defs], last_mem_offset) determine_indexes_of_class_members [] first_mem_index last_mem_offset = ([], [], last_mem_offset) reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_Instance class_instance=:{pi_members,pi_pos} : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca # (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count ca (mem_defs, ca) = collect_member_instances pi_members ca | icl_module || isEmpty mem_defs = (fun_defs, { c_defs & def_instances = [{class_instance & pi_members = mem_defs} : c_defs.def_instances] }, imports, imported_objects, ca) = (fun_defs, { c_defs & def_instances = [{class_instance & pi_members = []} : c_defs.def_instances] }, imports, imported_objects, postParseError pi_pos "instance specifications of members not allowed" ca) where collect_member_instances [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : defs] ca # fun_arity = length args prio = if is_infix (Prio NoAssoc 9) NoPrio (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name fun_arity prio fun_kind defs ca (fun_defs, ca) = collect_member_instances defs ca fun = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity [{ pb_args = args, pb_rhs = rhs } : bodies ] fun_kind prio No pos = ([ fun : fun_defs ], ca) collect_member_instances [PD_TypeSpec fun_pos fun_name prio type specials : defs] ca = case defs of [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : defs] | belongsToTypeSpec fun_name prio name is_infix # (fun_arity, ca) = determineArity args type pos ca (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name fun_arity prio fun_kind defs ca (fun_defs, ca) = collect_member_instances defs ca fun = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity [ { pb_args = args, pb_rhs = rhs } : bodies ] fun_kind prio type pos -> ([ fun : fun_defs ], ca) _ -> collect_member_instances defs (postParseError fun_pos "function body expected" ca) collect_member_instances [] ca = ([], ca) reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_Instances class_instances : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module ([PD_Instance class_instance \\ class_instance <- class_instances] ++ defs) cons_count sel_count mem_count ca reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_Import new_imports : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca # (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count ca = (fun_defs, c_defs, new_imports ++ imports, imported_objects, ca) // RWS ... reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [PD_ImportedObjects new_imported_objects : defs] cons_count sel_count mem_count ca # (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, imported_objects, ca) = reorganizeDefinitions icl_module defs cons_count sel_count mem_count ca = (fun_defs, c_defs, imports, new_imported_objects ++ imported_objects, ca) // ... RWS reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [def:defs] _ _ _ ca = abort ("reorganizeDefinitions does not match" ---> def) reorganizeDefinitions icl_module [] _ _ _ ca = ([], { def_types = [], def_constructors = [], def_selectors = [], def_macros = [], def_classes = [], def_members = [], def_instances = [], def_funtypes = [] }, [], [], ca) checkRhsOfNodeDef pos { rhs_alts = UnGuardedExpr {ewl_expr,ewl_nodes = [],ewl_locals = LocalParsedDefs []}, rhs_locals = LocalParsedDefs []} ca = (ewl_expr, ca) checkRhsOfNodeDef pos rhs ca = (PE_Empty, postParseError pos "illegal node definition" ca) reorganizeLocalDefinitions [PD_NodeDef pos pattern {rhs_alts,rhs_locals} : defs] ca # (fun_defs, node_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitions defs ca = (fun_defs, [(No, { nd_dst = pattern, nd_alts = rhs_alts, nd_locals = rhs_locals }) : node_defs], ca) // = (fun_defs, [(No, { bind_dst = pattern, bind_src = rhs_expr }) : node_defs], ca) reorganizeLocalDefinitions [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : defs] ca # prio = if is_infix (Prio NoAssoc 9) NoPrio fun_arity = length args (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name fun_arity prio fun_kind defs ca (fun_defs, node_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitions defs ca fun = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity [{ pb_args = args, pb_rhs = rhs } : bodies ] fun_kind prio No pos = ([ fun : fun_defs ], node_defs, ca) reorganizeLocalDefinitions [PD_TypeSpec pos1 name1 prio type specials : defs] ca = case defs of [PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind : defs] | belongsToTypeSpec name1 prio name is_infix # (fun_arity, ca) = determineArity args type pos ca # (bodies, fun_kind, defs, ca) = collectFunctionBodies name1 fun_arity prio fun_kind defs ca (fun_defs, node_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitions defs ca fun = MakeNewFunction name fun_arity [{ pb_args = args, pb_rhs = rhs } : bodies ] fun_kind prio type pos -> ([fun : fun_defs], node_defs, ca) -> reorganizeLocalDefinitions defs (postParseError pos "function body expected" ca) [PD_NodeDef pos pattern=:(PE_Ident id) {rhs_alts,rhs_locals} : defs] | belongsToTypeSpec name1 prio id False # (fun_defs, node_defs, ca) = reorganizeLocalDefinitions defs ca // (rhs_expr, ca) = checkRhsOfNodeDef pos rhs ca -> (fun_defs, [(type, { nd_dst = pattern, nd_alts = rhs_alts, nd_locals = rhs_locals }) : node_defs], ca) // -> (fun_defs, [(type, { bind_dst = pattern, bind_src = rhs_expr }) : node_defs], ca) -> reorganizeLocalDefinitions defs (postParseError pos "function body expected" ca) _ -> reorganizeLocalDefinitions defs (postParseError pos1 "function body expected" ca) reorganizeLocalDefinitions [] ca = ([], [], ca) belongsToTypeSpec name prio new_name is_infix :== name == new_name && sameFixity prio is_infix determineArity args (Yes {st_arity}) pos ca # arity = length args | arity == st_arity = (arity, ca) determineArity args No pos ca = (length args, ca) sameFixity (Prio _ _) is_infix = is_infix sameFixity NoPrio is_infix = not is_infix