implementation module parse
 // cvs test
import StdEnv
import scanner, syntax, hashtable, utilities, predef

// RWS ...
ParseOnly :== False
import RWSDebug

// +++ move to utilities?

groupBy :: (a a -> Bool) [a] -> [[a]]
groupBy eq []
    =   []
groupBy eq [h : t]
    =   [[h : this] : groupBy eq other]
        (this, other)
            =   span (eq h) t
ident = { id_name = "id name", id_info = nilPtr }
	=	is_record_update [{nu_selectors=[PS_Record ident No],nu_update_expr=PE_Empty}]

is_record_update :: [NestedUpdate] -> Bool
is_record_update [{nu_selectors=[(PS_Record _ _) : _]}]
	=	True ->> "is_record_update"
is_record_update updates
	=	False ->> ("not is_record_update", updates)

// ... RWS


Parser for Clean 2.0


- Parsing funtions with a name of the form try.. can fail without generating an error.
  The parser will try an other alternative.
- Parsing functions with a name of the form want.. should succeed. If these functions
  fail an error message is generated.
- Functions with names containing the character '_' are local functions.
- All functions should consume the tokens taken form the state or given as argument,
  or put these tokens back themselves.


::	*ParseErrorAdmin = 
	{	pea_file	:: !*File
	,	pea_ok		:: !Bool

:: *ParseState =
	{	ps_scanState		:: !ScanState
	,	ps_error			:: !*ParseErrorAdmin
	,	ps_skipping			:: !Bool
	,	ps_hash_table		:: !*HashTable
	,	ps_pre_def_symbols	:: !*PredefinedSymbols

appScanState :: (ScanState -> ScanState) !ParseState -> ParseState
appScanState f pState=:{ps_scanState}
	#	ps_scanState = f ps_scanState
	=	{	pState & ps_scanState = ps_scanState }

accScanState :: (ScanState -> (.t,ScanState)) !ParseState -> (.t,ParseState)
accScanState f pState=:{ps_scanState}
	#	( x, ps_scanState) = f ps_scanState
	=	( x, {pState & ps_scanState = ps_scanState })

makeStringTypeSymbol pState=:{ps_pre_def_symbols}
	#! string_id = ps_pre_def_symbols.[PD_StringType]
	= (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent string_id.pds_ident 0, pState)

makeListTypeSymbol arity pState=:{ps_pre_def_symbols}
	#! list_id = ps_pre_def_symbols.[PD_ListType]
	= (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent list_id.pds_ident arity, pState)

makeLazyArraySymbol arity pState=:{ps_pre_def_symbols}
	#! lazy_array_id = ps_pre_def_symbols.[PD_LazyArrayType]
	= (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent lazy_array_id.pds_ident arity, pState)

makeStrictArraySymbol arity	pState=:{ps_pre_def_symbols}
	#! strict_array_id = ps_pre_def_symbols.[PD_StrictArrayType]
	= (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent strict_array_id.pds_ident arity, pState)

makeUnboxedArraySymbol arity pState=:{ps_pre_def_symbols}
	#! unboxed_array_id = ps_pre_def_symbols.[PD_UnboxedArrayType]
	= (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent unboxed_array_id.pds_ident arity, pState)

makeTupleTypeSymbol form_arity act_arity  pState=:{ps_pre_def_symbols}
	#! tuple_id = ps_pre_def_symbols.[GetTupleTypeIndex form_arity]
	= (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent tuple_id.pds_ident act_arity, pState)

makeNilExpression pState=:{ps_pre_def_symbols}
	#! nil_id = ps_pre_def_symbols.[PD_NilSymbol]
	= (PE_List [PE_Ident nil_id.pds_ident], pState)

makeConsExpression a1 a2 pState=:{ps_pre_def_symbols}
	#! cons_id = ps_pre_def_symbols.[PD_ConsSymbol]
	= (PE_List [PE_Ident cons_id.pds_ident, a1, a2], pState)
class try a	 :: !Token !*ParseState -> (!Optional a, !*ParseState)
class want a :: !*ParseState -> (!a, !*ParseState)

stringToIdent :: !String !IdentClass !*ParseState -> (!Ident, !*ParseState)
stringToIdent ident ident_class pState=:{ps_hash_table}
	# (ident, ps_hash_table) = putIdentInHashTable ident ident_class ps_hash_table
	= (ident, { pState & ps_hash_table = ps_hash_table } )

internalIdent :: !String !*ParseState -> (!Ident, !*ParseState)
internalIdent prefix pState
	# ({fp_line,fp_col},pState=:{ps_hash_table})	= getPosition pState
	  case_string									= prefix +++ toString fp_line +++ "_" +++ toString fp_col
	  (case_ident, ps_hash_table)					= putIdentInHashTable case_string IC_Expression ps_hash_table
	= (case_ident, { pState & ps_hash_table = ps_hash_table } )

erroneousIdent = { id_name = "", id_info = nilPtr }

	Some general overloaded parsing routines

wantSequence :: !Token !Context !*ParseState -> (!.[a],!*ParseState) | want a
wantSequence separator context pState
	# (first, pState) = want pState
	  (token, pState) = nextToken context pState
	| separator == token
		# (rest, pState) = wantSequence separator context pState
		= ([first : rest], pState)
	// otherwise // separator <> token
	= ([first], tokenBack pState)
optionalSequence start_token separator context pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken context pState
	| token == start_token
		= wantSequence separator context pState
		= ([], tokenBack pState)
parseList try_fun pState :== parse_list pState // try_fun *
//parseList try_fun pState = parse_list pState
	//	parse_list :: !*ParseState -> (tree, *ParseState)
		parse_list pState
			# (succ, tree, pState) = try_fun pState
			| succ
				# (trees, pState) = parse_list pState
				= ([tree : trees], pState)
			= ([], pState)

//wantSepList msg sep_token context try_fun pState = want_list msg pState
wantSepList msg sep_token context try_fun pState :== want_list msg pState // try_fun (sep_token tryfun)*
		want_list msg pState
			# (succ, tree, pState) = try_fun pState
			| succ
			 	# (token, pState) = nextToken context pState
			 	| token == sep_token
					# (trees, pState) = optSepList sep_token context try_fun pState
					= ([tree : trees], pState)
				// otherwise // token <> sep_token
					= ([tree], tokenBack pState)
				# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
				= ([tree], parseError "wantList" (Yes token) msg pState)

//optSepList sep_token context try_fun pState = want_list msg pState
optSepList sep_token context try_fun pState :== want_list pState // [ try_fun (sep_token tryfun)* ]
		want_list pState
			# (succ, tree, pState) = try_fun pState
			| succ
			 	# (token, pState) = nextToken context pState
			 	| token == sep_token
					# (trees, pState) = want_list pState
					= ([tree : trees], pState)
				// otherwise // token <> sep_token
					= ([tree], tokenBack pState)
			= ([], pState)

//wantList msg try_fun pState = want_list msg pState
wantList msg try_fun pState :== want_list msg pState // try_fun +
		want_list msg pState
			# (succ, tree, pState) = try_fun pState
			| succ
				# (trees, pState) = parseList try_fun pState
				= ([tree : trees], pState)
				# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
				= ([tree], parseError "wantList" (Yes token) msg pState)
instance want (a,b) | want a & want b
	want pState
		# (x, pState) = want pState
		  (y, pState) = want pState
		= ((x,y), pState)
wantIdents :: !Context !IdentClass !ParseState -> (![Ident], !ParseState)
wantIdents context ident_class pState
	# (first_name, pState) = want pState
	  (first_ident, pState) = stringToIdent first_name ident_class pState
	  (token, pState) = nextToken context pState
	| token == CommaToken
		# (rest, pState) = wantIdents context ident_class pState
		= ([first_ident : rest], pState)
	= ([first_ident], tokenBack pState)

optionalPriority :: !Bool !Token !ParseState -> (Priority, !ParseState)
optionalPriority isinfix (PriorityToken prio) pState
	= (prio, pState)
optionalPriority isinfix token pState
	| isinfix
		= (DummyPriority, tokenBack pState)
		= (NoPrio, tokenBack pState)


::	ParseContext	:== Int

cICLContext			:== 1
cGlobalContext		:== 2
cDCLContext			:== 0
cLocalContext		:== 1

SetGlobalContext iclmodule
	| iclmodule
		= cICLContext bitor cGlobalContext
		= cDCLContext bitor cGlobalContext
SetLocalContext context 	:== context bitand (bitnot cGlobalContext)

isLocalContext context	:== context bitand cGlobalContext == 0
isGlobalContext context	:== not (isLocalContext context)

isDclContext context	:== context bitand cICLContext == 0
isIclContext context	:== not (isDclContext context)

cWantIclFile :== True	
cWantDclFile :== False	

wantModule :: !Bool !Ident !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
	-> (!Bool, !ParsedModule, !*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files)
wantModule iclmodule file_id=:{id_name} hash_table error searchPaths pre_def_symbols files
	# file_name = if iclmodule (id_name +++ ".icl") (id_name +++ ".dcl")
	= case openScanner file_name searchPaths files of
		(Yes scanState, files) -> initModule file_name scanState pre_def_symbols files
		(No       , files) -> let mod = { mod_name = file_id, mod_type = MK_None, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] } in
							  (False, mod, hash_table, error <<< "Could not open: " <<< file_name, pre_def_symbols, files)
	initModule :: String ScanState !*PredefinedSymbols *Files -> (!Bool, !ParsedModule, !*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files)
	initModule file_name scanState pre_def_symbols files
		# (succ, mod_type, mod_name, scanState) = try_module_header iclmodule scanState
		| succ
			# pState				=	{ ps_scanState = scanState
										, ps_error = { pea_file = error, pea_ok = True }
										, ps_skipping = False
										, ps_hash_table = hash_table
										, ps_pre_def_symbols = pre_def_symbols
			  pState				= verify_name mod_name id_name file_name pState
		  	  (mod_ident, pState)	= stringToIdent mod_name IC_Module pState
		  	  pState				= check_layout_rule pState
		  	  (defs, pState)		= want_definitions (SetGlobalContext iclmodule) pState
			  						= pState
// RWS ...
			  defs = if (ParseOnly && id_name <> "StdOverloaded" && id_name <> "StdArray" && id_name <> "StdEnum" && id_name <> "StdBool" && id_name <> "StdDynamics")
						[PD_Import imports \\ PD_Import imports <- defs]
// ... RWS
			  mod					= { mod_name = mod_ident, mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = defs }
			= ( ps_error.pea_ok
			  , mod, ps_hash_table
			  , ps_error.pea_file
			  , ps_pre_def_symbols
			  , closeScanner ps_scanState files
		// otherwise // ~ succ
		# mod = { mod_name = file_id, mod_type = mod_type, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] }
		= (False, mod, hash_table, error <<< '[' <<< file_id <<< "]: " <<< "incorrect module header", pre_def_symbols, files)

	try_module_header :: !Bool !ScanState -> (!Bool,!ModuleKind,!String,!ScanState)
	try_module_header is_icl_mod scanState
		# (token, scanState) = nextToken GeneralContext scanState
		| is_icl_mod
			| token == ModuleToken
				# (token, scanState) = nextToken GeneralContext scanState
				= try_module_name token MK_Main scanState
			| token == ImpModuleToken 
				= try_module_token MK_Module scanState
			| token == SysModuleToken
				= try_module_token MK_System scanState
				= (False, MK_None, "", tokenBack scanState)
		| token == DefModuleToken
		  	= try_module_token MK_Module scanState
		| token == SysModuleToken
		  	= try_module_token MK_System scanState
			= (False, MK_None, "", tokenBack scanState)

	try_module_token :: !ModuleKind !ScanState -> (!Bool,!ModuleKind!,!String,!ScanState)
	try_module_token mod_type scanState
		# (token, scanState) = nextToken GeneralContext scanState
		| token == ModuleToken
			# (token, scanState) = nextToken GeneralContext scanState
 			= try_module_name token mod_type scanState
			= (False, mod_type, "", tokenBack scanState)

	try_module_name (IdentToken name) mod_type scanState
		= (True, mod_type, name, scanState) //-->> ("module",name)
	try_module_name token mod_type scanState
		= (False, mod_type, "", tokenBack scanState)
	verify_name name id_name file_name pState=:{ps_error={pea_file}}
		| name == id_name
	  		= pState
	  		# pea_file = pea_file <<< "Module name \"" <<< name <<< "\" does not match file name \"" <<< file_name <<< "\"\n"
			= { pState & ps_error = { pea_file = pea_file, pea_ok = False }}

	check_layout_rule pState
		# (token, pState)	= nextToken GeneralContext pState
		  use_layout		= token <> SemicolonToken && token <> EndOfFileToken // '&& token <> EndOfFileToken' to handle end groups of empty modules
		| use_layout		= appScanState (setUseLayout use_layout) (tokenBack pState)
							= appScanState (setUseLayout use_layout) pState

	want_definitions :: !ParseContext !ParseState -> (![ParsedDefinition], !ParseState)
	want_definitions context pState
		= want_acc_definitions [] pState
		want_acc_definitions :: ![ParsedDefinition] !ParseState -> (![ParsedDefinition], !ParseState)
		want_acc_definitions acc pState
			# (defs, pState)	= wantDefinitions context pState
			  acc				= acc ++ defs
			  pState			= wantEndModule pState
			  (token, pState)	= nextToken FunctionContext pState
			| token == EndOfFileToken
				= (acc,  pState)
				# pState		= parseError "want definitions" (Yes token) "End of file" pState
				  pState		= wantEndOfDefinition "definitions" pState
				= want_acc_definitions acc pState
	[Definition] on local and global level

wantDefinitions :: !ParseContext !ParseState -> (![ParsedDefinition], !ParseState)
wantDefinitions context pState
	= parseList (tryDefinition context) pState

DummyPriority	:== Prio LeftAssoc 9

cHasPriority 	:== True
cHasNoPriority	:== False

tryDefinition :: !ParseContext !ParseState -> (!Bool, ParsedDefinition, !ParseState)
tryDefinition context pState
	# (token, pState)			= nextToken GeneralContext pState
	  (fname, linenr, pState)	= getFileAndLineNr pState
	= try_definition context token (LinePos fname linenr) pState
	try_definition :: !ParseContext !Token !Position !ParseState -> (!Bool, ParsedDefinition, !ParseState)
	try_definition context DoubleColonToken pos pState
		# (def, pState) = wantTypeDef context pos pState
		= (True, def, pState)
	try_definition _ ImportToken pos pState
// RWS ...
		# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		| token == CodeToken && isIclContext context
		# (importedObjects, pState) = wantCodeImports pState
		= (True, PD_ImportedObjects importedObjects, pState)
		# pState = tokenBack pState
// ... RWS
		# (imports, pState) = wantImports pState
   		= (True, PD_Import imports, pState)
	try_definition _ FromToken pos pState
		# (imp, pState) = wantFromImports pState
   		= (True, PD_Import [imp], pState) -->> imp
/*	try_definition _ ExportToken pos pState
		# (exports, pState) = wantExportDef pState
   		= (True, PD_Export exports, pState)
	try_definition _ ExportAllToken pos pState
   		= (True, PD_Export ExportAll, pState)
*/	try_definition context ClassToken pos pState
   		# (classdef, pState) = wantClassDefinition context pos pState
   		= (True, classdef, pState)
	try_definition context InstanceToken pos pState
   		# (instdef, pState) = wantInstanceDeclaration context pos pState
   		= (True, instdef, pState)
	try_definition context token pos pState
		| isLhsStartToken token
			# (lhs, pState) = want_lhs_of_def token pState
		      (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		      (def, pState) = want_rhs_of_def context lhs token (determine_position lhs pos) pState //-->> token
			= (True, def, pState) -->>  def
				determine_position (Yes (name, _), _)	(LinePos f l) = FunPos f l name.id_name
		 		determine_position lhs           		pos           = pos
		= (False, abort "no def(1)", tokenBack pState)

	want_lhs_of_def :: !Token !ParseState -> (!(Optional (Ident, Bool), ![ParsedExpr]), !ParseState)
	want_lhs_of_def token pState
		# (succ, fname, is_infix, pState) = try_function_symbol token pState
		| succ
			# (args, pState) = parseList trySimpleLhsExpression pState
			= ((Yes (fname, is_infix), args), pState)
			# (_, exp, pState) = trySimpleLhsExpression pState
			= ((No, [exp]), pState)
		try_function_symbol :: !Token !ParseState -> (!Bool, Ident, !Bool, !ParseState) // (Success, Ident, Infix, ParseState)
		try_function_symbol (IdentToken name) pState
			# (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Expression pState
			= (True, id, False, pState)
		try_function_symbol OpenToken pState
			# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			= case token of
				(IdentToken name)
					# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
					| CloseToken == token
						# (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Expression pState
						-> (True, id, True, pState)
						-> (False, abort "no name", False, tokenBack (tokenBack (tokenBack pState)))
					-> (False,  abort "no name", False, tokenBack (tokenBack pState))
		try_function_symbol token pState
			= (False, abort "name", False, tokenBack pState)

	want_rhs_of_def :: !ParseContext !(Optional (Ident, Bool), [ParsedExpr]) !Token !Position !ParseState -> (ParsedDefinition, !ParseState)
	want_rhs_of_def context (opt_name, args) DoubleColonToken pos pState
		# (name, is_infix, pState) = check_name_and_fixity opt_name cHasNoPriority pState
		  (tspec, pState) = want pState		//	SymbolType
		| isDclContext context
			# (specials, pState) = optionalSpecials pState
			= (PD_TypeSpec pos name (if is_infix DummyPriority NoPrio) (Yes tspec) specials, wantEndOfDefinition "type definition (1)" pState)
			= (PD_TypeSpec pos name (if is_infix DummyPriority NoPrio) (Yes tspec) SP_None, wantEndOfDefinition "type definition (2)" pState)
	want_rhs_of_def context (opt_name, args) (PriorityToken prio) pos pState
		# (name, _, pState) = check_name_and_fixity opt_name cHasPriority pState
		  (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		| token == DoubleColonToken
		  	# (tspec, pState) = want pState
			| isDclContext context
				# (specials, pState) = optionalSpecials pState
				= (PD_TypeSpec pos name prio (Yes tspec) specials, wantEndOfDefinition "type definition (3)" pState)
				= (PD_TypeSpec pos name prio (Yes tspec) SP_None, wantEndOfDefinition "type definition (4)" pState)
			= (PD_TypeSpec pos name prio No SP_None, wantEndOfDefinition "type defenition (5)" (tokenBack pState))
	want_rhs_of_def context (No, args) token pos pState
		# pState = want_node_def_token pState token
  		  (rhs, pState) = wantRhs isEqualToken (tokenBack pState)
		| isGlobalContext context
 			= (PD_NodeDef pos (combine_args args) rhs, parseError "RHS" No "<global definition>" pState)
 			= (PD_NodeDef pos (combine_args args) rhs, pState)
		want_node_def_token s EqualToken		= s
		want_node_def_token s DefinesColonToken = replaceToken EqualToken s
		want_node_def_token s token				= parseError "RHS" (Yes token) "defines token (= or =:)" s

		combine_args [arg]	= arg
		combine_args args	= PE_List args
	want_rhs_of_def context (Yes (name, False), []) token pos pState
		| isIclContext context && isLocalContext context && (token == DefinesColonToken || token == EqualToken)
			# (rhs, pState) = wantRhs (\_ -> True) (tokenBack pState)
			= (PD_NodeDef pos (PE_Ident name) rhs, pState)
	want_rhs_of_def context (Yes (name, is_infix), args) token pos pState
		# (fun_kind, code_allowed, pState)  = token_to_fun_kind pState token
		  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		| isIclContext context && token == CodeToken
			# (rhs, pState) = wantCodeRhs pState
			| code_allowed
  				= (PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind, pState)
  			// otherwise // ~ code_allowed
  				= (PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind, parseError "rhs of def" No "no code" pState)
		# pState = tokenBack (tokenBack pState)
		  (rhs, pState) = wantRhs isRhsStartToken pState
		= case fun_kind of
			FK_Function  | isDclContext context
				->	(PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind, parseError "RHS" No "<type specification>" pState)
			FK_Caf | ~(isEmpty args)
				->	(PD_Function pos name is_infix []   rhs fun_kind, parseError "CAF" No "No arguments for a CAF" pState)
  			_	->	(PD_Function pos name is_infix args rhs fun_kind, pState)
		token_to_fun_kind s BarToken			= (FK_Function, False,  s)
		token_to_fun_kind s (SeqLetToken _)		= (FK_Function, False,  s)
		token_to_fun_kind s EqualToken			= (FK_Function, True,  s)
		token_to_fun_kind s ColonDefinesToken	= (FK_Macro, False, s)
		token_to_fun_kind s DoubleArrowToken	= (FK_Function, True, s)
		token_to_fun_kind s DefinesColonToken	= (FK_Caf, False, s)
		token_to_fun_kind s token 				= (FK_Unknown, False, parseError "RHS" (Yes token) "defines token (=, => or =:) or argument" s)

	check_name_and_fixity No hasprio pState
		= (erroneousIdent, False, parseError "Definition" No "identifier" pState)
	check_name_and_fixity (Yes (name,is_infix)) hasprio pState
		| not is_infix	&& hasprio	//	XXXXXXX
			= (name, False, parseError "Definition" No "Infix operator should be inside parentheses; no infix" pState)
			= (name, is_infix, pState)

isEqualToken :: !Token -> Bool
isEqualToken EqualToken			= True
isEqualToken _					= False

isRhsStartToken :: !Token -> Bool
isRhsStartToken EqualToken			= True
isRhsStartToken ColonDefinesToken	= True
isRhsStartToken DefinesColonToken	= True
isRhsStartToken _					= False

optionalSpecials :: !ParseState -> (!Specials, !ParseState)
optionalSpecials pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
	| token == SpecialToken
		# (specials, pState) = wantList "<special statement>" try_substitutions pState
		= (SP_ParsedSubstitutions specials, wantEndGroup "specials" pState)
	// otherwise // token <> SpecialToken
		= (SP_None, tokenBack pState)
	try_substitutions pState
		# (succ, type_var, pState) = tryTypeVar pState
		| succ
			# (subst, pState) = want_rest_substitutions type_var pState
			= (True, subst, wantEndOfDefinition "substitution" pState)
			= (False, [], pState)
	want_rest_substitutions type_var pState
		# pState = wantToken GeneralContext "specials" EqualToken pState
		  (type, pState) = want pState
		  (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
		| token == CommaToken
			# (next_type_var, pState) = want pState
			  (substs, pState) = want_rest_substitutions next_type_var pState
			= ([{ bind_src = type, bind_dst = type_var } : substs], pState)
			= ([{ bind_src = type, bind_dst = type_var }], tokenBack pState)
	For parsing right-hand sides of functions only

wantCodeRhs :: !ParseState -> (Rhs, !ParseState)
wantCodeRhs pState
	# (expr, pState)	= want_code_expr pState
	= (	{ rhs_alts		= UnGuardedExpr
							{ ewl_nodes		= []
							, ewl_locals	= LocalParsedDefs []
							, ewl_expr		= expr
		, rhs_locals	= LocalParsedDefs []
	  , wantEndOfDefinition "code rhs" pState
	want_code_expr :: !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
	want_code_expr pState
		# (token, pState) = nextToken CodeContext pState
		= case token of
				#	(input, pState)	= want_bindings [] True pState
					pState			= wantToken CodeContext "input bindings of code block" CloseToken pState
					pState			= wantToken CodeContext "output bindings of code block" OpenToken pState
					(out, pState)	= want_bindings [] False pState
					pState			= wantToken CodeContext "output bindings of code block" CloseToken pState
					(token, pState)	= nextToken CodeContext pState
				->	case token of
						CodeBlockToken the_code
							-> (PE_Any_Code input out the_code, pState)
						_	-> (PE_Any_Code input out []  , parseError "code rhs (any code)" (Yes token) "code block" pState)
			 	#	(token, pState) = nextToken CodeContext pState
			 	->	case token of
			 			CodeBlockToken the_code
			 				-> (PE_ABC_Code the_code True, pState)
			 				-> (PE_ABC_Code [] True,  parseError "inline code" (Yes token) "code block" pState)
			CodeBlockToken the_code
				-> (PE_ABC_Code the_code False, pState)
				-> (PE_Empty, parseError "code rhs" (Yes token) "<code rhs>" pState)

	want_bindings :: !(CodeBinding Ident) !Bool !ParseState -> (!CodeBinding Ident, !ParseState)
	want_bindings acc mayBeEmpty pState
		# (token, pState)	= nextToken CodeContext pState
		= case token of
			IdentToken name
				#	(token, pState)	= nextToken CodeContext pState
				|	token == EqualToken || token == DefinesColonToken
					#	(token, pState)	= nextToken CodeContext pState
					->	case token of
							IdentToken value
								#	(ident, pState)	= stringToIdent name IC_Expression pState
									acc				= [{ bind_dst = ident, bind_src = value }: acc]
									(token, pState)	= nextToken CodeContext pState
								|	token == CommaToken
									->	want_bindings acc mayBeEmpty pState
								//	token <> CommaToken
									->	(reverse acc, tokenBack pState)
								-> (acc, parseError "bindings in code block" (Yes token) "value" pState)
				//	token <> EqualToken && token <> DefinesColonToken
					->	(acc, parseError "bindings in code block" (Yes token) "= or =:" pState)
				| mayBeEmpty
					-> (acc, tokenBack pState) // to handle empty input bindings
					-> (acc, parseError "code bindings" (Yes token) "output bindings" pState)
				-> (acc, parseError "bindings in code block" (Yes token) "identifier" pState)
	For parsing right-hand sides of functions and case expressions

/* Syntax:
	FunctionAltDefRhs	=	FunctionBody						// Rhs
							[ LocalFunctionAltDefs ]
	FunctionBody		=	exprWithLocals						// OptGuardedAlts	: GuardedAlts
						|	GuardedAlts 						//					: UnGuardedExpr
	GuardedAlts			=	{ [ LetBefore ] '|' [ StrictLet ] Guard FunctionBody }+ [ ExprWithLocals ]
	ExprWithLocals		=	[ LetBefore ] sep RootExpression endOfDefinition [ LocalFunctionDefs ]

wantRhs :: !(!Token -> Bool) !ParseState -> (Rhs, !ParseState) // FunctionAltDefRhs
wantRhs separator pState
	# (alts, pState)	= want_LetsFunctionBody separator pState
	  (locals, pState)	= optionalLocals WhereToken pState
	= ({ rhs_alts = alts, rhs_locals = locals}, pState)
	want_LetsFunctionBody :: !(!Token -> Bool) !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !ParseState) 
	want_LetsFunctionBody sep pState
		# (token, pState)			= nextToken FunctionContext pState
		  (nodeDefs, token, pState)	= want_LetBefores token pState
		= want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs [] sep pState

	want_FunctionBody :: !Token ![NodeDefWithLocals] ![GuardedExpr] !(Token -> Bool) !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !ParseState)
	want_FunctionBody BarToken nodeDefs alts sep pState
//		#	(lets, pState)				= want_StrictLet pState // removed from 2.0
		#	(token, pState)				= nextToken FunctionContext pState
		|	token == OtherwiseToken
			#	(token, pState)				= nextToken FunctionContext pState
				(nodeDefs2, token, pState)	= want_LetBefores token pState
			=	case token of
					#	pState = parseError "RHS: default alternative" No "root expression instead of guarded expression" pState
					->	root_expression token (nodeDefs ++ nodeDefs2) (reverse alts) sep pState
				_	->	root_expression token (nodeDefs ++ nodeDefs2) (reverse alts) sep pState
		|	token == LetToken True
			#	pState	= parseError "RHS" No "No 'let!' in this version of Clean" pState
			=	root_expression token nodeDefs (reverse alts) sep pState
		#	(guard, pState)				= wantRhsExpressionT token pState
			(token, pState)				= nextToken FunctionContext pState
			(nodeDefs2, token, pState)	= want_LetBefores token pState
		|	token == BarToken // nested guard
			#	(position, pState)			= getPosition pState
				offside						= position.fp_col
				(expr, pState)				= want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs2 [] sep pState
				pState						= wantEndNestedGuard (default_found expr) offside pState
				alt							= { alt_nodes = nodeDefs, alt_guard = guard, alt_expr = expr }
				(token, pState)				= nextToken FunctionContext pState
				(nodeDefs, token, pState)	= want_LetBefores token pState
			=	want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs [alt:alts] sep pState
		// otherwise
			#	(expr, pState)				= root_expression token nodeDefs2 [] sep pState
				alt							= { alt_nodes = nodeDefs, alt_guard = guard, alt_expr = expr }
				(token, pState)				= nextToken FunctionContext pState
				(nodeDefs, token, pState)	= want_LetBefores token pState
			=	want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs [alt:alts] sep pState
	want_FunctionBody token nodeDefs alts sep pState
		=	root_expression token nodeDefs (reverse alts) sep pState
	root_expression :: !Token ![NodeDefWithLocals] ![GuardedExpr] !(Token -> Bool) !ParseState -> (!OptGuardedAlts, !ParseState)
	root_expression token nodeDefs [] sep pState
		#	(expr,pState) = want_OptExprWithLocals token nodeDefs sep pState
		=	case expr of
				Yes expr -> ( UnGuardedExpr expr, pState)
				No		 -> ( UnGuardedExpr {ewl_nodes = [], ewl_expr = PE_Empty, ewl_locals = LocalParsedDefs []}
							, parseError "RHS: root expression" (Yes token) "= <ExprWithLocals>" pState
	root_expression token nodeDefs alts sep pState
		# (expr,pState) = want_OptExprWithLocals token nodeDefs sep pState
		= (GuardedAlts alts expr, pState)
	default_found (GuardedAlts _ No)	= False
	default_found _						= True

	want_OptExprWithLocals :: !Token ![NodeDefWithLocals] !(Token -> Bool) !ParseState -> (!Optional !ExprWithLocalDefs, !ParseState)
	want_OptExprWithLocals DoubleArrowToken nodeDefs sep pState
		= want_OptExprWithLocals EqualToken nodeDefs sep (replaceToken EqualToken pState)
	want_OptExprWithLocals token nodeDefs sep pState
		| sep token
		# (expr, pState)	= wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
		  pState			= wantEndRootExpression pState
		  (locals,pState)	= optionalLocals WithToken pState
		= ( Yes	{ ewl_nodes		= nodeDefs
				, ewl_expr		= expr
				, ewl_locals	= locals
		  , pState
		= (No, tokenBack pState)
/*	want_StrictLet :: !ParseState -> ([NodeDefWithLocals] , !ParseState) // Removed from the language !?
	want_StrictLet pState
		# (token, pState)	= nextToken FunctionContext pState
		| token == LetToken True
			# (let_defs, pState)	= wantList "<sequential node defs>" (try_LetDef True) pState
			  pState				= wantToken FunctionContext "strict let" InToken pState
			= (let_defs, pState)
		= ([], tokenBack pState)
	want_LetBefores :: !Token !ParseState -> (![NodeDefWithLocals], !Token, !ParseState)
	want_LetBefores (SeqLetToken strict) pState
		# (let_defs, pState)				= wantList "<sequential node defs>" (try_LetDef strict) pState
		  (token, pState)					= nextToken FunctionContext pState
		  (token, pState)					= opt_End_Group token pState
		  (more_let_defs, token, pState)	= want_LetBefores token pState
		= (let_defs ++ more_let_defs, token, pState)
			opt_End_Group token pState
			 #	(ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
			 |	ss_useLayout
			 	| token == EndGroupToken
			 		= nextToken FunctionContext pState
			 	// otherwise // token <> EndGroupToken
			 		= (ErrorToken "End group missing in let befores", parseError "RHS: Let befores" (Yes token) "Generated End Group (due to layout)" pState)
			 |	otherwise // not ss_useLayout
			 =	(token, pState)
	want_LetBefores token pState
		= ([], token, pState)
	try_LetDef :: !Bool !ParseState -> (!Bool, NodeDefWithLocals, !ParseState)
	try_LetDef strict pState
		# (succ, lhs_exp, pState)	= trySimpleLhsExpression pState
		| succ
			# pState			= wantToken FunctionContext "let definition" EqualToken pState
			  (rhs_exp, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
			  pState			= wantEndRootExpression pState -->> ("#",lhs_exp,"=",rhs_exp)
	  	  	  (locals , pState) = optionalLocals WithToken pState
			=	( True
				, {	ndwl_strict	= strict
				  ,	ndwl_def	= { bind_dst = lhs_exp
				  				  , bind_src = rhs_exp
				  , ndwl_locals	= locals
				, pState
		// otherwise // ~ succ
			= (False, abort "no definition", pState)

optionalLocals :: !Token !ParseState -> (!LocalDefs, !ParseState)
optionalLocals dem_token pState
    # (off_token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	| dem_token == off_token
		= wantLocals pState
	# (ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
	| off_token == CurlyOpenToken && ~ ss_useLayout 
		= wantLocals (tokenBack pState)
	// otherwise
		= (LocalParsedDefs [], tokenBack pState)

wantLocals :: !ParseState -> (LocalDefs, !ParseState)
wantLocals pState
	# pState			= wantBeginGroup "local definitions" pState
	  (defs, pState)	= wantDefinitions cLocalContext pState
	= (LocalParsedDefs defs, wantEndLocals pState)

	imports and exports

wantImports :: !ParseState -> (![ParsedImport], !ParseState)
wantImports pState
	# (names, pState) = wantIdents FunctionContext IC_Module pState
	  (file_name, line_nr, pState)	= getFileAndLineNr pState
	  pState = wantEndOfDefinition "imports" pState
	= (map (\name -> { import_module = name, import_symbols = [], import_file_position = (file_name, line_nr)}) names, pState)

wantFromImports :: !ParseState -> (!ParsedImport, !ParseState)
wantFromImports pState
	# (mod_name, pState) = want pState
	  (mod_ident, pState) = stringToIdent mod_name IC_Module pState
	  pState = wantToken GeneralContext "from imports" ImportToken pState
	  (file_name, line_nr, pState)	= getFileAndLineNr pState
	  (import_symbols, pState) = wantSequence CommaToken GeneralContext pState
	  pState = wantEndOfDefinition "from imports" pState
	= ( { import_module = mod_ident, import_symbols = import_symbols, import_file_position = (file_name, line_nr) }, pState)

// RWS ...
instance want ImportedObject where
	want pState
		# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
		| token == IdentToken "library"
	  		# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
			= want_import_string token cIsImportedLibrary pState
			= want_import_string token cIsImportedObject pState
			want_import_string :: Token Bool ParseState -> (ImportedObject, ParseState)
			want_import_string (StringToken string) isLibrary pState
				=	({io_is_library = isLibrary, io_name = string}, pState)
			want_import_string token isLibrary pState
				=	({io_is_library = isLibrary, io_name = ""}, parseError "import code declaration" (Yes token) "imported item" pState)

wantCodeImports :: !ParseState -> (![ImportedObject], !ParseState)
wantCodeImports pState
	# pState = wantToken GeneralContext "import code declaration" FromToken pState
	  (importObjects, pState) = wantSequence CommaToken GeneralContext pState
	= (importObjects, wantEndOfDefinition "import code declaration" pState)
// ... RWS

instance want ImportDeclaration
	want pState
		# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
		= case token of
				# (name, pState)				= wantUpperCaseName "import type" pState
				  (type_id, pState)				= stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
				  (ii_extended, token, pState)	= optional_extension_with_next_token pState
				| token == OpenToken
				  	#	(conses, pState)			= want_names (wantUpperCaseName "import type (..)") IC_Expression CloseToken pState
				  	->	(ID_Type { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes conses), pState)
				| token == CurlyOpenToken
				  	#	(fields, pState) = want_names (wantLowerCaseName "import record fields") (IC_Field type_id) CurlyCloseToken pState
				  	->	(ID_Record { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes fields), pState)
				  	->	(ID_Type { ii_ident = type_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } No, tokenBack pState)
				# (name, pState)				= want pState
				  (class_id, pState)			= stringToIdent name IC_Class pState
				  (ii_extended, token, pState)	= optional_extension_with_next_token pState
				| token == OpenToken
				  	#	(members, pState)			= want_names want IC_Expression CloseToken pState
				  	->	(ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } (Yes members), pState)
				  	->	(ID_Class { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } No, pState)
				#	(class_name, pState)	= want pState
					(ii_extended, pState)	= optional_extension pState
					(types, pState)			= wantList "instance types" tryBrackType pState
					(class_id, pState)		= stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
					(inst_id, pState)		= stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance types) pState
					(context, pState)		= optionalContext pState
				->	(ID_Instance { ii_ident = class_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } inst_id (types,context), pState)
			IdentToken fun_name
				#	(fun_id, pState)		= stringToIdent fun_name IC_Expression pState
					(ii_extended, pState)	= optional_extension pState
				->	(ID_Function { ii_ident = fun_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }, pState)
				#	(fun_id, pState)		= stringToIdent "dummy" IC_Expression pState
				->	( ID_Function { ii_ident = fun_id, ii_extended = False }
					, parseError "from import" (Yes token) "imported item" pState
		want_names want_fun ident_kind close_token pState
			# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			| token == DotDotToken
				= ([], wantToken FunctionContext "import declaration" close_token pState)
				= want_list_of_names want_fun ident_kind close_token (tokenBack pState)

		want_list_of_names want_fun ident_kind close_token pState
			# (name, pState) = want_fun pState
			  (name_id, pState)	= stringToIdent name ident_kind pState
			  (ii_extended, token, pState) = optional_extension_with_next_token pState
			| token == CommaToken
				# (names, pState) = want_list_of_names want_fun ident_kind close_token pState
				= ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended } : names], pState)
			| token == close_token
				= ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }], pState)
				= ([{ ii_ident = name_id, ii_extended = ii_extended }], parseError "ImportDeclaration" (Yes token) ")" pState)
		optional_extension pState
			# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			| token == DotDotToken
				= (True, pState)
				= (False, tokenBack pState)			
		optional_extension_with_next_token pState
			# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			| token == DotDotToken
				# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
				= (True, token, pState)
				= (False, token, pState)

wantExportDef :: !ParseState -> (!Export, !ParseState)
wantExportDef pState
	# (name, pState) = want pState
	  (ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Class pState
	  (types, pState) = wantList "instance types" trySimpleType pState
	  pState = wantEndOfDefinition "exports" pState
	= ({ export_class = ident, export_types = types}, pState)
	Classes and instances

cIsAGlobalContext		:== True
cIsNotAGlobalContext	:== False

cMightBeAClass			:== True
cIsNotAClass			:== False

wantClassDefinition :: !ParseContext !Position !ParseState -> (!ParsedDefinition, !ParseState)
wantClassDefinition context pos pState
	# (might_be_a_class, class_or_member_name, prio, pState) = want_class_or_member_name pState
	  (class_variables, pState) = wantList "class variable(s)" try_class_variable pState
	  (class_arity, class_args, class_cons_vars) = convert_class_variables class_variables 0 0
	  (contexts, pState) = optionalContext pState
  	  (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
  	| token == DoubleColonToken
		= want_overloaded_function pos class_or_member_name prio class_arity class_args class_cons_vars contexts pState
	| might_be_a_class
		| token == WhereToken
			# (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_or_member_name IC_Class pState
		 	  (members, pState) = wantDefinitions context pState
  		  	  class_def = { class_name = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
	    					class_context = contexts, class_pos = pos, class_members = {}, class_cons_vars = class_cons_vars,
	    					class_dictionary = { ds_ident = { class_id & id_info = nilPtr }, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = NoIndex }}
			= (PD_Class class_def members, wantEndGroup "class" pState)
		| isEmpty contexts
			= (PD_Erroneous, parseError "Class Definition" (Yes token) "<class definition>: contexts" pState)
		// otherwise
			# pState = tokenBack pState
			  (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent class_or_member_name IC_Class pState
  			  class_def = { class_name = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
							class_context = contexts, class_pos = pos, class_members = {}, class_cons_vars = class_cons_vars, 
							class_dictionary = { ds_ident = { class_id & id_info = nilPtr }, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = NoIndex }}
	  		  pState = wantEndOfDefinition "class definition" pState
			= (PD_Class class_def [], pState)
		= (PD_Erroneous, parseError "Class Definition" (Yes token) "<class definition>" pState)
		want_class_or_member_name pState 
			# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
			| token == OpenToken
				# (member_name, pState) = want pState
				  pState = wantToken GeneralContext "class definition" CloseToken pState
				  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
				  (prio, pState) = optionalPriority cIsInfix token pState  
				= (cIsNotAClass, member_name, prio, pState)
 				# (class_name, pState) = want_name token pState
				= (cMightBeAClass, class_name, NoPrio, pState)
			want_name (IdentToken name) pState
				= (name, pState)
			want_name token pState
				= ("", parseError "Class Definition" (Yes token) "<identifier>" pState)

		want_overloaded_function pos member_name prio class_arity class_args class_cons_vars contexts pState
			# (tspec, pState) = want pState
			  (member_id, pState) = stringToIdent member_name IC_Expression pState
			  (class_id, pState) = stringToIdent member_name IC_Class pState
			  member = PD_TypeSpec pos member_id prio (Yes tspec) SP_None
			  class_def = {	class_name = class_id, class_arity = class_arity, class_args = class_args,
		    				class_context = contexts, class_pos = pos, class_members = {}, class_cons_vars = class_cons_vars,
   							class_dictionary = { ds_ident = { class_id & id_info = nilPtr }, ds_arity = 0, ds_index = NoIndex }}
	 		  pState = wantEndOfDefinition "overloaded function" pState
			= (PD_Class class_def [member], pState)

		try_class_variable pState
			# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
			| token == DotToken
				# (type_var, pState) = wantTypeVar pState
				= (True, (True, type_var), pState)
			# (succ, type_var, pState) = tryTypeVarT token pState
			= (succ, (False, type_var), pState)
		convert_class_variables [] arg_nr cons_vars
			= (arg_nr, [], cons_vars)
		convert_class_variables [(annot, var) : class_vars] arg_nr cons_vars
			# (arity, class_vars, cons_vars) = convert_class_variables class_vars (inc arg_nr) cons_vars
			| annot
				= (arity, [var : class_vars], cons_vars bitor (1 << arg_nr))
				= (arity, [var : class_vars], cons_vars)

// Sjaak ...
wantInstanceDeclaration :: !ParseContext !Position !ParseState -> (!ParsedDefinition, !ParseState)
wantInstanceDeclaration context pi_pos pState
	# (class_name, pState) = want pState
	  (pi_class, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
	  ((pi_types, pi_context), pState) = want_instance_type pState
	  (pi_ident, pState) = stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance pi_types) pState
	| isIclContext context
		# pState = wantToken FunctionContext "instance declaration" WhereToken pState
		  pState = wantBeginGroup "instance" pState
		  (pi_members, pState) = wantDefinitions context pState
		  pState = wantEndLocals pState

		= (PD_Instance {pi_class = pi_class, pi_ident = pi_ident, pi_types = pi_types, pi_context = pi_context,
						pi_members = pi_members, pi_specials = SP_None, pi_pos = pi_pos }, pState)
	// otherwise // ~ (isIclContext context)
		# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		| token == CommaToken
			# (pi_types_and_contexts, pState)	= want_instance_types pState
			  (idents, pState)		= seqList [stringToIdent class_name (IC_Instance type) \\ (type,context) <- pi_types_and_contexts] pState
			= (PD_Instances
//				[	{ pi_class = pi_class, pi_ident = pi_ident, pi_types = type, pi_context = context // voor martin
				[	{ pi_class = pi_class, pi_ident = ident, pi_types = type, pi_context = context
					, pi_members = [], pi_specials = SP_None, pi_pos = pi_pos}
				\\	(type,context)	<- [ (pi_types, pi_context) : pi_types_and_contexts ]
				&	ident			<- [ pi_ident : idents ]
			  , pState
		// otherwise // token <> CommaToken
			# (specials, pState) = optionalSpecials (tokenBack pState)
			  pState = wantEndOfDefinition "instance declaration" pState
			= (PD_Instance {pi_class = pi_class, pi_ident = pi_ident, pi_types = pi_types, pi_context = pi_context,
							pi_members = [], pi_specials = specials, pi_pos = pi_pos}, pState)
// ... Sjaak
	want_instance_type pState
		# (pi_types, pState)	= wantList "instance types" tryBrackType pState
//		# (pi_types, pState)	= wantList "instance types" tryType pState	// This accepts 1.3 syntax, but is wrong for multiparameter classes
		  (pi_context, pState)	= optionalContext pState
		= ((pi_types, pi_context), pState)
	want_instance_types pState
		# (type_and_context, pState) = want_instance_type pState
		  (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		| token == CommaToken
			# (types, pState) = want_instance_types pState
			= ([type_and_context:types], pState)
		// otherwise // token <> CommaToken
			= ([type_and_context], pState)

optionalContext :: !ParseState -> ([TypeContext],ParseState)
optionalContext pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
	| token == BarToken
		= want_contexts pState
		= ([], tokenBack pState)
	want_contexts pState
		# (contexts, pState) = want_context pState
		  (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		| token == AndToken
			# (more_contexts, pState) = want_contexts pState
			= (contexts ++ more_contexts, pState)
			= (contexts, tokenBack pState)
	want_context pState
		# (class_names, pState) = wantSequence CommaToken TypeContext pState
		  (types, pState)	= wantList "type arguments" tryBrackType pState
		= build_contexts class_names types (length types) pState
		build_contexts [] types arity pState
			= ([], pState)
		build_contexts [class_name : class_names] types arity pState
			# (contexts, pState) = build_contexts class_names types arity pState
			  (class_ident, pState) = stringToIdent class_name IC_Class pState
			  tc_class = { glob_object = MakeDefinedSymbol class_ident NoIndex (length types), glob_module = NoIndex }
			= ([{ tc_class = tc_class, tc_types = types, tc_var = nilPtr } : contexts], pState)

optionalCoercions :: !ParseState -> ([AttrInequality], ParseState)
optionalCoercions pState 
	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
	| token == CommaToken
		# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		| token == SquareOpenToken
			# (inequals, pState) = want_inequalities pState
			= (inequals, wantToken FunctionContext "coercions" SquareCloseToken pState)
			= ([], parseError "Function type: coersions" (Yes token) "[" pState)
		= ([], tokenBack pState)
		want_inequalities pState
			# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
 			  (_, inequals, pState) = want_attr_inequality token pState
			  (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
			| token == CommaToken
				# (more_inequals, pState) = want_inequalities pState
				= (inequals ++ more_inequals, pState)
				= (inequals, tokenBack pState)
		want_attr_inequality (IdentToken var_name) pState
			| isLowerCaseName var_name
				# (off_ident, pState) = stringToIdent var_name IC_TypeAttr pState
				  (token, pState) = nextToken  TypeContext pState
				| token == LessThanOrEqualToken
					# (var_name, pState) = wantLowerCaseName "attribute inequality" pState
					  (dem_ident, pState) = stringToIdent var_name IC_TypeAttr pState
					  ai_demanded = makeAttributeVar dem_ident
					= (ai_demanded, [{ ai_demanded = ai_demanded, ai_offered = makeAttributeVar off_ident }], pState)				
					# (ai_demanded, inequals, pState) = want_attr_inequality token pState
					= (ai_demanded, [{ ai_demanded = ai_demanded, ai_offered = makeAttributeVar off_ident } : inequals], pState)
		want_attr_inequality token pState
			# erroneous_attr_var = makeAttributeVar erroneousIdent
			= (	erroneous_attr_var
			  , [{ ai_demanded = erroneous_attr_var, ai_offered = erroneous_attr_var }]
			  , parseError "Function type: optional coercions" (Yes token) "<attribute variable>" pState

	Type definitions

wantTypeVar :: ! ParseState -> (!TypeVar, !ParseState)
wantTypeVar pState
	# (succ, type_var, pState) = tryTypeVar pState
	| succ
		= (type_var, pState)
		# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		= (MakeTypeVar erroneousIdent, parseError "Type Variable" (Yes token) "type variable" pState)

tryAttributedTypeVar :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, ATypeVar, !ParseState)
tryAttributedTypeVar pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
	| is_type_arg_token token
		# (aOrA, annot, attr, pState)	= optionalAnnotAndAttr (tokenBack pState)
	      (succ, type_var, pState)		= tryTypeVar pState
	    | succ
			= (True, { atv_attribute = attr, atv_annotation = annot, atv_variable = type_var }, pState)
		| aOrA // annot <> AN_None || attr <> TA_None
			# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
			= (False, no_type_var, parseError "Attributed type var" (Yes token) "type variabele after annotation or attribute" pState)
		// otherwise
	    	= (False, no_type_var, tokenBack pState)
	// otherwise
		= (False, no_type_var, tokenBack pState)
	is_type_arg_token (IdentToken t)	= isLowerCaseName t
	is_type_arg_token DotToken       	= True
	is_type_arg_token AsteriskToken  	= True
	is_type_arg_token t              	= False
	no_type_var = abort "tryAttributedTypeVar: No type var"

wantTypeDef ::  !ParseContext !Position !ParseState -> (ParsedDefinition, !ParseState)
wantTypeDef context pos pState
	# (type_lhs, annot, pState)	= want_type_lhs pos pState
	  (token, pState)			= nextToken TypeContext pState
	  (def, pState)				= want_type_rhs context type_lhs token annot pState
  	  pState					= wantEndOfDefinition "type definition (6)" pState
  	= (def, pState)
	want_type_lhs :: !Position !ParseState -> (!ParsedTypeDef, !Annotation, !ParseState)
	want_type_lhs pos pState
		# (_, annot, attr, pState)	= optionalAnnotAndAttr pState
		  (name,    pState)			= wantConstructorName "Type name" pState
		  (ident,   pState)			= stringToIdent name IC_Type pState // -->> ("Type name",name)
		  (args,    pState)			= parseList tryAttributedTypeVar pState
		  (contexts, pState)		= optionalContext pState
		= (MakeTypeDef ident args (ConsList []) attr contexts pos, annot, pState)

	want_type_rhs :: !ParseContext !ParsedTypeDef !Token !Annotation !ParseState -> (ParsedDefinition, !ParseState)
	want_type_rhs context td=:{td_name,td_attribute} EqualToken annot pState
		# name					= td_name.id_name
		  pState				= verify_annot_attr annot td_attribute name pState
		  (exi_vars, pState)	= optionalQuantifiedVariables ExistentialQuantifier pState
 		  (token, pState)		= nextToken TypeContext pState
 		  (token, pState)		= case token of	// Make the ':' optional for now to handle 1.3 files
 		  							ColonToken	-> nextToken TypeContext (parseWarning "type RHS" ":-symbol after extential quantified variable should be removed" pState)
 		  							_			-> (token, pState)
 		= case token of
				#	(fields, pState)			= wantFields td_name pState
					pState						= wantToken TypeContext "record type def" CurlyCloseToken pState
				  	(rec_cons_ident, pState)	= stringToIdent ("_" + name) IC_Expression pState
   				->	(PD_Type { td & td_rhs = SelectorList rec_cons_ident exi_vars fields }, pState)
   				| isEmpty exi_vars
				->	(PD_Erroneous, parseError "Algebraic type" No "no colon, :," pState)
				->	(PD_Erroneous, parseError "Algebraic type" No "in this version of Clean no colon, :, after quantified variables" pState)
				#	(condefs, pState)	= want_constructor_list exi_vars token pState
					td					= { td & td_rhs = ConsList condefs }
				|	annot == AN_None
	 		  		->	(PD_Type td, pState)
	 		  		->	(PD_Type td, parseError "Algebraic type" No ("No lhs strictness annotation for the algebraic type "+name) pState)
	want_type_rhs context td=:{td_attribute} ColonDefinesToken annot pState // type Macro
		# name				= td.td_name.id_name
		  pState			= verify_annot_attr annot td_attribute name pState
		  (atype, pState)	= want pState // Atype
		  td				= {td & td_rhs = TypeSpec atype}
		|	annot == AN_None
			= (PD_Type td, pState)
			= (PD_Type td, parseError "Type synonym" No ("No lhs strictness annotation for the type synonym "+name) pState)
	want_type_rhs context td=:{td_attribute} token annot pState
		| isIclContext context
			= (PD_Erroneous, parseError "type RHS" (Yes token) "type definition" pState)
			| td_attribute == TA_Anonymous || td_attribute == TA_Unique || td_attribute == TA_None
				# (td_attribute, properties) = determine_properties annot td_attribute
				# td = { td & td_attribute = td_attribute, td_rhs = EmptyRhs properties}
				= (PD_Type td, tokenBack pState)
				# name = td.td_name.id_name
				= (PD_Type  { td & td_rhs = EmptyRhs cAllBitsClear}, parseError "abstract type" No ("type attribute "+toString td_attribute+" for abstract type "+name+" is not") (tokenBack pState))
	verify_annot_attr :: !Annotation !TypeAttribute !String !ParseState -> ParseState
	verify_annot_attr annot attr name pState
		| annot <> AN_None
			= parseError "type definition" No ("No annotation, "+toString annot+", in the lhs of type "+name) pState
		| attr == TA_None || attr == TA_Unique
			= pState
			= parseError "ty[e definition" No ("No attribute, "+toString attr+", in the lhs of type "+name) pState

	determine_properties :: !Annotation !TypeAttribute -> (!TypeAttribute, !BITVECT)
	determine_properties annot attr
		| annot == AN_Strict
			| attr == TA_Anonymous
				= (TA_None, cIsHyperStrict)
				= (attr, cIsHyperStrict bitor cIsNonCoercible)
		| attr == TA_Anonymous
			= (TA_None, cAllBitsClear)
			= (attr, cIsNonCoercible)

	want_constructor_list :: ![ATypeVar] !Token !ParseState -> (.[ParsedConstructor],ParseState)
	want_constructor_list exi_vars token pState
		# (pc_cons_name,  pc_cons_prio, pc_cons_pos, pState) = want_cons_name_and_prio token pState
		  (pc_arg_types, pState) = parseList tryBrackAType pState
		  cons = { pc_cons_name = pc_cons_name, pc_arg_types = pc_arg_types, pc_cons_arity = length pc_arg_types,
		  			pc_cons_prio = pc_cons_prio, pc_exi_vars = exi_vars, pc_cons_pos = pc_cons_pos}
		  (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		| token == BarToken
			# (exi_vars, pState) = optionalQuantifiedVariables ExistentialQuantifier pState
			  (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
			  (cons_list, pState) = want_constructor_list exi_vars token pState
			= ([cons : cons_list], pState)
		// otherwise
			= ([cons], tokenBack pState)
		want_cons_name_and_prio :: !Token !ParseState -> (Ident, !Priority, !Position, !ParseState)
		want_cons_name_and_prio tok=:(IdentToken name) pState
			# (ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Expression pState
		 	  (fname, linenr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
		  	  (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		  	  (prio,  pState) = optionalPriority cIsNotInfix token pState
		  	| isLowerCaseName name
				= (ident, prio, LinePos fname linenr, parseError "Algebraic type: constructor definitions" (Yes tok) "constructor name" pState)
				= (ident, prio, LinePos fname linenr, pState)
		want_cons_name_and_prio OpenToken pState
			# (name, pState) = wantConstructorName "infix constructor" pState
		 	  (fname, linenr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
			  (ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Expression pState
		      (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext (wantToken TypeContext "type: constructor and prio" CloseToken pState)
			  (prio, pState) = optionalPriority cIsInfix token pState
			= (ident, prio, LinePos fname linenr, pState)
		want_cons_name_and_prio token pState
			= (erroneousIdent, NoPrio, NoPos, parseError "Algebraic type: constructor list" (Yes token) "constructor name" pState)

makeAttributeVar name :== { av_name = name, av_info_ptr = nilPtr }

optionalAnnotAndAttr :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, !Annotation, !TypeAttribute, !ParseState)
optionalAnnotAndAttr pState
   	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
   	| token == ExclamationToken
	  	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		  (_   , attr, pState)  = optional_attribute token pState
		= (True, AN_Strict, attr, pState)
	| otherwise // token <> ExclamationToken
		# (succ, attr, pState)  = optional_attribute token pState
		= (succ, AN_None, attr, pState)
	optional_attribute :: !Token !ParseState -> (!Bool, !TypeAttribute, !ParseState)
	optional_attribute DotToken           pState = (True, TA_Anonymous,    pState)
	optional_attribute AsteriskToken      pState = (True, TA_Unique, pState)
	optional_attribute (IdentToken id) pState
		| isLowerCaseName id
	  	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		| ColonToken == token
			# (ident, pState) = stringToIdent id IC_TypeAttr pState
			= (True, TA_Var (makeAttributeVar ident), pState)
			= (False, TA_None, tokenBack (tokenBack pState))
	optional_attribute _	              pState = (False, TA_None, tokenBack pState)

cIsInfix	:== True
cIsNotInfix	:== False

wantFields :: !Ident !*ParseState -> (![ParsedSelector], !*ParseState)
wantFields record_type pState
	# (field, pState) = want_field record_type pState
	  (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
	| token == CommaToken
		# (fields, pState) = wantFields record_type pState
		= ([field : fields], pState)
		= ([field], tokenBack pState)
		want_field :: !Ident !*ParseState -> *(!ParsedSelector, !*ParseState)
		want_field record_type pState
			# (field_name, pState) 			= wantLowerCaseName "record field" pState
			  (fname, linenr, pState)		= getFileAndLineNr pState
			  (ps_field_name, pState) 		= stringToIdent field_name (IC_Field record_type) pState
			  (ps_selector_name, pState) 	= stringToIdent field_name IC_Selector pState
			  (ps_field_var, pState) 		= stringToIdent field_name IC_Expression pState
			  pState          				= wantToken TypeContext "record field" DoubleColonToken pState
			  (ps_field_type, pState)  		= want pState
			= ({ ps_field_name = ps_field_name, ps_selector_name = ps_selector_name, ps_field_type = ps_field_type, ps_field_var = ps_field_var,
					ps_field_pos = LinePos fname linenr}, pState)

makeSymbolType args result context attr_env :==
	{ st_vars = [], st_args = args, st_arity = length args, st_result = result,
	  st_context = context, st_attr_env = attr_env, st_attr_vars = [] }

instance want SymbolType
	want pState
   		# (types, pState) = parseList tryBrackAType pState
		  (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState //-->> ("arg types:",types)
   		  (tspec, pState) = want_rest_of_symbol_type token types pState
   		= (tspec, pState)
		want_rest_of_symbol_type :: !Token ![AType] !ParseState -> (SymbolType, !ParseState)
		want_rest_of_symbol_type ArrowToken types pState
			# (type, pState) = want pState
			  (context, pState) = optionalContext pState
			  (attr_env, pState) = optionalCoercions pState
			= (makeSymbolType types type context attr_env, pState)
		want_rest_of_symbol_type token [] pState
			= (makeSymbolType [] (MakeAttributedType TE) [] [], parseError "symbol type" (Yes token) "type" pState)
		want_rest_of_symbol_type token [type] pState
			# (context, pState) = optionalContext (tokenBack pState)
			  (attr_env, pState) = optionalCoercions pState
			= (makeSymbolType [] type context attr_env, pState)
		want_rest_of_symbol_type token [type=:{at_type = TA type_symb []} : types] pState
		 	# type = { type & at_type = TA { type_symb & type_arity = length types } types }
			  (context, pState) = optionalContext (tokenBack pState)
			  (attr_env, pState) = optionalCoercions pState
			= (makeSymbolType [] type context attr_env, pState)
		want_rest_of_symbol_type token [type=:{at_type = TV tv} : types] pState
		 	# type = { type & at_type = CV tv :@: types }
			  (context, pState) = optionalContext (tokenBack pState)
			  (attr_env, pState) = optionalCoercions pState
			= (makeSymbolType [] type context attr_env, pState)
		want_rest_of_symbol_type token types pState
			= (makeSymbolType [] (MakeAttributedType TE) [] [], parseError "symbol type" (Yes token) "->" pState) -->> types


nameToTypeVar name pState
	# last_char_index = size name - 1
	| name.[last_char_index] == '^'
		# new_name = name % (0, last_char_index - 1)
		# (ident, pState) = stringToIdent new_name IC_Type pState
		= (GTV (MakeTypeVar ident), pState)
		# (ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
		= (TV (MakeTypeVar ident), pState)

instance want TypeVar
	want pState
		# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		= case token of
			IdentToken name
				| isLowerCaseName name
					# (ident, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
					-> (MakeTypeVar ident, pState)
					-> (MakeTypeVar erroneousIdent, parseError "Type variable" (Yes token) "<type variable>" pState)
				-> (MakeTypeVar erroneousIdent, parseError "Type variable" (Yes token) "<type variable>" pState)

adjustAttribute :: !TypeAttribute Type *ParseState -> (TypeAttribute,*ParseState)
adjustAttribute TA_Anonymous (TV {tv_name={id_name}}) pState
	# (ident, pState) = stringToIdent id_name IC_TypeAttr pState
	= (TA_Var (makeAttributeVar ident), pState)
adjustAttribute TA_Anonymous (GTV {tv_name={id_name}}) pState
	# (ident, pState) = stringToIdent id_name IC_TypeAttr pState
	= (TA_Var (makeAttributeVar ident), pState)
adjustAttribute attr type pState
	= (attr, pState)

stringToType :: !String !ParseState -> (!Type, !ParseState)
stringToType name pState
	# (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
	| isLowerCaseName name
		= nameToTypeVar name pState
		= (TA (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent id 0) [], pState)
/*	| isUpperCaseName name
		= (TA (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent id 0) [], pState)
		= nameToTypeVar name pState
stringToAType :: !String !Annotation !TypeAttribute !ParseState -> (!AType, !ParseState)
stringToAType name annot attr pState
	# (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
	| isUpperCaseName name
		= ({ at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA (MakeNewTypeSymbIdent id 0) []}, pState)
		# (type_var, pState) = nameToTypeVar name pState
		= build_attributed_type_var attr annot type_var name pState
	build_attributed_type_var TA_Anonymous annot type_var type_var_name pState
		# (attr_id, pState) = stringToIdent type_var_name IC_TypeAttr pState
		= ({ at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = TA_Var (makeAttributeVar attr_id), at_type = type_var }, pState)
	build_attributed_type_var attr annot type_var _ pState
		= ({ at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = type_var }, pState)

instance want AType
	want pState = wantAType pState

instance want Type
	want pState = wantType pState

wantType :: !ParseState -> (!Type,!ParseState)
wantType pState
	# (succ, atype, pState)	= tryAType False AN_None TA_None pState
	  (succ2, type, pState)	= tryATypeToType atype pState
	| succ&&succ2
		= (type, pState)
	// otherwise //~ succ
		# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		= (type, parseError "type" (Yes token) "type" pState)

wantAType :: !ParseState -> (!AType,!ParseState)
wantAType pState
	# (succ, atype, pState)	= tryAType True AN_None TA_None pState
	| succ
		= (atype, pState)
	// otherwise //~ succ
		# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		= (atype, parseError "atype" (Yes token) "attributed and annotated type" pState)

tryType :: !ParseState -> (!Bool,!Type,!ParseState)
tryType pState
	# (succ, atype, pState)	= tryAType False AN_None TA_None pState
	  (succ2, type, pState)	= tryATypeToType atype pState
	= (succ&&succ2, type, pState)

tryAType :: !Bool !Annotation !TypeAttribute !ParseState -> (!Bool,!AType,!ParseState)
tryAType tryAA annot attr pState
	# (types, pState)		= parseList tryBrackAType pState
	| isEmpty types
		= (False, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE}, pState)
	# (token, pState)		= nextToken TypeContext pState
	| token == ArrowToken
		= tryFunctionType types annot attr pState
	// otherwise
		# pState	= tokenBack pState
		= tryApplicationType types annot attr pState

tryFunctionType :: ![AType] !Annotation !TypeAttribute !ParseState -> (!Bool,!AType,!ParseState)
tryFunctionType types annot attr pState
	# (rtype, pState)		= wantAType pState
	= ( True
	  , make_curry_type annot attr types rtype
	  , pState
	make_curry_type annot attr [t1] res_type
		= {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = t1 --> res_type}
	make_curry_type annot attr [t1:tr] res_type
		= {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = t1 --> make_curry_type AN_None TA_None tr res_type}
	make_curry_type _ _ _ _ = abort "make_curry_type: wrong assumption"

tryApplicationType :: ![AType] !Annotation !TypeAttribute !ParseState -> (!Bool,!AType,!ParseState)
tryApplicationType [type1:types_rest] annot attr pState
	#	(annot, pState)	= determAnnot annot type1.at_annotation pState
		type			= type1.at_type
		(attr, pState)	= determAttr attr type1.at_attribute type pState
	| isEmpty types_rest
		= ( True
		  , {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}
		  , pState
	// otherwise // type application
		# (type, pState)	= convert_list_of_types type1.at_type types_rest pState
		= ( True
		  , {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}
		  , pState
	convert_list_of_types (TA sym []) types pState
		= (TA { sym & type_arity = length types } types, pState)
	convert_list_of_types (TV tv) types pState
		= (CV tv :@: types, pState)
	convert_list_of_types _ types pState
		= (TE, parseError "Type" No "ordinary type variable" pState)
tryApplicationType _ annot attr pState
	= (False, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE}, pState)

tryBrackType :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, Type, !ParseState)
tryBrackType pState
	# (succ, atype, pState) 	= trySimpleType AN_None TA_None pState
	  (succ2, type, pState)		= tryATypeToType atype pState
	= (succ&&succ2, type, pState)

tryBrackAType :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, AType, !ParseState)
tryBrackAType pState
	# (_, annot, attr, pState)	= optionalAnnotAndAttr pState
	= trySimpleType annot attr pState

trySimpleType :: !Annotation !TypeAttribute !ParseState -> (!Bool, !AType, !ParseState)
trySimpleType annot attr pState
	# (token, pState)		= nextToken TypeContext pState
	= trySimpleTypeT token annot attr pState

trySimpleTypeT :: !Token !Annotation !TypeAttribute !ParseState -> (!Bool, !AType, !ParseState)
trySimpleTypeT (IdentToken id) annot attr pState
	| isLowerCaseName id
		# (typevar, pState)	= nameToTypeVar id pState
		  (attr, pState)	= adjustAttribute attr typevar pState
		= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = typevar}, pState)
	| otherwise // | isUpperCaseName id || isFunnyIdName id
	# (type, pState) = stringToType id pState
	= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
trySimpleTypeT SquareOpenToken annot attr pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
	| token == SquareCloseToken
		# (list_symbol, pState) = makeListTypeSymbol 0 pState
  		= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol []}, pState)
	# (type, pState)	= wantAType (tokenBack pState)
	  (token, pState)	= nextToken TypeContext pState
	| token == SquareCloseToken
		# (list_symbol, pState) = makeListTypeSymbol 1 pState
		= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA list_symbol [type]}, pState)
	// otherwise // token <> SquareCloseToken
		= (False, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE}, parseError "List type" (Yes token) "]" pState)
trySimpleTypeT OpenToken annot attr pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
	| token == CommaToken
		# (tup_arity, pState)		= determine_arity_of_tuple 2 pState
		  (tuple_symbol, pState)	= makeTupleTypeSymbol tup_arity 0 pState
		= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA tuple_symbol []}, pState)
	// otherwise // token <> CommaToken
	# (atype, pState)	= wantAType (tokenBack pState)
	  (token, pState)	= nextToken TypeContext pState
	| token == CloseToken
		# (annot, pState)	= determAnnot annot atype.at_annotation pState
		  type				= atype.at_type
		  (attr, pState)	= determAttr  attr  atype.at_attribute type pState
		= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = type}, pState)
	| token == CommaToken // TupleType
		# (atypes, pState)	= wantSequence CommaToken TypeContext pState
		  pState			= wantToken TypeContext "tuple type" CloseToken pState
		  atypes			= [atype:atypes]
		  arity				= length atypes
	 	  (tuple_symbol, pState)	= makeTupleTypeSymbol arity arity pState
		= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA tuple_symbol atypes}, pState)
	// otherwise // token <> CloseToken && token <> CommaToken
		= (False, atype, parseError "Simple type" (Yes token) "')' or ','" pState)
	determine_arity_of_tuple :: !Int !ParseState -> (!Int, !ParseState)
	determine_arity_of_tuple arity pState
		# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		| CommaToken == token
  			= determine_arity_of_tuple (inc arity) pState
		| CloseToken == token
			= (arity, pState)
			= (arity, parseError "tuple type" (Yes token) ")" pState)
trySimpleTypeT CurlyOpenToken annot attr pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
	| token == CurlyCloseToken
		# (array_symbol, pState) = makeLazyArraySymbol 0 pState
		= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol []}, pState)
	| token == HashToken
		# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		| token == CurlyCloseToken
			# (array_symbol, pState) = makeUnboxedArraySymbol 0 pState
			= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol []}, pState)
		// otherwise // token <> CurlyCloseToken
	  		# (atype, pState)			= wantAType (tokenBack pState)
  			  pState					= wantToken TypeContext "unboxed array type" CurlyCloseToken pState
  			  (array_symbol, pState)	= makeUnboxedArraySymbol 1 pState
  			= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol [atype]}, pState)
	| token == ExclamationToken
		# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
		| token == CurlyCloseToken
			# (array_symbol, pState) = makeStrictArraySymbol 0 pState
			= (True,  {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol []}, pState)
		// otherwise // token <> CurlyCloseToken
	  		# (atype,pState)			= wantAType (tokenBack pState)
  			  pState					= wantToken TypeContext "strict array type" CurlyCloseToken pState
  			  (array_symbol, pState)	= makeStrictArraySymbol 1 pState
  			= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol [atype]}, pState)
  	// otherwise
  		# (atype,pState)			= wantAType (tokenBack pState)
  		  pState					= wantToken TypeContext "lazy array type" CurlyCloseToken pState
		  (array_symbol, pState)	= makeLazyArraySymbol 1 pState
		= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA array_symbol [atype]}, pState)
trySimpleTypeT StringTypeToken annot attr pState
	# (type, pState) = makeStringTypeSymbol pState
	= (True, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TA type []}, pState)
trySimpleTypeT token annot attr pState
	# (bt, pState) = try token pState
	= case bt of
		Yes bt	-> (True , {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TB bt}, pState)
		no		-> (False, {at_annotation = annot, at_attribute = attr, at_type = TE}   , pState)

instance try BasicType
	try IntTypeToken	 pState = (Yes BT_Int			, pState)
	try CharTypeToken	 pState	= (Yes BT_Char			, pState)
	try BoolTypeToken	 pState	= (Yes BT_Bool			, pState)
	try RealTypeToken	 pState	= (Yes BT_Real			, pState)
	try DynamicTypeToken pState	= (Yes BT_Dynamic		, pState)
	try FileTypeToken	 pState = (Yes BT_File			, pState)
	try WorldTypeToken	 pState = (Yes BT_World			, pState)
	try _				 pState = (No					, tokenBack pState)

determAnnot :: !Annotation !Annotation !ParseState -> (!Annotation, !ParseState)
determAnnot AN_None annot2  pState = (annot2, pState)
determAnnot annot1  AN_None pState = (annot1, pState)
determAnnot annot1  annot2  pState
	= (annot1, parseError "simple type" No ("More type annotations, "+toString annot1+" and "+toString annot2+", than") pState)

determAttr :: !TypeAttribute !TypeAttribute !Type !ParseState -> (!TypeAttribute, !ParseState)
determAttr TA_None  attr2   type pState = adjustAttribute attr2 type pState
determAttr attr1    TA_None type pState = adjustAttribute attr1 type pState
determAttr attr1    attr2   type pState
	= (attr1, parseError "simple type" No ("More type attributes, "+toString attr1+" and "+toString attr2+", than") pState)

wantDynamicType :: !*ParseState -> *(!DynamicType,!*ParseState)
wantDynamicType pState 
	# (type_vars, pState) = optionalQuantifiedVariables UniversalQuantifier pState
	  (type, pState) = want pState
	= ({ dt_uni_vars = type_vars, dt_type = type, dt_global_vars = [] }, pState)

::	QuantifierKind = UniversalQuantifier | ExistentialQuantifier

instance == QuantifierKind
	(==) UniversalQuantifier UniversalQuantifier
		= True 
	(==) ExistentialQuantifier ExistentialQuantifier
		= True 
	(==) _  _
		= False 

instance try QuantifierKind
	try (IdentToken name) pState
		| name == "A"
			# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
			| token == DotToken
				= (Yes UniversalQuantifier, pState)
				= (No, tokenBack (tokenBack pState))
		| name == "E"
			# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
			| token == DotToken
				= (Yes ExistentialQuantifier, pState)
				= (No, tokenBack (tokenBack pState))
	try token pState
			= (No, tokenBack pState)

optionalQuantifiedVariables :: !QuantifierKind !*ParseState -> *(![ATypeVar],!*ParseState)
optionalQuantifiedVariables req_quant pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
	  (optional_quantifier, pState) = try token pState
	= case optional_quantifier of
		Yes off_quant
			# (vars, pState) = wantList "quantified variable(s)" try_Attributed_TypeVar pState
			| req_quant == off_quant
				-> (vars, pState)
				-> (vars, parseError "optional quantified variables" No "illegal quantifier" pState)
			-> ([], pState)
	try_Attributed_TypeVar :: !ParseState -> (Bool,ATypeVar,ParseState)
	try_Attributed_TypeVar pState
		# (token, pState)	= nextToken TypeContext pState
		= case token of
				# (succ,typevar, pState)	= tryTypeVar pState
				| succ
					#	atypevar = {atv_attribute = TA_Anonymous, atv_annotation = AN_None, atv_variable = typevar}
					->	(True,atypevar,pState)
					->	(False,abort "no ATypeVar",pState)
				# (succ,typevar, pState)	= tryTypeVar (tokenBack pState)
				| succ
					#	atypevar = {atv_attribute = TA_None, atv_annotation = AN_None, atv_variable = typevar}
					->	(True,atypevar,pState)
					->	(False,abort "no ATypeVar",pState)

tryATypeToType :: !AType !ParseState -> (!Bool, !Type, !ParseState)
tryATypeToType atype pState
	| atype.at_annotation <> AN_None
		= ( False
		  , atype.at_type
		  , parseError "simple type" No ("type instead of type annotation "+toString atype.at_annotation) pState
	| atype.at_attribute <> TA_None
		= ( False
		  , atype.at_type
		  , parseError "simple type" No ("type instead of type attribute "+toString atype.at_attribute) pState
	// otherwise
		= (True, atype.at_type, pState)

wantMainExp :: !ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
wantMainExp pState
	# (exp, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
	= (exp, wantEndOfFileToken pState)
cIsAPattern		:== True
cIsNotAPattern	:== False

wantExpression :: !Bool !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
wantExpression is_pattern pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	| is_pattern
		= wantLhsExpressionT token pState
		= wantRhsExpressionT token pState

wantRhsExpressionT  :: !Token !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
wantRhsExpressionT  token pState
	# (succ, expr, pState) = trySimpleRhsExpressionT token pState
	| succ
		# (exprs, pState) = parseList trySimpleRhsExpression pState
		= (combineExpressions expr exprs, pState)
		= (PE_Empty,  parseError "RHS expression" (Yes token) "<expression> **" pState)

wantLhsExpressionT  :: !Token !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
wantLhsExpressionT  token pState
	# (succ, expr, pState) = trySimpleLhsExpressionT token pState
	| succ
		# (exprs, pState) = parseList trySimpleLhsExpression pState
		= (combineExpressions expr exprs, pState)
		= (PE_Empty,  parseError "LHS expression" (Yes token) "<expression>" pState)

combineExpressions expr []
	= expr
combineExpressions expr exprs
	= make_app_exp expr exprs
	make_app_exp exp []
		= exp
	make_app_exp (PE_Bound be=:{ bind_src}) exps
		= PE_Bound { be & bind_src = make_app_exp bind_src exps }
	make_app_exp exp exprs
		= PE_List [exp : exprs]

trySimpleLhsExpression :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, !ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
trySimpleLhsExpression pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	= trySimpleLhsExpressionT token pState

trySimpleLhsExpressionT ::  !Token !ParseState -> (!Bool, !ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
trySimpleLhsExpressionT token pState
	# (succ, expr, pState) = trySimpleExpressionT token cIsAPattern pState
	| succ
		# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		| token == DoubleColonToken
			# (dyn_type, pState) = wantDynamicType pState
			= (True, PE_DynamicPattern expr dyn_type, pState)
			= (True, expr, tokenBack pState)
		= (False, PE_Empty, pState)

trySimpleRhsExpression :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, !ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
trySimpleRhsExpression pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	= trySimpleRhsExpressionT token pState
trySimpleRhsExpressionT :: !Token !ParseState -> (!Bool, !ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
trySimpleRhsExpressionT token pState
	# (succ, expr, pState) = trySimpleExpressionT token cIsNotAPattern pState
	| succ
		# (expr, pState) = extend_expr_with_selectors expr pState
		= (True, expr, pState)
		= (False, PE_Empty, pState)
	extend_expr_with_selectors :: !ParsedExpr !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
	extend_expr_with_selectors exp pState 
   		# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		| token == DotToken
			# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			  (selectors, pState) = wantSelectors token pState
			= (PE_Selection cNonUniqueSelection exp selectors, pState)
		| token == ExclamationToken
			# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			  (selectors, pState) = wantSelectors token pState
			= (PE_Selection cUniqueSelection exp selectors, pState)
		| otherwise
			= (exp, tokenBack pState)

wantSelectors :: Token *ParseState -> *(![ParsedSelection], !*ParseState)
wantSelectors token pState
			# (selector, pState) = want_selector token pState
			  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			| token == DotToken
				# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
				  (selectors, pState) = wantSelectors token pState
				= (selector ++ selectors, pState)
				= (selector, tokenBack pState)
	want_selector :: !Token !*ParseState -> *(![ParsedSelection], !*ParseState)
	want_selector SquareOpenToken pState
			# (array_selectors, pState) = want_array_selectors pState
		= (array_selectors, wantToken FunctionContext "array selector" SquareCloseToken pState)
			want_array_selectors :: !*ParseState -> *(![ParsedSelection], !*ParseState)
			want_array_selectors pState
	  			# (index_expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
				  selector = PS_Array index_expr
	  			  (token, pState) = nextToken  FunctionContext pState
				| token == CommaToken
					# (selectors, pState) = want_array_selectors pState
					= ([selector : selectors], pState)
					= ([selector], tokenBack pState)

	want_selector (IdentToken name) pState
		| isUpperCaseName name
	  		# (field, pState) = want (wantToken FunctionContext "array selector" DotToken pState)
	  		  (field_id, pState) = stringToIdent field IC_Selector pState
	  		  (type_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
			= ([PS_Record field_id (Yes type_id)], pState)
	  		# (field_id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Selector pState
			= ([PS_Record field_id No], pState)
	want_selector token pState
		= ([PS_Erroneous], parseError "simple RHS expression" (Yes token) "<selector>" pState)

trySimpleExpression :: !Bool !ParseState -> (!Bool, !ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
trySimpleExpression is_pattern pState
	| is_pattern
		= trySimpleLhsExpression pState
		= trySimpleRhsExpression pState

trySimpleExpressionT :: !Token !Bool !ParseState -> (!Bool, !ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
trySimpleExpressionT (IdentToken name) is_pattern pState
	| isLowerCaseName name
	# (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Expression pState
	  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	| token == DefinesColonToken
		# (succ, expr, pState) = trySimpleExpression is_pattern pState
		| succ
			= (True, PE_Bound { bind_dst = id, bind_src = expr }, pState)
			= (True, PE_Empty, parseError "simple expression" No "expression" pState)
		= (True, PE_Ident id, tokenBack pState)
trySimpleExpressionT (IdentToken name) is_pattern pState
//	| isUpperCaseName name || ~ is_pattern
	# (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Expression pState
	= (True, PE_Ident id, pState)
trySimpleExpressionT SquareOpenToken is_pattern pState
	# (list_expr, pState) = wantListExp is_pattern pState
	= (True, list_expr, pState)
trySimpleExpressionT OpenToken is_pattern pState
	# (args=:[exp:exps], pState) = want_expression_list is_pattern pState
	  pState = wantToken FunctionContext "expression list" CloseToken pState
	| isEmpty exps
		= case exp of
			PE_Ident id
				-> (True, PE_List [exp], pState)
				-> (True, exp, pState)
	//	# (token,pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState		// for debugging
	//	  pState = tokenBack pState  -->> ("PE_tuple",args,token)
   		= (True, PE_Tuple args, pState)
	want_expression_list is_pattern pState
		# (expr, pState) = wantExpression is_pattern pState
		  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		| token == CommaToken
			# (exprs, pState) = want_expression_list is_pattern pState
	  		= ([expr : exprs], pState)
	  		= ([expr], tokenBack pState)
trySimpleExpressionT CurlyOpenToken is_pattern pState
	# (rec_or_aray_exp, pState) = wantRecordOrArrayExp is_pattern pState 
	= (True, rec_or_aray_exp, pState)
trySimpleExpressionT (IntToken int) is_pattern pState
	= (True, PE_Basic (BVI int), pState)
trySimpleExpressionT (StringToken string) is_pattern pState
	= (True, PE_Basic (BVS string), pState)
trySimpleExpressionT (BoolToken bool) is_pattern pState
	= (True, PE_Basic (BVB bool), pState)
trySimpleExpressionT (CharToken char) is_pattern pState
	= (True, PE_Basic (BVC char), pState)
trySimpleExpressionT (RealToken real) is_pattern pState
	= (True, PE_Basic (BVR real), pState)
trySimpleExpressionT token is_pattern pState
	| is_pattern
		| token == WildCardToken
			= (True, PE_WildCard, pState)
			= (False, PE_Empty, tokenBack pState)
		= trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT token pState

trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT BackSlashToken pState
	# (lam_ident, pState)	= internalIdent "\\" pState
	  (lam_args, pState) 	= wantList "arguments" trySimpleLhsExpression pState
	//  pState				= wantToken FunctionContext "lambda expression" ArrowToken pState
	  pState				= want_lambda_sep pState
	  (exp, pState)			= wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
	= (True, PE_Lambda lam_ident lam_args exp, pState)
		want_lambda_sep pState
			# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			= case token of
				ArrowToken	-> pState
				EqualToken	-> pState
				DotToken	-> pState
	  			_			-> parseError "lambda expression" (Yes token) "-> or =" (tokenBack pState)
//trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT (LetToken strict) pState
trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT (LetToken strict=:False) pState // let! is not supported in Clean 2.0
	# (let_binds, pState)	= wantLocals pState
	  pState				= wantToken FunctionContext "let expression" InToken pState
	  (let_expr, pState)	= wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
	= (True, PE_Let strict let_binds let_expr, pState)
trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT WildCardToken pState
	= (True, PE_WildCard, pState)
trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT CaseToken pState
   	# (case_exp, pState)		= wantCaseExp pState
	= (True, case_exp, pState)
trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT IfToken pState
	# (if_ident, pState) 		= internalIdent "_if" pState
   	  (cond_exp, pState)		= want_simple_expression "condition of if" pState
   	  (then_exp, pState)		= want_simple_expression "then-part of if" pState
   	  (else_exp, pState)		= want_simple_expression "else-part of if" pState
	= (True, PE_If if_ident cond_exp then_exp else_exp, pState)
	want_simple_expression error pState
		# (succ, expr, pState) = trySimpleRhsExpression pState
		| succ
			= (expr, pState)
			= (PE_Empty,  parseError error No "<expression>" pState)
trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT DynamicToken pState
	# (dyn_expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
	  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	| token == DoubleColonToken
		# (dyn_type, pState) = wantDynamicType pState
		= (True, PE_Dynamic dyn_expr (Yes dyn_type), pState)
		= (True, PE_Dynamic dyn_expr No, tokenBack pState)
trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT token pState
	= (False, PE_Empty, tokenBack pState)

wantListExp :: !Bool !ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
wantListExp is_pattern pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	= case token of
			-> makeNilExpression pState
		_	-> want_LGraphExpr token [] pState
	want_list acc pState
		# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		= case token of
				#	(nil_expr, pState) = makeNilExpression pState
				->	gen_cons_nodes acc nil_expr pState
				#	(token, pState)	= nextToken FunctionContext pState
				->	want_LGraphExpr token acc pState
				#	(token, pState)		= nextToken FunctionContext pState
					(exp, pState)		= wantRhsExpressionT token pState
					pState				= wantToken FunctionContext "list" SquareCloseToken pState
				->	gen_cons_nodes acc exp pState
				| length acc > 2 || isEmpty acc
				#	(nil_expr, pState)	= makeNilExpression pState
					pState				= parseError "list expression" No "one or two expressions before .." pState
				->	gen_cons_nodes acc nil_expr pState
				#	(token, pState)		= nextToken FunctionContext pState
				->	case token of
						->	case acc of
								[e]	-> (PE_Sequ (SQ_From e), pState)
									-> (PE_Sequ (SQ_FromThen e1 e2), pState)
								_	-> abort "Error 1 in WantListExp"
					 _	#	(exp, pState)	= wantRhsExpressionT token pState
							pState			= wantToken FunctionContext "dot dot expression" SquareCloseToken pState
						->	case acc of
								[e]	-> (PE_Sequ (SQ_FromTo e exp), pState)
									-> (PE_Sequ (SQ_FromThenTo e1 e2 exp), pState)
								_	-> abort "Error 2 in WantListExp"
				| length acc == 1
				->	wantComprehension cIsListGenerator (acc!!0)  pState
				// otherwise // length acc <> 1
				#	(nil_expr, pState)	= makeNilExpression pState
					pState				= parseError "list comprehension" No "one expressions before \\\\" pState
				->	gen_cons_nodes acc nil_expr pState
			_	#	(nil_expr, pState)	= makeNilExpression pState
					pState	= parseError "list" (Yes token) "list element separator" pState
				->	gen_cons_nodes acc nil_expr pState

	want_LGraphExpr token acc pState
		= case token of
			CharListToken chars
				->	want_list (add_chars (fromString chars) acc) pState
					add_chars [] acc	= acc
					add_chars [c:r] acc	= add_chars r [PE_Basic (BVC (toString ['\'',c,'\''])): acc]
			_	#	(exp, pState) = (if is_pattern (wantLhsExpressionT token) (wantRhsExpressionT token)) pState
				->	want_list [exp: acc] pState
	gen_cons_nodes [] exp pState
		= (exp, pState)
	gen_cons_nodes [e:r] exp pState
		# (exp, pState) = makeConsExpression e exp pState
		= gen_cons_nodes r exp pState

	(List and Array) Comprehensions

wantComprehension :: !GeneratorKind !ParsedExpr !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
wantComprehension gen_kind exp pState
	# (qualifiers, pState) = wantQualifiers 0 0 pState
	| gen_kind == cIsListGenerator
		= (PE_Compr cIsListGenerator exp qualifiers, wantToken FunctionContext "list comprehension" SquareCloseToken pState)
		= (PE_Compr cIsArrayGenerator exp qualifiers, wantToken FunctionContext "array comprehension" CurlyCloseToken pState)

wantQualifiers :: !Int !Int !ParseState -> (![Qualifier], !ParseState)
wantQualifiers nr_of_quals nr_of_gens pState
	# (qual, nr_of_gens, pState) = want_qualifier nr_of_quals nr_of_gens pState
	  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	| token == CommaToken
		# (quals, pState) = wantQualifiers (inc nr_of_quals) nr_of_gens pState
		= ([qual : quals], pState)
		= ([qual], tokenBack pState)

	want_qualifier :: !Int !Int !ParseState -> (!Qualifier, !Int, !ParseState)
	want_qualifier qual_nr gen_nr pState
		# (lhs_expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsAPattern pState
		  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		| token == LeftArrowToken
			= want_generators cIsListGenerator qual_nr gen_nr lhs_expr pState
		| token == LeftArrowColonToken
			= want_generators cIsArrayGenerator qual_nr gen_nr lhs_expr pState
			= ({qual_generators = [], qual_filter = No, qual_fun_id = { id_name = "", id_info = nilPtr}}, gen_nr,
					parseError "comprehension: qualifier" (Yes token) "qualifier(s)" pState)

	want_generators :: !GeneratorKind !Int !Int !ParsedExpr !ParseState -> (!Qualifier, !Int, !ParseState)
	want_generators gen_kind qual_nr gen_nr pattern_exp pState
		# (gen_expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
		  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		  (gen_var, pState) = stringToIdent ("tl" +++ toString gen_nr) IC_Expression pState
		  generator = { gen_kind = gen_kind, gen_expr = gen_expr, gen_pattern = pattern_exp, gen_var = gen_var }
		| token == BarToken
			# (filter_expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
			  (qual_fun_id, pState) = stringToIdent ("_compr" +++ toString qual_nr) IC_Expression pState
			= ({qual_generators = [generator], qual_filter = Yes filter_expr, qual_fun_id = qual_fun_id }, inc gen_nr, pState)
		| token == AndToken
			# (qualifier, gen_nr, pState) = want_qualifier qual_nr (inc gen_nr) pState
			= ({qualifier & qual_generators = [ generator : qualifier.qual_generators] }, gen_nr, pState)
		# (qual_fun_id, pState) = stringToIdent ("_compr" +++ toString qual_nr) IC_Expression pState
		= ({qual_generators = [generator], qual_filter = No, qual_fun_id = qual_fun_id}, inc gen_nr, tokenBack pState)

	Case Expressions

wantCaseExp :: !ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
wantCaseExp pState
	# (case_ident, pState) = internalIdent "_c" pState
	  (case_exp, pState)	= wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
	  pState				= wantToken FunctionContext "case expression" OfToken pState
	  pState				= wantBeginGroup "case" pState
	  (case_alts, pState)	= parseList tryCaseAlt pState
	  (found, alt, pState)	= tryLastCaseAlt pState
	| found
		= (PE_Case case_ident case_exp (case_alts++[alt]), wantEndCase pState)
		= (PE_Case case_ident case_exp case_alts, wantEndCase pState)
	tryCaseAlt :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, CaseAlt, !ParseState)
	tryCaseAlt pState
		# (succ, pattern, pState) = try_pattern pState
		| succ
			# (rhs, pState) = wantRhs caseSeperator pState
			= (True, { calt_pattern = pattern, calt_rhs = rhs }, pState) // -->> ("case alt", pattern)
		// otherwise // ~ succ
			= (False, abort "no case alt", pState)
	tryLastCaseAlt ::  !ParseState -> (!Bool, CaseAlt, !ParseState)
	tryLastCaseAlt pState
		# (token, pState)	= nextToken FunctionContext pState
		| caseSeperator token
			#	pState			= tokenBack pState
				(rhs, pState)	= wantRhs caseSeperator pState
			= (True, { calt_pattern = PE_WildCard, calt_rhs = rhs }, pState) // -->> ("default case alt")
		| token == OtherwiseToken
			# (token, pState)	= nextToken FunctionContext pState
			  pState			= tokenBack pState
			| caseSeperator token
				# (rhs, pState) = wantRhs caseSeperator pState
				= (True, { calt_pattern = PE_WildCard, calt_rhs = rhs }, pState) // -->> ("default case alt")
				= (False, abort "no case alt", pState)
			= (False, abort "no case alt", tokenBack pState)

	caseSeperator t = t == EqualToken || t == ArrowToken // to enable Clean 1.x case expressions

	try_pattern :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
	try_pattern pState
		# (succ, expr, pState) = trySimpleLhsExpression pState
		| succ
			# (succ, expr2, pState) = trySimpleLhsExpression pState
			| succ
				# (exprs, pState) = parseList trySimpleLhsExpression pState
				= (True, PE_List [expr,expr2 : exprs], pState)
				= (True, expr, pState)
			= (False, abort "no expression", pState)

:: NestedUpdate =
	{	nu_selectors :: ![ParsedSelection]
	,	nu_update_expr :: !ParsedExpr

errorIdent :: Ident
	=	{id_name = "<<error>>", id_info = nilPtr}

buildNodeDef :: ParsedExpr ParsedExpr -> ParsedDefinition
buildNodeDef lhsExpr rhsExpr
	=	PD_NodeDef NoPos lhsExpr rhs
		rhs	=
			{ rhs_alts
				= UnGuardedExpr
					{ ewl_nodes		= []
					, ewl_locals	= LocalParsedDefs []
					, ewl_expr		= rhsExpr
			, rhs_locals
				= LocalParsedDefs []

	Record expressions

wantRecordOrArrayExp :: !Bool !ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
wantRecordOrArrayExp is_pattern pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	| token == CurlyCloseToken
		= (PE_ArrayDenot [], pState)
	| is_pattern
		| token == SquareOpenToken
		//	# (elems, pState) =  want_array_assignments cIsAPattern pState // currently no array selections in pattern PK
		//	= (PE_Array PE_Empty elems [], wantToken FunctionContext "array selections in pattern" CurlyCloseToken pState)
			= (PE_Empty, parseError "array selection" No "No array selection in pattern" pState)
		// otherwise // is_pattern && token <> SquareOpenToken
			= want_record_pattern token pState
	// otherwise // ~ is_pattern
		# (opt_type, pState) = try_type_specification token pState
		= case opt_type of
			Yes _
				-> want_record opt_type pState
				# (succ, field, pState) = try_field_assignment token pState
				| succ
					# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
					| token == CommaToken
						# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
						  (fields, pState) = want_field_assignments cIsNotAPattern token pState
						-> (PE_Record PE_Empty No [ field : fields ], wantToken FunctionContext "record or array" CurlyCloseToken pState)
					| token == CurlyCloseToken
						-> (PE_Record PE_Empty No [ field ], pState)
						-> (PE_Record PE_Empty No [ field ], parseError "record or array" (Yes token) "}" pState)
				# (expr, pState) = wantRhsExpressionT token pState
				  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
				| token == AndToken
					# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
					-> want_record_or_array_update token expr pState
				| token == DoubleBackSlashToken
					-> wantComprehension cIsArrayGenerator expr pState
				# (elems, pState) = want_array_elems token pState
				-> (PE_ArrayDenot [expr : elems], pState)
	want_array_elems CurlyCloseToken pState
		= ([], pState)
	want_array_elems CommaToken pState
		# (elem, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
		  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		  (elems, pState) = want_array_elems token pState
		= ([elem : elems], pState)
	want_array_elems token pState
		= ([], parseError "array elements" (Yes token) "<array denotation>" pState)
	want_record_pattern (IdentToken ident) pState
		| isUpperCaseName ident
			# pState = wantToken FunctionContext "record pattern" BarToken pState
			  (type_id, pState) = stringToIdent ident IC_Type pState
			  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			  (fields, pState) = want_field_assignments cIsAPattern token pState
			= (PE_Record PE_Empty (Yes type_id) fields, wantToken FunctionContext "record pattern" CurlyCloseToken pState) 
	want_record_pattern token pState
		# (fields, pState) =  want_field_assignments cIsAPattern token pState
		= (PE_Record PE_Empty No fields, wantToken FunctionContext "record pattern" CurlyCloseToken pState) 

	try_type_specification (IdentToken ident) pState
		| isUpperCaseName ident || isFunnyIdName ident
			# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			| token == BarToken
				# (type_id, pState) = stringToIdent ident IC_Type pState
				= (Yes type_id, pState)
				= (No, tokenBack pState)
			= (No, pState)
	try_type_specification _ pState
		= (No, pState)

	want_updates :: Token ParsedExpr ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
	want_updates token update_expr pState
		# (updates, pState)
			= parse_updates token update_expr pState
		=	transform_record_or_array_update update_expr updates pState
		parse_updates :: Token ParsedExpr ParseState -> ([NestedUpdate], ParseState)
		parse_updates token update_expr pState
				# (update, pState) = want_update token pState
				  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
				| token == CommaToken
					# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
					  (updates, pState) = parse_updates token update_expr pState 
					= ([update : updates], pState)
				// otherwise
					= ([update], tokenBack pState)

		want_update :: Token ParseState -> (NestedUpdate, ParseState)
		want_update token pState
			# (selectors, pState) = wantSelectors token pState
			  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			| token == EqualToken
				# (expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
				= ({nu_selectors = selectors, nu_update_expr = expr}, pState)
				= ({nu_selectors = selectors, nu_update_expr = PE_Empty}, parseError "field assignment" (Yes token) "=" pState)

	transform_record_or_array_update :: ParsedExpr [NestedUpdate] ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
	transform_record_or_array_update expr updates pState
		| is_record_update sortedUpdates
			=	transform_record_update expr groupedUpdates pState
		// otherwise
			=	transform_array_update expr updates pState
				// sort updates by first field name, array updates last
				=	sortBy smaller_update updates
					smaller_update :: NestedUpdate NestedUpdate -> Bool
					smaller_update a b
				 		=	smaller_selector (hd a.nu_selectors) (hd b.nu_selectors)
							smaller_selector :: ParsedSelection ParsedSelection -> Bool
							smaller_selector (PS_Record ident1 _) (PS_Record ident2 _)
								=	ident1.id_name < ident2.id_name
							smaller_selector (PS_Record _ _) _
								=	True
							smaller_selector _ _
								=	False

				// group nested updates by first field name
				=	groupBy equal_update sortedUpdates
					equal_update :: NestedUpdate NestedUpdate -> Bool
					equal_update a b
						=	equal_selectors a.nu_selectors b.nu_selectors
							equal_selectors :: [ParsedSelection] [ParsedSelection] -> Bool
							equal_selectors [PS_Record ident1 _ : [_]] [PS_Record ident2 _ : [_]]
								=	ident1.id_name == ident2.id_name
							equal_selectors _ _
								=	False
			is_record_update [{nu_selectors=[select : _]} : _]
				=	is_record_select select
			is_record_update updates
				=	False

			is_record_select (PS_Record _ _)
				=	True
			is_record_select _
				=	False

			transform_record_update :: ParsedExpr ![[NestedUpdate]] ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
			transform_record_update expr groupedUpdates pState
				# (assignments, (optionalIdent, pState))
					=	mapSt transform_update groupedUpdates (No, pState)
				  	=	build_update optionalIdent expr assignments
				=	(updateExpr, pState)
					// transform one group of nested updates with the same first field
					//  for example: f.g1 = e1, f.g2 = e2 -> f = {id.f & g1 = e1, g2 = e2},
					//  (id is ident to shared expression that's being updated)
					transform_update :: [NestedUpdate] (Optional Ident, ParseState) -> (FieldAssignment, (Optional Ident, ParseState))
					transform_update [{nu_selectors=[PS_Record fieldIdent _], nu_update_expr}] state
						=	({bind_dst = fieldIdent, bind_src = nu_update_expr}, state)
					transform_update updates=:[{nu_selectors=[PS_Record fieldIdent _ : _]} : _] (optionalIdent, pState)
						# (shareIdent, pState)
							=	make_ident optionalIdent pState
						  	=	PE_Selection cNonUniqueSelection (PE_Ident shareIdent) [PS_Record fieldIdent No]
						  (update_expr, pState)
						  	=	transform_record_or_array_update select (map sub_update updates) pState
						=	({bind_dst = fieldIdent, bind_src = update_expr}, (Yes shareIdent, pState))
							make_ident :: (Optional Ident) ParseState -> (Ident, ParseState)
							make_ident (Yes ident) pState
								=	(ident, pState)
							make_ident No pState
								=	internalIdent "s;" pState

							sub_update :: NestedUpdate -> NestedUpdate
							sub_update update=:{nu_selectors}
								=	{update & nu_selectors = tl nu_selectors}
					transform_update _ (_, pState)
						# pState
							=	parseError "record or array" No "field assignments mixed with array assignments not" /* expected */ pState
						=	({bind_dst = errorIdent, bind_src = PE_Empty}, (No, pState))

					build_update :: (Optional Ident) ParsedExpr [FieldAssignment] -> ParsedExpr
					build_update No expr assignments
						=	PE_Record expr No assignments
					build_update (Yes ident) expr assignments
						=	PE_Let False (LocalParsedDefs [buildNodeDef (PE_Ident ident) expr])
									(PE_Record (PE_Ident ident) No assignments)

			transform_array_update :: ParsedExpr [NestedUpdate] ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
			transform_array_update expr updates pState
				// transform {<e> & [i].<...> = e1, ... } to  {{<e> & [i1].<...> = e1} & ...}
				=	foldSt transform_update updates (expr, pState)
					transform_update :: NestedUpdate (ParsedExpr, ParseState) -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
					transform_update {nu_selectors, nu_update_expr} (expr1, pState)
						=	build_update expr1 (split_selectors nu_selectors) nu_update_expr pState
							// split selectors into final record selectors and initial selectors
							//  (resulting selectors are reversed)
							//		for example: [i1].[i2].f.[i3].g.h -> (h.g, [i3].f.[i2].[i1])
							split_selectors selectors
								=	span is_record_select (reverse selectors)

							build_update :: ParsedExpr ([ParsedSelection], [ParsedSelection]) ParsedExpr ParseState -> (ParsedExpr, ParseState)
							build_update expr ([], initial_selectors) update_expr pState
								=	(PE_Update expr (reverse initial_selectors) update_expr, pState)
							// transform {<e> & <...>.[i].f.g. = e1} to
							//     let
							//		index_id = i
							//		(element_id, array_id) = <e>!<...>.[index_id]
							//	   in {array_id & [index_id] = {element_id & f.g = e1}}
							build_update expr (record_selectors, [PS_Array index : initial_selectors]) update_expr pState
								# (index_id, pState)
									=	internalIdent "i;" pState
								# (element_id, pState)
									=	internalIdent "e;" pState
								# (array_id, pState)
									=	internalIdent "a;" pState
								  	=	buildNodeDef (PE_Ident index_id) index
								  	=	buildNodeDef
								  			(PE_Tuple [PE_Ident element_id, PE_Ident array_id])
								  			(PE_Selection cUniqueSelection expr (reverse [PS_Array (PE_Ident index_id) : initial_selectors]))
								  (updated_element, pState)
									= transform_record_update
										(PE_Ident element_id)
										[[{nu_selectors=(reverse record_selectors), nu_update_expr=update_expr}]] pState
								=	(PE_Let False
										(LocalParsedDefs [index_def, select_def])
										(PE_Update (PE_Ident array_id) (reverse [PS_Array (PE_Ident index_id) : initial_selectors]) updated_element), pState)

	want_field_assignments is_pattern token=:(IdentToken ident) pState
		| isLowerCaseName ident
			# (field, pState) = want_field_expression is_pattern ident pState
			  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			| token == CommaToken
				# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
				  (fields, pState) = want_field_assignments is_pattern token pState 
				= ([ field : fields ], pState)
				= ([ field ], tokenBack pState)
		want_field_expression is_pattern ident pState
			# (field_id, pState) = stringToIdent ident IC_Selector pState
			  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			| token == EqualToken
				# (field_expr, pState) = wantExpression is_pattern pState
				= ({ bind_src = field_expr, bind_dst = field_id}, pState)
				= ({ bind_src = PE_Empty, bind_dst = field_id}, tokenBack pState)
	want_field_assignments is_pattern token pState
		= ([], parseError "record or array field assignments" (Yes token) "field name" pState)

	try_field_assignment (IdentToken ident) pState
		| isLowerCaseName ident
			# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
			| token == EqualToken
				# (field_expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
				  (field_id, pState) = stringToIdent ident IC_Selector pState
				= (True, { bind_src = field_expr, bind_dst = field_id}, pState) 
				= (False, abort "no field", tokenBack pState)
			= (False, abort "no field", pState)
	try_field_assignment _ pState
		= (False, abort "no field", pState)
	want_record type pState
		# (token1, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
  		  (token2, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		| isDefinesFieldToken token2
			# (fields, pState) = want_field_assignments cIsNotAPattern token1 (tokenBack pState)
			= (PE_Record PE_Empty type fields, wantToken FunctionContext "record" CurlyCloseToken pState)
			= want_record_update type token1 (tokenBack pState)
		want_record_update :: !(Optional Ident) !Token !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
		want_record_update type token pState
			# (expr,  pState)	= wantRhsExpressionT token pState
			  pState			= wantToken FunctionContext "record update" AndToken pState
			  (token, pState)	= nextToken FunctionContext pState
			= want_update expr token pState

	want_update :: !ParsedExpr !Token !ParseState -> (!ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
	want_update exp token pState
		# (update_expr, pState)	= want_updates token exp pState
	//	  (qualifiers, pState) = try_qualifiers pState // Bug: for RWS
		= (update_expr, wantToken FunctionContext "record update" CurlyCloseToken pState)
			try_qualifiers pState
				# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
				| token == DoubleBackSlashToken
					= wantQualifiers 0 0 pState
					= ([], tokenBack pState)

	want_record_or_array_update token expr pState
		= want_update expr token pState

	want_array_assignments is_pattern pState
		# (assign, pState) = want_array_assignment is_pattern pState
		  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		| token == CommaToken
			# pState = wantToken FunctionContext "array assignments" SquareOpenToken pState
			  (assigns, pState) = want_array_assignments is_pattern pState 
			= ([ assign : assigns ], pState)
			= ([ assign ], tokenBack pState)
		want_array_assignment is_pattern pState
			# (index_exp,  pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
			  pState = wantToken FunctionContext "array assignment" SquareCloseToken pState
			  pState = wantToken FunctionContext "array assignment" EqualToken pState
			  (pattern_exp, pState) = wantExpression is_pattern pState
			= ({bind_dst = index_exp, bind_src = pattern_exp}, pState)

	End of definitions

skipToEndOfDefinition :: !ParseState -> (!Token, !ParseState)
skipToEndOfDefinition pState
	# (token, pState)		= nextToken FunctionContext pState
	= case token of
		NewDefinitionToken	-> (token, pState)
		EndGroupToken		-> (token, pState)
		EndOfFileToken		-> (token, pState)
//		SemicolonToken		-> (token, pState) // might be useful in non layout mode.
		_					-> skipToEndOfDefinition pState -->> (token,"skipped")

wantEndOfDefinition :: String !ParseState -> ParseState
wantEndOfDefinition msg pState=:{ps_skipping}
	| ps_skipping
		#	(token, pState) = skipToEndOfDefinition {pState & ps_skipping = False}
		//	(pos,pState) 	= getPosition pState	// for debugging
		= want_end_of_definition token msg pState	//-->> ("restart parsing at ",token, pos)
	# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	= want_end_of_definition token msg pState
	want_end_of_definition :: !Token String !ParseState -> ParseState
	want_end_of_definition token msg pState
		# (ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
		| ss_useLayout
			= case token of
				NewDefinitionToken	->	pState 				// -->> "end of definition found due to NewDefinitionToken"
				EndOfFileToken		->	tokenBack pState 	// -->> "end of definition found due to EndOfFileToken"
				EndGroupToken 		->	tokenBack pState	// -->> "end of definition found due to EndGroupToken"
				InToken		 		->	tokenBack pState	// -->> "end of definition found due to InToken"
				WhereToken			->	tokenBack pState	// -->> "end of definition found due to WhereToken"
				BarToken			->	tokenBack pState	// -->> "end of definition found due to BarToken"
				EqualToken			->	tokenBack pState	// -->> "end of definition found due to EqualToken"
				ArrowToken			->	tokenBack pState	// -->> "end of definition found due to ArrowToken"
				SeqLetToken _		->	tokenBack pState	// -->> "end of definition found due to SeqLetToken"
				SemicolonToken		#	(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
									->	case token of
											NewDefinitionToken	->	pState			// -->> "end of definition found due to SemicolonToken and NewDefinitionToken"
											_					->	tokenBack pState// -->> "end of definition found due to SemicolonToken"
				token				->	wantEndOfDefinition "" (parseError msg (Yes token) "end of definition" pState)
		// otherwise // ~ ss_useLayout
			= case token of
				CurlyCloseToken		->	tokenBack pState
				SemicolonToken		->	pState
	 			EndOfFileToken		->	tokenBack pState	// -->> "end of definition found due to EndOfFileToken"
				token				->	wantEndOfDefinition "" (parseError msg (Yes token) "end of definition" pState)

wantEndRootExpression :: !ParseState -> ParseState
wantEndRootExpression pState=:{ps_skipping}
	| ps_skipping
		=	wantEndOfDefinition "root expression" pState
		#	(token, pState)			= nextToken FunctionContext pState
			(ss_useLayout, pState)	= accScanState UseLayout pState
		| ss_useLayout
			= case token of
				NewDefinitionToken	->	pState
				EndOfFileToken		->	tokenBack pState
				EndGroupToken 		->	tokenBack pState
				EqualToken 			->	tokenBack pState
				ArrowToken 			->	tokenBack pState
				WhereToken			->	tokenBack pState
				WithToken			->	tokenBack pState
				BarToken			->	tokenBack pState
				InToken		 		->	tokenBack pState
				CloseToken	 		->	tokenBack pState
				SquareCloseToken	->	tokenBack pState
				CommaToken	 		->	tokenBack pState
				ColonToken	 		->	tokenBack pState
				(SeqLetToken _)		->	tokenBack pState
				SemicolonToken		#	(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
									->	case token of
											NewDefinitionToken	->	pState
											_					->	tokenBack pState
				token				->	wantEndOfDefinition "root expression" (parseError "root expression" (Yes token) "end of root expression" pState)
		// otherwise // ~ ss_useLayout
			= case token of
				SemicolonToken		->	pState
				CurlyCloseToken		->	tokenBack pState
				EqualToken 			->	tokenBack pState	// Do we really want to allow all of these tokens
				ArrowToken 			->	tokenBack pState
				(SeqLetToken _)		->	tokenBack pState
				WhereToken			->	tokenBack pState
				WithToken			->	tokenBack pState
				BarToken			->	tokenBack pState
	 			EndOfFileToken		->	tokenBack pState
				token				->	wantEndOfDefinition "root expression" (parseError "root expression" (Yes token) "end of root expression" pState)

wantEndGroup :: String !ParseState -> ParseState
wantEndGroup msg pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	| token == EndOfFileToken
		= tokenBack pState
	# (ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
	| ss_useLayout
		= case token of
			EndGroupToken	->	pState
			InToken			->	tokenBack pState
			_				->	parseError msg (Yes token) "end of group with layout" pState
	// ~ ss_useLayout
	| token == CurlyCloseToken
		= pState
	// otherwise // token <> CurlyCloseToken
		= parseError msg (Yes token) "end of group without layout, }," pState

wantEndModule :: !ParseState -> ParseState
wantEndModule pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	| token == EndOfFileToken
		= tokenBack pState
	# (ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
	| ss_useLayout && token == EndGroupToken
		= pState
		= parseError "Definition" (Yes token) "Unexpected token in input: definition" pState

wantEndNestedGuard :: !Bool !Int !ParseState -> ParseState
wantEndNestedGuard defaultFound offside pState
	| ~ defaultFound
		= parseError "nested guards" No "sorry, but for the time being there is a default alternative for nested guards" pState
	# (token, pState)			= nextToken FunctionContext pState
	| token == EndOfFileToken
		= tokenBack pState
	# (ss_useLayout, pState)	= accScanState UseLayout pState
	| ss_useLayout
		# ({fp_col}, pState)	= getPosition pState
		|  fp_col < offside || (end_Nested_Guard token && fp_col == offside)
			= tokenBack pState
		// otherwise
			= parseError "nested guards" (Yes token) "=, ->, | or # at offside position, or end of function definition" pState
	// ~ ss_useLayout
	| token == SemicolonToken
		= pState
	| defaultFound
		= tokenBack pState
	// otherwise
		= parseError "nested guards" (Yes token) "End of nested guards, ;," pState
	end_Nested_Guard EqualToken			= True
	end_Nested_Guard BarToken			= True
	end_Nested_Guard ArrowToken			= True
	end_Nested_Guard (SeqLetToken _)	= True
	end_Nested_Guard _					= False

wantEndLocals :: !ParseState -> ParseState
wantEndLocals pState
	# (ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
	  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	| token == EndOfFileToken
		= tokenBack pState
	| ss_useLayout
		= case token of
			EndGroupToken	->	pState
			InToken			->	tokenBack pState	// For let expressions with cases
			_				->	parseError "local definitions" (Yes token) "end of locals with layout" pState
	// ~ ss_useLayout
	| token == CurlyCloseToken
		# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		| token == SemicolonToken
			= pState
			= tokenBack pState
	// otherwise // token <> CurlyCloseToken
		= parseError "local definitions" (Yes token) "end of locals without layout, }," pState

wantEndCase :: !ParseState -> ParseState
wantEndCase pState
	# (ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
	  (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
	| token == EndOfFileToken
		= tokenBack pState
	| ss_useLayout
		= case token of
			EndGroupToken		->	pState
			CloseToken			->	tokenBack (appScanState dropOffsidePosition pState)
			SquareCloseToken	->	tokenBack (appScanState dropOffsidePosition pState)
			SemicolonToken		->	tokenBack (appScanState dropOffsidePosition pState)
			CommaToken			->	tokenBack (appScanState dropOffsidePosition pState)
			ColonToken			->	tokenBack (appScanState dropOffsidePosition pState)
			InToken				->	tokenBack (appScanState dropOffsidePosition pState)
			_					->	parseError "case expression" (Yes token) "end of case with layout" pState
	// ~ ss_useLayout
	| token == CurlyCloseToken
		= pState
	// otherwise // token <> CurlyCloseToken
		= parseError "case expression" (Yes token) "end of group without layout, }," pState

wantBeginGroup :: String !ParseState -> ParseState
wantBeginGroup msg pState
	# (ss_useLayout, pState) = accScanState UseLayout pState
	| ss_useLayout
		= pState
	// otherwise // ~ ss_uselayout
		# (token, pState)	= nextToken FunctionContext pState
		= case token of
				->	pState
			_	->	parseError msg (Yes token) "begin group without layout, {," pState

	Functions on the parse pState
instance insertToken ParseState
	insertToken t c pState = appScanState (insertToken t c) pState

instance currentToken ParseState
	currentToken pState = accScanState currentToken pState
instance replaceToken ParseState
	replaceToken t pState = appScanState (replaceToken t) pState

instance tokenBack ParseState
	tokenBack pState=:{ps_skipping}
		| ps_skipping
			= pState
			= appScanState tokenBack pState

instance nextToken ParseState
	nextToken :: !Context !ParseState -> (!Token, !ParseState)
	nextToken context pState
		| pState.ps_skipping // in error recovery from parse error
			= (ErrorToken "Skipping", pState)
			= accScanState (nextToken context) pState

instance getPosition ParseState
	getPosition pState = accScanState getPosition pState

parseWarning :: !{# Char} !{# Char} !ParseState -> ParseState
parseWarning act msg pState
	| pState.ps_skipping
		= pState
	| otherwise // not pState.ps_skipping
		# (pos,pState) 	= getPosition pState
		  (filename,pState=:{ps_error={pea_file,pea_ok}})	= accScanState getFilename pState
		  pea_file 	= 	pea_file
		  				<<< "Parse warning ["
		  				<<< filename <<< ","
		  				<<< pos 
		  				<<< (if (size act > 0) ("," + act) "") <<< "]: "
		  				<<< msg
		  				<<< "\n"
		=	{ pState
			& ps_error		= { pea_file = pea_file, pea_ok = pea_ok }

parseError :: !{# Char} !(Optional Token) !{# Char} !ParseState -> ParseState
parseError act opt_token msg pState
	| pState.ps_skipping
		= pState
	| otherwise // not pState.ps_skipping
		# (pos,pState) 	= getPosition pState
		  (filename,pState=:{ps_error={pea_file}})	= accScanState getFilename pState
		  pea_file 	= 	pea_file
		  				<<< "Parse error ["
		  				<<< filename <<< ","
		  				<<< pos 
		  				<<< (if (size act > 0) ("," + act) "") <<< "]: "
		  				<<< msg
		  pea_file	= case opt_token of
		  				Yes token	-> pea_file <<< " expected instead of " <<< token <<< "\n"
		  				No			-> pea_file <<< " expected\n"
		  pState 	=	{ pState
						& ps_skipping	= True
						, ps_error		= { pea_file = pea_file, pea_ok = False }
		= case opt_token of
			Yes _	-> tokenBack pState
			No		-> pState

getFileAndLineNr :: !ParseState -> (!String, !Int, !ParseState)
getFileAndLineNr pState =: {ps_scanState}
	# (filename,scanState)	= getFilename ps_scanState
	  ({fp_line},scanState)	= getPosition scanState
	= (filename, fp_line, {pState & ps_scanState = scanState} )

	Simple parse functions

wantToken :: !Context !{#Char} !Token !ParseState ->  ParseState
wantToken context act dem_token pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken context pState
	| dem_token == token
		= pState // -->> (token,"wanted and consumed")
		= parseError act (Yes token) (toString dem_token) pState

instance want Priority
	want pState
		# (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
		= case token of
			PriorityToken prio
				-> (prio, pState)
				-> (NoPrio, parseError "Priority" (Yes token) "with" pState)

instance want {# Char}
	want pState
		# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
		= case token of
			IdentToken name -> (name, pState)
			_				-> ("", parseError "String" (Yes token) "identifier" pState)

tryTypeVar :: !ParseState -> (!Bool, TypeVar, !ParseState)
tryTypeVar pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken TypeContext pState
	= tryTypeVarT token pState

tryTypeVarT :: !Token !ParseState -> (!Bool, TypeVar, !ParseState)
tryTypeVarT (IdentToken name) pState
	| isUpperCaseName name
		= (False, abort "no UC ident", pState)
		# (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Type pState
		= (True, MakeTypeVar id, pState)
tryTypeVarT token pState
		= (False, abort "no type variable", tokenBack pState)

wantUpperCaseName :: !String !ParseState -> (!String, !ParseState)
wantUpperCaseName string pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
	= case token of
		IdentToken name 
			| isUpperCaseName name
				-> (name, pState)
			-> ("dummy uppercase name", parseError string (Yes token) "upper case ident" pState)

wantLowerCaseName :: !String !ParseState -> (!String, !ParseState)
wantLowerCaseName string pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
	= case token of
		IdentToken name 
			| isLowerCaseName name
				-> (name, pState)
			-> ("dummy lowercase name", parseError string (Yes token) "lower case ident" pState)

wantConstructorName :: !String !ParseState -> (!String, !ParseState)
wantConstructorName string pState
	# (token, pState) = nextToken GeneralContext pState
	= case token of
		IdentToken name 
			| isUpperCaseName name || isFunnyIdName name
				-> (name, pState)
			-> ("", parseError string (Yes token) "upper case ident" pState)

isTypeStartToken :: ! Token -> Bool
isTypeStartToken (IdentToken id)	= True
isTypeStartToken SquareOpenToken	= True
isTypeStartToken CurlyOpenToken		= True
isTypeStartToken OpenToken			= True
isTypeStartToken IntTypeToken		= True
isTypeStartToken CharTypeToken		= True
isTypeStartToken BoolTypeToken		= True
isTypeStartToken VoidTypeToken		= True
isTypeStartToken StringTypeToken	= True
isTypeStartToken RealTypeToken		= True
isTypeStartToken DynamicTypeToken	= True
isTypeStartToken ExclamationToken	= True
isTypeStartToken DotToken			= True
isTypeStartToken AsteriskToken		= True
isTypeStartToken token				= False

isIdentToken :: ! Token -> Bool
isIdentToken (IdentToken id) = True
isIdentToken t               = False

isTypeDefToken :: ! Token -> Bool
isTypeDefToken DoubleColonToken	= True
isTypeDefToken token			= False

isDefinesTypeToken :: !Token -> Bool
isDefinesTypeToken EqualToken      = True
isDefinesTypeToken ColonDefinesToken = True
isDefinesTypeToken token             = False

isUpperCaseIdent :: ! Token -> Bool
isUpperCaseIdent (IdentToken name) = isUpperCaseName name
isUpperCaseIdent token             = False
isDefinesFieldToken :: ! Token -> Bool
isDefinesFieldToken EqualToken    = True
isDefinesFieldToken CurlyCloseToken = True
isDefinesFieldToken CommaToken      = True
isDefinesFieldToken token           = False

 //--- Tracing ---//

(-->>) val _ :== val
//(-->>) val message :== val ---> ("Parser",message)