implementation module explicitimports // compile using the "reuse unique nodes" option import StdEnv import syntax, typesupport, parse, checksupport, utilities, checktypes, transform, predef, RWSDebug temporary_import_solution_XXX yes no :== yes // to switch between importing modes. // iff this is yes, then explicit imports happen in the old Clean 1.3 fashion. // This feature will be removed, when all programs are ported to Clean 2.0. The last Constructors of AtomType // and StructureType should then be removed also do_temporary_import_solution_XXX :== temporary_import_solution_XXX True False :: ExplicitImports :== (![AtomicImport], ![StructureImport]) :: AtomicImport :== (!Ident, !AtomType) :: StructureImport :== (!Ident, !StructureInfo, !StructureType, !OptimizeInfo) :: AtomType = AT_Function | AT_Class | AT_Instance | AT_RecordType | AT_AlgType | AT_Type | AT_stomme_funktion_die_alle_symbolen_kann_importeren_omdat_niemand_zin_heft_oude_pragrammen_naar_de_nieuwe_syntax_te_vertalen Bool // XXX :: StructureInfo = SI_DotDot // The .. notation was used for the structure // (currently nothing is known about the elements) | SI_Elements ![Ident] !Bool // list of elements, that were not imported yet. // Bool: the elements were listed explicitly in the structure :: StructureType = ST_AlgType | ST_RecordType | ST_Class | ST_stomm_stomm_stomm String :: IdentWithKind :== (!Ident, !STE_Kind) :: OptimizeInfo :== Optional Index possibly_filter_decls :: .[ImportDeclaration] u:[w:(.Index,y:Declarations)] (.FileName,.LineNr) *{#.DclModule} *CheckState -> (v:[x:(Index,z:Declarations)],.{#DclModule},.CheckState), [y <= z, w <= x, u <= v]; possibly_filter_decls [] decls_of_imported_module _ modules cs // implicit import can't go wrong = (decls_of_imported_module, modules, cs) possibly_filter_decls listed_symbols decls_of_imported_module (file_name, line_nr) modules cs // explicit import #! ident_pos = { ip_ident= { id_name="", id_info=nilPtr } , ip_line = line_nr , ip_file = file_name } cs = { cs & cs_error = pushErrorAdmin ident_pos cs.cs_error } (result, modules, cs) = filter_explicitly_imported_decl listed_symbols decls_of_imported_module [] line_nr modules cs cs = { cs & cs_error = popErrorAdmin cs.cs_error } = (result, modules, cs) filter_explicitly_imported_decl _ [] akku _ modules cs = (akku, modules, cs) filter_explicitly_imported_decl import_symbols [(index,{dcls_import,dcls_local,dcls_explicit}):new_decls] akku line_nr modules cs # undefined = -1 atoms = flatten (map toAtom import_symbols) structures = flatten (map toStructure import_symbols) (checked_atoms, cs) = checkAtoms atoms cs unimported = (checked_atoms, structures) (dcls_import,unimported, modules, cs) = filter_decl_array 0 dcls_import unimported undefined modules cs ((dcls_local,unimported), modules, cs) = filter_decl dcls_local unimported index modules cs cs_error = foldSt checkAtomError (fst unimported) cs.cs_error cs_error = foldSt checkStructureError (snd unimported) cs_error cs = { cs & cs_error=cs_error } | isEmpty dcls_import && isEmpty dcls_local && size dcls_explicit==0 = filter_explicitly_imported_decl import_symbols new_decls akku line_nr modules cs # local_imports = [ { declaration & dcl_kind = STE_Imported declaration.dcl_kind index } \\ declaration <- dcls_local] new_dcls_explicit = [ ExplicitImport dcls line_nr \\ dcls<-dcls_import++local_imports ] dcls_import = {dcls_import\\dcls_import<-dcls_import} newAkku = [(index, { dcls_import=dcls_import, dcls_local=dcls_local , dcls_local_for_import = {local_declaration_for_import decl index \\ decl<-dcls_local}, // dcls_explicit=new_dcls_explicit}) : akku] dcls_explicit={new_dcls_explicit\\new_dcls_explicit<-new_dcls_explicit}}) : akku] = filter_explicitly_imported_decl import_symbols new_decls newAkku line_nr modules cs where local_declaration_for_import decl=:{dcl_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro _} module_n = decl local_declaration_for_import decl=:{dcl_kind=STE_Imported _ _} module_n = abort "local_declaration_for_import" local_declaration_for_import decl=:{dcl_kind} module_n = {decl & dcl_kind = STE_Imported dcl_kind module_n} toAtom (ID_Function {ii_ident}) = [(ii_ident, temporary_import_solution_XXX (AT_stomme_funktion_die_alle_symbolen_kann_importeren_omdat_niemand_zin_heft_oude_pragrammen_naar_de_nieuwe_syntax_te_vertalen False) AT_Function)] toAtom (ID_Class {ii_ident} _) = [(ii_ident, AT_Class)] toAtom (ID_Type {ii_ident} (Yes _)) = [(ii_ident, AT_AlgType)] toAtom (ID_Type {ii_ident} No) = [(ii_ident, AT_Type)] toAtom (ID_Record {ii_ident} yesOrNo) = [(ii_ident, AT_RecordType)] toAtom (ID_Instance _ ident _) = [(ident, AT_Instance)] toAtom _ = [] atomTypeString AT_Function = "function" atomTypeString AT_Class = "class" atomTypeString AT_Instance = "instance" atomTypeString _ = "type" toStructure (ID_Class {ii_ident} yesOrNo) = to_structure ii_ident yesOrNo ST_Class toStructure (ID_Type {ii_ident} yesOrNo) = to_structure ii_ident yesOrNo ST_AlgType toStructure (ID_Record {ii_ident} yesOrNo) = to_structure ii_ident yesOrNo ST_RecordType // MW added toStructure (ID_Function {ii_ident}) | do_temporary_import_solution_XXX = [(ii_ident, SI_DotDot, ST_stomm_stomm_stomm ii_ident.id_name, No)] // ..MW toStructure _ = [] to_structure _ No _ = [] to_structure ident (Yes []) structureType = [(ident, SI_DotDot, structureType, No)] to_structure ident (Yes elements) structureType # element_idents = removeDup [ ii_ident \\ {ii_ident}<-elements] = [(ident, (SI_Elements element_idents True),structureType, No)] checkAtoms l cs # groups = grouped l wrong = filter isErroneous groups unique = map hd groups | isEmpty wrong = (unique, cs) = (unique, foldSt error wrong cs) where isErroneous l=:[(_,AT_Type),_:_] = True isErroneous l=:[(_,AT_AlgType),_:_] = True isErroneous l=:[(_,AT_RecordType),_:_] = True isErroneous _ = False error [(ident, atomType):_] cs = { cs & cs_error = checkError ("type "+++ident.id_name) "imported more than once in one from statement" cs.cs_error } checkAtomError (id, AT_Instance) cs_error = checkError ("specified instance of class "+++id.id_name) "not exported by the specified module" cs_error checkAtomError (id, AT_stomme_funktion_die_alle_symbolen_kann_importeren_omdat_niemand_zin_heft_oude_pragrammen_naar_de_nieuwe_syntax_te_vertalen was_imported_at_least_once) cs_error | do_temporary_import_solution_XXX = case was_imported_at_least_once of True -> cs_error _ -> checkError id ("not exported by the specified module") cs_error checkAtomError (id, atomType) cs_error = checkError id ("not exported as a "+++atomTypeString atomType+++" by the specified module") cs_error // MW remove this later.. checkStructureError (_,_, ST_stomm_stomm_stomm _, _) cs_error | do_temporary_import_solution_XXX = cs_error // further with next alternative // ..MW checkStructureError (struct_id, (SI_Elements wrong_elements _), st, _) cs_error = foldSt err wrong_elements cs_error where err element_id cs_error # (element_type, structure_type) = case st of ST_AlgType -> ("constructor", "algebraic type") ST_RecordType -> ("field", "record type") ST_Class -> ("member", "class") = checkError element_id ( "not a "+++element_type+++" of "+++structure_type +++" "+++struct_id.id_name) cs_error checkStructureError _ cs_error = cs_error // collect groups, e.g. grouped [3,5,1,3,1] = [[1,1],[3,3],[5]] grouped [] = [] grouped l # sorted = qsort l = grouped_ [hd sorted] (tl sorted) [] where grouped_ group [] akku = [group:akku] grouped_ group=:[x:_] [h:t] akku | x==h = grouped_ [h:group] t akku = grouped_ [h] t [group:akku] qsort [] = [] qsort [h:t] = qsort left++[h: qsort right] where left = [x \\ x<-t | greater x h] right = [x \\ x<-t | not (greater x h) || x==h] greater ({id_name=id_name_l}, atomType_l) ({id_name=id_name_r}, atomType_r) | id_name_l >id_name_r = True | id_name_l==id_name_r = toInt atomType_l > toInt atomType_r = False instance == AtomType where (==) l r = toInt l==toInt r instance toInt AtomType where toInt AT_Function = 0 toInt AT_Class = 1 toInt AT_Instance = 2 toInt AT_RecordType = 3 toInt AT_AlgType = 3 toInt AT_Type = 3 // AT_RecordType, AT_AlgType & AT_Type are in one class !!! toInt (AT_stomme_funktion_die_alle_symbolen_kann_importeren_omdat_niemand_zin_heft_oude_pragrammen_naar_de_nieuwe_syntax_te_vertalen _) = 0 NoPosition :== -1 filter_decl :: [.Declaration] ([(Ident,AtomType)],[(Ident,StructureInfo,StructureType,Optional Int)]) Int *{#DclModule} *CheckState -> (!(!.[Declaration],!([(Ident,AtomType)],![(Ident,StructureInfo,StructureType,Optional Int)])),!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState); filter_decl [] unimported _ modules cs = (([], unimported), modules, cs) filter_decl [decl:decls] unimported index modules cs # ((appears,unimported), modules, cs) = decl_appears decl unimported index modules cs | appears # ((recurs, unimported), modules, cs) = filter_decl decls unimported index modules cs = (([decl:recurs],unimported), modules, cs) = filter_decl decls unimported index modules cs filter_decl_array :: !Int {!.Declaration} ([(Ident,AtomType)],[(Ident,StructureInfo,StructureType,Optional Int)]) Int *{#DclModule} *CheckState -> (!.[Declaration],!([(Ident,AtomType)],![(Ident,StructureInfo,StructureType,Optional Int)]),!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState); filter_decl_array decl_index decls unimported index modules cs | decl_index (!(!Bool, !ExplicitImports), !*{#DclModule}, !*CheckState) decl_appears dec=:{dcl_kind=STE_Imported ste_Kind def_index} unimported _ modules cs = decl_appears {dec & dcl_kind=ste_Kind} unimported def_index modules cs /* MW2 was: decl_appears {dcl_ident,dcl_kind=STE_Constructor,dcl_index} unimported index modules cs = elementAppears ST_AlgType dcl_ident dcl_index unimported index modules cs */ decl_appears {dcl_ident,dcl_kind=STE_Constructor,dcl_index} unimported index modules cs # (result=:((appears, unimported), modules, cs)) = elementAppears ST_AlgType dcl_ident dcl_index unimported index modules cs | appears || not do_temporary_import_solution_XXX = result = atomAppears dcl_ident dcl_index unimported index modules cs /* MW2 was decl_appears { dcl_ident,dcl_kind=(STE_Field _),dcl_index} unimported index modules cs = elementAppears ST_RecordType dcl_ident dcl_index unimported index modules cs */ decl_appears { dcl_ident,dcl_kind=(STE_Field _),dcl_index} unimported index modules cs # (result=:((appears, unimported), modules, cs)) = elementAppears ST_RecordType dcl_ident dcl_index unimported index modules cs | appears || not do_temporary_import_solution_XXX = result = atomAppears dcl_ident dcl_index unimported index modules cs /* MW2 was decl_appears { dcl_ident,dcl_kind=STE_Member,dcl_index} unimported index modules cs = elementAppears ST_Class dcl_ident dcl_index unimported index modules cs */ decl_appears { dcl_ident,dcl_kind=STE_Member,dcl_index} unimported index modules cs # (result=:((appears, unimported), modules, cs)) = elementAppears ST_Class dcl_ident dcl_index unimported index modules cs | appears || not do_temporary_import_solution_XXX = result = atomAppears dcl_ident dcl_index unimported index modules cs decl_appears {dcl_ident, dcl_kind, dcl_index} unimported index modules cs | isAtom dcl_kind = atomAppears dcl_ident dcl_index unimported index modules cs where isAtom STE_DclFunction = True isAtom (STE_FunctionOrMacro _) = True isAtom STE_Class = True isAtom STE_Type = True isAtom STE_Instance = True elementAppears :: .StructureType Ident !.Int !(.a,![(Ident,.StructureInfo,.StructureType,Optional .Int)]) !.Int !*{#.DclModule} !*CheckState -> (!(!Bool,(!.a,![(Ident,StructureInfo,StructureType,Optional Int)])),!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState); elementAppears imported_st dcl_ident dcl_index (atomicImports, structureImports) index modules cs # ((result, structureImports), modules, cs) = element_appears imported_st dcl_ident dcl_index structureImports structureImports 0 index modules cs = ((result, (atomicImports, structureImports)), modules, cs) atomAppears dcl_ident dcl_index (atomicImports, structureImports) index modules cs # ((result, atomicImports), modules, cs) = atom_appears dcl_ident dcl_index atomicImports atomicImports 0 index modules cs = ((result, (atomicImports, structureImports)), modules, cs) atom_appears :: Ident !.Int [(Ident,.AtomType)] w:[y:(Ident,u1:AtomType)] !Int !.Int !u:{#u3:DclModule} !*CheckState -> (!(.Bool,x:[z:(Ident,u2:AtomType)]),!v:{#DclModule},!.CheckState) , [u <= v, u1 <= u2, y <= z, w <= x, u <= u3]; atom_appears _ _ [] atomic_imports _ _ modules cs = ((False, atomic_imports), modules, cs) atom_appears ident dcl_index [h=:(import_ident, atomType):t] atomic_imports unimp_index index modules cs // MW2.. | do_temporary_import_solution_XXX && ident.id_name==import_ident.id_name && atomType==(AT_stomme_funktion_die_alle_symbolen_kann_importeren_omdat_niemand_zin_heft_oude_pragrammen_naar_de_nieuwe_syntax_te_vertalen True) // True or False doesn't matter in this line # new_h = (import_ident, AT_stomme_funktion_die_alle_symbolen_kann_importeren_omdat_niemand_zin_heft_oude_pragrammen_naar_de_nieuwe_syntax_te_vertalen True) = ((True, [new_h: removeAt unimp_index atomic_imports]), modules, cs) // ..MW2 | ident==import_ident # (modules, cs) = checkRecordError atomType import_ident dcl_index index modules cs = ((True, removeAt unimp_index atomic_imports), modules, cs) // goes further with next alternative where checkRecordError atomType import_ident dcl_index index modules cs # (td_rhs, modules, cs) = lookup_type dcl_index index modules cs cs_error = cs.cs_error cs_error = case atomType of AT_RecordType -> case td_rhs of RecordType _ -> cs_error _ -> checkError import_ident "imported as a record type" cs_error AT_AlgType -> case td_rhs of AlgType _ -> cs_error _ -> checkError import_ident "imported as an algebraic type" cs_error _ -> cs_error = (modules, { cs & cs_error=cs_error }) atom_appears ident dcl_index [h:t] atomic_imports unimp_index index modules cs = atom_appears ident dcl_index t atomic_imports (inc unimp_index) index modules cs instance == StructureType where (==) ST_AlgType ST_AlgType = True (==) ST_RecordType ST_RecordType = True (==) ST_Class ST_Class = True (==) _ _ = False element_appears :: StructureType Ident !Int [(Ident,.StructureInfo,u2:StructureType,z:Optional .Int)] u:[w:(Ident,u5:StructureInfo,u3:StructureType,y:Optional Int)] !Int !Int !*{#DclModule} !*CheckState -> (!(!Bool,!v:[x:(Ident,u6:StructureInfo,u4:StructureType,u1:Optional Int)]),!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState), [y z <= u1, u3 <= u4, u5 <= u6, w <= x, u <= v, u2 <= u3]; element_appears _ _ _ [] atomic_imports _ _ modules cs = ((False, atomic_imports), modules, cs) // MW2 remove this later .. element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index [(_, SI_DotDot, ST_stomm_stomm_stomm type_name_string, optInfo):t] atomic_imports unimp_index index modules cs | do_temporary_import_solution_XXX # (appears, modules, cs) = element_appears_in_stomm_struct imported_st element_ident dcl_index index type_name_string modules cs | appears = ((appears, atomic_imports), modules, cs) = element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index t atomic_imports (inc unimp_index) index modules cs // otherwise go further with next alternative // ..MW2 element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index [(_, _, st, _):t] atomic_imports unimp_index index modules cs | imported_st<>st = element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index t atomic_imports (inc unimp_index) index modules cs // goes further with next alternative element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index [(_, _, _, (Yes notDefinedHere)):t] atomic_imports unimp_index index modules cs | notDefinedHere==dcl_index = element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index t atomic_imports (inc unimp_index) index modules cs // goes further with next alternative element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index [(struct_id, (SI_Elements elements explicit), st, optInfo):t] atomic_imports unimp_index index modules cs | not (isMember element_ident elements) = element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index t atomic_imports (inc unimp_index) index modules cs # (l,r) = span ((<>) element_ident) elements oneLess = l++(tl r) newStructure = (struct_id, (SI_Elements oneLess explicit), st, optInfo) atomic_imports_1 = removeAt unimp_index atomic_imports | not explicit = ((True, [newStructure: atomic_imports_1]), modules, cs) // the found element was explicitly specified by the programmer: check it # (appears, _, _, modules, cs) = element_appears_in_struct imported_st element_ident dcl_index struct_id index modules cs | appears = ((True, [newStructure: atomic_imports_1]), modules, cs) # message = "does not belong to specified "+++(case st of ST_Class -> "class." _ -> "type.") cs = { cs & cs_error= checkError element_ident message cs.cs_error} = ((False, atomic_imports_1), modules, cs) element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index [(struct_id, SI_DotDot, st, optInfo):t] atomic_imports unimp_index index modules cs | (case st of ST_stomm_stomm_stomm _ -> True _ -> False) && (False->>"element_appears weird case") = undef # (appears, defined, opt_element_idents, modules, cs) = element_appears_in_struct imported_st element_ident dcl_index struct_id index modules cs | not appears # structureInfo = case opt_element_idents of No -> SI_DotDot Yes element_idents -> (SI_Elements element_idents False) newStructure = (struct_id, structureInfo, st, (if defined No (Yes dcl_index))) new_atomic_imports = [newStructure : removeAt unimp_index atomic_imports] = element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index t new_atomic_imports (inc unimp_index) index modules cs # (Yes element_idents) = opt_element_idents oneLess = filter ((<>) element_ident) element_idents newStructure = (struct_id, (SI_Elements oneLess False), st, No) new_atomic_imports = [newStructure : removeAt unimp_index atomic_imports] = ((True,new_atomic_imports), modules, cs) element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index [h:t] atomic_imports unimp_index index modules cs = element_appears imported_st element_ident dcl_index t atomic_imports (inc unimp_index) index modules cs lookup_type dcl_index index modules cs # (dcl_module=:{dcl_name=dcl_name=:{id_info}}, modules) = modules ! [index] (module_entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs.cs_symbol_table cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table=cs_symbol_table } = continuation module_entry.ste_kind dcl_module modules cs where continuation (STE_OpenModule _ modul) _ modules cs # allTypes = modul.mod_defs.def_types = ((allTypes !! dcl_index).td_rhs, modules, cs) continuation STE_ClosedModule dcl_module modules cs # com_type_def = dcl_module.dcl_common.com_type_defs.[dcl_index] = (com_type_def.td_rhs, modules, cs) element_appears_in_stomm_struct :: .StructureType Ident .Int .Int .String *{#DclModule} !*CheckState -> (!Bool,!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState) // MW remove this later CCC element_appears_in_stomm_struct imported_st element_ident dcl_index index type_name_string modules cs | not do_temporary_import_solution_XXX = abort "element_appears_in_stomm_struct will be never called, when the above guard holds. This statement is only to remind people to remove this function." # (dcl_module=:{dcl_name=dcl_name=:{id_info}}, modules) = modules ! [index] (module_entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs.cs_symbol_table #! cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table=cs_symbol_table } // = continuation imported_st module_entry.ste_kind dcl_module modules cs = (appears imported_st module_entry.ste_kind dcl_module.dcl_common,modules,cs); where appears ST_RecordType (STE_OpenModule _ modul) _ // lookup the constructors/fields for the algebraic type/record # allTypes = modul.mod_defs.def_types search = dropWhile (\{td_name} -> td_name.id_name<>type_name_string) allTypes | isEmpty search = False # {td_rhs} = hd search | not (isRecordType td_rhs) = False # element_idents = getElements td_rhs = isMember element_ident element_idents appears ST_RecordType STE_ClosedModule dcl_common // lookup the type of the constructor and compare # type_index = dcl_common.com_selector_defs.[dcl_index].sd_type_index com_type_def = dcl_common.com_type_defs.[type_index] appears = com_type_def.td_name.id_name==type_name_string = appears appears ST_Class (STE_OpenModule _ modul) _ // lookup the members for the class # allClasses = modul.mod_defs.def_classes search = dropWhile (\{class_name} -> class_name.id_name<>type_name_string) allClasses | isEmpty search = False # {class_members} = hd search element_idents = [ ds_ident \\ {ds_ident} <-:class_members ] = isMember element_ident element_idents appears ST_Class STE_ClosedModule dcl_common // lookup the class and compare # com_member_def = dcl_common.com_member_defs.[dcl_index] {glob_object} = com_member_def.me_class com_class_def = dcl_common.com_class_defs.[glob_object] appears = com_class_def.class_name.id_name==type_name_string = appears appears _ _ _ = False getElements (RecordType {rt_fields}) = [ fs_name \\ {fs_name}<-:rt_fields ] getElements _ = [] isRecordType (RecordType _) = True isRecordType _ = False // ..MW /* 1st result: whether the element appears in the structure 2nd result: whether the structure is defined at all in the module 3rd result: Yes: a list of all idents of the elements of the structure the first bool implies the second */ element_appears_in_struct imported_st element_ident dcl_index struct_ident index modules cs # (dcl_module=:{dcl_name=dcl_name=:{id_info}}, modules) = modules ! [index] (module_entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs.cs_symbol_table cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table=cs_symbol_table } = continuation imported_st module_entry.ste_kind dcl_module modules cs where continuation ST_Class (STE_OpenModule _ modul) _ modules cs // lookup the members for the class # allClasses = modul.mod_defs.def_classes search = dropWhile (\{class_name} -> class_name<>struct_ident) allClasses | isEmpty search = (False, False, No, modules, cs) # {class_members} = hd search element_idents = [ ds_ident \\ {ds_ident} <-:class_members ] = (isMember element_ident element_idents, True, Yes element_idents, modules, cs) continuation imported_st (STE_OpenModule _ modul) _ modules cs // lookup the constructors/fields for the algebraic type/record # allTypes = modul.mod_defs.def_types search = dropWhile (\{td_name} -> td_name<>struct_ident) allTypes | isEmpty search = (False, False, No, modules, cs) # {td_rhs} = hd search | not (isAlgOrRecordType td_rhs) = (False, True, No, modules, cs) # element_idents = getElements td_rhs = (isMember element_ident element_idents, True, Yes element_idents, modules, cs) continuation ST_Class STE_ClosedModule dcl_module modules cs // lookup the class and compare # com_member_def = dcl_module.dcl_common.com_member_defs.[dcl_index] {glob_object} = com_member_def.me_class com_class_def = dcl_module.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[glob_object] allMembers = com_class_def.class_members member_idents = [ ds_ident \\ {ds_ident} <-: allMembers] appears = com_class_def.class_name==struct_ident = (appears, True, if appears (Yes member_idents) No, modules, cs) continuation imported_st STE_ClosedModule dcl_module modules cs // lookup the type of the constructor and compare # type_index = if (imported_st==ST_AlgType) dcl_module.dcl_common.com_cons_defs.[dcl_index].cons_type_index dcl_module.dcl_common.com_selector_defs.[dcl_index].sd_type_index com_type_def = dcl_module.dcl_common.com_type_defs.[type_index] element_idents = getElements com_type_def.td_rhs appears = com_type_def.td_name==struct_ident = (appears, True, if appears (Yes element_idents) No, modules, cs) isAlgOrRecordType (AlgType _) = True isAlgOrRecordType (RecordType _) = True isAlgOrRecordType _ = False getElements (AlgType constructor_symbols) = [ds_ident \\ {ds_ident} <- constructor_symbols] getElements (RecordType {rt_fields}) = [ fs_name \\ {fs_name}<-:rt_fields ] getElements _ = [] :: CheckCompletenessState = { ccs_dcl_modules :: !.{#DclModule} , ccs_icl_functions :: !.{#FunDef} , ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs :: !.{#Bool} // ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[i] <=> function nr i has been considered , ccs_expr_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap , ccs_symbol_table :: !.SymbolTable , ccs_error :: !.ErrorAdmin , ccs_heap_changes_accu :: ![SymbolPtr] } :: *CheckCompletenessStateBox = { box_ccs :: !*CheckCompletenessState } :: CheckCompletenessInput = { cci_line_nr :: !Int , cci_filename :: !String , cci_expl_imported_ident :: !Ident , cci_main_dcl_module_n::!Int } :: CheckCompletenessInputBox = { box_cci :: !CheckCompletenessInput } checkExplicitImportCompleteness :: !String !Int ![ExplicitImport] !*{#DclModule} !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionHeap !*CheckState -> (!.{#DclModule},!.{#FunDef},!.ExpressionHeap,!.CheckState) checkExplicitImportCompleteness filename main_dcl_module_n dcls_explicit dcl_modules icl_functions expr_heap cs=:{cs_symbol_table, cs_error} #! nr_icl_functions = size icl_functions box_ccs = { ccs_dcl_modules = dcl_modules, ccs_icl_functions = icl_functions, ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs = createArray nr_icl_functions False, ccs_expr_heap = expr_heap, ccs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table, ccs_error = cs_error, ccs_heap_changes_accu = [] } ccs = foldSt (checkCompleteness filename) dcls_explicit { box_ccs = box_ccs } { ccs_dcl_modules, ccs_icl_functions, ccs_expr_heap, ccs_symbol_table, ccs_error, ccs_heap_changes_accu } = ccs.box_ccs // repair heap contents ccs_symbol_table = foldSt replace_ste_with_previous ccs_heap_changes_accu ccs_symbol_table cs = { cs & cs_symbol_table = ccs_symbol_table, cs_error = ccs_error } = (ccs_dcl_modules, ccs_icl_functions, ccs_expr_heap, cs) where checkCompleteness :: !String !ExplicitImport *CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox checkCompleteness filename (ExplicitImport {dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro _} line_nr) ccs = checkCompletenessOfMacro filename dcl_ident dcl_index main_dcl_module_n line_nr ccs checkCompleteness filename (ExplicitImport {dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_Imported (STE_FunctionOrMacro _) mod_index} line_nr) ccs = checkCompletenessOfMacro filename dcl_ident dcl_index main_dcl_module_n line_nr ccs checkCompleteness filename (ExplicitImport {dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_Imported expl_imp_kind mod_index} line_nr) ccs #! ({dcl_common,dcl_functions}, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_dcl_modules.[mod_index] cci = { box_cci = { cci_line_nr = line_nr, cci_filename = filename, cci_expl_imported_ident = dcl_ident,cci_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n }} /* XXX this case expression causes the compiler to be not self compilable anymore (12.7.2000). The bug is probably in module refmark. The corresponding continuation function can be compiled = case expl_imp_kind of STE_Type -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_type_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs STE_Constructor -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_cons_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs (STE_Field _) -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_selector_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs STE_Class -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_class_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs STE_Member -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_member_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs STE_Instance -> check_completeness dcl_common.com_instance_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs STE_DclFunction -> check_completeness dcl_functions.[dcl_index] cci ccs */ = continuation expl_imp_kind dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs where continuation STE_Type dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs = check_completeness dcl_common.com_type_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs continuation STE_Constructor dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs = check_completeness dcl_common.com_cons_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs continuation (STE_Field _) dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs = check_completeness dcl_common.com_selector_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs continuation STE_Class dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs = check_completeness dcl_common.com_class_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs continuation STE_Member dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs = check_completeness dcl_common.com_member_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs continuation STE_Instance dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs = check_completeness dcl_common.com_instance_defs.[dcl_index] cci ccs continuation STE_DclFunction dcl_common dcl_functions cci ccs = check_completeness dcl_functions.[dcl_index] cci ccs checkCompletenessOfMacro :: !String !Ident !Index !Int !Int *CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox checkCompletenessOfMacro filename dcl_ident dcl_index main_dcl_module_n line_nr ccs #! ({fun_body}, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_icl_functions.[dcl_index] ccs = { ccs & box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[dcl_index] = True } cci = { box_cci = { cci_line_nr = line_nr, cci_filename = filename, cci_expl_imported_ident = dcl_ident,cci_main_dcl_module_n=main_dcl_module_n }} = check_completeness fun_body cci ccs replace_ste_with_previous :: !SymbolPtr !*SymbolTable -> .SymbolTable replace_ste_with_previous changed_ste_ptr symbol_table #! ({ste_previous}, symbol_table) = readPtr changed_ste_ptr symbol_table = writePtr changed_ste_ptr ste_previous symbol_table instance toString STE_Kind where toString (STE_FunctionOrMacro _) = "function/macro" toString STE_Type = "type" toString STE_Constructor = "constructor" toString (STE_Field _) = "field" toString STE_Class = "class" toString STE_Member = "class member" check_whether_ident_is_imported :: !Ident !STE_Kind !CheckCompletenessInputBox !*CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox check_whether_ident_is_imported ident wanted_ste_kind cci ccs=:{box_ccs=box_ccs=:{ccs_symbol_table}} #! (ste=:{ste_kind}, ccs_symbol_table) = readPtr ident.id_info ccs_symbol_table ccs = { ccs & box_ccs = { box_ccs & ccs_symbol_table = ccs_symbol_table } } | is_imported ste_kind wanted_ste_kind = ccs #! (ccs=:{box_ccs=box_ccs=:{ccs_symbol_table, ccs_error, ccs_heap_changes_accu}}) = ccs {box_cci={cci_line_nr, cci_filename, cci_expl_imported_ident}} = cci ident_pos = {ip_ident= { id_name="import", id_info=nilPtr }, ip_line=cci_line_nr, ip_file=cci_filename} ccs_error = checkErrorWithIdentPos ident_pos (cci_expl_imported_ident.id_name+++" explicitly imported without importing " +++toString wanted_ste_kind+++" "+++ident.id_name) ccs_error // pretend that the unimported symbol was imported to prevent doubling error mesages ccs_symbol_table = writePtr ident.id_info { ste & ste_kind = wanted_ste_kind, ste_previous = ste } ccs_symbol_table = { ccs & box_ccs = { box_ccs & ccs_error = ccs_error, ccs_symbol_table = ccs_symbol_table, ccs_heap_changes_accu = [ident.id_info:ccs_heap_changes_accu] }} where is_imported (STE_Imported ste_kind _) wanted_ste_kind = ste_kind==wanted_ste_kind is_imported ste_kind wanted_ste_kind = ste_kind==wanted_ste_kind class check_completeness x :: !x !CheckCompletenessInputBox !*CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox instance check_completeness App where check_completeness {app_symb, app_args} cci ccs = check_completeness app_symb cci (check_completeness app_args cci ccs) instance check_completeness AlgebraicPattern where check_completeness {ap_symbol, ap_expr} cci ccs = check_completeness ap_expr cci (check_whether_ident_is_imported ap_symbol.glob_object.ds_ident STE_Constructor cci ccs) instance check_completeness AType where check_completeness {at_type} cci ccs = check_completeness at_type cci ccs instance check_completeness BasicPattern where check_completeness {bp_expr} cci ccs = check_completeness bp_expr cci ccs instance check_completeness (Bind Expression FreeVar) where check_completeness {bind_src} cci ccs = check_completeness bind_src cci ccs instance check_completeness Case where check_completeness { case_expr, case_guards, case_default } cci ccs = ( (check_completeness case_expr cci) o (check_completeness case_guards cci) o (check_completeness case_default cci) ) ccs instance check_completeness CasePatterns where check_completeness (AlgebraicPatterns _ algebraicPatterns) cci ccs = check_completeness algebraicPatterns cci ccs check_completeness (BasicPatterns _ basicPatterns) cci ccs = check_completeness basicPatterns cci ccs check_completeness (DynamicPatterns dynamicPatterns) cci ccs = check_completeness dynamicPatterns cci ccs check_completeness NoPattern _ ccs = ccs instance check_completeness CheckedAlternative where check_completeness {ca_rhs} cci ccs = check_completeness ca_rhs cci ccs instance check_completeness CheckedBody where check_completeness {cb_rhs} cci ccs = check_completeness cb_rhs cci ccs instance check_completeness ClassDef where check_completeness {class_context} cci ccs = check_completeness class_context cci ccs instance check_completeness ClassInstance where check_completeness {ins_type} cci ccs = check_completeness ins_type cci ccs instance check_completeness ConsDef where check_completeness {cons_type} cci ccs = check_completeness cons_type cci ccs instance check_completeness DynamicPattern where check_completeness { dp_rhs, dp_type } cci ccs = check_completeness dp_rhs cci (check_completeness_of_dyn_expr_ptr dp_type cci ccs) instance check_completeness DynamicExpr where check_completeness { dyn_expr, dyn_opt_type } cci ccs = check_completeness dyn_expr cci (check_completeness dyn_opt_type cci ccs) instance check_completeness DynamicType where check_completeness { dt_type } cci ccs = check_completeness dt_type cci ccs instance check_completeness Expression where check_completeness (Var _) cci ccs = ccs check_completeness (App app) cci ccs = check_completeness app cci ccs check_completeness (expression @ expressions) cci ccs = check_completeness expression cci (check_completeness expressions cci ccs) check_completeness (Let lad) cci ccs = check_completeness lad cci ccs check_completeness (Case keesje) cci ccs = check_completeness keesje cci ccs check_completeness (Selection _ expression selections) cci ccs = check_completeness expression cci (check_completeness selections cci ccs) check_completeness (TupleSelect _ _ expression) cci ccs = check_completeness expression cci ccs check_completeness (BasicExpr _ _) _ ccs = ccs check_completeness (AnyCodeExpr _ _ _) _ ccs = ccs check_completeness (ABCCodeExpr _ _) _ ccs = ccs check_completeness (MatchExpr _ constructor expression) cci ccs = check_completeness expression cci (check_whether_ident_is_imported constructor.glob_object.ds_ident STE_Constructor cci ccs) check_completeness (FreeVar _) _ ccs = ccs check_completeness (DynamicExpr dynamicExpr) cci ccs = check_completeness dynamicExpr cci ccs check_completeness EE _ ccs = ccs check_completeness (Update expr1 selections expr2) cci ccs = ( (check_completeness expr1 cci) o (check_completeness selections cci) o (check_completeness expr2) cci ) ccs check_completeness expr _ _ = abort "explicitimports:check_completeness (Expression) does not match" <<- expr instance check_completeness FunctionBody where check_completeness (CheckedBody body) cci ccs = check_completeness body cci ccs check_completeness (TransformedBody body) cci ccs = check_completeness body cci ccs check_completeness (RhsMacroBody body) cci ccs = check_completeness body cci ccs instance check_completeness FunDef where check_completeness {fun_type, fun_body, fun_info} cci ccs = ( (check_completeness fun_type cci) o (check_completeness fun_body cci) o (foldSt (flipM check_completeness_of_dyn_expr_ptr cci) fun_info.fi_dynamics) ) ccs instance check_completeness FunType where check_completeness {ft_type} cci ccs = check_completeness ft_type cci ccs instance check_completeness (Global x) | check_completeness x where check_completeness { glob_object } cci ccs = check_completeness glob_object cci ccs instance check_completeness InstanceType where check_completeness {it_types, it_context} cci ccs = check_completeness it_types cci (check_completeness it_context cci ccs) instance check_completeness Let where check_completeness { let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr } cci ccs = ( (check_completeness let_expr cci) o (check_completeness let_strict_binds cci) o (check_completeness let_lazy_binds cci) ) ccs instance check_completeness MemberDef where check_completeness {me_type} cci ccs = check_completeness me_type cci ccs instance check_completeness (Optional x) | check_completeness x where check_completeness (Yes x) cci ccs = check_completeness x cci ccs check_completeness No _ ccs = ccs instance check_completeness Selection where check_completeness (RecordSelection {glob_object,glob_module} _) cci ccs #! ({dcl_common}, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_dcl_modules.[glob_module] // the selector's filed has to be looked up ({sd_field}) = dcl_common.com_selector_defs.[glob_object.ds_index] = check_whether_ident_is_imported sd_field ste_field cci ccs check_completeness (ArraySelection _ _ index_expr) cci ccs = check_completeness index_expr cci ccs check_completeness (DictionarySelection _ selections _ index_expr) cci ccs = check_completeness selections cci (check_completeness index_expr cci ccs) instance check_completeness SelectorDef where check_completeness {sd_type} cci ccs = check_completeness sd_type cci ccs instance check_completeness SymbIdent where check_completeness {symb_name, symb_kind} cci ccs = case symb_kind of SK_Constructor _ -> check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_name STE_Constructor cci ccs SK_Function global_index -> check_completeness_for_function symb_name global_index ste_fun_or_macro cci ccs SK_LocalMacroFunction function_index -> check_completeness_for_local_macro_function symb_name function_index ste_fun_or_macro cci ccs SK_OverloadedFunction global_index -> check_completeness_for_function symb_name global_index STE_Member cci ccs SK_Macro global_index -> check_completeness_for_function symb_name global_index ste_fun_or_macro cci ccs where check_completeness_for_function symb_name {glob_object,glob_module} wanted_ste_kind cci ccs | glob_module<>cci.box_cci.cci_main_dcl_module_n // the function that is referred from within a macro is a DclFunction // -> must be global -> has to be imported = check_whether_ident_is_imported symb_name wanted_ste_kind cci ccs #! (fun_def, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_icl_functions.[glob_object] // otherwise the function was defined locally in a macro // it is not a consequence, but it's type and body are consequences ! #! (already_visited, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[glob_object] | already_visited = ccs #! ccs = { ccs & box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[glob_object] = True } = check_completeness fun_def cci ccs check_completeness_for_local_macro_function symb_name glob_object wanted_ste_kind cci ccs #! (fun_def, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_icl_functions.[glob_object] // otherwise the function was defined locally in a macro // it is not a consequence, but it's type and body are consequences ! #! (already_visited, ccs) = ccs!box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[glob_object] | already_visited = ccs #! ccs = { ccs & box_ccs.ccs_set_of_visited_icl_funs.[glob_object] = True } = check_completeness fun_def cci ccs instance check_completeness SymbolType where check_completeness {st_args, st_result, st_context} cci ccs = ( (check_completeness st_args cci) o (check_completeness st_result cci) o (check_completeness st_context cci) ) ccs instance check_completeness TransformedBody where check_completeness {tb_rhs} cci ccs = check_completeness tb_rhs cci ccs instance check_completeness Type where check_completeness (TA {type_name} arguments) cci ccs = check_completeness arguments cci (check_whether_ident_is_imported type_name STE_Type cci ccs) check_completeness (l --> r) cci ccs = check_completeness l cci (check_completeness r cci ccs) check_completeness (_ :@: arguments) cci ccs = check_completeness arguments cci ccs check_completeness _ _ ccs = ccs instance check_completeness TypeContext where check_completeness {tc_class, tc_types} cci ccs = check_completeness tc_types cci (check_whether_ident_is_imported tc_class.glob_object.ds_ident STE_Class cci ccs) instance check_completeness (TypeDef TypeRhs) where check_completeness {td_rhs, td_context} cci ccs = check_completeness td_rhs cci (check_completeness td_context cci ccs) instance check_completeness TypeRhs where check_completeness (SynType aType) cci ccs = check_completeness aType cci ccs check_completeness _ _ ccs = ccs instance check_completeness [a] | check_completeness a where check_completeness [] _ ccs = ccs check_completeness [h:t] cci ccs = check_completeness h cci (check_completeness t cci ccs) check_completeness_of_dyn_expr_ptr :: !ExprInfoPtr !CheckCompletenessInputBox !*CheckCompletenessStateBox -> *CheckCompletenessStateBox check_completeness_of_dyn_expr_ptr dyn_expr_ptr cci ccs=:{box_ccs=box_ccs=:{ccs_expr_heap}} #! (expr_info, ccs_expr_heap) = readPtr dyn_expr_ptr ccs_expr_heap ccs = { ccs & box_ccs = { box_ccs & ccs_expr_heap = ccs_expr_heap }} = case expr_info of (EI_Dynamic No) -> ccs (EI_Dynamic (Yes dynamic_type)) -> check_completeness dynamic_type cci ccs (EI_DynamicType dynamic_type further_dynamic_ptrs) -> check_completeness dynamic_type cci (foldSt (flipM check_completeness_of_dyn_expr_ptr cci) further_dynamic_ptrs ccs) (EI_DynamicTypeWithVars _ dynamic_type further_dynamic_ptrs) -> check_completeness dynamic_type cci (foldSt (flipM check_completeness_of_dyn_expr_ptr cci) further_dynamic_ptrs ccs) flipM f a b :== f b a // STE_Kinds just for comparision ste_field =: STE_Field { id_name="", id_info=nilPtr } ste_fun_or_macro =: STE_FunctionOrMacro []