	module owner: Ronny Wichers Schreur
implementation module convertDynamics

import syntax

from type_io_common import PredefinedModuleName
// Optional
extended_unify_and_coerce no yes :== no;	// change also _unify and _coerce in StdDynamic

import type_io;

:: TypeCodeVariableInfo = TCI_TypeVar !Expression
						| TCI_TypePatternVar !Expression
						| TCI_SelectionsTypePatternVar ![(Expression,[Selection])]

:: DynamicValueAliasInfo :== BoundVar

::	*ConversionState =
	{	ci_predef_symb		:: !*PredefinedSymbols
	,	ci_var_heap			:: !*VarHeap
	,	ci_expr_heap		:: !*ExpressionHeap
	,	ci_new_variables 	:: ![FreeVar]

	,	ci_type_pattern_var_count	:: !Int	
	,	ci_type_var_count :: !Int

:: DynamicRepresentation =
	{	dr_type_ident		:: SymbIdent
	,	dr_dynamic_type		:: Global Index
	,	dr_dynamic_symbol	:: Global DefinedSymbol

::	ConversionInput =
	{	cinp_dynamic_representation	:: DynamicRepresentation
	,	cinp_st_args		:: ![FreeVar]
	,	cinp_subst_var		:: !BoundVar

fatal :: {#Char} {#Char} -> .a
fatal function_name message
	=	abort ("convertDynamics, " +++ function_name +++ ": " +++ message)

write_tcl_file main_dcl_module_n dcl_mods=:{[main_dcl_module_n] = main_dcl_module} icl_common_defs tcl_file directly_imported_dcl_modules type_heaps 
			   predefined_symbols imported_types var_heap common_defs icl_mod
	# (pre_mod, predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![PD_PredefinedModule]
	# write_type_info_state2
		= { WriteTypeInfoState |
			wtis_n_type_vars				= 0
		,	wtis_predefined_module_def		= pre_mod.pds_module
		,	wtis_common_defs				= common_defs
		,	wtis_type_defs					= imported_types
	  	, 	wtis_collected_conses			= []
	  	, 	wtis_type_heaps					= type_heaps
	  	, 	wtis_var_heap					= var_heap
	  	, 	wtis_main_dcl_module_n			= main_dcl_module_n

	# (j,tcl_file)
		= fposition tcl_file

	#! (tcl_file,write_type_info_state)
		= write_type_info icl_common_defs tcl_file write_type_info_state2

	#! (tcl_file,write_type_info_state)
		= write_type_info directly_imported_dcl_modules tcl_file write_type_info_state

	// dynamic pattern matches
	#! (tcl_file,write_type_info_state)
		= write_type_info no_type_symb_ident tcl_file write_type_info_state
			no_type_symb_ident :: [TypeSymbIdent]
				=	[]

	#! (tcl_file,write_type_info_state)
		= write_type_info (help_20_compiler { dcl_name.id_name\\ {dcl_name} <-: dcl_mods }) tcl_file write_type_info_state
				help_20_compiler :: {#{#Char}} -> {#{#Char}}
				help_20_compiler l = l
	#! tcl_file
		= fwritei (size main_dcl_module.dcl_common.com_type_defs) tcl_file
	#! tcl_file
	 	= fwritei (size main_dcl_module.dcl_common.com_cons_defs) tcl_file
	#! (type_heaps,imported_types,var_heap)
		= f write_type_info_state;	
	= (True,tcl_file,type_heaps,predefined_symbols,imported_types,var_heap) 
	f write_type_info_state=:{wtis_type_heaps,wtis_type_defs,wtis_var_heap}
		= (wtis_type_heaps,wtis_type_defs,wtis_var_heap)

convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls :: !{# CommonDefs} !Int !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*PredefinedSymbols !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap (Optional *File) {# DclModule} !IclModule [String]
			-> (!*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap, (Optional *File))
convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls common_defs main_dcl_module_n groups fun_defs predefined_symbols var_heap type_heaps expr_heap tcl_file dcl_mods icl_mod directly_imported_dcl_modules
	#! (dynamic_representation,predefined_symbols)
		=	create_dynamic_and_selector_idents common_defs predefined_symbols

	# imported_types = {com_type_defs \\ {com_type_defs} <-: common_defs }
	# (groups, (fun_defs, {ci_predef_symb, ci_var_heap, ci_expr_heap}))
			= convert_groups 0 groups dynamic_representation (fun_defs, {	
							ci_predef_symb = predefined_symbols, ci_var_heap = var_heap, ci_expr_heap = expr_heap,
							ci_new_variables = [],
							ci_type_var_count = 0,
							ci_type_pattern_var_count = 0
	// store type info			
	# (tcl_file,type_heaps,ci_predef_symb,imported_types,ci_var_heap)
		= case tcl_file of
				-> (No,type_heaps,ci_predef_symb,imported_types,ci_var_heap)
			Yes tcl_file
				# (ok,tcl_file,type_heaps,ci_predef_symb,imported_types,ci_var_heap)
					= write_tcl_file main_dcl_module_n dcl_mods icl_mod.icl_common tcl_file directly_imported_dcl_modules type_heaps ci_predef_symb 
									 imported_types ci_var_heap common_defs icl_mod
				| not ok
					-> abort "convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls: error writing tcl file"
					-> (Yes tcl_file,type_heaps,ci_predef_symb,imported_types,ci_var_heap)

	= (groups, fun_defs, ci_predef_symb, imported_types, [], ci_var_heap, type_heaps, ci_expr_heap, tcl_file)
	convert_groups group_nr groups dynamic_representation fun_defs_and_ci
		| group_nr == size groups
			= (groups, fun_defs_and_ci)
			# (group, groups) = groups![group_nr]
			= convert_groups (inc group_nr) groups dynamic_representation (foldSt (convert_function group_nr dynamic_representation) group.group_members fun_defs_and_ci)

	convert_function group_nr dynamic_representation fun (fun_defs, ci)
		# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
		  {fun_body, fun_type, fun_info} = fun_def
		| isEmpty fun_info.fi_dynamics
			= (fun_defs, ci)

			# (unify_subst_var, ci) = newVariable "unify_subst" VI_Empty ci
			# ci = {ci & ci_type_pattern_var_count = 0, ci_type_var_count = 0}

			# (fun_body, ci) = convertDynamics {cinp_st_args = [], cinp_dynamic_representation = dynamic_representation,
					cinp_subst_var = unify_subst_var} fun_body ci

			= ({fun_defs & [fun] = { fun_def & fun_body = fun_body, fun_info = { fun_info & fi_local_vars = ci.ci_new_variables ++ fun_info.fi_local_vars }}},
				{ ci & ci_new_variables = [] })

class convertDynamics a :: !ConversionInput !a !*ConversionState -> (!a, !*ConversionState)

instance convertDynamics [a] | convertDynamics a where
	convertDynamics cinp xs ci
		=	mapSt (convertDynamics cinp) xs ci

instance convertDynamics (Optional a) | convertDynamics a where
	convertDynamics cinp (Yes x) ci
		# (x, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp x ci
		=	(Yes x, ci)
	convertDynamics _ No ci
		=	(No, ci)

instance convertDynamics FunctionBody where
	convertDynamics cinp (TransformedBody body) ci
		# (body, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp body ci
		=	(TransformedBody body, ci)

instance convertDynamics TransformedBody where
	convertDynamics cinp body=:{tb_args,tb_rhs} ci=:{ci_var_heap}
		// this actually marks all arguments as type terms (also the regular arguments
		// and dictionaries)
//		# ci_var_heap
//			=	foldSt mark_var tb_args ci_var_heap
		# (tb_rhs, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp tb_rhs {ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap}
		# (global_tpvs, subst, ci)
			=	foldSt collect_global_type_pattern_var tb_args ([], cinp.cinp_subst_var, ci)
		# (tb_rhs, ci)
			=	share_init_subst subst global_tpvs tb_rhs ci
		=	({body & tb_rhs = tb_rhs}, ci)
//			mark_var :: FreeVar *VarHeap -> *VarHeap
//			mark_var {fv_info_ptr} var_heap
//				=	writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_TypeCodeVariable TCI_TypeTerm) var_heap

			collect_global_type_pattern_var :: FreeVar ([LetBind], BoundVar, *ConversionState) -> ([LetBind], BoundVar, *ConversionState)
			collect_global_type_pattern_var {fv_info_ptr} (let_binds, subst, ci)
			  #	(var_info, ci_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr ci.ci_var_heap
				ci = {ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap}
			  =	case var_info of
					VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_TypePatternVar tpv)
						# type_code = Var {var_ident = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
						-> bind_global_type_pattern_var tpv type_code let_binds subst ci
					VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_SelectionsTypePatternVar tc_selections)
						-> collect_global_type_pattern_var_selections tc_selections fv_info_ptr let_binds subst ci
						-> (let_binds, subst, ci)
				bind_global_type_pattern_var tpv type_code let_binds subst ci
				  #	(bind_global_tpv_symb, ci)
						= getSymbol PD_Dyn_bind_global_type_pattern_var SK_Function 3 ci
					(unify_subst_var, ci) = newVariable "gtpv_subst" VI_Empty ci
						= { lb_src = App {	app_symb		= bind_global_tpv_symb,
											app_args 		= [tpv, type_code, Var unify_subst_var],
											app_info_ptr	= nilPtr }
						,	lb_dst =  varToFreeVar subst 1
						,	lb_position = NoPos }
				  =	([let_bind:let_binds], unify_subst_var, ci)

				collect_global_type_pattern_var_selections [(tpv,selections):tc_selections] fv_info_ptr let_binds subst ci
				  #	dictionary = Var {var_ident = a_ij_var_name, var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
					type_code = Selection NormalSelector dictionary selections
					(let_binds,subst,ci) = bind_global_type_pattern_var tpv type_code let_binds subst ci
				  =	collect_global_type_pattern_var_selections tc_selections fv_info_ptr let_binds subst ci
				collect_global_type_pattern_var_selections [] fv_info_ptr let_binds subst ci
				  =	(let_binds,subst,ci)

			share_init_subst :: BoundVar [LetBind] Expression *ConversionState
					-> (Expression, *ConversionState)
			share_init_subst subst global_tpv_binds rhs ci=:{ci_type_pattern_var_count, ci_type_var_count}
				#  (initial_unifier_symb, ci) 
					=	getSymbol PD_Dyn_initial_unification_environment SK_Function 2 ci

				# let_bind_initial_subst
					= { lb_src = App {	app_symb		= initial_unifier_symb,
										app_args 		=
												[	BasicExpr (BVInt ci_type_pattern_var_count)
												,	BasicExpr (BVInt ci_type_var_count)
										app_info_ptr	= nilPtr }
					,	lb_dst =  varToFreeVar subst 1
					,	lb_position = NoPos

				# let_binds
					=	[let_bind_initial_subst : global_tpv_binds]
				# (let_info_ptr,  ci)	= let_ptr (length let_binds) ci
				# ci
					= { ci & 
						ci_new_variables	= [lb_dst  \\ {lb_dst} <- let_binds] ++ ci.ci_new_variables
				# rhs
					= Let {	let_strict_binds	= [],
							let_lazy_binds		= let_binds,
							let_expr			= rhs,
							let_info_ptr		= let_info_ptr,
							let_expr_position	= NoPos
				=	(rhs, ci)

instance convertDynamics LetBind where
	convertDynamics cinp binding=:{lb_src} ci
		# (lb_src, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp lb_src ci
		=	({binding &  lb_src = lb_src}, ci)

instance convertDynamics (Bind a b) | convertDynamics a where
	convertDynamics cinp binding=:{bind_src} ci
		# (bind_src, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp bind_src ci
		=	({binding &  bind_src = bind_src}, ci)

instance convertDynamics Expression where
	convertDynamics cinp (TypeCodeExpression tce) ci
		# (dyn_type_code, ci)
			=	convertExprTypeCode cinp tce ci
		=	(dyn_type_code, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (Var var) ci
		# (info, ci_var_heap)
			=	readPtr var.var_info_ptr ci.ci_var_heap
		# ci
			=	{ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap}
		=	case (info, ci) of
				(VI_DynamicValueAlias value_var, ci)
					->	(Var value_var, ci)
				(_, ci)
					->	(Var var, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (App app) ci
		# (app, ci)
			= convertDynamics cinp app ci
		=	(App app, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (expr @ exprs) ci
		# (expr, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp expr  ci
		  (exprs, ci)
		  	=	convertDynamics cinp exprs ci
		=	(expr @ exprs, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (Let letje) ci
		# (letje, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp letje  ci
		=	(Let letje, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (Case kees) ci
		# (kees,  ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp kees  ci
		=	(Case kees, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (Selection opt_symb expression selections) ci
		# (expression,ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp expression ci
		# (selections,ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp selections ci
		=	(Selection opt_symb expression selections, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (Update expression1 selections expression2) ci
		# (expression1, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp expression1 ci
		# (selections, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp selections ci
		# (expression2, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp expression2 ci
		=	(Update expression1 selections expression2, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions) ci
		# (expression, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp expression ci
		# (expressions, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp expressions ci
		=	(RecordUpdate cons_symbol expression expressions, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (TupleSelect definedSymbol int expression) ci
		# (expression, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp expression ci
		=	(TupleSelect definedSymbol int expression, ci)
	convertDynamics _ be=:(BasicExpr _) ci
		=	(be, ci)
	convertDynamics _ code_expr=:(AnyCodeExpr _ _ _) ci
		=	(code_expr, ci)
	convertDynamics _ code_expr=:(ABCCodeExpr _ _) ci
		=	(code_expr, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (MatchExpr symb expression) ci
		# (expression, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp expression ci
		=	(MatchExpr symb expression, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (DynamicExpr dyno) ci
		=	convertDynamic cinp dyno ci
	convertDynamics cinp EE ci
		=	(EE, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp expr=:(NoBind _) ci
		=	(expr,ci)

instance convertDynamics App where
	convertDynamics cinp app=:{app_args} ci
		# (app_args,ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp app_args ci
		=	({app & app_args = app_args}, ci)

instance convertDynamics Let where
	convertDynamics cinp letje=:{let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds,
											let_expr, let_info_ptr} ci
		# (let_strict_binds, ci)
		  	=	convertDynamics cinp let_strict_binds ci
		  (let_lazy_binds, ci)
		  	=	convertDynamics cinp let_lazy_binds ci
		  (let_expr,  ci)
		   	=	convertDynamics cinp let_expr  ci
		  	=	{ letje &  let_strict_binds = let_strict_binds,
		  			let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds, let_expr = let_expr}
		= (letje, ci)

instance convertDynamics Case where
	convertDynamics cinp kees=:{case_expr, case_guards, case_default} ci
		# (case_expr, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp case_expr ci
		# (case_default, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp case_default ci
		# kees
			=	{kees & case_expr=case_expr, case_default=case_default}
		= case case_guards of
			DynamicPatterns alts
				->	convertDynamicCase cinp kees ci
				# (case_guards, ci)
					=	convertDynamics cinp case_guards ci
				# kees
					=	{kees & case_explicit=False, case_guards=case_guards}
				->	(kees, ci)

instance convertDynamics CasePatterns where
	convertDynamics cinp (BasicPatterns type alts) ci
		# (alts, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp alts ci
		=	(BasicPatterns type alts, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (AlgebraicPatterns type alts) ci
		# (alts, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp alts ci
		=	(AlgebraicPatterns type alts, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (OverloadedListPatterns type decons alts) ci
		# (alts, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp alts ci
		=	(OverloadedListPatterns type decons alts, ci)

convertDynamic cinp=:{cinp_dynamic_representation={dr_type_ident}}
					{dyn_expr, dyn_type_code} ci
	# (dyn_expr, ci)
		=	convertDynamics cinp dyn_expr ci
	# (dyn_type_code, ci)
		=	convertExprTypeCode cinp dyn_type_code ci
	=	(App {	app_symb		= dr_type_ident,
				app_args 		= [dyn_expr, dyn_type_code],
				app_info_ptr	= nilPtr }, ci)
convertDynamicCase cinp=:{cinp_dynamic_representation={dr_dynamic_symbol, dr_dynamic_type}}
			kees=:{case_guards=DynamicPatterns alts, case_info_ptr, case_default} ci
	# (value_var, ci)
		=	newVariable "value" VI_Empty ci
	# (type_var, ci)
		=	newVariable "type" VI_Empty ci
	# ci
		=	{ci & ci_new_variables	= [varToFreeVar value_var 1, varToFreeVar type_var 1 : ci.ci_new_variables ]}

	# (result_type, ci)
		=	getResultType case_info_ptr ci
	# (matches, ci)
		=	case convertDynamicAlts cinp kees type_var value_var result_type case_default alts ci of
				(Yes matches, ci) -> (matches, ci)
				_ -> abort "where are those converted dynamics?"
	# match =
		{	ap_symbol	= dr_dynamic_symbol
		,	ap_vars		= [varToFreeVar value_var 1, varToFreeVar type_var 1]
		,	ap_expr		= matches
		,	ap_position	= position alts
	# (case_info_ptr, ci)
		=	dummy_case_ptr result_type ci
	# kees
		=	{kees & case_explicit=False, case_guards=AlgebraicPatterns dr_dynamic_type [match],
								case_default=No, case_info_ptr = case_info_ptr}
	=	(kees, ci)

convertDynamicAlts _ _ _ _ _ defoult [] ci
	=	(defoult, ci)
convertDynamicAlts cinp kees type_var value_var result_type defoult [{dp_rhs, dp_position, dp_type_code, dp_var}:alts] ci
	# (type_code, binds, ci)
		=	convertPatternTypeCode cinp dp_type_code ci

	#  (unify_symb, ci) 
		=	getSymbol PD_Dyn_unify SK_Function (extended_unify_and_coerce 3 4) /*3 was 2 */ ci

	# unify_call
		=	App { app_symb = unify_symb,  app_args = [ Var cinp.cinp_subst_var, Var type_var, type_code],  app_info_ptr = nilPtr }

	// FIXME, more precise types (not all TEs)
	# (let_info_ptr, ci)
		=	let_ptr (/* 4 */ 3+length binds) ci

	  (unify_result_var, ci)
	  	=	newVariable "result" VI_Empty ci
	  	=	varToFreeVar unify_result_var 1
	  (unify_bool_var, ci)
	  	=	newVariable "unify_bool" VI_Empty ci
	  	=	varToFreeVar unify_bool_var 1

	  (unify_subst_var, ci)
	  	=	newVariable "unify_subst" VI_Empty ci
	  	=	varToFreeVar unify_subst_var 1

	# ci_var_heap = writePtr dp_var.fv_info_ptr (VI_DynamicValueAlias value_var) ci.ci_var_heap
	# ci = {ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap}

	# (dp_rhs, ci)
		=	convertDynamics {cinp & cinp_subst_var=unify_subst_var} dp_rhs ci

	# (case_info_ptr, ci)
		=	bool_case_ptr result_type ci
	# case_guards
		=	BasicPatterns BT_Bool
				[{bp_value = BVB True, bp_expr = dp_rhs, bp_position = dp_position}]
	# (case_default, ci)
		=	convertDynamicAlts cinp
				kees type_var value_var result_type defoult alts ci

	# kees
		=	{kees & case_info_ptr=case_info_ptr, case_guards=case_guards,
						case_default=case_default, case_explicit=False, case_expr=Var unify_bool_var}

	# ci
		=	{ci & ci_new_variables	= [unify_result_fv, unify_bool_fv, unify_subst_fv : ci.ci_new_variables ]}

	  (twotuple, ci)
	  	=	getTupleSymbol 2 ci

		=	{	let_strict_binds = [{ lb_src =  unify_call,
		  							   lb_dst = unify_result_fv, lb_position = NoPos },
		  							{ lb_src =  TupleSelect twotuple 0 (Var unify_result_var),
		  							   lb_dst = unify_bool_fv, lb_position = NoPos }]
		  	,	let_lazy_binds = [ // { lb_src = Var value_var, lb_dst = dp_var, lb_position = NoPos },
		  	{ lb_src = TupleSelect twotuple 1 (Var unify_result_var),
		  							   lb_dst = unify_subst_fv, lb_position = NoPos }] ++ binds
			,	let_info_ptr = let_info_ptr
			,	let_expr = Case kees
			,	let_expr_position = NoPos // FIXME, add correct position

	=	(Yes (Let letje), ci)

class position a :: a -> Position

instance position [a] | position a where
	position []
		=	NoPos
	position [h:_]
		=	position h

instance position DynamicPattern where
	position {dp_position}
		=	dp_position

instance convertDynamics BasicPattern where
	convertDynamics cinp alt=:{bp_expr} ci
		# (bp_expr, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp bp_expr ci
		= ({alt & bp_expr=bp_expr}, ci)

instance convertDynamics AlgebraicPattern where
	convertDynamics cinp alt=:{ap_expr} ci
		# (ap_expr, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp ap_expr ci
		=	({alt & ap_expr=ap_expr}, ci)

instance convertDynamics Selection where
	convertDynamics cinp selection=:(RecordSelection _ _) ci
		=	(selection, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (ArraySelection selector expr_ptr expr) ci
		# (expr, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp expr ci
		=	(ArraySelection selector expr_ptr expr, ci)
	convertDynamics cinp (DictionarySelection var selectors expr_ptr expr) ci
		# (expr, ci)
			=	convertDynamics cinp expr ci
		=	(DictionarySelection var selectors expr_ptr expr, ci)

	::	!ConversionInput !TypeCodeExpression !*ConversionState
	->	(!Expression, !*ConversionState)
convertExprTypeCode cinp tce ci
	# (type_code, (has_var, binds, ci))
		=	convertTypeCode False cinp tce (False, [], ci)
	// sanity check ...
	| not (isEmpty binds)
		=	abort "unexpected binds in expression type code"
	// ... sanity check	
	| has_var
		# (normalise_symb, ci) 
			=	getSymbol PD_Dyn_normalise SK_Function 2 ci
		# type_code
			=	App { app_symb = normalise_symb,
					app_args = [ Var cinp.cinp_subst_var, type_code],  app_info_ptr = nilPtr }
		=	(type_code, ci)
	// otherwise
		=	(type_code, ci)

convertPatternTypeCode :: !ConversionInput !TypeCodeExpression !*ConversionState
										-> (!Expression, ![LetBind], !*ConversionState)
convertPatternTypeCode cinp tce ci
	# (type_code, (_, binds, ci))
		=	convertTypeCode True cinp tce (False, [], ci)
	=	(type_code, binds, ci)

convertTypeCode :: !Bool !ConversionInput !TypeCodeExpression (!Bool, ![LetBind], !*ConversionState)
											-> (!Expression, !(!Bool, ![LetBind], !*ConversionState))
convertTypeCode pattern _ (TCE_Var var_info_ptr) (has_var, binds, ci=:{ci_var_heap})
	# (var_info, ci_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ci_var_heap
	  ci =  {ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap}
	=	case var_info of
			VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_TypeVar tv)
				->	(tv, (has_var, binds, ci))
			VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_TypePatternVar tpv)
				->	(tpv, (True, binds, ci))
				# (expr, ci) = createTypePatternVariable ci
				# ci = {ci & ci_var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_TypePatternVar expr)) ci.ci_var_heap}
				->	(expr, (True, binds, ci))
convertTypeCode pattern _ (TCE_TypeTerm var_info_ptr) (has_var, binds, ci=:{ci_var_heap})
	# (var_info, ci_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ci_var_heap
	  ci = {ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap}
	=	case var_info of
			VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_TypeVar tv)
				->	(tv, (has_var, binds, ci))
			VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_TypePatternVar tpv)
				->	(tpv, (True, binds, ci))
				# (expr, ci) = createTypePatternVariable ci
				# ci = {ci & ci_var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_TypePatternVar expr)) ci.ci_var_heap}
				->	(expr, (True, binds, ci))

convertTypeCode pattern cinp (TCE_App t arg) (has_var, binds, ci)
	# (typeapp_symb, ci)
		=	getSymbol PD_Dyn_TypeApp SK_Constructor 2 ci
	# (typecode_t, st)
	  	=	convertTypeCode pattern cinp t (has_var, binds, ci)
	# (typecode_arg, st)
	  	=	convertTypeCode pattern cinp arg st
	= (App {app_symb		= typeapp_symb,
			app_args 		= [typecode_t, typecode_arg],
			app_info_ptr	= nilPtr}, st)
convertTypeCode pattern cinp (TCE_Constructor cons []) (has_var, binds, ci)
	# (typecons_symb, ci)
		=	getSymbol PD_Dyn_TypeCons SK_Constructor 1 ci
	# (constructor, ci)
		=	typeConstructor cons ci
	= (App {app_symb		= typecons_symb,
			app_args 		= [constructor],
			app_info_ptr	= nilPtr}, (has_var, binds, ci))
	constructorExp :: Index ((Global Index) -> SymbKind) Int !*ConversionState
		-> (Expression, !*ConversionState)
	constructorExp index symb_kind arity ci
		# (cons_ident, ci)
			=	getSymbol index symb_kind arity ci
		=	(App {app_symb = cons_ident, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
	typeConstructor (GTT_PredefTypeConstructor {glob_object=type_index}) ci
		| PD_Arity2TupleTypeIndex <= type_index && type_index <= PD_Arity32TupleTypeIndex
			# arity
				=	type_index - PD_Arity2TupleTypeIndex + 2
			# (tuple_symb, ci)
				=	getSymbol PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_Tuple SK_Function 1 ci 
			=	(App {app_symb = tuple_symb, app_args = [BasicExpr (BVInt arity)], app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
		// otherwise
			# predef_type_index
				=	type_index + FirstTypePredefinedSymbolIndex
			=	constructorExp (predefinedTypeConstructor predef_type_index) SK_Function 0 ci
	typeConstructor (GTT_Constructor fun_ident) ci
		# type_fun
			=	App {app_symb = fun_ident, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr}
		# (to_tc_symb, ci)
			=	getSymbol PD_Dyn__to_TypeCodeConstructor SK_Function 2 ci 
		=	(App {app_symb = to_tc_symb, app_args = [type_fun], app_info_ptr = nilPtr}, ci)
	typeConstructor (GTT_Basic basic_type) ci
		=	constructorExp (basicTypeConstructor basic_type) SK_Function 0 ci
	typeConstructor GTT_Function ci
		=	constructorExp PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_Arrow SK_Function 0 ci

	basicTypeConstructor BT_Int
		=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorInt
	basicTypeConstructor BT_Char	
		=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorChar
	basicTypeConstructor BT_Real	
		=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorReal
	basicTypeConstructor BT_Bool	
		=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorBool
	basicTypeConstructor BT_Dynamic	
		=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorDynamic
	basicTypeConstructor BT_File	
		=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorFile
	basicTypeConstructor BT_World	
		=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructorWorld
	predefinedTypeConstructor predef_type_index
		| predef_type_index == PD_ListType
			=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_List
		| predef_type_index == PD_StrictListType
			=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_StrictList
		| predef_type_index == PD_UnboxedListType
			=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedList
		| predef_type_index == PD_TailStrictListType
			=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_TailStrictList
		| predef_type_index == PD_StrictTailStrictListType
			=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_StrictTailStrictList
		| predef_type_index == PD_UnboxedTailStrictListType
			=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedTailStrictList
		| predef_type_index == PD_LazyArrayType
			=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_LazyArray
		| predef_type_index == PD_StrictArrayType
			=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_StrictArray
		| predef_type_index == PD_UnboxedArrayType
			=	PD_Dyn_TypeCodeConstructor_UnboxedArray
		// otherwise
			=	fatal "predefinedType" "TC code from predef"
convertTypeCode pattern cinp (TCE_Constructor cons args) st
	# curried_type
		=	foldl TCE_App (TCE_Constructor cons []) args
	=	convertTypeCode pattern cinp curried_type st
convertTypeCode pattern cinp (TCE_UniType uni_vars type_code) (has_var, binds, ci)
		# (tv_symb, ci)
			=	getSymbol (if pattern PD_Dyn__TypeFixedVar PD_Dyn_TypeVar) SK_Constructor 1 ci
		# init_count
			=	if pattern ci.ci_type_var_count ci.ci_type_pattern_var_count
		# (count, ci_var_heap)
			=	foldSt (mark_uni_var pattern (build_tv tv_symb)) uni_vars (init_count, ci.ci_var_heap)
		# ci
			=	{	ci
				&	ci_type_var_count = if pattern count ci.ci_type_var_count
				,	ci_type_pattern_var_count = if pattern ci.ci_type_pattern_var_count count
				,	ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap}
		# (type_code, (has_var, binds, ci))
	  		=	convertTypeCode pattern cinp type_code (has_var, binds, ci)
	  	| count > init_count
			# (type_scheme_sym, ci)
				=	getSymbol PD_Dyn_TypeScheme SK_Constructor 2 ci
			=	(App {	app_symb = type_scheme_sym,
							app_args = [BasicExpr (BVInt (count - init_count)), type_code],
							app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, (has_var || init_count <> 0, binds, ci))
		// otherwise
			=	(type_code, (has_var, binds, ci))

			mark_uni_var :: Bool (Int -> Expression) VarInfoPtr (Int, *VarHeap) -> (Int, *VarHeap)
			mark_uni_var pattern build_var_code var_info_ptr (count, var_heap)
				# var_info
					=	VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_TypeVar (build_var_code count))
				=	(count + (if pattern -1 1), writePtr var_info_ptr var_info var_heap)

			build_tv :: SymbIdent Int -> Expression
			build_tv tv_symb number
				=	App {	app_symb = tv_symb,
							app_args = [BasicExpr (BVInt number)],
							app_info_ptr = nilPtr }
convertTypeCode pattern cinp (TCE_UnqType type) (has_var, binds, ci)
	# (typeunique_symb, ci)
		=	getSymbol PD_Dyn_TypeUnique SK_Constructor 1 ci
	# (type, (has_var, binds, ci))
		=	convertTypeCode pattern cinp type (has_var, binds, ci)
	= (App {app_symb		= typeunique_symb,
			app_args 		= [type],
			app_info_ptr	= nilPtr}, (has_var, binds, ci))

convertTypeCode pattern cinp (TCE_Selector selections var_info_ptr) st
  #	(has_var, binds, ci) = st
	(var_info, ci_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr ci.ci_var_heap
	ci = {ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap}
  =	case var_info of
		VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_TypeVar tv)
			-> abort "convertTypeCode TCE_Selector"
		VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_TypePatternVar tpv)
			-> abort "convertTypeCode TCE_Selector"
		VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_SelectionsTypePatternVar tc_selections)
			# (var, ci) = createTypePatternVariable ci
			  tc_selections = [(var,selections):tc_selections]
			  ci = {ci & ci_var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_SelectionsTypePatternVar tc_selections)) ci.ci_var_heap}
		  	-> (var, (True, binds, ci))
			# (var, ci) = createTypePatternVariable ci
			  tc_selections = [(var,selections)]
			  ci = {ci & ci_var_heap = writePtr var_info_ptr (VI_TypeCodeVariable (TCI_SelectionsTypePatternVar tc_selections)) ci.ci_var_heap}
			-> (var, (True, binds, ci))

createTypePatternVariable :: !*ConversionState -> (!Expression, !*ConversionState)
createTypePatternVariable ci
	# (tpv_symb, ci)
//		=	getSymbol PD_Dyn_TypePatternVar SK_Constructor 1 ci
		=	getSymbol PD_Dyn_TypeVar SK_Constructor 1 ci
	=	(App {	app_symb = tpv_symb,
						app_args = [BasicExpr (BVInt ci.ci_type_pattern_var_count)],
						app_info_ptr = nilPtr },
		{ci & ci_type_pattern_var_count = ci.ci_type_pattern_var_count + 1})


newVariable :: String !VarInfo !*ConversionState -> *(!BoundVar,!*ConversionState)
newVariable var_ident var_info ci=:{ci_var_heap}
	# (var_info_ptr, ci_var_heap) = newPtr var_info ci_var_heap
	= ( { var_ident = {id_name = var_ident, id_info = nilPtr},  var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr},
	    { ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap })	

varToFreeVar :: BoundVar Int -> FreeVar
varToFreeVar {var_ident, var_info_ptr} count
	= {fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_ident = var_ident, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_count = count}

freeVarToVar ::  FreeVar -> BoundVar
freeVarToVar {fv_ident, fv_info_ptr}
	= { var_ident = fv_ident,  var_info_ptr = fv_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}

getResultType :: ExprInfoPtr !*ConversionState -> (!AType, !*ConversionState)
getResultType case_info_ptr ci=:{ci_expr_heap}
	# (EI_CaseType {ct_result_type}, ci_expr_heap) = readPtr case_info_ptr ci_expr_heap
	= (ct_result_type, {ci & ci_expr_heap = ci_expr_heap})

getSymbol :: Index ((Global Index) -> SymbKind) Int !*ConversionState -> (SymbIdent, !*ConversionState)
getSymbol index symb_kind arity ci=:{ci_predef_symb}
	# ({pds_module, pds_def}, ci_predef_symb) = ci_predef_symb![index]
	# pds_ident = predefined_idents.[index]
	  ci = {ci & ci_predef_symb = ci_predef_symb}
	  symbol = { symb_ident = pds_ident, symb_kind = symb_kind { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def} }
	= (symbol, ci)

getTupleSymbol arity ci=:{ci_predef_symb}
	# ({pds_def}, ci_predef_symb) = ci_predef_symb![GetTupleConsIndex arity]
	# pds_ident = predefined_idents.[GetTupleConsIndex arity]
    = ( {ds_ident = pds_ident, ds_arity = arity, ds_index = pds_def}, {ci & ci_predef_symb = ci_predef_symb })

a_ij_var_name :== { id_name = "a_ij", id_info = nilPtr }

bool_case_ptr :: !AType !*ConversionState -> (ExprInfoPtr, !*ConversionState)
bool_case_ptr result_type ci=:{ci_expr_heap}
	# (expr_info_ptr, ci_expr_heap) = newPtr (EI_CaseType {	ct_pattern_type = toAType (TB BT_Bool),
															ct_result_type = result_type, //empty_attributed_type,
															ct_cons_types = [[toAType (TB BT_Bool)]]}) ci_expr_heap
	= (expr_info_ptr, {ci &  ci_expr_heap = ci_expr_heap})

dummy_case_ptr :: !AType !*ConversionState -> (ExprInfoPtr, !*ConversionState)
dummy_case_ptr result_type ci=:{ci_expr_heap}
	# (expr_info_ptr, ci_expr_heap) = newPtr (EI_CaseType {	ct_pattern_type = toAType TE,
															ct_result_type = result_type, //empty_attributed_type,
															ct_cons_types = [[empty_attributed_type, empty_attributed_type]]}) ci_expr_heap
	= (expr_info_ptr, {ci &  ci_expr_heap = ci_expr_heap})

let_ptr :: !Int !*ConversionState -> (ExprInfoPtr, !*ConversionState)
let_ptr nr_of_binds ci=:{ci_expr_heap}
	= let_ptr2 (repeatn nr_of_binds empty_attributed_type) ci

typed_let_ptr :: TypeSymbIdent !*ConversionState -> (ExprInfoPtr, !*ConversionState)
typed_let_ptr type_id ci=:{ci_expr_heap}
	= let_ptr2 [toAType (TA type_id [])] ci

let_ptr2 :: [AType] !*ConversionState -> (ExprInfoPtr, !*ConversionState)
let_ptr2 let_types ci=:{ci_expr_heap}
	# (expr_info_ptr, ci_expr_heap) = newPtr (EI_LetType let_types) ci_expr_heap
	= (expr_info_ptr, {ci &  ci_expr_heap = ci_expr_heap})

toAType :: Type -> AType
toAType type = { at_attribute = TA_Multi, at_type = type }

empty_attributed_type :: AType
empty_attributed_type = toAType TE

instance <<< (Ptr a)
	(<<<) file ptr = file <<< ptrToInt ptr  

create_dynamic_and_selector_idents common_defs predefined_symbols 
	| predefined_symbols.[PD_StdDynamic].pds_module == NoIndex
		=	({	dr_type_ident		= undef
			,	dr_dynamic_type		= undef
			,	dr_dynamic_symbol	= undef
	// otherwise	
		# ({pds_module=pds_module1, pds_def=pds_def1} , predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![PD_Dyn_DynamicTemp]
		# {td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor,rt_fields}} = common_defs.[pds_module1].com_type_defs.[pds_def1]
		# dynamic_defined_symbol
			= {glob_module = pds_module1, glob_object = rt_constructor}
		# dynamic_type = {glob_module = pds_module1, glob_object = pds_def1}

		# dynamic_temp_symb_ident
			= { SymbIdent |
				symb_ident	= rt_constructor.ds_ident
			,	symb_kind 	= SK_Constructor {glob_module = pds_module1, glob_object = rt_constructor.ds_index} 
		= ({	dr_type_ident		= dynamic_temp_symb_ident
			,	dr_dynamic_type		= dynamic_type
			,	dr_dynamic_symbol	= dynamic_defined_symbol
			}, predefined_symbols)