implementation module StdCompare import StdEnv, compare_constructor import syntax instance == TypeVar where (==) varid1 varid2 = varid1.tv_info_ptr == varid2.tv_info_ptr instance == FunKind where (==) fk1 fk2 = equal_constructor fk1 fk2 instance == (Global a) | == a where (==) g1 g2 = g1.glob_module == g2.glob_module && g1.glob_object == g2.glob_object instance == TypeSymbIdent where (==) tsymb_id1 tsymb_id2 = tsymb_id1.type_index == tsymb_id2.type_index instance == AType where (==) atype1 atype2 = atype1.at_type == atype2.at_type instance == ConsVariable where (==) (CV tv1) (CV tv2) = tv1 == tv2 (==) (TempCV tv1) (TempCV tv2) = tv1 == tv2 (==) (TempQCV tv1) (TempQCV tv2) = tv1 == tv2 // MW4++ // MW4 removed: (==) cv1 cv2 = False instance == TypeContext where (==) tc1 tc2 = tc1.tc_class == tc2.tc_class && tc1.tc_types == tc2.tc_types instance == BasicType where (==) bt1 bt2 = equal_constructor bt1 bt2 instance == BasicValue where (==) (BVI int1) (BVI int2) = int1 == int2 (==) (BVC char1) (BVC char2) = char1 == char2 (==) (BVB bool1) (BVB bool2) = bool1 == bool2 (==) (BVR real1) (BVR real2) = real1 == real2 (==) (BVS string1) (BVS string2) = string1 == string2 (==) _ _ = False instance == DefinedSymbol where (==) ds1 ds2 = ds1.ds_ident == ds2.ds_ident && ds1.ds_index == ds2.ds_index instance == Type where (==) t1 t2 = equal_constructor t1 t2 && equal_constructor_args t1 t2 where equal_constructor_args (TV varid1) (TV varid2) = varid1 == varid2 equal_constructor_args (TempV varid1) (TempV varid2) = varid1 == varid2 equal_constructor_args (arg_type1 --> restype1) (arg_type2 --> restype2) = arg_type1 == arg_type2 && restype1 == restype2 equal_constructor_args (TA tc1 types1) (TA tc2 types2) = tc1 == tc2 && types1 == types2 equal_constructor_args (TB tb1) (TB tb2) = tb1 == tb2 equal_constructor_args (type1 :@: types1) (type2 :@: types2) = type1 == type2 && types1 == types2 equal_constructor_args (TQV varid1) (TQV varid2) = varid1 == varid2 // MW4.. equal_constructor_args (GTV varid1) (GTV varid2) = varid1 == varid2 equal_constructor_args (TempQV varid1) (TempQV varid2) = varid1 == varid2 equal_constructor_args (TLifted varid1) (TLifted varid2) = varid1 == varid2 // ..MW4 equal_constructor_args type1 type2 = True instance == Priority where (==) NoPrio NoPrio = True (==) (Prio assoc1 prio1) (Prio assoc2 prio2) = assoc1==assoc2 && prio1==prio2 instance == Assoc where (==) a1 a2 = equal_constructor a1 a2 :: CompareValue :== Int Smaller :== -1 Greater :== 1 Equal :== 0 class (=<) infix 4 a :: !a !a -> CompareValue instance =< Int where (=<) i1 i2 | i1 == i2 = Equal | i1 < i2 = Smaller = Greater instance =< SymbKind where (=<) symb1 symb2 | equal_constructor symb1 symb2 = compare_indexes symb1 symb2 with compare_indexes (SK_Function i1) (SK_Function i2) = i1 =< i2 compare_indexes (SK_LocalMacroFunction i1) (SK_LocalMacroFunction i2) = i1 =< i2 // compare_indexes (SK_ClassRecord i1) (SK_ClassRecord i2) = i1 =< i2 compare_indexes (SK_Constructor i1) (SK_Constructor i2) = i1 =< i2 // compare_indexes (SK_DeltaFunction i1) (SK_DeltaFunction i2) = i1 =< i2 // compare_indexes (SK_InternalFunction i1) (SK_InternalFunction i2) = i1 =< i2 compare_indexes (SK_OverloadedFunction i1) (SK_OverloadedFunction i2) = i1 =< i2 compare_indexes (SK_GeneratedFunction _ i1) (SK_GeneratedFunction _ i2) = i1 =< i2 | less_constructor symb1 symb2 = Smaller = Greater instance =< SymbIdent where (=<) {symb_kind=symb_kind1} {symb_kind=symb_kind2} = symb_kind1 =< symb_kind2 instance =< App where (=<) app1 app2 # cmp = app1.app_symb =< app2.app_symb | cmp == Equal = app1.app_args =< app2.app_args = cmp instance =< (a,b) | =< a & =< b where (=<) (x1,y1) (x2,y2) # cmp = x1 =< x2 | cmp == Equal = y1 =< y2 = cmp instance =< [a] | =< a where (=<) [x:xs] [y:ys] = (x,xs) =< (y,ys) (=<) [] [] = Equal (=<) [] _ = Smaller (=<) _ _ = Greater instance =< {# Char} where (=<) s1 s2 | s1 == s2 = Equal | s1 < s2 = Smaller = Greater instance =< Expression where (=<) expr1 expr2 | equal_constructor expr1 expr2 = compare_arguments expr1 expr2 with compare_arguments (App app1) (App app2) = app1 =< app2 compare_arguments (Var v1) (Var v2) = v1 =< v2 compare_arguments (fun1 @ args1) (fun2 @ args2) = (fun1,args1) =< (fun2,args2) compare_arguments (Lambda vars1 expr1) (Lambda vars2 expr2) = (vars1,expr1) =< (vars2,expr2) compare_arguments EE EE = Equal compare_arguments _ _ = Greater | less_constructor expr1 expr2 = Smaller = Greater instance =< BoundVar where (=<) bv1 bv2 = bv1.var_name =< bv2.var_name instance =< FreeVar where (=<) fv1 fv2 = fv1.fv_name =< fv2.fv_name instance =< Ident where (=<) id1 id2 = id1.id_name =< id2.id_name instance =< (Global a) | =< a where (=<) g1 g2 = (g1.glob_module,g1.glob_object) =< (g2.glob_module,g2.glob_object) instance =< TypeSymbIdent where (=<) s1 s2 = s1.type_name =< s2.type_name instance =< Type where (=<) t1 t2 | equal_constructor t1 t2 = compare_arguments t1 t2 | less_constructor t1 t2 = Smaller = Greater where compare_arguments (TB tb1) (TB tb2) = tb1 =< tb2 compare_arguments (TA tc1 _) (TA tc2 _) = tc1 =< tc2 compare_arguments _ _ = Equal instance =< BasicType where (=<) bt1 bt2 | equal_constructor bt1 bt2 = Equal | less_constructor bt1 bt2 = Smaller = Greater instance < MemberDef where (<) md1 md2 = md1.me_symb.id_name < md2.me_symb.id_name