This file documents the mechanism used for explicit imports Basic problem: The modules are checked one after the other. When there are cycles between dcl modules, the algorithm has to solve imports from a module that is unchecked yet. The exported declarations of such an unchecked module are not known. A difficulty in designing this algorithm was inctroduced by the fact that there can only be one symbol table at a time (because of the use of pointers). But for cyclic module dependencies one wants to incrementally build up symbol table information for all modules on the cycle at the same time. To solve this difficulty we introduced a new datastructure "ExplImpInfos", that can contain symbol table information for all modules at once: :: *ExplImpInfos :== *{!*{!*ExplImpInfo}} :: ExplImpInfo = ExplImpInfo Ident !.DeclaringModulesSet :: DeclaringModulesSet :== IntKeyHashtable DeclarationInfo :: DeclarationInfo = { di_decl :: !Declaration, ... } The outer array is indexed with the "module component number" (short:component number, see below, this is _not_ the module number). The inner array is indexed with the module component's "symbol number". We do not use pointers to identify symbols (like id_info). Instead we identify each symbol with a number. Caution: For one symbol (one id_info pointer) this number can vary from module component to module component! Finally each array element contains the "Ident" representation of the symbol and a "DeclaringModulesSet". This set, implemented as a hash table, contains the module numbers (not component numbers) of all currently known modules that declare/define the symbol, together with the "Declaration" information, which allows to find the original definition of that symbol's instance (no, I don't mean "instance of a class" here). When the dcl modules have to be checked, at first the dependency graph of these modules is partitioned (in function checkDclModules). Then an initial ExplImpInfos array is created. We only take symbols into account that somewhere appear in an explicit import statement and assign numbers to these symbols. This is also the place were the component numbers are created. The parser delivers import statements as a "ParsedImport" in which symbols are identified by pointers. These pointers are translated into symbol numbers (type "ImportNrAndIdents"). Now we process all components beginning with the leafs. Processing a component: All explicit imports are solved before the symbol table for any module is actually built. Take the following modules: _________________________ definition module t1 from t2 import ::T2, ::TDouble :: T1 _________________________ definition module t2 from t1 import ::T1 from t4 import ::T4 import t3 :: T2 _________________________ definition module t3 :: TDouble _________________________ definition module t4 :: TDouble :: T4 We assume that t1 becomes checked before t2. The problem here is to find out that t1 imports ::TDouble from t3 and not from t4 Let's assume the following: module t1 has been assigned number 11 module t2 ------------"----------- 12 module t3 ------------"----------- 13 module t4 ------------"----------- 14 component {t1,t2} has been assigned number 0 component {t3} ------------"----------- 1 component {t4} ------------"----------- 2 ::TDouble has been assigned nr 0 in component nr 0 ::T1 ------"------------- 1 -------"--------- ::T2 ------"------------- 2 -------"--------- ::T4 ------"------------- 3 -------"--------- So the inital "ExplImpInfos" structure looks like this (we use a list notation here to denote the hashtable contents) { {(TDouble,[]), (T1,[]), (T2,[]), (T4,[])} , {} , {} } It is always known which components import directly from the actual module (this info is stored in "super_components", which maps module indices to lists of component numbers) First lets say module t4 is checked. At the end of checking this module "ExplImpInfos" is updated for those components that directly import from t4: component nr 0 (={t1,t2}): { {(TDouble,[14]), (T1,[]), (T2,[]), (T4,[14])} , {} , {} } So now we got the information that within component 0 (={t1,t2}) the symbols TDouble and T4 could be imported from module nr. 14 (=t4). After checking module t3: { {(TDouble,[14, 13]), (T1,[]), (T2,[]), (T4,[14])} , {} , {} } Now we check component {t1,t2}. At the beginning of checking any module component we add all symbols that are defined (in contrast to declared) to the ExplImpInfos structure, here ::T1 and ::T2: { {(TDouble,[14, 13]), (T1,[11]), (T2,[12]), (T4,[14])} , {} , {} } Now we try to solve all explicit imports in module t1: from t2 import ::T2, ::TDouble This involves a depth first search algorithm (function "depth_first_search" in module explicitimports). At first we search a path from module t1 to the definition of ::T2. The search will begin in module t2. We can infer that ::T2 is indeed defined in t2 from the ExplImpInfos structure: We simply search the module t2 (nr. 12) in the entry for that symbol in the current component: { {(TDouble,[14, 13]), (T1,[11]), (T2,[12]), (T4,[14])} ^^^^^^^^^ So we found the definition of ::T2. The statement in module t1 was: from t2 import ::T2, ::TDouble So we have to search for ::TDouble now. Beginning in t2 we can skip the following two imports, because they can't import ::TDouble: from t1 import ::T1 from t4 import ::T4 The remaining import statement import t3 is followed by our depth search algorithm. Again we infer from our ExplImpInfos structure that ::TDouble is indeed declared in module t3 (nr 13): { {(TDouble,[14, 13]), (T1,[11]), (T2,[12]), (T4,[14])} ^^^^ So we solved that import, too. Always when we have found a path to a desired symbol we will store that new information in the ExplImpInfos structure for possible later use. In this case we only add the fact that ::TDouble is delared in module t2: { {(TDouble,[14, 13, 12]), (T1,[11]), (T2,[12,11]), (T4,[14])} If there would have been a third module in the {t1, t2} component that would have tried to import ::TDouble from t2, we wouldn't have had to search the path to the definition again (kinda cache). (The presentation of this example ends here.) The algorithm distinguishes between two kinds of symbols: top level symbols and belonging symbols. Top level symbols are types, functions, classes and instances. Belonging symbols are those that can occur in brackets in an explicit import statement: constructors (belonging to a type), fields (dito) an members (belonging to a class). At first all imports of top level symbols are solved. Later the belonging symbols are searched. This happens in a different manner, because for these symbols we don't assign numbers in the beginning. We don't assign numbers because the belonging symbols don't have to be explicitly stated in an import statement. For instance in from m import ::T(..) we could assign a number to the top level symbol ::T but not to the belonging constructor symbols: just _after_ solving the type symbol we know the constructors. We still have to apply a depth first search for every constructor of ::T, because it could happen that some of them are _not_ exported by "m". We have to find out which of them. Belonging symbols are identified by two values: the number of the corresponding top level symbol and the "ds_index" of the belonging symbol. E.g. with :: T = C0 | C1 | C2 the "ds_index" for C0 would be 0, and the "ds_index" for C2 would be 2. To search for a belonging symbol one needs both numbers. The ExplImpInfos data structure stores for each symbol in which modules it is declared. But there are only entries for the top level symbols in each hash table. To infer from the ExplImpInfos data whether a given belonging symbol is declared in a given module we use a field of the "DeclarationInfo": The "di_belonging" field which is a kind of bit vector. E.g. to test whether the upper belonging symbol "C1" is declared in module nr i we first check whether the (already known) top level symbol ::T is declared in module i. If not, then "C1" cannot be declared there either. If yes, we consult the second bit in the "di_belonging" bit vector. Some additional info: The depth search algorithm only visits modules within the actual component and those that are directly imported from the actual component. E.g. with "m1" importing only from "m2" and "m2" importing only from "m3", while checking "m1" module "m3" would never be visited. Status ****** 1) One thing that doesn't work: macro members. E.g. the Ord class in module StdClass defines a "member" <= which indeed is a macro: class Ord a | < a where (<=) infix 4 :: !a !a -> Bool | Ord a (<=) x y :== not (y<x) The following will fail: from StdClass import class Ord(<=) "<= does not belong to Ord" Do the following instead: from StdClass import class Ord, <= Also using ".." doesn't import <= : from StdClass import class Ord(..) Start = 1<=2 "<= undefined" BTW: from StdClass import Ord Start = 1<=2 makes Clean 1.3.3 crash 2) There is an optimisation that could still be applied. Imagine the following situation: ______________________ definition module t1 import m1,m2, .. mn from t2 import ::T ______________________ definition module mi (for all i) from t2 import ::T ______________________ definition module t2 ::T import m1,m2, .. mn ______________________ There are no cycles. First t2 would be checked, then the mi and then t1. The ExplImpInfos data structure would look like this just before checking t1: { {(T,[t2, m0, m1,])} .. But because the explicit import of ::T in module t1 is _not_ via any module within the component (there is only one: t1 itself) it would be completely sufficient just to store { {(T,[t2])} .. When resolving the explicit import we would never search the mi! I don't know whether you could gain much with such an optimisation. A better optimisation: The ExplImpInfos data structure is massively unique. The elements of the two dimensional array are unique, too. So one has to select the array elements with the "replace" mechanism. Unfortunately there is no "replace" like primitive for two dimensional arrays. I implemented this one: replaceTwoDimArrElt :: !Int !Int !.e !{!*{!.e}} -> (!.e, !{!.{!.e}}) But this one allocates a new array with every call. In a (quite constructed) test case I measured that 4% of allocation was done by allocating arrays. I guess this was the array in replaceTwoDimArrElt. One can solve this problem by faking around with casts or abc code. An even more better optimisation: This optimisation doesn't deal with explicit imports, but with implicit imports. Consider the following situation: ______________________ definition module t1 import m1,m2 ______________________ definition module m1 import StdIO ______________________ definition module m2 import StdIO ______________________ When building the t1's symbol table the current algorithm will try to add StdIO's symbols _twice_ to that symbol table. In the first turn these symbols will be added indeed, but in the second turn trying to add new symbols of StdIO will not change the symbol table (because the symbol table already contains all these symbols). One could invent a mechanism that keeps track which modules have been added to the symbol table _as a whole_. In this way superflous work could be saved.