/* Version 1.2 21/01/1997 Author: Sjaak Smetsers */ #pragma options (!macsbug_names) #include "system.h" #include "settings.h" #include "syntaxtr.t" #include "comsupport.h" #include "sizes.h" #include "checker.h" #include "checksupport.h" #include "tctypes.t" #include "typechecker.h" #include "typechecker2.h" #include "typeconv.h" #include "tcsupport.h" #include "overloading.h" #include "scanner.h" #include "comparser.h" #include "buildtree.h" BITVECT DetermineUniPropOfTypeCons (SymbDef typecons) { if (typecons -> sdef_kind == TYPE || typecons -> sdef_kind == RECORDTYPE) return (typecons -> sdef_type) ? typecons -> sdef_type -> type_uniprop : ALLBITSSET; else return (typecons -> sdef_kind == TYPESYN) ? typecons -> sdef_syn_type -> syntype_uniprop : ALLBITSSET; } /* DetermineUniPropOfTypeCons */ BITVECT DetermineConsVarsOfTypeCons (SymbDef typecons, ConsVarList * cons_vars) { if (typecons -> sdef_kind == TYPE || typecons -> sdef_kind == RECORDTYPE) { if (typecons -> sdef_type) { * cons_vars = typecons -> sdef_type -> type_lhs -> ft_cons_vars; return typecons -> sdef_type -> type_consvars; } else { * cons_vars = NULL; return ALLBITSCLEAR; } } else if (typecons -> sdef_kind == TYPESYN) { * cons_vars = typecons -> sdef_syn_type -> syn_lhs -> ft_cons_vars ; return typecons -> sdef_syn_type -> syn_consvars; } else { * cons_vars = NULL; return ALLBITSCLEAR; } } /* DetermineConsVarsOfTypeCons */ TypeCell SkipIndirectionChain (TypeCell type) { MemoryCheck (type); for (; type -> tc_kind == Indirection; type = type -> contents_indirect) MemoryCheck (type); return type; } /* SkipIndirectionChain */ #define SubstitutedType(typeargs) ((typeargs)[-1]) TypeCell SkipTypeSynIndirection (TypeCell type) { if (type -> tc_kind == ConstructorType && type -> tc_expanded) { type = SubstitutedType (type -> contents_tc_args); SkipIndirections (type); } return type; } /* SkipTypeSynIndirection */ void PrintNodeSymbol (Node node, int arg_nr, File file) { Symbol rootsymb; switch (node -> node_kind) { case IfNode: switch (arg_nr) { case 1: FPutS ("condition part of guard or if rule", file); return; case 2: FPutS ("then part of guard or if rule", file); return; case 3: FPutS ("else part of guard or if rule", file); return; default: FPutS ("guard or if rule", file); return; } break; case SelectorNode: if (arg_nr == 1) FPutS ("argument of selection", file); else FPutS ("selection", file); return; case MatchNode: if (arg_nr == 1) { FPutS ("rhs selection of", file); break; } else { FPutS ("rhs selection", file); return; } case UpdateNode: FPutS ("update of record", file); break; case NodeIdNode: if (node -> node_node_id -> nid_ident != NULL) { Ident id = node -> node_node_id -> nid_ident; if (TestMark (node -> node_node_id, nid_mark2, NID_FIELD_NAME_MASK)) { SymbDef rec_symb = (SymbDef) id -> ident_environ; FPrintF (file, "field %s of record %s", id -> ident_name, rec_symb -> sdef_ident -> ident_name); } else FPutS (id -> ident_name, file); } else if (node -> node_node_id -> nid_node) PrintNodeSymbol (node -> node_node_id -> nid_node, 0, file); return; default: break; } rootsymb = node -> node_symbol; if (rootsymb -> symb_kind == select_symb) { if (arg_nr == 1) { FPrintF (file, "%d-tuple selection of ", rootsymb -> symb_arity); PrintNodeSymbol (node -> node_arguments -> arg_node, 0, file); } else FPrintF (file, "selection of the %d-th argument of a %d-tuple ", node -> node_arity, rootsymb -> symb_arity); } else if (rootsymb -> symb_kind == apply_symb) { if (arg_nr == 1) PrintNodeSymbol (node -> node_arguments -> arg_node, 0, file); else { Node argnode; for (arg_nr = 1, argnode = node -> node_arguments -> arg_node; argnode -> node_kind == NormalNode && argnode -> node_symbol -> symb_kind == apply_symb; argnode = argnode -> node_arguments -> arg_node) arg_nr ++; PrintNodeSymbol (argnode, arg_nr, file); } } else if (rootsymb -> symb_kind == tuple_symb) { int tup_arity = node -> node_arity; FPutS ("(_", file); for (tup_arity--; tup_arity > 0; tup_arity--) FPutS (",_", file); FPutC (')', file); } else { if (arg_nr > 0) { if (rootsymb -> symb_kind == definition && rootsymb -> symb_def -> sdef_kind == IMPRULE) { if (arg_nr <= rootsymb -> symb_def -> sdef_nr_of_lifted_nodeids) { Args lifted_arg; int i; for (i = 1, lifted_arg = node -> node_arguments; i < arg_nr; i ++, lifted_arg = lifted_arg -> arg_next) ; if (lifted_arg -> arg_node -> node_kind == NodeIdNode) FPrintF (StdError, "internal argument %s of ", lifted_arg -> arg_node -> node_node_id -> nid_ident -> ident_name); else FPrintF (StdError, "internal argument %d of ", arg_nr); } else FPrintF (StdError, "argument %d of ", arg_nr - rootsymb -> symb_def -> sdef_nr_of_lifted_nodeids); } else FPrintF (StdError, "argument %d of ", arg_nr); } PrintSymbol (rootsymb, file); } } /* PrintNodeSymbol */