/* Ronny Wichers Schreur University of Nijmegen */ #pragma segment scanner # include <stdio.h> # include <string.h> # include <ctype.h> # include <limits.h> # undef H # include "compiledefines.h" # include "types.t" #if defined (applec) || (defined (__MWERKS__) && !defined (_WINDOWS_)) || defined (__MRC__) # define __ppc__ #endif # include "system.h" # include "syntaxtr.t" # include "comsupport.h" # include "scanner.h" # include "sizes.h" # if (defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (__MRC__)) && !defined _WINDOWS_ /* && !defined (MAKE_MPW_TOOL) */ # define CACHE_DCL_FILES # define CACHE_INLINE_FILES # else # undef CACHE_DCL_FILES # undef CACHE_INLINE_FILES # endif char **ReservedWords; static IdentP NewIdent (TableKind tableKind, char *name) { IdentP ident; ident = CompAllocType (struct ident); ident->ident_table = tableKind; ident->ident_name = name; ident->ident_next = NULL; ident->ident_environ = NULL; ident->ident_symbol = NULL; ident->ident_local_defs = NULL; ident->ident_mark = 0; return (ident); } /* NewIdent */ #define CompAllocString(size) ((char*)CompAlloc(size)) static char * AllocString (char *string, short length) { int i; char *s, *newString; s = newString = CompAllocString (length+1); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) *s++ = *string++; *s = '\0'; return (newString); } /* AllocString */ # define kIdentStringTableSizeBits 10 # define kIdentStringTableSize ((1 << kIdentStringTableSizeBits) - 1) static IdentStringP *gIdentStringTable; static IdentStringP StringInTable (char *string, short length) { int i; unsigned long hash; IdentStringP identString, *identStringPtr; char *s; hash = 0; s = string; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { hash <<= 2; hash += *s++; } /* Compute (hash % kIdentStringTableSize) */ while (hash >= (kIdentStringTableSize<<1)) hash = (hash & kIdentStringTableSize) + (hash >> kIdentStringTableSizeBits); if (hash >= kIdentStringTableSize) hash -= kIdentStringTableSize; identStringPtr = &gIdentStringTable [hash]; while ((identString = *identStringPtr) != NIL) { int compare; compare = strncmp (identString->string, string, length); if (compare == 0 && (compare = ((unsigned char *)identString->string) [length]) == 0) /* found it */ break; else if (compare > 0) identStringPtr = &identString->left; else /* if (compare < 0) */ identStringPtr = &identString->right; } if (identString == NIL) { identString = CompAllocType (struct ident_string); identString->left = NIL; identString->right = NIL; identString->ident = NIL; identString->string = AllocString (string, length); *identStringPtr = identString; } return (identString); } /* StringInTable */ IdentP PutIdentStringInTable (IdentStringP identString, TableKind tableKind) { IdentP ident; for (ident = identString->ident; ident != NIL; ident = ident->ident_next) if (ident->ident_table == tableKind) break; if (ident == NIL) { ident = NewIdent (tableKind, identString->string); ident->ident_next = identString->ident; identString->ident = ident; } return (ident); } /* PutIdentStringInTable */ IdentP PutStringInHashTable (char *string, TableKind tableKind) { IdentStringP identString; identString = StringInTable (string, strlen (string)); return (PutIdentStringInTable (identString, tableKind)); } /* PutStringInHashTable */ STRUCT (keyWordInfo, KeyWordInfo) { char *name; Token token; }; static void PutKeyWordInTable (KeyWordInfoP keyWord) { IdentStringP identString; IdentP ident; identString = StringInTable (keyWord->name, strlen (keyWord->name)); ident = NewIdent (KeyWordTable, identString->string); ident->ident_next = identString->ident; ident->ident_environ = NIL; ident->ident_symbol = (struct symbol *) keyWord->token; identString->ident = ident; } /* PutKeyWordInTable */ IdentP RetrieveFromSymbolTable (char *string) { char *s; unsigned long hash; IdentStringP identString; IdentP ident; hash = 0; for (s = string; *s != '\0'; s++) { hash <<= 2; hash += *s; } /* Compute (hash % 1023) */ while (hash >= 2046) hash = (hash & 1023) + (hash >> 10); if (hash >= 1023) hash -= 1023; identString = gIdentStringTable [hash]; while (identString != NIL) { int compare; compare = strcmp (identString->string, string); if (compare == 0) /* found it */ break; else if (compare > 0) identString = identString->left; else /* if (compare < 0) */ identString = identString->right; } if (identString != NIL) { for (ident = identString->ident; ident != NIL; ident = ident->ident_next) if (ident->ident_table == SymbolIdTable) break; } else ident = NIL; return (ident); } /* RetrieveFromSymbolTable */ /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ReadInlineCode scans all the imported SYSTEM modules and stores the | | the encountered inline instructions in the symbol table. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ char NextLine[LineLength]; /* has a command been read? */ static char *IsCommand (char *com, char *p) { while (*com++ == *p++) if (*com == '\0') return (p); return ((char *) NIL); } /* scan a file for .inline-.end command pairs */ char *InlineCodeBuffer; unsigned InlineBufferIndex, InlineBufferStart; #ifdef CACHE_INLINE_FILES struct inline_cache_list { struct inline_cache_list * icache_next; struct file_block * icache_file_blocks; #if defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (THINK_C) || defined (__MRC__) char icache_file_name[]; #else char icache_file_name[0]; #endif }; #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 struct file_block { int file_block_size; struct file_block * file_block_next; char file_block_data[BUFFER_SIZE]; }; struct file_block **next_file_block_l; static int reading_from_cache=0; static struct inline_cache_list * inline_cache=NULL; static File inline_file; static int chars_left_in_buffer; static int end_of_file; static char *buffer_p; static int open_inline_file_for_block_reading (char *file_name) { struct inline_cache_list **icache_elem_p,*new_icache_elem; int file_name_length; chars_left_in_buffer=0; end_of_file=0; reading_from_cache=0; for (icache_elem_p=&inline_cache; *icache_elem_p; icache_elem_p=&(*icache_elem_p)->icache_next) { if (!strcmp ((*icache_elem_p)->icache_file_name,file_name)){ reading_from_cache=1; next_file_block_l=&(*icache_elem_p)->icache_file_blocks; return 1; } } inline_file = FOpen (file_name, abcFile, "r"); if (inline_file==NULL) return 0; #if defined (THINK_C) || defined (POWER) setvbuf (inline_file,NULL,_IOFBF,8192); #endif file_name_length=strlen (file_name); new_icache_elem=(struct inline_cache_list*)Alloc (1,sizeof (struct inline_cache_list)+file_name_length+1); strcpy (new_icache_elem->icache_file_name,file_name); new_icache_elem->icache_next=NULL; new_icache_elem->icache_file_blocks=NULL; *icache_elem_p=new_icache_elem; next_file_block_l=&new_icache_elem->icache_file_blocks; return 1; } static int get_line_from_inline_file (char *line_buffer,int line_length) { char *line_buffer_p; line_buffer_p=line_buffer; for (;;){ while (chars_left_in_buffer>0){ char c; c=*buffer_p++; --chars_left_in_buffer; if (line_length>1){ --line_length; *line_buffer_p++=c; } if (c=='\n'){ *line_buffer_p=0; return 1; } } if (!reading_from_cache){ struct file_block *file_block; if (end_of_file){ *line_buffer_p=0; return line_buffer!=line_buffer_p; } file_block=(struct file_block*)Alloc (1,sizeof (struct file_block)); chars_left_in_buffer=FRead (file_block->file_block_data,1,BUFFER_SIZE,inline_file); buffer_p=file_block->file_block_data; file_block->file_block_size=chars_left_in_buffer; file_block->file_block_next=NULL; end_of_file = chars_left_in_buffer!=BUFFER_SIZE; *next_file_block_l=file_block; next_file_block_l=&file_block->file_block_next; } else { struct file_block *file_block; file_block=*next_file_block_l; if (file_block==NULL){ *line_buffer_p=0; return line_buffer!=line_buffer_p; } chars_left_in_buffer=file_block->file_block_size; buffer_p=file_block->file_block_data; if (chars_left_in_buffer==0){ *line_buffer_p=0; return line_buffer!=line_buffer_p; } next_file_block_l=&file_block->file_block_next; } }; } extern void clear_inline_cache (void); void clear_inline_cache (void) { struct inline_cache_list *icache_elem,*next_icache_elem; icache_elem=inline_cache; inline_cache=NULL; while (icache_elem!=NULL){ struct file_block *icache_file_blocks,*next_icache_file_block; next_icache_elem=icache_elem->icache_next; icache_file_blocks=icache_elem->icache_file_blocks; icache_elem->icache_file_blocks=NULL; Free (icache_elem); while (icache_file_blocks!=NULL){ next_icache_file_block=icache_file_blocks->file_block_next; Free (icache_file_blocks); icache_file_blocks=next_icache_file_block; } icache_elem=next_icache_elem; } } #endif void ScanInlineFile (char *fname) { register char *tail, *instr, *importingModule, *importingExtension; IdentP instrid; int nrinstr; #ifndef CACHE_INLINE_FILES File f; #endif importingModule = CurrentModule; importingExtension = CurrentExt; CurrentModule = fname; CurrentExt = GetFileExtension (abcFile); #ifdef CACHE_INLINE_FILES if (!open_inline_file_for_block_reading (fname)) #else if (! (f = FOpen (fname, abcFile, "r"))) #endif { CurrentModule = importingModule; CurrentExt = importingExtension; return; } #ifndef CACHE_INLINE_FILES # if defined (THINK_C) || defined (POWER) setvbuf ((void*) f, NULL, _IOFBF, 8192); # endif #endif CurrentLine = 0; CurrentPhase = NULL; for (;;){ #ifdef CACHE_INLINE_FILES if (!get_line_from_inline_file (NextLine,LineLength)) #else if (! FGetS (NextLine, LineLength, f)) #endif break; for (tail = NextLine; isspace (*tail); tail++) ; /* if not at .inline reenter loop from top */ if ((tail = IsCommand (".inline", tail)) == NIL) continue; /* get the function name */ while (*tail == ' ' || *tail == '\t') tail++; /* terminate it with a '\0' */ for (instr = tail; ! isspace (*tail); tail++) ; if (instr == tail) continue; *tail = '\0'; if (! (instrid = RetrieveFromSymbolTable (instr))) continue; if (instrid->ident_environ!=importingModule) continue; if ((instrid->ident_mark & INLINE_MASK) != 0) { StaticMessage (True, "%s", "multiple .inline directives", instr); continue; } instrid->ident_mark |= INLINE_MASK; /* Open the buffer for the next instructions */ InlineBufferIndex = InlineBufferStart; for (nrinstr = 0; nrinstr <= MaxInlineInstr;){ #ifdef CACHE_INLINE_FILES if (!get_line_from_inline_file (NextLine,LineLength)){ #else if (! FGetS (NextLine, LineLength, f)){ #endif StaticMessage (False, "%s", "%s no .end found in this file", instrid->ident_name,fname); break; } for (tail = NextLine; *tail == ' ' || *tail == '\t'; tail++) ; if (IsCommand (".end", tail)) break; if (*tail != '\n' && *tail != '\0'){ instr = NextLine; /* Copy this instruction into the buffer */ do { if (InlineBufferIndex < InlineBuffSize-2) InlineCodeBuffer [InlineBufferIndex++] = *instr++; else DoFatalError ("too many inline instructions"); } while (*instr != '\n' && *instr != '\0'); /* close the instruction with a newline character */ InlineCodeBuffer [InlineBufferIndex++] = '\n'; nrinstr++; } } if (nrinstr > MaxInlineInstr){ StaticMessage (False, "%s", "%s file contains too many instructions", instrid->ident_name,fname); } /* save the list of inline instructions */ /* if (InlineBufferIndex != InlineBufferStart){ */ instrid->ident_instructions = &InlineCodeBuffer [InlineBufferStart]; InlineBufferStart = InlineBufferIndex+1; /* close the list with the NULL character */ InlineCodeBuffer [InlineBufferIndex] = '\0'; /* } */ } #ifdef CACHE_INLINE_FILES if (!reading_from_cache) FClose (inline_file); #else FClose (f); #endif CurrentModule = importingModule; CurrentExt = importingExtension; } void ScanInitIdentStringTable (void) { int i; /* RWS +++ clean up symbols */ ReservedWords = (char **) CompAlloc ((unsigned long) NumberOfKeywords * SizeOf (char *)); ReservedWords [(int) errorsym] = "Erroneous"; ReservedWords [(int) barsym] = "|"; ReservedWords [(int) strictsym] = "!"; ReservedWords [(int) opensym] = "("; ReservedWords [(int) closesym] = ")"; ReservedWords [(int) opensquaresym] = "["; ReservedWords [(int) closesquaresym] = "]"; ReservedWords [(int) colonsym] = ":"; ReservedWords [(int) typesym] = "::"; ReservedWords [(int) semicolonsym] = ";"; ReservedWords [(int) commasym] = ","; ReservedWords [(int) dotsym] = "."; ReservedWords [(int) openbracesym] = "{"; ReservedWords [(int) closebracesym] = "}"; ReservedWords [(int) arrowsym] = "->"; ReservedWords [(int) abstypesym] = "AbsType"; ReservedWords [(int) arraysym] = "{ }"; ReservedWords [(int) strictarraysym] = "{ ! }"; ReservedWords [(int) unboxedarraysym] = "{ # }"; ReservedWords [(int) atsym] = "at"; ReservedWords [(int) boolsym] = "Bool"; ReservedWords [(int) charsym] = "Char"; ReservedWords [(int) codesym] = "code"; ReservedWords [(int) defsym] = "definition"; ReservedWords [(int) falsesym] = "False"; ReservedWords [(int) filesym] = "File"; ReservedWords [(int) allsym] = "All"; ReservedWords [(int) fromsym] = "from"; /* RWS ... hack */ ReservedWords [(int) ifsym] = "if "; /* ... RWS */ ReservedWords [(int) impsym] = "implementation"; ReservedWords [(int) importsym] = "import"; ReservedWords [(int) intsym] = "Int"; ReservedWords [(int) macrosym] = "macro"; ReservedWords [(int) modulesym] = "module"; ReservedWords [(int) procidsym] = "ProcId"; ReservedWords [(int) redidsym] = "RedId"; ReservedWords [(int) realsym] = "Real"; ReservedWords [(int) rulesym] = "rule"; /* */ ReservedWords [(int) stringsym] = "_STRING"; /* */ ReservedWords [(int) systemsym] = "system"; ReservedWords [(int) truesym] = "True"; ReservedWords [(int) typedefsym] = "type"; ReservedWords [(int) applysym] = "=>"; ReservedWords [(int) uniquesym] = "*"; ReservedWords [(int) worldsym] = "World"; gIdentStringTable = (struct ident_string**)CompAlloc (kIdentStringTableSize * sizeof (struct ident_string)); for (i = 0; i < kIdentStringTableSize; i++) gIdentStringTable [i] = NIL; } static KeyWordInfoS gKeyWords [] = { { "export", kTokenExport }, { "import", kTokenImport }, { "from", kTokenFrom }, { "definition", kTokenDefinition }, { "implementation", kTokenImplementation }, { "system", kTokenSystem }, { "module", kTokenModule }, { "let", kTokenLet }, { "in", kTokenIn }, { "case", kTokenCase }, { "of", kTokenOf }, { "if", kTokenIf }, { "with", kTokenWith }, { "where", kTokenWhere }, { "code", kTokenCode }, { "True", kTokenTrue }, { "False", kTokenFalse }, /* { "overload", kTokenOverload }, */ { "instance", kTokenInstance }, { "default", kTokenDefault }, { "class", kTokenClass }, { "infix", kTokenInfix }, { "infixl", kTokenInfixL }, { "infixr", kTokenInfixR }, { "\\", '\\' }, { "\\\\", kTokenDoubleBackSlash }, { "#", '#' }, { "#!", kTokenHashExclamationMark }, { "=", '=' }, { "|", '|' }, { ".", '.' }, { "!", '!' }, { "&", '&' }, { "..", kTokenDotDot }, { "=:", kTokenEqualColon }, #ifndef H { ":", ':' }, #endif { ":==", kTokenColonDoubleEqual }, { "=>", kTokenDoubleRightArrow }, { "<-", kTokenLeftArrow }, { "<-:", kTokenLeftArrowColon }, { "->", kTokenRightArrow } #ifdef H ,{ "data", kTokenData } ,{ "type", kTokenType } ,{ "@", kTokenAtSign } ,{ "then", kTokenThen } ,{ "else", kTokenElse } ,{ "interface", kTokenInterface } #endif }; # define ArraySize(array) ((unsigned) (sizeof (array) / sizeof (array[0]))) void ScanInitialise (void) { int i; #ifndef CLEAN2 gCharTypeTable = (unsigned char*)CompAlloc (256 * sizeof (unsigned char)), InitialiseCharTypeTable (gCharTypeTable); gStateNormalTable = (ScanState*)CompAlloc (256 * sizeof (ScanState)), InitialiseStateNormalTable (gStateNormalTable); gStateInstructionsTable = (ScanState*)CompAlloc (256 * sizeof (ScanState)), InitialiseStateInstructionTable (gStateInstructionsTable); ScanSetMode (kScanModeNormal); gInputBuffer = (unsigned char*)CompAlloc (kInputBufferSize); #endif ScanInitIdentStringTable(); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize (gKeyWords); i++) PutKeyWordInTable (&gKeyWords [i]); } /* ScanInitialise */ void InitScanner (void) { InlineCodeBuffer = (char*)CompAlloc (InlineBuffSize); InlineBufferStart = 0; } /* InitScanner */