#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n) #if defined (applec) || defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (__MRC__) # define mpwc #endif #ifdef MAKE_MPW_TOOL # define NO_CLEAN_SYSTEM_FILES_FOLDERS # define NEWBRIDGE #endif #if defined (mpwc) /* && ! (defined (MAKE_MPW_TOOL) && !defined (MAIN_CLM)) */ # define USE_PATH_CACHE 1 #else # define USE_PATH_CACHE 0 #endif #include "compiledefines.h" #ifndef _SYSTEM_ # include "system.h" #endif #if defined (POWER) # define USE_SYSTEM_ALLOC 1 #else # define USE_SYSTEM_ALLOC 0 #endif #include #ifndef mpwc # include #endif #include #include #ifdef mpwc # include #endif #include #include #ifndef mpwc # include #endif #if USE_PATH_CACHE # include "path_cache.h" #endif #undef FOLDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERRORS static unsigned char *copy_c_to_p_string (char *c_string,char *p_string) { char *s,*d,c; d=p_string+1; s=c_string; while (c=*s++, c!='\0') *d++=c; *p_string=s-1-c_string; return (unsigned char*) p_string; } static FileTime FindFileTime (char *fname,int wd_ref_num) { int err; FileParam fpb; char p_string [256]; fpb.ioNamePtr=copy_c_to_p_string (fname,p_string); fpb.ioFDirIndex=0; fpb.ioFVersNum=0; fpb.ioVRefNum=wd_ref_num; #ifdef mpwc err = PBGetFInfoSync ((ParmBlkPtr)&fpb); #else err = PBGetFInfo (&fpb, 0); #endif if (err) return NoFile; else return fpb.ioFlMdDat; } char *PATHLIST; #ifdef mpwc struct path_list { short path_wd_ref_num; short path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num; struct path_list * path_next; #if defined (__MWERKS__) || defined (__MRC__) char path_name[]; #else char path_name[0]; #endif }; static struct path_list *path_list=NULL; static void add_directory_to_path_list (char *path_name,struct path_list **old_path_list_h) { short wd_ref_num,clean_system_files_wd_ref_num; struct path_list *new_path,**last_path_p; int path_name_length; char p_string [256]; CInfoPBRec fpb; WDPBRec wd_pb; int err,root_path; root_path=0; if (path_name){ char *p; for (p=path_name; *p!=':' && *p!='\0'; ++p) ; if (*p=='\0'){ root_path=1; p[0]=':'; p[1]='\0'; } } if (path_name) fpb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr=copy_c_to_p_string (path_name,p_string); else fpb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr=(unsigned char*)"\001:"; fpb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum=0; fpb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex=0; fpb.hFileInfo.ioDirID=0; err = PBGetCatInfoSync (&fpb); if (err!=0){ #ifdef FOLDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERRORS if (path_name) fprintf (stderr,"folder '%s' does not exist\n",path_name); # ifdef ADD_NULL_PATH else fprintf (stderr,"folder ':' does not exist\n"); # endif #endif return; } wd_pb.ioNamePtr=fpb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr; wd_pb.ioWDProcID='ClCo'; wd_pb.ioVRefNum=0; wd_pb.ioWDDirID=0; /* wd_pb.ioVRefNum=fpb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum; wd_pb.ioWDDirID=fpb.hFileInfo.ioDirID; */ err = PBOpenWD (&wd_pb,0); if (err!=0){ if (path_name) fprintf (stderr,"folder '%s' does not exist\n",path_name); #ifdef ADD_NULL_PATH else fprintf (stderr,"folder ':' does not exist\n"); #endif return; } wd_ref_num=wd_pb.ioVRefNum; #ifndef NO_CLEAN_SYSTEM_FILES_FOLDERS if (path_name){ if (root_path) strcat (path_name,"Clean System Files"); else strcat (path_name,":Clean System Files"); } else path_name="Clean System Files"; fpb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr=copy_c_to_p_string (path_name,p_string); fpb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum =0; fpb.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex=0; fpb.hFileInfo.ioDirID=0; err = PBGetCatInfoSync (&fpb); if (err!=0){ err = PBDirCreateSync ((HParamBlockRec*)&fpb); if (err!=0){ fprintf (stderr,"cannot create folder '%s'\n",path_name); return; } } wd_pb.ioNamePtr=fpb.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr; wd_pb.ioWDProcID='ClCo'; wd_pb.ioVRefNum=0; wd_pb.ioWDDirID=0; /* wd_pb.ioVRefNum=fpb.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum; wd_pb.ioWDDirID=fpb.hFileInfo.ioDirID; */ err = PBOpenWD (&wd_pb,0); if (err!=0){ if (path_name) fprintf (stderr,"folder '%s' does not exist\n",path_name); return; } clean_system_files_wd_ref_num=wd_pb.ioVRefNum; path_name_length=strlen (path_name)-strlen (":Clean System Files"); if (path_name_length<0) path_name_length=0; path_name[path_name_length]='\0'; #else clean_system_files_wd_ref_num=0; if (path_name==NULL) path_name=""; path_name_length=strlen (path_name); #endif last_path_p=&path_list; while (*last_path_p) last_path_p=&(*last_path_p)->path_next; /* reuse memory from previous path_list */ { struct path_list *old_path_list_p; for (; (old_path_list_p=*old_path_list_h)!=NULL; old_path_list_h=&old_path_list_p->path_next){ if (old_path_list_p->path_wd_ref_num==wd_ref_num && old_path_list_p->path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num==clean_system_files_wd_ref_num && !strcmp (old_path_list_p->path_name,path_name)) { *old_path_list_h=old_path_list_p->path_next; old_path_list_p->path_next=NULL; *last_path_p=old_path_list_p; return; } } } new_path=(struct path_list*)Alloc (1,sizeof (struct path_list)+1+path_name_length); new_path->path_wd_ref_num=wd_ref_num; new_path->path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num=clean_system_files_wd_ref_num; strcpy (new_path->path_name,path_name); new_path->path_next=NULL; *last_path_p=new_path; } #endif extern char *path_parameter; void GetInitialPathList (void) { char path[MAXPATHLEN]; struct path_list *old_path_list; char *s,*path_elem,*p; int c; p = path_parameter; if (p==NULL){ PATHLIST="\0"; return; } PATHLIST = p; old_path_list=path_list; path_list=NULL; #ifdef ADD_NULL_PATH add_directory_to_path_list (NULL,&old_path_list); #endif path_elem =PATHLIST; s=path_elem; for (c = *s;;c = *s){ if (c == ',' || c == '\0'){ char *from_p,*dest_p; from_p=path_elem; dest_p=path; while (from_ppath_next; Free (path); path=next_path; } } char *GetFileExtension (FileKind kind) { switch (kind){ case abcFile: return ".abc"; case obj00File: return ".obj0"; case obj20File: return ".obj1"; case obj81File: return ".obj2"; case iclFile: return ".icl"; case dclFile: return ".dcl"; case dumpFile: return ".dmp"; case statFile: return ".stt"; case stasFile: return ".str"; case assFile: return ".a"; case sunAssFile: return ".s"; case helpFile: case applFile: case otherFile: default: return ""; } } #ifdef NEWBRIDGE extern char *clean_abc_path; /* imported from clm.c */ #endif #if defined (mpwc) && WRITE_DCL_MODIFICATION_TIME static Bool find_filepath_and_time (char *file_name,FileKind kind,char *path,FileTime *file_time_p) { char *file_extension; struct path_list *path_elem; file_extension=GetFileExtension (kind); if (file_name[0]!=':'){ strcpy (path,file_name); strcat (path,file_extension); #if USE_PATH_CACHE if (kind==dclFile){ struct search_dcl_path_in_cache_result r; if (search_dcl_path_in_cache (file_name,&r)){ strcpy (path,r.path); #ifndef NO_CLEAN_SYSTEM_FILES_FOLDERS if (path[0]=='\0'){ } else strcat (path,":"); #else if (path[0]!='\0' && path[strlen (path)-1]!=':') strcat (path,":"); #endif strcat (path,file_name); strcat (path,file_extension); *file_time_p=r.file_time; return True; } } #endif for_l (path_elem,path_list,path_next){ short wd_ref_num; unsigned long file_time; wd_ref_num=path_elem->path_wd_ref_num; file_time=FindFileTime (path,wd_ref_num); if (file_time!=NoFile){ strcpy (path,path_elem->path_name); #ifndef NO_CLEAN_SYSTEM_FILES_FOLDERS if (path[0]=='\0'){ } else strcat (path,":"); #else if (path[0]!='\0' && path[strlen (path)-1]!=':') strcat (path,":"); #endif strcat (path,file_name); strcat (path,file_extension); #if USE_PATH_CACHE if (kind==dclFile) cache_dcl_path (file_name,path_elem->path_wd_ref_num, path_elem->path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num,file_time,path_elem->path_name); #endif *file_time_p=file_time; return True; } } } strcpy (path,file_name); strcat (path,file_extension); { unsigned long file_time; file_time=FindFileTime (path,0); if (file_time==NoFile) return False; else { *file_time_p=file_time; return True; } } } #endif #ifdef mpwc static Bool findfilepath (char *file_name,FileKind kind,char *path) { char *file_extension; int in_clean_system_files_folder; struct path_list *path_elem; switch (kind){ case abcFile: case obj00File: case obj20File: case obj81File: in_clean_system_files_folder=1; break; default: in_clean_system_files_folder=0; } file_extension=GetFileExtension (kind); if (file_name[0]!=':'){ strcpy (path,file_name); strcat (path,file_extension); #if USE_PATH_CACHE if (kind==dclFile){ struct search_dcl_path_in_cache_result r; if (search_dcl_path_in_cache (file_name,&r)){ strcpy (path,r.path); #ifndef NO_CLEAN_SYSTEM_FILES_FOLDERS if (path[0]=='\0'){ if (in_clean_system_files_folder) strcpy (path,"Clean System Files:"); } else if (in_clean_system_files_folder) strcat (path,":Clean System Files:"); else strcat (path,":"); #else if (path[0]!='\0' && path[strlen (path)-1]!=':') strcat (path,":"); #endif strcat (path,file_name); strcat (path,file_extension); return True; } } #endif #ifdef NEWBRIDGE for (path_elem=(clean_abc_path!=NULL && !in_clean_system_files_folder && path_list!=NULL) ? path_list->path_next : path_list; path_elem!=NULL; path_elem=(clean_abc_path!=NULL && in_clean_system_files_folder) ? NULL : path_elem->path_next) { #else for_l (path_elem,path_list,path_next){ #endif short wd_ref_num; unsigned long file_time; #ifndef NO_CLEAN_SYSTEM_FILES_FOLDERS if (in_clean_system_files_folder) wd_ref_num=path_elem->path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num; else #endif wd_ref_num=path_elem->path_wd_ref_num; file_time=FindFileTime (path,wd_ref_num); if (file_time!=NoFile){ strcpy (path,path_elem->path_name); #ifndef NO_CLEAN_SYSTEM_FILES_FOLDERS if (path[0]=='\0'){ if (in_clean_system_files_folder) strcpy (path,"Clean System Files:"); } else if (in_clean_system_files_folder) strcat (path,":Clean System Files:"); else strcat (path,":"); #else if (path[0]!='\0' && path[strlen (path)-1]!=':') strcat (path,":"); #endif strcat (path,file_name); strcat (path,file_extension); #if USE_PATH_CACHE if (kind==dclFile && !in_clean_system_files_folder) cache_dcl_path (file_name,path_elem->path_wd_ref_num, path_elem->path_clean_system_files_wd_ref_num,file_time,path_elem->path_name); #endif return True; } } #ifdef NEWBRIDGE return False; #endif } #ifndef NO_CLEAN_SYSTEM_FILES_FOLDERS if (in_clean_system_files_folder && file_name[0]!=':'){ strcpy (path,":Clean System Files:"); strcat (path, file_name); } else #endif strcpy (path,file_name); strcat (path,file_extension); return FindFileTime (path,0); } #else static Bool findfilepath (char *wname, FileKind kind, char *path) { char *s,*pathelem,c,*file_extension; FILE *f; file_extension=GetFileExtension (kind); /* first try current directory */ strcpy (path,wname); strcat (path,file_extension); if (FindFileTime (path,0) != NoFile) return True; pathelem = PATHLIST; s = pathelem; for (c = *s;;c = *s){ if (c == ',' || c == '\0'){ char *from_p,*dest_p; from_p=path_elem; dest_p=path; while (from_pfile_block_size; memcpy (buffer,file_block_p->file_block_data,n_chars); if (n_chars>0) next_file_block_l=&file_block_p->file_block_next; return n_chars; } else return 0; } else { int n_chars_read; n_chars_read = FRead (buffer,1,1024l,dcl_file); if (n_chars_read>0){ struct file_block *new_file_block_p; new_file_block_p=(struct file_block*)Alloc (1,sizeof (struct file_block)); new_file_block_p->file_block_size=n_chars_read; memcpy (new_file_block_p->file_block_data,buffer,n_chars_read); new_file_block_p->file_block_next=NULL; *next_file_block_l=new_file_block_p; next_file_block_l=&new_file_block_p->file_block_next; } return n_chars_read; } } #endif int FClose (File f) { return fclose ((FILE *) f); } extern int FDelete (char *fname, FileKind kind); int FDelete (char *fname, FileKind kind) { char path[MAXPATHLEN]; Bool res; res = findfilepath (fname, kind, path); if (res) return remove (path); else return -1; } #define OUTSIZE 2048 int FPrintF (File f, char *fmt, ...) { int n; va_list args; char outbuffer[OUTSIZE]; va_start (args, fmt); vsprintf (outbuffer, fmt, args); n = strlen (outbuffer); if (n >= OUTSIZE) { fputs ("FATAL ERROR: out buffer to small\n", stderr); exit (1); } va_end (args); return fputs (outbuffer, (FILE *) f); } /* FPrintF */ size_t FWrite (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, File f) { return fwrite (ptr, size, count, (FILE *) f); } /* FWrite */ size_t FRead (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, File f) { return fread (ptr, size, count, (FILE *) f); } /* FRead */ int FPutS (char *s, File f) { return fputs (s, (FILE *) f); } /* FPutS */ int FSeek (File f, long offset, int origin) { return fseek ((FILE *) f, offset, origin); } /* FSeek */ long FTell (File f) { return ftell ((FILE *) f); } /* FTell */ FileTime FGetFileTime (char *fname, FileKind kind) { char path[MAXPATHLEN]; Bool res; res = findfilepath (fname, kind, path); /* FPrintF (StdOut, "timing %s\n", fname); */ if (res) return FindFileTime (path,0); else return NoFile; } /* FGetFileTime */ #ifdef WRITE_DCL_MODIFICATION_TIME void FWriteFileTime (FileTime file_time,File f) { DateTimeRec date_and_time; SecondsToDate (file_time,&date_and_time); fprintf (f,"%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", date_and_time.year,date_and_time.month,date_and_time.day, date_and_time.hour,date_and_time.minute,date_and_time.second); } #endif Bool GetOptionsFromIclFile (char *fname, CompilerOptions *opts) { return False; } /* GetOptionsFromIclFile */ void DoError (char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start (args, fmt); (void) vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args); va_end (args); } /* DoError */ void DoFatalError (char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start (args, fmt); fputs ("Fatal error: ", stderr); (void) vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args); va_end (args); exit (0); } /* DoFatalError */ void CmdError (char *errormsg,...) { va_list args; va_start (args, errormsg); fputs ("Command line error: ", stdout); vfprintf (stdout, errormsg, args); fputc ('\n', stdout); va_end (args); } /* CmdError */ extern long GetMainModuleVolume (void); long GetMainModuleVolume (void) { return 0; } /* GetMainModuleVolume */ static void Nothing (void) { } /* Nothing */ static void (*interfunct) (void) = Nothing; void (*SetSignal (void (*f) (void))) (void) { void (*oldf) () = interfunct; interfunct = f; return oldf; } /* SetSignal */ int CheckInterrupt () { #ifndef mpwc EventRecord the_Event; /* holds the event record */ GetNextEvent(everyEvent, &the_Event); if (the_Event.what == keyDown && the_Event.modifiers & cmdKey) { char c; c = (unsigned char) the_Event.message; if (c == '.') { (*interfunct) (); return True; } } #endif return False; } /* CheckInterrupt */ void *Alloc (unsigned long count, SizeT size) { if (size!=1){ if (count >= MAXUNSIGNED / size) DoFatalError ("Allocate: severe memory allocation problem"); count *= size; } #if USE_SYSTEM_ALLOC return (void *) NewPtr ((size_t) (count)); #else return (void *) malloc ((size_t) (count)); #endif } void Free (void *p) { #if USE_SYSTEM_ALLOC DisposePtr ((char*)p); #else free ((char *) p); #endif } typedef struct LaunchStruct { char *pfName; int param; char LC[2]; long extBlockLen; int fFlags; long launchFlags; } *pLanchStruct; int System (char *file_name) { #ifdef mpwc return 0; #else struct LaunchStruct myLaunch; HFileInfo myPb; int error; char *errmsg = "Could not launch %s\n"; CtoPstr (file_name); myPb.ioNamePtr=(StringPtr) file_name; myPb.ioVRefNum=0; myPb.ioFDirIndex=0; myPb.ioDirID=0; error=PBGetCatInfo ((CInfoPBPtr) &myPb,0); if (error) { PtoCstr (file_name); DoError (errmsg, file_name); return error; } error=SetVol (Null,0); if (error) { PtoCstr (file_name); DoError (errmsg, file_name); return error; } myLaunch.pfName=file_name; myLaunch.param=0; myLaunch.LC[0]='L'; myLaunch.LC[1]='C'; myLaunch.extBlockLen=4; myLaunch.fFlags=myPb.ioFlFndrInfo.fdFlags; myLaunch.launchFlags=0xc0000000; asm { lea myLaunch,A0 _Launch move d0,error } PtoCstr (file_name); if (error>=0) return 0; else { DoError (errmsg, file_name); return error; } #endif } /* System */