#include "compiledefines.h" #include "types.t" #include "system.h" #include "syntaxtr.t" #include "comsupport.h" #include "settings.h" #include "sizes.h" #include "checker.h" #include "checksupport.h" #include "overloading.h" #include "dbprint.h" #include "codegen_types.h" #define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n) #define PrintAnnotation(annot) #undef PRINT_alt_lifted_node_ids #undef PRINT_NODE_ID_REF_COUNTS #define PRINT_ALL_NODE_ID_ADDRESSES #undef PRINT_NODE_LINE_NUMBERS #define PRINT_NODE_ID_REF_COUNT static void PrintUnaryState (StateKind kind, ObjectKind obj, File file) { switch (kind) { case OnB: FPutS ("OnB ", file); break; case OnA: FPutS ("OnA ", file); break; case StrictOnA: FPutS ("StrictOnA ", file); break; case SemiStrict: FPutS ("SemiStrict ", file); break; case StrictRedirection: FPutS ("StrictRedirection ", file); break; case Parallel: FPutS ("Parallel ", file); break; case Undefined: FPutS ("Undefined ", file); break; case UnderEval: FPutS ("UnderEval ", file); break; } switch (obj) { case UnknownObj: FPutS ("??? ", file); break; case IntObj: FPutS ("Int ", file); break; case BoolObj: FPutS ("Bool ", file); break; case CharObj: FPutS ("Char ", file); break; case StringObj: FPutS ("String ", file); break; case RealObj: FPutS ("Real ", file); break; case FileObj: FPutS ("File ", file); break; case TupleObj: FPutS ("Tuple ", file); break; case ListObj: FPutS ("List ", file); break; case ProcIdObj: FPutS ("ProcId ", file); break; } } void PrintState (StateS state, File file) { switch (state.state_type){ case TupleState: { int i,arity; arity=state.state_arity; FPrintF (file,"t%d",arity); for (i=0; i<arity; ++i){ FPrintF (file," "); PrintState (state.state_tuple_arguments[i],file); } break; } case RecordState: FPutC ('r',file); break; case ArrayState: FPutC ('a',file); break; case SimpleState: PrintUnaryState (state.state_kind,state.state_object, file); break; } } void DPrintOccurrenceKind (OccurrenceKind kind, File file) { switch (kind) { case NotUsed: /* FPutS ("NotUsed", file); */ return; case UniquelyUsed: FPutS ("<U> ", file); return; case SelectivelyUsed: FPutS ("<S> ", file); return; case MultiplyUsed: FPutS ("<M> ", file); return; default: FPutS ("<?> ", file); return; } } void DPrintNodeId (NodeId nid, File file) { if (nid){ if (nid->nid_ident){ FPrintF (file, "%s",nid->nid_ident->ident_name); #ifdef PRINT_ALL_NODE_ID_ADDRESSES FPrintF (file, "@i_%lx", (long) nid); #endif } else FPrintF (file, "i_%lx", (long) nid); #ifdef PRINT_NODE_ID_REF_COUNT FPrintF (file, "<%d>", nid->nid_refcount); #endif } else FPrintF (file," 00000000"); } void DPrintNodeIdS (char *s,NodeId node_id,File file) { FPrintF (file,"%s",s); DPrintNodeId (node_id,file); FPrintF (file,"\n"); } static void DPrintTypeVar (TypeVar tv, Node follow, File file) { if (tv){ if (tv->tv_ident) FPrintF (file, "%s",tv->tv_ident->ident_name); else FPrintF (file, "i_%lx", (long) tv); FPrintF (file, "<%d>", tv->tv_refcount); if (follow) FPutS (" = ", file); } } static void PrintArgument (Args arg,Bool brackets,int n_leading_spaces,File file) { /* PrintState (arg->arg_state, file); */ if (arg->arg_node->node_kind==NodeIdNode) DPrintNodeId (arg->arg_node->node_node_id,file); else { /* DPrintOccurrenceKind (arg -> arg_occurrence); */ PrintRuleNode (arg->arg_node,brackets,n_leading_spaces,file); } } static void print_spaces (int n_leading_spaces,File file) { int n; for (n=0; n<n_leading_spaces; ++n) FPutC (' ',file); } static void PrintArguments (Args args, char separator, Bool brackets,int n_leading_spaces,File file) { if (args!=NULL){ PrintArgument (args,brackets,n_leading_spaces,file); for (args = args -> arg_next; args; args = args -> arg_next){ FPutC (separator, file); if (separator=='\n') print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); PrintArgument (args, brackets,n_leading_spaces,file); } } } void PrintRuleNode (Node node,Bool brackets,int n_leading_spaces,File file) { /* if (IsOnACycle (node -> node_number)) FPutS ("<C>", file); PrintState (node -> node_state,file); */ switch (node -> node_kind){ case NormalNode: case PrefixNode: { Symbol node_symb = node->node_symbol; if (node_symb -> symb_kind == tuple_symb){ FPutC ('(', file); PrintArguments (node -> node_arguments, ',', False,n_leading_spaces,file); FPutC (')', file); } else if (node_symb -> symb_kind == list_type) { FPutC ('[', file); PrintArguments (node -> node_arguments, ',', False,n_leading_spaces,file); FPutC (']', file); } else if (node_symb -> symb_kind == nil_symb) FPutS ("[]", file); else if (node_symb -> symb_kind == cons_symb) { FPutC ('[', file); PrintArgument (node -> node_arguments, brackets,n_leading_spaces,file); FPutC (':', file); PrintArgument (node -> node_arguments -> arg_next, brackets,n_leading_spaces,file); FPutC (']', file); } else if (node_symb -> symb_kind==select_symb){ FPutS ("_sel",file); FPutC ('0'+node->node_arity,file); FPutC (' ',file); PrintArgument (node -> node_arguments,True,n_leading_spaces,file); } else { if (brackets && node -> node_arguments) FPutC ('(', file); PrintSymbol (node_symb, file); #ifdef PRINT_NODE_LINE_NUMBERS FPrintF (file,"#%d",node->node_line); #endif if (node_symb->symb_kind==definition && node_symb->symb_def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && (node_symb->symb_def->sdef_rule->rule_mark & RULE_INTERNAL_FUNCTION_MASK)) { FPrintF (file,"_%d",node_symb->symb_def->sdef_number); } if (node -> node_arguments) { FPutC (' ', file); PrintArguments (node -> node_arguments,' ', True,n_leading_spaces,file); if (brackets) FPutC (')', file); } } break; } case SelectorNode: PrintArgument (node -> node_arguments, True,n_leading_spaces,file); if (node->node_arity>1){ FPutC ('!',file); FPutC ('0'+node->node_arity,file); } else FPutC ('.',file); PrintSymbol (node->node_symbol, file); break; case IfNode: { Args elsepart, thenpart, condpart; condpart = node -> node_arguments; thenpart = condpart -> arg_next; elsepart = thenpart -> arg_next; if (brackets) FPutC ('(', file); FPutS ("IF ", file); PrintArgument (condpart, True,n_leading_spaces,file); FPutC ('\n',file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); #if 1 # ifdef PRINT_NODE_ID_REF_COUNTS FPutS ("[ ", file); { NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem; for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node->node_then_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){ DPrintNodeId (node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id,file); fprintf (file," %d ",node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count); } } FPutS ("]\n", file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); # else if (node->node_then_strict_node_ids!=NULL){ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id; FPutS ("let! ", file); for_l (strict_node_id,node->node_then_strict_node_ids,snid_next){ DPrintNodeId (strict_node_id->snid_node_id,file); FPutS ("; ",file); } FPutC ('\n',file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); } # endif #endif PrintArgument (thenpart, True,n_leading_spaces+4,file); if (node->node_then_node_defs!=NULL){ FPutC ('\n',file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); FPutS ("{\n",file); PrintNodeDefs (node->node_then_node_defs,n_leading_spaces+8,file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); FPutC ('}', file); } FPutC ('\n',file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); #if 1 # ifdef PRINT_NODE_ID_REF_COUNTS FPutS ("[ ", file); { NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem; for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node->node_else_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){ DPrintNodeId (node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id,file); fprintf (file," %d ",node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count); } } FPutS ("]\n",file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); # else if (node->node_else_strict_node_ids!=NULL){ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id; FPutS ("let! ", file); for (strict_node_id=node->node_else_strict_node_ids; strict_node_id!=NULL; strict_node_id=strict_node_id->snid_next){ DPrintNodeId (strict_node_id->snid_node_id,file); FPutS ("; ",file); } FPutC ('\n',file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); } # endif #endif PrintArgument (elsepart, True,n_leading_spaces+4,file); if (node->node_else_node_defs!=NULL){ FPutC ('\n', file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); FPutS ("{\n",file); PrintNodeDefs (node->node_else_node_defs,n_leading_spaces+8,file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); FPutS ("}\n", file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); } if (brackets) FPutC (')', file); break; } case NodeIdNode: { NodeId node_id; node_id=node->node_node_id; if (node_id->nid_ident){ FPrintF (file, " %s<%d>",node_id->nid_ident->ident_name,node_id->nid_refcount); #ifdef PRINT_ALL_NODE_ID_ADDRESSES FPrintF (file, " i_%lx",(long) node_id); #endif } else FPrintF (file, " i_%lx<%d>",(long) node_id,node_id->nid_refcount); break; } case RecordNode: if (brackets && node -> node_arguments) FPutC ('(', file); PrintSymbol (node->node_symbol, file); if (node -> node_arguments){ FPutC (' ', file); PrintArguments (node -> node_arguments,' ', True,n_leading_spaces,file); if (brackets) FPutC (')', file); } break; case IdentNode: if (brackets && node -> node_arguments) FPutC ('(', file); FPutC ('\"',file); FPutS (node->node_ident->ident_name, file); FPutC ('\"',file); if (node -> node_arguments){ FPutC (' ', file); PrintArguments (node -> node_arguments,' ', True,n_leading_spaces,file); if (brackets) FPutC (')', file); } break; case UpdateNode: { Args field = node -> node_arguments; FPutC ('{', file); PrintArgument (field, False,n_leading_spaces,file); FPutS (" & ", file); field = field -> arg_next; PrintArgument (field, False,n_leading_spaces,file); for (field = field -> arg_next; field; field = field -> arg_next) { FPutC (',', file); PrintArgument (field, False,n_leading_spaces,file); } FPutC ('}', file); break; } case MatchNode: { FPutS ("Match ",file); PrintSymbol (node->node_symbol,file); FPutC (' ',file); PrintArgument (node->node_arguments,False,n_leading_spaces,file); break; } case ApplyNode: { FPutS ("Apply ",file); PrintRuleNode (node->node_node, False,n_leading_spaces,file); FPutC (' ',file); PrintArgument (node->node_arguments,False,n_leading_spaces,file); break; } case SwitchNode: FPutS ("Switch ",file); DPrintNodeId (node->node_node_id,file); FPutC ('\n',file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); PrintArguments (node->node_arguments,'\n',True,n_leading_spaces,file); break; case CaseNode: FPutS ("Case: ",file); PrintSymbol (node->node_symbol, file); FPutS (" [ ",file); { NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem; for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node->node_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){ DPrintNodeId (node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id,file); fprintf (file," %d ",node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count); } } FPutS ("]\n",file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); #if 0 # ifndef PRINT_NODE_ID_REF_COUNTS if (node->node_strict_node_ids!=NULL){ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id; FPutS ("let! ", file); for_l (strict_node_id,node->node_strict_node_ids,snid_next){ if (strict_node_id->snid_mark & STRICT_NODE_ID_IDENT_MASK){ FPrintF (file, " %s",strict_node_id->snid_ident->ident_name); } else { DPrintNodeId (strict_node_id->snid_node_id,file); FPutS ("; ",file); } } FPutC ('\n',file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); } # endif #endif PrintArgument (node->node_arguments,False,n_leading_spaces+4,file); if (node->node_node_defs!=NULL){ FPutC ('\n', file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); FPutS ("{\n",file); PrintNodeDefs (node->node_node_defs,n_leading_spaces+4,file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); FPutS ("}\n", file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); } break; case DefaultNode: FPutS ("Default: [ ",file); { NodeIdRefCountListP node_id_ref_count_elem; for_l (node_id_ref_count_elem,node->node_node_id_ref_counts,nrcl_next){ DPrintNodeId (node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_node_id,file); fprintf (file," %d ",node_id_ref_count_elem->nrcl_ref_count); } } FPutS ("]\n",file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); #if 0 # ifndef PRINT_NODE_ID_REF_COUNTS if (node->node_strict_node_ids!=NULL){ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id; FPutS ("let! ", file); for_l (strict_node_id,node->node_strict_node_ids,snid_next){ if (strict_node_id->snid_mark & STRICT_NODE_ID_IDENT_MASK){ FPrintF (file, " %s",strict_node_id->snid_ident->ident_name); } else { DPrintNodeId (strict_node_id->snid_node_id,file); FPutS ("; ",file); } } FPutC ('\n',file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces+4,file); } # endif #endif PrintArgument (node->node_arguments,False,n_leading_spaces+4,file); if (node->node_node_defs!=NULL){ FPutC ('\n', file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); FPutS ("{\n",file); PrintNodeDefs (node->node_node_defs,n_leading_spaces+4,file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); FPutS ("}\n", file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); } break; case PushNode: { NodeIdListElementP node_id_list; FPutS ("Push ",file); DPrintNodeId (node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id,file); FPutS ("[",file); for_l (node_id_list,node->node_node_ids,nidl_next){ DPrintNodeId (node_id_list->nidl_node_id,file); if (node_id_list->nidl_next!=NULL) FPutC (' ',file); } FPutS ("]",file); FPutC ('\n',file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); PrintArgument (node->node_arguments->arg_next,True,n_leading_spaces,file); break; } case GuardNode: FPutS ("Guard ",file); PrintArguments (node->node_arguments,'\n',True,n_leading_spaces,file); if (node->node_node_defs!=NULL){ FPutC ('\n', file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); FPutS ("{\n",file); PrintNodeDefs (node->node_node_defs,n_leading_spaces+4,file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); FPutS ("}\n", file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); } break; case TupleSelectorsNode: FPutS ("TupleSelectors (",file); PrintArguments (node->node_arguments,',',True,n_leading_spaces,file); FPutS (") = ",file); PrintRuleNode (node->node_node,True,n_leading_spaces,file); break; case ScopeNode: FPutS ("ScopeNode ",file); PrintRuleNode (node->node_node,True,n_leading_spaces,file); if (node->node_arguments!=NULL){ FPutS (" ScopeNodeArguments ",file); PrintArguments (node->node_arguments,' ',True,n_leading_spaces,file); } break; case FillUniqueNode: FPutS ("FillUniqueNode ",file); DPrintNodeId (node->node_node->node_arguments->arg_node->node_node_id,file); FPutC (' ',file); PrintArguments (node->node_arguments,' ',True,n_leading_spaces,file); break; default: FPutC ('?',file); FPrintF (file,"%d",(int)node->node_kind); } } void PrintNodeDef (NodeDefP def_p,int n_leading_spaces,File file) { int n; /* FPrintF (file, "%d: ", (int) def_p->def_number); */ for (n=n_leading_spaces; n>0; --n) FPutC (' ',file); /* if (def_p->def_has_lhs_pattern) PrintRuleNode (def_p->def_pattern,False,n_leading_spaces,file); else */ DPrintNodeId (def_p -> def_id, file); if (def_p -> def_node){ FPutS (" = ", file); PrintRuleNode (def_p->def_node, False,n_leading_spaces,file); } FPutS ("\n",file); } void PrintNodeDefs (NodeDefs defs,int n_leading_spaces,File file) { for ( ; defs!=NULL; defs=defs->def_next) PrintNodeDef (defs,n_leading_spaces,file); } STRUCT (lifted_node_id,LiftedNodeId){ NodeId lnid_lifted_node_id; NodeId lnid_lhs_node_id; struct lifted_node_id * lnid_next; }; void PrintRuleAlt (RuleAlts rulealt,int n_leading_spaces,File file) { PrintRuleNode (rulealt->alt_lhs_root, False,n_leading_spaces,file); #ifdef PRINT_alt_lifted_node_ids if (rulealt->alt_lifted_node_ids){ LiftedNodeId lifted_node_id_p; FPutS (" <<",file); for_l (lifted_node_id_p,rulealt->alt_lifted_node_ids,lnid_next){ FPutC (' ',file); DPrintNodeId (lifted_node_id_p->lnid_lhs_node_id,file); FPutC (':',file); DPrintNodeId (lifted_node_id_p->lnid_lifted_node_id,file); } FPutS (" >>",file); } #endif if (rulealt->alt_lhs_defs){ FPutS ("\n", file); PrintNodeDefs (rulealt -> alt_lhs_defs,4,file); FPutS (" = ", file); } else FPutS ("\n = ", file); if (rulealt -> alt_kind==Contractum){ #if 1 # ifndef PRINT_NODE_ID_REF_COUNTS if (rulealt->alt_strict_node_ids!=NULL){ StrictNodeIdP strict_node_id; FPutS ("let! ", file); for_l (strict_node_id,rulealt->alt_strict_node_ids,snid_next){ if (strict_node_id->snid_mark & STRICT_NODE_ID_IDENT_MASK){ FPrintF (file, " %s",strict_node_id->snid_ident->ident_name); } else { DPrintNodeId (strict_node_id->snid_node_id,file); FPutS ("; ",file); } } FPutC ('\n',file); print_spaces (n_leading_spaces,file); } # endif #endif PrintRuleNode (rulealt->alt_rhs_root, False,n_leading_spaces,file); FPutS ("\n", file); PrintNodeDefs (rulealt->alt_rhs_defs,4,file); } else { /* FPutS (rulealt->alt_rhs_root->node_node_id->nid_ident->ident_name,file); */ } } static void PrintRuleAlts (RuleAlts rulealt,int n_leading_spaces,File file) { for (; rulealt; rulealt = rulealt -> alt_next) PrintRuleAlt (rulealt,n_leading_spaces,file); } static void PrintTypeArguments (TypeArgs args, char separator, File file) { if (args){ PrintTypeNode (args->type_arg_node, file); for (args = args->type_arg_next; args; args = args->type_arg_next){ FPutC (separator, file); PrintTypeNode (args->type_arg_node, file); } } } static char *PrintUniVars = "uvwxyz"; #define NrOfPrintUniVars 6 void PrintTypeNode (TypeNode node, File file) { if (node->type_node_annotation || node->type_node_annotation == StrictOnA) FPutC ('!', file); if (node->type_node_attribute == UniqueAttr) FPutC ('*', file); else if (node->type_node_attribute > UniqueAttr) { unsigned node_attr = node->type_node_attribute - UniqueAttr; if (node_attr < NrOfPrintUniVars) { FPutC (PrintUniVars[node_attr], file); FPutC (':', file); } else FPrintF (file, "%u:", node_attr); } if (node->type_node_is_var) FPutS (node->type_node_tv->tv_ident->ident_name, file); else if (node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind == tuple_type) { FPutC ('(', file); PrintTypeArguments (node->type_node_arguments, ',', file); FPutC (')', file); } else if (node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind == list_type) { FPutC ('[', file); PrintTypeArguments (node->type_node_arguments,',', file); FPutC (']', file); } else if (node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind >= array_type && node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind <= unboxed_array_type) { char *delim_chars = ":|#"; char array_delim = delim_chars [node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind - array_type]; FPutC ('{', file); FPutC (array_delim, file); PrintTypeArguments (node->type_node_arguments,',', file); FPutC (array_delim, file); FPutC ('}', file); } else if (node->type_node_symbol->symb_kind == apply_symb) { FPutC ('(', file); PrintTypeArguments (node -> type_node_arguments, ' ', file); FPutC (')', file); } else { if (node->type_node_arguments) FPutC ('(', file); PrintSymbol (node->type_node_symbol, file); if (node->type_node_arguments){ FPutC (' ', file); PrintTypeArguments (node->type_node_arguments,' ', file); FPutC (')', file); } } } static void PrintAttribute (AttributeKind attr, File file) { if (attr == NotUniqueAttr) return; else if (attr == UniqueAttr) FPutC ('*', file); else FPrintF (file, "%d", attr - UniqueAttr, file); } static void PrintTypeAttrEquations (UniVarEquations equs, File file) { for (; equs; equs = equs -> uve_next) { AttributeKindList next; PrintAttribute (equs -> uve_demanded, file); FPutC (':', file); for (next = equs -> uve_offered; next; next = next -> akl_next) { FPutC (' ', file); PrintAttribute (next -> akl_elem, file); } } } static void PrintTypeContext (TypeContext type_context, File file) { SymbolList symbols; for (symbols = type_context -> tyco_symbols; symbols; symbols = symbols -> sl_next) { PrintSymbol (symbols -> sl_symbol -> sdef_class -> cd_symbol, file); FPutC (' ', file); DPrintTypeVar (type_context -> tyco_variable, NULL, file); } } static void PrintTypeContexts (TypeContext type_contexts, File file) { PrintTypeContext (type_contexts, file); for (type_contexts = type_contexts -> tyco_next; type_contexts; type_contexts = type_contexts -> tyco_next) { FPutS (" & ", file); PrintTypeContext (type_contexts, file); } } void PrintTypeAlt (TypeAlts type_alts, File file, Bool with_equats) { TypeNode lhs_root = type_alts -> type_alt_lhs; PrintSymbol (lhs_root -> type_node_symbol, file); FPutS (" :: ", file); PrintTypeArguments (lhs_root -> type_node_arguments, ' ', file); FPutS (" -> ", file); PrintTypeNode (type_alts -> type_alt_rhs, file); if (type_alts -> type_alt_type_context) { FPutS (" | ", file); PrintTypeContexts (type_alts -> type_alt_type_context, file); } FPutC ('\n', file); if (with_equats) { PrintTypeAttrEquations (type_alts -> type_alt_attr_equations, file); FPutC ('\n', file); } } void PrintImpRule (ImpRules rule,int n_leading_spaces,File file) { /* if (rule -> rule_type) PrintTypeAlt (rule -> rule_type, file); */ PrintRuleAlts (rule->rule_alts,n_leading_spaces,file); } void PrintRules (ImpRules rules,File file) { ImpRuleS *rule; for_l (rule,rules,rule_next){ PrintImpRule (rule,4,file); if (rule->rule_next!=NULL) FPutC ('\n',file); } } #ifdef _COMPSTATS_ unsigned long NrNodeCells, NrArgCells, NrTypeNodeCells, NrTypeArgCells, NrExpandedTypeNodeCells, NrExpandedTypeArgCells, NrNodeIdCells, NrSymbolCells, NrBasicNodes; void InitDB (void) { NrArgCells = NrNodeCells = NrNodeIdCells =0; NrTypeArgCells = NrTypeNodeCells =0; NrExpandedTypeNodeCells = NrExpandedTypeArgCells = 0; NrBasicNodes = NrSymbolCells = 0; } extern unsigned long NrOfBytes; void PrintCompStats (void, File file) { FPutC('\n', file); FPrintF (file, "Number of nodes: %lu\n", NrNodeCells); FPrintF (file, "Number of arguments: %lu\n", NrArgCells); FPrintF (file, "Number of type nodes: %lu\n", NrTypeNodeCells); FPrintF (file, "Number of type arguments: %lu\n", NrTypeArgCells); FPrintF (file, "Number of expanded type nodes: %lu\n", NrExpandedTypeNodeCells); FPrintF (file, "Number of expanded type arguments: %lu\n", NrExpandedTypeArgCells); FPrintF (file, "Number of nodeids: %lu\n", NrNodeIdCells); FPrintF (file, "Number of symbols: %lu\n", NrSymbolCells); FPrintF (file, "Number of basic nodes: %lu\n", NrBasicNodes); FPrintF (file, "Total number of bytes: %lu\n", NrOfBytes); } #endif