/* module owner: Ronny Wichers Schreur */ implementation module backendconvert import code from library "backend_library" import compilerSwitches import StdEnv import frontend import backend import backendsupport, backendpreprocess // trace macro (-*->) infixl (-*->) value trace :== value // ---> trace /* sfoldr op r l :== foldr l where foldr [] = r foldr [a:x] = \s -> op a (foldr x) s */ sfoldr op r l s :== foldr l s where foldr [] = r foldr [a:x] = op a (foldr x) // fix spelling, this will be removed when cases are implemented in the back end :: BackEndBody :== BackendBody BackEndBody x :== BackendBody x :: BEMonad a :== *BackEndState -> *(!a,!*BackEndState) :: BackEnder :== *BackEndState -> *BackEndState // :: *BackEndState = {bes_backEnd :: !BackEnd, bes_varHeap :: !*VarHeap, bes_attrHeap :: !*AttrVarHeap, bes_attr_number :: !Int} appBackEnd f beState :== {beState & bes_backEnd = bes_backEnd} where bes_backEnd = f beState.bes_backEnd accBackEnd f beState :== accBackEnd where accBackEnd # (result, bes_backEnd) = f beState.bes_backEnd #! beState2 = {beState & bes_backEnd = bes_backEnd} = (result,beState2) accVarHeap f beState :== (result, {beState & bes_varHeap = varHeap}) where (result, varHeap) = f beState.bes_varHeap accAttrHeap f beState :== (result, {beState & bes_attrHeap = attrHeap}) where (result, attrHeap) = f beState.bes_attrHeap read_from_var_heap :: VarInfoPtr BackEndState -> (VarInfo, BackEndState) read_from_var_heap ptr beState = (result, {beState & bes_varHeap = varHeap}) where (result, varHeap) = readPtr ptr beState.bes_varHeap write_to_var_heap ptr v beState = {beState & bes_varHeap = writePtr ptr v beState.bes_varHeap} read_from_attr_heap ptr beState = (result, {beState & bes_attrHeap = attrHeap}) where (result, attrHeap) = readPtr ptr beState.bes_attrHeap write_to_attr_heap ptr v beState = {beState & bes_attrHeap = writePtr ptr v beState.bes_attrHeap} /* read_from_var_heap ptr heap be = (sreadPtr ptr heap,be) :: *BackEndState :== BackEnd appBackEnd f beState :== f beState accBackEnd f beState :== f beState accVarHeap f beState :== f beState */ beApFunction0 f :== appBackEnd f beApFunction1 f m1 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> appBackEnd (f a1) beApFunction2 f m1 m2 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> appBackEnd (f a1 a2) beApFunction3 f m1 m2 m3 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> m3 ==> \a3 -> appBackEnd (f a1 a2 a3) beApFunction4 f m1 m2 m3 m4 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> m3 ==> \a3 -> m4 ==> \a4 -> appBackEnd (f a1 a2 a3 a4) beApFunction5 f m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> m3 ==> \a3 -> m4 ==> \a4 -> m5 ==> \a5 -> appBackEnd (f a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) beApFunction6 f m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> m3 ==> \a3 -> m4 ==> \a4 -> m5 ==> \a5 -> m6 ==> \a6 -> appBackEnd (f a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6) beApFunction7 f m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> m3 ==> \a3 -> m4 ==> \a4 -> m5 ==> \a5 -> m6 ==> \a6 -> m7 ==> \a7 -> appBackEnd (f a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7) beFunction0 f :== accBackEnd f beFunction1 f m1 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> accBackEnd (f a1) beFunction2 f m1 m2 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> accBackEnd (f a1 a2) beFunction3 f m1 m2 m3 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> m3 ==> \a3 -> accBackEnd (f a1 a2 a3) beFunction4 f m1 m2 m3 m4 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> m3 ==> \a3 -> m4 ==> \a4 -> accBackEnd (f a1 a2 a3 a4) beFunction5 f m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> m3 ==> \a3 -> m4 ==> \a4 -> m5 ==> \a5 -> accBackEnd (f a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) beFunction6 f m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> m3 ==> \a3 -> m4 ==> \a4 -> m5 ==> \a5 -> m6 ==> \a6 -> accBackEnd (f a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6) beFunction7 f m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 :== m1 ==> \a1 -> m2 ==> \a2 -> m3 ==> \a3 -> m4 ==> \a4 -> m5 ==> \a5 -> m6 ==> \a6 -> m7 ==> \a7 -> accBackEnd (f a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7) changeArrayFunctionIndex selectIndex :== selectIndex beBoolSymbol value :== beFunction0 (BEBoolSymbol value) beLiteralSymbol type value :== beFunction0 (BELiteralSymbol type value) beFunctionSymbol functionIndex moduleIndex :== beFunction0 (BEFunctionSymbol functionIndex moduleIndex) beSpecialArrayFunctionSymbol arrayFunKind functionIndex moduleIndex :== beFunction0 (BESpecialArrayFunctionSymbol arrayFunKind (changeArrayFunctionIndex functionIndex) moduleIndex) beDictionarySelectFunSymbol :== beFunction0 BEDictionarySelectFunSymbol beDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol :== beFunction0 BEDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol beConstructorSymbol moduleIndex constructorIndex :== beFunction0 (BEConstructorSymbol constructorIndex moduleIndex) beOverloadedConsSymbol moduleIndex constructorIndex deconsModuleIndex deconsIndex :== beFunction0 (BEOverloadedConsSymbol constructorIndex moduleIndex deconsIndex deconsModuleIndex) beFieldSymbol fieldIndex moduleIndex :== beFunction0 (BEFieldSymbol fieldIndex moduleIndex) beTypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex :== beFunction0 (BETypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex) beBasicSymbol symbolIndex :== beFunction0 (BEBasicSymbol symbolIndex) beDontCareDefinitionSymbol :== beFunction0 BEDontCareDefinitionSymbol beNoArgs :== beFunction0 BENoArgs beArgs :== beFunction2 BEArgs beNoTypeArgs :== beFunction0 BENoTypeArgs beTypeArgs :== beFunction2 BETypeArgs beNormalNode :== beFunction2 BENormalNode beIfNode :== beFunction3 BEIfNode beGuardNode :== beFunction7 BEGuardNode beSelectorNode selectorKind :== beFunction2 (BESelectorNode selectorKind) beUpdateNode :== beFunction1 BEUpdateNode beNormalTypeNode :== beFunction2 BENormalTypeNode beAddForAllTypeVariables :== beFunction2 BEAddForAllTypeVariables beVarTypeNode name :== beFunction0 (BEVarTypeNode name) beRuleAlt lineNumber :== beFunction5 (BERuleAlt lineNumber) beNoRuleAlts :== beFunction0 BENoRuleAlts beRuleAlts :== beFunction2 BERuleAlts beTypeAlt :== beFunction3 BETypeAlt beRule index isCaf :== beFunction2 (BERule index isCaf) beNoRules :== beFunction0 BENoRules beRules :== beFunction2 BERules beNodeDef sequenceNumber :== beFunction1 (BENodeDef sequenceNumber) beNoNodeDefs :== beFunction0 BENoNodeDefs beNodeDefs :== beFunction2 BENodeDefs beStrictNodeId :== beFunction1 BEStrictNodeId beNoStrictNodeIds :== beFunction0 BENoStrictNodeIds beStrictNodeIds :== beFunction2 BEStrictNodeIds beNodeIdNode :== beFunction2 BENodeIdNode beNodeId sequenceNumber :== beFunction0 (BENodeId sequenceNumber) beWildCardNodeId :== beFunction0 BEWildCardNodeId beConstructor :== beFunction1 BEConstructor beNoConstructors :== beFunction0 BENoConstructors beConstructors :== beFunction2 BEConstructors beNoFields :== beFunction0 BENoFields beFields :== beFunction2 BEFields beField fieldIndex moduleIndex :== beFunction1 (BEField fieldIndex moduleIndex) beAnnotateTypeNode annotation :== beFunction1 (BEAnnotateTypeNode annotation) beAttributeTypeNode :== beFunction2 BEAttributeTypeNode beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex name :== beApFunction0 (BEDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex name) beDefineRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex :== beApFunction1 (BEDefineRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex) beCodeAlt lineNumber :== beFunction3 (BECodeAlt lineNumber) beString string :== beFunction0 (BEString string) beStrings :== beFunction2 BEStrings beNoStrings :== beFunction0 BENoStrings beCodeParameter location :== beFunction1 (BECodeParameter location) beCodeParameters :== beFunction2 BECodeParameters beNoCodeParameters :== beFunction0 BENoCodeParameters beAbcCodeBlock inline :== beFunction1 (BEAbcCodeBlock inline) beAnyCodeBlock :== beFunction3 BEAnyCodeBlock beDeclareNodeId number lhsOrRhs name :== beApFunction0 (BEDeclareNodeId number lhsOrRhs name) beAdjustArrayFunction backendId functionIndex moduleIndex :== beApFunction0 (BEAdjustArrayFunction backendId functionIndex moduleIndex) beFlatType :== beFunction2 BEFlatType beNoTypeVars :== beFunction0 BENoTypeVars beTypeVars :== beFunction2 BETypeVars beTypeVar name :== beFunction0 (BETypeVar name) beTypeVarListElem :== beFunction2 BETypeVarListElem beExportType dclTypeIndex iclTypeIndex :== beApFunction0 (BEExportType dclTypeIndex iclTypeIndex) beExportConstructor dclConstructorIndex iclConstructorIndex :== beApFunction0 (BEExportConstructor dclConstructorIndex iclConstructorIndex) beExportField dclFieldIndex iclFieldIndex :== beApFunction0 (BEExportField dclFieldIndex iclFieldIndex) beExportFunction dclIndexFunctionIndex iclFunctionIndex :== beApFunction0 (BEExportFunction dclIndexFunctionIndex iclFunctionIndex) beTupleSelectNode arity index :== beFunction1 (BETupleSelectNode arity index) beMatchNode arity :== beFunction2 (BEMatchNode arity) beDefineImportedObjsAndLibs :== beApFunction2 BEDefineImportedObjsAndLibs beAbsType :== beApFunction1 BEAbsType beSwitchNode :== beFunction2 BESwitchNode beCaseNode symbolArity :== beFunction4 (BECaseNode symbolArity) bePushNode symbolArity :== beFunction3 (BEPushNode symbolArity) beDefaultNode :== beFunction3 BEDefaultNode beNoNodeIds :== beFunction0 BENoNodeIds beNodeIds :== beFunction2 BENodeIds beNodeIdListElem :== beFunction1 BENodeIdListElem beAttributeKind :== beFunction1 BEAttributeKind beNoAttributeKinds :== beFunction0 BENoAttributeKinds beAttributeKinds :== beFunction2 BEAttributeKinds beUniVarEquation :== beFunction2 BEUniVarEquation beNoUniVarEquations :== beFunction0 BENoUniVarEquations beUniVarEquationsList :== beFunction2 BEUniVarEquationsList beBindSpecialModule specialIdentIndex moduleIndex :== beApFunction0 (BEBindSpecialModule specialIdentIndex moduleIndex) beBindSpecialFunction specialIdentIndex functionIndex moduleIndex :== beApFunction0 (BEBindSpecialFunction specialIdentIndex functionIndex moduleIndex) // temporary hack beDynamicTempTypeSymbol :== beFunction0 BEDynamicTempTypeSymbol notYetImplementedExpr :: Expression notYetImplementedExpr = (BasicExpr (BVS "\"error in compiler (something was not implemented by lazy Ronny)\"")) backEndConvertModules :: PredefinedSymbols FrontEndSyntaxTree !Int *VarHeap *AttrVarHeap *BackEnd -> (!*VarHeap, *AttrVarHeap, !*BackEnd) /* backEndConvertModules p s main_dcl_module_n v be = (newHeap,backEndConvertModulesH p s v be) */ backEndConvertModules p s main_dcl_module_n var_heap attr_var_heap be # {bes_varHeap,bes_attrHeap,bes_backEnd} = backEndConvertModulesH p s main_dcl_module_n {bes_varHeap=var_heap,bes_attrHeap=attr_var_heap,bes_backEnd=be, bes_attr_number = 0} = (bes_varHeap,bes_attrHeap,bes_backEnd) backEndConvertModulesH :: PredefinedSymbols FrontEndSyntaxTree !Int *BackEndState -> *BackEndState backEndConvertModulesH predefs {fe_icl = fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl_common,icl_global_functions,icl_imported_objects,icl_used_module_numbers, icl_modification_time}, fe_components, fe_dcls, fe_arrayInstances} main_dcl_module_n backEnd // sanity check ... // | cIclModIndex <> kIclModuleIndex || cPredefinedModuleIndex <> kPredefinedModuleIndex // = undef <<- "backendconvert, backEndConvertModules: module index mismatch" // ... sanity check /* # backEnd = ruleDoesNotMatch 1 backEnd with ruleDoesNotMatch 0 backEnd = backEnd # backEnd = abort "front end abort" backEnd */ #! backEnd = appBackEnd (BESetMainDclModuleN main_dcl_module_n) backEnd #! backEnd = appBackEnd (BEDeclareModules (size fe_dcls)) backEnd #! backEnd = predefineSymbols fe_dcls.[cPredefinedModuleIndex] predefs backEnd # currentDcl = fe_dcls.[main_dcl_module_n] /* # backEnd = backEnd ->> ( "dcl conversions" , currentDcl.dcl_conversions , "dcl constructors" , [constructor.cons_symb.id_name \\ constructor <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_cons_defs] , "dcl selectors" , [selector.sd_symb.id_name \\ selector <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_selector_defs] , "dcl types" , [type.td_name.id_name \\ type <-: currentDcl.dcl_common.com_type_defs] , "icl constructors" , [constructor.cons_symb.id_name \\ constructor <-: icl_common.com_cons_defs] , "icl selectors" , [selector.sd_symb.id_name \\ selector <-: icl_common.com_selector_defs] , "icl types" , [type.td_name.id_name \\ type <-: icl_common.com_type_defs] ) */ #! backEnd = declareCurrentDclModule fe_icl fe_dcls.[main_dcl_module_n] main_dcl_module_n (backEnd -*-> "declareCurrentDclModule") #! backEnd = declareOtherDclModules fe_dcls main_dcl_module_n icl_used_module_numbers (backEnd -*-> "declareOtherDclModules") // tempory hack #! backEnd = declareDynamicTemp predefs (backEnd -*-> "declareDynamicTemp") #! backEnd = defineDclModule main_dcl_module_n fe_dcls.[main_dcl_module_n] (backEnd -*-> "defineDclModule(cIclMoIndex)") #! backEnd = defineOtherDclModules fe_dcls main_dcl_module_n icl_used_module_numbers (backEnd -*-> "defineOtherDclModules") #! backEnd = appBackEnd (BEDeclareIclModule icl_name.id_name icl_modification_time (size icl_functions) (size icl_common.com_type_defs) (size icl_common.com_cons_defs) (size icl_common.com_selector_defs)) (backEnd -*-> "BEDeclareIclModule") #! backEnd = declareFunctionSymbols icl_functions functionIndices icl_global_functions (backEnd -*-> "declareFunctionSymbols") #! backEnd = declare main_dcl_module_n icl_common (backEnd -*-> "declare (main_dcl_module_n)") #! backEnd = declareArrayInstances /*fe_arrayInstances.ali_instances_range*/fe_arrayInstances.ali_array_first_instance_indices predefs main_dcl_module_n icl_functions fe_dcls (backEnd -*-> "declareArrayInstances") #! backEnd = declareListInstances fe_arrayInstances.ali_list_first_instance_indices PD_UListClass predefs main_dcl_module_n icl_functions fe_dcls backEnd #! backEnd = declareListInstances fe_arrayInstances.ali_tail_strict_list_first_instance_indices PD_UTSListClass predefs main_dcl_module_n icl_functions fe_dcls backEnd #! backEnd = adjustArrayFunctions /*fe_arrayInstances.ali_instances_range*/fe_arrayInstances.ali_array_first_instance_indices predefs main_dcl_module_n icl_functions fe_dcls icl_common.com_instance_defs icl_used_module_numbers (backEnd -*-> "adjustArrayFunctions") #! backEnd = adjustStrictListFunctions fe_arrayInstances.ali_list_first_instance_indices fe_arrayInstances.ali_tail_strict_list_first_instance_indices predefs fe_dcls icl_used_module_numbers main_dcl_module_n backEnd; #! (rules, backEnd) = convertRules [(index, icl_functions.[index]) \\ (_, index) <- functionIndices] main_dcl_module_n predefined_idents.[PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun] (backEnd -*-> "convertRules") #! backEnd = appBackEnd (BEDefineRules rules) (backEnd -*-> "BEDefineRules") #! backEnd = beDefineImportedObjsAndLibs (convertStrings [imported.io_name \\ imported <- icl_imported_objects | not imported.io_is_library]) (convertStrings [imported.io_name \\ imported <- icl_imported_objects | imported.io_is_library]) (backEnd -*-> "beDefineImportedObjsAndLibs") #! backEnd = markExports fe_dcls.[main_dcl_module_n] dcl_common.com_class_defs dcl_common.com_type_defs icl_common.com_class_defs icl_common.com_type_defs (backEnd -*-> "markExports") with dcl_common = currentDcl.dcl_common # backEnd = bindSpecialIdents predefs icl_used_module_numbers backEnd #! backEnd = removeExpandedTypesFromDclModules fe_dcls icl_used_module_numbers backEnd = (backEnd -*-> "backend done") where functionIndices = flatten [[(componentIndex, member) \\ member <- group.group_members] \\ group <-: fe_components & componentIndex <- [1..]] declareOtherDclModules :: {#DclModule} Int NumberSet -> BackEnder declareOtherDclModules dcls main_dcl_module_n used_module_numbers = foldStateWithIndexA declareOtherDclModule dcls where declareOtherDclModule :: ModuleIndex DclModule -> BackEnder declareOtherDclModule moduleIndex dclModule | moduleIndex == main_dcl_module_n || moduleIndex == cPredefinedModuleIndex || not (inNumberSet moduleIndex used_module_numbers) = identity // otherwise = declareDclModule moduleIndex dclModule defineOtherDclModules :: {#DclModule} Int NumberSet -> BackEnder defineOtherDclModules dcls main_dcl_module_n used_module_numbers = foldStateWithIndexA defineOtherDclModule dcls where defineOtherDclModule :: ModuleIndex DclModule -> BackEnder defineOtherDclModule moduleIndex dclModule | moduleIndex == main_dcl_module_n || moduleIndex == cPredefinedModuleIndex || not (inNumberSet moduleIndex used_module_numbers) = identity // otherwise = defineDclModule moduleIndex dclModule isSystem :: ModuleKind -> Bool isSystem MK_System = True isSystem MK_Module = False isSystem _ = abort "backendconvert:isSystem, unknown module kind" declareCurrentDclModule :: IclModule DclModule Int -> BackEnder declareCurrentDclModule _ {dcl_module_kind=MK_None} _ = identity declareCurrentDclModule {icl_common} {dcl_name, dcl_modification_time, dcl_functions, dcl_module_kind, dcl_common} main_dcl_module_n = appBackEnd (BEDeclareDclModule main_dcl_module_n dcl_name.id_name dcl_modification_time (isSystem dcl_module_kind) (size dcl_functions) (size icl_common.com_type_defs) (size dcl_common.com_cons_defs) (size dcl_common.com_selector_defs)) declareDclModule :: ModuleIndex DclModule -> BackEnder declareDclModule moduleIndex {dcl_name, dcl_modification_time, dcl_common, dcl_functions, dcl_module_kind} = appBackEnd (BEDeclareDclModule moduleIndex dcl_name.id_name dcl_modification_time (isSystem dcl_module_kind) (size dcl_functions) (size dcl_common.com_type_defs) (size dcl_common.com_cons_defs) (size dcl_common.com_selector_defs)) /* defineCurrentDclModule :: IclModule DclModule {#Int} -> BackEnder defineCurrentDclModule {icl_common} {dcl_name, dcl_common, dcl_functions, dcl_is_system, dcl_conversions} typeConversions = declareCurrentDclModuleTypes icl_common.com_type_defs typeConversions o` defineCurrentDclModuleTypes dcl_common.com_cons_defs dcl_common.com_selector_defs dcl_common.com_type_defs typeConversions */ defineDclModule :: ModuleIndex DclModule -> BackEnder defineDclModule moduleIndex {dcl_name, dcl_common, dcl_functions,dcl_instances} = declare moduleIndex dcl_common o` declareFunTypes moduleIndex dcl_functions dcl_instances.ir_from removeExpandedTypesFromDclModules :: {#DclModule} NumberSet -> BackEnder removeExpandedTypesFromDclModules dcls used_module_numbers = foldStateWithIndexA removeExpandedTypesFromDclModule dcls where removeExpandedTypesFromDclModule :: ModuleIndex DclModule -> BackEnder removeExpandedTypesFromDclModule moduleIndex dclModule=:{dcl_functions} | moduleIndex == cPredefinedModuleIndex || not (inNumberSet moduleIndex used_module_numbers) = identity = foldStateWithIndexA (removeExpandedTypesFromFunType moduleIndex) dcl_functions where removeExpandedTypesFromFunType :: ModuleIndex Index FunType -> BackEnder removeExpandedTypesFromFunType moduleIndex functionIndex {ft_symb, ft_type_ptr} = \be0 -> let (ft_type,be) = read_from_var_heap ft_type_ptr be0 in (case ft_type of VI_ExpandedType expandedType -> write_to_var_heap ft_type_ptr VI_Empty _ -> identity) be :: DeclVarsInput :== Ident class declareVars a :: a !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder instance declareVars [a] | declareVars a where declareVars :: [a] !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder | declareVars a declareVars list dvInput = foldState (flip declareVars dvInput) list instance declareVars (Ptr VarInfo) where declareVars varInfoPtr _ = declareVariable BELhsNodeId varInfoPtr "_var???" // +++ name instance declareVars FreeVar where declareVars :: FreeVar !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder declareVars freeVar _ = declareVariable BELhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name instance declareVars LetBind where declareVars :: LetBind !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder declareVars {lb_src=App {app_symb, app_args=[Var _:_]}, lb_dst=freeVar} aliasDummyId | not (isNilPtr app_symb.symb_name.id_info) && app_symb.symb_name==aliasDummyId = identity // we have an alias. Don't declare the same variable twice = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name declareVars {lb_dst=freeVar} _ = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name declareVariable :: Int (Ptr VarInfo) {#Char} -> BackEnder declareVariable lhsOrRhs varInfoPtr name = \be0 -> let (variable_sequence_number,be) = getVariableSequenceNumber varInfoPtr be0 in beDeclareNodeId variable_sequence_number lhsOrRhs name be instance declareVars (Optional a) | declareVars a where declareVars :: (Optional a) !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder | declareVars a declareVars (Yes x) dvInput = declareVars x dvInput declareVars No _ = identity instance declareVars FunctionPattern where declareVars :: FunctionPattern !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder declareVars (FP_Algebraic _ freeVars optionalVar) dvInput = declareVars freeVars dvInput o` declareVars optionalVar dvInput declareVars (FP_Variable freeVar) dvInput = declareVars freeVar dvInput declareVars (FP_Basic _ optionalVar) dvInput = declareVars optionalVar dvInput declareVars FP_Empty dvInput = identity instance declareVars Expression where declareVars :: Expression !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder declareVars (Let {let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds, let_expr}) dvInput = declareVars let_strict_binds dvInput o` declareVars let_lazy_binds dvInput o` declareVars let_expr dvInput declareVars (Conditional {if_cond, if_then, if_else}) dvInput = declareVars if_cond dvInput o` declareVars if_then dvInput o` declareVars if_else dvInput declareVars (Case caseExpr) dvInput = declareVars caseExpr dvInput declareVars (AnyCodeExpr _ outParams _) _ = foldState declVar outParams where declVar {bind_dst=freeVar} = declareVariable BERhsNodeId freeVar.fv_info_ptr freeVar.fv_name.id_name declareVars _ _ = identity instance declareVars TransformedBody where declareVars :: TransformedBody !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder declareVars {tb_args, tb_rhs} dvInput = declareVars tb_args dvInput o` declareVars tb_rhs dvInput instance declareVars BackendBody where declareVars :: BackendBody !DeclVarsInput -> BackEnder declareVars {bb_args, bb_rhs} dvInput = declareVars bb_args dvInput o` declareVars bb_rhs dvInput instance declareVars Case where declareVars {case_expr, case_guards, case_default} dvInput = declareVars case_guards dvInput o` declareVars case_default dvInput instance declareVars CasePatterns where declareVars (AlgebraicPatterns _ patterns) dvInput = declareVars patterns dvInput declareVars (BasicPatterns _ patterns) dvInput = declareVars patterns dvInput declareVars (OverloadedListPatterns _ decons_expr patterns) dvInput = declareVars patterns dvInput instance declareVars AlgebraicPattern where declareVars {ap_vars, ap_expr} dvInput = declareVars ap_vars dvInput o` declareVars ap_expr dvInput instance declareVars BasicPattern where declareVars {bp_expr} dvInput = declareVars bp_expr dvInput :: ModuleIndex :== Index class declare a :: ModuleIndex a -> BackEnder class declareWithIndex a :: Index ModuleIndex a -> BackEnder //1.3 instance declare {#a} | declareWithIndex a & ArrayElem a where declare :: ModuleIndex {#a} -> BackEnder | declareWithIndex a & ArrayElem a //3.1 /*2.0 instance declare {#a} | declareWithIndex a & Array {#} a where declare :: ModuleIndex {#a} -> BackEnder | declareWithIndex a & Array {#} a 0.2*/ declare moduleIndex array = foldStateWithIndexA (\i -> declareWithIndex i moduleIndex) array declareFunctionSymbols :: {#FunDef} [(Int, Int)] [IndexRange] *BackEndState -> *BackEndState declareFunctionSymbols functions functionIndices globalFunctions backEnd = foldl declare backEnd [(functionIndex, componentIndex, functions.[functionIndex]) \\ (componentIndex, functionIndex) <- functionIndices] where declare backEnd (functionIndex, componentIndex, function) = appBackEnd (BEDeclareFunction (functionName function.fun_symb.id_name functionIndex globalFunctions) function.fun_arity functionIndex componentIndex) backEnd where functionName :: {#Char} Int [IndexRange] -> {#Char} functionName name functionIndex icl_global_functions // | trace_t ("|"+++toString functionIndex) | index_in_ranges functionIndex icl_global_functions = name = (name +++ ";" +++ toString functionIndex) where index_in_ranges index [{ir_from, ir_to}:ranges] = (index>=ir_from && index < ir_to) || index_in_ranges index ranges; index_in_ranges index [] = False // move to backendsupport foldStateWithIndexRangeA function frm to array :== foldStateWithIndexRangeA frm where foldStateWithIndexRangeA index | index == to = identity // otherwise = function index array.[index] o` foldStateWithIndexRangeA (index+1) folds op l r :== folds l r where folds [] r = r folds [a:x] r = folds x (op a r) declareArrayInstances :: [Int] /*IndexRange*/ PredefinedSymbols Int {#FunDef} {#DclModule} -> BackEnder declareArrayInstances [] predefs main_dcl_module_n functions dcls = identity declareArrayInstances array_first_instance_indices /*{ir_from, ir_to}*/ predefs main_dcl_module_n functions dcls // | trace_tn ("declareArrayInstances "+++toString ir_from+++" "+++toString ir_to) // = foldStateWithIndexRangeA declareArrayInstance ir_from ir_to functions = folds (declareArrayInstances 0) array_first_instance_indices where arrayModuleIndex = predefs.[PD_StdArray].pds_def arrayClassIndex = predefs.[PD_ArrayClass].pds_def stdArray = dcls.[arrayModuleIndex] arrayClass = stdArray.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[arrayClassIndex] n_array_class_members=size arrayClass.class_members declareArrayInstances :: Int Index *BackEndState -> *BackEndState declareArrayInstances member_n first_member_index backend | member_n==n_array_class_members = backend # function_index=first_member_index+member_n # backend = declareArrayInstance function_index functions.[function_index] backend = declareArrayInstances (member_n+1) first_member_index backend declareArrayInstance :: Index FunDef -> BackEnder declareArrayInstance index {fun_symb={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type} = beDeclareRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (id_name +++ ";" +++ toString index) o` beDefineRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n type) declareListInstances :: [Int] Int PredefinedSymbols Int {#FunDef} {#DclModule} -> BackEnder declareListInstances [] predef_list_class_index predefs main_dcl_module_n functions dcls = identity declareListInstances array_first_instance_indices predef_list_class_index predefs main_dcl_module_n functions dcls = folds (declareListInstances 0) array_first_instance_indices where strictListModuleIndex = predefs.[PD_StdStrictLists].pds_def listClassIndex = predefs.[predef_list_class_index].pds_def stdStrictLists = dcls.[strictListModuleIndex] listClass = stdStrictLists.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[listClassIndex] n_list_class_members=size listClass.class_members declareListInstances :: Int Index *BackEndState -> *BackEndState declareListInstances member_n first_member_index backend | member_n==n_list_class_members = backend # function_index=first_member_index+member_n # backend = declareListInstance function_index functions.[function_index] backend = declareListInstances (member_n+1) first_member_index backend declareListInstance :: Index FunDef -> BackEnder declareListInstance index {fun_symb={id_name}, fun_type=Yes type} // | trace_tn ("declareListInstance "+++toString index+++" "+++toString main_dcl_module_n) = beDeclareRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (id_name +++ ";" +++ toString index) o` beDefineRuleType index main_dcl_module_n (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n type) instance declare CommonDefs where declare :: ModuleIndex CommonDefs -> BackEnder declare moduleIndex {com_cons_defs, com_type_defs, com_selector_defs, com_class_defs} = declare moduleIndex com_type_defs o` defineTypes moduleIndex com_cons_defs com_selector_defs com_type_defs instance declareWithIndex (TypeDef a) where declareWithIndex :: Index ModuleIndex (TypeDef a) -> BackEnder declareWithIndex typeIndex moduleIndex {td_name} = appBackEnd (BEDeclareType typeIndex moduleIndex td_name.id_name) declareFunTypes :: ModuleIndex {#FunType} Int -> BackEnder declareFunTypes moduleIndex funTypes nrOfDclFunctions = foldStateWithIndexA (declareFunType moduleIndex nrOfDclFunctions) funTypes declareFunType :: ModuleIndex Index Int FunType -> BackEnder declareFunType moduleIndex nrOfDclFunctions functionIndex {ft_symb, ft_type_ptr} = \be0 -> let (vi,be) = read_from_var_heap ft_type_ptr be0 in (case vi of VI_ExpandedType expandedType -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName ft_symb.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions) // -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName moduleIndex ft_symb.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions) o` beDefineRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (convertTypeAlt functionIndex moduleIndex expandedType) _ -> identity) be where // functionName :: Int {#Char} Int Int -> {#Char} // functionName moduleIndex name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions // | trace_t (":"+++toString moduleIndex+++" "+++toString functionIndex) functionName :: {#Char} Int Int -> {#Char} functionName name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions // | trace_tn (name+++(if (functionIndex < nrOfDclFunctions) "" (";" +++ toString functionIndex))) | functionIndex < nrOfDclFunctions = name // otherwise = name +++ ";" +++ toString functionIndex //import StdDebug /* declareCurrentDclModuleTypes :: {#CheckedTypeDef} {#Int} -> BackEnder */ defineTypes :: ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} {#SelectorDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} -> BackEnder defineTypes moduleIndex constructors selectors types = foldStateWithIndexA (defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors) types convertTypeLhs :: ModuleIndex Index [ATypeVar] -> BEMonad BEFlatTypeP convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex args = beFlatType (beTypeSymbol typeIndex moduleIndex) (convertTypeVars args) convertTypeVars :: [ATypeVar] -> BEMonad BETypeVarListP convertTypeVars typeVars = sfoldr (beTypeVars o convertTypeVar) beNoTypeVars typeVars convertTypeVar :: ATypeVar -> BEMonad BETypeVarListP convertTypeVar typeVar = beTypeVarListElem (beTypeVar typeVar.atv_variable.tv_name.id_name) (convertAttribution typeVar.atv_attribute) defineType :: ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} {#SelectorDef} Index CheckedTypeDef *BackEndState -> *BackEndState defineType moduleIndex constructors _ typeIndex {td_name, td_args, td_rhs=AlgType constructorSymbols} be # (flatType, be) = convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_args be # (constructors, be) = convertConstructors typeIndex td_name.id_name moduleIndex constructors constructorSymbols be = appBackEnd (BEAlgebraicType flatType constructors) be defineType moduleIndex constructors selectors typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor, rt_fields}} be // | trace_tn constructorDef.cons_symb # (flatType, be) = convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_args be # (fields, be) // = convertSelectors moduleIndex selectors rt_fields be = convertSelectors moduleIndex selectors rt_fields constructorDef.cons_type.st_args_strictness be # (constructorType,be) = constructorTypeFunction be # (constructorTypeNode, be) = beNormalTypeNode (beConstructorSymbol moduleIndex constructorIndex) (convertSymbolTypeArgs constructorType) be = appBackEnd (BERecordType moduleIndex flatType constructorTypeNode fields) be where constructorIndex = rt_constructor.ds_index constructorDef = constructors.[constructorIndex] constructorTypeFunction be0 = let (cons_type,be) = read_from_var_heap constructorDef.cons_type_ptr be0 in (case cons_type of VI_ExpandedType expandedType -> (expandedType,be) _ -> (constructorDef.cons_type,be)) defineType moduleIndex _ _ typeIndex {td_args, td_rhs=AbstractType _} be = beAbsType (convertTypeLhs moduleIndex typeIndex td_args) be defineType _ _ _ _ _ be = be convertConstructors :: Int {#Char} ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} [DefinedSymbol] -> BEMonad BEConstructorListP convertConstructors typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructors symbols = sfoldr (beConstructors o convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructors) beNoConstructors symbols convertConstructor :: Int {#Char} ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} DefinedSymbol -> BEMonad BEConstructorListP convertConstructor typeIndex typeName moduleIndex constructorDefs {ds_index} = \be0 -> let (constructorType,be) = constructorTypeFunction be0 in (appBackEnd (BEDeclareConstructor ds_index moduleIndex constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name) // +++ remove declare o` beConstructor (beNormalTypeNode (beConstructorSymbol moduleIndex ds_index) (convertSymbolTypeArgs constructorType))) be where constructorDef = constructorDefs.[ds_index] constructorTypeFunction be0 = let (cons_type,be) = read_from_var_heap constructorDef.cons_type_ptr be0 in (case cons_type of VI_ExpandedType expandedType -> (expandedType,be) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name, ds_index, expandedType) _ -> (constructorDef.cons_type,be)) // ->> (typeName, typeIndex, constructorDef.cons_symb.id_name, ds_index, constructorDef.cons_type) foldrAi function result array :== foldrA 0 where arraySize = size array foldrA index | index == arraySize = result // otherwise = function index array.[index] (foldrA (index+1)) //convertSelectors :: ModuleIndex {#SelectorDef} {#FieldSymbol} -> BEMonad BEFieldListP convertSelectors :: ModuleIndex {#SelectorDef} {#FieldSymbol} StrictnessList -> BEMonad BEFieldListP convertSelectors moduleIndex selectors symbols strictness // = foldrA (beFields o convertSelector moduleIndex selectors) beNoFields symbols = foldrAi (\i -> (beFields o convertSelector moduleIndex selectors (arg_is_strict i strictness))) beNoFields symbols //convertSelector :: ModuleIndex {#SelectorDef} FieldSymbol -> BEMonad BEFieldListP convertSelector :: ModuleIndex {#SelectorDef} Bool FieldSymbol -> BEMonad BEFieldListP //convertSelector moduleIndex selectorDefs {fs_index} convertSelector moduleIndex selectorDefs is_strict {fs_index} = \be0 -> let (selectorType,be) = selectorTypeFunction be0 in ( appBackEnd (BEDeclareField fs_index moduleIndex selectorDef.sd_symb.id_name) // o` beField fs_index moduleIndex (convertAnnotTypeNode (selectorType.st_result))) be o` beField fs_index moduleIndex (convertAnnotAndTypeNode (if is_strict AN_Strict AN_None) (selectorType.st_result))) be where selectorDef = selectorDefs.[fs_index] selectorTypeFunction be0 = let (sd_type,be) = read_from_var_heap selectorDef.sd_type_ptr be0 in (case sd_type of VI_ExpandedType expandedType -> (expandedType,be) _ -> (selectorDef.sd_type,be)) declareDynamicTemp :: PredefinedSymbols -> BackEnder declareDynamicTemp predefs = appBackEnd (BEDeclareDynamicTypeSymbol predefs.[PD_StdDynamic].pds_def predefs.[PD_DynamicTemp].pds_def) predefineSymbols :: DclModule PredefinedSymbols -> BackEnder predefineSymbols {dcl_common} predefs = appBackEnd (BEDeclarePredefinedModule (size dcl_common.com_type_defs) (size dcl_common.com_cons_defs)) o` foldState predefine_list_type list_types o` foldState predefineType types o` foldState predefine_list_constructor list_constructors o` foldState predefineConstructor constructors where list_types :: [(Int,Int,Int)] list_types = [ (PD_ListType,0,0), (PD_StrictListType,2,0), (PD_UnboxedListType,3,0), (PD_TailStrictListType,0,1), (PD_StrictTailStrictListType,2,1), (PD_UnboxedTailStrictListType,3,1) ] predefine_list_type (index,head_strictness,tail_strictness) // sanity check ... | predefs.[index].pds_def == NoIndex = abort "backendconvert, predefineSymbols predef is not a type" // ... sanity check = appBackEnd (BEPredefineListTypeSymbol predefs.[index].pds_def cPredefinedModuleIndex BEListType head_strictness tail_strictness) // id types :: [(Int, Int, BESymbKind)] types = [ // (PD_ListType, 1, BEListType), (PD_LazyArrayType, 1, BEArrayType) , (PD_StrictArrayType, 1, BEStrictArrayType) , (PD_UnboxedArrayType, 1, BEUnboxedArrayType) : [(index, index-PD_Arity2TupleType+2, BETupleType) \\ index <- [PD_Arity2TupleType..PD_Arity32TupleType]] ] predefineType (index, arity, symbolKind) // sanity check ... | predefs.[index].pds_def == NoIndex = abort "backendconvert, predefineSymbols predef is not a type" // ... sanity check = appBackEnd (BEPredefineTypeSymbol arity predefs.[index].pds_def cPredefinedModuleIndex symbolKind) list_constructors :: [(Int,BESymbKind,Int,Int)] list_constructors = [ (PD_NilSymbol, BENilSymb,0,0), (PD_StrictNilSymbol, BENilSymb,2,0), (PD_UnboxedNilSymbol, BENilSymb,4/*3*/,0), (PD_TailStrictNilSymbol, BENilSymb,0,1), (PD_StrictTailStrictNilSymbol, BENilSymb,2,1), (PD_UnboxedTailStrictNilSymbol, BENilSymb,4/*3*/,1), (PD_OverloadedNilSymbol, BENilSymb,0,0), (PD_ConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,0,0), (PD_StrictConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,2,0), (PD_UnboxedConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,3,0), (PD_TailStrictConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,0,1), (PD_StrictTailStrictConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,2,1), (PD_UnboxedTailStrictConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,3,1), (PD_OverloadedConsSymbol, BEConsSymb,1,0) ] predefine_list_constructor (index,symbolKind,head_strictness,tail_strictness) // sanity check ... | predefs.[index].pds_def == NoIndex = abort "backendconvert, predefineSymbols predef is not a constructor" // ... sanity check = appBackEnd (BEPredefineListConstructorSymbol predefs.[index].pds_def cPredefinedModuleIndex symbolKind head_strictness tail_strictness) // id constructors :: [(Int, Int, BESymbKind)] constructors = // [(PD_NilSymbol, 0, BENilSymb), (PD_ConsSymbol, 3, BEConsSymb) : [(index, index-PD_Arity2TupleSymbol+2, BETupleSymb) \\ index <- [PD_Arity2TupleSymbol..PD_Arity32TupleSymbol]] // ] predefineConstructor (index, arity, symbolKind) // sanity check ... | predefs.[index].pds_def == NoIndex = abort "backendconvert, predefineSymbols predef is not a constructor" // ... sanity check = appBackEnd (BEPredefineConstructorSymbol arity predefs.[index].pds_def cPredefinedModuleIndex symbolKind) bindSpecialIdents :: PredefinedSymbols NumberSet -> BackEnder bindSpecialIdents predefs usedModules = foldState (bindSpecialModule predefs usedModules) specialModules where bindSpecialModule :: PredefinedSymbols NumberSet (Int, BESpecialIdentIndex, [(Int, BESpecialIdentIndex)]) -> BackEnder bindSpecialModule predefs usedModules (predefIndex, specialIdentIndex, specialFunctions) | moduleIndex == NoIndex || not (inNumberSet moduleIndex usedModules) = identity // otherwise = beBindSpecialModule specialIdentIndex moduleIndex o` foldState (bindSpecialFunction predefs) specialFunctions where predef = predefs.[predefIndex] moduleIndex = predef.pds_def bindSpecialFunction :: PredefinedSymbols (Int, BESpecialIdentIndex) -> BackEnder bindSpecialFunction predefs (predefIndex, specialIdentIndex) | predef.pds_def == NoIndex = identity // otherwise = beBindSpecialFunction specialIdentIndex predef.pds_def predef.pds_module where predef = predefs.[predefIndex] specialModules = [ (PD_StdMisc, BESpecialIdentStdMisc, [ (PD_abort, BESpecialIdentAbort) , (PD_undef, BESpecialIdentUndef) ] ) , (PD_StdBool, BESpecialIdentStdBool, [ (PD_AndOp, BESpecialIdentAnd) , (PD_OrOp, BESpecialIdentOr) ] ) ] adjustStrictListFunctions :: [Int] [Int] {#PredefinedSymbol} {#DclModule} NumberSet Int *BackEndState -> *BackEndState; adjustStrictListFunctions list_first_instance_indices tail_strict_list_first_instance_indices predefs dcls used_module_numbers main_dcl_module_n backEnd | std_strict_list_module_index==NoIndex || not (inNumberSet std_strict_list_module_index used_module_numbers) || std_strict_list_module_index==main_dcl_module_n = backEnd # std_strict_lists_instances=std_strict_lists.dcl_common.com_instance_defs # backEnd = adjust_strict_list_instances 0 std_strict_lists_instances backEnd # std_strict_lists_nil_functions=std_strict_lists.dcl_functions # first_instance_index=std_strict_lists.dcl_instances.ir_from; # backEnd=adjust_overloaded_nil_functions 0 first_instance_index std_strict_lists_nil_functions backEnd # backEnd=adjustRecordListInstances list_first_instance_indices backEnd = adjustRecordListInstances tail_strict_list_first_instance_indices backEnd where std_strict_lists=dcls.[std_strict_list_module_index] std_strict_list_module_index=predefs.[PD_StdStrictLists].pds_def adjust_strict_list_instances i instances backEnd | i0 && member_name.[0]=='c' // && trace_tn ("member: "+++member_name) # (ft_type,backEnd) = read_from_var_heap std_strict_lists.dcl_functions.[member.ds_index].ft_type_ptr backEnd = case ft_type of VI_ExpandedType _ # backEnd=appBackEnd (BEAdjustStrictListConsInstance member.ds_index std_strict_list_module_index) backEnd -> adjust_strict_list_members (i+1) members backEnd _ -> adjust_strict_list_members (i+1) members backEnd = adjust_strict_list_members (i+1) members backEnd = backEnd adjust_overloaded_nil_functions function_index first_instance_index std_strict_lists_nil_functions backEnd | function_index BackEnder adjustArrayFunctions array_first_instance_indices/*arrayInstancesRange*/ predefs main_dcl_module_n functions dcls icl_instances used_module_numbers = adjustStdArray arrayInfo predefs (if (arrayModuleIndex == main_dcl_module_n) icl_instances stdArray.dcl_common.com_instance_defs) o` adjustIclArrayInstances /*arrayInstancesRange*/array_first_instance_indices arrayMemberMapping (size arrayClass.class_members) /*functions*/ where arrayModuleIndex = predefs.[PD_StdArray].pds_def arrayClassIndex = predefs.[PD_ArrayClass].pds_def stdArray = dcls.[arrayModuleIndex] arrayClass = stdArray.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[arrayClassIndex] arrayMemberMapping = getArrayMemberMapping predefs arrayClass.class_members arrayInfo = { asai_moduleIndex = arrayModuleIndex , asai_mapping = arrayMemberMapping , asai_funs = stdArray.dcl_functions } getArrayMemberMapping :: PredefinedSymbols {#DefinedSymbol} -> {#BEArrayFunKind} getArrayMemberMapping predefs members // sanity check ... | size members <> length (memberIndexMapping predefs) = abort "backendconvert, arrayMemberMapping: incorrect number of members" // ... sanity check = { createArray (size members) BENoArrayFun & [i] = backEndFunKind member.ds_index (memberIndexMapping predefs) \\ member <-: members & i <- [0..] } where memberIndexMapping :: PredefinedSymbols -> [(!Index, !BEArrayFunKind)] memberIndexMapping predefs = [(predefs.[predefIndex].pds_def, backEndArrayFunKind) \\ (predefIndex, backEndArrayFunKind) <- predefMapping] where predefMapping = [ (PD_CreateArrayFun, BECreateArrayFun) , (PD_ArraySelectFun, BEArraySelectFun) , (PD_UnqArraySelectFun, BEUnqArraySelectFun) , (PD_ArrayUpdateFun, BEArrayUpdateFun) , (PD_ArrayReplaceFun, BEArrayReplaceFun) , (PD_ArraySizeFun, BEArraySizeFun) , (PD_UnqArraySizeFun, BEUnqArraySizeFun) , (PD__CreateArrayFun, BE_CreateArrayFun) ] backEndFunKind :: Index [(!Index, !BEArrayFunKind)] -> BEArrayFunKind backEndFunKind memberIndex predefMapping = hd [back \\ (predefMemberIndex, back) <- predefMapping | predefMemberIndex == memberIndex] adjustStdArray :: AdjustStdArrayInfo PredefinedSymbols {#ClassInstance} -> BackEnder adjustStdArray arrayInfo predefs instances | arrayModuleIndex == NoIndex || not (inNumberSet arrayModuleIndex used_module_numbers) // || arrayModuleIndex <> main_dcl_module_n = identity // otherwise = foldStateA (adjustStdArrayInstance arrayClassIndex arrayInfo) instances where adjustStdArrayInstance :: Index AdjustStdArrayInfo ClassInstance -> BackEnder adjustStdArrayInstance arrayClassIndex arrayInfo=:{asai_moduleIndex} instance`=:{ins_class} | ins_class.glob_object.ds_index == arrayClassIndex && ins_class.glob_module == asai_moduleIndex = adjustArrayClassInstance arrayInfo instance` // otherwise = identity where adjustArrayClassInstance :: AdjustStdArrayInfo ClassInstance -> BackEnder adjustArrayClassInstance arrayInfo {ins_members, ins_ident} = foldStateWithIndexA (adjustMember arrayInfo) ins_members where adjustMember :: AdjustStdArrayInfo Int DefinedSymbol -> BackEnder adjustMember {asai_moduleIndex, asai_mapping, asai_funs} offset {ds_index} | asai_moduleIndex == main_dcl_module_n = beAdjustArrayFunction asai_mapping.[offset] ds_index asai_moduleIndex // otherwise = \be0 -> let (ft_type,be) = read_from_var_heap asai_funs.[ds_index].ft_type_ptr be0 in (case ft_type of VI_ExpandedType _ -> beAdjustArrayFunction asai_mapping.[offset] ds_index asai_moduleIndex _ -> identity) be adjustIclArrayInstances :: [Int]/*IndexRange*/ {#BEArrayFunKind} Int /*{#FunDef}*/ -> BackEnder adjustIclArrayInstances array_first_instance_indices/*{ir_from, ir_to}*/ mapping n_array_members /*instances*/ /* = foldStateWithIndexRangeA (adjustIclArrayInstance mapping) ir_from ir_to instances where adjustIclArrayInstance :: {#BEArrayFunKind} Index FunDef -> BackEnder // for array functions fun_index is not the index in the FunDef array, // but its member index in the Array class adjustIclArrayInstance mapping index {fun_index} = beAdjustArrayFunction mapping.[fun_index] index main_dcl_module_n */ /* = adjustIclArrayInstances r_from 0 where adjustIclArrayInstances index member_index | index==ir_to = identity # next_member_index=member_index+1 = beAdjustArrayFunction mapping.[member_index] index main_dcl_module_n o` adjustIclArrayInstances (index+1) (if (next_member_index (BEImpRuleP, *BackEndState) convertRules rules main_dcl_module_n aliasDummyId be # (null, be) = accBackEnd BENoRules be = convert rules null be where convert :: [(Int, FunDef)] BEImpRuleP *BackEndState -> (BEImpRuleP, *BackEndState) convert [] rulesP be = (rulesP, be) convert [h:t] rulesP be # (ruleP, be) = convertRule aliasDummyId h main_dcl_module_n be # (rulesP, be) = accBackEnd (BERules ruleP rulesP) be = convert t rulesP be convertRule :: Ident (Int,FunDef) Int -> BEMonad BEImpRuleP convertRule aliasDummyId (index, {fun_type=Yes type, fun_body=body, fun_pos, fun_kind, fun_symb}) main_dcl_module_n // | trace_tn fun_symb.id_name = beRule index (cafness fun_kind) (convertTypeAlt index main_dcl_module_n (type -*-> ("convertRule", fun_symb.id_name, index, type))) (convertFunctionBody index (positionToLineNumber fun_pos) aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n) where cafness :: FunKind -> Int cafness (FK_Function _) = BEIsNotACaf cafness FK_Macro = BEIsNotACaf cafness FK_Caf = BEIsACaf cafness funKind = BEIsNotACaf // <<- ("backendconvert, cafness: unknown fun kind", funKind) positionToLineNumber :: Position -> Int positionToLineNumber (FunPos _ lineNumber _) = lineNumber positionToLineNumber (LinePos _ lineNumber) = lineNumber positionToLineNumber _ = -1 beautifyAttributes :: SymbolType -> BEMonad SymbolType beautifyAttributes st = return st // = accAttrHeap (beautifulizeAttributes st) convertTypeAlt :: Int ModuleIndex SymbolType -> BEMonad BETypeAltP convertTypeAlt functionIndex moduleIndex symbolType = beautifyAttributes (symbolType) ==> \symbolType=:{st_result, st_attr_env, st_attr_vars} -> resetAttrNumbers st_attr_vars o` (beTypeAlt (beNormalTypeNode (beFunctionSymbol functionIndex moduleIndex) (convertSymbolTypeArgs symbolType)) (convertAnnotTypeNode st_result) (convertAttributeInequalities (group st_attr_env))) where group :: [AttrInequality] -> [InequalityGroup] group [] = [] group [{ai_demanded, ai_offered} : t] = grouped ai_demanded [ai_offered] t // copied grouped from typesupport.icl, apparently inequalities are already sorted by // offered attributes // grouped takes care that inequalities like [a<=c, b<=c] are printed like [a b <= c] grouped :: AttributeVar [AttributeVar] [AttrInequality] -> [InequalityGroup] grouped group_var accu [] = [{ ig_offered = accu, ig_demanded = group_var}] grouped group_var accu [{ai_offered, ai_demanded}:ineqs] | group_var==ai_demanded = grouped group_var [ai_offered:accu] ineqs =[{ ig_offered = accu, ig_demanded = group_var}: grouped ai_demanded [ai_offered] ineqs] :: InequalityGroup = { ig_offered :: ![AttributeVar] , ig_demanded:: !AttributeVar } resetAttrNumbers :: [AttributeVar] *BackEndState -> *BackEndState resetAttrNumbers attrVars state=:{bes_attrHeap} = { state & bes_attr_number = 0 , bes_attrHeap = foldSt resetAttrVar attrVars bes_attrHeap } where resetAttrVar :: AttributeVar *AttrVarHeap -> *AttrVarHeap resetAttrVar {av_info_ptr} attrHeap = writePtr av_info_ptr AVI_Empty attrHeap convertAttributeInequalities :: [InequalityGroup] -> BEMonad BEUniVarEquations convertAttributeInequalities inequalities = sfoldr (beUniVarEquationsList o convertAttributeInequality) beNoUniVarEquations inequalities convertAttributeInequality :: InequalityGroup -> BEMonad BEUniVarEquations convertAttributeInequality {ig_demanded, ig_offered} = beUniVarEquation (convertAttributeVar ig_demanded) (convertAttributeKinds ig_offered) convertAttributeKinds :: [AttributeVar] -> BEMonad BEAttributeKindList convertAttributeKinds vars = sfoldr (beAttributeKinds o convertAttributeKind) beNoAttributeKinds vars convertAttributeKind :: AttributeVar -> BEMonad BEAttributeKindList convertAttributeKind attributeVar = beAttributeKind (convertAttributeVar attributeVar) convertSymbolTypeArgs :: SymbolType -> BEMonad BETypeArgP convertSymbolTypeArgs {st_args,st_args_strictness} // = convertTypeArgs st_args = convertAnnotatedTypeArgs st_args st_args_strictness convertBasicTypeKind :: BasicType -> BESymbKind convertBasicTypeKind BT_Int = BEIntType convertBasicTypeKind BT_Char = BECharType convertBasicTypeKind BT_Real = BERealType convertBasicTypeKind BT_Bool = BEBoolType convertBasicTypeKind BT_File = BEFileType convertBasicTypeKind BT_World = BEWorldType convertBasicTypeKind BT_Dynamic = undef // <<- "convertBasicTypeKind (BT_Dynamic) shouldn't occur" // = BEDynamicType convertBasicTypeKind (BT_String _) = undef // <<- "convertBasicTypeKind (BT_String _) shouldn't occur" convertAnnotation :: Annotation -> BEAnnotation convertAnnotation AN_None = BENoAnnot convertAnnotation AN_Strict = BEStrictAnnot nextAttributeNumber :: *BackEndState -> (BEAttribution, *BackEndState) nextAttributeNumber state=:{bes_attr_number} = (bes_attr_number + BEFirstUniVarNumber, {state & bes_attr_number = bes_attr_number+1}) convertAttributeVar :: AttributeVar *BackEndState -> (BEAttribution, *BackEndState) convertAttributeVar {av_info_ptr, av_name} state=:{bes_attr_number} # (attrInfo, state) = read_from_attr_heap av_info_ptr state = case attrInfo of AVI_SequenceNumber number -> (number, state) _ # (attrNumber, state) = nextAttributeNumber state -> (attrNumber, write_to_attr_heap av_info_ptr (AVI_SequenceNumber attrNumber) state) convertAttribution :: TypeAttribute -> BEMonad BEAttribution convertAttribution TA_Unique = return BEUniqueAttr convertAttribution TA_None = return BENoUniAttr convertAttribution TA_Multi = return BENoUniAttr convertAttribution TA_Anonymous = nextAttributeNumber convertAttribution (TA_Var attrVar) = convertAttributeVar attrVar convertAttribution (TA_RootVar attrVar) = PA_BUG (return BENoUniAttr) (convertAttributeVar attrVar) convertAttribution TA_MultiOfPropagatingConsVar = return BENoUniAttr // FIXME // this is a work around for caching / attribute heap bug convertAttribution _ = return BENoUniAttr convertAttribution attr = abort "backendconvert, convertAttribution: unknown TypeAttribute" // <<- attr convertAnnotTypeNode :: AType -> BEMonad BETypeNodeP convertAnnotTypeNode {at_type, at_attribute} /* = convertTypeNode at_type :- beAnnotateTypeNode (convertAnnotation at_annotation) :- beAttributeTypeNode (convertAttribution at_attribute) */ = // \s -> ( convertTypeNode at_type :- beAnnotateTypeNode c_annot :- beAttributeTypeNode c_attrib // ) s where c_annot = convertAnnotation AN_None // at_annotation c_attrib = convertAttribution at_attribute convertAnnotAndTypeNode :: Annotation AType -> BEMonad BETypeNodeP convertAnnotAndTypeNode at_annotation {at_type, at_attribute} = convertTypeNode at_type :- beAnnotateTypeNode c_annot :- beAttributeTypeNode c_attrib where c_annot = convertAnnotation at_annotation c_attrib = convertAttribution at_attribute convertTypeNode :: Type -> BEMonad BETypeNodeP convertTypeNode (TB (BT_String type)) = convertTypeNode type convertTypeNode (TB BT_Dynamic) = beNormalTypeNode beDynamicTempTypeSymbol beNoTypeArgs convertTypeNode (TB basicType) = beNormalTypeNode (beBasicSymbol (convertBasicTypeKind basicType)) beNoTypeArgs convertTypeNode (TA typeSymbolIdent typeArgs) = beNormalTypeNode (convertTypeSymbolIdent typeSymbolIdent) (convertTypeArgs typeArgs ) convertTypeNode (TAS typeSymbolIdent typeArgs strictness) // = beNormalTypeNode (convertTypeSymbolIdent typeSymbolIdent) (convertTypeArgs typeArgs ) = beNormalTypeNode (convertTypeSymbolIdent typeSymbolIdent) (convertAnnotatedTypeArgs typeArgs strictness) convertTypeNode (TV {tv_name}) = beVarTypeNode tv_name.id_name convertTypeNode (TempQV n) = beVarTypeNode ("_tqv" +++ toString n) convertTypeNode (TempV n) = beVarTypeNode ("_tv" +++ toString n) convertTypeNode (a --> b) = beNormalTypeNode (beBasicSymbol BEFunType) (convertTypeArgs [a, b]) convertTypeNode (TArrow1 a) = beNormalTypeNode (beBasicSymbol BEFunType) (convertTypeArgs [a]) convertTypeNode TArrow = beNormalTypeNode (beBasicSymbol BEFunType) beNoTypeArgs convertTypeNode (a :@: b) = beNormalTypeNode (beBasicSymbol BEApplySymb) (convertTypeArgs [{at_attribute=TA_Multi, at_type = consVariableToType a} : b]) convertTypeNode TE = beNormalTypeNode beDontCareDefinitionSymbol beNoTypeArgs convertTypeNode (TFA vars type) = beAddForAllTypeVariables (convertTypeVars vars) (convertTypeNode type) convertTypeNode typeNode = abort "convertTypeNode" // <<- ("backendconvert, convertTypeNode: unknown type node", typeNode) consVariableToType :: ConsVariable -> Type consVariableToType (CV typeVar) = TV typeVar consVariableToType (TempCV varId) = TempV varId consVariableToType (TempQCV varId) = TempQV varId convertTypeArgs :: [AType] -> BEMonad BETypeArgP convertTypeArgs args = sfoldr (beTypeArgs o convertAnnotTypeNode) beNoTypeArgs args convertAnnotatedTypeArgs :: [AType] StrictnessList -> BEMonad BETypeArgP convertAnnotatedTypeArgs args strictness = foldr args 0 where foldr [] i = beNoTypeArgs foldr [a:x] i // | trace_tn (toString i+++" "+++toString (arg_strictness_annotation i strictness)) = (beTypeArgs o (convertAnnotAndTypeNode (arg_strictness_annotation i strictness))) a (foldr x (i+1)) convertTransformedBody :: Int Int Ident TransformedBody Int -> BEMonad BERuleAltP convertTransformedBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n | isCodeBlock body.tb_rhs = declareVars body aliasDummyId o` convertCodeBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n // otherwise = declareVars body aliasDummyId o` convertBody True functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId (map FP_Variable body.tb_args) body.tb_rhs main_dcl_module_n isCodeBlock :: Expression -> Bool isCodeBlock (Case {case_expr=Var _, case_guards=AlgebraicPatterns _ [{ap_expr}]}) = isCodeBlock ap_expr isCodeBlock (ABCCodeExpr _ _) = True isCodeBlock (AnyCodeExpr _ _ _) = True isCodeBlock expr = False convertFunctionBody :: Int Int Ident FunctionBody Int -> BEMonad BERuleAltP convertFunctionBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId (BackEndBody bodies) main_dcl_module_n = convertBackEndBodies functionIndex lineNumber bodies main_dcl_module_n where convertBackEndBodies :: Int Int [BackEndBody] Int -> BEMonad BERuleAltP convertBackEndBodies functionIndex lineNumber bodies main_dcl_module_n = sfoldr (beRuleAlts o convertBackEndBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId main_dcl_module_n) beNoRuleAlts bodies where convertBackEndBody :: Int Int Ident Int BackEndBody -> BEMonad BERuleAltP convertBackEndBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId main_dcl_module_n body = declareVars body aliasDummyId o` convertBody False functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body.bb_args body.bb_rhs main_dcl_module_n convertFunctionBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId (TransformedBody body) main_dcl_module_n = convertTransformedBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n convertCodeBody :: Int Int Ident TransformedBody Int -> BEMonad BERuleAltP convertCodeBody functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId body main_dcl_module_n = convertBody False functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId patterns expr main_dcl_module_n where patterns = map (lookUpVar body.tb_rhs) body.tb_args expr = codeBlock body.tb_rhs lookUpVar :: Expression FreeVar -> FunctionPattern lookUpVar (Case {case_expr=Var boundVar, case_guards=AlgebraicPatterns _ [ap]}) freeVar | freeVar.fv_info_ptr == boundVar.var_info_ptr = FP_Algebraic ap.ap_symbol subPatterns No with subPatterns = map (lookUpVar ap.ap_expr) ap.ap_vars // otherwise = lookUpVar ap.ap_expr freeVar lookUpVar _ freeVar = FP_Variable freeVar codeBlock :: Expression -> Expression codeBlock (Case {case_expr=Var (var_infoPtr), case_guards=AlgebraicPatterns _ [{ap_expr}]}) = codeBlock ap_expr codeBlock expr = expr ruleAlt setRefCounts line lhsDefsM lhsM rhsDefsM rhsStrictsM rhsM be | setRefCounts # (lhs, be) = lhsM be # be = appBackEnd (BESetNodeDefRefCounts lhs) be # (lhsDefs, be) = lhsDefsM be = beFunction3 (BERuleAlt line lhsDefs lhs) rhsDefsM rhsStrictsM rhsM be // otherwise = beRuleAlt line lhsDefsM lhsM rhsDefsM rhsStrictsM rhsM be convertBody :: Bool Int Int Ident [FunctionPattern] Expression Int -> BEMonad BERuleAltP convertBody _ functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId args (ABCCodeExpr instructions inline) main_dcl_module_n = beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs -> beCodeAlt lineNumber (convertLhsNodeDefs args noNodeDefs) (convertBackEndLhs functionIndex args main_dcl_module_n) (beAbcCodeBlock inline (convertStrings instructions)) convertBody _ functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId args (AnyCodeExpr inParams outParams instructions) main_dcl_module_n = beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs -> beCodeAlt lineNumber (convertLhsNodeDefs args noNodeDefs) (convertBackEndLhs functionIndex args main_dcl_module_n) (beAnyCodeBlock (convertCodeParameters inParams) (convertCodeParameters outParams) (convertStrings instructions)) convertBody setRefCounts functionIndex lineNumber aliasDummyId args rhs main_dcl_module_n = beNoNodeDefs ==> \noNodeDefs -> ruleAlt setRefCounts lineNumber (convertLhsNodeDefs args noNodeDefs) (convertBackEndLhs functionIndex args main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId rhs main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsStrictNodeIds rhs) (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId rhs main_dcl_module_n) convertBackEndLhs :: Int [FunctionPattern] Int -> BEMonad BENodeP convertBackEndLhs functionIndex patterns main_dcl_module_n = beNormalNode (beFunctionSymbol functionIndex main_dcl_module_n) (convertPatterns patterns) convertStrings :: [{#Char}] -> BEMonad BEStringListP convertStrings strings = sfoldr (beStrings o beString) beNoStrings strings convertCodeParameters :: (CodeBinding a) -> BEMonad BECodeParameterP | varInfoPtr a convertCodeParameters codeParameters = sfoldr (beCodeParameters o convertCodeParameter) beNoCodeParameters codeParameters class varInfoPtr a :: a -> VarInfoPtr instance varInfoPtr BoundVar where varInfoPtr boundVar = boundVar.var_info_ptr instance varInfoPtr FreeVar where varInfoPtr freeVar = freeVar.fv_info_ptr convertCodeParameter :: (Bind String a) -> BEMonad BECodeParameterP | varInfoPtr a convertCodeParameter {bind_src, bind_dst} = beCodeParameter bind_src (convertVar (varInfoPtr bind_dst)) /* convertTransformedLhs :: Int [FreeVar] -> BEMonad BENodeP convertTransformedLhs functionIndex freeVars = beNormalNode (beFunctionSymbol functionIndex cIclModIndex) (convertLhsArgs freeVars) */ convertPatterns :: [FunctionPattern] -> BEMonad BEArgP convertPatterns patterns = sfoldr (beArgs o convertPattern) beNoArgs patterns convertPattern :: FunctionPattern -> BEMonad BENodeP convertPattern (FP_Variable freeVar) = convertFreeVarPattern freeVar convertPattern (FP_Basic _ (Yes freeVar)) = convertFreeVarPattern freeVar convertPattern (FP_Basic value No) = beNormalNode (convertLiteralSymbol value) beNoArgs convertPattern (FP_Algebraic _ freeVars (Yes freeVar)) = convertFreeVarPattern freeVar convertPattern (FP_Algebraic {glob_module, glob_object={ds_index}} subpatterns No) = beNormalNode (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index) (convertPatterns subpatterns) convertPattern (FP_Dynamic _ _ _ (Yes freeVar)) = convertFreeVarPattern freeVar convertPattern FP_Empty = beNodeIdNode beWildCardNodeId beNoArgs convertFreeVarPattern :: FreeVar -> BEMonad BENodeP convertFreeVarPattern freeVar = beNodeIdNode (convertVar freeVar.fv_info_ptr) beNoArgs convertLhsArgs :: [FreeVar] -> BEMonad BEArgP convertLhsArgs freeVars = sfoldr (beArgs o convertFreeVarPattern) beNoArgs freeVars convertVarPtr :: VarInfoPtr -> BEMonad BENodeP convertVarPtr var = beNodeIdNode (convertVar var) beNoArgs convertVars :: [VarInfoPtr] -> BEMonad BEArgP convertVars vars = sfoldr (beArgs o convertVarPtr) beNoArgs vars convertRootExpr :: Ident Expression Int -> BEMonad BENodeP convertRootExpr aliasDummyId (Let {let_expr}) main_dcl_module_n = convertRootExpr aliasDummyId let_expr main_dcl_module_n convertRootExpr aliasDummyId (Conditional {if_cond=cond, if_then=then, if_else=Yes else}) main_dcl_module_n = beGuardNode (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId cond main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId then main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsStrictNodeIds then) (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId then main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId else main_dcl_module_n ) (convertRhsStrictNodeIds else) (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId else main_dcl_module_n) convertRootExpr aliasDummyId (Conditional {if_cond=cond, if_then=then, if_else=No}) main_dcl_module_n = beGuardNode (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId cond main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId then main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsStrictNodeIds then) (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId then main_dcl_module_n) beNoNodeDefs beNoStrictNodeIds (beNormalNode (beBasicSymbol BEFailSymb) beNoArgs) convertRootExpr aliasDummyId (Case kees=:{case_expr, case_guards}) main_dcl_module_n = beSwitchNode (convertVar var.var_info_ptr) (convertCases case_guards aliasDummyId var (defaultCase kees) main_dcl_module_n) where var = caseVar case_expr defaultCase {case_default=Yes defaul} = DefaultCase defaul defaultCase {case_explicit, case_default=No, case_ident} | case_explicit = case case_ident of Yes ident -> DefaultCaseFail ident _ -> abort "backendconvert:defaultCase, case without id" // otherwise = DefaultCaseNone convertRootExpr _ expr main_dcl_module_n = convertExpr expr main_dcl_module_n convertCondExpr :: Expression Int -> BEMonad BENodeP convertCondExpr (Conditional {if_cond=cond, if_then=then, if_else=Yes else}) main_dcl_module_n = beGuardNode (convertCondExpr cond main_dcl_module_n) beNoNodeDefs beNoStrictNodeIds (convertCondExpr then main_dcl_module_n) beNoNodeDefs beNoStrictNodeIds (convertCondExpr else main_dcl_module_n) convertCondExpr expr main_dcl_module_n = convertExpr expr main_dcl_module_n // RWS +++ rewrite convertLhsNodeDefs :: [FunctionPattern] BENodeDefP -> BEMonad BENodeDefP convertLhsNodeDefs [FP_Basic value (Yes freeVar) : patterns] nodeDefs = convertLhsNodeDefs patterns nodeDefs ==> \nodeDefs -> defineLhsNodeDef freeVar (FP_Basic value No) nodeDefs convertLhsNodeDefs [FP_Algebraic symbol subpatterns (Yes freeVar) : patterns] nodeDefs = convertLhsNodeDefs subpatterns nodeDefs ==> \nodeDefs -> convertLhsNodeDefs patterns nodeDefs ==> \nodeDefs -> defineLhsNodeDef freeVar (FP_Algebraic symbol subpatterns No) nodeDefs convertLhsNodeDefs [FP_Algebraic symbol subpatterns No : patterns] nodeDefs = convertLhsNodeDefs subpatterns nodeDefs ==> \nodeDefs -> convertLhsNodeDefs patterns nodeDefs convertLhsNodeDefs [FP_Dynamic varPtrs var typeCode (Yes freeVar) : patterns] nodeDefs = convertLhsNodeDefs patterns nodeDefs ==> \nodeDefs -> defineLhsNodeDef freeVar (FP_Dynamic varPtrs var typeCode No) nodeDefs convertLhsNodeDefs [_ : patterns] nodeDefs = convertLhsNodeDefs patterns nodeDefs convertLhsNodeDefs [] nodeDefs = return nodeDefs defineLhsNodeDef :: FreeVar FunctionPattern BENodeDefP -> BEMonad BENodeDefP defineLhsNodeDef freeVar pattern nodeDefs = \be0 -> let (variable_sequence_number,be) = getVariableSequenceNumber freeVar.fv_info_ptr be0 in beNodeDefs (beNodeDef variable_sequence_number (convertPattern pattern)) (return nodeDefs) be collectNodeDefs :: Ident Expression -> [LetBind] collectNodeDefs aliasDummyId (Let {let_strict_binds, let_lazy_binds}) = filterStrictAlias let_strict_binds let_lazy_binds where filterStrictAlias [] let_lazy_binds = let_lazy_binds filterStrictAlias [strict_bind=:{lb_src=App app}:strict_binds] let_lazy_binds | not (isNilPtr app.app_symb.symb_name.id_info) && app.app_symb.symb_name==aliasDummyId // the compiled source was a strict alias like "#! x = y" = case hd app.app_args of Var _ // the node is still such an alias and must be ignored -> filterStrictAlias strict_binds let_lazy_binds hd_app_args // the node is not an alias anymore: remove just the _dummyForStrictAlias call -> [{ strict_bind & lb_src = hd_app_args } : filterStrictAlias strict_binds let_lazy_binds] filterStrictAlias [strict_bind:strict_binds] let_lazy_binds = [strict_bind: filterStrictAlias strict_binds let_lazy_binds] collectNodeDefs _ _ = [] convertRhsNodeDefs :: Ident Expression Int -> BEMonad BENodeDefP convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId expr main_dcl_module_n = convertNodeDefs (collectNodeDefs aliasDummyId expr) where convertNodeDefs :: [LetBind] -> BEMonad BENodeDefP convertNodeDefs binds = sfoldr (beNodeDefs o convertNodeDef) beNoNodeDefs binds where convertNodeDef :: !LetBind -> BEMonad BENodeDefP convertNodeDef {lb_src=expr, lb_dst=freeVar} = \be0 -> let (variable_sequence_number,be) = getVariableSequenceNumber freeVar.fv_info_ptr be0 in beNodeDef variable_sequence_number (convertExpr expr main_dcl_module_n) be collectStrictNodeIds :: Expression -> [FreeVar] collectStrictNodeIds (Let {let_strict_binds, let_expr}) = [lb_dst \\ {lb_dst} <- let_strict_binds] collectStrictNodeIds _ = [] convertStrictNodeId :: FreeVar -> BEMonad BEStrictNodeIdP convertStrictNodeId freeVar = beStrictNodeId (convertVar freeVar.fv_info_ptr) convertStrictNodeIds :: [FreeVar] -> BEMonad BEStrictNodeIdP convertStrictNodeIds freeVars = sfoldr (beStrictNodeIds o convertStrictNodeId) beNoStrictNodeIds freeVars convertRhsStrictNodeIds :: Expression -> BEMonad BEStrictNodeIdP convertRhsStrictNodeIds expression = convertStrictNodeIds (collectStrictNodeIds expression) convertLiteralSymbol :: BasicValue -> BEMonad BESymbolP convertLiteralSymbol (BVI intString) = beLiteralSymbol BEIntDenot intString convertLiteralSymbol (BVInt int) = beLiteralSymbol BEIntDenot (toString int) convertLiteralSymbol (BVB bool) = beBoolSymbol bool convertLiteralSymbol (BVC charString) = beLiteralSymbol BECharDenot charString convertLiteralSymbol (BVR realString) = beLiteralSymbol BERealDenot realString convertLiteralSymbol (BVS string) = beLiteralSymbol BEStringDenot string convertTypeSymbolIdent :: TypeSymbIdent -> BEMonad BESymbolP convertTypeSymbolIdent {type_index={glob_module, glob_object}} = beTypeSymbol glob_object glob_module // ->> ("convertTypeSymbolIdent", (glob_module, glob_object)) convertExpr :: Expression Int -> BEMonad BENodeP convertExpr expr main_dcl_module_n = convertExpr expr where convertExpr :: Expression -> BEMonad BENodeP convertExpr (BasicExpr value) = beNormalNode (convertLiteralSymbol value) beNoArgs convertExpr (App {app_symb, app_args}) = beNormalNode (convertSymbol app_symb) (convertArgs app_args) where convertSymbol :: !SymbIdent -> BEMonad BESymbolP convertSymbol {symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module, glob_object}} = beFunctionSymbol glob_object glob_module convertSymbol {symb_kind=SK_LocalMacroFunction glob_object} = beFunctionSymbol glob_object main_dcl_module_n convertSymbol {symb_kind=SK_GeneratedFunction _ index} = beFunctionSymbol index main_dcl_module_n convertSymbol {symb_kind=SK_Constructor {glob_module, glob_object}} = beConstructorSymbol glob_module glob_object // ->> ("convertSymbol", (glob_module, glob_object)) convertSymbol symbol = undef // <<- ("backendconvert, convertSymbol: unknown symbol") // , symbol) convertExpr (Var var) = beNodeIdNode (convertVar var.var_info_ptr) beNoArgs convertExpr (f @ [a]) = beNormalNode (beBasicSymbol BEApplySymb) (convertArgs [f, a]) convertExpr (f @ [a:as]) = convertExpr (f @ [a] @ as) convertExpr (Selection selectorKind expression selections) = convertSelections (convertExpr expression) (addKinds selectorKind selections) where addKinds NormalSelector selections = [(BESelector, selection) \\ selection <- selections] addKinds NormalSelectorUniqueElementResult selections = [(BESelector, selection) \\ selection <- selections] addKinds _ [selection] = [(BESelector_U, selection)] addKinds _ [selection : selections] = [(BESelector_F, selection) : addMoreKinds selections] where addMoreKinds [] = [] addMoreKinds [selection] = [(BESelector_L, selection)] addMoreKinds [selection : selections] = [(BESelector_N, selection) : addMoreKinds selections] addKinds _ [] = [] convertExpr (RecordUpdate _ expr updates) = foldl (convertUpdate) (convertExpr expr) updates where convertUpdate expr {bind_src=NoBind _} = expr convertUpdate expr {bind_src, bind_dst=bind_dst=:{glob_module, glob_object={fs_index}}} = beUpdateNode (beArgs expr (beArgs (beSelectorNode BESelector (beFieldSymbol fs_index glob_module) (beArgs (convertExpr bind_src) beNoArgs)) beNoArgs)) convertExpr (Update expr1 [singleSelection] expr2) = case singleSelection of RecordSelection _ _ -> beUpdateNode (convertArgs [expr1, Selection NormalSelector expr2 [singleSelection]]) ArraySelection {glob_object={ds_index}, glob_module} _ index // RWS not used?, eleminate beSpecialArrayFunctionSymbol? -> beNormalNode (beSpecialArrayFunctionSymbol BEArrayUpdateFun ds_index glob_module) (convertArgs [expr1, index, expr2]) // DictionarySelection dictionaryVar dictionarySelections _ index -> convertExpr (Selection NormalSelector (Var dictionaryVar) dictionarySelections @ [expr1, index, expr2]) convertExpr (Update expr1 selections expr2) = case lastSelection of RecordSelection _ _ -> beUpdateNode (beArgs selection (convertArgs [Selection NormalSelector expr2 [lastSelection]])) ArraySelection {glob_object={ds_index}, glob_module} _ index -> beNormalNode (beSpecialArrayFunctionSymbol BE_ArrayUpdateFun ds_index glob_module) (beArgs selection (convertArgs [index, expr2])) DictionarySelection dictionaryVar dictionarySelections _ index -> beNormalNode beDictionaryUpdateFunSymbol (beArgs dictionary (beArgs selection (convertArgs [index, expr2]))) with dictionary = convertExpr (Selection NormalSelector (Var dictionaryVar) dictionarySelections) where lastSelection = last selections selection = convertSelections (convertExpr expr1) (addKinds (init selections)) addKinds [selection : selections] = [(BESelector_F, selection) : addMoreKinds selections] where addMoreKinds selections = [(BESelector_N, selection) \\ selection <- selections] addKinds [] = [] convertExpr (TupleSelect {ds_arity} n expr) = beTupleSelectNode ds_arity n (convertExpr expr) convertExpr (MatchExpr {glob_module, glob_object={ds_index,ds_arity}} expr) | glob_module==cPredefinedModuleIndex && (let pd_cons_index=ds_index+FirstConstructorPredefinedSymbolIndex in pd_cons_index==PD_UnboxedConsSymbol || pd_cons_index==PD_UnboxedTailStrictConsSymbol || pd_cons_index==PD_OverloadedConsSymbol) = case expr of App {app_args=[src_expr],app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module=decons_module,glob_object=deconsindex}}} -> beMatchNode ds_arity (beOverloadedConsSymbol glob_module ds_index decons_module deconsindex) (convertExpr src_expr) _ -> convertExpr expr = beMatchNode ds_arity (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index) (convertExpr expr) convertExpr (Conditional {if_cond=cond, if_then, if_else=Yes else}) = beIfNode (convertExpr cond) (convertExpr if_then) (convertExpr else) convertExpr expr = undef // <<- ("backendconvert, convertExpr: unknown expression" , expr) convertArgs :: [Expression] -> BEMonad BEArgP convertArgs exprs = sfoldr (beArgs o convertExpr) beNoArgs exprs convertSelections :: (BEMonad BENodeP) [(BESelectorKind, Selection)] -> (BEMonad BENodeP) convertSelections expression selections = foldl (convertSelection) expression selections convertSelection :: (BEMonad BENodeP) (BESelectorKind, Selection) -> (BEMonad BENodeP) convertSelection expression (kind, RecordSelection {glob_object={ds_index}, glob_module} _) = beSelectorNode kind (beFieldSymbol ds_index glob_module) (beArgs expression beNoArgs) convertSelection expression (kind, ArraySelection {glob_object={ds_index}, glob_module} _ index) = beNormalNode (beSpecialArrayFunctionSymbol (selectionKindToArrayFunKind kind) ds_index glob_module) (beArgs expression (convertArgs [index])) convertSelection expression (kind, DictionarySelection dictionaryVar dictionarySelections _ index) = case kind of BESelector -> beNormalNode (beBasicSymbol BEApplySymb) (beArgs (beNormalNode (beBasicSymbol BEApplySymb) (beArgs dictionary (beArgs expression beNoArgs))) (convertArgs [index])) _ -> beNormalNode beDictionarySelectFunSymbol (beArgs dictionary (beArgs expression (convertArgs [index]))) where dictionary = convertExpr (Selection NormalSelector (Var dictionaryVar) dictionarySelections) caseVar :: Expression -> BoundVar caseVar (Var var) = var caseVar expr = undef // <<- ("backendconvert, caseVar: unknown expression", expr) :: DefaultCase = DefaultCase Expression | DefaultCaseFail !Ident | DefaultCaseNone class convertCases a :: a Ident BoundVar DefaultCase Int -> BEMonad BEArgP instance convertCases CasePatterns where convertCases (AlgebraicPatterns _ patterns) aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n = convertCases patterns aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n convertCases (BasicPatterns _ patterns) aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n = convertCases patterns aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n convertCases (OverloadedListPatterns _ decons_expr patterns) aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n = convertOverloadedListPatterns patterns decons_expr aliasDummyId var default_case main_dcl_module_n // +++ other patterns ??? instance convertCases [a] | convertCase a where convertCases patterns aliasDummyId var optionalCase main_dcl_module_n = sfoldr (beArgs o convertCase main_dcl_module_n (localRefCounts patterns optionalCase) aliasDummyId var) (convertDefaultCase optionalCase aliasDummyId main_dcl_module_n) patterns localRefCounts :: [pattern] DefaultCase -> Bool localRefCounts [_] DefaultCaseNone = False localRefCounts [_] (DefaultCaseFail _) = False localRefCounts _ _ = True class convertCase a :: Int Bool Ident BoundVar a -> BEMonad BENodeP caseNode localRefCounts arity symbolM defsM strictsM rhsM be | localRefCounts # be = appBackEnd BEEnterLocalScope be # (symbol, be) = symbolM be # (rhs, be) = rhsM be # (defs, be) = defsM be # (stricts, be) = strictsM be # (kees, be) = accBackEnd (BECaseNode arity symbol defs stricts rhs) be # be = appBackEnd (BELeaveLocalScope kees) be = (kees, be) // otherwise # (symbol, be) = symbolM be # (rhs, be) = rhsM be # (defs, be) = defsM be # (stricts, be) = strictsM be # (kees, be) = accBackEnd (BECaseNode arity symbol defs stricts rhs) be = (kees, be) // = beCaseNode arity symbolM defsM strictsM rhsM be defaultNode defsM strictsM rhsM be # be = appBackEnd BEEnterLocalScope be # (defaul, be) = beDefaultNode defsM strictsM rhsM be # be = appBackEnd (BELeaveLocalScope defaul) be = (defaul, be) pushNode arity var symbolM argM nodeIdsM be # (symbol, be) = symbolM be # (nodeIds, be) = nodeIdsM be # (sequenceNumber, be) = getVariableSequenceNumber var.var_info_ptr be # be = appBackEnd (BEAddNodeIdsRefCounts sequenceNumber symbol nodeIds) be # (arg, be) = argM be = accBackEnd (BEPushNode arity symbol arg nodeIds) be overloadedPushNode arity var symbolM argM nodeIdsM deconsNodeM be :== let (symbol, be1) = symbolM be (nodeIds, be2) = nodeIdsM be1 (sequenceNumber, be3) = getVariableSequenceNumber var.var_info_ptr be2 be4 = appBackEnd (BEAddNodeIdsRefCounts sequenceNumber symbol nodeIds) be3 (arg, be5) = argM be4 (deconsNodeP,be6) = deconsNodeM be5 in accBackEnd (BEOverloadedPushNode arity symbol arg nodeIds deconsNodeP) be6 instance convertCase AlgebraicPattern where convertCase main_dcl_module_n localRefCounts aliasDummyId var {ap_symbol={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, ap_vars, ap_expr} | symbolArity == 0 = caseNode localRefCounts 0 (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index) (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsStrictNodeIds ap_expr) (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) // otherwise = caseNode localRefCounts symbolArity (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index) (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsStrictNodeIds ap_expr) (pushNode symbolArity var (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index) (beArgs (convertExpr (Var var) main_dcl_module_n) (beArgs (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) beNoArgs)) (convertPatternVars ap_vars)) where symbolArity = length ap_vars // curried patterns ??? instance convertCase BasicPattern where convertCase main_dcl_module_n localRefCounts aliasDummyId _ {bp_value, bp_expr} = caseNode localRefCounts 0 (convertLiteralSymbol bp_value) (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId bp_expr main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsStrictNodeIds bp_expr) (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId bp_expr main_dcl_module_n) convertOverloadedListPatterns patterns decons_expr aliasDummyId var optionalCase main_dcl_module_n = sfoldr (beArgs o convertOverloadedListPattern decons_expr (localRefCounts patterns optionalCase)) (convertDefaultCase optionalCase aliasDummyId main_dcl_module_n) patterns where convertOverloadedListPattern :: Expression Bool AlgebraicPattern -> BEMonad BENodeP convertOverloadedListPattern decons_expr localRefCounts {ap_symbol={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, ap_vars=[], ap_expr} = caseNode localRefCounts 0 (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index) (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsStrictNodeIds ap_expr) (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) convertOverloadedListPattern decons_expr=:(App {app_args=[],app_symb={symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module=decons_module,glob_object=deconsindex}}}) localRefCounts {ap_symbol={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, ap_vars, ap_expr} = caseNode localRefCounts symbolArity (beOverloadedConsSymbol glob_module ds_index decons_module deconsindex) (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsStrictNodeIds ap_expr) (pushNode symbolArity var (beOverloadedConsSymbol glob_module ds_index decons_module deconsindex) (beArgs (convertExpr (Var var) main_dcl_module_n) (beArgs (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) beNoArgs)) (convertPatternVars ap_vars)) where symbolArity = length ap_vars convertOverloadedListPattern decons_expr localRefCounts {ap_symbol={glob_module,glob_object={ds_index}}, ap_vars, ap_expr} = caseNode localRefCounts symbolArity (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index) (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsStrictNodeIds ap_expr) (overloadedPushNode symbolArity var (beConstructorSymbol glob_module ds_index) (beArgs (convertExpr (Var var) main_dcl_module_n) (beArgs (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId ap_expr main_dcl_module_n) beNoArgs)) (convertPatternVars ap_vars) (convertExpr decons_expr main_dcl_module_n)) where symbolArity = length ap_vars convertPatternVars :: [FreeVar] -> BEMonad BENodeIdListP convertPatternVars vars = sfoldr (beNodeIds o convertPatternVar) beNoNodeIds vars convertPatternVar :: FreeVar -> BEMonad BENodeIdListP convertPatternVar freeVar = beNodeIdListElem (convertVar freeVar.fv_info_ptr) convertDefaultCase DefaultCaseNone _ _ = beNoArgs convertDefaultCase (DefaultCaseFail ident) aliasDummyId main_dcl_module_n = beArgs (defaultNode beNoNodeDefs beNoStrictNodeIds (beNormalNode (beLiteralSymbol BEFailSymb ident.id_name) beNoArgs)) beNoArgs convertDefaultCase (DefaultCase expr) aliasDummyId main_dcl_module_n = beArgs (defaultNode (convertRhsNodeDefs aliasDummyId expr main_dcl_module_n) (convertRhsStrictNodeIds expr) (convertRootExpr aliasDummyId expr main_dcl_module_n)) beNoArgs selectionKindToArrayFunKind BESelector = BEArraySelectFun selectionKindToArrayFunKind BESelector_U = BE_UnqArraySelectFun selectionKindToArrayFunKind BESelector_F = BE_UnqArraySelectFun selectionKindToArrayFunKind BESelector_L = BE_UnqArraySelectLastFun selectionKindToArrayFunKind BESelector_N = BE_UnqArraySelectLastFun convertVar :: VarInfoPtr -> BEMonad BENodeIdP convertVar varInfo = \be0 -> let (variable_sequence_number,be) = getVariableSequenceNumber varInfo be0 in beNodeId variable_sequence_number be getVariableSequenceNumber :: VarInfoPtr *BackEndState-> (!Int,!*BackEndState) getVariableSequenceNumber varInfoPtr be # (vi,be) = read_from_var_heap varInfoPtr be = case vi of VI_SequenceNumber sequenceNumber -> (sequenceNumber,be) VI_AliasSequenceNumber {var_info_ptr} -> getVariableSequenceNumber var_info_ptr be vi -> abort "getVariableSequenceNumber" // <<- vi foldStateWithIndexTwice function n :== foldStateWithIndexTwice 0 where foldStateWithIndexTwice index | index == n = identity // otherwise = function index index o` foldStateWithIndexTwice (index+1) markExports :: DclModule {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} -> BackEnder markExports {dcl_functions,dcl_common={com_type_defs,com_cons_defs,com_selector_defs,com_class_defs}} dclClasses dclTypes iclClasses iclTypes = foldStateWithIndexTwice beExportType (size com_type_defs) o foldStateWithIndexTwice beExportConstructor (size com_cons_defs) o foldStateWithIndexTwice beExportField (size com_selector_defs) o foldStateWithIndexTwice (exportDictionary iclClasses iclTypes) (size com_class_defs) o foldStateWithIndexTwice beExportFunction (size dcl_functions) where exportDictionary :: {#ClassDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} Index Index -> BackEnder exportDictionary iclClasses iclTypes dclClassIndex iclClassIndex = beExportType (-1) iclTypeIndex // remove -1 hack o foldStateA exportDictionaryField rt_fields where dclTypeIndex = dclClasses.[dclClassIndex].class_dictionary.ds_index iclTypeIndex = iclClasses.[iclClassIndex].class_dictionary.ds_index {td_rhs = RecordType {rt_fields}} = iclTypes.[iclTypeIndex] exportDictionaryField :: FieldSymbol -> BackEnder exportDictionaryField {fs_index} = beExportField (-1) fs_index // remove -1 hack markExports _ _ _ _ _ = identity