AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2001-05-15merged with backend C source code on the macjohnvg44-147/+808
2001-05-14*** empty log message ***martinw2-0/+24
2001-05-14new phase between analTypeDefs and typingmartinw2-0/+249
2001-05-11fixed bug in convertCases Let (introduced in previous commit)ronny1-1/+1
2001-05-11I wanted to commit this together with the icl file, but it didn't fitmartinw1-8/+1
2001-05-11improving error messagemartinw1-1/+4
2001-05-11checking the kinds of all function-, instance-, class- and member-typesmartinw3-100/+8
2001-05-11moving all switch macros to new module "compilerSwitches"martinw8-25/+16
2001-05-10changed last field of CollectState into cos_used_dynamics which reflectsmartijnv3-13/+13
2001-05-10bug fixes:martijnv12-35/+96
2001-05-10compiler option added: -dynamics which instructs the compiler to generatemartijnv1-6/+21
2001-05-10bug fix: unusued dynamics in where/let clauses produced a rule doesn't matchmartijnv1-3/+51
2001-05-09support for casesronny1-0/+0
2001-05-09corrected version numberronny1-1/+1
2001-05-09removed docommand modulesronny4-45/+0
2001-05-09removed dumprestore modulesronny2-896/+0
2001-05-09removed backend Clean modulesronny2-994/+0
2001-05-09support for casesronny1-0/+7
2001-05-09corrected version numberronny1-2/+2
2001-05-09corrected version numberronny2-4/+4
2001-05-09cases in backendronny2-27/+209
2001-05-09bail out if illegal command arguments are passed to the backendronny1-2/+2
2001-05-09don't analyse idents for Clean 2.0ronny1-0/+2
2001-05-09combined convert paramaters in recordronny1-166/+103
2001-05-08added fields to cons_info and type_infoalimarin4-218/+359
2001-05-08accidental commitronny1-7/+7
2001-05-08renamed ci_ fieldname prefixes and ci variables to cs_ and csronny1-240/+240
2001-05-08removed uniqueness attribute in ConvertState type definitionronny1-4/+4
2001-05-08renamed ConversionInfo to ConvertStateronny1-6/+6
2001-05-08replaced call to my_zip by exactZip, removed definition my_zipronny1-4/+1
2001-05-08replaced zip2's with exactZip (fails when its arguments are of unequal length)ronny1-8/+16
2001-05-08fixed spelling of cDontRemoveAnnotationsronny1-7/+7
2001-05-08split convertcases in two modules (convertcases and convertimportedtypes)ronny5-134/+161
2001-05-08renamed convertCasesOfFunctionsIntoPatterns to convertCasesOfFunctionsronny3-4/+4
2001-05-08moved ImportedFunctions from convertcases to transronny4-4/+2
2001-05-08support for cases in backendronny4-198/+433
2001-05-08support for cases in backendronny1-0/+32
2001-05-08added VI_Labelled_Empty and VI_LocalLetVar to VarInforonny2-0/+7
2001-05-04satisfying John's pervert and bizarre wishes for better error messagesmartinw5-11/+84
2001-05-04bugfix: compiler crash atmartinw1-2/+2
2001-05-04bugfix 2.0 syntax: formartinw1-15/+28
2001-05-04bugfix: formartinw1-31/+29
2001-05-042 bugfixes: 1. pretty printing of types corrected, 2. blahmartinw2-15/+8
2001-05-04Clean 2.0 compiler bug workaroundronny1-0/+6
2001-05-03Flag to turn generics on and off (SupportGenerics), default offronny3-1/+3
2001-05-03fixed module namesronny2-2/+2
2001-05-03removed BEDeclarePredefinedSymbolsronny5-374/+362
2001-05-03removed duplicate import for backend_library (there's another import in backe...ronny1-1/+0
2001-05-03added preliminary support for cons info by typealimarin7-94/+470
2001-05-03replaced corrupted cDirectory.objronny1-0/+0