path: root/sucl/strat.icl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sucl/strat.icl')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/strat.icl b/sucl/strat.icl
index 8d1d469..0f938b8 100644
--- a/sucl/strat.icl
+++ b/sucl/strat.icl
@@ -124,11 +124,8 @@ makernfstrategy hist strat rnfnodes node graph
= strat` (substrat spinenodes`) graph subspinecont rnfanswer cnt
where (def,cnt) = dnc (const "in makernfstrategy") graph node
spinenodes` = [node:spinenodes]
subspinecont subspine = spinecont (node,subspine)
- strat` = checkinstance (graph,node) histpatts strat
- histpatts = foldr (foldmap (++) id hist) [] spinenodes`
+ strat` = checkhistory (graph,node) spinenodes hist strat
@@ -174,14 +171,14 @@ matchrule matchable substrat subject found sargs rule fail
pattern = rulegraph rule
pairs = zip2 pargs sargs
matchable` = matchable pattern
- foundsub matching spine = found (Partial rule matching spine)
+ foundsub matching rnode spine = found (Partial rule matching rnode spine)
foundmatch matching = found (Redex rule matching)
:: (pvar var -> .Bool)
.(Graph sym var)
(Substrategy sym var pvar result)
- ((Pfun pvar var) (Spine sym var pvar) -> result)
+ ((Pfun pvar var) pvar (Spine sym var pvar) -> result)
.(Graph sym pvar)
-> ((Pfun pvar var) -> result)
@@ -200,8 +197,8 @@ matchnodes matchable subject substrat found fail pattern
| not pdef
= match (extend pnode snode matching)
| not sdef
- = found matching openspine
- = substrat (found matching) rnfanswer snode
+ = found matching pnode openspine
+ = substrat (found matching pnode) rnfanswer snode
where openspine = (snode,Open (mkrgraph pnode pattern))
| psym==ssym && eqlen pargs sargs
@@ -331,9 +328,10 @@ forcenodes
-> .result
forcenodes substrat found rnf nodes
-= foldr forcenode rnf nodes
- where forcenode nid rnfrest = substrat foundforce rnfrest nid
- foundforce spine = found (Force spine)
+= foldr forcenode rnf (zip2 [0..] nodes)
+ where forcenode (argno,nid) rnfrest
+ = substrat foundforce rnfrest nid
+ where foundforce spine = found (Force argno spine)
@@ -344,22 +342,21 @@ Check for an instance in the termination history.
- :: (.Graph sym var,var)
- [.Rgraph sym var]
- (Strategy sym var .pvar result)
- -> Strategy sym var .pvar result
+ :: (Graph sym var,var)
+ [var]
+ (History sym var)
+ (Strategy sym var pvar result)
+ -> Strategy sym var pvar result
| == sym
& == var
- & == pvar
-checkinstance (graph,node) history defaultstrategy
-= foldr check defaultstrategy history
- where check hrgraph defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
- | isinstance (hgraph,hroot) (graph,node)
- = found (Unsafe hrgraph)
- = defaultstrategy substrat subject found rnf (ssym,sargs)
- where hgraph = rgraphgraph hrgraph; hroot = rgraphroot hrgraph
+checkhistory (sgraph,snode) spinenodes history defaultstrategy
+ = if (isEmpty histpats) defaultstrategy unsafestrategy
+ where histpats
+ = matchhistory history spinenodes sgraph snode
+ unsafestrategy _ _ found _ _
+ = found (Unsafe (hd histpats))
// Check for curried applications