path: root/sucl/pretty.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'sucl/pretty.icl')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/pretty.icl b/sucl/pretty.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e23e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/pretty.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+implementation module pretty
+import StdEnv
+:: Layout
+ = Line String // A single line
+ | Indent String [Layout] // A sequence of lines, the first of which is indented by a string (and the rest by an equivalent number of spaces)
+class Pretty t
+where pretty :: t -> Layout
+instance Pretty {#Char}
+where pretty s = Line s
+instance <<< Layout
+where <<< f l
+ = printlayout l cont True [] f
+ where cont first prefixes f = f
+printlayout (Line s) cont first is f
+= cont False (if first (asspaces is) is) ((printindents is f) <<< s)
+printlayout (Indent i ls) cont first is f
+= foldr printlayout cont` ls True [i:is] f
+ where cont` first` is` f`
+ = cont first is f`
+asspaces is = [toString (spaces (sum (map size is)))]
+printindents is f
+= foldr printindent f is
+printindent i f = f<<<i
+> %include "basic.lit"
+> %include "graph.lit" -extgraph
+> %include "rule.lit"
+> %include "clean.lit" -cleanrule -cleantyperule -coretyperule -symbolmodule -typesymbolmodule
+Get the Select nodes from a graph.
+> getselectnodes :: graph symbol ** -> ** -> [((**,num),(num,**))]
+> getselectnodes graph root
+> = foldr (withmeta (nodecontents graph) addselectnode) [] (nodelist graph [root])
+> where addselectnode (True,(Select arity index,[tuplenode])) selectnode
+> = (((tuplenode,arity),(index,selectnode)):)
+> addselectnode contents node = id
+Distribute the Select nodes over their indexes.
+> splitselectnodes :: ((**,num),[(num,**)]) -> (**,[[**]])
+> splitselectnodes ((tuplenode,arity),selects)
+> = (tuplenode,foldr dist (rep arity []) selects)
+> where dist (1,selectnode) (ns:nss) = (selectnode:ns):nss
+> dist (index,selectnode) (ns:nss) = ns:dist (index-1,selectnode) nss
+Make left hand sides.
+> makelhss :: [**] -> [[**]] -> ([**],[[**]])
+> makelhss heap nss
+> = (heap,[]), if empty
+> = (heap'',ns':nss''), otherwise
+> where (heap'',nss'') = makelhss heap' nss'
+> (empty,ns',heap',nss') = heads heap nss
+> heads heap [] = (True,[],heap,[])
+> heads (node:heap) ([]:nss)
+> = (empty,node:ns',heap',[]:nss')
+> where (empty,ns',heap',nss') = heads heap nss
+> heads heap ((n:ns):nss)
+> = (False,n:ns',heap',ns:nss')
+> where (empty,ns',heap',nss') = heads heap nss
+> makenodedefs :: [**] -> [(**,[[**]])] -> [(**,[**])]
+> makenodedefs heap []
+> = []
+> makenodedefs heap ((tuplenode,nss):rest)
+> = map (pair tuplenode) lhss++nodedefs
+> where (heap',lhss) = makelhss heap nss
+> nodedefs = makenodedefs heap' rest
+> pretty :: symbol -> rule symbol node -> [[char]]
+> pretty symbol rule
+> = (showsymbol symbol++' ':concat (map ((++" ").fst) argreprs)++"-> "++snd rootrepr):
+> map2 shownodedef nodedefs (map snd tuplereprs)
+> where args = lhs rule; root = rhs rule; graph = rulegraph rule
+> nodedefs = makenodedefs (heap--nodelist graph (root:args)) tupleselections
+> tupleselections
+> = ( map splitselectnodes.
+> partition fst snd
+> ) (getselectnodes graph root)
+> tuplenodes = map fst tupleselections
+> prunedgraph = foldr prunegraph graph tuplenodes
+> [argreprs,[rootrepr],tuplereprs]
+> = hof (foldgraph prettyref (issafe.shownode) prettydef prunedgraph) [args,[root],map fst nodedefs]
+> where prettyref node (saferef,unsaferef) = issafe (shownode node++':':saferef)
+> shownodedef (tuplenode,selectnodes) tuplerepr
+> = ", ("++join ',' (map shownode selectnodes)++"): "++tuplerepr
+Useful (higher order) functions.
+> withmeta :: (*->**) -> (**->*->***) -> * -> ***
+> withmeta meta f x = f (meta x) x
+> pair :: * -> ** -> (*,**)
+> pair x y = (x,y)
+> hof :: ([*]->[**]) -> [[*]] -> [[**]]
+> hof f xss
+> = claims xss (f (concat xss))
+> claims :: [[*]] -> [**] -> [[**]]
+> claims [] ys = []
+> claims (xs:xss) ys
+> = zs:claims xss ys'
+> where (zs,ys') = claim xs ys