path: root/sucl/newtest.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'sucl/newtest.icl')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/newtest.icl b/sucl/newtest.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13cf8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/newtest.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+newtest.lit - Testing the new trace implementation
+Describe in a few paragraphs what this module defines.
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> all || List of all clasp modules
+> list || List a clean module
+> listopt || List rules with introduction
+> listfull || List full processing of optimization
+>|| listtrace || List the trace for a clean module
+> optfiles || Optimize files obeying a pattern
+> optimize || Optimize a clean module
+Required types:
+ identifier - type@source.lit type@source.lit
+ ...
+> %include "dnc.lit"
+> %include "../src/basic.lit"
+> %include "../src/hunt.lit"
+> %include "../src/pfun.lit"
+> %include "../src/graph.lit"
+> %include "../src/rule.lit"
+> %include "../src/trd.lit"
+> %include "../src/spine.lit"
+> %include "strat.lit"
+> %include "trace.lit"
+> %include "loop.lit"
+> %include "../src/clean.lit"
+> %include "../src/module.lit"
+> %include "cli.lit"
+> %include "../src/complete.lit"
+>|| %include "fold.lit"
+> %include "newfold.lit"
+> %include "../src/canon.lit"
+> optfiles :: [char] -> [sys_message]
+> optfiles
+> = optimize.foldr addmodule [].glob.join ' '.expand [".cli"] (getpath ["."] "CLIPATH")
+> addmodule filename modules
+> = subcli scont filename
+> where subcli success ".cli" = success ""
+> subcli success ('/':cs) = subcli scont cs
+> subcli success (c:cs) = subcli (success.(c:)) cs
+> subcli success cs = modules
+> scont = (:modules)
+> all = (foldr addmodule [].glob.join ' '.expand [".cli"] (getpath ["."] "CLIPATH")) "*"
+> optimize :: [[char]] -> [sys_message]
+> optimize modules
+> = complaints++loads++concat (map optone goodnames)++[Stdout "Done.\n",Exit (#complaints)]
+> where allnames = [(module,findfiles readable [".cli"] (getpath ["."] "CLIPATH") module)|module<-modules]
+> badnames = [module|(module,[])<-allnames]
+> goodnames = [(module,cliname,init cliname++"o")|(module,cliname:clinames)<-allnames]
+> complaints
+> = [], if badnames=[]
+> = [Stderr ("Warning: cannot find module"++showmodules badnames++" (ignored).\n")], otherwise
+> where showmodules [module]
+> = ": "++showstring module
+> showmodules modules
+> = "s: "++join ',' (map showstring modules)
+> loads
+> = [], if goodnames=[]
+> = [Stdout ("Loaded modules: "++join ',' [module|(module,cli,clo)<-goodnames]++".\n")], otherwise
+> cli = loadclis (map snd3 goodnames)
+> optone (module,cliname,cloname)
+> = [ Stdout ("Optimizing "++module++" ("++showstring cliname++") to "++show cloname++"..."),
+> Tofile cloname (listnew module cli),
+> Stdout "\n"
+> ]
+`Newfunction' is the type of a new function produced by symbolic
+reduction applied to a cli module. Symbolic reduction on a cli module
+actually produces a list of new functions.
+> newfunction * ** **** *****
+> == ( *, || Assigned symbol of the new function
+> rule * **, || Initial rule of the new function
+> [bool], || Strictness annotations
+> rule **** *****, || Type rule
+> bool, || Export annotation
+> [rule * **], || Rewrite rules
+> bool || Import annotation
+> )
+`Symredresult' is the output produced by symbolic reduction applied to
+an area. Symbolic reduction on an area actually produces a list of
+these tuples.
+> symredresult * ** **** *****
+> == ( rgraph * **, || The initial area in canonical form
+> *, || The assigned symbol
+> [bool], || Strictness annotations
+> rule **** *****, || Type rule
+> trace * ** **, || Truncated and folded trace
+> [rule * **], || Resulting rewrite rules
+> [rgraph * **] || New areas for further symbolic reduction (not necessarily canonical)
+> )
+> listopt :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [char]
+> listopt main = listnew main.loadclis
+> listnew :: [char] -> cli -> [char]
+> listnew main cli = (lay.printnew cli.map (makenew cli).filter hasusersym.fullsymred main.stripexports main) cli
+> printnew
+> :: cli ->
+> [newfunction symbol node typesymbol typenode] ->
+> [[char]]
+> printnew cli results
+> = (implementation exports++"MODULE "++modulename++";"):
+> prefix [""] (showimports [symbol|(symbol,initialrule,stricts,trule,exported,rules,True)<-results])++
+> showtypes ((map (uncurry cleanalias).aliases) cli) (map (printalgebra (typerule cli)) (constrs cli))++
+> prefix ["","MACRO"] ((concat.map (uncurry cleanmacro).macros) cli)++
+> concat (map (shownewrules cli) [(symbol,initialrule,(trule,stricts),rules)|(symbol,initialrule,stricts,trule,exported,rules,imported)<-results;rules~=[]])
+> where exports = [symbol|(symbol,initialrule,stricts,trule,True,rules,imported)<-results]
+> implementation [User module "Start"] = ""
+> implementation exports = "IMPLEMENTATION "
+> getmodule (User module ident) = module
+> modulename = hd (map getmodule exports++["empty"])
+> showimports symbols
+> = map showblock (partition getmodule getident symbols)
+> where getmodule (User module ident) = module
+> getident (User module ident) = ident
+> showblock (module,idents)
+> = "FROM "++module++" IMPORT "++join ',' idents++";"
+> showtypes aliastexts algebralines
+> = prefix ["","TYPE"] (prefix [""] (concat aliastexts)++prefix [""] algebralines)
+> prefix xs [] = []
+> prefix xs ys = xs++ys
+> shownewrules cli (symbol,initialrule,tinfo,rules)
+> = prefix ("":"<<":cleanrule symbol initialrule++[">>","RULE"]) (cleantyperule symbol tinfo:concat (map (cleanrule symbol) rules))
+> makenew
+> :: cli ->
+> symredresult symbol node typesymbol typenode ->
+> newfunction symbol node typesymbol typenode
+> makenew cli (area,symbol,stricts,trule,Trace initialstricts initialrule answer history results,rules,areas)
+> = (symbol,initialrule,stricts,trule,exported,rules',imported)
+> where exported = member (exports cli) symbol
+> imported = member (imports cli) symbol
+> rules' = filter ((~).unchanged) rules
+> unchanged rule
+> = def & root=initialroot & sym=symbol
+> where root = rhs rule; graph = rulegraph rule
+> (def,(sym,args')) = dnc (const "in makenew") graph root
+> initialroot = rhs initialrule
+> hasusersym
+> :: symredresult symbol node typesymbol typenode ->
+> bool
+> hasusersym (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas) = usersym symbol
+> listfull :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [char]
+> listfull main filenames
+> = (lay.map (showfull cli).fullsymred main) cli
+> where cli = stripexports main (loadclis (main:filenames))
+> showfull
+> :: cli ->
+> symredresult symbol node typesymbol typenode ->
+> [char]
+> showfull cli (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas)
+> = hline++
+> "::: AREA :::\n"++
+> printrgraph showsymbol shownode area++
+> "\n\n::: ASSIGNED SYMBOL :::\n"++
+> showsymbol symbol++
+> "\n\n::: DERIVED TYPE RULE :::\n"++
+> printrule showtypesymbol showtypenode trule++
+> "\n\n::: TRACE :::\n"++
+> lay (printtrace symbol showsymbol shownode shownode trace)++
+> "\n\n::: DERIVED STRICTNESS :::\n"++
+> map strictchar stricts++
+> "\n::: RULES :::\n"++
+> lay (map (((showsymbol symbol++" ")++).printrule showsymbol shownode) rules)++
+> "\n::: NEW AREAS :::\n"++
+> lay (map (printrgraph showsymbol shownode) areas)++
+> hline
+> hline = rep 72 '='++"\n"
+> fullsymred
+> :: [char] ->
+> cli ->
+> [symredresult symbol node typesymbol typenode]
+> fullsymred main cli
+> = results
+> where results = depthfirst generate process (initareas cli)
+> generate result = map canonise' (getareas result)
+> process area = symredarea foldarea' cli area
+> foldarea' = foldarea (labelarea'.canonise')
+> labelarea' = labelarea (map getinit results) (newsymbols main)
+> canonise' = canonise (typerule cli) heap
+`Initareas cli' is the list of initial rooted graphs that must be
+symbolically reduced. An initial rooted graph is formed by applying an
+exported symbol to its full complement of open arguments according to
+its type rule.
+> initareas :: cli -> [rgraph symbol node]
+> initareas cli
+> = map (initialise heap) (exports cli)
+> where initialise (root:nodes) symbol
+> = mkrgraph root (updategraph root (symbol,args) emptygraph)
+> where args = map2 const nodes targs
+> targs = lhs (typerule cli symbol)
+> getinit :: symredresult * ** **** ***** -> rgraph * **
+> getinit (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas) = area
+> getareas :: symredresult * ** **** ***** -> [rgraph * **]
+> getareas (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas) = areas
+`Symredarea' is the function that does symbolic reduction of a single
+> symredarea
+> :: (rgraph symbol node->(symbol,[node])) ->
+> cli ->
+> rgraph symbol node ->
+> symredresult symbol node typesymbol typenode
+> symredarea foldarea cli area
+> = (area,symbol,stricts,trule,trace,rules,areas)
+> where agraph = rgraphgraph area; aroot = rgraphroot area
+> (symbol,aargs) = foldarea area
+> arule = mkrule aargs aroot agraph
+> trule = ruletype typeheap (ctyperule FN typeheap (typerule cli)) arule
+> trace = loop strategy' complete' matchable' (heap--nodelist agraph [aroot],arule)
+> (stricts,rules,areas) = fullfold (trc symbol) foldarea symbol trace
+> complete' = (~).converse matchable' (mkrgraph () emptygraph)
+> matchable' = matchable (complete cli)
+> strategy' = clistrategy cli
+> trc :: symbol -> trace symbol node node -> rgraph symbol node -> bool -> bool
+> trc symbol trace area recursive
+> = error (lay ("Trace is recursive in area":printrgraph showsymbol shownode area:printtrace symbol showsymbol shownode shownode trace)), if esymbol symbol & recursive
+> = recursive, otherwise
+> esymbol (User m "E") = True
+> esymbol symbol = False
+> printelem symbol (result,optsra)
+> = ( indent "subtrace: " (printresult symbol showsymbol shownode shownode result)++
+> foldoptional [] printsra optsra
+> )
+> printsra (stricts,rules,areas)
+> = ( ("stricts: "++map strictchar stricts):
+> indent "rules: " (map (showrule showsymbol shownode) rules)++
+> indent "areas: " (map (showrgraph showsymbol shownode) areas)
+> )
+> printsras (strictss,rules,areas)
+> = ( showlist (showstring.map strictchar) strictss:
+> indent "rules: " (map (showrule showsymbol shownode) rules)++
+> indent "areas: " (map (showrgraph showsymbol shownode) areas)
+> )
+> trsym (User module "New_ab") = True
+> trsym = const False
+> looping :: * -> rule * ** -> bool
+> looping symbol rule
+> = rdef & rsym=symbol & rargs=args
+> where args = lhs rule; root = rhs rule; graph = rulegraph rule
+> (rdef,(rsym,rargs)) = dnc (const "in looping") graph root
+ listtrace :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [char]
+ listtrace main = lay.map clitraces.mktraces.stripexports main.loadclis.(main:)
+> clitraces :: (symbol,(trace symbol node node,[rule symbol node])) -> [char]
+> clitraces (sym,(trace,rules)) = lay (printtrace sym showsymbol shownode shownode trace)
+ mktraces :: cli -> [(symbol,(trace symbol node node,[rule symbol node]))]
+ mktraces cli
+ = depthfirst
+ ( foldr addsymbols [].
+ snd.
+ snd
+ )
+ (pairwith clisymred')
+ (exports cli)
+ where clisymred' symbol
+ = clisymred ((~=hd heap).rhs) cli symbol (initrule heap (lhs.typerule cli) symbol)
+> addsymbols :: rule * *** -> [*] -> [*]
+> addsymbols rule rest
+> = foldr (addsymbol.dnc (const "in addsymbols") rgraph) rest nodes
+> where nodes = nodelist rgraph (rroot:lroots)
+> rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> rroot = rhs rule
+> lroots = lhs rule
+> addsymbol (def,(sym,args)) = cond def (sym:) id
+> list :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [char]
+> list main = showcli.stripexports main.loadclis.(main:)
+ clisymred :: (rule symbol **->bool) -> cli -> symbol -> ([**],rule symbol **) -> (trace symbol ** node,[rule symbol **])
+ clisymred unchanged cli symbol rule
+ = ( mapsnd (filter unchanged)
+ . pairwith tips
+ . onresults (foldtrace symbol)
+ . loop strategy' complete' matchable'
+ ) rule
+ where complete'
+ = (~).converse matchable' (mkrgraph () emptygraph)
+ matchable' = matchable (complete cli)
+ strategy' = clistrategy cli
+> matchable :: ([*]->bool)->[rgraph * ***]->rgraph * **->bool
+> matchable complete patterns rgraph
+> = ~coveredby complete (rgraphgraph rgraph) [(rgraphgraph pattern,[rgraphroot pattern])|pattern<-patterns] [rgraphroot rgraph]
+`Ctyperule' cli (sym,args)' is the typerule of an occurrence of symbol
+sym with the given arguments, curried if there are too few.
+> ctyperule
+> :: **** ->
+> [*****] ->
+> (*->rule **** *****) ->
+> (*,[**]) ->
+> rule **** *****
+> ctyperule fn typeheap typerule (sym,args)
+> = mkrule targs' troot' tgraph'
+> where targs = lhs trule; troot = rhs trule; tgraph = rulegraph trule
+> trule = typerule sym
+> (targs',targs'') = claim args targs
+> (troot',tgraph',theap') = foldr build (troot,tgraph,typeheap--nodelist tgraph (troot:targs)) targs''
+> build targ (troot,tgraph,tnode:tnodes)
+> = (tnode,updategraph tnode (fn,[targ,troot]) tgraph,tnodes)
+> newsymbols main = map (User main.("New_"++)) identifiers