path: root/sucl/newfold.icl
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index 0000000..2ddfa42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/newfold.icl
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+newfold.lit - New folding function
+This module defines one function, `fullfold'. It derives a function
+defintion from a trace, by first searching and folding autorecursion,
+and searching the remainder of the trace for introduced recursion.
+> %include "dnc.lit"
+> %include "../src/basic.lit"
+> %include "../src/pfun.lit"
+> %include "../src/graph.lit"
+> %include "../src/rule.lit"
+> %include "../src/spine.lit"
+> %include "trace.lit"
+> %include "extract.lit"
+Exported identifiers:
+> %export
+> fullfold || Full folding function
+> tracer || Debugging
+> || extract || Fold a trace and extract new functions
+> || etracer || Debugging
+Deprecated type
+> tracer * ** ***
+> == ( (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> * ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> (bool,([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **]))
+> ) ->
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> * ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> (bool,([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **]))
+`Fullfold foldarea fnsymbol trace' folds the trace. It returns a
+resulting list of rewrite rules and rooted graphs for which new
+functions have to be introduced.
+First, an attempt is made to fold to the right hand side of the initial
+rewrite rule (autorecursion), or residues of the right hand side for
+which no instantiation was necessary. If any tip of the trace can be
+folded, this is done.
+The remaining subtraces of the trace (which is possibly the whole trace)
+are folded in their own right. Introduced recursion is applied if it
+occurs within any subtrace.
+> fullfold ::
+> etracer * ** *** ->
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> * ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> ([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **])
+> fullfold trc foldarea fnsymbol trace
+> = recurseresult, if recursive
+>|| = mapfst3 only (extract trc foldarea trace ([],[],[])), otherwise
+> = newextract trc foldarea trace, otherwise
+> where (recursive,recurseresult) = recurse foldarea fnsymbol trace
+`Recurse foldarea fnsymbol trace' is a pair `(recursive,recurseresult)'.
+`Recurseresult' is the derived function definition (strictness, rules,
+and new areas), obtained by folding the trace. `Recurse' tries to fold
+the areas in the trace to recursive function calls when at all possible.
+The allowed patterns for the autorecursion are derived from the top of
+the trace. If no recursive function call can be found, `recurseresult'
+is `False'.
+> recurse ::
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> * ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> (bool,([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **]))
+> recurse foldarea fnsymbol
+> = f ([],[])
+> where f (newhist,hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history (Reduce reductroot trace))
+> = f (newhist',newhist') trace, if pclosed=[] & superset popen ropen
+> where rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> (pclosed,popen) = nodeset rgraph rargs
+> (rclosed,ropen) = nodeset rgraph [rroot]
+> newhist' = (rroot,rgraph):newhist
+> f (newhist,hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history (Annotate trace))
+> = f (newhist',hist) trace, if pclosed=[] & superset popen ropen
+> where rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> (pclosed,popen) = nodeset rgraph rargs
+> (rclosed,ropen) = nodeset rgraph [rroot]
+> newhist' = (rroot,rgraph):newhist
+> f (newhist,hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = foldtips foldarea (fnsymbol,lhs rule) (mkset newhist',mkset hist) (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> where rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> newhist' = (rroot,rgraph):newhist
+`Foldtips foldarea foldcont hist trace' folds all occurrences of (rooted
+graphs in hist) in the tips of the trace. It returns a list of rules,
+which are the results of folding, and a list of areas for which
+functions must be introduced. If no occurrences were found, Absent is
+> addstrict stricts (rule,areas) = (stricts,[rule],areas)
+> foldtips ::
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> (*,[**]) ->
+> ([(**,graph * **)],[(**,graph * **)]) ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> (bool,([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **]))
+> foldtips foldarea foldcont
+> = ft
+> where ft hist trace
+> = ft' transf
+> where Trace stricts rule answer history transf = trace
+> ft' Stop
+> = foldoptional exres (pair True.addstrict stricts) (actualfold deltanodes rnfnodes foldarea (=) foldcont (snd hist) rule)
+> where deltanodes = foldoptional [] getdeltanodes answer
+> rnfnodes = foldoptional [rhs rule] (const []) answer
+> ft' (Instantiate yestrace notrace)
+> = ft'' (ft hist yestrace) (ft hist notrace)
+> where ft'' (False,yessra) (False,nosra) = exres
+> ft'' (yesfound,(yesstricts,yesrules,yesareas)) (nofound,(nostricts,norules,noareas))
+> = (True,(stricts,yesrules++norules,yesareas++noareas))
+> ft' (Reduce reductroot trace)
+> = ft'' (ft (fst hist,fst hist) trace)
+> where ft'' (False,sra) = exres
+> ft'' (found,sra) = (True,sra)
+> ft' (Annotate trace)
+> = ft'' (ft hist trace)
+> where ft'' (False,sra) = exres
+> ft'' (found,sra) = (True,sra)
+> || exres = (False,mapfst3 only (extract noetrc foldarea trace ([],[],[])))
+> exres = (False,newextract noetrc foldarea trace)
+> noetrc trace area = id
+> pair x y = (x,y)
+> only :: [*] -> *
+> only [x] = x
+> only xs = error "only: not a singleton list"
+`Extract foldarea trace (rules,areas)' folds the trace, creating rules
+which are prepended to `rules' and areas for introduced functions which
+are prepended to `areas'.
+The use of `extract' is to derive rules for parts of a trace that aren't
+already folded by the detection of either auto or introduced recursion.
+The accumulator argument is for efficiency reasons. It is probably
+clearer to drop it and instead apply `concat' at a higher level.
+Introduced recursion may be detected inside the trace. Since the trace
+is in practice a subtrace of another trace, introduced recursion might
+exist to the supertrace. This does not count, since it is not possible
+to fold the first occurrence of the termination history pattern which is
+in the supertrace.
+> etracer * ** ***
+> == trace * ** *** ->
+> rgraph * ** ->
+> bool ->
+> bool
+> extract
+> :: etracer * ** *** ->
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> ([[bool]],[rule * **],[rgraph * **]) ->
+> ([[bool]],[rule * **],[rgraph * **])
+> extract trc newname (Trace stricts rule answer history transf) (strictss,rules,areas)
+> = (strictss',recrule:rules,recareas++areas), if trc (Trace stricts rule answer history transf) unsafearea recursive
+> = mapfst3 (ifopen (const strictss') id answer) (f transf (strictss,rules,areas)), otherwise
+> where f (Reduce reductroot trace) = extract trc newname trace
+> f (Annotate trace) = extract trc newname trace
+> f (Instantiate yestrace notrace) = extract trc newname yestrace.extract trc newname notrace
+> f Stop (strictss,rules,areas) = (stricts:strictss,mkrule rargs rroot stoprgraph:rules,stopareas++areas)
+> (recursive,unsafearea)
+> = foldoptional (False,undef) (findspinepart rule transf) answer, if isreduce transf
+> = (False,error "extract: not a Reduce transformation"), otherwise
+> (recrule,recareas) = splitrule newname rnfnodes deltanodes rule unsafearea
+> (stoprgraph,stopareas) = finishfold newname rnfnodes deltanodes rroot rgraph
+> rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> rnfnodes = foldoptional (rroot:) (const id) answer (nodelist rgraph rargs)
+> deltanodes = foldoptional [] getdeltanodes answer
+> strictss' = stricts:strictss
+This is a version of `extract' that does not use the collector argument.
+> newextract
+> :: etracer * ** *** ->
+> (rgraph * **->(*,[**])) ->
+> trace * ** *** ->
+> ([bool],[rule * **],[rgraph * **])
+> newextract trc newname (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = (stricts,[recrule],recareas), if recursive
+> = subex transf, otherwise
+> where subex (Reduce reductroot trace) = newextract trc newname trace
+> subex (Annotate trace) = newextract trc newname trace
+> subex (Instantiate yestrace notrace)
+> = (stricts,yesrules++norules,yesareas++noareas)
+> where (yesstricts,yesrules,yesareas) = newextract trc newname yestrace
+> (nostricts,norules,noareas) = newextract trc newname notrace
+> subex Stop = (stricts,[mkrule rargs rroot stoprgraph],stopareas)
+> (recursive,unsafearea)
+> = foldoptional (False,undef) (findspinepart rule transf) answer, if isreduce transf
+> = (False,error "newextract: not a Reduce transformation"), otherwise
+> (recrule,recareas) = splitrule newname rnfnodes deltanodes rule unsafearea
+> (stoprgraph,stopareas) = finishfold newname rnfnodes deltanodes rroot rgraph
+> rargs = lhs rule; rroot = rhs rule; rgraph = rulegraph rule
+> rnfnodes = foldoptional (rroot:) (const id) answer (nodelist rgraph rargs)
+> deltanodes = foldoptional [] getdeltanodes answer
+> isreduce (Reduce reductroot trace) = True
+> isreduce transf = False
+`Findspinepart toprule rule spine (transformation,trace)' is a pair with
+a boolean determining whether some instance of the `spine', determined
+using `toprule', occurs in a residu of itself in `trace'.
+The use of `findspinepart' is to detect introduced recursion in `trace'
+to its root.
+> findspinepart :: rule * ** -> transformation * ** *** -> spine * ** *** -> (bool,rgraph * **)
+> findspinepart rule transf spine
+> = snd (foldspine pair stop stop id stop (const stop) partial (const stop) redex stop spine)
+> where pair node (pattern,recursion)
+> = (pattern',recursion')
+> where pattern'
+> = updategraph node cnt pattern, if def
+> = pattern, otherwise
+> (def,cnt) = dnc (const "in findspinepart") graph node
+> recursion'
+> = (True,mkrgraph node pattern'), if findpattern (pattern',node) (spinenodes spine) node transf
+> = recursion, otherwise
+> partial rule matching (pattern,recursion) = (extgraph' graph rule matching pattern,recursion)
+> redex rule matching = (extgraph' graph rule matching emptygraph,norecursion)
+> stop = (emptygraph,norecursion)
+> norecursion = (False,error "findspinepart: no part of spine found")
+> graph = rulegraph rule
+> extgraph' sgraph rule
+> = extgraph sgraph rgraph (nodelist rgraph (lhs rule))
+> where rgraph = rulegraph rule
+`Findpattern pattern rule residuroot transformation trace' bepaalt of
+een instance van `pattern' voorkomt in een residu van `residuroot' in de
+Omwille van optimalisatie worden, met behulp van `transformation' en
+`rule', alleen nieuw toegevoegde nodes na een rewrite in de trace
+bekeken. De rest is toch niet veranderd.
+> findpattern :: (graph * ****,****) -> [**] -> ** -> transformation * ** *** -> bool
+> findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot transf
+> = False, if ~member thespinenodes residuroot || Root of residu no longer in spine - must have come to RNF.
+> findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot (Reduce reductroot trace)
+> = fp (redirect residuroot) trace
+> where fp residuroot (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = True, if or [instance pattern (graph,node)|node<-nodelist graph [residuroot]]
+> where graph = rulegraph rule
+> fp = findpattern' pattern
+> redirect = adjust (last thespinenodes) reductroot id
+> findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot (Instantiate yestrace notrace)
+> = findpattern' pattern residuroot yestrace\/findpattern' pattern residuroot notrace
+> findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot (Annotate trace)
+> = findpattern' pattern residuroot trace
+> findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot Stop
+> = False
+> findpattern' :: (graph * ****,****) -> ** -> trace * ** *** -> bool
+> findpattern' pattern residuroot (Trace stricts rule answer history transf)
+> = findpattern pattern thespinenodes residuroot transf
+> where thespinenodes = foldoptional [] spinenodes answer
+`Getdeltanodes spine' is the list of nodes in the spine that we don't
+want to introduce new functions for because they contain a delta symbol
+or a strict argument.
+> getdeltanodes
+> :: spine * ** *** ->
+> [**]
+Uses foldspine with
+ **** == (bool,[**])
+ ***** == [**]
+> getdeltanodes
+> = foldspine pair none (True,[]) force none (const none) partial (const none) redex none
+> where pair node (forced,nodes) = cond forced (node:nodes) nodes
+> none = (False,[])
+> force nodes = (True,nodes)
+> partial rule matching nodes = (False,nodes)
+> redex rule matching = none