path: root/sucl/complete.icl
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diff --git a/sucl/complete.icl b/sucl/complete.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f84b69c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sucl/complete.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+implementation module complete
+import graph
+import StdEnv
+To check completeness of patterns, we need to know whether, given a list
+of (constructor) symbols, this list completely covers a type.
+ complete :: [sym] -> Bool
+It is assumed that a type can never be empty, so an empty list of
+constructors can never cover a type. Otherwise, separate type
+information would be needed to determine the completeness of an empty
+list of constructors.
+The algorithm uses /multipatterns/, which are lists of simple patterns. A
+multipattern is used to match at multiple node-ids in a graph in parallel.
+This is necessary in the case of matching of product types.
+:: Pattern sym var
+ :== (Graph sym var,[var])
+Coveredby checks whether a multipattern is covered by a list of
+multipatterns. There are five cases to consider.
+ First, if the multipattern is not the empty list, then to cover it
+ some multipattern must exist, so if the list of multipatterns is
+ empty, then the multipattern is not covered.
+ Second, if the multipattern is the empty list, it is trivially
+ covered by any list of multipatterns, including the empty.
+ Third, if the first pattern of the multipattern is closed, we select
+ only the multipatterns that it can match, then continue with the
+ arguments, and then the rest of the multipattern.
+ Fourth, if the first pattern of the multipattern is open, and all
+ its type constructors are present in the first patterns of the
+ multipatterns in the list of multipatterns, then the first pattern
+ of the multipattern is split according to all constructors, and all
+ possibilities must be covered.
+ Fifth, if not all constructors are present, then the multipatterns
+ of which the first pattern is open must cover the multipattern. So
+ those are selected and we continue with the tails of the
+ multipatterns in this list.
+To understand the order of the first two cases, check how a single open
+integer pattern is covered by a list of integer patterns either
+containing or not containing an open pattern.
+ :: ([sym]->Bool)
+ (Graph sym var)
+ ![Pattern sym pvar]
+ [var]
+ -> Bool
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+ & == pvar
+coveredby complete subject [] svars = False
+coveredby complete subject pvarss [] = True
+coveredby complete subject pvarss [svar:svars]
+| sdef
+= coveredby complete subject tmpvalue (sargs++svars)
+| complete (map fst3 closeds)
+= and (map covered closeds)
+= coveredby complete subject opens svars
+ where (opens,closeds) = split pvarss
+ covered (sym,repvar`,pvarss`) = coveredby complete subject pvarss` (repvar (repvar` undef) svar++svars)
+ (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = varcontents subject svar
+ tmpvalue = (fst (foldr (spl (repvar sargs) ssym) ([],[]) pvarss))
+repvar pvars svar = map (const svar) pvars
+Split splits a list of multipatterns into parts; on one hand, those of
+which the first pattern is open, and on the other hand, for every
+constructor, the list of applicable multipatterns, in which case the
+multipatterns with an open pattern are expanded and added as well.
+ :: [Pattern sym var]
+ -> ( [Pattern sym var]
+ , [ ( sym
+ , var->[var]
+ , [Pattern sym var]
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+split [] = ([],[])
+split [(subject,[svar:svars]):svarss]
+| not sdef
+= ([(subject,svars):opens`],map add closeds`)
+= (opens,[(ssym,repvar,[(subject,sargs++svars):ins]):closeds])
+ where (opens`,closeds`) = split svarss
+ add (sym,repvar,svarss`) = (sym,repvar,[(subject,repvar svar++svars):svarss`])
+ (opens,closeds) = split outs
+ (ins,outs) = foldr (spl repvar ssym) ([],[]) svarss
+ repvar svar = map (const svar) sargs
+ (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = varcontents subject svar
+Spl, given a symbol, derives two lists of multipatterns from one. The
+first are the multipatterns of which the first pattern can match the
+symbol, i.e. open ones and closed ones with the correct symbol. The
+second are the multipatterns that can match other symbols, i.e. also
+open ones, and closed ones with the wrong symbol.
+ :: (var -> [var])
+ sym
+ (Pattern sym var)
+ ([Pattern sym var],[Pattern sym var])
+ -> ([Pattern sym var],[Pattern sym var])
+ | == sym
+ & == var
+spl repvar sym (subject,[svar:svars]) (ins,outs)
+| not sdef
+= ([(subject,repvar svar++svars):ins],[(subject,[svar:svars]):outs])
+| ssym==sym
+= ([(subject,sargs++svars):ins],outs)
+= (ins,[(subject,[svar:svars]):outs])
+ where (sdef,(ssym,sargs)) = varcontents subject svar