path: root/sucl/canon.icl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sucl/canon.icl')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/canon.icl b/sucl/canon.icl
index b2d0f98..515404f 100644
--- a/sucl/canon.icl
+++ b/sucl/canon.icl
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ steps:
canonise :: (sym -> Int) [var2] (Rgraph sym var1) -> Rgraph sym var2 | == var1
canonise arity heap rg
- = ((relabel heap o etaexpand arity o splitrg o relabel localheap) rg <--- "canon.canonise ends") ---> "canon.canonise begins"
+ = (relabel heap o etaexpand arity o splitrg o relabel localheap) rg
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ canonise arity heap rg
splitrg :: (Rgraph sym Int) -> Rgraph sym Int
splitrg rgraph
= foldsingleton single rgraph rgraph
- where single root sym args = mkrgraph root (updategraph root (sym,fst ((claim--->"basic.claim begins from canon.splitrg") args (localheap--[root]))) emptygraph)
+ where single root sym args = mkrgraph root (updategraph root (sym,fst (claim args (localheap--[root]))) emptygraph)
> uncurry :: (*->rule **** *****) -> rgraph * num -> rgraph * num
> uncurry typerule rgraph
> = f (nc root)
> where f (True,(sym,args))
-> = mkrgraph root (updategraph root (sym,fst ((claim--->"basic.claim begins from canon.uncurry") targs (args++localheap--nodelist graph [root]))) graph)
+> = mkrgraph root (updategraph root (sym,fst (claim targs (args++localheap--nodelist graph [root]))) graph)
> where targs = lhs (typerule sym)
> f cont = rgraph
> nc = nodecontents graph
@@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ localheap =: [0..]
foldarea :: ((Rgraph sym var) -> sym) (Rgraph sym var) -> Node sym var | == var
foldarea label rgraph
- = (((labelrgraph<---"canon.foldarea.labelrgraph begins")--->"canon.foldarea.labelrgraph ends",(foldsingleton single nosingle rgraph<---"canon.foldarea.foldsingleton ends")--->"canon.foldarea.foldsingleton begins") <--- "canon.foldarea ends") ---> "canon.foldarea begins"
- where single root sym args = map (\arg->(arg<---"canon.foldarea.single.arg ends")--->"canon.foldarea.single.arg begins") args
- nosingle = map (\arg->(arg<---"newfold.foldarea.nosingle.arg ends")--->"newfold.foldarea.nosingle.arg begins") (snd (graphvars (rgraphgraph rgraph) [rgraphroot rgraph]))
- labelrgraph = (label rgraph <--- "canon.foldarea.labelrgraph ends") ---> "canon.foldarea.labelrgraph begins"
+ = (labelrgraph,foldsingleton single nosingle rgraph)
+ where single root sym = id
+ nosingle = snd (graphvars (rgraphgraph rgraph) [rgraphroot rgraph])
+ labelrgraph = label rgraph
@@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ foldarea label rgraph
labelarea :: (sym->Bool) [Rgraph sym var] [sym] (Rgraph sym var) -> sym | == sym & == var
labelarea reusable areas labels rg
- = ((foldmap--->"canon.labelarea uses foldmap") id nolabel ((maketable--->"canon.maketable begins from canon.labelarea") reusable ((areas<---"canon.labelarea.areas ends")--->"canon.labelarea.areas begins") ((labels<---"canon.labelarea.labels ends")--->"canon.labelarea.labels begins")) ((rg<---"canon.labelarea.rg ends")--->"canon.labelarea.rg begins") <--- "canon.labelarea ends") ---> "canon.labelarea begins"
+ = foldmap id nolabel (maketable reusable areas labels) rg
where nolabel = abort "canon: labelarea: no label assigned to area"
maketable :: (sym->Bool) [Rgraph sym var] [sym] -> [(Rgraph sym var,sym)] | == var
-maketable _ [] _ = [] <--- "canon.maketable ends empty"
+maketable _ [] _ = []
maketable reusable [area:areas] labels
- = [(((area<---"canon.maketable.area ends")--->"canon.maketable.area begins",(label<---"canon.maketable.label ends")--->"canon.maketable.label begins") <--- "canon.maketable.head ends") ---> "canon.maketable.head begins":(maketable--->"canon.maketable begins from maketable") reusable areas labels`] <--- "canon.maketable ends nonempty"
+ = [(area,label):maketable reusable areas labels`]
where (label,labels`) = getlabel (nc aroot) labels
getlabel (True,(asym,aargs)) labels
| reusable asym && not (or (map (fst o nc) aargs))