path: root/frontend
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/refmark.icl b/frontend/refmark.icl
index 8b6f738..1bc44be 100644
--- a/frontend/refmark.icl
+++ b/frontend/refmark.icl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ fullRefMark :: ![[FreeVar]] !Int !(Optional [CountedFreeVar]) !expr !*VarHeap ->
fullRefMark free_vars sel def expr var_heap
# {rms_let_vars,rms_var_heap} = refMark free_vars sel def expr { rms_var_heap = var_heap, rms_let_vars = [] }
rms_var_heap = openLetVars rms_let_vars rms_var_heap
- = addParRefMarksOfLets "fullRefMark" rms_let_vars ([], { rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap, rms_let_vars = [] })
+ = addParRefMarksOfLets rms_let_vars ([], { rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap, rms_let_vars = [] })
partialRefMark :: ![[FreeVar]] !expr !*VarHeap -> (!RefMarkResult, *VarHeap) | refMark expr
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ partialRefMark free_vars expr var_heap
# var_heap = saveOccurrences free_vars var_heap
{rms_var_heap,rms_let_vars} = refMark free_vars NotASelector No expr { rms_var_heap = var_heap, rms_let_vars = [] }
rms_var_heap = openLetVars rms_let_vars rms_var_heap
- (occurrences, rms_var_heap) = restoreOccurrences "partialRefMark" free_vars rms_var_heap
+ (occurrences, rms_var_heap) = restoreOccurrences free_vars rms_var_heap
= ((occurrences, rms_let_vars), rms_var_heap)
instance refMark [a] | refMark a
@@ -40,28 +40,24 @@ collectAllSelections [] cum_sels
collectAllSelections [{su_multiply,su_uniquely} : sels ] cum_sels
= collectAllSelections sels (su_uniquely ++ su_multiply ++ cum_sels)
-contains x [] = False
-contains x [y:ys] = x == y || contains x ys
saveOccurrences free_vars var_heap
- = foldSt (foldSt save_occurrence) free_vars var_heap // (free_vars ===> ("saveOccurrences", free_vars)) var_heap
+ = foldSt (foldSt save_occurrence) free_vars var_heap // (free_vars ===> ("saveOccurrences", free_vars)) var_heap
save_occurrence {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence old_occ=:{occ_ref_count,occ_previous}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {old_occ & occ_ref_count = RC_Unused, occ_previous = [occ_ref_count : occ_previous] } )
===> ("save_occurrence", fv_ident, fv_info_ptr, occ_ref_count, length occ_previous)
-restoreOccurrences wher free_vars var_heap
- = foldSt (foldSt (restore_occurrence wher)) (free_vars ===> ("restoreOccurrences", wher, free_vars)) ([], var_heap)
+restoreOccurrences free_vars var_heap
+ = foldSt (foldSt restore_occurrence) (free_vars ===> ("restoreOccurrences", free_vars)) ([], var_heap)
- restore_occurrence wher fv=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} (occurrences, var_heap)
+ restore_occurrence fv=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} (occurrences, var_heap)
# (VI_Occurrence old_occ=:{occ_ref_count,occ_previous,occ_bind}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
(prev_ref_count, occ_previous) = case occ_previous of
[x : xs]
-> (x, xs)
- -> abort ("restoreOccurrences" /* ---> (fv_ident, fv_info_ptr, wher) */)
+ -> abort ("restoreOccurrences" /* ---> (fv_ident, fv_info_ptr) */)
var_heap = var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {old_occ & occ_ref_count = prev_ref_count, occ_previous = occ_previous })
= case occ_ref_count ===> ("restore_occurrence", fv_ident, fv_info_ptr, (occ_ref_count, prev_ref_count, occ_previous)) of
@@ -132,7 +128,6 @@ where
= [ { su_field = sel, su_multiply = [], su_uniquely = [var_expr_ptr] } : sels ]
= [ selection : add_selection var_expr_ptr sel selections ]
ref_count_of_bindings free_vars var_ident var_info_ptr occ_ref_count var_occ=:{occ_bind = OB_OpenLet fv let_info} rms=:{rms_var_heap,rms_let_vars}
# rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { var_occ & occ_ref_count = occ_ref_count, occ_bind = OB_LockedLet var_occ.occ_bind })
= { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap, rms_let_vars = [ fv : rms_let_vars ]}
@@ -143,8 +138,8 @@ where
ref_count_of_bindings free_vars var_ident var_info_ptr occ_ref_count var_occ rms=:{rms_var_heap}
= { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { var_occ & occ_ref_count = occ_ref_count })}
-addParRefMarksOfLets call let_vars closed_vars_end_rms
- = foldSt ref_mark_of_let let_vars closed_vars_end_rms
+addParRefMarksOfLets let_vars closed_vars_and_rms
+ = foldSt ref_mark_of_let let_vars closed_vars_and_rms
ref_mark_of_let fv=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} (closed_let_vars, rms=:{rms_var_heap})
# (VI_Occurrence var_occ, rms_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr rms_var_heap
@@ -152,8 +147,8 @@ where
= case var_occ.occ_bind of
OB_OpenLet _ (Yes (ref_counts, let_vars))
# rms_var_heap = rms.rms_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {var_occ & occ_bind = OB_LockedLet var_occ.occ_bind})
- rms_var_heap = addParRefCounts call ref_counts rms_var_heap
- -> addParRefMarksOfLets call let_vars ([fv : closed_let_vars], {rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap})
+ rms_var_heap = addParRefCounts ref_counts rms_var_heap
+ -> addParRefMarksOfLets let_vars ([fv : closed_let_vars], {rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap})
===> ("addParRefMarksOfLets (OB_OpenLet Yes)", fv_ident)
OB_OpenLet _ No
# rms_var_heap = rms.rms_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {var_occ & occ_bind = OB_LockedLet var_occ.occ_bind})
@@ -162,15 +157,15 @@ where
OB_LockedLet _
-> (closed_let_vars, rms)
===> ("addParRefMarksOfLets (OB_LockedLet)", fv_ident)
-addParRefCounts call ref_counts var_heap
- = foldSt (set_occurrence call) ref_counts var_heap
+addParRefCounts ref_counts var_heap
+ = foldSt set_occurrence ref_counts var_heap
- set_occurrence call {cfv_var = {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}, cfv_count} var_heap
+ set_occurrence {cfv_var = {fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}, cfv_count} var_heap
# (VI_Occurrence occ=:{occ_ref_count}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
comb_ref_count = parCombineRefCount occ_ref_count cfv_count
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence { occ & occ_ref_count = comb_ref_count})
- ===> ("addParRefCounts", call, fv_ident, fv_info_ptr, (cfv_count, occ_ref_count, comb_ref_count))
+ ===> ("addParRefCounts", fv_ident, fv_info_ptr, (cfv_count, occ_ref_count, comb_ref_count))
addSeqRefCounts ref_counts var_heap
= foldSt set_occurrence ref_counts var_heap
@@ -262,7 +257,6 @@ where
-> refMark free_vars NotASelector No expr rms
-> refMark free_vars (field_number selectors) No expr rms
-// = refMark free_vars (field_number selectors) No expr rms
field_number [ RecordSelection _ field_nr : _ ]
= field_nr
@@ -303,16 +297,11 @@ where
refMark _ _ _ _ rms
= rms
-isUsed RC_Unused = False
-isUsed _ = True
instance refMark LetBind
refMark free_vars sel _ {lb_src} rms
= refMark free_vars NotASelector No lb_src rms
instance refMark Selection
refMark free_vars _ _ (ArraySelection _ _ index_expr) rms
@@ -320,7 +309,6 @@ where
refMark free_vars _ _ _ rms
= rms
collectPatternsVariables pattern_vars
= collect_used_vars pattern_vars 0 []
@@ -342,7 +330,7 @@ where
// ===> ("openLetVars (OB_LockedLet)", fv_ident)
-> abort "open_let_vars (refmark.icl))"
setUsedLetVars used_vars var_heap
= foldSt (foldSt set_used_let_var) used_vars var_heap
@@ -402,7 +390,7 @@ where
(closed_lets, rms) = fullRefMark free_vars sel No expr rms_var_heap
(closed_lets, rms) = ref_mark_of_variable_pattern True var (closed_lets, rms)
rms_var_heap = openLetVars closed_lets rms.rms_var_heap
- (occurrences, rms_var_heap) = restoreOccurrences "ref_mark_of_default" free_vars rms_var_heap
+ (occurrences, rms_var_heap) = restoreOccurrences free_vars rms_var_heap
= (Yes occurrences, [closed_lets:all_closed_let_vars], { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap, rms_let_vars = rms.rms_let_vars ++ rms_let_vars })
===> ("ref_mark_of_default", occurrences, closed_lets)
ref_mark_of_default case_explicit free_vars sel def var No all_closed_let_vars rms
@@ -450,14 +438,13 @@ where
| do_seq_combine
# rms_var_heap = addSeqRefCounts ref_counts rms_var_heap
= addSeqRefMarksOfLets let_vars ([fv : closed_lets], { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap })
- # rms_var_heap = addParRefCounts "add_let_variable 1" ref_counts rms_var_heap
- = addParRefMarksOfLets "add_let_variable 2" let_vars ([fv : closed_lets], { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap })
+ # rms_var_heap = addParRefCounts ref_counts rms_var_heap
+ = addParRefMarksOfLets let_vars ([fv : closed_lets], { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap })
add_let_variable do_seq_combine var_info_ptr var_occ=:{occ_bind = ob =: OB_OpenLet fv No} (closed_lets, rms=:{rms_var_heap,rms_let_vars})
# rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence {var_occ & occ_bind = OB_LockedLet ob})
= (closed_lets, {rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap, rms_let_vars = [fv : rms_let_vars]})
add_let_variable do_seq_combine var_info_ptr v_ closed_lets_and_rms
= closed_lets_and_rms
refMarkOfAlgebraicOrOverloadedListCase free_vars sel def case_expr alternatives case_explicit case_default rms=:{rms_var_heap}
// # (case_expr_res, rms_var_heap) = partialRefMark free_vars case_expr rms_var_heap
@@ -476,10 +463,9 @@ where
refMarkOfDefault case_explicit free_vars sel def case_expr (Yes expr) all_closed_let_vars rms
# (all_closed_let_vars, rms) = refMarkOfAlternative free_vars [] sel def case_expr expr all_closed_let_vars rms
- (occurrences, rms_var_heap) = restoreOccurrences "refMarkOfDefault" free_vars rms.rms_var_heap
+ (occurrences, rms_var_heap) = restoreOccurrences free_vars rms.rms_var_heap
= (Yes occurrences, all_closed_let_vars, { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap })
===> ("refMarkOfDefault", occurrences)
refMarkOfDefault case_explicit free_vars sel def case_expr No all_closed_let_vars rms
| case_explicit
= (No, all_closed_let_vars, rms)
@@ -502,9 +488,9 @@ where
combine_pattern_and_alternative free_vars _ var_heap
= parCombine free_vars var_heap
-addSeqRefMarksOfLets let_vars closed_vars_end_rms
- = foldSt ref_mark_of_let let_vars closed_vars_end_rms
+addSeqRefMarksOfLets let_vars closed_vars_and_rms
+ = foldSt ref_mark_of_let let_vars closed_vars_and_rms
ref_mark_of_let fv=:{fv_ident,fv_info_ptr} (closed_let_vars, rms=:{rms_var_heap})
# (VI_Occurrence var_occ, rms_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr rms_var_heap
rms = { rms & rms_var_heap = rms_var_heap }
@@ -536,9 +522,8 @@ where
cond_add cond var vars
| cond
- = [ var : vars]
- = vars
+ = [var : vars]
+ = vars
addRefMarkOfDefault pattern_depth free_vars No var_heap
= ([], altCombine pattern_depth free_vars var_heap)
@@ -602,8 +587,6 @@ where
| su_field < sel2.su_field
= [sel1 : alt_combine_of_selections sels1 sl2 ]
= [sel2 : alt_combine_of_selections sl1 sels2 ]
parCombineRefCount RC_Unused ref_count
= ref_count
@@ -612,10 +595,10 @@ parCombineRefCount ref_count RC_Unused
parCombineRefCount (RC_Used {rcu_multiply,rcu_selectively,rcu_uniquely}) (RC_Used ref_count2)
# rcu_multiply = ref_count2.rcu_uniquely ++ ref_count2.rcu_multiply ++ rcu_uniquely ++ rcu_multiply
| isEmpty rcu_multiply
- = RC_Used { rcu_multiply = [], rcu_uniquely = [], rcu_selectively = par_combine_selections rcu_selectively ref_count2.rcu_selectively }
+ = RC_Used { rcu_multiply = [], rcu_uniquely = [], rcu_selectively = par_combine_selections rcu_selectively ref_count2.rcu_selectively }
# rcu_multiply = collectAllSelections ref_count2.rcu_selectively (collectAllSelections rcu_selectively rcu_multiply)
= RC_Used { rcu_multiply = rcu_multiply, rcu_uniquely = [], rcu_selectively = [] }
par_combine_selections [] sels
= sels
par_combine_selections sels []
@@ -623,10 +606,10 @@ where
par_combine_selections sl1=:[sel1=:{ su_field, su_multiply, su_uniquely } : sels1] sl2=:[sel2 : sels2]
| su_field == sel2.su_field
# sel1 = { sel1 & su_multiply = sel2.su_multiply ++ su_multiply ++ sel2.su_uniquely ++ su_uniquely, su_uniquely = [] }
- = [ sel1 : par_combine_selections sels1 sels2 ]
+ = [sel1 : par_combine_selections sels1 sels2]
| su_field < sel2.su_field
- = [sel1 : par_combine_selections sels1 sl2 ]
- = [sel2 : par_combine_selections sl1 sels2 ]
+ = [sel1 : par_combine_selections sels1 sl2]
+ = [sel2 : par_combine_selections sl1 sels2]
seqCombineRefCount RC_Unused ref_count
= ref_count
@@ -638,11 +621,11 @@ seqCombineRefCount (RC_Used sec_ref) (RC_Used prim_ref)
| isEmpty sec_ref.rcu_uniquely /* so sec_ref contains selections only */
# rcu_selectively = seq_combine_selections sec_ref.rcu_selectively prim_ref.rcu_selectively /* rcu_selectively can't be empty */
= RC_Used { rcu_uniquely = [], rcu_multiply = [], rcu_selectively = rcu_selectively }
- # prim_selections = make_primary_selections_on_unique prim_ref.rcu_selectively
+ # prim_selections = make_primary_selections_non_unique prim_ref.rcu_selectively
rcu_selectively = seq_combine_selections sec_ref.rcu_selectively prim_selections
= RC_Used { sec_ref & rcu_selectively = rcu_selectively }
= RC_Used { sec_ref & rcu_multiply = collectAllSelections prim_ref.rcu_selectively rcu_multiply }
- where
+ where
seq_combine_selections [] sels
= sels
seq_combine_selections sels []
@@ -655,9 +638,9 @@ seqCombineRefCount (RC_Used sec_ref) (RC_Used prim_ref)
= [sel1 : seq_combine_selections sels1 sl2 ]
= [sel2 : seq_combine_selections sl1 sels2 ]
- make_primary_selections_on_unique [sel=:{su_multiply, su_uniquely } : sels]
- = [ { sel & su_multiply = su_uniquely ++ su_multiply, su_uniquely = [] } : make_primary_selections_on_unique sels ]
- make_primary_selections_on_unique []
+ make_primary_selections_non_unique [sel=:{su_multiply, su_uniquely } : sels]
+ = [ { sel & su_multiply = su_uniquely ++ su_multiply, su_uniquely = [] } : make_primary_selections_non_unique sels ]
+ make_primary_selections_non_unique []
= []
@@ -669,10 +652,6 @@ emptyOccurrence type_info =
, occ_pattern_vars = []
-emptyObservingOccurrence =: VI_Occurrence (emptyOccurrence True)
-emptyNonObservingOccurrence =: VI_Occurrence (emptyOccurrence False)
makeSharedReferencesNonUnique :: ![Int] !u:{# FunDef} !*Coercions !w:{! Type} !v:TypeDefInfos !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap !*ErrorAdmin
-> (!u:{# FunDef}, !*Coercions, !w:{! Type}, !v:TypeDefInfos, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap, !*ErrorAdmin)
makeSharedReferencesNonUnique [] fun_defs coercion_env subst type_def_infos var_heap expr_heap error
@@ -702,9 +681,6 @@ where
# (var_info, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
{at_type, at_attribute} = get_type var_info
(expr_ptr, expr_heap) = newPtr (EI_Attribute (toInt at_attribute)) expr_heap
-// | has_observing_base_type var_info type_def_infos subst
-// = (subst, type_def_infos, var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, emptyObservingOccurrence), expr_heap)
-// = (subst, type_def_infos, var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, emptyNonObservingOccurrence), expr_heap)
| has_observing_type at_type type_def_infos subst
= (subst, type_def_infos, var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence (emptyOccurrence (True, expr_ptr))), expr_heap)
= (subst, type_def_infos, var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Occurrence (emptyOccurrence (False, expr_ptr))), expr_heap)
@@ -715,13 +691,6 @@ where
empty_occurrence {fv_info_ptr} var_heap
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Empty)
- has_observing_base_type (VI_Type {at_type} _) type_def_infos subst
- = has_observing_type at_type type_def_infos subst
- has_observing_base_type (VI_FAType _ {at_type} _) type_def_infos subst
- = has_observing_type at_type type_def_infos subst
- has_observing_base_type _ type_def_infos subst
- = abort "has_observing_base_type (refmark.icl)"
get_type (VI_Type atype _) = atype
get_type (VI_FAType _ atype _) = atype
get_type _ = abort "has_observing_base_type (refmark.icl)"