path: root/frontend
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
14 files changed, 245 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index 643b22d..99b941f 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -1072,7 +1072,7 @@ where
check_id_expression :: !SymbolTableEntry !Bool ![FreeVar] !Ident !ExpressionInput !*ExpressionState !u:ExpressionInfo !*CheckState
-> (!Expression, ![FreeVar], !*ExpressionState, !u:ExpressionInfo, !*CheckState)
check_id_expression {ste_kind = STE_Empty} is_expr_list free_vars id e_input e_state e_info cs=:{cs_error}
- = (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError id " undefined" cs_error })
+ = (EE, free_vars, e_state, e_info, { cs & cs_error = checkError id "undefined" cs_error })
check_id_expression {ste_kind = STE_Variable info_ptr,ste_def_level} is_expr_list free_vars id e_input=:{ei_fun_level} e_state=:{es_expr_heap} e_info cs
| ste_def_level < ei_fun_level
# free_var = { fv_def_level = ste_def_level, fv_name = id, fv_info_ptr = info_ptr, fv_count = 0 }
@@ -2277,9 +2277,8 @@ checkFunction :: !Index !Index !Level !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionInfo !*Heaps !*Che
checkFunction mod_index fun_index def_level fun_defs
e_info=:{ef_type_defs,ef_modules,ef_class_defs,ef_is_macro_fun} heaps=:{hp_var_heap,hp_expression_heap,hp_type_heaps} cs=:{cs_error}
# (fun_def,fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun_index]
- # {fun_symb,fun_pos,fun_body,fun_type} = fun_def
- position = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos
- cs = { cs & cs_error = pushErrorAdmin position cs_error }
+ # {fun_symb,fun_pos,fun_body,fun_type,fun_kind} = fun_def
+ cs = { cs & cs_error = push_error_admin_beautifully fun_symb fun_pos fun_kind cs_error }
(fun_type, ef_type_defs, ef_class_defs, ef_modules, hp_var_heap, hp_type_heaps, cs)
= check_function_type fun_type mod_index ef_type_defs ef_class_defs ef_modules hp_var_heap hp_type_heaps cs
e_info = { e_info & ef_type_defs = ef_type_defs, ef_class_defs = ef_class_defs, ef_modules = ef_modules }
@@ -2325,7 +2324,13 @@ where
get_calls (STE_FunctionOrMacro [x:xs]) = (x,xs)
get_calls ste_kind = abort "get_calls (check.icl)" // <<- ste_kind
+ push_error_admin_beautifully {id_name} fun_pos (FK_Function fun_name_is_location_dependent) cs_error
+ | fun_name_is_location_dependent && size id_name>0
+ # beautiful_name = if (id_name.[0]==backslash) "lambda" "comprehension"
+ = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition { id_name=beautiful_name, id_info=nilPtr } fun_pos) cs_error
+ push_error_admin_beautifully fun_symb fun_pos _ cs_error
+ = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition fun_symb fun_pos) cs_error
checkFunctions :: !Index !Level !Index !Index !*{#FunDef} !*ExpressionInfo !*Heaps !*CheckState -> (!*{#FunDef}, !*ExpressionInfo, !*Heaps, !*CheckState)
checkFunctions mod_index level from_index to_index fun_defs e_info heaps cs
| from_index == to_index
@@ -2437,6 +2442,7 @@ where
# ({fun_symb, fun_pos}, fun_defs) = fun_defs![dcl_index]
= ([{ dcl_ident = fun_symb, dcl_pos = fun_pos, dcl_kind = STE_FunctionOrMacro [], dcl_index = dcl_index } : defs], fun_defs)
+combineDclAndIclModule :: !ModuleKind !*{#DclModule} ![Declaration] !(CollectedDefinitions b c) !*{#Int} !*CheckState -> (!*{#DclModule},![Declaration],!CollectedDefinitions b c,!*{#Int},!*CheckState);
combineDclAndIclModule MK_Main modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
= (modules, icl_decl_symbols, icl_definitions, icl_sizes, cs)
combineDclAndIclModule _ modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
@@ -2446,9 +2452,9 @@ combineDclAndIclModule _ modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
(moved_dcl_defs, conversion_table, icl_sizes, icl_decl_symbols, cs)
= foldSt (add_to_conversion_table dcl_macros.ir_from) dcls_local ([], { createArray size NoIndex \\ size <-: dcl_sizes }, icl_sizes, icl_decl_symbols, cs)
(new_type_defs, new_class_defs, new_cons_defs, new_selector_defs, new_member_defs, cs)
= foldSt (add_dcl_definition dcl_common) moved_dcl_defs ([], [], [], [], [], cs)
cs_symbol_table = removeDeclarationsFromSymbolTable icl_decl_symbols cGlobalScope cs.cs_symbol_table
= ( { modules & [cIclModIndex] = { dcl_mod & dcl_conversions = Yes conversion_table }}
@@ -2463,7 +2469,6 @@ combineDclAndIclModule _ modules icl_decl_symbols icl_definitions icl_sizes cs
, icl_sizes
, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
add_to_conversion_table first_macro_index decl=:{dcl_ident=dcl_ident=:{id_info},dcl_kind,dcl_index,dcl_pos}
(moved_dcl_defs, conversion_table, icl_sizes, icl_defs, cs)
@@ -3122,11 +3127,11 @@ checkDclModule is_on_cycle {mod_name,mod_imports,mod_defs} mod_index modules icl
dcl_class_specials = { ir_from = first_special_class_index, ir_to = last_special_class_index }}
= ({ modules & [ mod_index ] = dcl_mod }, icl_functions, heaps, { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table })
- collect_imported_symbols [{import_module={id_info},import_symbols,import_file_position} : mods ] all_decls modules cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+ collect_imported_symbols [{import_module={id_info},import_symbols,import_file_position=LinePos filename line_nr} : mods ] all_decls modules cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
# (decls_of_imported_module, modules, cs) = collect_declarations_of_module id_info entry [] modules { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table}
(imported_decls, modules, cs) = possibly_filter_decls
- import_symbols decls_of_imported_module import_file_position modules cs
+ import_symbols decls_of_imported_module (filename, line_nr) modules cs
= collect_imported_symbols mods (imported_decls++all_decls) modules cs
collect_imported_symbols [] all_decls modules cs
= (all_decls, modules, cs)
@@ -3244,10 +3249,10 @@ NewEntry symbol_table symb_ptr def_kind def_index level previous :==
addImportsToSymbolTable :: ![ParsedImport] ![(!Declaration, !LineNr)] !*{# DclModule} !*CheckState
-> (![(!Declaration, !LineNr)], !*{# DclModule}, !*CheckState)
-addImportsToSymbolTable [{import_module={id_info},import_symbols, import_file_position} : mods ] explicit_akku modules cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
+addImportsToSymbolTable [{import_module={id_info},import_symbols, import_file_position=LinePos filename line_nr} : mods ] explicit_akku modules cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
# ({ste_index}, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
# ({dcl_declared=decls_of_imported_module}, modules) = modules![ste_index]
- (imported_decls, modules, cs) = possibly_filter_decls import_symbols [(ste_index, decls_of_imported_module)] import_file_position
+ (imported_decls, modules, cs) = possibly_filter_decls import_symbols [(ste_index, decls_of_imported_module)] (filename, line_nr)
modules { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
| isEmpty imported_decls
= addImportsToSymbolTable mods explicit_akku modules cs
diff --git a/frontend/explicitimports.icl b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
index 2b6133c..35e9b06 100644
--- a/frontend/explicitimports.icl
+++ b/frontend/explicitimports.icl
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ do_temporary_import_solution_XXX :== temporary_import_solution_XXX True False
:: OptimizeInfo :== Optional Index
+// XXX change !(!FileName,!LineNr) into Position
possibly_filter_decls :: ![ImportDeclaration] ![(!Index,!Declarations)] !(!FileName,!LineNr) !*{#DclModule} !*CheckState
-> (![(!Index,!Declarations)],!.{#DclModule},!.CheckState)
possibly_filter_decls [] decls_of_imported_module _ modules cs // implicit import can't go wrong
diff --git a/frontend/frontend.icl b/frontend/frontend.icl
index 163dc44..32e8da5 100644
--- a/frontend/frontend.icl
+++ b/frontend/frontend.icl
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ instance == FrontEndPhase where
frontEndInterface :: !FrontEndPhase !Ident !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*HashTable !*Files !*File !*File !*File -> (!*PredefinedSymbols, !*HashTable, !*Files, !*File, !*File, !*File, !Optional *FrontEndSyntaxTree)
frontEndInterface upToPhase mod_ident search_paths predef_symbols hash_table files error io out
# (ok, mod, hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
- = wantModule cWantIclFile mod_ident (hash_table -*-> ("Parsing:", mod_ident)) error search_paths predef_symbols files
+ = wantModule cWantIclFile mod_ident NoPos (hash_table -*-> ("Parsing:", mod_ident)) error search_paths predef_symbols files
| not ok
= (predef_symbols, hash_table, files, error, io, out, No)
# (ok, mod, global_fun_range, mod_functions, dcl_mod, predef_mod, modules, hash_table, error, predef_symbols, files)
diff --git a/frontend/parse.dcl b/frontend/parse.dcl
index 6790bab..8bf549b 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.dcl
+++ b/frontend/parse.dcl
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ import syntax, hashtable, scanner, predef
cWantIclFile :== True
cWantDclFile :== False
-wantModule :: !Bool !Ident !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
+wantModule :: !Bool !Ident !Position !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
-> (!Bool, !ParsedModule, !*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files)
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index d7f4049..d5f6a60 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -244,14 +244,17 @@ isIclContext context :== not (isDclContext context)
cWantIclFile :== True
cWantDclFile :== False
-wantModule :: !Bool !Ident !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
+// MW3 was:wantModule :: !Bool !Ident !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
+wantModule :: !Bool !Ident !Position !*HashTable !*File !SearchPaths !*PredefinedSymbols !*Files
-> (!Bool, !ParsedModule, !*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files)
-wantModule iclmodule file_id=:{id_name} hash_table error searchPaths pre_def_symbols files
+wantModule iclmodule file_id=:{id_name} import_file_position hash_table error searchPaths pre_def_symbols files
# file_name = if iclmodule (id_name +++ ".icl") (id_name +++ ".dcl")
= case openScanner file_name searchPaths files of
(Yes scanState, files) -> initModule file_name scanState hash_table error pre_def_symbols files
(No , files) -> let mod = { mod_name = file_id, mod_type = MK_None, mod_imports = [], mod_imported_objects = [], mod_defs = [] } in
- (False, mod, hash_table, error <<< "Could not open: " <<< file_name <<< "\n", pre_def_symbols, files)
+// MW3 was: (False, mod, hash_table, error <<< "Could not open: " <<< file_name <<< "\n", pre_def_symbols, files)
+ (False, mod, hash_table, error <<< import_file_position <<< ":could not open " <<< file_name <<< "\n",
+ pre_def_symbols, files)
initModule :: String ScanState !*HashTable !*File !*PredefinedSymbols *Files
-> (!Bool, !ParsedModule, !*HashTable, !*File, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*Files)
@@ -779,7 +782,7 @@ wantImports pState
# (names, pState) = wantIdents FunctionContext IC_Module pState
(file_name, line_nr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
pState = wantEndOfDefinition "imports" pState
- = (map (\name -> { import_module = name, import_symbols = [], import_file_position = (file_name, line_nr)}) names, pState)
+ = (map (\name -> { import_module = name, import_symbols = [], import_file_position = LinePos file_name line_nr}) names, pState)
wantFromImports :: !ParseState -> (!ParsedImport, !ParseState)
wantFromImports pState
@@ -789,7 +792,7 @@ wantFromImports pState
(file_name, line_nr, pState) = getFileAndLineNr pState
(import_symbols, pState) = wantSequence CommaToken GeneralContext pState
pState = wantEndOfDefinition "from imports" pState
- = ( { import_module = mod_ident, import_symbols = import_symbols, import_file_position = (file_name, line_nr) }, pState)
+ = ( { import_module = mod_ident, import_symbols = import_symbols, import_file_position = LinePos file_name line_nr }, pState)
instance want ImportedObject where
want pState
@@ -1952,7 +1955,8 @@ trySimpleExpressionT token is_pattern pState
trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT :: !Token *ParseState -> *(!Bool,!ParsedExpr,!*ParseState)
trySimpleNonLhsExpressionT BackSlashToken pState
- # (lam_ident, pState) = internalIdent "\\" pState
+// MW3 was: # (lam_ident, pState) = internalIdent "\\" pState
+ # (lam_ident, pState) = internalIdent (toString backslash) pState
(lam_args, pState) = wantList "arguments" trySimpleLhsExpression pState
pState = want_lambda_sep pState
(exp, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
@@ -2101,17 +2105,22 @@ where
want_qualifier :: !ParseState -> (!Qualifier, !ParseState)
want_qualifier pState
# (qual_position, pState) = getPosition pState
+ (qual_filename, pState) = accScanState getFilename pState //MW3++
(lhs_expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsAPattern pState
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
| token == LeftArrowToken
- = want_generators cIsListGenerator (toLineAndColumn qual_position) lhs_expr pState
+//MW3 was: = want_generators cIsListGenerator (toLineAndColumn qual_position) lhs_expr pState
+ = want_generators cIsListGenerator (toLineAndColumn qual_position) qual_filename lhs_expr pState
| token == LeftArrowColonToken
- = want_generators cIsArrayGenerator (toLineAndColumn qual_position) lhs_expr pState
- = ({qual_generators = [], qual_filter = No, qual_position = {lc_line = 0, lc_column = 0}},
+//MW3 was: = want_generators cIsArrayGenerator (toLineAndColumn qual_position) lhs_expr pState
+ = want_generators cIsArrayGenerator (toLineAndColumn qual_position) qual_filename lhs_expr pState
+ = ({qual_generators = [], qual_filter = No, qual_position = {lc_line = 0, lc_column = 0}, qual_filename = "" },
parseError "comprehension: qualifier" (Yes token) "qualifier(s)" pState)
- want_generators :: !GeneratorKind !LineAndColumn !ParsedExpr !ParseState -> (!Qualifier, !ParseState)
- want_generators gen_kind qual_position pattern_exp pState
+//MW3 was: want_generators :: !GeneratorKind !LineAndColumn !ParsedExpr !ParseState -> (!Qualifier, !ParseState)
+//MW3 was: want_generators gen_kind qual_position pattern_exp pState
+ want_generators :: !GeneratorKind !LineAndColumn !FileName !ParsedExpr !ParseState -> (!Qualifier, !ParseState)
+ want_generators gen_kind qual_position qual_filename pattern_exp pState
# (gen_position, pState) = getPosition pState
# (gen_expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
(token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
@@ -2120,11 +2129,16 @@ where
| token == BarToken
# (filter_expr, pState) = wantExpression cIsNotAPattern pState
- = ({qual_generators = [generator], qual_filter = Yes filter_expr, qual_position = qual_position }, pState)
+ = ( { qual_generators = [generator], qual_filter = Yes filter_expr
+ , qual_position = qual_position, qual_filename = qual_filename } //MW3 added qual_filename field
+ , pState
+ )
| token == AndToken
# (qualifier, pState) = want_qualifier pState
= ({qualifier & qual_generators = [ generator : qualifier.qual_generators] }, pState)
- = ({qual_generators = [generator], qual_filter = No, qual_position = qual_position}, tokenBack pState)
+ = ( {qual_generators = [generator], qual_filter = No, qual_position = qual_position, qual_filename = qual_filename} //MW3 added qual_filename field
+ , tokenBack pState
+ )
Case Expressions
diff --git a/frontend/postparse.icl b/frontend/postparse.icl
index 5217c0c..282dc16 100644
--- a/frontend/postparse.icl
+++ b/frontend/postparse.icl
@@ -404,10 +404,12 @@ transformGenerator {gen_kind, gen_expr, gen_pattern, gen_position} ca
, tq_success :: ParsedExpr
, tq_end :: ParsedExpr
, tq_fun_id :: Ident
+ , tq_fun_pos :: !Position // MW3++
transformQualifier :: Qualifier *CollectAdmin -> (TransformedQualifier, *CollectAdmin)
-transformQualifier {qual_generators, qual_filter, qual_position} ca
+//MW3 was:transformQualifier {qual_generators, qual_filter, qual_position} ca
+transformQualifier {qual_generators, qual_filter, qual_position, qual_filename} ca
# (transformedGenerators, ca)
= mapSt transformGenerator qual_generators ca
# (qual_fun_id, ca)
@@ -420,11 +422,13 @@ transformQualifier {qual_generators, qual_filter, qual_position} ca
, tq_success = PE_Empty
, tq_end = PE_Empty
, tq_fun_id = qual_fun_id
+ , tq_fun_pos = LinePos qual_filename qual_position.lc_line // MW3++
}, ca)
// =array&callArray are misnomers (can also be records)
transformUpdateQualifier :: ParsedExpr ParsedExpr Qualifier *CollectAdmin -> (TransformedQualifier, *CollectAdmin)
-transformUpdateQualifier array callArray {qual_generators, qual_filter, qual_position} ca
+//MW3 was:transformUpdateQualifier array callArray {qual_generators, qual_filter, qual_position} ca
+transformUpdateQualifier array callArray {qual_generators, qual_filter, qual_position, qual_filename} ca
# (transformedGenerators, ca)
= mapSt transformGenerator qual_generators ca
# (qual_fun_id, ca)
@@ -437,6 +441,7 @@ transformUpdateQualifier array callArray {qual_generators, qual_filter, qual_pos
, tq_success = PE_Empty
, tq_end = PE_Empty
, tq_fun_id = qual_fun_id
+ , tq_fun_pos = LinePos qual_filename qual_position.lc_line // MW3++
}, ca)
transformComprehension :: Bool ParsedExpr [Qualifier] *CollectAdmin -> (ParsedExpr, *CollectAdmin)
@@ -468,7 +473,8 @@ transformComprehension gen_kind expr qualifiers ca
(create_array, ca)
= get_predef_id PD__CreateArrayFun ca
(length, ca)
- = computeLength qualifiers qual_position ca
+//MW3 was: = computeLength qualifiers qual_position ca
+ = computeLength qualifiers qual_position hd_qualifier.qual_filename ca
= PE_List [PE_Ident create_array, length]
@@ -477,8 +483,10 @@ transformComprehension gen_kind expr qualifiers ca
= [{hd_qualifier & qual_generators = [index_generator : hd_qualifier.qual_generators] } : tl_qualifiers]
= transformUpdateComprehension new_array update (PE_Ident c_a) qualifiers ca
-computeLength :: [Qualifier] LineAndColumn *CollectAdmin -> (ParsedExpr, *CollectAdmin)
-computeLength qualifiers qual_position ca
+//MW3 was:computeLength :: [Qualifier] LineAndColumn *CollectAdmin -> (ParsedExpr, *CollectAdmin)
+//MW3 was:computeLength qualifiers qual_position ca
+computeLength :: [Qualifier] LineAndColumn FileName *CollectAdmin -> (ParsedExpr, *CollectAdmin)
+computeLength qualifiers qual_position qual_filename ca
# (fun_ident, ca)
= prefixAndPositionToIdent "c_l" qual_position ca
(tail_ident, ca)
@@ -491,10 +499,19 @@ computeLength qualifiers qual_position ca
= makeConsExpression PE_WildCard (PE_Ident tail_ident) ca
(inc, ca)
= get_predef_id PD_IncFun ca
+ new_fun_pos = LinePos qual_filename qual_position.lc_line // MW3++
+/* MW3 was
= MakeNewParsedDef fun_ident [cons, PE_Ident i_ident] (exprToRhs (PE_List [PE_Ident fun_ident, PE_Ident tail_ident, PE_List [PE_Ident inc, PE_Ident i_ident]]))
= MakeNewParsedDef fun_ident [PE_WildCard, PE_Ident i_ident] (exprToRhs (PE_Ident i_ident))
+ parsedFunction1
+ = MakeNewParsedDef fun_ident [cons, PE_Ident i_ident]
+ (exprToRhs (PE_List [PE_Ident fun_ident, PE_Ident tail_ident, PE_List [PE_Ident inc, PE_Ident i_ident]]))
+ new_fun_pos
+ parsedFunction2
+ = MakeNewParsedDef fun_ident [PE_WildCard, PE_Ident i_ident] (exprToRhs (PE_Ident i_ident)) new_fun_pos
= (PE_Let cIsStrict (LocalParsedDefs [parsedFunction1, parsedFunction2])
(PE_List [PE_Ident fun_ident, list, PE_Basic (BVI "0")]), ca)
@@ -524,13 +541,19 @@ transformUpdateComprehension expr updateExpr identExpr [qualifier:qualifiers] ca
makeComprehensions :: [TransformedQualifier] ParsedExpr (Optional ParsedExpr) *CollectAdmin -> (ParsedExpr, *CollectAdmin)
makeComprehensions [] success _ ca
= (success, ca)
-makeComprehensions [{tq_generators, tq_filter, tq_end, tq_call, tq_lhs_args, tq_fun_id} : qualifiers] success threading ca
+// MW3 was:makeComprehensions [{tq_generators, tq_filter, tq_end, tq_call, tq_lhs_args, tq_fun_id} : qualifiers] success threading ca
+makeComprehensions [{tq_generators, tq_filter, tq_end, tq_call, tq_lhs_args, tq_fun_id, tq_fun_pos} : qualifiers] success threading ca
# (success, ca)
= makeComprehensions qualifiers success threading ca
- = make_list_comprehension tq_generators tq_lhs_args success tq_end tq_filter tq_call tq_fun_id ca
+// MW3 was: = make_list_comprehension tq_generators tq_lhs_args success tq_end tq_filter tq_call tq_fun_id ca
+ = make_list_comprehension tq_generators tq_lhs_args success tq_end tq_filter tq_call tq_fun_id tq_fun_pos ca
- make_list_comprehension :: [TransformedGenerator] [ParsedExpr] ParsedExpr ParsedExpr (Optional ParsedExpr) ParsedExpr Ident *CollectAdmin -> (ParsedExpr, *CollectAdmin)
- make_list_comprehension generators lhsArgs success end optional_filter call_comprehension fun_ident ca
+// MW3 was: make_list_comprehension :: [TransformedGenerator] [ParsedExpr] ParsedExpr ParsedExpr (Optional ParsedExpr) ParsedExpr Ident *CollectAdmin -> (ParsedExpr, *CollectAdmin)
+// MW3 was: make_list_comprehension generators lhsArgs success end optional_filter call_comprehension fun_ident ca
+ make_list_comprehension :: [TransformedGenerator] [ParsedExpr] ParsedExpr ParsedExpr
+ (Optional ParsedExpr) ParsedExpr Ident Position *CollectAdmin
+ -> (ParsedExpr, *CollectAdmin)
+ make_list_comprehension generators lhsArgs success end optional_filter call_comprehension fun_ident fun_pos ca
# continue
= PE_List (thread (PE_Ident fun_ident) threading [generator.tg_rhs_continuation \\ generator <- generators])
@@ -543,7 +566,8 @@ makeComprehensions [{tq_generators, tq_filter, tq_end, tq_call, tq_lhs_args, tq_
= build_rhs generators success optional_filter failure end
- = MakeNewParsedDef fun_ident lhsArgs rhs
+// MW3 was: = MakeNewParsedDef fun_ident lhsArgs rhs
+ = MakeNewParsedDef fun_ident lhsArgs rhs fun_pos
= (PE_Let cIsStrict (LocalParsedDefs [parsed_def]) call_comprehension, ca)
build_rhs :: [TransformedGenerator] ParsedExpr (Optional ParsedExpr) ParsedExpr ParsedExpr -> Rhs
@@ -627,12 +651,14 @@ transformArrayDenot exprs pi
scanModules :: [ParsedImport] [ScannedModule] SearchPaths *Files *CollectAdmin -> (Bool, [ScannedModule], *Files, *CollectAdmin)
scanModules [] parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
= (True, parsed_modules, files, ca)
-scanModules [{import_module,import_symbols} : mods] parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
+// MW3 was:scanModules [{import_module,import_symbols} : mods] parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
+scanModules [{import_module,import_symbols,import_file_position} : mods] parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
# (found, mod) = try_to_find import_module parsed_modules
| found
= scanModules mods parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
# (succ, parsed_modules, files, ca)
- = parseAndScanDclModule import_module parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
+// MW3 was: = parseAndScanDclModule import_module parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
+ = parseAndScanDclModule import_module import_file_position parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
(mods_succ, parsed_modules, files, ca)
= scanModules mods parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
= (succ && mods_succ, parsed_modules, files, ca)
@@ -649,15 +675,18 @@ MakeEmptyModule name :== { mod_name = name, mod_type = MK_None, mod_imports = [
mod_defs = { def_types = [], def_constructors = [], def_selectors = [], def_classes = [], def_macros = { ir_from = 0, ir_to = 0 },
def_members = [], def_funtypes = [], def_instances = [] } }
-parseAndScanDclModule :: !Ident ![ScannedModule] !SearchPaths !*Files !*CollectAdmin
+//MW3 was:parseAndScanDclModule :: !Ident ![ScannedModule] !SearchPaths !*Files !*CollectAdmin
+parseAndScanDclModule :: !Ident !Position ![ScannedModule] !SearchPaths !*Files !*CollectAdmin
-> *(!Bool, ![ScannedModule], !*Files, !*CollectAdmin)
-parseAndScanDclModule dcl_module parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
+parseAndScanDclModule dcl_module import_file_position parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
# {ca_error, ca_fun_count, ca_rev_fun_defs, ca_predefs, ca_u_predefs, ca_hash_table}
= ca
hash_table = ca_hash_table
pea_file = ca_error.pea_file
predefs = ca_u_predefs
- # (parse_ok, mod, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) = wantModule cWantDclFile dcl_module hash_table pea_file searchPaths predefs files
+// MW3 was: # (parse_ok, mod, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files) = wantModule cWantDclFile dcl_module hash_table pea_file searchPaths predefs files
+ # (parse_ok, mod, hash_table, err_file, predefs, files)
+ = wantModule cWantDclFile dcl_module import_file_position hash_table pea_file searchPaths predefs files
# ca = {ca_hash_table=hash_table, ca_error={pea_file=err_file,pea_ok=True}, ca_u_predefs=predefs, ca_fun_count=ca_fun_count, ca_rev_fun_defs=ca_rev_fun_defs, ca_predefs=ca_predefs}
| parse_ok
= scan_dcl_module mod parsed_modules searchPaths files ca
@@ -722,7 +751,7 @@ where
scan_dcl_module mod_name MK_None searchPaths files ca
= (True, [MakeEmptyModule mod_name], files, ca)
scan_dcl_module mod_name kind searchPaths files ca
- = parseAndScanDclModule mod_name [] searchPaths files ca
+ = parseAndScanDclModule mod_name NoPos [] searchPaths files ca
instance collectFunctions (ParsedInstance a) | collectFunctions a where
collectFunctions inst=:{pi_members} ca
@@ -743,9 +772,14 @@ MakeNewFunction name arity body kind prio opt_type pos
:== { fun_symb = name, fun_arity = arity, fun_priority = prio, fun_type = opt_type, fun_kind = kind,
fun_body = ParsedBody body, fun_pos = pos, fun_lifted = 0, fun_index = NoIndex, fun_info = EmptyFunInfo }
+/* MW3 was
// +++ position
MakeNewParsedDef ident args rhs
:== PD_Function NoPos ident False args rhs (FK_Function cNameLocationDependent)
+// +++ position <------------ AHAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!
+MakeNewParsedDef ident args rhs pos
+ :== PD_Function pos ident False args rhs (FK_Function cNameLocationDependent)
collectFunctionBodies :: !Ident !Int !Priority !FunKind ![ParsedDefinition] !*CollectAdmin
-> (![ParsedBody], !FunKind, ![ParsedDefinition], !*CollectAdmin)
diff --git a/frontend/refmark.icl b/frontend/refmark.icl
index 6ecc2a3..b11c1d0 100644
--- a/frontend/refmark.icl
+++ b/frontend/refmark.icl
@@ -493,7 +493,8 @@ where
= foldSt initial_occurrence vars (subst, type_def_infos, var_heap, expr_heap)
initial_occurrence {fv_name,fv_info_ptr} (subst, type_def_infos, var_heap, expr_heap)
- # (VI_Type {at_type,at_attribute}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
+// MW3 was: # (VI_Type {at_type,at_attribute}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
+ # (VI_Type {at_type,at_attribute} _, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= case at_type of
TempV tv_number
#! is_oberving = has_observing_type type_def_infos subst.[tv_number]
@@ -532,7 +533,8 @@ where
| succ
// ---> ("make_shared_occurrence_non_unique", free_var, var_expr_ptr)
-> (coercion_env, expr_heap, error)
- -> (coercion_env, expr_heap, uniquenessError { cp_expression = FreeVar free_var} " demanded attribute cannot be offered by shared object" error)
+// MW3 was: -> (coercion_env, expr_heap, uniquenessError { cp_expression = FreeVar free_var} " demanded attribute cannot be offered by shared object" error)
+ -> (coercion_env, expr_heap, uniquenessError (CP_Expression (FreeVar free_var)) " demanded attribute cannot be offered by shared object" error)
-> abort ("make_shared_occurrence_non_unique" ---> ((free_var, var_expr_ptr) <<- expr_info))
make_selection_non_unique fv {su_multiply} cee
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index 32adc25..55bb2b2 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
:: Import from_symbol =
{ import_module :: !Ident
, import_symbols :: ![from_symbol]
- , import_file_position:: !(!FileName, !Int) // for error messages
+ , import_file_position:: !Position // for error messages
instance toString (Import from_symbol), AttributeVar, TypeAttribute, Annotation
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
:: AP_Kind = APK_Constructor !Index | APK_Macro
-:: VarInfo = VI_Empty | VI_Type !AType | VI_Occurrence !Occurrence | VI_UsedVar !Ident |
+:: VarInfo = VI_Empty | VI_Type !AType !(Optional CoercionPosition) | VI_Occurrence !Occurrence | VI_UsedVar !Ident |
VI_Expression !Expression | VI_Variable !Ident !VarInfoPtr | VI_LiftedVariable !VarInfoPtr |
VI_Count !Int /* the reference count of a variable */ !Bool /* true if the variable is global, false otherwise */ |
VI_AccVar !ConsClass !ArgumentPosition /* used during fusion to determine accumulating parameters of functions */ |
@@ -943,6 +943,7 @@ cIsArrayGenerator :== False
{ qual_generators :: ![Generator]
, qual_filter :: !Optional ParsedExpr
, qual_position :: !LineAndColumn
+ , qual_filename :: !FileName
:: Sequence = SQ_FromThen ParsedExpr ParsedExpr
@@ -1112,6 +1113,10 @@ cIsNotStrict :== False
| PreDefPos Ident
| NoPos
+:: CoercionPosition
+ = CP_Expression !Expression
+ | CP_FunArg !Ident !Int // Function symbol, argument position (>=1)
:: IdentPos =
{ ip_ident :: !Ident
, ip_line :: !Int
@@ -1202,3 +1207,4 @@ MakeDefinedSymbol ident index arity :== { ds_ident = ident, ds_arity = arity, ds
MakeNewFunctionType name arity prio type pos specials var_ptr
:== { ft_symb = name, ft_arity = arity, ft_priority = prio, ft_type = type, ft_pos = pos, ft_specials = specials, ft_type_ptr = var_ptr }
+backslash :== '\\'
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index 2fb4020..53833e9 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
:: Import from_symbol =
{ import_module :: !Ident
, import_symbols :: ![from_symbol]
- , import_file_position:: !(!FileName, !Int) // for error messages
+ , import_file_position:: !Position // for error messages
:: ParsedImport :== Import ImportDeclaration
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ cIsALocalVar :== False
:: AP_Kind = APK_Constructor !Index | APK_Macro
-:: VarInfo = VI_Empty | VI_Type !AType | VI_Occurrence !Occurrence | VI_UsedVar !Ident |
+:: VarInfo = VI_Empty |VI_Type !AType !(Optional CoercionPosition) | VI_Occurrence !Occurrence | VI_UsedVar !Ident |
VI_Expression !Expression | VI_Variable !Ident !VarInfoPtr | VI_LiftedVariable !VarInfoPtr |
VI_Count !Int /* the reference count of a variable */ !Bool /* true if the variable is global, false otherwise */ |
VI_AccVar !ConsClass !ArgumentPosition /* used during fusion to determine accumulating parameters of functions */ |
@@ -909,6 +909,7 @@ cIsArrayGenerator :== False
{ qual_generators :: ![Generator]
, qual_filter :: !Optional ParsedExpr
, qual_position :: !LineAndColumn
+ , qual_filename :: !FileName
:: Sequence = SQ_FromThen ParsedExpr ParsedExpr
@@ -1050,6 +1051,10 @@ cIsNotStrict :== False
| PreDefPos Ident
| NoPos
+:: CoercionPosition
+ = CP_Expression !Expression
+ | CP_FunArg !Ident !Int // Function symbol, argument position (>=1)
:: IdentPos =
{ ip_ident :: !Ident
, ip_line :: !Int
@@ -1818,3 +1823,4 @@ MakeDefinedSymbol ident index arity :== { ds_ident = ident, ds_arity = arity, ds
MakeNewFunctionType name arity prio type pos specials var_ptr
:== { ft_symb = name, ft_arity = arity, ft_priority = prio, ft_type = type, ft_pos = pos, ft_specials = specials, ft_type_ptr = var_ptr }
+backslash :== '\\'
diff --git a/frontend/type.icl b/frontend/type.icl
index ed3a10b..48e6de6 100644
--- a/frontend/type.icl
+++ b/frontend/type.icl
@@ -161,8 +161,9 @@ where
cannotUnify t1 t2 position err
# err = errorHeading "Type error" err
format = { form_properties = cNoProperties, form_attr_position = No }
- = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " cannot unify " <:: (format, t1) <<< " with " <:: (format, t2) <<< " near " <<< position <<< '\n' }
+// MW3 was: = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " cannot unify " <:: (format, t1) <<< " with " <:: (format, t2) <<< " near " <<< position <<< '\n' }
+ = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< optionalFrontPosition position <<< " cannot unify " <:: (format, t1)
+ <<< " with " <:: (format, t2) <<< position <<< '\n' }
simplifyType ta=:(type :@: type_args)
@@ -813,7 +814,8 @@ where
ts = { ts & ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap }
/* JVG: changed to reduce allocation because the case is polymorphic and lazy in req and ts: */
= (case var_info of
- VI_Type type
+// MW3 was: VI_Type type
+ VI_Type type _
-> type
-> abort ("requirements BoundVar" ---> (var_name <<- var_info))
@@ -830,21 +832,26 @@ where
requirements ti {app_symb,app_args,app_info_ptr} (reqs=:{req_cons_variables, req_attr_coercions}, ts)
# (tst=:{tst_attr_env,tst_args,tst_result,tst_context}, cons_variables, specials, ts) = getSymbolType ti app_symb ts
reqs = { reqs & req_attr_coercions = tst_attr_env ++ req_attr_coercions, req_cons_variables = [cons_variables : req_cons_variables] }
- (reqs, ts) = requirements_of_args ti app_args tst_args (reqs, ts)
+ (reqs, ts) = requirements_of_args ti app_symb.symb_name 1 app_args tst_args (reqs, ts)
| isEmpty tst_context
= (tst_result, No, (reqs, ts))
= (tst_result, No, ({ reqs & req_overloaded_calls = [app_info_ptr : reqs.req_overloaded_calls ]},
{ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts.ts_expr_heap <:= (app_info_ptr,
EI_Overloaded { oc_symbol = app_symb, oc_context = tst_context, oc_specials = specials })}))
- requirements_of_args :: !TypeInput ![Expression] ![AType] !(!u:Requirements, !*TypeState) -> (!u:Requirements, !*TypeState)
- requirements_of_args ti [] [] reqs_ts
+// MW3 was: requirements_of_args :: !TypeInput ![Expression] ![AType] !(!u:Requirements, !*TypeState) -> (!u:Requirements, !*TypeState)
+ requirements_of_args :: !TypeInput !Ident !Int ![Expression] ![AType] !(!u:Requirements, !*TypeState) -> (!u:Requirements, !*TypeState)
+// MW3 was: requirements_of_args ti [] [] reqs_ts
+ requirements_of_args ti _ _ [] [] reqs_ts
= reqs_ts
- requirements_of_args ti [expr:exprs] [lt:lts] reqs_ts
+// MW3 was: requirements_of_args ti [expr:exprs] [lt:lts] reqs_ts
+ requirements_of_args ti fun_ident arg_nr [expr:exprs] [lt:lts] reqs_ts
# (e_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti expr reqs_ts
- req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = lt, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
+// MW3 was: req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = lt, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
+ req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = lt, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = CP_FunArg fun_ident arg_nr, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr lt.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
- = requirements_of_args ti exprs lts ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions}, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
+// MW3 was: = requirements_of_args ti exprs lts ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions}, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
+ = requirements_of_args ti fun_ident (arg_nr+1) exprs lts ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions}, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
instance requirements Case
@@ -862,30 +869,39 @@ where
# (cons_types, result_type, new_attr_env, ts) = freshAlgebraicType alg_type patterns ti_common_defs ts
(used_cons_types, (reqs, ts)) = requirements_of_algebraic_patterns ti patterns cons_types goal_type [] (reqs, ts)
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_pattern_ptr result_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
- = (reverse used_cons_types, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = result_type,tc_offered = pattern_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = match_expr },
+ (position, ts_var_heap) = getPositionOfExpr match_expr ts.ts_var_heap // MW3++
+// MW3 was: = (reverse used_cons_types, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = result_type,tc_offered = pattern_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = match_expr },
+ = (reverse used_cons_types, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = result_type,tc_offered = pattern_type, tc_position = position,
tc_coercible = True} : reqs.req_type_coercions],
- req_attr_coercions = new_attr_env ++ reqs.req_attr_coercions }, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
+// MW3 was: req_attr_coercions = new_attr_env ++ reqs.req_attr_coercions }, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
+ req_attr_coercions = new_attr_env ++ reqs.req_attr_coercions }, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap }))
requirements_of_guarded_expressions ti (BasicPatterns bas_type patterns) match_expr pattern_type opt_pattern_ptr goal_type (reqs, ts)
# (attr_bas_type, ts) = attributedBasicType bas_type ts
(reqs, ts) = requirements_of_basic_patterns ti patterns goal_type (reqs, ts)
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_pattern_ptr attr_bas_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
- = ([], ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = attr_bas_type,tc_offered = pattern_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = match_expr }, tc_coercible = True} :
+// MW3 was: = ([], ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = attr_bas_type,tc_offered = pattern_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = match_expr }, tc_coercible = True} :
+ = ([], ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = attr_bas_type,tc_offered = pattern_type, tc_position = CP_Expression match_expr, tc_coercible = True} :
reqs.req_type_coercions]}, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
requirements_of_guarded_expressions ti (DynamicPatterns dynamic_patterns) match_expr pattern_type opt_pattern_ptr goal_type reqs_ts
# dyn_type = { at_type = TB BT_Dynamic, at_attribute = TA_Multi, at_annotation = AN_None }
(used_dyn_types, (reqs, ts)) = requirements_of_dynamic_patterns ti goal_type dynamic_patterns [] reqs_ts
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_pattern_ptr TA_Multi ts.ts_expr_heap
- = (reverse used_dyn_types, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = dyn_type, tc_offered = pattern_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = match_expr }, tc_coercible = True} :
+// MW3 was: = (reverse used_dyn_types, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = dyn_type, tc_offered = pattern_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = match_expr }, tc_coercible = True} :
+ = (reverse used_dyn_types, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = dyn_type, tc_offered = pattern_type, tc_position = CP_Expression match_expr, tc_coercible = True} :
reqs.req_type_coercions] }, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
requirements_of_algebraic_patterns ti [] cons_types goal_type used_cons_types reqs_ts
= (used_cons_types, reqs_ts)
- requirements_of_algebraic_patterns ti=:{ti_common_defs}[{ap_vars, ap_expr }:gs] [ cons_arg_types : cons_types] goal_type used_cons_types (reqs, ts)
- # (res_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti ap_expr (reqs, { ts & ts_var_heap = makeBase ap_vars cons_arg_types ts.ts_var_heap})
+// MW3 was: requirements_of_algebraic_patterns ti=:{ti_common_defs}[{ap_vars, ap_expr }:gs] [ cons_arg_types : cons_types] goal_type used_cons_types (reqs, ts)
+// MW3 was: # (res_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti ap_expr (reqs, { ts & ts_var_heap = makeBase ap_vars cons_arg_types ts.ts_var_heap})
+ requirements_of_algebraic_patterns ti=:{ti_common_defs} [{ap_symbol, ap_vars, ap_expr }:gs] [ cons_arg_types : cons_types] goal_type used_cons_types (reqs, ts)
+ # (res_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts))
+ = requirements ti ap_expr (reqs, { ts & ts_var_heap = makeBase ap_symbol.glob_object.ds_ident 1 ap_vars cons_arg_types ts.ts_var_heap})
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr res_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
= requirements_of_algebraic_patterns ti gs cons_types goal_type [ cons_arg_types : used_cons_types ]
- ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = res_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = ap_expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions] },
+// MW3 was: ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = res_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = ap_expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions] },
+ ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = res_type, tc_position = CP_Expression ap_expr, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions] },
{ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
requirements_of_basic_patterns _ [] goal_type reqs_ts
@@ -894,15 +910,18 @@ where
# (res_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti bp_expr reqs_ts
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr res_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
= requirements_of_basic_patterns ti gs goal_type
- ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = res_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = bp_expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions] },
+// MW3 was: ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = res_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = bp_expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions] },
+ ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = res_type, tc_position = CP_Expression bp_expr, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions] },
{ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
requirements_of_dynamic_patterns ti goal_type [{dp_var={fv_info_ptr},dp_type,dp_rhs} : dps] used_dyn_types (reqs, ts=:{ts_expr_heap, ts_var_heap})
# (EI_TempDynamicPattern _ _ _ _ dyn_type dyn_context dyn_expr_ptr type_code_symbol, ts_expr_heap) = readPtr dp_type ts_expr_heap
- ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Type dyn_type)
+// MW3 was: ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Type dyn_type)
+ ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Type dyn_type No)
(dp_rhs_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti dp_rhs (reqs, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap })
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr dp_rhs_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
- type_coercion = { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = dp_rhs_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = dp_rhs }, tc_coercible = True }
+// MW3 was: type_coercion = { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = dp_rhs_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = dp_rhs }, tc_coercible = True }
+ type_coercion = { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = dp_rhs_type, tc_position = CP_Expression dp_rhs, tc_coercible = True }
| isEmpty dyn_context
# reqs = {reqs & req_type_coercions = [ type_coercion : reqs.req_type_coercions]}
= requirements_of_dynamic_patterns ti goal_type dps [ [dyn_type] : used_dyn_types ] (reqs, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
@@ -916,7 +935,8 @@ where
requirements_of_default ti (Yes expr) goal_type reqs_ts
# (res_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti expr reqs_ts
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr res_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
- = ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = res_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions] },
+// MW3 was: = ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = res_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions] },
+ = ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = goal_type, tc_offered = res_type, tc_position = CP_Expression expr, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions] },
{ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
requirements_of_default ti No goal_type reqs_ts
= reqs_ts
@@ -933,9 +953,15 @@ where
= ( res_type, opt_expr_ptr, ({ reqs & req_case_and_let_exprs = [let_info_ptr : reqs.req_case_and_let_exprs]},{ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
+/* MW3 was
make_base [{bind_dst={fv_info_ptr}}:bs] var_types ts=:{ts_var_heap}
# (v, ts) = freshAttributedVariable ts
= make_base bs [v:var_types] { ts & ts_var_heap = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Type v) ts.ts_var_heap }
+ make_base [{bind_src, bind_dst={fv_name, fv_info_ptr}}:bs] var_types ts=:{ts_var_heap}
+ # (v, ts) = freshAttributedVariable ts
+ optional_position = if (is_rare_name fv_name) (Yes (CP_Expression bind_src)) No
+ = make_base bs [v:var_types] { ts & ts_var_heap = writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_Type v optional_position) ts.ts_var_heap }
make_base [] var_types ts
= (var_types, ts)
@@ -944,7 +970,8 @@ where
requirements_of_binds ti [{bind_src}:bs] [b_type:bts] reqs_ts
# (exp_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti bind_src reqs_ts
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr b_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
- req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = b_type, tc_offered = exp_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = bind_src }, tc_coercible = True }
+// MW3 was: req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = b_type, tc_offered = exp_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = bind_src }, tc_coercible = True }
+ req_type_coercions = [ { tc_demanded = b_type, tc_offered = exp_type, tc_position = CP_Expression bind_src, tc_coercible = True }
: reqs.req_type_coercions ]
= requirements_of_binds ti bs bts ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions }, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
@@ -954,7 +981,8 @@ where
# (EI_TempDynamicType _ dyn_type dyn_context dyn_expr_ptr type_code_symbol, ts_expr_heap) = readPtr dyn_info_ptr ts_expr_heap
(dyn_expr_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti dyn_expr (reqs, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr dyn_expr_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
- type_coercion = { tc_demanded = dyn_type, tc_offered = dyn_expr_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = dyn_expr }, tc_coercible = True }
+// MW3 was: type_coercion = { tc_demanded = dyn_type, tc_offered = dyn_expr_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = dyn_expr }, tc_coercible = True }
+ type_coercion = { tc_demanded = dyn_type, tc_offered = dyn_expr_type, tc_position = CP_Expression dyn_expr, tc_coercible = True }
| isEmpty dyn_context
= ({ at_type = TB BT_Dynamic, at_attribute = TA_Multi, at_annotation = AN_None }, No,
({reqs & req_type_coercions = [ type_coercion : reqs.req_type_coercions]},
@@ -977,7 +1005,8 @@ where
(alpha, ts) = freshAttributedVariable ts
(fun_type, req_type_coercions, ts) = apply_type rev_off_arg_types alpha reqs.req_type_coercions function ts
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_fun_expr_ptr fun_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
- = (alpha, No, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = fun_type, tc_offered = off_fun_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = function }, tc_coercible = True } : req_type_coercions ]}, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
+// MW3 was: = (alpha, No, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = fun_type, tc_offered = off_fun_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = function }, tc_coercible = True } : req_type_coercions ]}, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
+ = (alpha, No, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = fun_type, tc_offered = off_fun_type, tc_position = CP_Expression function, tc_coercible = True } : req_type_coercions ]}, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
requirements_of_list _ [] rev_list_types reqs_ts
= (rev_list_types, reqs_ts)
@@ -997,7 +1026,8 @@ where
determine_demanded_type type (Yes expr_ptr) type_coercions expr ts
# (dem_type, ts) = freshAttributedVariable ts
ts_expr_heap = writePtr expr_ptr (EI_Attribute (toInt dem_type.at_attribute)) ts.ts_expr_heap
- = (dem_type, [ { tc_demanded = dem_type, tc_offered = type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } : type_coercions ],
+// MW3 was: = (dem_type, [ { tc_demanded = dem_type, tc_offered = type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } : type_coercions ],
+ = (dem_type, [ { tc_demanded = dem_type, tc_offered = type, tc_position = CP_Expression expr, tc_coercible = True } : type_coercions ],
{ ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
determine_demanded_type type No type_coercions expr ts
= (type, type_coercions, ts)
@@ -1020,8 +1050,10 @@ where
tuple_type = MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_object = ds_index, glob_module = glob_module } ds_ident ds_arity
non_unique_type_var = { at_attribute = TA_Multi, at_annotation = AN_None, at_type = TempV ts.ts_var_store }
- = [ { tc_demanded = non_unique_type_var, tc_offered = result_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = False },
- { tc_demanded = var, tc_offered = expr_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } :
+// MW3 was: = [ { tc_demanded = non_unique_type_var, tc_offered = result_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = False },
+// MW3 was: { tc_demanded = var, tc_offered = expr_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } :
+ = [ { tc_demanded = non_unique_type_var, tc_offered = result_type, tc_position = CP_Expression expr, tc_coercible = False },
+ { tc_demanded = var, tc_offered = expr_type, tc_position = CP_Expression expr, tc_coercible = True } :
result_type = { at_type = TA tuple_type [non_unique_type_var,var], at_attribute = TA_Unique, at_annotation = AN_None }
-> (result_type, No, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions },
@@ -1040,7 +1072,8 @@ where
(expression_type, opt_expr_ptr, reqs_ts) = requirements ti expression (reqs, ts)
(reqs, ts) = requirements_of_fields ti expression expressions rhs.tst_args lhs.tst_args reqs_ts
ts = { ts & ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr lhs.tst_result.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap }
- coercion = { tc_demanded = lhs.tst_result, tc_offered = expression_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expression }, tc_coercible = True }
+// MW3 was: coercion = { tc_demanded = lhs.tst_result, tc_offered = expression_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expression }, tc_coercible = True }
+ coercion = { tc_demanded = lhs.tst_result, tc_offered = expression_type, tc_position = CP_Expression expression, tc_coercible = True }
= (rhs.tst_result, No, ({ reqs & req_attr_coercions = rhs.tst_attr_env ++ lhs.tst_attr_env ++ reqs.req_attr_coercions,
req_type_coercions = [ coercion : reqs.req_type_coercions ]}, ts))
@@ -1052,20 +1085,25 @@ where
requirements_of_field ti expression {bind_src=NoBind expr_ptr} dem_field_type off_field_type (reqs=:{req_type_coercions}, ts)
# ts = { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts.ts_expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_Attribute (toInt dem_field_type.at_attribute)) }
- coercion = { tc_demanded = dem_field_type, tc_offered = off_field_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expression }, tc_coercible = True }
+// MW3 was: coercion = { tc_demanded = dem_field_type, tc_offered = off_field_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expression }, tc_coercible = True }
+ coercion = { tc_demanded = dem_field_type, tc_offered = off_field_type, tc_position = CP_Expression expression, tc_coercible = True }
= ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ coercion : req_type_coercions ]}, ts)
requirements_of_field ti _ {bind_src} dem_field_type _ reqs_ts
# (expr_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti bind_src reqs_ts
ts = { ts & ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr dem_field_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap }
- coercion = { tc_demanded = dem_field_type, tc_offered = expr_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = bind_src }, tc_coercible = True }
+// MW3 was: coercion = { tc_demanded = dem_field_type, tc_offered = expr_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = bind_src }, tc_coercible = True }
+ coercion = { tc_demanded = dem_field_type, tc_offered = expr_type, tc_position = CP_Expression bind_src, tc_coercible = True }
= ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = [ coercion : reqs.req_type_coercions ]}, ts)
requirements ti (TupleSelect tuple_symbol arg_nr expr) (reqs=:{req_attr_coercions}, ts)
# ({tst_args = [argtype:_], tst_result, tst_attr_env}, ts) = standardTupleSelectorType tuple_symbol arg_nr ti ts
(e_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti expr ({ reqs & req_attr_coercions = tst_attr_env ++ req_attr_coercions }, ts)
- req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = argtype, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
+// MW3 was: req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = argtype, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
+ (position, ts_var_heap) = getPositionOfExpr expr ts.ts_var_heap // MW3++
+ req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = argtype, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = position, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr argtype.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
- = (tst_result, No, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions }, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
+// MW3 was: = (tst_result, No, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions }, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap }))
+ = (tst_result, No, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions }, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap }))
requirements _ (BasicExpr basic_val basic_type) (reqs, ts)
@@ -1077,7 +1115,8 @@ where
# ({tst_result,tst_args,tst_attr_env}, ts) = standardLhsConstructorType ds_index glob_module ds_arity ti ts
(e_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti expr (reqs, ts)
reqs = { reqs & req_attr_coercions = tst_attr_env ++ reqs.req_attr_coercions,
- req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = tst_result, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ] }
+// MW3 was: req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = tst_result, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ] }
+ req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = tst_result, tc_offered = e_type, tc_position = CP_Expression expr, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ] }
ts = { ts & ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr tst_result.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap }
= case opt_tuple_type of
Yes {glob_object={ds_ident,ds_index,ds_arity}, glob_module}
@@ -1120,7 +1159,8 @@ where
requirementsOfSelector ti _ expr (RecordSelection field _) tc_coercible sel_expr_type sel_expr (reqs, ts )
# ({tst_args, tst_result, tst_attr_env}, ts) = standardFieldSelectorType field ti ts
- req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = hd tst_args, tc_offered = sel_expr_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = sel_expr }, tc_coercible = tc_coercible } :
+// MW3 was: req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = hd tst_args, tc_offered = sel_expr_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = sel_expr }, tc_coercible = tc_coercible } :
+ req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = hd tst_args, tc_offered = sel_expr_type, tc_position = CP_Expression sel_expr, tc_coercible = tc_coercible } :
reqs.req_type_coercions ]
= (tst_result, ({ reqs & req_type_coercions = req_type_coercions }, ts))
requirementsOfSelector ti opt_expr expr (ArraySelection {glob_object = {ds_ident,ds_index,ds_arity},glob_module} expr_ptr index_expr) tc_coercible sel_expr_type sel_expr (reqs, ts)
@@ -1130,8 +1170,10 @@ requirementsOfSelector ti opt_expr expr (ArraySelection {glob_object = {ds_ident
reqs ={ reqs & req_attr_coercions = tst_attr_env ++ reqs.req_attr_coercions, req_cons_variables = [ cons_variables : reqs.req_cons_variables ]}
(index_type, opt_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti index_expr (reqs, ts)
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_expr_ptr dem_index_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
- reqs = { reqs & req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = dem_index_type, tc_offered = index_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True },
- { tc_demanded = dem_array_type, tc_offered = sel_expr_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = sel_expr }, tc_coercible = tc_coercible } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]}
+// MW3 was: reqs = { reqs & req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = dem_index_type, tc_offered = index_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = expr }, tc_coercible = True },
+// MW3 was: { tc_demanded = dem_array_type, tc_offered = sel_expr_type, tc_position = { cp_expression = sel_expr }, tc_coercible = tc_coercible } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]}
+ reqs = { reqs & req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = dem_index_type, tc_offered = index_type, tc_position = CP_Expression expr, tc_coercible = True },
+ { tc_demanded = dem_array_type, tc_offered = sel_expr_type, tc_position = CP_Expression sel_expr, tc_coercible = tc_coercible } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]}
(reqs, ts) = requirements_of_update ti opt_expr rest_type (reqs, { ts & ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap })
| isEmpty tst_context
= (tst_result, (reqs, ts))
@@ -1149,11 +1191,20 @@ where
# (elem_expr_type, opt_elem_expr_ptr, (reqs, ts)) = requirements ti elem_expr reqs_ts
ts = { ts & ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute opt_elem_expr_ptr elem_type.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap }
reqs = { reqs & req_type_coercions = [{ tc_demanded = elem_type, tc_offered = elem_expr_type,
- tc_position = { cp_expression = elem_expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]}
+// MW3 was: tc_position = { cp_expression = elem_expr }, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]}
+ tc_position = CP_Expression elem_expr, tc_coercible = True } : reqs.req_type_coercions ]}
= (reqs, ts)
+/* MW3 was
makeBase vars types ts_var_heap
= fold2St (\ {fv_info_ptr} type var_heap -> var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Type type)) vars types ts_var_heap
+makeBase _ _ [] [] ts_var_heap
+ = ts_var_heap
+makeBase fun_or_cons_ident arg_nr [{fv_name, fv_info_ptr}:vars] [type:types] ts_var_heap
+ # optional_position = if (is_rare_name fv_name) (Yes (CP_FunArg fun_or_cons_ident arg_nr)) No
+ ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_Type type optional_position)
+ = makeBase fun_or_cons_ident (arg_nr+1) vars types ts_var_heap
attributedBasicType (BT_String string_type) ts=:{ts_attr_store}
= ({ at_annotation = AN_None, at_attribute = TA_TempVar ts_attr_store, at_type = string_type}, {ts & ts_attr_store = inc ts_attr_store})
@@ -1720,13 +1771,15 @@ where
(type, ts_fun_env) = ts_fun_env![fun_index]
{fun_symb,fun_arity,fun_body=TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_pos, fun_info, fun_type} = fd
temp_fun_type = type_of type
- ts_var_heap = makeBase tb_args temp_fun_type.tst_args ts_var_heap
+// MW3 was: ts_var_heap = makeBase tb_args temp_fun_type.tst_args ts_var_heap
+ ts_var_heap = makeBase fun_symb 1 tb_args temp_fun_type.tst_args ts_var_heap
fe_location = newPosition fun_symb fun_pos
ts_error = setErrorAdmin fe_location ts_error
reqs = { req_overloaded_calls = [], req_type_coercions = [], req_attr_coercions = [], req_case_and_let_exprs = [], req_cons_variables = cons_variables }
( rhs_type, rhs_expr_ptr, (rhs_reqs, ts)) = requirements ti tb_rhs (reqs,
{ ts & ts_var_heap = ts_var_heap, ts_expr_heap = ts_expr_heap, ts_error = ts_error, ts_fun_env = ts_fun_env })
- req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = temp_fun_type.tst_result,tc_offered = rhs_type, tc_position = {cp_expression = tb_rhs }, tc_coercible = True} :
+// MW3 was: req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = temp_fun_type.tst_result,tc_offered = rhs_type, tc_position = {cp_expression = tb_rhs }, tc_coercible = True} :
+ req_type_coercions = [{tc_demanded = temp_fun_type.tst_result,tc_offered = rhs_type, tc_position = CP_Expression tb_rhs, tc_coercible = True} :
rhs_reqs.req_type_coercions ]
ts_expr_heap = storeAttribute rhs_expr_ptr temp_fun_type.tst_result.at_attribute ts.ts_expr_heap
= ({fe_location = fe_location, fe_context = if (has_option fun_type) (Yes temp_fun_type.tst_context) No, fe_index = fun_index,
@@ -1802,6 +1855,20 @@ where
CheckedType _
-> ts
+is_rare_name {id_name}
+ = id_name.[0]=='_'
+getPositionOfExpr expr=:(Var {var_info_ptr}) var_heap
+ # (VI_Type _ opt_position, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
+ = (case opt_position of
+ Yes position
+ -> position
+ No
+ -> CP_Expression expr,
+ var_heap)
+getPositionOfExpr expr var_heap
+ = (CP_Expression expr, var_heap)
instance <<< AttrCoercion
(<<<) file {ac_demanded,ac_offered} = file <<< "AttrCoercion: " <<< ac_demanded <<< '~' <<< ac_offered
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.dcl b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
index 739470b..0155406 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.dcl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.dcl
@@ -65,3 +65,5 @@ class substitute a :: !a !*TypeHeaps -> (!a, !*TypeHeaps)
instance substitute AType, Type, TypeContext, AttrInequality, CaseType, [a] | substitute a
instance <<< TempSymbolType
+optionalFrontPosition :: !CoercionPosition -> String // MW3++
diff --git a/frontend/typesupport.icl b/frontend/typesupport.icl
index 4bec518..a474625 100644
--- a/frontend/typesupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/typesupport.icl
@@ -1006,3 +1006,10 @@ where
= file <<< tst_result <<< " | " <<< tst_context <<< " [" <<< tst_attr_env <<< ']'
= file <<< tst_args <<< " -> " <<< tst_result <<< " | " <<< tst_context <<< " [" <<< tst_attr_env <<< ']'
+// MW3..
+optionalFrontPosition :: !CoercionPosition -> String
+optionalFrontPosition (CP_Expression _)
+ = ""
+optionalFrontPosition (CP_FunArg {id_name} arg_nr)
+ = "\"argument "+++toString arg_nr+++" of "+++id_name+++"\""
+// ..MW3
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.dcl b/frontend/unitype.dcl
index 197dec5..cdb79ef 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.dcl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.dcl
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ definition module unitype
import StdEnv
import syntax, analunitypes
+/* MW3 moved to syntax:
:: CoercionPosition =
{ cp_expression :: !Expression
AttrUni :== 0
AttrMulti :== 1
diff --git a/frontend/unitype.icl b/frontend/unitype.icl
index d6fdd1a..7c94722 100644
--- a/frontend/unitype.icl
+++ b/frontend/unitype.icl
@@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ import syntax, analunitypes, type, utilities, checktypes, RWSDebug
import cheat
+/* MW3 moved to syntax:
:: CoercionPosition =
{ cp_expression :: !Expression
AttrUni :== 0
AttrMulti :== 1
@@ -61,7 +63,10 @@ determineAttributeCoercions off_type dem_type coercible position subst coercions
(crc_coercions, copy_crc_coercions) = uniqueCopy crc_coercions
format = { form_properties = cMarkAttribute, form_attr_position = Yes (reverse positions, copy_crc_coercions) }
- ea_file = error.ea_file <<< " attribute at indicated position could not be coerced " <:: (format, exp_off_type) <<< '\n'
+// MW3 was: ea_file = error.ea_file <<< " attribute at indicated position could not be coerced " <:: (format, exp_off_type) <<< '\n'
+ ea_file = error.ea_file <<< optionalFrontPosition position
+ <<< " attribute at indicated position could not be coerced " <:: (format, exp_off_type)
+ <<< position <<< '\n'
-> (subst, crc_coercions, crc_td_infos, crc_type_heaps, { error & ea_file = ea_file })
@@ -77,6 +82,7 @@ determineAttributeCoercions off_type dem_type coercible position subst coercions
-> undef
NotChecked :== -1
DummyAttrNumber :== -1
:: AttributeGroups :== {! [Int]}
@@ -720,10 +726,15 @@ where
(<<<) file CT_NonUnique = file <<< "CT_NonUnique"
(<<<) file CT_Empty = file <<< "##"
+/* MW3 was:
instance <<< CoercionPosition
(<<<) file {cp_expression} = show_expression file cp_expression
+instance <<< CoercionPosition
+ (<<<) file (CP_FunArg fun_ident arg_nr) = file
+ (<<<) file (CP_Expression expression) = show_expression (file <<< " near ") expression
show_expression file (Var {var_name})
= file <<< var_name