path: root/frontend
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
4 files changed, 179 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index 5be0684..d16eca6 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -2160,10 +2160,20 @@ where
<=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_variablePlaceholder mod_index STE_Constructor
<=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_unify mod_index STE_DclFunction
<=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_coerce mod_index STE_DclFunction
- <=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_undo_indirections mod_index STE_DclFunction)
+ <=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_undo_indirections mod_index STE_DclFunction
+// MV ...
+ <=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_DynamicTemp mod_index STE_Type
+ <=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_DynamicType mod_index (STE_Field unused)
+ <=< adjust_predef_symbol PD_DynamicValue mod_index (STE_Field unused))
+// ... MV
= (class_members, class_instances, fun_types, { cs & cs_predef_symbols = cs_predef_symbols})
+// MV ...
+ unused
+ = { id_name = "unused", id_info = nilPtr }
+// ... MV
adjust_predef_symbols next_symb last_symb mod_index symb_kind cs=:{cs_predef_symbols, cs_symbol_table, cs_error}
| next_symb > last_symb
= cs
diff --git a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
index cd2905c..8a2c98f 100644
--- a/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertDynamics.icl
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
implementation module convertDynamics
import syntax, transform, utilities, convertcases
+// Optional
+USE_TUPLES tuple b :== b; // change also StdDynamic.icl and recompile all applications
:: *ConversionInfo =
{ ci_predef_symb :: !*PredefinedSymbols
@@ -15,6 +17,9 @@ import syntax, transform, utilities, convertcases
, ci_placeholders_and_tc_args :: [(!BoundVar,Ptr VarInfo)]
, ci_generated_global_tc_placeholders :: !Bool
, ci_used_tcs :: [Ptr VarInfo]
+ , ci_symb_ident :: SymbIdent
+ , ci_sel_type_field :: Expression -> Expression //Optional (!Int,!(Global DefinedSymbol))
+ , ci_sel_value_field :: Expression -> Expression //Optional (!Int,!(Global DefinedSymbol))
:: ConversionInput =
@@ -33,10 +38,109 @@ import syntax, transform, utilities, convertcases
:: BoundVariables :== [TypedVariable]
:: IndirectionVar :== BoundVar
+getSymbol :: Index ((Global Index) -> SymbKind) Int !*ConversionInfo -> (SymbIdent, !*ConversionInfo)
+getSymbol index symb_kind arity ci=:{ci_predef_symb}
+ # ({pds_module, pds_def, pds_ident}, ci_predef_symb) = ci_predef_symb![index]
+ ci = {ci & ci_predef_symb = ci_predef_symb}
+ symbol = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = symb_kind { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def}, symb_arity = arity }
+ = (symbol, ci)
convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls :: {! GlobalTCType} !{# CommonDefs} !Int !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*PredefinedSymbols !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap
-> (!*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*PredefinedSymbols, !*{#{# CheckedTypeDef}}, !ImportedConstructors, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap)
convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls global_type_instances common_defs main_dcl_module_n groups fun_defs predefined_symbols var_heap type_heaps expr_heap
+ # ({pds_module, pds_def} , predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![PD_StdDynamics]
+ #! (dynamic_temp_symb_ident,ci_sel_value_field,ci_sel_type_field,predefined_symbols)
+ = case (pds_module == (-1) || pds_def == (-1)) of
+ True
+ -> (undef,undef,undef,predefined_symbols)
+ _
+ -> case (USE_TUPLES True False) /*(pds_module == (-1) || pds_def == (-1))*/ of
+ True
+ # arity = 2
+ // get tuple arity 2 constructor
+ # ({pds_module, pds_def, pds_ident}, predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![GetTupleConsIndex arity]
+ # twoTuple_symb = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Constructor { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def}, symb_arity = arity }
+ // get tuple, type and value selectors
+ # ({pds_def, pds_ident}, predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![GetTupleConsIndex arity]
+ # twotuple = {ds_ident = pds_ident, ds_arity = arity, ds_index = pds_def}
+ # type_selector = TupleSelect twotuple 1
+ # value_selector = TupleSelect twotuple 0
+ -> (twoTuple_symb,value_selector,type_selector,predefined_symbols)
+ False
+ # arity = 2
+ /* // get tuple arity 2 constructor
+ # ({pds_module, pds_def, pds_ident}, predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![GetTupleConsIndex arity]
+ # twoTuple_symb = { symb_name = pds_ident, symb_kind = SK_Constructor { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def}, symb_arity = arity }
+ dynamic_temp_symb_ident = twoTuple_symb
+ */
+ # ({pds_module=pds_module1, pds_def=pds_def1} , predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![PD_DynamicTemp]
+ # {td_rhs=RecordType {rt_constructor,rt_fields}} = common_defs.[pds_module1].com_type_defs.[pds_def1]
+ # dynamic_temp_symb_ident
+ = { SymbIdent |
+ symb_name = rt_constructor.ds_ident
+ , symb_kind = SK_Constructor {glob_module = pds_module1, glob_object = rt_constructor.ds_index}
+ , symb_arity = rt_constructor.ds_arity
+ }
+ // type field
+ # ({pds_module=pds_module2, pds_def=pds_def2} , predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![PD_DynamicType]
+ # {sd_field,sd_field_nr}
+ = common_defs.[pds_module2].com_selector_defs.[pds_def2]
+ #! type_defined_symbol
+ = { Global |
+ glob_object = { DefinedSymbol |
+ ds_ident = sd_field
+ , ds_arity = 0
+ , ds_index = pds_def2 //0
+ }
+ , glob_module = pds_module2 //pds_def //pds_module
+ }
+ #! ci_sel_type_field
+ = (\dynamic_expr -> Selection No dynamic_expr [RecordSelection type_defined_symbol sd_field_nr])
+ //= (sd_field_nr,type_defined_symbol) //---> ("Type expected:",pds_def2,sd_field)
+ # ({pds_def, pds_ident}, predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![GetTupleConsIndex arity]
+ # twotuple = {ds_ident = pds_ident, ds_arity = arity, ds_index = pds_def}
+ # type_selector = TupleSelect twotuple 1
+ // #! ci_sel_type_field
+ // = type_selector
+ /*
+ // value field
+ # ({pds_module=pds_module3, pds_def=pds_def3} , predefined_symbols) = predefined_symbols![PD_DynamicValue]
+ # {sd_field=sd_field3,sd_field_nr=sd_field_nr3}
+ = common_defs.[pds_module3].com_selector_defs.[pds_def3]
+ #! value_defined_symbol
+ = { Global |
+ glob_object = { DefinedSymbol |
+ ds_ident = sd_field3
+ , ds_arity = 0
+ , ds_index = pds_def3 //0
+ }
+ , glob_module = pds_module3 //pds_def //pds_module
+ }
+ #! ci_sel_value_field
+ = (\dynamic_expr -> Selection No dynamic_expr [RecordSelection value_defined_symbol sd_field_nr3])
+ //= (sd_field_nr3,value_defined_symbol) //---> ("Value expected:",pds_def3,sd_field3)
+ */
+ # value_selector = TupleSelect twotuple 0
+ ci_sel_value_field = value_selector
+ -> (dynamic_temp_symb_ident, ci_sel_value_field, ci_sel_type_field,predefined_symbols)
#! nr_of_funs = size fun_defs
# imported_types = {com_type_defs \\ {com_type_defs} <-: common_defs }
# (groups, (fun_defs, {ci_predef_symb, ci_var_heap, ci_expr_heap, ci_fun_heap, ci_new_functions}))
@@ -44,8 +148,7 @@ convertDynamicPatternsIntoUnifyAppls global_type_instances common_defs main_dcl_
ci_predef_symb = predefined_symbols, ci_var_heap = var_heap, ci_expr_heap = expr_heap,
ci_new_functions = [], ci_new_variables = [], ci_fun_heap = newHeap, ci_next_fun_nr = nr_of_funs, ci_placeholders_and_tc_args = [],
ci_generated_global_tc_placeholders = False,
- ci_used_tcs = [] })
+ ci_used_tcs = [],ci_symb_ident = dynamic_temp_symb_ident , ci_sel_type_field = ci_sel_type_field, ci_sel_value_field = ci_sel_value_field })
(groups, new_fun_defs, imported_types, imported_conses, type_heaps, ci_var_heap)
= addNewFunctionsToGroups common_defs ci_fun_heap ci_new_functions main_dcl_module_n groups imported_types [] type_heaps ci_var_heap
= (groups, { fundef \\ fundef <- [ fundef \\ fundef <-: fun_defs ] ++ new_fun_defs }, ci_predef_symb, imported_types, imported_conses, ci_var_heap, type_heaps, ci_expr_heap)
@@ -197,25 +300,25 @@ where
convertDynamics cinp bound_vars default_expr (MatchExpr opt_symb symb expression) ci
# (expression,ci) = convertDynamics cinp bound_vars default_expr expression ci
= (MatchExpr opt_symb symb expression, ci)
- convertDynamics cinp bound_vars default_expr (DynamicExpr {dyn_expr, dyn_info_ptr, dyn_uni_vars, dyn_type_code}) ci
- # (twoTuple_symb, ci) = getSymbol (GetTupleConsIndex 2) SK_Constructor 2 ci
- (let_binds, ci) = createVariables dyn_uni_vars [] ci
+ convertDynamics cinp bound_vars default_expr (DynamicExpr {dyn_expr, dyn_info_ptr, dyn_uni_vars, dyn_type_code}) ci=:{ci_symb_ident}
+// # (twoTuple_symb, ci) = getSymbol (GetTupleConsIndex 2) SK_Constructor 2 ci
+ # (let_binds, ci) = createVariables dyn_uni_vars [] ci
(dyn_expr, ci) = convertDynamics cinp bound_vars default_expr dyn_expr ci
(_,dyn_type_code,_,_,ci) = convertTypecode2 cinp dyn_type_code False [] [] ci
// (_,dyn_type_code, ci) = convertTypecode cinp dyn_type_code ci
= case let_binds of
- [] -> (App { app_symb = twoTuple_symb,
+ [] -> (App { app_symb = ci_symb_ident, //USE_TUPLES twoTuple_symb ci_symb_ident, //twoTuple_symb,
app_args = [dyn_expr, dyn_type_code],
app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, ci)
_ # (let_info_ptr, ci) = let_ptr ci
-> ( Let { let_strict_binds = [],
let_lazy_binds = let_binds,
- let_expr = App { app_symb = twoTuple_symb,
+ let_expr = App { app_symb = ci_symb_ident, //USE_TUPLES twoTuple_symb ci_symb_ident,
app_args = [dyn_expr, dyn_type_code],
app_info_ptr = nilPtr },
// MW0 let_info_ptr = let_info_ptr,}, ci)
let_info_ptr = let_info_ptr,
- let_expr_position = NoPos}, ci)
+ let_expr_position = NoPos}, ci)
convertDynamics cinp bound_vars default_expr (TypeCodeExpression type_code) ci
= abort "convertDynamics cinp bound_vars default_expr (TypeCodeExpression" //convertTypecode cinp type_code ci
convertDynamics cinp bound_vars default_expr EE ci
@@ -367,17 +470,18 @@ where
bind_info_ptr var_info_ptr bound_vars
= [{ tv_free_var = {fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_name = a_ij_var_name, fv_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, fv_count = 0}, tv_type = empty_attributed_type } : bound_vars]
open_dynamic :: Expression !*ConversionInfo -> (OpenedDynamic, LetBind, !*ConversionInfo)
-open_dynamic dynamic_expr ci
+open_dynamic dynamic_expr ci=:{ci_sel_type_field, ci_sel_value_field}
# (twotuple, ci) = getTupleSymbol 2 ci
(dynamicType_var, ci) = newVariable "dt" VI_Empty ci
dynamicType_fv = varToFreeVar dynamicType_var 1
- = ( { opened_dynamic_expr = TupleSelect twotuple 0 dynamic_expr, opened_dynamic_type = Var dynamicType_var },
+// sel_type = Selection No dynamic_expr [RecordSelection type_defined_symbol sd_type_field_nr]
+// sel_value = Selection No dynamic_expr [RecordSelection value_defined_symbol sd_value_field_nr]
+ = ( { opened_dynamic_expr = ci_sel_value_field dynamic_expr /*USE_TUPLES (TupleSelect twotuple 0 dynamic_expr) sel_value*/, opened_dynamic_type = Var dynamicType_var },
+// RecordSelection !(Global DefinedSymbol) !Int
// MW0 { bind_src = TupleSelect twotuple 1 dynamic_expr, bind_dst = dynamicType_fv },
- { lb_src = TupleSelect twotuple 1 dynamic_expr, lb_dst = dynamicType_fv, lb_position = NoPos },
+ { lb_src = ci_sel_type_field dynamic_expr /*USE_TUPLES (TupleSelect twotuple 1 dynamic_expr) sel_type*/, lb_dst = dynamicType_fv, lb_position = NoPos },
{ ci & ci_new_variables = [ dynamicType_fv : ci.ci_new_variables ]})
convertDynamicPatterns :: !ConversionInput !BoundVariables !Case *ConversionInfo -> (Expression, *ConversionInfo)
@@ -385,7 +489,12 @@ convertDynamicPatterns cinp bound_vars {case_guards = DynamicPatterns [], case_d
= case case_default of
(Yes expr) -> (expr, ci)
No -> abort "unexpected value in convertDynamics: 'convertDynamicPatterns'"
-convertDynamicPatterns cinp=:{cinp_st_args} bound_vars {case_expr, case_guards = DynamicPatterns patterns, case_default, case_info_ptr} ci=:{ci_placeholders_and_tc_args=old_ci_placeholders_and_tc_args,ci_generated_global_tc_placeholders}
+convertDynamicPatterns cinp=:{cinp_st_args} bound_vars {case_expr, case_guards = DynamicPatterns patterns, case_default, case_info_ptr}
+ ci=:{ci_placeholders_and_tc_args=old_ci_placeholders_and_tc_args,ci_generated_global_tc_placeholders}
+// | True
+// = abort "convertDynamicPatterns";
+// # sel = Selection No case_expr [RecordSelection type_defined_symbol sd_field_nr]
# (opened_dynamic, dt_bind, ci) = open_dynamic case_expr ci
(ind_0, ci) = newVariable "ind_0" (VI_Indirection 0) ci
(c_1, ci) = newVariable "c_1!" (VI_Default 0) ci
@@ -523,7 +632,9 @@ where
-> expr
-> abort "!!!!"
+ # sel_type = Selection No (Var coerce_result_var) [RecordSelection type_defined_symbol sd_type_field_nr]
# let_expr
= Let {
let_strict_binds = []
@@ -536,7 +647,7 @@ where
// MW0 { bind_src = TupleSelect twotuple 0 (Var coerce_result_var),
// MW0 bind_dst = coerce_bool_fv } : let_binds
- { lb_src = TupleSelect twotuple 0 (Var coerce_result_var),
+ { lb_src = /*USE_TUPLES (*/ TupleSelect twotuple 0 (Var coerce_result_var) /*) sel_type*/,
lb_dst = coerce_bool_fv, lb_position = NoPos } : let_binds
let_expr =
@@ -633,6 +744,8 @@ where
(let_binds, ci) = bind_indirection_var ind_var unify_result_var twotuple ci
a_ij_binds = add_x_i_bind opened_dynamic.opened_dynamic_expr dp_var a_ij_binds
+ sel_type = Selection No (Var unify_result_var) [RecordSelection type_defined_symbol sd_type_field_nr]
let_expr = Let { let_strict_binds = [],
// MW0 let_lazy_binds = [{ bind_src = App { app_symb = unify_symb, app_args = [opened_dynamic.opened_dynamic_type, type_code], app_info_ptr = nilPtr },
@@ -641,7 +754,7 @@ where
// MW0 bind_dst = unify_bool_fv } : let_binds
let_lazy_binds = [{ lb_src = App { app_symb = unify_symb, app_args = [opened_dynamic.opened_dynamic_type, type_code], app_info_ptr = nilPtr },
lb_dst = unify_result_fv, lb_position = NoPos },
- { lb_src = TupleSelect twotuple 0 (Var unify_result_var),
+ { lb_src = /*USE_TUPLES (*/ TupleSelect twotuple 0 (Var unify_result_var) /*) sel_type*/,
lb_dst = unify_bool_fv, lb_position = NoPos } : let_binds
let_expr = Case { case_expr = Var unify_bool_var,
@@ -705,7 +818,8 @@ bind_indirection_var var=:{var_info_ptr} unify_result_var twotuple ci=:{ci_var_h
| ref_count > 0
# ind_fv = varToFreeVar var ref_count
// MW0 = ([{ bind_src = TupleSelect twotuple 1 (Var unify_result_var), bind_dst = ind_fv }],
- = ([{ lb_src = TupleSelect twotuple 1 (Var unify_result_var), lb_dst = ind_fv, lb_position = NoPos }],
+// sel_value = Selection No (Var unify_result_var) [RecordSelection value_defined_symbol sd_value_field_nr]
+ = ([{ lb_src = /*USE_TUPLES (*/TupleSelect twotuple 1 (Var unify_result_var) /*) sel_value*/, lb_dst = ind_fv, lb_position = NoPos }],
{ ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap, ci_new_variables = [ ind_fv : ci_new_variables ]})
= ([], {ci & ci_var_heap = ci_var_heap})
diff --git a/frontend/predef.dcl b/frontend/predef.dcl
index 66f032c..8115648 100644
--- a/frontend/predef.dcl
+++ b/frontend/predef.dcl
@@ -34,7 +34,14 @@ PD_Arity32TupleSymbol :== 69
PD_TypeVar_a0 :== 70
PD_TypeVar_a31 :== 101
+/* Dynamics */
PD_TypeCodeMember :== 123
+// MV ...
+PD_DynamicTemp :== 131
+PD_DynamicValue :== 132
+PD_DynamicType :== 133
+// ... MV
/* identifiers present in the hastable */
@@ -75,17 +82,18 @@ PD_TypeCodeClass :== 122
PD_TypeObjectType :== 124
PD_TypeConsSymbol :== 125
PD_unify :== 126
+// MV ..
PD_coerce :== 127
PD_variablePlaceholder :== 128
PD_StdDynamics :== 129
PD_undo_indirections :== 130
-PD_Start :== 131
+PD_Start :== 134
// MW..
-PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun :== 132
+PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun :== 135
-PD_NrOfPredefSymbols :== 133
+PD_NrOfPredefSymbols :== 136
// ..MW
GetTupleConsIndex tup_arity :== PD_Arity2TupleSymbol + tup_arity - 2
diff --git a/frontend/predef.icl b/frontend/predef.icl
index c9dc1eb..68e1697 100644
--- a/frontend/predef.icl
+++ b/frontend/predef.icl
@@ -32,7 +32,12 @@ PD_Arity32TupleSymbol :== 69
PD_TypeVar_a0 :== 70
PD_TypeVar_a31 :== 101
+/* Dynamics */
PD_TypeCodeMember :== 123
+PD_DynamicTemp :== 131
+PD_DynamicValue :== 132
+PD_DynamicType :== 133
/* identifiers present in the hastable */
@@ -79,12 +84,12 @@ PD_variablePlaceholder :== 128
PD_StdDynamics :== 129
PD_undo_indirections :== 130
-PD_Start :== 131
+PD_Start :== 134
// MW..
-PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun :== 132
+PD_DummyForStrictAliasFun :== 135
-PD_NrOfPredefSymbols :== 133
+PD_NrOfPredefSymbols :== 136
// ..MW
@@ -134,7 +139,8 @@ where
= build_variables (inc var_number) max_arity (tables <<= (var_name, PD_TypeVar_a0 + var_number))
fill_table_with_hashing tables
- = tables <<- ("StdArray", IC_Module, PD_StdArray) <<- ("StdEnum", IC_Module, PD_StdEnum) <<- ("StdBool", IC_Module, PD_StdBool)
+ # tables = tables
+ <<- ("StdArray", IC_Module, PD_StdArray) <<- ("StdEnum", IC_Module, PD_StdEnum) <<- ("StdBool", IC_Module, PD_StdBool)
<<- ("&&", IC_Expression, PD_AndOp) <<- ("||", IC_Expression, PD_OrOp)
<<- ("Array", IC_Class, PD_ArrayClass)
<<- ("createArray", IC_Expression, PD_CreateArrayFun)
@@ -157,8 +163,21 @@ where
<<- ("_coerce", IC_Expression, PD_coerce) /* MV */
<<- ("StdDynamic", IC_Module, PD_StdDynamics)
<<- ("_undo_indirections", IC_Expression, PD_undo_indirections)
+// MV ...
+ <<- ("DynamicTemp", IC_Type, PD_DynamicTemp)
+ # (predef_symbol_table,hash_table)
+ = tables
+ # ({pds_ident},predef_symbol_table)
+ = predef_symbol_table![PD_DynamicTemp]
+ # tables = (predef_symbol_table,hash_table)
+ <<- ("type", IC_Field pds_ident, PD_DynamicType)
+ <<- ("value", IC_Field pds_ident, PD_DynamicValue)
<<- ("Start", IC_Expression, PD_Start)
+ = tables
+// ... MV
MakeTupleConsSymbIndex arity :== arity - 2 + cArity2TupleConsSymbIndex
MakeTupleTypeSymbIndex arity :== arity - 2 + cArity2TupleTypeSymbIndex