path: root/frontend
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend')
9 files changed, 490 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/StdCompare.dcl b/frontend/StdCompare.dcl
index 31f1597..7e1ac0c 100644
--- a/frontend/StdCompare.dcl
+++ b/frontend/StdCompare.dcl
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ instance =< Int, Expression, {# Char}, Ident, [a] | =< a, BasicType //, (Global
instance =< Type, SymbIdent
-instance == BasicType, TypeVar, TypeSymbIdent, DefinedSymbol, TypeContext , BasicValue,
+instance == BasicType, TypeVar, AttributeVar, TypeSymbIdent, DefinedSymbol, TypeContext , BasicValue,
FunKind, (Global a) | == a, Priority, Assoc, Type, ConsVariable, SignClassification
instance < MemberDef
diff --git a/frontend/StdCompare.icl b/frontend/StdCompare.icl
index 495feba..b2eb24d 100644
--- a/frontend/StdCompare.icl
+++ b/frontend/StdCompare.icl
@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ instance == TypeVar
(==) varid1 varid2 = varid1.tv_info_ptr == varid2.tv_info_ptr
+instance == AttributeVar
+ (==) varid1 varid2 = varid1.av_info_ptr == varid2.av_info_ptr
instance == FunKind
(==) fk1 fk2 = equal_constructor fk1 fk2
diff --git a/frontend/analtypes.icl b/frontend/analtypes.icl
index eba2be5..e225544 100644
--- a/frontend/analtypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/analtypes.icl
@@ -477,11 +477,6 @@ where
= iFoldSt (checkLeftRootAttributionOfTypeDef modules mod_index)
0 siz (as_td_infos, th_vars, as_error)
-instance == AttributeVar
- (==) av1 av2 = av1.av_info_ptr == av2.av_info_ptr
instance <<< DynamicType
(<<<) file {dt_global_vars,dt_type} = file <<< dt_global_vars <<< dt_type
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index 179ead9..d5b69e6 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -23,37 +23,41 @@ checkGenerics
| gen_index == size generic_defs
= (generic_defs, class_defs, type_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs)
// otherwise
- # (gen_def=:{gen_name, gen_args, gen_type,gen_pos}, generic_defs) = generic_defs![gen_index]
+ # (gen_def=:{gen_name, gen_type, gen_pos}, generic_defs) = generic_defs![gen_index]
# position = newPosition gen_name gen_pos
# cs_error = setErrorAdmin position cs_error
+ //---> ("checkGenerics generic type 1", gen_type.gt_type)
- # (gen_args, cs_symbol_table, th_vars, cs_error)
- = add_vars_to_symbol_table gen_args cs_symbol_table th_vars cs_error
# cs = {cs & cs_error = cs_error, cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
# type_heaps = {type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}
- # (gen_type, specials, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs) =
- checkSymbolType module_index gen_type SP_None type_defs class_defs modules type_heaps cs
- # cs = {cs & cs_symbol_table = removeVariablesFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope gen_args cs.cs_symbol_table}
- # generic_defs = {generic_defs & [gen_index] = {gen_def & gen_type = gen_type, gen_args = gen_args}}
+ //# (gt_type, _, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs) =
+ // checkSymbolType module_index gen_type.gt_type SP_None type_defs class_defs modules type_heaps cs
+ # (gt_type, type_defs, class_defs, modules, type_heaps, cs) =
+ checkMemberType module_index gen_type.gt_type type_defs class_defs modules type_heaps cs
+ #! {cs_error} = cs
+ #! (gt_vars, st_vars, cs_error) = split_vars gen_type.gt_vars gt_type.st_vars cs_error
+ #! cs = {cs & cs_error = cs_error}
+ #! gt_type = {gt_type & st_vars = st_vars}
+ # generic_defs = {generic_defs & [gen_index] . gen_type = { gen_type & gt_vars = gt_vars, gt_type = gt_type }}
+ //---> ("checkGenerics generic type 2", gt_type)
= checkGenerics (inc gen_index) module_index generic_defs class_defs type_defs modules type_heaps cs
- add_vars_to_symbol_table [] symbol_table th_vars error = ([], symbol_table, th_vars, error)
- add_vars_to_symbol_table [var=:{tv_name={id_name,id_info}} : vars] symbol_table th_vars error
- # (entry, symbol_table) = readPtr id_info symbol_table
- | entry.ste_kind == STE_Empty || entry.ste_def_level < cGlobalScope
- # (new_var_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
- # symbol_table = NewEntry symbol_table id_info (STE_TypeVariable new_var_ptr) NoIndex cGlobalScope entry
- # var = { var & tv_info_ptr = new_var_ptr}
- # (vars, symbol_table, th_vars, error) = add_vars_to_symbol_table vars symbol_table th_vars error
- = ([var:vars], symbol_table, th_vars, error)
- // otherwise
- = add_vars_to_symbol_table vars symbol_table th_vars (checkError id_name "(variable) already defined" error)
-// ..AA
+ split_vars [] st_vars error
+ = ([], st_vars, error)
+ split_vars [gv:gvs] st_vars error
+ # (gv, st_vars, error) = find gv st_vars error
+ # (gvs, st_vars, error) = split_vars gvs st_vars error
+ = ([gv:gvs], st_vars, error)
+ where
+ find gv [] error = (gv, [], checkError gv.tv_name.id_name "generic variable not used" error)
+ find gv [st_var:st_vars] error
+ | st_var.tv_name.id_name == gv.tv_name.id_name
+ = (st_var, st_vars, error)
+ # (gv, st_vars, error) = find gv st_vars error
+ = (gv, [st_var:st_vars], error)
checkTypeClasses :: !Index !Index !*{#ClassDef} !*{#MemberDef} !*{#CheckedTypeDef} !*{#DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
-> (!*{#ClassDef}, !*{#MemberDef}, !*{#CheckedTypeDef}, !*{#DclModule}, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
@@ -301,58 +305,6 @@ where
# cs = {cs & cs_error = cs_error}
= (ins, is, type_heaps, cs)
-checkInstanceDefs :: !Index !*{#ClassInstance} !u:{#CheckedTypeDef} !u:{#ClassDef} !u:{#MemberDef} !u:{#DclModule} !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
- -> (!.{#ClassInstance},!u:{#CheckedTypeDef},!u:{#ClassDef},!u:{#MemberDef},!u:{#DclModule},!.TypeHeaps,!.CheckState)
-checkInstanceDefs mod_index instance_defs type_defs class_defs member_defs modules type_heaps cs
- # is = { is_type_defs = type_defs, is_class_defs = class_defs, is_member_defs = member_defs, is_modules = modules }
- (instance_defs, is, type_heaps, cs) = check_instance_defs 0 mod_index instance_defs is type_heaps cs
- = (instance_defs, is.is_type_defs, is.is_class_defs, is.is_member_defs, is.is_modules, type_heaps, cs)
- check_instance_defs :: !Index !Index !*{# ClassInstance} !u:InstanceSymbols !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
- -> (!*{# ClassInstance},!u:InstanceSymbols,!*TypeHeaps,!*CheckState)
- check_instance_defs inst_index mod_index instance_defs is type_heaps cs
- | inst_index < size instance_defs
- # (instance_def, instance_defs) = instance_defs![inst_index]
- (instance_def, is, type_heaps, cs) = check_instance mod_index instance_def is type_heaps cs
- = check_instance_defs (inc inst_index) mod_index { instance_defs & [inst_index] = instance_def } is type_heaps cs
- = (instance_defs, is, type_heaps, cs)
- check_instance :: !Index !ClassInstance !u:InstanceSymbols !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState -> (!ClassInstance, !u:InstanceSymbols, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
- check_instance module_index
- ins=:{ins_members,ins_class={glob_object = class_name =: {ds_ident = {id_name,id_info},ds_arity}},ins_type,ins_specials,ins_pos,ins_ident}
- is=:{is_class_defs,is_modules} type_heaps cs=:{cs_symbol_table}
- # (entry, cs_symbol_table) = readPtr id_info cs_symbol_table
- # (class_index, class_mod_index, class_def, is_class_defs, is_modules) = get_class_def entry module_index is_class_defs is_modules
- is = { is & is_class_defs = is_class_defs, is_modules = is_modules }
- cs = pushErrorAdmin (newPosition ins_ident ins_pos) { cs & cs_symbol_table = cs_symbol_table }
- | class_index <> NotFound
- | class_def.class_arity == ds_arity
- # ins_class = { glob_object = { class_name & ds_index = class_index }, glob_module = class_mod_index}
- (ins_type, ins_specials, is_type_defs, is_class_defs, is_modules, type_heaps, cs)
- = checkInstanceType module_index ins_class ins_type ins_specials
- is.is_type_defs is.is_class_defs is.is_modules type_heaps cs
- is = { is & is_type_defs = is_type_defs, is_class_defs = is_class_defs, is_modules = is_modules }
- = ({ins & ins_class = ins_class, ins_type = ins_type, ins_specials = ins_specials}, is, type_heaps, popErrorAdmin cs)
- = ( ins
- , is
- , type_heaps
- , popErrorAdmin { cs & cs_error = checkError id_name ("wrong arity: expected "+++toString class_def.class_arity+++" found "+++toString ds_arity) cs.cs_error }
- )
- = (ins, is, type_heaps, popErrorAdmin { cs & cs_error = checkError id_name "class undefined" cs.cs_error })
- get_class_def :: !SymbolTableEntry !Index v:{# ClassDef} u:{# DclModule} -> (!Index,!Index,ClassDef,!v:{# ClassDef},!u:{# DclModule})
- get_class_def {ste_kind = STE_Class, ste_index} mod_index class_defs modules
- # (class_def, class_defs) = class_defs![ste_index]
- = (ste_index, mod_index, class_def, class_defs, modules)
- get_class_def {ste_kind = STE_Imported STE_Class decl_index, ste_index, ste_def_level} mod_index class_defs modules
- # (dcl_mod, modules) = modules![decl_index]
- # class_def = dcl_mod.dcl_common.com_class_defs.[ste_index]
- = (ste_index, decl_index, class_def, class_defs, modules)
- get_class_def _ mod_index class_defs modules
- = (NotFound, -1/*cIclModIndex*/, abort "no class definition", class_defs, modules)
checkInstances :: !Index !*CommonDefs !u:{# DclModule} !*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
-> (![(Index,SymbolType)], !*CommonDefs, !u:{# DclModule}, !*VarHeap , !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
checkInstances mod_index icl_common=:{com_instance_defs,com_class_defs,com_member_defs,com_generic_defs,com_type_defs} modules var_heap type_heaps cs=:{cs_error}
@@ -367,19 +319,6 @@ where
!*VarHeap !*TypeHeaps !*CheckState
-> (![(Index,SymbolType)], !x:{# ClassInstance}, !w:{# ClassDef}, !v:{# MemberDef}, /*AA*/!w:{# GenericDef}, !nerd:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !u:{# DclModule}, !*VarHeap, !*TypeHeaps, !*CheckState)
check_instances inst_index mod_index instance_types instance_defs class_defs member_defs generic_defs type_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
- | inst_index < size instance_defs
- # ({ins_class,ins_members,ins_type, /*AA*/ins_generic}, instance_defs) = instance_defs![inst_index]
- # ({class_members,class_name}, class_defs, modules) = getClassDef ins_class mod_index class_defs modules
- class_size = size class_members
- | class_size == size ins_members
- # (instance_types, member_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs) = check_member_instances mod_index ins_class.glob_module
- 0 class_size ins_members class_members ins_type instance_types member_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
- = check_instances (inc inst_index) mod_index instance_types instance_defs class_defs member_defs /*AA*/generic_defs modules var_heap type_heaps cs
- = check_instances (inc inst_index) mod_index instance_types instance_defs class_defs member_defs /*AA*/generic_defs modules var_heap type_heaps
- { cs & cs_error = checkError class_name "different number of members specified" cs.cs_error }
- = (instance_types, instance_defs, class_defs, member_defs, /*AA*/generic_defs, modules, var_heap, type_heaps, cs)
// AA..
| inst_index < size instance_defs
# (instance_def=:{ins_ident,ins_is_generic, ins_pos}, instance_defs) = instance_defs![inst_index]
diff --git a/frontend/checktypes.icl b/frontend/checktypes.icl
index 9a6b601..f14273f 100644
--- a/frontend/checktypes.icl
+++ b/frontend/checktypes.icl
@@ -800,6 +800,10 @@ where
= checkTypeContexts st_context mod_index class_defs ots oti cs
= check_member_contexts st_context mod_index class_defs ots oti cs
+// AA.. generic members do not have a context at the moment of checking
+ check_member_contexts [] mod_index class_defs ots oti cs
+ = checkTypeContexts [] mod_index class_defs ots oti cs
+// ..AA
check_member_contexts [tc : tcs] mod_index class_defs ots oti cs
# (tc, (class_defs, ots, oti, cs)) = checkTypeContext mod_index tc (class_defs, ots, oti, cs)
cs_symbol_table = removeVariablesFromSymbolTable cGlobalScope [ tv \\ (TV tv) <- tc.tc_types] cs.cs_symbol_table
@@ -1408,10 +1412,6 @@ instance toVariable AttributeVar
toVariable (STE_TypeAttribute info_ptr) ident = { av_name = ident, av_info_ptr = info_ptr }
-instance == AttributeVar
- (==) av1 av2 = av1.av_info_ptr == av2.av_info_ptr
instance <<< DynamicType
(<<<) file {dt_global_vars,dt_type} = file <<< dt_global_vars <<< dt_type
diff --git a/frontend/generics.icl b/frontend/generics.icl
index ad7b2c0..8cdf7a7 100644
--- a/frontend/generics.icl
+++ b/frontend/generics.icl
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import checksupport
import checktypes
import check
from transform import Group
-from type import buildCurriedType
import analtypes
:: *GenericState = {
@@ -28,29 +27,29 @@ import analtypes
:: GenericTypeDefInfo
= GTDI_Empty // no generic rep needed
- | GTDI_Generic GenericType // generic representataion
+ | GTDI_Generic GenericTypeRep // generic representataion
:: GenericTypeDefInfos :== {# .{GenericTypeDefInfo}}
-:: GenericType = {
- gt_type :: !AType, // generic type representation
- gt_type_args :: ![TypeVar], // same as in td_info
- gt_iso :: !DefinedSymbol, // isomorphim function index
- gt_isomap_group :: !Index, // isomap function group
- gt_isomap :: !DefinedSymbol, // isomap function for the type
- gt_isomap_from :: !DefinedSymbol, // from-part of isomap
- gt_isomap_to :: !DefinedSymbol // to-part
+:: GenericTypeRep = {
+ gtr_type :: !AType, // generic type representation
+ gtr_type_args :: ![TypeVar], // same as in td_info
+ gtr_iso :: !DefinedSymbol, // isomorphim function index
+ gtr_isomap_group :: !Index, // isomap function group
+ gtr_isomap :: !DefinedSymbol, // isomap function for the type
+ gtr_isomap_from :: !DefinedSymbol, // from-part of isomap
+ gtr_isomap_to :: !DefinedSymbol // to-part
EmptyDefinedSymbol :== MakeDefinedSymbol {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr} NoIndex 0
EmptyGenericType :== {
- gt_type = makeAType TE TA_Multi,
- gt_type_args = [],
- gt_iso = EmptyDefinedSymbol,
- gt_isomap_group = NoIndex,
- gt_isomap = EmptyDefinedSymbol,
- gt_isomap_from = EmptyDefinedSymbol,
- gt_isomap_to = EmptyDefinedSymbol
+ gtr_type = makeAType TE TA_None,
+ gtr_type_args = [],
+ gtr_iso = EmptyDefinedSymbol,
+ gtr_isomap_group = NoIndex,
+ gtr_isomap = EmptyDefinedSymbol,
+ gtr_isomap_from = EmptyDefinedSymbol,
+ gtr_isomap_to = EmptyDefinedSymbol
:: IsoDirection = IsoTo | IsoFrom
@@ -254,7 +253,7 @@ where
#! size_generic_defs = size generic_defs
| generic_index == size_generic_defs
= collect_in_modules (inc module_index) 0 gs_modules
- # {gen_type={st_args, st_result}} = generic_defs . [generic_index]
+ # {gen_type={gt_type={st_args, st_result}}} = generic_defs . [generic_index]
# (types, gs_modules) = collect_in_modules module_index (inc generic_index) gs_modules
= ([at_type \\ {at_type} <- [st_result:st_args]] ++ types, gs_modules)
@@ -393,13 +392,13 @@ where
ds_arity = 1
# gtd_info = GTDI_Generic {
- gt_type = generic_rep_type,
- gt_type_args = [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- type_def.td_args],
- gt_iso = iso_def_sym,
- gt_isomap_group = NoIndex,
- gt_isomap = EmptyDefinedSymbol,
- gt_isomap_from = EmptyDefinedSymbol,
- gt_isomap_to = EmptyDefinedSymbol
+ gtr_type = generic_rep_type,
+ gtr_type_args = [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- type_def.td_args],
+ gtr_iso = iso_def_sym,
+ gtr_isomap_group = NoIndex,
+ gtr_isomap = EmptyDefinedSymbol,
+ gtr_isomap_from = EmptyDefinedSymbol,
+ gtr_isomap_to = EmptyDefinedSymbol
# gs_gtd_infos = {gs_gtd_infos & [glob_module, glob_object] = gtd_info}
@@ -448,17 +447,17 @@ where
# (GTDI_Generic gt, gs_gtd_infos) = gs_gtd_infos ! [glob_module, glob_object]
# gtd_info = GTDI_Generic {gt &
- gt_isomap_from = {
+ gtr_isomap_from = {
ds_ident = {id_name="isomap_from:"+++td_name.id_name, id_info=nilPtr},
ds_index = from_fun_index,
ds_arity = (td_arity + 1)
- gt_isomap_to = {
+ gtr_isomap_to = {
ds_ident = {id_name="isomap_to:"+++td_name.id_name, id_info=nilPtr},
ds_index = to_fun_index,
ds_arity = (td_arity + 1)
- gt_isomap = {
+ gtr_isomap = {
ds_ident = {id_name="isomap:"+++td_name.id_name, id_info=nilPtr},
ds_index = rec_fun_index,
ds_arity = td_arity
@@ -482,17 +481,17 @@ where
# {gs_modules, gs_gtd_infos} = gs
# (type_def=:{td_name}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
- # (GTDI_Generic {gt_isomap, gt_isomap_to, gt_isomap_from}, gs_gtd_infos)
+ # (GTDI_Generic {gtr_isomap, gtr_isomap_to, gtr_isomap_from}, gs_gtd_infos)
= gs_gtd_infos![module_index, type_def_index]
# gs = { gs & gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos, gs_modules = gs_modules }
# (from_fun_def, gs) =
- buildIsomapFromTo IsoFrom gt_isomap_from group_index module_index type_def_index gs
+ buildIsomapFromTo IsoFrom gtr_isomap_from group_index module_index type_def_index gs
# (to_fun_def, gs) =
- buildIsomapFromTo IsoTo gt_isomap_to group_index module_index type_def_index gs
+ buildIsomapFromTo IsoTo gtr_isomap_to group_index module_index type_def_index gs
# (rec_fun_def, gs) =
- buildIsomapForTypeDef gt_isomap group_index module_index type_def gt_isomap_from gt_isomap_to gs
+ buildIsomapForTypeDef gtr_isomap group_index module_index type_def gtr_isomap_from gtr_isomap_to gs
# funs = [ from_fun_def, to_fun_def, rec_fun_def ]
= (funs, gs)
@@ -512,8 +511,8 @@ where
get_group module_index type_def_index gs=:{gs_gtd_infos}
#! gtd_info = gs_gtd_infos . [module_index, type_def_index]
# (GTDI_Generic gt) = gtd_info
- | gt.gt_isomap_group <> NoIndex // group index already allocated
- = (gt.gt_isomap_group, gs)
+ | gt.gtr_isomap_group <> NoIndex // group index already allocated
+ = (gt.gtr_isomap_group, gs)
# (group_index, gs=:{gs_td_infos, gs_gtd_infos})
= newGroupIndex {gs & gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos}
@@ -529,9 +528,9 @@ where
update_group group_index [{glob_module, glob_object}:type_def_global_indexes] gtd_infos
# (gtd_info, gtd_infos) = gtd_infos ! [glob_module, glob_object]
# (GTDI_Generic gt) = gtd_info
- | gt.gt_isomap_group <> NoIndex
+ | gt.gtr_isomap_group <> NoIndex
= abort "sanity check: updating already updated group\n"
- # gtd_info = GTDI_Generic {gt & gt_isomap_group = group_index }
+ # gtd_info = GTDI_Generic {gt & gtr_isomap_group = group_index }
# gtd_infos = {gtd_infos & [glob_module, glob_object] = gtd_info}
= update_group group_index type_def_global_indexes gtd_infos
@@ -564,12 +563,12 @@ where
= (new_funs ++ funs, new_groups ++ groups, generic_defs, gs)
build_isomap module_index generic_index generic_defs gs
- # (generic_def=:{gen_name, gen_type, gen_arity}, generic_defs) = generic_defs ! [generic_index]
+ # (generic_def=:{gen_name, gen_type}, generic_defs) = generic_defs ! [generic_index]
# (fun_index, group_index, gs) = newFunAndGroupIndex gs
# def_sym = {
ds_ident = {id_name="isomap:"+++gen_name.id_name, id_info = nilPtr},
ds_index = fun_index,
- ds_arity = gen_arity
+ ds_arity = gen_type.gt_arity
# generic_defs = {generic_defs & [generic_index] = {generic_def & gen_isomap = def_sym}}
# (fun_def, gs) = buildIsomapForGeneric def_sym group_index generic_def gs
@@ -633,8 +632,8 @@ where
ds_arity = member_def.me_type.st_arity
- # (fun_def, gs) = build_dummy_instance fun_def_sym group_index gs
- //# (fun_def, gs) = buildInstance fun_def_sym group_index instance_def generic_def gs
+ //# (fun_def, gs) = build_dummy_instance fun_def_sym group_index gs
+ # (fun_def, gs) = buildInstance fun_def_sym group_index instance_def generic_def gs
# instance_def = { instance_def & ins_members = {fun_def_sym} }
# instance_defs = {instance_defs & [instance_index] = instance_def}
@@ -872,8 +871,8 @@ buildClassDef
tc_var = tc_var_ptr // ???
#! hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}
- #! (member_type, hp_type_heaps) = buildMemberType generic_def kind class_arg hp_type_heaps
- #! member_type = { member_type & st_context = [type_context : gen_type.st_context] }
+ #! (member_type, hp_type_heaps) = buildMemberType1 generic_def kind class_arg hp_type_heaps
+ #! member_type = { member_type & st_context = [type_context : gen_type.gt_type.st_context] }
#! member_def = {
me_symb = ident,
me_class = {glob_module = glob_module, glob_object = class_index},
@@ -933,112 +932,274 @@ where
copy_array array = {x \\ x <-: array}
-// create an instance of a polykinded (generic) type of a given kind
-buildMemberType :: !GenericDef !TypeKind !TypeVar !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps)
-buildMemberType generic_def=:{gen_name,gen_type,gen_args} kind class_var type_heaps
- // each generic type variable is replaced by the class var
- #! class_vars = repeatn (length gen_args) class_var
- // each free type variable is substitued by a fresh var
- #! (fresh_st_vars, type_heaps) = mapSt subst_fresh_type_var gen_type.st_vars type_heaps
- // each generic variable is substituted by generic application
- #! (gen_type, type_heaps) = generate_member_type gen_type gen_args kind class_vars type_heaps
+currySymbolType :: !SymbolType !String !*TypeHeaps
+ -> (!AType, ![AttributeVar], ![AttrInequality], !*TypeHeaps)
+currySymbolType {st_args=[], st_result} attr_var_name th
+ = (st_result, [], [], th)
+currySymbolType {st_args, st_result} attr_var_name th=:{th_attrs}
+ #! (first_cum_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (attr_var_name+++"1")) th_attrs
+ #! (at, attr_vars, ais, index, th_attrs) = curry_type st_args st_result (TA_Var first_cum_av) 2 th_attrs
+ = (at, [first_cum_av:attr_vars], ais, {th & th_attrs = th_attrs})
+ curry_type [] type cum_attr index th_attrs
+ = (type, [], [], index, th_attrs)
+ curry_type [at=:{at_attribute}] type cum_attr index th_attrs
+ #! t = makeAType (at --> type) cum_attr
+ = (t, [], [], index, th_attrs)
+ curry_type [at=:{at_attribute}:ats] type cum_attr index th_attrs
+ #! (next_cum_attr, avs1, ais1, index, th_attrs) = combine_attributes at_attribute cum_attr index th_attrs
+ #! (res_type, avs2, ais2, index, th_attrs) = curry_type ats type next_cum_attr index th_attrs
+ #! t = makeAType (at --> res_type) cum_attr
+ = (t, avs1 ++ avs2, ais1 ++ ais2, index, th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes TA_Unique cum_attr index th_attrs
+ = (TA_Unique, [], [], index, th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes (TA_Var av) (TA_Var cum_av) index th_attrs
+ #! (new_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (attr_var_name+++"_"+++toString index)) th_attrs
+ #! ais = [
+ {ai_offered=new_av, ai_demanded=av},
+ {ai_offered=new_av, ai_demanded=cum_av}]
+ = (TA_Var new_av, [new_av], ais, (inc index), th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes (TA_Var _) cum_attr index th_attrs
+ = (cum_attr, [], [], index, th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes _ (TA_Var cum_av) index th_attrs
+ #! (new_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (attr_var_name+++"_"+++toString index)) th_attrs
+ = (TA_Var new_av, [new_av], [{ai_offered=new_av, ai_demanded=cum_av}], (inc index), th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes _ cum_attr index th_attrs
+ = (cum_attr, [], [], index, th_attrs)
+currySymbolType1 :: !SymbolType !String !*TypeHeaps
+ -> (!AType, ![AttributeVar], ![AttrInequality], !*TypeHeaps)
+currySymbolType1 {st_args=[], st_result} attr_var_name th
+ = (st_result, [], [], th)
+currySymbolType1 {st_args, st_result} attr_var_name th=:{th_attrs}
+ // TA_None indicates top-level attribute
+ #! (at, attr_vars, ais, index, th_attrs) = curry_type st_args st_result TA_None 2 th_attrs
+ = (at, attr_vars, ais, {th & th_attrs = th_attrs})
+ curry_type [] type cum_attr index th_attrs
+ = (type, [], [], index, th_attrs)
+ curry_type [at=:{at_attribute}] type cum_attr index th_attrs
+ #! t = makeAType (at --> type) (if (cum_attr == TA_None) TA_Multi cum_attr)
+ = (t, [], [], index, th_attrs)
+ curry_type [at=:{at_attribute}:ats] type cum_attr index th_attrs
+ #! (next_cum_attr, avs1, ais1, index, th_attrs) = combine_attributes at_attribute cum_attr index th_attrs
+ #! (res_type, avs2, ais2, index, th_attrs) = curry_type ats type next_cum_attr index th_attrs
+ #! t = makeAType (at --> res_type) cum_attr
+ = (t, avs1 ++ avs2, ais1 ++ ais2, index, th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes TA_Unique cum_attr index th_attrs
+ = (TA_Unique, [], [], index, th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes (TA_Var av) (TA_Var cum_av) index th_attrs
+ #! (new_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (attr_var_name+++"_"+++toString index)) th_attrs
+ #! ais = [
+ {ai_offered=new_av, ai_demanded=av},
+ {ai_offered=new_av, ai_demanded=cum_av}]
+ = (TA_Var new_av, [new_av], ais, (inc index), th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes (TA_Var av) TA_None index th_attrs
+ #! (new_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (attr_var_name+++"_"+++toString index)) th_attrs
+ = (TA_Var new_av, [new_av], [{ai_offered=new_av, ai_demanded=av}], (inc index), th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes (TA_Var _) cum_attr index th_attrs
+ = (cum_attr, [], [], index, th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes _ (TA_Var cum_av) index th_attrs
+ #! (new_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (attr_var_name+++"_"+++toString index)) th_attrs
+ = (TA_Var new_av, [new_av], [{ai_offered=new_av, ai_demanded=cum_av}], (inc index), th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes _ TA_None index th_attrs
+ #! (new_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (attr_var_name+++"_"+++toString index)) th_attrs
+ = (TA_Var new_av, [new_av], [], (inc index), th_attrs)
+ combine_attributes _ cum_attr index th_attrs
+ = (cum_attr, [], [], index, th_attrs)
+buildMemberType1 :: !GenericDef !TypeKind !TypeVar !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps)
+buildMemberType1 generic_def=:{gen_name,gen_type} kind class_var th
+ #! (gen_type, th) = freshGenericType gen_type th
+ // Collect attributes of generic variables.
+ // The attributes are instantiated along with the variables.
+ #! (gen_vars_with_attrs, generic_avs, th) = collect_generic_var_attrs gen_type th
+ // build additional arguments that emerge due to lifting
+ #! (new_args, atvss, new_avs, attr_inequalities, th) = build_args gen_type gen_vars_with_attrs kind th
- // run the real susbstitution
- #! (_, fresh_st_args, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_args type_heaps
- #! (_, fresh_st_result, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_result type_heaps
+ #! atvss = case atvss of
+ [] -> repeatn gen_type.gt_arity []
+ atvss -> transpose atvss
- #! member_type = {gen_type &
- st_vars = gen_type.st_vars ++ fresh_st_vars,
- st_args = fresh_st_args,
- st_result = fresh_st_result
+ // substitute generic variables for types
+ // all non-generic variables must be left intact
+ #! th = clearSymbolType gen_type.gt_type th
+ #! th = build_generic_var_substs gen_vars_with_attrs class_var atvss kind th
+ #! th = build_attr_var_substs gen_type.gt_type.st_attr_vars generic_avs kind th
+ #! (st, th) = substituteInSymbolType gen_type.gt_type th
+ // update generated fields
+ #! instantiation_tvs = [atv_variable \\ {atv_variable} <- (flatten atvss)]
+ #! st = { st &
+ st_vars = [class_var : instantiation_tvs ++ st.st_vars]
+ , st_arity = (length new_args) + st.st_arity
+ , st_args = new_args ++ st.st_args
+ , st_attr_vars = st.st_attr_vars ++ new_avs
+ , st_attr_env = st.st_attr_env ++ attr_inequalities
+ = (st, th)
+ //---> ("member type", gen_name, kind, st)
- = (member_type, type_heaps)
- ---> ("member type ", member_type)
- generate_member_type :: !SymbolType ![TypeVar] !TypeKind ![TypeVar] !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps)
- generate_member_type
- gen_type gen_args
- kind class_vars type_heaps
- #! (gen_type_varss, type_heaps) = subst_generic_vars gen_args class_vars kind type_heaps
- #! (_, fresh_st_args, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_args type_heaps
- #! (_, fresh_st_result, type_heaps) = substitute gen_type.st_result type_heaps
- #! gen_type_varss = transpose gen_type_varss
- #! (arg_types, type_heaps) = generate_args gen_type gen_args kind gen_type_varss type_heaps
- #! generated_symbol_type = {gen_type &
- st_vars = (removeDup class_vars) ++ (flatten gen_type_varss),
- st_args = arg_types ++ fresh_st_args,
- st_arity = gen_type.st_arity + (length arg_types),
- st_result = fresh_st_result
- }
- = (generated_symbol_type, type_heaps)
- //---> ("generated member type", type)
+ collect_generic_var_attrs {gt_type, gt_vars} th
+ #! th = clearSymbolType gt_type th
+ #! th = setTypeVarAttrs gt_type th
+ #! (attributed_vars, (avs, th)) = mapSt get_attr gt_vars ([], th)
+ with
+ get_attr tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (avs, th=:{th_vars})
+ #! (TVI_Attribute attr, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
+ #! avs = (collect_attr_var attr) ++ avs
+ #! th = {th & th_vars = th_vars}
+ = ( {atv_attribute=attr, atv_variable=tv, atv_annotation=AN_None},
+ (avs, th))
+ collect_attr_var (TA_Var av) = [av]
+ collect_attr_var _ = []
+ = (attributed_vars, avs, th)
+ build_attr_var_substs avs generic_avs kind th
+ = foldSt build_subst (determine_attr_vars kind avs generic_avs) th
+ where
+ determine_attr_vars KindConst avs generic_avs
+ = removeMembers avs generic_avs
+ determine_attr_vars kind avs generic_avs
+ = avs
+ build_subst av=:{av_info_ptr} th=:{th_attrs}
+ = { th & th_attrs = th_attrs <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr (TA_Var av))}
+ build_generic_var_substs [] class_var [] kind th
+ = th
+ build_generic_var_substs [gv:gvs] class_var [tvs:tvss] kind th
+ #! th = build_generic_var_subst gv class_var tvs kind th
+ #! th = build_generic_var_substs gvs class_var tvss kind th
+ = th
+ build_generic_var_subst {atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}} class_var [] KindConst th=:{th_vars}
+ #! th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TV class_var))
+ = {th & th_vars = th_vars}
+ build_generic_var_subst {atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}} class_var atvs (KindArrow ks) th=:{th_vars}
+ #! arity = (length ks) - 1
+ | arity <> length atvs = abort "sanity check: invalid number of type variables"
+ #! type_args = [ makeAType (TV atv_variable) atv_attribute \\ {atv_variable, atv_attribute} <- atvs]
+ #! type = (CV class_var) :@: type_args
+ #! th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type type)
+ = {th & th_vars = th_vars}
- subst_generic_vars :: ![TypeVar] ![TypeVar] !TypeKind !*TypeHeaps -> (![[TypeVar]], !*TypeHeaps)
- subst_generic_vars [] [] _ type_heaps = ([], type_heaps)
- subst_generic_vars [type_var:type_vars] [class_var:class_vars] kind type_heaps
- # (new_type_vars, type_heaps) = subst_generic_var type_var class_var kind type_heaps
- # (new_type_varss, type_heaps) = subst_generic_vars type_vars class_vars kind type_heaps
- = ([new_type_vars : new_type_varss], type_heaps)
- subst_generic_vars _ _ _ type_heaps
- = abort "inconsistent number of type variables to be substituted"
+ build_args gen_type agvs KindConst th
+ = ([], [], [], [], th)
+ build_args gen_type agvs (KindArrow ks) th
+ #! arity = (length ks) - 1
+ #! postfixes = ["_" +++ toString i \\ i <- [1..arity]]
+ #! (ats, atvss, new_avs, ais, th) = build_generic_args gen_type agvs postfixes th
+ = (ats, atvss, new_avs, ais, th)
- // create substitution of variable for cons var application
- // a => (t a1 .. ak), where k is arity of kind
- subst_generic_var :: !TypeVar !TypeVar !TypeKind !*TypeHeaps -> (![TypeVar], !*TypeHeaps)
- subst_generic_var type_var type_cons_var KindConst type_heaps=:{th_vars}
- # th_vars = th_vars <:= (type_var.tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TV type_cons_var))
- = ([], {type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars})
- //---> ("subst var for kind *", type_var, type_cons_var)
- subst_generic_var type_var type_cons_var kind=:(KindArrow kinds) type_heaps=:{th_vars}
- # (new_vars, th_vars) = fresh_type_vars ((length kinds) - 1) type_var th_vars
- # type = (CV type_cons_var) :@: (map (\tv -> makeAType (TV tv) TA_Multi) new_vars)
- # th_vars = th_vars <:= (type_var.tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type type)
- = (new_vars, {type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars})
- //---> ("subst var for kind " +++ toString kind, type_var, type)
- fresh_type_vars :: !Int !TypeVar !*TypeVarHeap -> (![TypeVar], !*TypeVarHeap)
- fresh_type_vars num type_var th_vars
- = mapSt (\i st->fresh_var i type_var st) [1..num] th_vars
- where
- fresh_var i type_var th_vars
- # id_name = type_var.tv_name.id_name +++ "_" +++ (toString i)
- # (tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
- # var = {tv_name = {id_name = id_name, id_info = nilPtr}, tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr}
- = (var, th_vars)
- subst_fresh_type_var :: !TypeVar !*TypeHeaps -> (!TypeVar, !*TypeHeaps)
- subst_fresh_type_var type_var=:{tv_name,tv_info_ptr} type_heaps=:{th_vars}
- # (new_tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
- # new_type_var = {tv_name={id_name=tv_name.id_name,id_info=nilPtr}, tv_info_ptr = new_tv_info_ptr }
- //# th_vars = writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Type (TV new_type_var)) th_vars
- # th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TV new_type_var))
- = (new_type_var, {type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars})
- // generate additional arguments that appear due to lifting
- generate_args :: !SymbolType ![TypeVar] !TypeKind ![[TypeVar]] !*TypeHeaps -> (![AType], !*TypeHeaps)
- generate_args gen_type gen_args KindConst _ type_heaps
- = ([], type_heaps)
- generate_args gen_type gen_args (KindArrow kinds) type_varss type_heaps
- = generate gen_type gen_args (init kinds) type_varss type_heaps
- where
- generate gen_type gen_args [] [] type_heaps = ([], type_heaps)
- generate gen_type gen_args [kind:kinds] [type_vars:type_varss] type_heaps
- # (symbol_type, type_heaps) = generate_member_type gen_type gen_args kind type_vars type_heaps
- //---> ("generate arg for kind " +++ toString kind, type_vars)
- # type = curry_symbol_type symbol_type
- # (types, type_heaps) = generate gen_type gen_args kinds type_varss type_heaps
- = ([type:types], type_heaps)
- generate gen_type gen_args kinds type_varss type_heaps
- = abort "inconsistent kind and type var lists"
- curry_symbol_type :: SymbolType -> AType
- curry_symbol_type {st_args, st_result}
- #(type, _, _) = buildCurriedType st_args st_result TA_Multi [] 0
- = type
+ build_generic_args :: !GenericType ![ATypeVar] ![String] !*TypeHeaps
+ -> (![AType], ![[ATypeVar]], ![AttributeVar], ![AttrInequality], !*TypeHeaps)
+ build_generic_args gen_type agvs [] th
+ = ([], [], [], [], th)
+ build_generic_args gen_type agvs [postfix:postfixes] th
+ #! (at, atvs, new_avs, ais, th) = build_generic_arg gen_type agvs postfix th
+ #! (ats, atvss, new_avs1, ais1, th) = build_generic_args gen_type agvs postfixes th
+ = ([at:ats], [atvs:atvss], new_avs ++ new_avs1, ais ++ ais1, th)
+ build_generic_arg :: !GenericType ![ATypeVar] !String !*TypeHeaps
+ -> (!AType, ![ATypeVar], ![AttributeVar], ![AttrInequality], !*TypeHeaps)
+ build_generic_arg {gt_type, gt_vars, gt_arity} agvs postfix th=:{th_vars, th_attrs}
+ #! th = clearSymbolType gt_type th
+ #! {th_vars, th_attrs} = th
+ // replace all generic variables with fresh variables
+ #! (tvs, th_vars) = mapSt build_subst gt_vars th_vars
+ with
+ build_subst gv=:{tv_name,tv_info_ptr} th_vars
+ #! name = makeIdent (tv_name.id_name +++ postfix)
+ #! (tv, th_vars) = freshTypeVar name th_vars
+ #! th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TV tv))
+ = (tv, th_vars)
+ // leave all non-generic attribute variables intact
+ #! th_attrs = foldSt build_subst gt_type.st_attr_vars th_attrs
+ with
+ build_subst av=:{av_info_ptr} th_attrs
+ = th_attrs <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr (TA_Var av))
+ // all attribute variables at generic arguments must be taken afresh
+ #! (attrs, (instantiated_avs, th_attrs)) = mapSt build_subst agvs ([], th_attrs)
+ with
+ build_subst {atv_attribute=TA_Unique} st = (TA_Unique, st)
+ build_subst {atv_attribute=TA_Multi} st = (TA_Multi, st)
+ build_subst {atv_attribute=TA_Var {av_name, av_info_ptr}} (avs, th_attrs)
+ #! (fresh_av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar (makeIdent (av_name.id_name+++postfix)) th_attrs
+ #! attr = TA_Var fresh_av
+ #! th_attrs = th_attrs <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr attr)
+ = (attr, ([fresh_av:avs], th_attrs))
+ #! (st, th) = substituteInSymbolType gt_type {th & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs}
+ #! atvs = [{atv_attribute=attr, atv_variable=tv, atv_annotation=AN_None} \\
+ attr <- attrs &
+ tv <- tvs]
+ #! (at, curry_avs, ais, th) = currySymbolType1 st ("arg"+++postfix) th
+ #! th = clearSymbolType gt_type th
+ = (at, atvs, instantiated_avs ++ curry_avs, ais, th)
+instantiateGenericVar :: !TypeAttribute !TypeVar !TypeKind !String !*TypeHeaps
+ -> (!AType, !*TypeHeaps)
+instantiateGenericVar attr tv kind postfix th=:{th_vars, th_attrs}
+ #! (fresh_tv, th_vars) = freshTypeVar (makeIdent tv.tv_name.id_name +++ postfix) th_vars
+ #! (fresh_attr, th_attrs) = build_fresh_attr attr postfix th_attrs
+ = do_it fresh_attr fresh_tv kind {th & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs}
+ do_it attr tv KindConst postfix th
+ = (makeAType fresh_tv fresh_attr, th)
+ do_it attr tv (KindArrow kinds) postfix type_var th
+ #! postfixes = [makeIdent ("_" +++ toString i) \\ i <- [1..(length kinds) - 1]]
+ #! (arg_types, th) = build_args attr (init kinds) postfixes th
+ = (makeAType ((CV type_var) :@: arg_types) attr, th
+ build_fresh_attr (TA_Var av) postfix th_attrs
+ = freshAttrVar (makeIdent av.av_name.id_name +++ postfix) th_attrs
+ build_fresh_attr TA_Unique postfix th_attrs = (TA_Unique, th_attrs)
+ build_fresh_attr TA_Multi postfix th_attrs = (TA_Multi, th_attrs)
+ build_args attr tv [] [] th = ([], th)
+ build_args attr tv [k:ks] [postfix:postfixes] postfix th
+ #! (t, th) = instantiateGenericVar attr tv k postfix th
+ #! (ts, th) = instantiate_generic_vars attr tv ks postfixes th
+ = ([t:ts], th)
+instantiateAType :: !AType !TypeKind !TypeVar !GenericType !TypeHeaps
+ -> (!AType, !TypeHeaps)
+instantiateAType atype=:{at_type=(TV tv)} KindConst type_var gen_type th
+ = ({atype & at_type = TV tv}, th)
+buildMemberType1 :: !GenericType !TypeKind !TypeVar !*TypeHeaps
+ -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps)
+buildMemberType1 gen_type kind class_var th
+ // instantiate
+ #! (gen_var_types, th) = instantiate_generic_vars gen_type.gt_vars kind th
+ // substitute all type variables in the st_args and st_result
+ // build lifting arguments
+ //
buildGenericRepType :: !TypeRhs !PredefinedSymbols !CommonDefs
-> AType
@@ -1335,8 +1496,10 @@ where
#! ({td_arity, td_name}, gs_modules) = getTypeDef module_index type_def_index gs_modules
- # (arg_types, tvs1, tvs2, gs_heaps) = build_arg_types gs_predefs [1 .. td_arity] gs_heaps
+ # (tvs1, gs_heaps) = mapSt (\n->build_type_var ("a"+++toString n)) [1..td_arity] gs_heaps
+ # (tvs2, gs_heaps) = mapSt (\n->build_type_var ("b"+++toString n)) [1..td_arity] gs_heaps
+ # (iso_args) = [buildATypeISO t1 t2 gs_predefs \\ t1 <- tvs1 & t2 <- tvs2]
# type_symb_ident = {
type_name = td_name,
type_index = { glob_module = module_index, glob_object = type_def_index },
@@ -1346,39 +1509,38 @@ where
tsp_propagation = cAllBitsClear,
tsp_coercible = False
- }
- # type1 = makeAType (TA type_symb_ident [makeAType (TV tv) TA_Multi \\ tv <- tvs1]) TA_Multi
- # type2 = makeAType (TA type_symb_ident [makeAType (TV tv) TA_Multi \\ tv <- tvs2]) TA_Multi
+ }
+ # (av1, gs_heaps) = buildAttrVar "u1" gs_heaps
+ # (av2, gs_heaps) = buildAttrVar "u2" gs_heaps
+ # type1 = makeAType (TA type_symb_ident tvs1) (TA_Var av1)
+ # type2 = makeAType (TA type_symb_ident tvs2) (TA_Var av2)
# (arg_type, res_type) = case iso_dir of
IsoTo -> (type1, type2)
IsoFrom -> (type2, type1)
# symbol_type = {
- st_vars = tvs1 ++ tvs2,
- st_args = arg_types ++ [arg_type],
+ st_vars =
+ [tv \\ {at_type=(TV tv)} <- tvs1] ++
+ [tv \\ {at_type=(TV tv)} <- tvs2],
+ st_args = iso_args ++ [arg_type],
st_arity = td_arity + 1,
st_result = res_type,
st_context = [],
- st_attr_vars = [],
+ st_attr_vars =
+ [av \\ {at_attribute=(TA_Var av)} <- tvs1] ++
+ [av \\ {at_attribute=(TA_Var av)} <- tvs2] ++
+ [av1, av2],
st_attr_env = []
#! gs = {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps, gs_modules = gs_modules}
= (symbol_type, gs)
- build_arg_type predefs arg_no heaps
- # (type_var1, heaps) = buildTypeVar ("a"+++toString arg_no) heaps
- # type1 = makeAType (TV type_var1) TA_Multi
- # (type_var2, heaps) = buildTypeVar ("b"+++toString arg_no) heaps
- # type2 = makeAType (TV type_var2) TA_Multi
- # iso_type = buildATypeISO type1 type2 predefs
- = (iso_type, type_var1, type_var2, heaps)
- build_arg_types predefs [] heaps
- = ([], [], [], heaps)
- build_arg_types predefs [n:ns] heaps
- # (t, tv1, tv2, heaps) = build_arg_type predefs n heaps
- # (ts, tvs1, tvs2, heaps) = build_arg_types predefs ns heaps
- = ([t:ts], [tv1:tvs1], [tv2:tvs2], heaps)
+ //---> ("isomap to/from type", symbol_type)
+ build_type_var name heaps
+ # (av, heaps) = buildAttrVar name heaps
+ # (tv, heaps) = buildTypeVar name heaps
+ = (makeAType (TV tv) (TA_Var av), heaps)
buildIsomapForTypeDef :: !DefinedSymbol !Int !Int !CheckedTypeDef !DefinedSymbol !DefinedSymbol !*GenericState
-> (!FunDef, !*GenericState)
@@ -1398,53 +1560,19 @@ buildIsomapForTypeDef
buildIsomapForGeneric :: !DefinedSymbol !Int !GenericDef !*GenericState
-> (!FunDef, !*GenericState)
-buildIsomapForGeneric def_sym group_index {gen_type, gen_arity, gen_args} gs=:{gs_heaps}
- #! arg_names = [ "iso" +++ toString n \\ n <- [1 .. gen_arity]]
+buildIsomapForGeneric def_sym group_index {gen_type} gs=:{gs_heaps}
+ #! arg_names = [ "iso" +++ toString n \\ n <- [1 .. gen_type.gt_arity]]
#! (arg_vars, gs_heaps) = buildFreeVars arg_names gs_heaps
- #! curried_gen_type = curry_symbol_type gen_type
- //#! (fun_type, gs_heaps) = build_type gen_type gen_args gs_heaps
- #! (body_expr, gs) = buildIsomapExpr curried_gen_type gen_args arg_vars {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps}
+ #! curried_gt_type = curry_symbol_type gen_type.gt_type
+ #! gs = {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps }
+ #! (body_expr, gs) = buildIsomapExpr curried_gt_type gen_type.gt_vars arg_vars gs
#! fun_def = makeFunction def_sym group_index arg_vars body_expr No [] []
= (fun_def, gs)
- build_type :: !SymbolType ![TypeVar ]!*GenericState -> (!SymbolType, !*GenericState)
- build_type gen_type gen_args gs=:{gs_predefs, gs_heaps={hp_type_heaps}}
- # (gen_type, gen_args, hp_type_vars) = fresh_generic_type gen_type gen_args hp_type_heaps
- # (st1, hp_type_heaps) = freshSymbolType "_1" gen_type hp_type_heaps
- # (st2, hp_type_heaps) = freshSymbolType "_2" gen_type hp_type_heaps
- # iso_args = [ buildATypeISO (makeAType (TV tv1) TA_Multi) (makeAType (TV tv2) TA_Multi) gs_predefs
- \\ tv1 <- st1.st_vars & tv2 <- st2.st_vars ]
- # curried_st1 = curry_symbol_type st1
- # curried_st2 = curry_symbol_type st2
- # iso_result = buildATypeISO curried_st1 curried_st2 gs_predefs
- # st = {
- st_vars = removeDup (gen_args ++ st1.st_vars ++ st2.st_vars)
- , st_args = iso_args
- , st_arity = length iso_args
- , st_result = iso_result
- , st_context = []
- , st_attr_vars = removeDup (st1.st_attr_vars ++ st2.st_attr_vars)
- , st_attr_env = removeDup (st1.st_attr_env ++ st2.st_attr_env)
- }
- = (st, {gs & gs_heaps.hp_type_heaps = hp_type_heaps})
- fresh_generic_type gen_type=:{st_vars} gen_vars type_heaps
- # gen_type = { gen_type & st_vars = gen_vars ++ st_vars }
- # (fresh_gen_type, type_heaps) = freshSymbolType "" gen_type type_heaps
- # (fresh_gen_vars, st_vars) = splitAt (length gen_vars) fresh_gen_type.st_vars
- = ({fresh_gen_type & st_vars = st_vars }, fresh_gen_vars, type_heaps)
- curry_symbol_type :: SymbolType -> AType
- curry_symbol_type {st_args, st_result}
- #(type, _, _) = buildCurriedType st_args st_result TA_Multi [] 0
- = type
+ // no uniqueness stuff is needed to build the
+ // expression using the type
+ curry_symbol_type {st_args, st_result}
+ = foldr (\x y -> makeAType (x --> y) TA_Multi) st_result st_args
// expression that does mapping of a type
buildIsomapExpr :: !AType ![TypeVar] ![FreeVar] !*GenericState
@@ -1462,7 +1590,7 @@ where
# gt = case gtd_info of
(GTDI_Generic gt) -> gt
_ -> abort ("not a generic type " +++ type_name.id_name)
- # (expr, gs_heaps) = buildFunApp gs_main_dcl_module_n gt.gt_isomap arg_exprs gs_heaps
+ # (expr, gs_heaps) = buildFunApp gs_main_dcl_module_n gt.gtr_isomap arg_exprs gs_heaps
= (expr, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps, gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos})
build_expr (arg --> res) arg_type_vars arg_vars gs
@@ -1515,8 +1643,8 @@ buildInstance
generic_def=:{gen_name, gen_type, gen_isomap}
- #! original_arity = gen_type.st_arity
- #! generated_arity = def_sym.ds_arity - original_arity // depends on kind
+ #! original_arity = gen_type.gt_type.st_arity
+ #! generated_arity = def_sym.ds_arity - original_arity // arity of kind
#! generated_arg_names = [ "f"/*gen_name.id_name*/ +++ toString n \\ n <- [1 .. generated_arity]]
#! (generated_arg_vars, gs_heaps) = buildFreeVars generated_arg_names gs_heaps
@@ -1524,7 +1652,7 @@ buildInstance
#! (original_arg_exprs, original_arg_vars, gs_heaps) = buildVarExprs original_arg_names gs_heaps
#! arg_vars = generated_arg_vars ++ original_arg_vars
- #! (gt=:{gt_type, gt_type_args}, gs) = get_generic_type ins_type {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps }
+ #! (gt=:{gtr_type, gtr_type_args}, gs) = get_generic_type ins_type {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps }
#! gen_glob_def_sym = {
glob_module = ins_generic.glob_module,
glob_object = {
@@ -1535,15 +1663,16 @@ buildInstance
#! (adaptor_expr, gs) = build_adaptor_expr gt gen_isomap gs
- //---> ("generic type", gt_type)
- #! (instance_expr, gs) = build_instance_expr gt_type gt_type_args generated_arg_vars gen_glob_def_sym gs
+ //---> ("generic type", gtr_type)
+ #! (instance_expr, gs) = build_instance_expr gtr_type gtr_type_args generated_arg_vars gen_glob_def_sym gs
+ //---> ("build_instance_expr", gtr_type_args, generated_arg_vars)
#! body_expr = (adaptor_expr @ [instance_expr]) @ original_arg_exprs
#! fun_def = makeFunction def_sym group_index arg_vars body_expr No [] []
= (fun_def, gs)
get_generic_type :: !InstanceType !*GenericState
- -> (GenericType, !*GenericState)
+ -> (GenericTypeRep, !*GenericState)
get_generic_type ins_type gs=:{gs_modules, gs_gtd_infos}
# instance_type = hd ins_type.it_types
# {type_index} = case instance_type of
@@ -1554,9 +1683,9 @@ where
# (GTDI_Generic gt) = gtd_info
= (gt, {gs & gs_gtd_infos = gs_gtd_infos, gs_modules = gs_modules})
- build_adaptor_expr {gt_iso, gt_type} gen_isomap gs=:{gs_heaps, gs_main_dcl_module_n, gs_predefs}
+ build_adaptor_expr {gtr_iso, gtr_type} gen_isomap gs=:{gs_heaps, gs_main_dcl_module_n, gs_predefs}
// create n iso applications
- # (iso_exprs, gs_heaps) = build_iso_exprs gen_isomap.ds_arity gt_iso gs_main_dcl_module_n gs_heaps
+ # (iso_exprs, gs_heaps) = build_iso_exprs gen_isomap.ds_arity gtr_iso gs_main_dcl_module_n gs_heaps
# (isomap_expr, gs_heaps) = buildFunApp gs_main_dcl_module_n gen_isomap iso_exprs gs_heaps
# sel_expr = buildIsoFromSelectionExpr isomap_expr gs_predefs
= (sel_expr, {gs & gs_heaps = gs_heaps})
@@ -1722,6 +1851,10 @@ buildTypeVar name heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_vars}}
# (tv, th_vars) = freshTypeVar {id_name=name,id_info=nilPtr} th_vars
= ( tv, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars}})
+buildAttrVar name heaps=:{hp_type_heaps=hp_type_heaps=:{th_attrs}}
+ # (av, th_attrs) = freshAttrVar {id_name=name,id_info=nilPtr} th_attrs
+ = ( av, {heaps & hp_type_heaps = {hp_type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs}})
freshTypeVar :: !Ident !*TypeVarHeap -> (!TypeVar, !*TypeVarHeap)
freshTypeVar name th_vars
# (info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars
@@ -1732,6 +1865,7 @@ freshAttrVar name th_attrs
# (info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty th_attrs
= ({av_name = name, av_info_ptr = info_ptr}, th_attrs)
freshSymbolType :: String !SymbolType !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps)
freshSymbolType postfix st type_heaps
# {st_vars, st_args, st_result, st_context, st_attr_vars, st_attr_env} = st
@@ -1768,6 +1902,78 @@ where
# (avs, th_attrs) = mapSt (subst_attr_var postfix) avs th_attrs
= (avs, {type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs})
+// all variables are taken afresh
+freshGenericType :: !GenericType !*TypeHeaps
+ -> (!GenericType, !*TypeHeaps)
+freshGenericType gen_type=:{gt_type, gt_vars, gt_arity} type_heaps
+ // set variables that have to be taken fresh, i.e.
+ // both generic variables and non-variables
+ # {st_vars} = gt_type
+ # symbol_type = { gt_type & st_vars = gt_vars ++ st_vars }
+ # (fresh_symbol_type, type_heaps) = freshSymbolType "" symbol_type type_heaps
+ // split fresh variables into generic and non-generic variables
+ # (fresh_gt_vars, st_vars) = splitAt gt_arity fresh_symbol_type.st_vars
+ # fresh_gen_type = { gen_type &
+ gt_vars = fresh_gt_vars, gt_type = {fresh_symbol_type & st_vars = st_vars}}
+ = (fresh_gen_type, type_heaps)
+// Only generic variables are taken afresh
+// Non generic variables are supposed to be shared by
+// generic subtypes of a type
+freshGenericSubtype :: !String !GenericType !*TypeHeaps
+ -> (!GenericType, !*TypeHeaps)
+freshGenericSubtype postfix gen_type=:{gt_vars, gt_type, gt_arity} type_heaps
+ // set variables that have to be taken afresh, i.e. generic variables
+ #! {st_vars} = gt_type
+ #! symbol_type = {gt_type & st_vars = gt_vars}
+ #! (fresh_symbol_type, type_heaps) = freshSymbolType postfix symbol_type type_heaps
+ // restore non-generic variables
+ #! fresh_gt_vars = fresh_symbol_type.st_vars
+ #! fresh_gen_type = { gen_type &
+ gt_vars = fresh_gt_vars, gt_type = {fresh_symbol_type & st_vars = st_vars}}
+ = (fresh_gen_type, type_heaps)
+clearAType :: !AType !*TypeHeaps -> !*TypeHeaps
+clearAType type th=:{th_vars, th_attrs}
+ #! th_vars = performOnTypeVars initializeToTVI_Empty type th_vars
+ #! th_attrs = performOnAttrVars initializeToAVI_Empty type th_attrs
+ = {th & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs}
+clearSymbolType :: !SymbolType !*TypeHeaps -> !*TypeHeaps
+clearSymbolType {st_args, st_result} th
+ #! th = foldSt clearAType st_args th
+ = clearAType st_result th
+substituteInSymbolType :: !SymbolType !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps)
+substituteInSymbolType st=:{st_args, st_result, st_attr_env, st_context} th
+ #! (_, st_args, th) = substitute st.st_args th
+ #! (_, st_result, th) = substitute st.st_result th
+ #! (_, st_context, th) = substitute st.st_context th
+ #! (_, st_attr_env, th) = substitute st.st_attr_env th
+ #! st = { st &
+ st_args = st_args,
+ st_result = st_result,
+ st_context = st_context,
+ st_attr_env = st_attr_env
+ }
+ = (st, th)
+// sets ATV_Attribute in all variables
+setTypeVarAttrs :: !SymbolType !*TypeHeaps -> !*TypeHeaps
+setTypeVarAttrs {st_args, st_result} th=:{th_vars}
+ #! th_vars = foldSt set_in_atype st_args th_vars
+ #! th_vars = set_in_atype st_result th_vars
+ = {th & th_vars = th_vars}
+ set_in_atype at th_vars
+ = performOnTypeVars on_type_var at th_vars
+ on_type_var ta tv=:{tv_info_ptr} th_vars
+ = writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Attribute ta) th_vars
buildPredefTypeApp :: !Int [AType] !PredefinedSymbols -> !AType
buildPredefTypeApp predef_index args predefs
# {pds_ident, pds_module, pds_def} = predefs.[predef_index]
@@ -2129,7 +2335,8 @@ buildBoundVarExprs [free_var:free_vars] heaps
= ([expr:exprs], [free_var:free_vars], heaps)
+makeIdent :: String -> Ident
+makeIdent str = {id_name = str, id_info = nilPtr}
transpose [] = []
transpose [[] : xss] = transpose xss
diff --git a/frontend/parse.icl b/frontend/parse.icl
index 54e8f08..18a0083 100644
--- a/frontend/parse.icl
+++ b/frontend/parse.icl
@@ -1219,15 +1219,17 @@ wantGenericDefinition context pos pState
# pState = wantToken TypeContext "generic definition" DoubleColonToken pState
# (type, pState) = want_type pState // SymbolType
# pState = wantEndOfDefinition "generic definition" pState
- # gen_def = {
- gen_name = ident,
- gen_member_name = member_ident,
- gen_type = type,
- gen_args = arg_vars,
- gen_arity = length arg_vars,
- gen_pos = pos,
- gen_classes = [],
- gen_isomap = MakeDefinedSymbol {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr} NoIndex 0
+ # gen_def =
+ { gen_name = ident
+ , gen_member_name = member_ident
+ , gen_type =
+ { gt_type = type
+ , gt_vars = arg_vars
+ , gt_arity = length arg_vars
+ }
+ , gen_pos = pos
+ , gen_classes = []
+ , gen_isomap = MakeDefinedSymbol {id_name="",id_info=nilPtr} NoIndex 0
= (PD_Generic gen_def, pState)
@@ -2009,29 +2011,6 @@ trySimpleExpression is_pattern pState
trySimpleExpressionT :: !Token !Bool !ParseState -> (!Bool, !ParsedExpr, !ParseState)
-// AA..
-trySimpleExpressionT (IdentToken name) is_pattern pState
- | isLowerCaseName name
- # (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Expression pState
- | is_pattern
- # (token, pState) = nextToken FunctionContext pState
- | token == DefinesColonToken
- # (succ, expr, pState) = trySimpleExpression is_pattern pState
- | succ
- = (True, PE_Bound { bind_dst = id, bind_src = expr }, pState)
- = (True, PE_Empty, parseError "simple expression" No "expression" pState)
- // token <> DefinesColonToken
- = (True, PE_Ident id, tokenBack pState)
- // not is_pattern
- = (True, PE_Ident id, pState)
-trySimpleExpressionT (IdentToken name) is_pattern pState
-// | isUpperCaseName name || ~ is_pattern
- # (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Expression pState
- = (True, PE_Ident id, pState)
trySimpleExpressionT (IdentToken name) is_pattern pState
| isLowerCaseName name
# (id, pState) = stringToIdent name IC_Expression pState
@@ -2060,8 +2039,6 @@ trySimpleExpressionT (IdentToken name) is_pattern pState
= (True, PE_Generic id kind, pState)
= (True, PE_Ident id, tokenBack pState)
-// ..AA
trySimpleExpressionT SquareOpenToken is_pattern pState
# (list_expr, pState) = wantListExp is_pattern pState
= (True, list_expr, pState)
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.dcl b/frontend/syntax.dcl
index e910c78..d63f836 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.dcl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.dcl
@@ -267,14 +267,18 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
:: GenericDef =
{ gen_name :: !Ident // the generics name in the IC_Class
, gen_member_name :: !Ident // the generics name in the IC_Member
- , gen_args :: ![TypeVar]
- , gen_arity :: !Int // number of gen_args
- , gen_type :: !SymbolType
+ , gen_type :: !GenericType
, gen_pos :: !Position
, gen_classes :: !GenericClassInfos // generated classes
, gen_isomap :: !DefinedSymbol // isomap function
+:: GenericType =
+ { gt_type :: !SymbolType
+ , gt_vars :: ![TypeVar] // generic arguments
+ , gt_arity :: !Int // number of generic arguments
+ }
:: GenericClassInfo =
{ gci_kind :: !TypeKind
, gci_class :: !DefinedSymbol
diff --git a/frontend/syntax.icl b/frontend/syntax.icl
index 6330f69..7859e21 100644
--- a/frontend/syntax.icl
+++ b/frontend/syntax.icl
@@ -257,14 +257,18 @@ cNameLocationDependent :== True
:: GenericDef =
{ gen_name :: !Ident // the generics name in IC_Class
, gen_member_name :: !Ident // the generics name in IC_Member
- , gen_args :: ![TypeVar]
- , gen_arity :: !Int // number of gen_args
- , gen_type :: !SymbolType
+ , gen_type :: !GenericType
, gen_pos :: !Position
, gen_classes :: !GenericClassInfos // generated classes
, gen_isomap :: !DefinedSymbol // isomap function
+:: GenericType =
+ { gt_type :: !SymbolType
+ , gt_vars :: ![TypeVar] // generic arguments
+ , gt_arity :: !Int // number of generic arguments
+ }
:: GenericClassInfo =
{ gci_kind :: !TypeKind
, gci_class :: !DefinedSymbol