path: root/frontend/trans.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/trans.icl')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index c72afbc..517eb34 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -497,10 +497,10 @@ independentConsumerRequirements exprs common_defs ai=:{ai_cur_ref_counts}
unify_ref_counts 2 _ = 2
-analyseGroups :: !{# CommonDefs} !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap
+analyseGroups :: !{# CommonDefs} !IndexRange !*{! Group} !*{#FunDef} !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap
-> (!CleanupInfo, !*{! ConsClasses}, !*{! Group}, !*{#FunDef}, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap)
-analyseGroups common_defs groups fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
- #! nr_of_funs = size fun_defs
+analyseGroups common_defs {ir_from, ir_to} groups fun_defs var_heap expr_heap
+ #! nr_of_funs = size fun_defs + ir_from - ir_to /* Sjaak */
nr_of_groups = size groups
= iFoldSt (analyse_group common_defs) 0 nr_of_groups
([], createArray nr_of_funs { cc_size = 0, cc_args = [], cc_linear_bits = []}, groups, fun_defs, var_heap, expr_heap)
@@ -1242,6 +1242,7 @@ generateFunction fd=:{fun_body = TransformedBody {tb_args,tb_rhs},fun_info = {fi
th_attrs = foldSt (\av attr_var_heap -> attr_var_heap <:= (av.av_info_ptr, SwitchFusion AVI_Empty (AVI_Attr (TA_Var av)))) st_attr_vars ti_type_heaps.th_attrs
(new_fun_args, new_arg_types, new_linear_bits, new_cons_args, th_vars, ti_symbol_heap, ti_fun_defs, ti_fun_heap, ti_var_heap)
+// = determine_args cc_linear_bits cc_args 0 prods tb_args (st_args ---> ("generateFunction", fd.fun_symb, fd.fun_index, fun_type)) (st_vars, ti_cons_args, tb_rhs) th_vars
= determine_args cc_linear_bits cc_args 0 prods tb_args st_args (st_vars, ti_cons_args, tb_rhs) th_vars
ti_symbol_heap ti_fun_defs ti_fun_heap ti_var_heap
(fresh_arg_types, ti_type_heaps) = substitute new_arg_types { ti_type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs }
@@ -1309,6 +1310,7 @@ where
, mapAppend (\_ -> { at_attribute = TA_Multi, at_annotation = AN_None, at_type = TE }) free_vars types
, mapAppend (\_ -> True) free_vars new_linear_bits
, mapAppend (\_ -> cActive) free_vars new_cons_args
+// , bind_class_types type.at_type (class_types ---> ("determine_arg", (class_app.app_symb.symb_name, class_app.app_args), type.at_type, class_types)) type_var_heap
, bind_class_types type.at_type class_types type_var_heap
, symbol_heap
, fun_defs
@@ -1379,8 +1381,14 @@ where
bind_type (TV {tv_info_ptr}) type type_var_heap
= type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type type)
- bind_type (TA _ arg_types1) (TA _ arg_types2) type_var_heap
- = bind_types arg_types1 arg_types2 type_var_heap
+ bind_type (TA {type_name} arg_types1) (TA _ arg_types2) type_var_heap
+ | length arg_types1 == length arg_types2
+ = bind_types arg_types1 arg_types2 type_var_heap
+ = abort ("bind_type (trans.icl)" ---> (type_name, arg_types1, arg_types2))
+ bind_type (CV {tv_info_ptr} :@: arg_types1) (TA type_cons arg_types2) type_var_heap
+ # type_arity = type_cons.type_arity - length arg_types1
+ type_var_heap = type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type (TA {type_cons & type_arity = type_arity} (take type_arity arg_types2)))
+ = bind_types arg_types1 (drop type_arity arg_types2) type_var_heap
bind_type _ _ type_var_heap
= type_var_heap
@@ -1729,7 +1737,8 @@ where
= (Var var, writeVarInfo var_info_ptr VI_Empty (writeVarInfo var.var_info_ptr VI_Empty var_heap))
determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{symb_kind = SK_Function { glob_module, glob_object }}, app_args} _
new_args prod_index producers ti
- | glob_module <> cIclModIndex
+ #! max_index = size ti.ti_cons_args
+ | glob_module <> cIclModIndex || glob_object >= max_index /* Sjaak, to skip array functions */
= (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
# (fun_def, ti_fun_defs) = (ti.ti_fun_defs)![glob_object]
ti = { ti & ti_fun_defs=ti_fun_defs }
@@ -1932,7 +1941,6 @@ convertSymbolType common_defs st imported_types collected_imports type_heaps va
{ ets_type_defs = imported_types, ets_collected_conses = collected_imports, ets_type_heaps= type_heaps, ets_var_heap = var_heap }
= (st, ets_type_defs, ets_collected_conses, ets_type_heaps, ets_var_heap)
:: ExpandTypeState =
{ ets_type_defs :: !.{#{#CheckedTypeDef}}
, ets_collected_conses :: !ImportedConstructors
@@ -1961,25 +1969,55 @@ where
instance expandSynTypes Type
- expandSynTypes common_defs (TA type_symb=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_name} types) ets=:{ets_type_defs}
- # ({td_rhs,td_name,td_args},ets_type_defs) = ets_type_defs![glob_module].[glob_object]
- ets = { ets & ets_type_defs = ets_type_defs }
- = case td_rhs of
- SynType rhs_type
- # (type, ets_type_heaps) = substitute rhs_type.at_type (fold2St bind_var_and_attr td_args types ets.ets_type_heaps)
- // ---> (td_name, td_args, rhs_type.at_type))
- -> expandSynTypes common_defs type { ets & ets_type_heaps = ets_type_heaps }
- _
- # (types, ets) = expandSynTypes common_defs types ets
- | glob_module == cIclModIndex
- -> (TA type_symb types, ets)
- -> (TA type_symb types, collect_imported_constructors common_defs glob_module td_rhs ets)
- where
+ expandSynTypes common_defs (arg_type --> res_type) ets
+ # ((arg_type, res_type), ets) = expandSynTypes common_defs (arg_type, res_type) ets
+ = (arg_type --> res_type, ets)
+ expandSynTypes common_defs type=:(TB _) ets
+ = (type, ets)
+ expandSynTypes common_defs (cons_var :@: types) ets
+ # (types, ets) = expandSynTypes common_defs types ets
+ = (cons_var :@: types, ets)
+ expandSynTypes common_defs type=:(TA type_symb types) ets
+ = expand_syn_types_in_TA common_defs type_symb types TA_Multi ets
+ expandSynTypes common_defs type ets
+ = (type, ets)
+instance expandSynTypes [a] | expandSynTypes a
+ expandSynTypes common_defs list ets
+ = mapSt (expandSynTypes common_defs) list ets
+instance expandSynTypes (a,b) | expandSynTypes a & expandSynTypes b
+ expandSynTypes common_defs tuple ets
+ = app2St (expandSynTypes common_defs, expandSynTypes common_defs) tuple ets
+expand_syn_types_in_TA common_defs type_symb=:{type_index={glob_object,glob_module},type_name} types attribute ets=:{ets_type_defs}
+ # ({td_rhs,td_name,td_args,td_attribute},ets_type_defs) = ets_type_defs![glob_module].[glob_object]
+ ets = { ets & ets_type_defs = ets_type_defs }
+ = case td_rhs of
+ SynType rhs_type
+ # ets_type_heaps = bind_attr td_attribute attribute ets.ets_type_heaps
+ ets_type_heaps = (fold2St bind_var_and_attr td_args types ets_type_heaps)
+ (type, ets_type_heaps) = substitute rhs_type.at_type ets_type_heaps
+ -> expandSynTypes common_defs type { ets & ets_type_heaps = ets_type_heaps }
+ _
+ # (types, ets) = expandSynTypes common_defs types ets
+ | glob_module == cIclModIndex
+ -> ( TA type_symb types, ets)
+ -> ( TA type_symb types, collect_imported_constructors common_defs glob_module td_rhs ets)
bind_var_and_attr { atv_attribute = TA_Var {av_info_ptr}, atv_variable = {tv_info_ptr} } {at_attribute,at_type} type_heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs}
= { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type at_type), th_attrs = th_attrs <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr at_attribute) }
bind_var_and_attr { atv_variable = {tv_info_ptr}} {at_type} type_heaps=:{th_vars}
= { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type at_type) }
+ bind_attr (TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) attribute type_heaps=:{th_attrs}
+ = { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr attribute) }
+ bind_attr _ attribute type_heaps
+ = type_heaps
collect_imported_constructors common_defs mod_index (RecordType {rt_constructor}) ets=:{ets_collected_conses,ets_var_heap}
# (ets_collected_conses, ets_var_heap)
= collect_imported_constructor mod_index common_defs.[mod_index].com_cons_defs rt_constructor (ets_collected_conses, ets_var_heap)
@@ -2003,32 +2041,17 @@ where
has_been_collected _ = False
- expandSynTypes common_defs (arg_type --> res_type) ets
- # ((arg_type, res_type), ets) = expandSynTypes common_defs (arg_type, res_type) ets
- = (arg_type --> res_type, ets)
- expandSynTypes common_defs (cons_var :@: types) ets
- # (types, ets) = expandSynTypes common_defs types ets
- = (cons_var :@: types, ets)
- expandSynTypes common_defs type ets
- = (type, ets)
-instance expandSynTypes [a] | expandSynTypes a
- expandSynTypes common_defs list ets
- = mapSt (expandSynTypes common_defs) list ets
-instance expandSynTypes (a,b) | expandSynTypes a & expandSynTypes b
- expandSynTypes common_defs tuple ets
- = app2St (expandSynTypes common_defs, expandSynTypes common_defs) tuple ets
instance expandSynTypes AType
- expandSynTypes common_defs atype=:{at_type} ets
- # (at_type, ets) = expandSynTypes common_defs at_type ets
- = ({ atype & at_type = at_type }, ets)
+ expandSynTypes common_defs atype ets
+ = expand_syn_types_in_a_type common_defs atype ets
+ where
+ expand_syn_types_in_a_type common_defs atype=:{at_type = TA type_symb types, at_attribute} ets
+ # (at_type, ets) = expand_syn_types_in_TA common_defs type_symb types at_attribute ets
+ = ({ atype & at_type = at_type }, ets)
+ expand_syn_types_in_a_type common_defs atype ets
+ # (at_type, ets) = expandSynTypes common_defs atype.at_type ets
+ = ({ atype & at_type = at_type }, ets)
:: FreeVarInfo =
{ fvi_var_heap :: !.VarHeap