path: root/frontend/trans.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/trans.icl')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/trans.icl b/frontend/trans.icl
index 2047af6..76c5df1 100644
--- a/frontend/trans.icl
+++ b/frontend/trans.icl
@@ -1545,6 +1545,8 @@ createBindingsForUnifiedTypes type_1 type_2 all_type_vars common_defs type_heaps
/* unify the two type arguments and generate new bindings. The resulting list of type variables should only
contain variables that occur in the second type argument (the "demanded" type).
+// | False --->("createBindingsForUnifiedTypes", type_1, type_2, all_type_vars)
+// = undef
# th_vars = foldSt (\tv th_vars -> th_vars <:= (tv.tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty)) all_type_vars th_vars
(type_heaps=:{th_vars}) = bind_and_unify_atypes type_1 type_2 common_defs { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }
// th_vars = th_vars -!-> ""
@@ -1640,9 +1642,14 @@ createBindingsForUnifiedTypes type_1 type_2 all_type_vars common_defs type_heaps
-> case type of
(TV next_tv)
# (root_tvi, th_vars) = bind_to_root next_tv th_vars
- th_vars = th_vars <:= (this_tv.tv_info_ptr, root_tvi)
- -> (root_tvi, th_vars)
+ -> case root_tvi of
+ TVI_Empty
+ // this_tv is already bound to the root which is a type variable itself
+ -> (tv_info, th_vars)
+ _
+ // the root type is root_tvi
+ -> (root_tvi, th_vars <:= (this_tv.tv_info_ptr, root_tvi))
get_unbound_var tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (unbound_type_vars_accu, th_vars)
# (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars
= case tv_info of
@@ -1862,9 +1869,6 @@ determineProducer is_applied_to_macro_fun linear_bit app=:{app_symb = symb=:{ sy
new_args prod_index producers ro ti
# (FI_Function {gf_fun_def={fun_body, fun_arity, fun_type=Yes symbol_type}}, ti_fun_heap) = readPtr fun_ptr ti.ti_fun_heap
ti = { ti & ti_fun_heap=ti_fun_heap }
- is_overloaded = length symbol_type.st_context>0
- | is_overloaded // XXX this restriction (producers must not be overloaded) is just temporary
- = (producers, [App app : new_args ], ti)
| symb_arity<>fun_arity
| is_applied_to_macro_fun
= ({ producers & [prod_index] = PR_Curried symb}, app_args ++ new_args, ti)