path: root/frontend/convertcases.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/convertcases.icl')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/convertcases.icl b/frontend/convertcases.icl
index 0c5d229..2b7496f 100644
--- a/frontend/convertcases.icl
+++ b/frontend/convertcases.icl
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ where
convert_function group_index dcl_functions common_defs main_dcl_module_n fun (fun_defs, collected_imports, cs)
# (fun_def, fun_defs) = fun_defs![fun]
- # {fun_body,fun_type} = fun_def -*-> ("*** converting ****", fun_def.fun_symb.id_name)
+ # {fun_body,fun_type} = fun_def -*-> ("*** converting ****", fun_def.fun_ident.id_name)
(fun_body, (collected_imports, cs)) = eliminate_code_sharing_in_function dcl_functions main_dcl_module_n common_defs fun_body /* (fun_body
- ("convert_function", fun_def.fun_symb, fun_body)) */ (collected_imports, cs)
+ ("convert_function", fun_def.fun_ident, fun_body)) */ (collected_imports, cs)
(fun_body, cs) = convertCasesInBody fun_body fun_type group_index common_defs cs
= ({fun_defs & [fun].fun_body = fun_body }, collected_imports, cs)
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ where
-*-> ("eliminate_code_sharing_in_function (distributeLets)", 2, tb_rhs)
split :: SymbKind (ImportedFunctions, ImportedConstructors) -> (ImportedFunctions, ImportedConstructors)
- split (SK_Function fun_symb) (collected_functions, collected_conses)
- = ([fun_symb : collected_functions], collected_conses)
- split (SK_Constructor cons_symb) (collected_functions, collected_conses)
- = (collected_functions, [ cons_symb : collected_conses])
+ split (SK_Function fun_ident) (collected_functions, collected_conses)
+ = ([fun_ident : collected_functions], collected_conses)
+ split (SK_Constructor cons_ident) (collected_functions, collected_conses)
+ = (collected_functions, [ cons_ident : collected_conses])
// sanity check ...
class checkCaseTypes a :: !a !*ExpressionHeap -> (!Bool, !*ExpressionHeap)
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class weightedRefCount e :: RCInfo !e !*RCState -> *RCState
instance weightedRefCount BoundVar
- weightedRefCount rci=:{rci_depth} {var_name,var_info_ptr} rs=:{rcs_var_heap}
+ weightedRefCount rci=:{rci_depth} {var_ident,var_info_ptr} rs=:{rcs_var_heap}
# (var_info, rcs_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr rcs_var_heap
rs = { rs & rcs_var_heap = rcs_var_heap }
= case var_info of
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ where
rcs_var_heap = rs.rcs_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_LetVar {lvi & lvi_expression = EE, lvi_new = False})}
(VI_LetVar lvi, rcs_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr rs.rcs_var_heap
-> { rs & rcs_var_heap = rcs_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_LetVar { lvi & lvi_expression = lvi_expression }) }
-// -*-> (var_name, var_info_ptr, depth, lvi.lvi_count)
+// -*-> (var_ident, var_info_ptr, depth, lvi.lvi_count)
// otherwise
-> { rs & rcs_var_heap = rs.rcs_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_LetVar lvi) }
@@ -288,23 +288,23 @@ where
remove_variable ([], var_heap) let_bind
= ([], var_heap)
- remove_variable ([var_ptr : var_ptrs], var_heap) bind=:{lb_dst={fv_name,fv_info_ptr}}
+ remove_variable ([var_ptr : var_ptrs], var_heap) bind=:{lb_dst={fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}}
| fv_info_ptr == var_ptr
# (VI_LetVar {lvi_count,lvi_depth}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= (var_ptrs, var_heap)
-// -*-> ("remove_variable (lvi_count,lvi_dpeth) ", fv_name, lvi_count, lvi_depth)
+// -*-> ("remove_variable (lvi_count,lvi_dpeth) ", fv_ident, lvi_count, lvi_depth)
// otherwise
# (var_ptrs, var_heap) = remove_variable (var_ptrs, var_heap) bind
= ([var_ptr : var_ptrs], var_heap)
- store_binding depth {lb_dst={fv_name,fv_info_ptr},lb_src} var_heap
+ store_binding depth {lb_dst={fv_ident,fv_info_ptr},lb_src} var_heap
= var_heap <:= (fv_info_ptr, VI_LetVar {lvi_count = 0, lvi_depth = depth, lvi_previous = [],
- lvi_new = True, lvi_expression = lb_src, lvi_var = fv_name})
+ lvi_new = True, lvi_expression = lb_src, lvi_var = fv_ident})
- get_ref_count {lb_dst={fv_name,fv_info_ptr}} var_heap
+ get_ref_count {lb_dst={fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}} var_heap
# (VI_LetVar {lvi_count}, var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr var_heap
= (lvi_count, var_heap)
-// -*-> (fv_name,fv_info_ptr,lvi_count)
+// -*-> (fv_ident,fv_info_ptr,lvi_count)
weightedRefCount rci (Case case_expr) rs=:{rcs_expr_heap}
// sanity check ...
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ where
check_import cii {symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}} rs=:{rcs_imports, rcs_var_heap}
= checkImportOfDclFunction cii glob_module glob_object rs
- check_import {cii_main_dcl_module_n, cii_common_defs} {symb_name,symb_kind=symb_kind=:(SK_Constructor {glob_module,glob_object})} rs=:{rcs_imports, rcs_var_heap}
+ check_import {cii_main_dcl_module_n, cii_common_defs} {symb_ident,symb_kind=symb_kind=:(SK_Constructor {glob_module,glob_object})} rs=:{rcs_imports, rcs_var_heap}
| glob_module <> cii_main_dcl_module_n
# {cons_type_ptr} = cii_common_defs.[glob_module].com_cons_defs.[glob_object]
(rcs_imports, rcs_var_heap) = checkImportedSymbol symb_kind cons_type_ptr (rcs_imports, rcs_var_heap)
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ class distributeLets e :: !DistributeInfo !e !*DistributeState -> (!e, !*Distrib
instance distributeLets Expression
- distributeLets di=:{di_depth} (Var var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr}) ds=:{ds_var_heap}
+ distributeLets di=:{di_depth} (Var var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr}) ds=:{ds_var_heap}
#! var_info = sreadPtr var_info_ptr ds_var_heap
= case var_info of
VI_LetExpression lei
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ where
lei = { lei_count = ref_count, lei_depth = depth, lei_var = { lb_dst & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr },
lei_expression = lb_src, lei_type = type, lei_status = LES_Untouched }
// -*-> ("set_let_expr_info", lb_dst.fv_info_ptr, new_info_ptr)
- ->> ("set_let_expr_info", lb_dst.fv_name.id_name, depth)
+ ->> ("set_let_expr_info", lb_dst.fv_ident.id_name, depth)
= set_let_expr_info depth binds ref_counts types (var_heap <:= (lb_dst.fv_info_ptr, VI_LetExpression lei))
set_let_expr_info _ [] _ _ var_heap
= var_heap
@@ -636,14 +636,14 @@ where
set_strict_let_expr_info {lb_dst} var_heap
= var_heap <:= (lb_dst.fv_info_ptr, VI_LocalLetVar)
- distribute_lets_in_non_distributed_let di {lb_dst={fv_name,fv_info_ptr}} ds=:{ds_var_heap}
+ distribute_lets_in_non_distributed_let di {lb_dst={fv_ident,fv_info_ptr}} ds=:{ds_var_heap}
# (VI_LetExpression lei=:{lei_count}, ds_var_heap) = readPtr fv_info_ptr ds_var_heap
| lei_count > 0
// | not lei_moved && lei_count > 0
= distributeLetsInLetExpression di fv_info_ptr lei { ds & ds_var_heap = ds_var_heap }
// otherwise
= { ds & ds_var_heap = ds_var_heap }
- -*-> ("distribute_lets_in_non_distributed_let (moved or not used)", lei_count, fv_name)
+ -*-> ("distribute_lets_in_non_distributed_let (moved or not used)", lei_count, fv_ident)
distributeLets _ expr=:(TypeCodeExpression _) ds
= (expr, ds)
@@ -717,14 +717,14 @@ where
= (CaseKindLeave, var_heap)
- is_lhs_var (Var {var_info_ptr, var_name}) var_heap
+ is_lhs_var (Var {var_info_ptr, var_ident}) var_heap
= case sreadPtr var_info_ptr var_heap of
- -> False ->> (var_name.id_name, "rhs1")
+ -> False ->> (var_ident.id_name, "rhs1")
VI_LetExpression _
- -> False ->> (var_name.id_name, "rhs2")
+ -> False ->> (var_ident.id_name, "rhs2")
- -> True ->> (var_name.id_name, "lhs", info)
+ -> True ->> (var_ident.id_name, "lhs", info)
is_lhs_var _ _
= False
@@ -767,8 +767,8 @@ where
# (VI_LetExpression lei=:{lei_count,lei_depth,lei_var}, var_heap) = readPtr cv_variable var_heap
| lei_count == cv_count && lei_depth==depth-1 // -*-> ("mark_test", lei_count, cv_count)
= ([(cv_variable, lei_count, lei_depth) : local_vars ], var_heap <:= (cv_variable, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_depth = depth}))
-// -*-> ("mark_local_let_var ", lei.lei_var.fv_name, cv_variable, (lei.lei_var.fv_info_ptr, cv_count, depth))
- ->> ("mark_local_let_var ", lei_var.fv_name.id_name, lei_depth, " ->> ", depth)
+// -*-> ("mark_local_let_var ", lei.lei_var.fv_ident, cv_variable, (lei.lei_var.fv_info_ptr, cv_count, depth))
+ ->> ("mark_local_let_var ", lei_var.fv_ident.id_name, lei_depth, " ->> ", depth)
// otherwise
= (local_vars, var_heap)
@@ -776,14 +776,14 @@ where
# (VI_LetExpression lei=:{lei_count,lei_depth,lei_expression}, var_heap) = readPtr cv_variable var_heap
| lei_count == cv_count && lei_depth==depth-1
= case lei_expression of
- TupleSelect _ _ (Var var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr})
+ TupleSelect _ _ (Var var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr})
# (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
-> case var_info of
VI_LetExpression lei2
-> (local_vars,[(cv_variable,lei_depth):local_select_vars],var_heap <:= (cv_variable, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_depth = depth}))
-> ([(cv_variable, lei_count, lei_depth) : local_vars ],local_select_vars,var_heap <:= (cv_variable, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_depth = depth}))
- Selection NormalSelector (Var var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr}) [RecordSelection _ _]
+ Selection NormalSelector (Var var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr}) [RecordSelection _ _]
# (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
-> case var_info of
VI_LetExpression lei2
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ where
mark_local_let_select_var_of_explicit_case depth (cv_variable,old_depth) (local_vars,var_heap)
# (VI_LetExpression lei=:{lei_count,lei_expression}, var_heap) = readPtr cv_variable var_heap
= case lei_expression of
- TupleSelect _ _ (Var var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr})
+ TupleSelect _ _ (Var var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr})
# (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
-> case var_info of
VI_LetExpression lei2
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ where
-> (local_vars,var_heap <:= (cv_variable, VI_LetExpression {lei & lei_depth = old_depth}))
-> ([(cv_variable, lei_count, old_depth) : local_vars ],var_heap)
- Selection NormalSelector (Var var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr}) [RecordSelection _ _]
+ Selection NormalSelector (Var var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr}) [RecordSelection _ _]
# (var_info,var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
-> case var_info of
VI_LetExpression lei2
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ where
# (VI_LetExpression lei, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
= var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_depth = lei_depth, lei_count = lei_count, lei_status = LES_Moved })
// -*-> ("reset_local_let_var", var_info_ptr)
- ->> ("reset_local_let_var", lei.lei_var.fv_name.id_name, lei.lei_depth, lei.lei_count, " ->> ", lei_depth, lei_count)
+ ->> ("reset_local_let_var", lei.lei_var.fv_ident.id_name, lei.lei_depth, lei.lei_count, " ->> ", lei_depth, lei_count)
is_outer_var {di_depth, di_explicit_case_depth} {cv_variable} (outer, var_heap)
| outer
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ where
# (VI_LetExpression lei, var_heap) = readPtr cv_variable var_heap
| depth == lei.lei_depth
= (var_heap <:= (cv_variable, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_count = cv_count, lei_status = LES_Untouched }))
- -*-> ("mark_local_let_var_of_pattern_expr ", lei.lei_var.fv_name, cv_variable, (lei.lei_var.fv_info_ptr, cv_count, depth))
+ -*-> ("mark_local_let_var_of_pattern_expr ", lei.lei_var.fv_ident, cv_variable, (lei.lei_var.fv_info_ptr, cv_count, depth))
// otherwise
= var_heap
@@ -860,11 +860,11 @@ where
distributeLetsInLetExpression :: DistributeInfo VarInfoPtr LetExpressionInfo *DistributeState -> *DistributeState
distributeLetsInLetExpression _ let_var_info_ptr {lei_status = LES_Moved, lei_var} ds
- = ds -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Moved", lei_var.fv_name.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
+ = ds -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Moved", lei_var.fv_ident.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
distributeLetsInLetExpression _ let_var_info_ptr {lei_status = LES_Updated _, lei_var} ds
- = ds -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Updated", lei_var.fv_name.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
+ = ds -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Updated", lei_var.fv_ident.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
distributeLetsInLetExpression di let_var_info_ptr lei=:{lei_expression, lei_status = LES_Untouched, lei_var} ds=:{ds_var_heap}
- # ds_var_heap = ds_var_heap <:= (let_var_info_ptr, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_status = LES_Updated EE}) /* to prevent doing this expr twice */ -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Untouched", lei_var.fv_name.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
+ # ds_var_heap = ds_var_heap <:= (let_var_info_ptr, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_status = LES_Updated EE}) /* to prevent doing this expr twice */ -*-> ("distributeLetsInLetExpression, LES_Untouched", lei_var.fv_ident.id_name, let_var_info_ptr)
(lei_expression, ds) = distributeLets di lei_expression { ds & ds_var_heap = ds_var_heap }
= { ds & ds_lets = [ let_var_info_ptr : ds.ds_lets ],
ds_var_heap = ds.ds_var_heap <:= (let_var_info_ptr, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_status = LES_Updated lei_expression })}
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ where
(LES_Updated updated_expr) = lei_status
(new_info_ptr, var_heap) = newPtr (VI_Labelled_Empty "build_bind") var_heap
var_heap = var_heap <:= (info_ptr, VI_LetExpression { lei & lei_status = LES_Untouched, lei_var = { lei_var & fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr }})
- -*-> ("build_bind", lei_var.fv_name, info_ptr, new_info_ptr)
+ -*-> ("build_bind", lei_var.fv_ident, info_ptr, new_info_ptr)
= ([{ lb_src = updated_expr, lb_dst = lei_var, lb_position = NoPos } : lazy_binds], [lei_type : lazy_binds_types ], var_heap)
instance distributeLets Selection
@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ newFunctionWithType opt_id fun_bodies local_vars fun_type group_index (cs_next_f
= fun_type.st_arity
fun_def =
- { fun_symb = fun_id
+ { fun_ident = fun_id
, fun_arity = arity
, fun_priority = NoPrio
, fun_body = fun_bodies
@@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ newFunctionWithType opt_id fun_bodies local_vars fun_type group_index (cs_next_f
, fun_lifted = 0
, fun_info = { EmptyFunInfo & fi_group_index = group_index, fi_local_vars = local_vars }
- = ({ symb_name = fun_id, symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr cs_next_fun_nr },
+ = ({ symb_ident = fun_id, symb_kind = SK_GeneratedFunction fun_def_ptr cs_next_fun_nr },
(inc cs_next_fun_nr, [fun_def_ptr : cs_new_functions],
cs_fun_heap <:= (fun_def_ptr, FI_Function { gf_fun_def = fun_def, gf_instance_info = II_Empty,
gf_fun_index = cs_next_fun_nr, gf_cons_args = {cc_size=0, cc_args = [], cc_linear_bits = [], cc_producer = False} })))
@@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ convertDefault ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs}
= copy_case_expr ci_bound_vars defoult cs.cs_var_heap
cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- (fun_symb, cs)
+ (fun_ident, cs)
= new_case_function case_ident case_type.ct_result_type defoult form_vars local_vars
ci_bound_vars ci_group_index ci_common_defs cs
@@ -1770,17 +1770,17 @@ convertDefault ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs}
restore_old_fv_info_ptr_value old_fv_info_ptr_value ({fv_info_ptr},type) var_heap
= writePtr fv_info_ptr old_fv_info_ptr_value var_heap
# cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- = (App { app_symb = fun_symb, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
+ = (App { app_symb = fun_ident, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
convertNonRootFail ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} ident cs
# result_type
= { at_attribute = TA_None
- , at_type = TV {tv_name = { id_name = "a", id_info = nilPtr }, tv_info_ptr = nilPtr}
+ , at_type = TV {tv_ident = { id_name = "a", id_info = nilPtr }, tv_info_ptr = nilPtr}
- # (fun_symb, cs)
+ # (fun_ident, cs)
= new_case_function (Yes ident) result_type (FailExpr ident) [] []
ci_bound_vars ci_group_index ci_common_defs cs
- = (App { app_symb = fun_symb, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
+ = (App { app_symb = fun_ident, app_args = [], app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ case_expr, case_ident, case_info_ptr} cs
# (is_degenerate, defoult)
@@ -1794,7 +1794,7 @@ convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ c
cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- (fun_symb, cs) = new_case_function case_ident case_type.ct_result_type caseExpr
+ (fun_ident, cs) = new_case_function case_ident case_type.ct_result_type caseExpr
form_vars local_vars
ci_bound_vars ci_group_index ci_common_defs cs
@@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ c
= var_heap
# cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- = (App { app_symb = fun_symb, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
+ = (App { app_symb = fun_ident, app_args = act_vars, app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
// otherwise
@@ -1817,8 +1817,8 @@ convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ c
(new_info_ptr, cs_var_heap) = newPtr (VI_LocalVar) cs.cs_var_heap
var_id = {id_name = "_x", id_info = nilPtr}
- case_var = Var {var_name = var_id, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
- case_free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_name = var_id, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_count = 0}
+ case_var = Var {var_ident = var_id, var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr}
+ case_free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_ident = var_id, fv_info_ptr = new_info_ptr, fv_count = 0}
kees = {kees & case_expr=case_var, case_explicit=False}
@@ -1832,7 +1832,7 @@ convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ c
cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- (fun_symb, cs) = new_case_function case_ident case_type.ct_result_type caseExpr
+ (fun_ident, cs) = new_case_function case_ident case_type.ct_result_type caseExpr
[(case_free_var, case_type.ct_pattern_type) : form_vars] local_vars
ci_bound_vars ci_group_index ci_common_defs cs
@@ -1845,7 +1845,7 @@ convertNonRootCase ci=:{ci_bound_vars, ci_group_index, ci_common_defs} kees=:{ c
= var_heap
# cs = { cs & cs_var_heap = cs_var_heap}
- = (App { app_symb = fun_symb, app_args = [case_expr : act_vars], app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
+ = (App { app_symb = fun_ident, app_args = [case_expr : act_vars], app_info_ptr = nilPtr }, cs)
get_case_var (Var var)
= var
@@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@ where
copy_case_expr bound_vars guards_and_default var_heap
-// # var_heap = foldSt (\({fv_name,fv_info_ptr},type) -> writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_BoundVar type) -*-> (fv_name,fv_info_ptr)) bound_vars var_heap
+// # var_heap = foldSt (\({fv_ident,fv_info_ptr},type) -> writePtr fv_info_ptr (VI_BoundVar type) -*-> (fv_ident,fv_info_ptr)) bound_vars var_heap
# (old_fv_info_ptr_values,var_heap) = store_VI_BoundVar_in_bound_vars_and_save_old_values bound_vars [] var_heap
store_VI_BoundVar_in_bound_vars_and_save_old_values [({fv_info_ptr},type):bound_vars] old_fv_info_ptr_values var_heap
@@ -1878,8 +1878,8 @@ copy_case_expr bound_vars guards_and_default var_heap
retrieve_variable (var_info_ptr, type) (bound_vars, free_typed_vars, var_heap)
# (VI_FreeVar name new_ptr count type, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
- = ( [Var { var_name = name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} : bound_vars],
- [({ fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = new_ptr, fv_count = count }, type) : free_typed_vars], var_heap)
+ = ( [Var { var_ident = name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} : bound_vars],
+ [({ fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = new_ptr, fv_count = count }, type) : free_typed_vars], var_heap)
new_case_function opt_id result_type rhs free_vars local_vars
bound_vars group_index common_defs cs=:{cs_expr_heap}
@@ -1900,10 +1900,10 @@ new_case_function opt_id result_type rhs free_vars local_vars
// (body, cs)
// = convertCasesInBody body (Yes type) group_index common_defs cs
- # (fun_symb, (cs_next_fun_nr, cs_new_functions, cs_fun_heap))
+ # (fun_ident, (cs_next_fun_nr, cs_new_functions, cs_fun_heap))
= newFunctionWithType opt_id body local_vars type group_index
(cs.cs_next_fun_nr, cs.cs_new_functions, cs.cs_fun_heap)
- = (fun_symb, { cs & cs_fun_heap = cs_fun_heap, cs_next_fun_nr = cs_next_fun_nr, cs_new_functions = cs_new_functions })
+ = (fun_ident, { cs & cs_fun_heap = cs_fun_heap, cs_next_fun_nr = cs_next_fun_nr, cs_new_functions = cs_new_functions })
splitGuards :: CasePatterns -> [CasePatterns]
splitGuards (AlgebraicPatterns index patterns)
@@ -1927,8 +1927,8 @@ copyExpression bound_vars expr var_heap
retrieve_variable (var_info_ptr, type) (bound_vars, free_typed_vars, var_heap)
# (VI_FreeVar name new_ptr count type, var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr var_heap
- = ( [Var { var_name = name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} : bound_vars],
- [{tv_free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_name = name, fv_info_ptr = new_ptr, fv_count = count }, tv_type = type} : free_typed_vars], var_heap)
+ = ( [Var { var_ident = name, var_info_ptr = var_info_ptr, var_expr_ptr = nilPtr} : bound_vars],
+ [{tv_free_var = { fv_def_level = NotALevel, fv_ident = name, fv_info_ptr = new_ptr, fv_count = count }, tv_type = type} : free_typed_vars], var_heap)
:: CopyState =
{ cp_free_vars :: ![(VarInfoPtr,AType)]
@@ -1940,27 +1940,27 @@ class copy e :: !e !*CopyState -> (!e, !*CopyState)
instance copy BoundVar
- copy var=:{var_name,var_info_ptr} cp_info=:{cp_var_heap}
+ copy var=:{var_ident,var_info_ptr} cp_info=:{cp_var_heap}
# (var_info, cp_var_heap) = readPtr var_info_ptr cp_var_heap
cp_info = { cp_info & cp_var_heap = cp_var_heap }
= case var_info of
VI_FreeVar name new_info_ptr count type
-> ({ var & var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr },
{ cp_info & cp_var_heap = cp_info.cp_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_FreeVar name new_info_ptr (inc count) type)})
- -*-> ("copy: VI_FreeVar", var_name.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr)
+ -*-> ("copy: VI_FreeVar", var_ident.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr)
-> (var, cp_info)
- -*-> ("copy: VI_LocalVar", var_name.id_name)
+ -*-> ("copy: VI_LocalVar", var_ident.id_name)
VI_BoundVar type
# (new_info_ptr, cp_var_heap) = newPtr (VI_Labelled_Empty "copy [BoundVar]") cp_info.cp_var_heap // RWS ???
-> ({ var & var_info_ptr = new_info_ptr },
{ cp_info & cp_free_vars = [ (var_info_ptr, type) : cp_info.cp_free_vars ],
- cp_var_heap = cp_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_FreeVar var_name new_info_ptr 1 type) })
- -*-> ("copy: VI_BoundVar", var_name.id_name, ptrToInt new_info_ptr)
+ cp_var_heap = cp_var_heap <:= (var_info_ptr, VI_FreeVar var_ident new_info_ptr 1 type) })
+ -*-> ("copy: VI_BoundVar", var_ident.id_name, ptrToInt new_info_ptr)
-// | True <<- ("copy BoundVar", var_name.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr, var_info)
+// | True <<- ("copy BoundVar", var_ident.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr, var_info)
// -> (var,cp_info)
- -> abort "copy [BoundVar] (convertcases, 612)" // <<- ("copy BoundVar", var_name.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr, var_info)
+ -> abort "copy [BoundVar] (convertcases, 612)" // <<- ("copy BoundVar", var_ident.id_name, ptrToInt var_info_ptr, var_info)
instance copy Expression