path: root/frontend/checksupport.icl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/checksupport.icl')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/checksupport.icl b/frontend/checksupport.icl
index edb5dd2..fd7f17c 100644
--- a/frontend/checksupport.icl
+++ b/frontend/checksupport.icl
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ where
popErrorAdmin cs=:{cs_error}
= {cs & cs_error = popErrorAdmin cs_error } //...PK
-newPosition :: !Ident !Position -> IdentPos
+newPosition :: !Ident !Position -> IdentPos
newPosition id (FunPos file_name line_nr _)
= { ip_ident = id, ip_line = line_nr, ip_file = file_name }
newPosition id (LinePos file_name line_nr)
@@ -523,60 +523,6 @@ instance <<< DeclarationInfo
import_ident :: Ident
import_ident =: { id_name = "import", id_info = nilPtr }
-ste_kind_to_string :: STE_Kind -> String
-ste_kind_to_string ste_kind
- = case ste_kind of
- STE_FunctionOrMacro _
- -> "STE_FunctionOrMacro"
- STE_Type
- -> "STE_Type"
- STE_Constructor
- -> "STE_Constructor"
- STE_Selector _
- -> "STE_Selector"
- STE_Field _
- -> "STE_Field"
- STE_Class
- -> "STE_Class"
- STE_Member
- -> "STE_Member"
- STE_Instance _
- -> "STE_Instance"
- STE_Variable _
- -> "STE_Variable"
- STE_TypeVariable _
- -> "STE_TypeVariable"
- STE_TypeAttribute _
- -> "STE_TypeAttribute"
- STE_BoundTypeVariable _
- -> "STE_BoundTypeVariable"
- STE_Imported ste_kind2 _
- -> "STE_Imported "+++ste_kind_to_string ste_kind2
- STE_DclFunction
- -> "STE_DclFunction"
- STE_Module _
- -> "STE_Module"
- STE_ClosedModule
- -> "STE_ClosedModule"
- STE_Empty
- -> "STE_Empty"
- STE_DictType _
- -> "STE_DictType"
- STE_DictCons _
- -> "STE_DictCons"
- STE_DictField _
- -> "STE_DictField"
- STE_Called _
- -> "STE_Called"
- STE_ExplImpSymbol _
- -> "STE_ExplImpSymbol"
- STE_ExplImpComponentNrs _ _
- -> "STE_ExplImpComponentNrs"
- STE_BelongingSymbol _
- -> "STE_BelongingSymbol"
restoreHeap :: !Ident !*SymbolTable -> .SymbolTable
restoreHeap {id_info} cs_symbol_table
# ({ste_previous}, cs_symbol_table)