path: root/frontend/check.icl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/check.icl')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index a8a953b..421b8bc 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ implementation module check
import StdEnv
import syntax, typesupport, parse, checksupport, utilities, checktypes, transform, predef
-import explicitimports, comparedefimp, checkFunctionBodies, containers
+import explicitimports, comparedefimp, checkFunctionBodies, containers, portToNewSyntax
cPredefinedModuleIndex :== 1
cUndef :== (-1)
@@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_imported_objects mod_imports mod_type icl_global_func
(dcl_modules, cs)
= switch_port_to_new_syntax
- (write_expl_imports_to_file "icl.txt" imports.si_explicit dcl_modules cs)
+ (writeExplImportsToFile "icl.txt" imports.si_explicit dcl_modules cs)
(dcl_modules, cs)
= ikhInsert` False nr_of_modules imports ikhEmpty
@@ -2393,13 +2393,9 @@ Ste_Empty :== STE_Empty
=: { dcl_ident = { id_name = "", id_info = nilPtr }, dcl_pos = NoPos, dcl_kind = STE_Empty, dcl_index = cUndef }
-// BEGIN only for portToNewSyntax
-// BEGIN only for portToNewSyntax
-// BEGIN only for portToNewSyntax
-// BEGIN only for portToNewSyntax
-// BEGIN only for portToNewSyntax
-// BEGIN only for portToNewSyntax
possibly_write_expl_imports_of_main_dcl_mod_to_file imports_ikh dcl_modules cs
+ | switch_port_to_new_syntax False True
+ = abort "possibly_write_expl_imports_of_main_dcl_mod_to_file is only used for portToNewSyntax"
#! x_main_dcl_module_n
= cs.cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n
= case ikhSearch x_main_dcl_module_n imports_ikh of
@@ -2407,179 +2403,5 @@ possibly_write_expl_imports_of_main_dcl_mod_to_file imports_ikh dcl_modules cs
// the main dcl module is not part of the currently checked module component
-> (dcl_modules, cs)
Yes {si_explicit}
- -> write_expl_imports_to_file "dcl.txt" si_explicit dcl_modules cs
+ -> writeExplImportsToFile "dcl.txt" si_explicit dcl_modules cs
-write_expl_imports_to_file file_name si_explicit dcl_modules cs
- | switch_port_to_new_syntax False True
- = abort "write_expl_imports_to_file is only used for portToNewSyntax"
- # (file, cs)
- = openFile file_name cs
- (dcl_modules, file)
- = foldSt (write_expl_import (flatten (map fst si_explicit))) (reverse si_explicit) (dcl_modules, file)
- = (dcl_modules, closeFile file cs)
-write_expl_import all_expl_imp_decls (declarations, _) (dcl_modules, file)
- # (declaration_strings, dcl_modules)
- = mapFilterYesSt (decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls) (reverse declarations) dcl_modules
- = (dcl_modules, fwriteNewSyntax declaration_strings file)
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls decl=:{dcl_ident, dcl_index, dcl_kind=STE_Imported ste_kind def_mod_index}
- dcl_modules
- = imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index ste_kind def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
-decl_to_opt_string _ {dcl_ident, dcl_kind=STE_FunctionOrMacro _} dcl_modules
- = (Yes dcl_ident.id_name, dcl_modules)
-decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls decl dcl_modules
- = abort ("decl_to_opt_string failed"--->decl)
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index STE_Constructor def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- = (No, dcl_modules)
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index STE_Member def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- = (No, dcl_modules)
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index STE_DclFunction def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- = (Yes dcl_ident.id_name, dcl_modules)
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index STE_Class def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- = (Yes ("class "+++dcl_ident.id_name+++"(..)"), dcl_modules)
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index (STE_Instance _) def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- # ({ins_type}, dcl_modules)
- = dcl_modules![def_mod_index].dcl_common.com_instance_defs.[dcl_index]
- = (Yes ("instance "+++dcl_ident.id_name+++" "+++
- separated " " (map type_to_string ins_type.it_types)), dcl_modules)
-imported_decl_to_opt_string all_expl_imp_decls dcl_ident dcl_index STE_Type def_mod_index
- dcl_modules
- # ({td_rhs}, dcl_modules)
- = dcl_modules![def_mod_index].dcl_common.com_type_defs.[dcl_index]
- dcl_string
- = ":: "+++(case td_rhs of
- AlgType constructors
- -> dcl_ident.id_name+++constructor_bracket def_mod_index all_expl_imp_decls constructors
- RecordType _
- -> dcl_ident.id_name+++"{..}"
- _
- -> dcl_ident.id_name)
- = (Yes dcl_string, dcl_modules)
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-type_to_string (TA {type_name} _) = possibly_replace_predef_symbols type_name.id_name
-type_to_string (TB type) = toString type
-type_to_string (TV {tv_name}) = tv_name.id_name
-type_to_string x = abort ("bug nr 945 in module check"--->x)
-possibly_replace_predef_symbols s
- | s=="_list"
- = "[]"
- | s % (0,5) == "_tuple"
- = (toString ['(':repeatn ((toInt (s%(6, (size s) - 1))) - 1) ','])+++")"
- | s=="_array"
- = "{}"
- | s=="_!array"
- = "{!}"
- | s=="_#array"
- = "{#}"
- = s
-instance toString BasicType
- where
- toString BT_Int = "Int"
- toString BT_Char = "Char"
- toString BT_Real = "Real"
- toString BT_Bool = "Bool"
- toString BT_Dynamic = "Dynamic"
- toString BT_File = "File"
- toString BT_World = "World"
- toString _ = abort "bug nr 346 in module check"
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-separated _ []
- = ""
-separated separator [h:t]
- = foldl (\l r->l+++separator+++r) h t
-constructor_bracket def_mod_index all_expl_imp_decls constructors
- # expl_imp_constructor_strings
- = [ ds_ident.id_name \\ {ds_ident} <- constructors
- | is_expl_imported_constructor def_mod_index ds_ident all_expl_imp_decls ]
- | isEmpty expl_imp_constructor_strings
- = ""
- = "("+++separated "," expl_imp_constructor_strings+++")"
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-is_expl_imported_constructor def_mod_index ds_ident []
- = False
-is_expl_imported_constructor def_mod_index ds_ident [{dcl_ident, dcl_kind=STE_Imported STE_Constructor def_mod_index2}:_]
- | dcl_ident==ds_ident && def_mod_index==def_mod_index2
- = True
- // GOTO next alternative
-is_expl_imported_constructor def_mod_index ds_ident [h:t]
- = is_expl_imported_constructor def_mod_index ds_ident t
-fwriteNewSyntax importStrings file
- | isEmpty importStrings
- = fwrites "import @#$@@!!" file
- # with_commas = (map (\s->s+++", ") (butLast importStrings))++[last importStrings+++";"]
- lines = split_in_lines 12 with_commas [] []
- lines = [hd lines:[["\t":line]\\ line<-tl lines]]
- line_strings = [ foldl (+++) " " (line++["\n"]) \\ line<-lines ]
- = fwrites (foldl (+++) "import" line_strings) file
- where
- max_line_length = 80
- split_in_lines i [] inner_accu outer_accu
- # accu = if (isEmpty inner_accu) outer_accu [reverse inner_accu:outer_accu]
- = reverse accu
- split_in_lines i [h:t] inner_accu outer_accu
- # s = size h
- | s+i>max_line_length
- | isEmpty inner_accu
- = split_in_lines (s+i) t [h] outer_accu
- = split_in_lines (s+cTabWidth) t [h] [inner_accu:outer_accu]
- = split_in_lines (s+i) t [h:inner_accu] outer_accu
-// only for portToNewSyntax
-butLast [] = []
-butLast [x] = []
-butLast [h:t] = [h: butLast t]
-// MW: fake..
-openFile file_name cs
- # world = bigBang
- (ok, newFile, world) = fopen file_name FWriteText world
- cs = forget world cs
- cs = case ok of
- True -> cs
- _ # cs_error = checkError "" ("can't open file \""+++file_name+++" in current directory.") cs.cs_error
- -> { cs & cs_error=cs_error }
- = (newFile, cs)
-closeFile file cs
- # world = bigBang
- (ok, world) = fclose file world
- = forget world cs
-bigBang :: .World
-bigBang = cast 1
-// creates a world from scratch
-forget :: !.x !.y -> .y
-forget x y = y
-cast :: !.a -> .b
-cast a
- = code
- {
- pop_a 0
- }
-// ..fake
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax
-// END only for portToNewSyntax