path: root/frontend/check.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/check.icl')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/check.icl b/frontend/check.icl
index e9b2e69..d3f19cc 100644
--- a/frontend/check.icl
+++ b/frontend/check.icl
@@ -1050,7 +1050,10 @@ create_icl_to_dcl_index_table MK_Main icl_sizes icl_global_function_range main_d
= (No,No,modules,fun_defs)
create_icl_to_dcl_index_table _ icl_sizes icl_global_function_range main_dcl_module_n old_conversions modules fun_defs
# (size_icl_functions,fun_defs) = usize fun_defs
- # icl_sizes = {{icl_sizes.[i] \\ i<-[0..cMacroDefs-1]} & [cFunctionDefs]=size_icl_functions}
+ # icl_sizes = make_icl_sizes
+ with
+ make_icl_sizes :: *{#Int}
+ make_icl_sizes => {{icl_sizes.[i] \\ i<-[0..cMacroDefs-1]} & [cFunctionDefs]=size_icl_functions}
# (dcl_mod,modules) = modules![main_dcl_module_n]
# dictionary_info=dcl_mod.dcl_dictionary_info
# (Yes conversion_table) = old_conversions
@@ -1901,6 +1904,7 @@ check_module1 {mod_type,mod_name,mod_imports,mod_imported_objects,mod_defs = cde
-> ({ pre_def_symbols & [predef_index] = { mod_symb & pds_module = cs_x.x_main_dcl_module_n, pds_def = mod_entry.ste_index }}, symbol_table)
-> (pre_def_symbols, symbol_table)
add_modules_to_symbol_table [mod : mods] mod_index cs
# (mod_sizes_and_defs,dcl_macro_defs,cs) = add_module_to_symbol_table mod mod_index cs
(mods, macro_defs, cs) = add_modules_to_symbol_table mods (inc mod_index) cs
@@ -2032,6 +2036,9 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
heaps = { heaps & hp_expression_heap=hp_expression_heap }
+ icl_imported
+ = { el \\ el<-dcls_import_list }
icl_imported = { el \\ el<-dcls_import_list }
(_,icl_common, dcl_modules, hp_type_heaps, hp_var_heap, cs)
@@ -2158,7 +2165,7 @@ check_module2 mod_name mod_modification_time mod_imported_objects mod_imports mo
= (first_free_index, modules, icl_functions, var_heap, type_var_heap, expr_heap)
collect_specialized_functions_in_dcl_module _ first_free_index main_dcl_module_n modules icl_functions var_heap type_var_heap expr_heap
# (dcl_mod, modules) = modules![main_dcl_module_n]
- # {dcl_specials,dcl_functions,dcl_common,dcl_conversions} = dcl_mod
+ # {dcl_specials,dcl_functions,dcl_common} = dcl_mod
# (icl_functions, last_index, (var_heap, type_var_heap, expr_heap))
= collect_specialized_functions dcl_specials.ir_from dcl_specials.ir_to dcl_functions
(icl_functions, first_free_index, (var_heap, type_var_heap, expr_heap))