path: root/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/instructions.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'backendC/CleanCompilerSources/instructions.c')
1 files changed, 3403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/instructions.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/instructions.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6616c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/instructions.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3403 @@
+ (Concurrent) Clean Compiler: ABC instructions
+ Authors: Sjaak Smetsers & John van Groningen
+#pragma segment instructions
+#include "compiledefines.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#define BINARY_ABC 0
+#define PutSOutFile(s) FPutS ((s),OutFile)
+#define PutCOutFile(s) FPutC ((s),OutFile)
+static void error_in_function (char *m)
+ ErrorInCompiler ("instructions.c",m,"");
+#ifdef _STANDALONE_
+/* also defined in project.c, only needed for stand alone compiler */
+#define N_DoDebug 0
+#define N_DoReuseUniqueNodes 1
+#define N_DoParallel 2
+#define N_NoDescriptors 3
+#define N_NoMemoryProfiling 3
+#define N_DoStrictnessAnalysis 4
+#define N_NoTimeProfiling 5
+#define N_ExportLocalLabels 6
+#define N_DoVerbose 6
+#define N_DoWarning 7
+#define N_System 8
+static void ConvertOptionsToString (CompilerOptions options,char *optstring)
+ optstring[N_DoDebug] = DoDebug ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_DoReuseUniqueNodes] = !DoReuseUniqueNodes ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_DoParallel] = DoParallel ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_NoDescriptors] = !DoDescriptors ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_NoMemoryProfiling] = !DoProfiling ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_DoStrictnessAnalysis] = DoStrictnessAnalysis ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_NoTimeProfiling] = !DoTimeProfiling ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_ExportLocalLabels] = ExportLocalLabels ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_DoVerbose] = DoVerbose ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_DoWarning] = DoWarning ? '1' : '0';
+ optstring[N_System] = '0';
+ optstring[NR_OPTIONS] = '\0';
+# define N_System 8
+# include "cginterface.t"
+# include "project.h"
+#define D_PREFIX "d"
+#define N_PREFIX "n"
+#define L_PREFIX "l"
+#define EA_PREFIX "ea"
+#define S_PREFIX "s"
+#define R_PREFIX "r"
+#define RECORD_N_PREFIX "c"
+#define RECORD_D_PREFIX "t"
+#define LOCAL_D_PREFIX "d"
+File OutFile;
+char *ABCFileName;
+Bool OpenABCFile (char *fname)
+ OutFile = FOpen (fname, abcFile, "w");
+ if (OutFile!=NULL){
+#if defined (THINK_C) || defined (POWER)
+ setvbuf ((FILE*) OutFile, NULL, _IOFBF, 8192);
+ OpenedFile = OutFile;
+ ABCFileName = fname;
+ return True;
+ } else
+ return False;
+void WriteLastNewlineToABCFile (void)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+void CloseABCFile (char *fname)
+ if (OutFile){
+#ifdef THINK_C
+ int file_io_error;
+ file_io_error=ferror (OutFile);
+ if (FClose (OutFile) != 0
+#ifdef THINK_C
+ || file_io_error
+ ){
+ CompilerError = True;
+ CurrentLine = 0;
+ StaticMessage (True, "<open file>", "Write error (disk full?)");
+ }
+ if (CompilerError)
+ FDelete (fname, abcFile);
+ OpenedFile = (File) NIL;
+ }
+static Bool DescriptorNeeded (SymbDef sdef)
+ return (sdef->sdef_exported ||
+ (sdef->sdef_kind!=IMPRULE && sdef->sdef_kind!=SYSRULE) ||
+ sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK) ||
+ ((DoParallel || DoDescriptors) && (sdef->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK | SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK)));
+/* extern Ident StdArrayId; */
+static void GenLabel (Label label)
+ if (label->lab_issymbol){
+ SymbDef def;
+ char *module_name;
+ def=label->lab_symbol;
+/* module_name = def->sdef_arfun<NoArrayFun ? StdArrayId->ident_name : label->lab_mod; */
+ module_name = label->lab_mod;
+ if (module_name!=NULL)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_%s%s",module_name,label->lab_pref,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ else if (DoDebug){
+ if (def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s.%u",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_ident->ident_name,def->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ } else if (def->sdef_number==0)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ else if (label->lab_pref[0] == '\0')
+ FPrintF (OutFile,LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u",def->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s%u",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ FPutS (label->lab_pref,OutFile);
+ FPutS (label->lab_name,OutFile);
+ }
+ if (label->lab_post!=0)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,".%u",label->lab_post);
+static void GenGetWL (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tgetWL %d", offset);
+static void GenPutWL (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tputWL %d", offset);
+static void GenRelease (void)
+ FPutS ("\n\trelease", OutFile);
+static void TreatWaitListBeforeFill (int offset, FillKind fkind)
+ if (DoParallel && fkind != NormalFill)
+ GenGetWL (offset);
+static void TreatWaitListAfterFill (int offset, FillKind fkind)
+ if (DoParallel){
+ switch (fkind){
+ case ReleaseAndFill:GenRelease (); break;
+ case PartialFill: GenPutWL (offset); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+#define put_instructionb(a) put_instruction(I##a)
+#define put_instruction_b(a) put_instruction_(I##a)
+#define put_directive_b(a) put_directive_(D##a)
+#define put_arguments_i_b(i1) FPrintF (OutFile,"%s",(i1))
+#define put_arguments_in_b(i1,n1) FPrintF (OutFile,"%s %d",(i1),(n1))
+#define put_arguments_n_b(n1) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d",(n1))
+#define put_arguments_nn_b(n1,n2) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d",(n1),(n2))
+#define put_arguments_nnn_b(n1,n2,n3) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3))
+#define put_arguments_nnnn_b(n1,n2,n3,n4) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3),(n4))
+#define put_arguments_nnnnn_b(n1,n2,n3,n4,n5) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3),(n4),(n5))
+#define put_arguments_n__b(n1) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d ",(n1))
+#define put_arguments_nn__b(n1,n2) FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d ",(n1),(n2))
+#define put_arguments__n_b(n1) FPrintF (OutFile," %d",(n1))
+#define put_arguments__nn_b(n1,n2) FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",(n1),(n2))
+#define put_arguments__n__b(n1) FPrintF (OutFile," %d ",(n1))
+#define put_instructionb(a) put_instruction_code(C##a)
+#define put_instruction_b(a) put_instruction_code(C##a)
+#define put_directive_b(a) put_instruction_code(C##a)
+#define put_instructionb(a) if (DoDebug) put_instruction(I##a); else put_instruction_code(C##a)
+#define put_instruction_b(a) if (DoDebug) put_instruction_(I##a); else put_instruction_code(C##a)
+#define put_directive_b(a) if (DoDebug) put_directive_(D##a); else put_instruction_code(C##a)
+static void put_n (long n)
+ while (!(n>=-64 && n<=63)){
+ FPutC (128+(n & 127),OutFile);
+ n=n>>7;
+ }
+ FPutC (n+64,OutFile);
+static long integer_string_to_integer (char *s_p)
+ long integer;
+ int minus_sign,last_char;
+ minus_sign=0;
+ last_char=*s_p++;
+ if (last_char=='+' || last_char=='-'){
+ if (last_char=='-')
+ minus_sign=!minus_sign;
+ last_char=*s_p++;;
+ }
+ integer=last_char-'0';
+ last_char=*s_p++;;
+ while ((unsigned)(last_char-'0')<10u){
+ integer*=10;
+ integer+=last_char-'0';
+ last_char=*s_p++;;
+ }
+ if (minus_sign)
+ integer=-integer;
+ return integer;
+static void put_arguments_i_b (char *i1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s",(i1));
+ else
+ put_n (integer_string_to_integer (i1));
+static void put_arguments_in_b (char *i1,long n1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s %d",(i1),(n1));
+ else {
+ put_n (integer_string_to_integer (i1));
+ put_n (n1);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_n_b (long n1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d",(n1));
+ else
+ put_n (n1);
+static void put_arguments_nn_b (long n1,long n2)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d",(n1),(n2));
+ else {
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_nnn_b (long n1,long n2,long n3)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3));
+ else {
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ put_n (n3);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_nnnn_b (long n1,long n2,long n3,long n4)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3),(n4));
+ else {
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ put_n (n3);
+ put_n (n4);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_nnnnn_b (long n1,long n2,long n3,long n4,long n5)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d %d %d %d",(n1),(n2),(n3),(n4),(n5));
+ else {
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ put_n (n3);
+ put_n (n4);
+ put_n (n5);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_n__b (long n1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d ",(n1));
+ else
+ put_n (n1);
+static void put_arguments__n_b (long n1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d",(n1));
+ else {
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ put_n (n1);
+ }
+static void put_arguments__n__b (long n1)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d ",(n1));
+ else {
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ put_n (n1);
+ }
+static void put_arguments_nn__b (long n1,long n2)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d ",(n1),(n2));
+ else {
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ }
+static void put_arguments__nn_b (long n1,long n2)
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",(n1),(n2));
+ else {
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ put_n (n1);
+ put_n (n2);
+ }
+enum {
+ Cbuild=136,
+ Cbuildh,
+ CbuildI,
+ CbuildB_b,
+ CbuildC_b,
+ CbuildI_b,
+ CbuildR_b,
+ CbuildF_b,
+ Ceq_desc,
+ CeqD_b,
+ CeqI_a,
+ CeqI_b,
+ Cfill,
+ Cfillh,
+ CfillI,
+ CfillB_b,
+ CfillC_b,
+ CfillF_b,
+ CfillI_b,
+ CfillR_b,
+ Cfill_a,
+ Cjmp,
+ Cjmp_false,
+ Cjmp_true,
+ Cjsr,
+ Cjsr_eval,
+ Cpop_a,
+ Cpop_b,
+ CpushB_a,
+ CpushC_a,
+ CpushI_a,
+ CpushF_a,
+ CpushR_a,
+ CpushD,
+ CpushI,
+ Cpush_a,
+ Cpush_b,
+ Cpush_arg,
+ Cpush_args,
+ Cpush_args_u,
+ Cpush_node,
+ Cpush_node_u,
+ Cpush_r_args,
+ Cpush_r_args_a,
+ Cpush_r_args_b,
+ Cpush_r_args_u,
+ Crepl_arg,
+ Crepl_args,
+ Crepl_r_args,
+ Crepl_r_args_a,
+ Crtn,
+ Cupdate_a,
+ Cupdate_b,
+ Cupdatepop_a,
+ Cupdatepop_b,
+ Cd,
+ Co,
+ Cimpdesc,
+ Cimplab,
+ Cn
+#define IbuildB "buildB"
+#define IbuildC "buildC"
+#define IbuildI "buildI"
+#define IbuildR "buildR"
+#define IbuildS "buildS"
+#define IbuildB_b "buildB_b"
+#define IbuildC_b "buildC_b"
+#define IbuildF_b "buildF_b"
+#define IbuildI_b "buildI_b"
+#define IbuildR_b "buildR_b"
+#define IfillB "fillB"
+#define IfillC "fillC"
+#define IfillI "fillI"
+#define IfillR "fillR"
+#define IfillS "fillS"
+#define IfillB_b "fillB_b"
+#define IfillC_b "fillC_b"
+#define IfillI_b "fillI_b"
+#define IfillR_b "fillR_b"
+#define IfillF_b "fillF_b"
+#define IeqB_a "eqB_a"
+#define IeqC_a "eqC_a"
+#define IeqI_a "eqI_a"
+#define IeqR_a "eqR_a"
+#define IeqS_a "eqS_a"
+#define IeqAC_a "eqAC_a"
+#define IeqB_b "eqB_b"
+#define IeqC_b "eqC_b"
+#define IeqI_b "eqI_b"
+#define IeqR_b "eqR_b"
+#define IpushB "pushB"
+#define IpushI "pushI"
+#define IpushC "pushC"
+#define IpushR "pushR"
+#define IpushD "pushD"
+#define IpushB_a "pushB_a"
+#define IpushC_a "pushC_a"
+#define IpushI_a "pushI_a"
+#define IpushR_a "pushR_a"
+#define IpushF_a "pushF_a"
+#define IpushD_a "pushD_a"
+#define Ipush_array "push_array"
+#define Ipush_arraysize "push_arraysize"
+#define Iselect "select"
+#define Iupdate "update"
+#define Ireplace "replace"
+#define Ipush_arg "push_arg"
+#define Ipush_args "push_args"
+#define Ipush_args_u "push_args_u"
+#define Ipush_r_args "push_r_args"
+#define Ipush_r_args_u "push_r_args_u"
+#define Ipush_r_args_a "push_r_args_a"
+#define Ipush_r_args_b "push_r_args_b"
+#define Irepl_arg "repl_arg"
+#define Irepl_args "repl_args"
+#define Irepl_r_args "repl_r_args"
+#define Irepl_r_args_a "repl_r_args_a"
+#define Ipush_node "push_node"
+#define Ipush_node_u "push_node_u"
+#define Ifill "fill"
+#define Ifillcp "fillcp"
+#define Ifill_u "fill_u"
+#define Ifillcp_u "fillcp_u"
+#define Ifillh "fillh"
+#define Ifill1 "fill1"
+#define Ifill2 "fill2"
+#define Ibuild "build"
+#define Ibuildh "buildh"
+#define Ibuild_u "build_u"
+#define IbuildAC "buildAC"
+#define Ifill_r "fill_r"
+#define Ifill1_r "fill1_r"
+#define Ifill2_r "fill2_r"
+#define Ifill3_r "fill3_r"
+#define Ibuild_r "build_r"
+#define Ifill_a "fill_a"
+#define Ipush_a "push_a"
+#define Ipush_b "push_b"
+#define Ijsr_eval "jsr_eval"
+#define Ipop_a "pop_a"
+#define Ipop_b "pop_b"
+#define Ieq_desc "eq_desc"
+#define IeqD_b "eqD_b"
+#define Ijmp_false "jmp_false"
+#define Ijmp_true "jmp_true"
+#define Ijmp "jmp"
+#define Ijsr "jsr"
+#define Icreate "create"
+#define Iprint "print"
+#define Iupdate_a "update_a"
+#define Iupdate_b "update_b"
+#define Iupdatepop_a "updatepop_a"
+#define Iupdatepop_b "updatepop_b"
+#define Iupdate_b "update_b"
+#define Ipop_a "pop_a"
+#define Ipop_b "pop_b"
+#define Iget_node_arity "get_node_arity"
+#define Iget_desc_arity "get_desc_arity"
+#define Ipush_arg_b "push_arg_b"
+#define Irtn "rtn"
+#define Ijmp_eval "jmp_eval"
+#define Ijmp_eval_upd "jmp_eval_upd"
+#define Ihalt "halt"
+#define Itestcaf "testcaf"
+#define Ipushcaf "pushcaf"
+#define Ifillcaf "fillcaf"
+#define Iin "in"
+#define Iout "out"
+static void put_instruction (char *instruction)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\t',OutFile);
+ FPutS (instruction,OutFile);
+static void put_instruction_ (char *instruction)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\t',OutFile);
+ FPutS (instruction,OutFile);
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+static void put_instruction_code (int instruction_code)
+ FPutC (instruction_code,OutFile);
+#define Dkeep "keep"
+#define Dd "d"
+#define Do "o"
+#define Dimpdesc "impdesc"
+#define Dimplab "implab"
+#define Dexport "export"
+#define Dn "n"
+#define Dnu "nu"
+#define Dn_string "n_string"
+#define Ddesc "desc"
+#define Ddescn "descn"
+#define Ddescexp "descexp"
+#define Drecord "record"
+#define Dmodule "module"
+#define Ddepend "depend"
+#define Dcomp "comp"
+#define Dcode "code"
+#define Dstart "start"
+#define Dstring "string"
+#define Dcaf "caf"
+#define Dendinfo "endinfo"
+#define Dpb "pb"
+#define Dpd "pd"
+#define Dpn "pn"
+#define Dpl "pl"
+#define Dpld "pld"
+#define Dpt "pt"
+#define Dpe "pe"
+static void put_directive (char *directive)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('.',OutFile);
+ FPutS (directive,OutFile);
+static void put_directive_ (char *directive)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('.',OutFile);
+ FPutS (directive,OutFile);
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+static void put_first_directive_ (char *directive)
+ FPutC ('.',OutFile);
+ FPutS (directive,OutFile);
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+void BuildBasicFromB (ObjectKind kind,int b_offset)
+ switch (kind){
+ case IntObj:
+ case ProcIdObj:
+ case RedIdObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildI_b); break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildB_b); break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildC_b); break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildR_b); break;
+ case FileObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildF_b); break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("BuildBasicFromB");
+ return;
+ }
+ put_arguments_n_b (b_offset);
+void FillBasicFromB (ObjectKind kind, int boffs, int aoffs, FillKind fkind)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (aoffs, fkind);
+ switch (kind){
+ case IntObj:
+ case ProcIdObj: /* we assume proc_id and red_id */
+ case RedIdObj: /* to be integers */
+ put_instruction_b (fillI_b); break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_b (fillB_b); break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_b (fillC_b); break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_b (fillR_b); break;
+ case FileObj:
+ put_instruction_b (fillF_b); break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("FillBasicFromB");
+ return;
+ }
+ put_arguments_nn_b (boffs,aoffs);
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (aoffs, fkind);
+void BuildBasic (ObjectKind obj,SymbValue val)
+ switch (obj){
+ case IntObj:
+ put_instruction_b (buildI);
+ put_arguments_i_b (val.val_int);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IbuildB);
+ if (val.val_bool)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "TRUE");
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "FALSE");
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IbuildC);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_char);
+ break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IbuildR);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_real);
+ break;
+ case StringObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IbuildS);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_string);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("BuildBasic");
+ return;
+ }
+void FillBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val, int offset, FillKind fkind)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (offset, fkind);
+ switch (obj){
+ case IntObj:
+ put_instruction_b (fillI);
+ put_arguments_in_b (val.val_int,offset);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IfillB);
+ if (val.val_bool)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "TRUE %d", offset);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "FALSE %d", offset);
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IfillC);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_char, offset);
+ break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IfillR);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_real, offset);
+ break;
+ case StringObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IfillS);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_string, offset);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("FillBasic");
+ return;
+ }
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (offset, fkind);
+void IsBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val, int offset)
+ switch (obj){
+ case IntObj:
+ put_instruction_b (eqI_a);
+ put_arguments_in_b (val.val_int,offset);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqB_a);
+ if (val.val_bool)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "TRUE %d", offset);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "FALSE %d", offset);
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqC_a);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_char, offset); break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqR_a);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_real, offset); break;
+ case StringObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqS_a);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_string, offset); break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("IsBasic");
+ return;
+ }
+void IsString (SymbValue val)
+ put_instruction_ (IeqAC_a);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s",val.val_string);
+void PushBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val)
+ switch (obj){
+ case IntObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushI);
+ put_arguments_i_b (val.val_int);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IpushB);
+ if (val.val_bool)
+ FPutS ("TRUE", OutFile);
+ else
+ FPutS ("FALSE", OutFile);
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IpushC);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_char); break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IpushR);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_real); break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("PushBasic");
+ return;
+ }
+void GenPushReducerId (int i)
+ put_instruction_b (pushI);
+ put_arguments_n_b (i);
+void GenPushArgNr (int argnr)
+ put_instruction_b (pushI);
+ put_arguments_n_b (argnr);
+void EqBasic (ObjectKind obj, SymbValue val, int offset)
+ switch (obj){
+ case IntObj:
+ put_instruction_b (eqI_b);
+ put_arguments_in_b (val.val_int,offset);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqB_b);
+ if (val.val_bool)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "TRUE %d", offset);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "FALSE %d", offset);
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqC_b);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_char, offset); break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_ (IeqR_b);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s %d", val.val_real, offset); break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("EqBasic");
+ return;
+ }
+void PushBasicFromAOnB (ObjectKind kind,int offset)
+ switch (kind){
+ case IntObj:
+ case ProcIdObj:
+ case RedIdObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushI_a);
+ break;
+ case BoolObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushB_a);
+ break;
+ case CharObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushC_a);
+ break;
+ case RealObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushR_a);
+ break;
+ case FileObj:
+ put_instruction_b (pushF_a);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("PushBasicFromAOnB");
+ return;
+ }
+ put_arguments_n_b (offset);
+void GenPushD_a (int a_offset)
+ put_instruction_ (IpushD_a);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d",a_offset);
+void PushBasicOnB (ObjectKind obj, int offset)
+ int i;
+ for (i = ObjectSizes[obj]; i > 0; i--)
+ GenPushB (offset + ObjectSizes[obj] - 1);
+void UpdateBasic (int size, int srcoffset, int dstoffset)
+ if (srcoffset < dstoffset){
+ int i;
+ for (i=size-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ GenUpdateB (srcoffset+i, dstoffset+i);
+ } else if (srcoffset > dstoffset){
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i < size; i++)
+ GenUpdateB (srcoffset+i, dstoffset+i);
+ }
+static Bool IsDirective (Instructions instruction, char *directive)
+ char *s;
+ s=instruction->instr_this;
+ while (isspace(*s))
+ ++s;
+ if (*s!='.')
+ return False;
+ for (; *directive; ++directive)
+ if (*directive!=*++s)
+ return False;
+ return True;
+static Bool IsInlineFromCurrentModule (SymbDef def)
+ RuleAlts alt;
+ Instructions instruction, next;
+ /*
+ if (def->sdef_kind!=IMPRULE)
+ return False;
+ */
+ alt=def->sdef_rule->rule_alts;
+ if (alt->alt_kind!=ExternalCall || !alt->alt_rhs_code->co_is_abc_code)
+ return False;
+ instruction=alt->alt_rhs_code->co_instr;
+ if (!IsDirective(instruction, "inline"))
+ return False;
+ for (instruction=instruction->instr_next;(next=instruction->instr_next)!=NULL;instruction=next)
+ ;
+ return (IsDirective(instruction, "end"));
+ For ABC to target machine code generation we supply the abc code
+ with special stack layout directives. The routines for doing this
+ are 'GenBStackElems', 'GenStackLayoutOfNode' and 'GenStackLayoutOfState'.
+static char BElems[] = BASIC_ELEMS_STRING;
+static void GenBStackElems (StateS state)
+ if (IsSimpleState (state)){
+ if (state.state_kind == OnB)
+ FPutC (BElems [(int) state.state_object], OutFile);
+ } else {
+ int arity;
+ States argstates;
+ switch (state.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ argstates = state.state_tuple_arguments;
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ argstates = state.state_record_arguments;
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ return;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("GenBStackElems");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (arity=0; arity < state.state_arity; ++arity)
+ GenBStackElems (argstates[arity]);
+ }
+static void GenABStackElems (StateS state)
+ if (IsSimpleState (state)){
+ if (state.state_kind == OnB)
+ FPutC (BElems [(int) state.state_object], OutFile);
+ else
+ FPutC ('a', OutFile);
+ } else {
+ int arity;
+ States argstates;
+ switch (state.state_type){
+ case TupleState:
+ argstates = state.state_tuple_arguments;
+ break;
+ case RecordState:
+ argstates = state.state_record_arguments;
+ break;
+ case ArrayState:
+ FPutC ('a', OutFile);
+ return;
+ default:
+ error_in_function ("GenABStackElems");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (arity=0; arity < state.state_arity; arity++)
+ GenABStackElems (argstates[arity]);
+ }
+void GenDStackLayout (int asize,int bsize,Args fun_args)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (d);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ while (fun_args!=NULL){
+ GenBStackElems (fun_args->arg_state);
+ fun_args=fun_args->arg_next;
+ }
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenOStackLayout (int asize,int bsize,Args fun_args)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (o);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ while (fun_args!=NULL){
+ GenBStackElems (fun_args->arg_state);
+ fun_args=fun_args->arg_next;
+ }
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+static void CallFunction2 (Label label, SymbDef def, Bool isjsr, StateS root_state, Args fun_args, int arity)
+ int ain,aout,bin,bout;
+ Args arg;
+ ain=0;
+ bin=0;
+ if (fun_args != NULL){
+ for (arg = fun_args; arg; arg = arg -> arg_next)
+ AddSizeOfState (arg -> arg_state, &ain, &bin);
+ } else
+ ain = arity;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (root_state, &aout, &bout);
+ if (IsSimpleState (root_state) && (root_state.state_kind!=OnB && root_state.state_kind!=StrictRedirection))
+ ain++;
+ if (label->lab_mod && label->lab_mod==CurrentModule)
+ label->lab_mod = NULL;
+ label->lab_pref = s_pref;
+ if (def->sdef_kind==SYSRULE){
+ char *instr;
+ instr= def->sdef_ident->ident_instructions;
+ if (instr && *instr!='\0'){
+ char *tail;
+ for (; *instr != '\0'; instr = tail){
+ for (tail = instr; *tail != '\n'; tail++)
+ ;
+ *tail = '\0';
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n%s", instr);
+ *tail++ = '\n';
+ }
+ if (!isjsr)
+ GenRtn (aout, bout, root_state);
+ } else {
+ if (def->sdef_ident->ident_environ && instr==NULL)
+ { char *previous_module = CurrentModule;
+ char *previous_ext = CurrentExt;
+ CurrentModule = def->sdef_module;
+ CurrentExt = GetFileExtension (abcFile);
+ StaticMessage (False, "%D", "no inline code for this rule", def);
+ CurrentModule = previous_module;
+ CurrentExt = previous_ext;
+ def->sdef_ident->ident_environ = (char *) NIL;
+ }
+ GenDStackLayout (ain, bin, fun_args);
+ if (isjsr){
+ GenJsr (label);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (aout, bout, root_state);
+ } else
+ GenJmp (label);
+ }
+ } else if (def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE && IsInlineFromCurrentModule (def)){
+ Instructions instruction, last, first, next;
+ instruction=def->sdef_rule->rule_alts->alt_rhs_code->co_instr;
+ instruction=instruction->instr_next;
+ first=instruction;
+ last=NULL;
+ for (;(next=instruction->instr_next)!=NULL;instruction=next)
+ last=instruction;
+ last->instr_next=NULL;
+ GenInstructions (first);
+ last->instr_next=instruction;
+ if (!isjsr)
+ GenRtn (aout, bout, root_state);
+ } else {
+ GenDStackLayout (ain, bin, fun_args);
+ if (isjsr){
+ GenJsr (label);
+ GenOStackLayoutOfState (aout, bout, root_state);
+ } else
+ GenJmp (label);
+ }
+void CallFunction (Label label, SymbDef def, Bool isjsr, Node root)
+ if (def->sdef_arfun<NoArrayFun)
+ CallArrayFunction (def,isjsr,&root->node_state);
+ else
+ CallFunction2 (label, def, isjsr, root->node_state, root->node_arguments, root->node_arity);
+static void GenArraySize (Label elemdesc, int asize, int bsize)
+ put_instruction_ (Ipush_arraysize);
+ GenLabel (elemdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d", asize, bsize);
+static void GenArraySelect (Label elemdesc, int asize, int bsize)
+ put_instruction_ (Iselect);
+ GenLabel (elemdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d", asize, bsize);
+static void GenArrayUpdate (Label elemdesc, int asize, int bsize)
+ put_instruction_ (Iupdate);
+ GenLabel (elemdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d", asize, bsize);
+static void GenArrayReplace (Label elemdesc, int asize, int bsize)
+ put_instruction_ (Ireplace);
+ GenLabel (elemdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d", asize, bsize);
+extern Symbol UnboxedArrayFunctionSymbols [];
+static Label ApplyLabel;
+static StateS ApplyState;
+extern SymbDef ApplyDef; /* from codegen2.c */
+static void ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (Bool is_jsr)
+ GenPushA (0);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (3, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ BuildBasicFromB (IntObj,0);
+ GenPopB (SizeOfInt);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 4);
+ GenPopA (2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, is_jsr, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+static void ApplyOperatorToArrayElem (int asize, int bsize, ObjectKind kind)
+ if (asize==0){
+ GenPushA (0);
+ BuildBasicFromB (kind,0);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ GenPopB (bsize);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+static void UnpackResultTuple (int asize,int bsize,ObjectKind kind)
+ GenReplArgs (2, 2);
+ if (asize==0){
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (kind, 0);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ GenPushArray (asize);
+ GenUpdateA (0,1+asize);
+ GenPopA (1);
+void CallArrayFunction (SymbDef array_def,Bool is_jsr,StateP node_state_p)
+ LabDef elem_desc;
+ int asize, bsize;
+ Bool elem_is_lazy;
+ StateS array_state;
+ ArrayFunKind fkind;
+ StateP function_state_p;
+ fkind = (ArrayFunKind)array_def->sdef_arfun;
+ function_state_p = array_def->sdef_rule_type->rule_type_state_p;
+ if (function_state_p[0].state_type==SimpleState && function_state_p[0].state_object==UnknownObj){
+ StateS elem_state;
+ switch (fkind){
+ case CreateArrayFun:
+ case _CreateArrayFun:
+ array_state=function_state_p[-1];
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectNextFun:
+ case _UnqArraySelectLastFun:
+ case _ArrayUpdateFun:
+ if (function_state_p[1].state_type==TupleState)
+ array_state=function_state_p[1].state_tuple_arguments[0];
+ else
+ error_in_function ("CallArrayFunction");
+ break;
+ default:
+ array_state=function_state_p[1];
+ }
+ elem_state = array_state.state_array_arguments [0];
+ if (array_state.state_type==ArrayState && (array_state.state_mark & STATE_UNBOXED_ARRAY_MASK)){
+ if (ApplyLabel == NULL){
+ ApplyLabel = CompAllocType (LabDef);
+ ConvertSymbolToLabel (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef);
+ }
+ switch (fkind){
+ case CreateArrayFun:
+ case _CreateArrayFun:
+ GenPushA (0);
+ BuildBasicFromB (IntObj,0);
+ GenPopB (SizeOfInt);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ if (fkind!=_CreateArrayFun)
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ GenPushArray (0);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ break;
+ case ArraySelectFun:
+ if (elem_state.state_kind==StrictOnA)
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (is_jsr);
+ else {
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (True);
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (elem_state.state_object, 0);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case UnqArraySelectFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (True);
+ if (node_state_p->state_type==TupleState
+ && node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1].state_type==SimpleState
+ && node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1].state_kind==Undefined)
+ {
+ GenReplArg (2,1);
+ if (asize==0){
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (elem_state.state_object,0);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ }
+ } else
+ UnpackResultTuple (asize,bsize,elem_state.state_object);
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (True);
+ UnpackResultTuple (asize, bsize, elem_state.state_object);
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectNextFun:
+ case _UnqArraySelectLastFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (3, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (3, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenBuildh (&tuple_lab,2);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ BuildBasicFromB (IntObj,0);
+ GenPopB (SizeOfInt);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 4);
+ GenPopA (2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ UnpackResultTuple (asize, bsize, elem_state.state_object);
+ break;
+ case _ArrayUpdateFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (3, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (3, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenBuildh (&tuple_lab,2);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ BuildBasicFromB (IntObj,0);
+ GenPopB (SizeOfInt);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 4);
+ GenPopA (2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayElem (asize, bsize, elem_state.state_object);
+ GenPushArray (0);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ break;
+ case ArrayUpdateFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (True);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayElem (asize,bsize,elem_state.state_object);
+ GenPushArray (0);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ break;
+ case ArrayReplaceFun:
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state,&asize,&bsize);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayAndIndex (True);
+ ApplyOperatorToArrayElem (asize,bsize,elem_state.state_object);
+ UnpackResultTuple (asize,bsize,elem_state.state_object);
+ break;
+ case ArraySizeFun:
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (2, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ PushBasicFromAOnB (IntObj, 0);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ break;
+ case UnqArraySizeFun:
+ GenCreate (-1);
+ GenFillArray (2, 0, NormalFill);
+ GenUpdateA (0, 2);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ CallFunction2 (ApplyLabel, ApplyDef, True, ApplyState, NULL, 2);
+ UnpackResultTuple (0, SizeOfInt, IntObj);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (! is_jsr){
+ DetermineSizeOfState (function_state_p[-1], & asize, & bsize);
+ GenRtn (asize,bsize,function_state_p[-1]);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ { GenPopA (1);
+ elem_desc = BasicDescriptors [UnknownObj];
+ asize = 1;
+ bsize = 0;
+ elem_is_lazy = elem_state.state_type==SimpleState && elem_state.state_kind==OnA;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (fkind){
+ case CreateArrayFun:
+ case _CreateArrayFun:
+ array_state = function_state_p[-1];
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectNextFun:
+ case _UnqArraySelectLastFun:
+ case _ArrayUpdateFun:
+ if (function_state_p[0].state_type==TupleState)
+ array_state=function_state_p[0].state_tuple_arguments[0];
+ else
+ error_in_function ("CallArrayFunction");
+ break;
+ default:
+ array_state = function_state_p[0];
+ }
+ if (array_state.state_type == ArrayState){
+ StateS elem_state = array_state.state_array_arguments [0];
+ DetermineArrayElemDescr (elem_state, & elem_desc);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (elem_state, & asize, & bsize);
+ elem_is_lazy = elem_state.state_type==SimpleState && elem_state.state_kind==OnA;
+ } else
+ error_in_function ("CallArrayFunction");
+ }
+ switch (fkind){
+ case CreateArrayFun:
+ put_instruction_ ("create_array");
+ GenLabel (&elem_desc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ case _CreateArrayFun:
+ put_instruction_ ("create_array_");
+ GenLabel (&elem_desc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ case ArraySelectFun:
+ GenArraySelect (&elem_desc,asize,bsize);
+ if (elem_is_lazy){
+ if (is_jsr)
+ GenJsrEval (0);
+ else {
+ GenJmpEval ();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case UnqArraySelectFun:
+ if (! (node_state_p->state_type==TupleState
+ && node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1].state_type==SimpleState
+ && node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1].state_kind==Undefined))
+ {
+ GenPushA (0);
+ }
+ GenArraySelect (&elem_desc,asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectFun:
+ GenPushA (0);
+ GenArraySelect (&elem_desc,asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ case _UnqArraySelectNextFun:
+ case _UnqArraySelectLastFun:
+ {
+ int record_or_array_a_size,record_or_array_b_size;
+ if (node_state_p->state_type!=TupleState)
+ error_in_function ("CallArrayFunction");
+ DetermineSizeOfState (node_state_p->state_tuple_arguments[1],&record_or_array_a_size,&record_or_array_b_size);
+ if (record_or_array_b_size>0){
+ int i;
+ GenPushB (record_or_array_b_size);
+ for (i=record_or_array_b_size; i>=0; --i)
+ GenUpdateB (i,i+1);
+ GenPopB (1);
+ }
+ GenArraySelect (&elem_desc,asize,bsize);
+ break;
+ }
+ case _ArrayUpdateFun:
+ {
+ int i,result_a_size,result_b_size;
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*node_state_p,&result_a_size,&result_b_size);
+ if (asize!=0){
+ for (i=0; i<asize; ++i)
+ GenPushA (result_a_size+asize);
+ for (i=result_a_size-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenUpdateA (i+asize+1,i+asize+1+asize);
+ for (i=asize-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenUpdateA (i,i+1+asize);
+ GenPopA (asize);
+ }
+ if (result_b_size!=0){
+ int b_size_with_index;
+ b_size_with_index=bsize+1;
+ for (i=0; i<b_size_with_index; ++i)
+ GenPushB (result_b_size+b_size_with_index-1);
+ for (i=result_b_size-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenUpdateB (i+b_size_with_index,i+b_size_with_index+b_size_with_index);
+ for (i=b_size_with_index-1; i>=0; --i)
+ GenUpdateB (i,i+b_size_with_index);
+ GenPopB (b_size_with_index);
+ }
+ GenArrayUpdate (&elem_desc,asize,bsize);
+ for (i=0; i<result_a_size; ++i)
+ GenKeep (0,i+1);
+ GenPopA (1);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ArrayUpdateFun:
+ GenArrayUpdate (& elem_desc, asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ case ArrayReplaceFun:
+ GenArrayReplace (& elem_desc, asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ case ArraySizeFun:
+ GenArraySize (& elem_desc, asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ case UnqArraySizeFun:
+ GenPushA (0);
+ GenArraySize (& elem_desc, asize, bsize);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (! is_jsr){
+ DetermineSizeOfState (*node_state_p,&asize,&bsize);
+ GenRtn (asize,bsize,*node_state_p);
+ }
+void GenNewContext (Label contlab, int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tset_entry ");
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d", offset);
+void GenSetDefer (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tset_defer %d", offset);
+void GenReplArgs (int arity, int nrargs)
+ if (nrargs > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (repl_args);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (arity,nrargs);
+ } else
+ GenPopA (1);
+void GenReplArg (int arity, int argnr)
+ put_instruction_b (repl_arg);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (arity,argnr);
+void GenPushArgs (int offset, int arity, int nrargs)
+ if (nrargs > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_args);
+ put_arguments_nnn_b (offset,arity,nrargs);
+ }
+void GenPushArgsU (int offset, int arity, int nrargs)
+ if (nrargs > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_args_u);
+ put_arguments_nnn_b (offset,arity,nrargs);
+ }
+void GenPushArg (int offset, int arity, int argnr)
+ put_instruction_b (push_arg);
+ put_arguments_nnn_b (offset,arity,argnr);
+void GenPushRArgs (int offset, int nr_a_args, int nr_b_args)
+ if (nr_a_args + nr_b_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_r_args);
+ put_arguments_nnn_b (offset,nr_a_args,nr_b_args);
+ }
+void GenPushRArgsU (int offset,int n_a_args,int n_b_args)
+ if (n_a_args + n_b_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_r_args_u);
+ put_arguments_nnn_b (offset,n_a_args,n_b_args);
+ }
+void GenPushRArgA (int offset, int tot_nr_a_args, int tot_nr_b_args, int args_nr, int nr_a_args)
+ if (nr_a_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_r_args_a);
+ put_arguments_nnnnn_b (offset,tot_nr_a_args,tot_nr_b_args,args_nr,nr_a_args);
+ }
+void GenPushRArgB (int offset, int tot_nr_a_args, int tot_nr_b_args, int args_nr, int nr_b_args)
+ if (nr_b_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (push_r_args_b);
+ put_arguments_nnnnn_b (offset,tot_nr_a_args,tot_nr_b_args,args_nr,nr_b_args);
+ }
+void GenReplRArgs (int nr_a_args, int nr_b_args)
+ if (nr_a_args + nr_b_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (repl_r_args);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (nr_a_args,nr_b_args);
+ } else
+ GenPopA (1);
+void GenReplRArgA (int tot_nr_a_args, int tot_nr_b_args, int args_nr, int nr_a_args)
+ if (nr_a_args > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (repl_r_args_a);
+ put_arguments_nnnn_b (tot_nr_a_args,tot_nr_b_args,args_nr,nr_a_args);
+ } else
+ GenPopA (1);
+void GenPushNode (Label contlab, int arity)
+ put_instruction_b (push_node);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (arity);
+void GenPushNodeU (Label contlab,int a_size,int b_size)
+ put_instruction_b (push_node_u);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__nn_b (a_size,b_size);
+void GenFill (Label symblab, int arity,Label contlab, int offset, FillKind fkind)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (offset, fkind);
+ put_instruction_b (fill);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (offset);
+ if (arity < 0)
+ arity = 1;
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (offset-arity, fkind);
+void GenFillU (Label symblab,int a_size,int b_size,Label contlab,int offset)
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill_u);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d ",a_size,b_size);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (offset);
+void GenFillcp (Label symblab,int arity,Label contlab,int offset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_b (fillcp);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (offset);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %s",bits);
+void GenFillcpU (Label symblab,int a_size,int b_size,Label contlab,int offset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_b (fillcp_u);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d ",a_size,b_size);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (offset);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %s",bits);
+void GenFillh (Label symblab, int arity, int offset, FillKind fkind)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (offset, fkind);
+ put_instruction_b (fillh);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__nn_b (arity,offset);
+ if (arity < 0)
+ arity = 1;
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (offset-arity, fkind);
+void GenFill1 (Label symblab,int arity,int offset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill1);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d %s",arity,offset,bits);
+void GenFill2 (Label symblab,int arity,int offset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill2);
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d %s",arity,offset,bits);
+void GenBuild (Label symblab,int arity,Label contlab)
+ put_instruction_b (build);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+void GenBuildh (Label symblab,int arity)
+ put_instruction_b (buildh);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n_b (arity);
+void GenBuildU (Label symblab,int a_size,int b_size,Label contlab)
+ put_instruction_ (Ibuild_u);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d ",a_size,b_size);
+ GenLabel (contlab);
+void GenBuildArray (int argoffset)
+ GenPushA (argoffset);
+ GenBuildh (& BasicDescriptors [ArrayObj], 1);
+void GenBuildString (SymbValue val)
+ put_instruction_ (IbuildAC);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s", val.val_string);
+static void GenFieldLabel (Label label,char *record_name)
+ SymbDef def;
+ def = (SymbDef) label->lab_name;
+ if (label->lab_mod)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_%s%s.%s",
+ label->lab_mod,label->lab_pref,record_name,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ else if (DoDebug){
+ if (def->sdef_kind==IMPRULE)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s.%s.%u",
+ label->lab_pref,record_name,def->sdef_ident->ident_name,def->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s.%s",label->lab_pref,record_name,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ } else if (def->sdef_number==0)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ else if (label->lab_pref[0] == '\0')
+ FPrintF (OutFile,LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u",def->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s%u",label->lab_pref,def->sdef_number);
+void GenBuildFieldSelector (Label symblab,Label contlab,char *record_name,int arity)
+ put_instruction_b (build);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenFieldLabel (symblab,record_name);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ GenFieldLabel (contlab,record_name);
+void GenFieldLabelDefinition (Label label,char *record_name)
+ FPutS ("\n", OutFile);
+ GenFieldLabel (label,record_name);
+void GenFillFieldSelector (Label symblab,Label contlab,char *record_name,int arity,int offset,FillKind fkind)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (offset,fkind);
+ put_instruction_b (fill);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenFieldLabel (symblab,record_name);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ GenFieldLabel (contlab,record_name);
+ put_arguments__n_b (offset);
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (offset-1,fkind);
+void GenFillR (Label symblab,int nr_a_args,int nr_b_args,int rootoffset,int a_offset,int b_offset,FillKind fkind,Bool pop_args)
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (rootoffset, fkind);
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill_r);
+ if (! symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ if (nr_a_args==0)
+ a_offset=0;
+ if (nr_b_args==0)
+ b_offset=0;
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d %d %d %d",nr_a_args,nr_b_args,rootoffset,a_offset,b_offset);
+ if (pop_args){
+ GenPopA (nr_a_args);
+ GenPopB (nr_b_args);
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (rootoffset-nr_a_args, fkind);
+ } else
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (rootoffset, fkind);
+void GenFill1R (Label symblab,int n_a_args,int n_b_args,int rootoffset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill1_r);
+ if (! symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d %d %s",n_a_args,n_b_args,rootoffset,bits);
+void GenFill2R (Label symblab,int n_a_args,int n_b_args,int rootoffset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill2_r);
+ if (! symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d %d %s",n_a_args,n_b_args,rootoffset,bits);
+void GenFill3R (Label symblab,int n_a_args,int n_b_args,int rootoffset,char bits[])
+ put_instruction_ (Ifill3_r);
+ if (! symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d %d %s",n_a_args,n_b_args,rootoffset,bits);
+void GenBuildR (Label symblab,int nr_a_args,int nr_b_args,int a_offset,int b_offset,Bool pop_args)
+ put_instruction_ (Ibuild_r);
+ if (!symblab->lab_issymbol || DescriptorNeeded (symblab->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ if (nr_a_args==0)
+ a_offset=0;
+ if (nr_b_args==0)
+ b_offset=0;
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d %d %d",nr_a_args,nr_b_args,a_offset,b_offset);
+ if (pop_args){
+ if (nr_a_args>0){
+ GenUpdateA (0,nr_a_args);
+ GenPopA (nr_a_args);
+ }
+ GenPopB (nr_b_args);
+ }
+void GenFillFromA (int src, int dst, FillKind fkind)
+ if (src == dst)
+ return;
+ TreatWaitListBeforeFill (dst, fkind);
+ put_instruction_b (fill_a);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ TreatWaitListAfterFill (dst, fkind);
+void GenFillArray (int argoffset, int rootoffset, FillKind fkind)
+ GenPushA (argoffset);
+ GenFillh (&BasicDescriptors [ArrayObj], 1, rootoffset+1, fkind);
+void GenPushArray (int rootoffset)
+ put_instruction_ (Ipush_array);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d", rootoffset);
+void GenRtn (int asize, int bsize, StateS resultstate)
+ GenDStackLayoutOfState (asize, bsize, resultstate);
+ put_instructionb (rtn);
+void GenPushA (int offset)
+ if (offset<0)
+ error_in_function ("GenPushA");
+ put_instruction_b (push_a);
+ put_arguments_n_b (offset);
+void GenPushB (int offset)
+ if (offset<0)
+ error_in_function ("GenPushB");
+ put_instruction_b (push_b);
+ put_arguments_n_b (offset);
+void GenJsrEval (int offset)
+ put_instruction_b (jsr_eval);
+ put_arguments_n_b (offset);
+void GenJmpEval (void)
+ put_instruction (Ijmp_eval);
+void GenPopA (int nr)
+ if (nr > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (pop_a);
+ put_arguments_n_b (nr);
+ }
+void GenPopB (int nr)
+ if (nr > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (pop_b);
+ put_arguments_n_b (nr);
+ }
+void GenEqDesc (Label symblab,int arity,int offset)
+ put_instruction_b (eq_desc);
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ put_arguments__nn_b (arity,offset);
+void GenEqD_b (Label symblab,int arity)
+ put_instruction_b (eqD_b);
+ GenLabel (symblab);
+ put_arguments__n_b (arity);
+void GenExitFalse (Label to)
+ put_instruction_ ("exit_false");
+ GenLabel (to);
+void GenJmpFalse (Label to)
+ put_instruction_b (jmp_false);
+ GenLabel (to);
+void GenJmpTrue (Label to)
+ put_instruction_b (jmp_true);
+ GenLabel (to);
+void GenJmp (Label tolab)
+ put_instruction_b (jmp);
+ GenLabel (tolab);
+void GenJsr (Label tolab)
+ put_instruction_b (jsr);
+ GenLabel (tolab);
+void GenCreate (int arity)
+ if (arity == -1)
+ put_instruction (Icreate);
+ else {
+ put_instruction_ (Icreate);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d", arity);
+ }
+void GenDumpString (char *str)
+ put_instruction_ (Iprint);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\"%s\"", str);
+ put_instruction (Ihalt);
+void GenLabelDefinition (Label lab)
+ if (lab){
+ FPutC ('\n', OutFile);
+ GenLabel (lab);
+ }
+void GenUpdateA (int src, int dst)
+ if (src != dst){
+ put_instruction_b (update_a);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ }
+void GenUpdatePopA (int src, int dst)
+ if (src!=dst){
+ if (dst!=0){
+ put_instruction_b (updatepop_a);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ } else {
+ put_instruction_b (update_a);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ }
+ } else
+ if (dst > 0){
+ put_instruction_b (pop_a);
+ put_arguments_n_b (dst);
+ }
+void GenUpdateB (int src, int dst)
+ if (src != dst){
+ put_instruction_b (update_b);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ }
+void GenUpdatePopB (int src, int dst)
+ if (src!=dst){
+ if (dst!=0){
+ put_instruction_b (updatepop_b);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ } else {
+ put_instruction_b (update_b);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (src,dst);
+ }
+ } else
+ if (dst > 0) {
+ put_instruction_b (pop_b);
+ put_arguments_n_b (dst);
+ }
+void GenHalt (void)
+ put_instruction (Ihalt);
+void GenSetRedId (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tset_red_id %d", offset);
+void GenNewParallelReducer (int offset, char *reducer_code)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tnew_ext_reducer %s %d", reducer_code, offset);
+void GenNewContInterleavedReducer (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tnew_int_reducer _cont_reducer %d", offset);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tforce_cswitch", offset);
+void GenNewInterleavedReducer (int offset, char *reducer_code)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tnew_int_reducer %s %d", reducer_code, offset);
+void GenSendGraph (char *code, int graphoffs, int chanoffs)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tsend_graph %s %d %d", code, graphoffs, chanoffs);
+void GenCreateChannel (char *code)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tcreate_channel %s", code);
+void GenNewP (void)
+ FPutS ("\n\tnewP", OutFile);
+void SetContinue (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tset_continue %d", offset);
+void SetContinueOnReducer (int offset)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n\tset_continue2 %d", offset);
+void GenGetNodeArity (int offset)
+ put_instruction_ (Iget_node_arity);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d", offset);
+static void GenGetDescArity (int offset)
+ put_instruction_ (Iget_desc_arity);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d", offset);
+void GenPushArgB (int offset)
+ put_instruction_ (Ipush_arg_b);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d", offset);
+void GenImport (SymbDef sdef)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ char *name;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ switch (sdef->sdef_kind){
+ case DEFRULE:
+ case SYSRULE:
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & (SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK | SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK)){
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK && sdef->sdef_arfun==NoArrayFun){
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" S_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ char *record_name;
+ record_name = sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.%s",sdef->sdef_module,record_name,name);
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.%s",sdef->sdef_module,record_name,name);
+ if (sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " e_%s_" EA_PREFIX "%s.%s",sdef->sdef_module,record_name,name);
+ else if (sdef->sdef_returnsnode)
+ FPutS (" _",OutFile);
+ }
+ return;
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" R_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ if (!sdef->sdef_strict_constructor)
+ return;
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" RECORD_D_PREFIX "%s", sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ return;
+ if (!sdef->sdef_strict_constructor)
+ return;
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s", sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ if ((sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode || sdef->sdef_returnsnode) &&
+ !(sdef->sdef_kind==CONSTRUCTOR && !sdef->sdef_strict_constructor))
+ {
+ if (sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " e_%s_" EA_PREFIX "%s",sdef->sdef_module,name);
+ else
+ FPutS (" _",OutFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void GenExportStrictAndEaEntry (SymbDef sdef)
+ char *name;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" S_PREFIX "%s", CurrentModule,name);
+ if (sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_%s%s", CurrentModule, ea_pref, name);
+ }
+void GenExportFieldSelector (SymbDef sdef)
+ char *name;
+ char *record_name;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ record_name=sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.%s",CurrentModule,record_name,name);
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.%s",CurrentModule,record_name,name);
+ if (sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" EA_PREFIX "%s.%s",CurrentModule,record_name,name);
+ }
+void GenExportEaEntry (SymbDef sdef)
+ if (sdef->sdef_calledwithrootnode){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" EA_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ }
+void GenDAStackLayout (int asize)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (d);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenOAStackLayout (int asize)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (o);
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenDStackLayoutOfStates (int asize,int bsize,int n_states,StateP state_p)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (d);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ int i;
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ for (i=0; i<n_states; ++i)
+ GenBStackElems (state_p[i]);
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenOStackLayoutOfStates (int asize,int bsize,int n_states,StateP state_p)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (o);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ int i;
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ for (i=0; i<n_states; ++i)
+ GenBStackElems (state_p[i]);
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenDStackLayoutOfState (int asize, int bsize, StateS resultstate)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (d);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ GenBStackElems (resultstate);
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenOStackLayoutOfState (int asize, int bsize, StateS resultstate)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (o);
+ if (bsize > 0){
+ put_arguments_nn__b (asize,bsize);
+ GenBStackElems (resultstate);
+ } else
+ put_arguments_nn_b (asize,0);
+ }
+void GenJmpEvalUpdate (void)
+ put_instruction (Ijmp_eval_upd);
+void GenNodeEntryDirective (int arity,Label label,Label label2)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (n);
+ put_arguments_n__b (arity);
+ if (DescriptorNeeded (label->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (label);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ if (label2){
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ GenLabel (label2);
+ }
+ if (DoProfiling && arity>=0 && !DoParallel){
+ put_directive_ (Dn_string);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"\"%s\"",label->lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ }
+ }
+void GenNodeEntryDirectiveForLabelWithoutSymbol (int arity,Label label,Label label2)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (n);
+ put_arguments_n__b (arity);
+ GenLabel (label);
+ if (label2){
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ GenLabel (label2);
+ }
+ if (DoProfiling && arity>=0 && !DoParallel){
+ put_directive_ (Dn_string);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"\"%s\"",label->lab_name);
+ }
+ }
+void GenNodeEntryDirectiveUnboxed (int a_size,int b_size,Label label,Label label2)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_ (Dnu);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d ",a_size,b_size);
+ if (DescriptorNeeded (label->lab_symbol))
+ GenLabel (label);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ if (label2){
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ GenLabel (label2);
+ }
+ if (DoProfiling && !DoParallel){
+ put_directive_ (Dn_string);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"\"%s\"",label->lab_symbol->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ }
+# endif
+ }
+void GenFieldNodeEntryDirective (int arity,Label label,Label label2,char *record_name)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (n);
+ put_arguments_n__b (arity);
+ if (DescriptorNeeded (label->lab_symbol))
+ GenFieldLabel (label,record_name);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ if (label2){
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ GenFieldLabel (label2,record_name);
+ }
+ }
+void GenConstructorDescriptorAndExport (SymbDef sdef)
+ char *name;
+ LabDef *add_argument_label;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ if (sdef->sdef_arity>0)
+ add_argument_label=&add_arg_lab;
+ else
+ add_argument_label=&hnf_lab;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported || ExportLocalLabels){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,name);
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s %s %s %d 0 \"%s\"",
+ CurrentModule, name, hnf_lab.lab_name, add_argument_label->lab_name,
+ sdef->sdef_arity, name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s %s %s %d 0 \"%s\"",
+ name,hnf_lab.lab_name, add_argument_label->lab_name, sdef->sdef_arity, name);
+ } else {
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u %s %s %d 0 \"%s\"",
+ sdef->sdef_number, hnf_lab.lab_name, add_argument_label->lab_name,
+ sdef->sdef_arity, name);
+ }
+void GenRecordDescriptor (SymbDef sdef)
+ int asize,bsize;
+ char *name;
+ StateS recstate;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported || ExportLocalLabels){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" R_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,name);
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" R_PREFIX "%s ",CurrentModule,name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, R_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ } else {
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, R_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ }
+ recstate = sdef->sdef_record_state;
+ GenABStackElems (recstate);
+ DetermineSizeOfState (recstate,&asize,&bsize);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d \"%s\"",asize,bsize,name);
+void GenStrictConstructorDescriptor (SymbDef sdef,StateP constructor_arg_state_p)
+ int asize,bsize,state_arity,arg_n;
+ char *name;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported || ExportLocalLabels){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,name);
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX "%s ",CurrentModule,name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ } else {
+ put_directive_ (Drecord);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, CONSTRUCTOR_R_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ }
+ FPutC ('d', OutFile);
+ state_arity=sdef->sdef_arity;
+ asize = 0;
+ bsize = 0;
+ for (arg_n=0; arg_n<state_arity; ++arg_n){
+ GenABStackElems (*constructor_arg_state_p);
+ AddSizeOfState (*constructor_arg_state_p,&asize,&bsize);
+ ++constructor_arg_state_p;
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d %d \"%s\"", asize, bsize, name);
+void GenArrayFunctionDescriptor (SymbDef arr_fun_def, Label desclab, int arity)
+ LabDef descriptor_label;
+ char *name;
+ name = arr_fun_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ descriptor_label=*desclab;
+ descriptor_label.lab_pref=d_pref;
+ if (arr_fun_def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK)
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ else
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ GenLabel (&descriptor_label);
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ GenLabel (&empty_lab);
+ FPutC (' ', OutFile);
+ if (arr_fun_def->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK){
+ LabDef lazylab;
+ lazylab = *desclab;
+ lazylab.lab_pref = l_pref;
+ GenLabel (&lazylab);
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, " %d 0 \"%s\"", arity, name);
+void GenFunctionDescriptorAndExportNodeAndDescriptor (SymbDef sdef)
+ Ident name_id;
+ char *name;
+ if (!DescriptorNeeded (sdef))
+ return;
+ name_id = sdef->sdef_ident;
+ name = name_id->ident_name;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ put_directive_ (Ddescexp);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" L_PREFIX "%s ",
+ CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name);
+ } else {
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK){
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s.%u ", name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u ", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%u ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,L_PREFIX "%s.%u ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,L_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s.%u ", name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u ", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%u ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ }
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 0 \"", sdef->sdef_arity);
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (name_id, 0, OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+void GenConstructorFunctionDescriptorAndExportNodeAndDescriptor (SymbDef sdef)
+ Ident name_id;
+ char *name;
+ if (!DescriptorNeeded (sdef))
+ return;
+ name_id = sdef->sdef_ident;
+ name = name_id->ident_name;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ put_directive_ (Ddescexp);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" L_PREFIX "%s ",
+ CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name);
+ } else if (ExportLocalLabels && (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK)!=0){
+ put_directive_ (Ddescexp);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s " L_PREFIX "%s ",
+ CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s " L_PREFIX "%u ",
+ CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_CURRIED_MASK){
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u ", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,L_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,L_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ if (ExportLocalLabels){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,name);
+ }
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s ", name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u ", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (ExportLocalLabels)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s ",CurrentModule,name);
+ else if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s ", name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ }
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 0 \"", sdef->sdef_arity);
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (name_id, 0, OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+void GenFunctionDescriptorForLazyTupleRecursion (SymbDef sdef,int tuple_result_arity)
+ Ident name_id;
+ char *name;
+ name_id = sdef->sdef_ident;
+ name = name_id->ident_name;
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.2 ",CurrentModule,name);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.2 ",CurrentModule,name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ FPrintF (OutFile,D_PREFIX "%s.%u.2 ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%u.2 ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ FPrintF (OutFile,LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u.2 ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u.2 ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 0 \"",sdef->sdef_arity+tuple_result_arity);
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (name_id,0,OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+# if 1
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.3 ",CurrentModule,name);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.3 ",CurrentModule,name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ FPrintF (OutFile,D_PREFIX "%s.%u.3 ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%u.3 ",name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else {
+ FPrintF (OutFile,LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u.3 ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%u.3 ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 0 \"",sdef->sdef_arity+tuple_result_arity);
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (name_id,0,OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+# endif
+void GenLazyRecordDescriptorAndExport (SymbDef sdef)
+ char *name;
+ int arity;
+ if (!DescriptorNeeded (sdef))
+ return;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ arity = sdef->sdef_cons_arity;
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ put_directive_ (Ddescexp);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" RECORD_D_PREFIX "%s e_%s_" RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s _hnf %d 1 \"%s\"",
+ CurrentModule,name,CurrentModule,name,arity,name);
+ } else {
+ if (ExportLocalLabels){
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s",CurrentModule,name);
+ }
+ put_directive_ (Ddescn);
+ if (DoDebug){
+ FPrintF (OutFile,RECORD_D_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ if (ExportLocalLabels)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s ",CurrentModule,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s ",name);
+ } else {
+ FPrintF (OutFile,RECORD_D_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (ExportLocalLabels)
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"e_%s_" RECORD_N_PREFIX "%s ",CurrentModule,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile,RECORD_N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ }
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 1 \"%s\"",arity,name);
+ }
+void GenFieldSelectorDescriptor (SymbDef sdef,int has_gc_apply_entry)
+ char *name;
+ int arity;
+ if (!DescriptorNeeded (sdef))
+ return;
+ name = sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ arity = (sdef->sdef_kind == RECORDTYPE) ? sdef->sdef_cons_arity : sdef->sdef_arity;
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ if (sdef->sdef_exported){
+ char *record_name;
+ record_name=sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ if (has_gc_apply_entry)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.%s e_%s_%s%s.%s %d 0 \"%s\"",
+ CurrentModule,record_name,name,
+ CurrentModule,record_name,name,
+ CurrentModule,l_pref,record_name,name,
+ arity, name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s.%s e_%s_" N_PREFIX "%s.%s _hnf %d 0 \"%s\"",
+ CurrentModule,record_name,name,
+ CurrentModule,record_name,name,
+ arity, name);
+ } else if ((sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK) || has_gc_apply_entry){
+ char *record_name;
+ record_name = sdef->sdef_type->type_lhs->ft_symbol->symb_def->sdef_ident->ident_name;
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s.%s ",record_name,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u ", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, N_PREFIX "%s.%s ",record_name,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, N_PREFIX "%u ",sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ if (has_gc_apply_entry){
+ if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%s.%s ",l_pref,record_name,name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s%u ",l_pref,sdef->sdef_number);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%s ", hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d 0 \"%s\"", arity, name);
+ } else if (DoDebug){
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s %s %s %d 0 \"%s\"", name, hnf_lab.lab_name,
+ hnf_lab.lab_name, arity, name);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u %s %s %d 0 \"%s\"", sdef->sdef_number,
+ hnf_lab.lab_name, hnf_lab.lab_name, arity, name);
+void GenModuleDescriptor (
+ FileTime file_time
+ void
+ )
+ put_directive_ (Dmodule);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "m_%s \"%s\"", CurrentModule,CurrentModule);
+ if (WriteModificationTimes){
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+ FWriteFileTime (file_time,OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+ }
+void GenDepend (char *modname
+ ,FileTime file_time
+ )
+#ifndef _STANDALONE_
+ AddDependency (modname);
+ put_directive_ (Ddepend);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\"%s\"",modname);
+ if (WriteModificationTimes){
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+ FWriteFileTime (file_time,OutFile);
+ FPutC ('\"',OutFile);
+ }
+void GenStart (SymbDef startsymb)
+ if (startsymb->sdef_module == CurrentModule){
+ int arity;
+ arity = startsymb->sdef_arity;
+ startsymb->sdef_mark |= SDEF_USED_LAZILY_MASK;
+ put_directive_ (Dexport);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "__%s_Start", CurrentModule);
+ GenOAStackLayout (0);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "\n__%s_Start", CurrentModule);
+ if (arity!=0){
+ put_instruction_b (buildI);
+ put_arguments_n_b (65536l);
+ }
+ put_instruction_b (build);
+ if (startsymb->sdef_exported)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "Start",CurrentModule);
+ else if (DoDebug){
+ if (DoParallel)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "Start.%u",startsymb->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ } else {
+ if (DoParallel)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u",startsymb->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPutS (empty_lab.lab_name, OutFile);
+ }
+ put_arguments__n__b (arity);
+ if (startsymb->sdef_exported)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" N_PREFIX "Start",CurrentModule);
+ else if (DoDebug)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, N_PREFIX "Start.%u",startsymb->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, N_PREFIX "%u",startsymb->sdef_number);
+ GenDAStackLayout (1);
+ put_instruction_b (jmp);
+ FPutS ("_driver", OutFile);
+ }
+void GenSelectorDescriptor (Label sellab,char *g_pref)
+ put_directive_ (Ddesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s.%d %s%s.%d %s%s.%d 1 0 \"%s.%d\"",
+ sellab->lab_name, sellab->lab_post,
+ sellab->lab_pref, sellab->lab_name, sellab->lab_post,
+ g_pref, sellab->lab_name, sellab->lab_post,
+ sellab->lab_name, sellab->lab_post);
+void InitFileInfo (ImpMod imod)
+ char option_string[NR_OPTIONS+1];
+ CompilerOptions opts;
+ SymbDef start_sdef;
+ start_sdef=imod->im_start;
+#ifndef _STANDALONE_
+ MakeOptionsFromCurrentOptions (& opts);
+ ConvertOptionsToString (opts,option_string);
+ if (imod->im_def_module!=NULL && imod->im_def_module->dm_system_module)
+ option_string[N_System]='1';
+ put_first_directive_ (Dcomp);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%d %s", VERSION,option_string);
+#ifndef _STANDALONE_
+ AddVersionAndOptions (VERSION, opts);
+ put_directive_ (Dcode);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "%7ld %7ld %7ld", (long) 0, (long) 0, (long) 0);
+ put_directive_ (Dstart);
+ if (start_sdef!=NULL){
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "__%s_Start",start_sdef->sdef_module);
+ } else
+ FPutS ("_nostart_", OutFile);
+void GenNoMatchError (SymbDef sdef,int asp,int bsp,int string_already_generated)
+ Bool desc_needed;
+ desc_needed = DescriptorNeeded (sdef);
+ GenPopA (asp);
+ GenPopB (bsp);
+ put_instruction_b (pushD);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "m_%s", CurrentModule);
+ put_instruction_b (pushD);
+ if (!desc_needed)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "x_%u", sdef->sdef_number);
+ else if (sdef->sdef_exported)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "e_%s_" D_PREFIX "%s", CurrentModule, sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ else if (DoDebug){
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==IMPRULE)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s.%u", sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name,sdef->sdef_number);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, D_PREFIX "%s", sdef->sdef_ident->ident_name);
+ } else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, LOCAL_D_PREFIX "%u", sdef->sdef_number);
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ put_directive_b (d);
+ put_arguments_nn__b (0,2);
+ FPutS ("ii",OutFile);
+ }
+ GenJmp (&match_error_lab);
+ if (!desc_needed && !string_already_generated){
+ put_directive_ (Dstring);
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "x_%u \"",sdef->sdef_number);
+ PrintSymbolOfIdent (sdef->sdef_ident, sdef->sdef_line,OutFile);
+ FPutS ("\"", OutFile);
+ }
+static void GenImpLab (char *label_name)
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPutS (label_name,OutFile);
+static void GenImpLab_node_entry (char *label_name,char *ea_label_name)
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s %s",label_name,ea_label_name);
+static void GenImpDesc (char *descriptor_name)
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPutS (descriptor_name,OutFile);
+void GenEndInfo (void)
+ put_directive (Dendinfo);
+void GenSystemImports (void)
+ if (DoStackLayout){
+ /* system module labels and descriptors */
+ int selnum;
+ if (DoParallel){
+ GenImpLab (channel_code);
+ GenImpLab (hnf_reducer_code);
+ GenImpDesc (ext_hnf_reducer_code);
+ GenImpLab (nf_reducer_code);
+ GenImpDesc (ext_nf_reducer_code);
+ GenImpLab (reserve_lab.lab_name);
+ }
+ GenImpLab (cycle_lab.lab_name);
+ GenImpLab (type_error_lab.lab_name);
+ GenImpLab (hnf_lab.lab_name);
+ GenImpDesc ("_ind");
+ GenImpLab_node_entry (indirection_lab.lab_name,"_eaind");
+ GenImpDesc ("e_system_dif");
+ GenImpLab_node_entry ("e_system_nif","e_system_eaif");
+ GenImpDesc ("e_system_dAP");
+ GenImpLab_node_entry ("e_system_nAP","e_system_eaAP");
+ GenImpLab ("e_system_sif");
+ GenImpLab ("e_system_sAP");
+ GenImpDesc (cons_lab.lab_name);
+ GenImpDesc (nil_lab.lab_name);
+ GenImpDesc (tuple_lab.lab_name);
+ for (selnum=1; selnum<=NrOfGlobalSelectors; ++selnum){
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,D_PREFIX "%s.%d",glob_sel,selnum);
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%d " EA_PREFIX "%s.%d",glob_sel,selnum,glob_sel,selnum);
+ }
+ for (selnum=1; selnum<=NrOfGlobalSelectors; ++selnum){
+ put_directive_b (impdesc);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,D_PREFIX "%s.%d",glob_selr,selnum);
+ put_directive_b (implab);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,N_PREFIX "%s.%d " EA_PREFIX "%s.%d",glob_selr,selnum,glob_selr,selnum);
+ }
+ GenImpLab ("_driver");
+ }
+void GenParameters (Bool input, Parameters params, int asp, int bsp)
+ int is_first_parameter;
+ if (params==NULL)
+ return;
+ if (input)
+ put_instruction_ (Iin);
+ else
+ put_instruction_ (Iout);
+ is_first_parameter=1;
+ for (; params!=NULL; params=params->par_next){
+ NodeId node_id;
+ node_id=params->par_node_id;
+ if (!is_first_parameter)
+ FPutC (' ',OutFile);
+ if (IsSimpleState (node_id->nid_state) && node_id->nid_state.state_kind==OnB)
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "b%d:%s",bsp-node_id->nid_b_index,params->par_loc->ident_name);
+ else
+ FPrintF (OutFile, "a%d:%s",asp-node_id->nid_a_index,params->par_loc->ident_name);
+ is_first_parameter=0;
+ }
+void GenInstructions (Instructions ilist)
+ for (; ilist; ilist = ilist->instr_next){
+ char *instruction_name;
+ instruction_name=ilist->instr_this;
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+ if (instruction_name[0]==':')
+ FPutS (&instruction_name[1],OutFile);
+ else {
+ if (instruction_name[0]!='.')
+ FPutC ('\t',OutFile);
+ FPutS (instruction_name,OutFile);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!DoDebug)
+ FPutC ('\n',OutFile);
+void GenTestCaf (Label label)
+ put_instruction_ (Itestcaf);
+ GenLabel (label);
+void GenPushCaf (Label label,int a_stack_size,int b_stack_size)
+ put_instruction_ (Ipushcaf);
+ GenLabel (label);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",a_stack_size,b_stack_size);
+void GenFillCaf (Label label,int a_stack_size,int b_stack_size)
+ put_instruction_ (Ifillcaf);
+ GenLabel (label);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",a_stack_size,b_stack_size);
+void GenCaf (Label label,int a_stack_size,int b_stack_size)
+ put_directive_ (Dcaf);
+ GenLabel (label);
+ FPrintF (OutFile," %d %d",a_stack_size,b_stack_size);
+void GenPB (char *function_name)
+ put_directive_ (Dpb);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"\"%s\"",function_name);
+void GenPD (void)
+ put_directive (Dpd);
+void GenPN (void)
+ put_directive (Dpn);
+void GenPL (void)
+ put_directive (Dpl);
+void GenPLD (void)
+ put_directive (Dpld);
+void GenPT (void)
+ put_directive (Dpt);
+void GenPE (void)
+ put_directive (Dpe);
+void GenKeep (int a_offset1,int a_offset2)
+ put_directive_ (Dkeep);
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%d %d",a_offset1,a_offset2);
+void GenImpObj (char *obj_name)
+ put_directive_ ("impobj");
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s",obj_name);
+void GenImpLib (char *lib_name)
+ put_directive_ ("implib");
+ FPrintF (OutFile,"%s",lib_name);
+void InitInstructions (void)
+ ABCFileName = NULL;
+ SetUnaryState (& ApplyState, StrictRedirection, UnknownObj);
+ ApplyLabel = NULL;