path: root/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checker_2.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checker_2.c')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checker_2.c b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checker_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3502cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backendC/CleanCompilerSources/checker_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ Authors: Sjaak Smetsers & John van Groningen
+ Version: 1.2
+#pragma segment checker
+#include "types.t"
+#include "system.h"
+#include "syntaxtr.t"
+#include "comsupport.h"
+#include "sizes.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "buildtree.h"
+#include "comparser.h"
+#include "statesgen.h"
+#include "codegen_types.h"
+#include "codegen1.h"
+#include "codegen2.h"
+#include "instructions.h"
+#include "typechecker.h"
+#include "transform.h"
+#include "checksupport.h"
+#include "checktypedefs.h"
+#include "overloading.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "checker.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+# include "optimise_lambda.h"
+#ifdef applec
+# include <types.h>
+# define IF_DEBUG_REF_COUNT(a) a
+# include "dbprint.h"
+# define IF_DEBUG_REF_COUNT(a)
+#define for_l(v,l,n) for(v=(l);v!=NULL;v=v->n)
+struct def_list {
+ Symbol mod_name;
+ Bool mod_undereval;
+ DefMod mod_body;
+ struct def_list * mod_next;
+typedef struct def_list *DefModList,DefModElem;
+static DefModList OpenDefinitionModules;
+void GenDependencyList (void)
+ DefModList def_mod;
+ for_l (def_mod,OpenDefinitionModules,mod_next)
+ GenDepend (def_mod->mod_body->dm_name->symb_ident->ident_name
+ ,def_mod->mod_body->dm_modification_time
+ );
+void ReadInlineCode (void)
+ DefModList d_mod;
+ for_l (d_mod,OpenDefinitionModules,mod_next){
+ DefMod def_mod;
+ def_mod=d_mod->mod_body;
+ if (def_mod->dm_system_module){
+ Symbol symbol;
+ for_l (symbol,def_mod->dm_symbols,symb_next)
+ if (symbol->symb_kind==definition){
+ SymbDef sdef;
+ sdef=symbol->symb_def;
+ if (sdef->sdef_kind==SYSRULE && sdef->sdef_mark & SDEF_USED_STRICTLY_MASK)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (symbol!=NULL)
+ /* Get the inline instructions of all the rules that are defined in this module */
+ ScanInlineFile (d_mod->mod_name->symb_ident->ident_name);
+ }
+ }
+Ident AnnotatedId, ListId, TupleId, ConsId, NilId, ApplyId, SelectId,
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ DynamicId,
+ DeltaBId, IfId, FailId, AndId, OrId,
+ StdArrayId, ArrayFunctionIds [NoArrayFun];
+Symbol StartSymbol;
+SymbDef ArrayFunctionDefs [NoArrayFun],StdArrayAbortDef;
+SymbDef scc_dependency_list;
+SymbDef *scc_dependency_list_p;
+SymbDef MakeNewSymbolDefinition (char * module, Ident name, int arity, SDefKind kind)
+ SymbDef def;
+ def = CompAllocType (SymbDefS);
+ def->sdef_module = module;
+ def->sdef_ident = name;
+ def->sdef_arity = arity;
+ def->sdef_kind = kind;
+ def->sdef_line = 0;
+ def->sdef_mark=0;
+ def->sdef_over_arity=0;
+ def->sdef_exported=False;
+ def->sdef_main_dcl=False;
+ def->sdef_infix=False;
+ def->sdef_arfun = NoArrayFun;
+ return def;
+static NodeDefs FreeDefs;
+NodeDefs NewNodeDef (NodeId nid,Node node)
+ NodeDefs new;
+ if (FreeDefs){
+ new = FreeDefs;
+ FreeDefs = FreeDefs->def_next;
+ } else
+ new = CompAllocType (NodeDefS);
+ new->def_id = nid;
+ new->def_node = node;
+ new->def_mark = 0;
+ return new;
+static Ident SystemFunctionsId,StdArrayAbortId;
+void InitChecker (void)
+ FreeDefs=NIL;
+ free_ldefs=NULL;
+#ifndef CLEAN2
+ free_depend_macros=NULL;
+ AnnotatedId = PutStringInHashTable ("_annotated", SymbolIdTable);
+ ListId = PutStringInHashTable ("[...]", SymbolIdTable);
+ TupleId = PutStringInHashTable ("(...)", SymbolIdTable);
+ ConsId = PutStringInHashTable ("[...|...]", SymbolIdTable);
+ NilId = PutStringInHashTable ("[]", SymbolIdTable);
+ ApplyId = PutStringInHashTable ("AP", SymbolIdTable);
+ SelectId = PutStringInHashTable ("_Select", SymbolIdTable);
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ DynamicId = PutStringInHashTable ("Dynamic", SymbolIdTable);
+ /* hack RWS */
+ IfId = PutStringInHashTable ("if ", SymbolIdTable);
+ IfId->ident_name = "if";
+ FailId = PutStringInHashTable ("_Fail", SymbolIdTable);
+ StartSymbol = NewSymbol (newsymbol);
+ StartSymbol -> symb_ident = PutStringInHashTable ("Start", SymbolIdTable);
+ AndId = PutStringInHashTable ("&&", SymbolIdTable);
+ OrId = PutStringInHashTable ("||", SymbolIdTable);
+ SystemFunctionsId = PutStringInHashTable ("StdEnum", ModuleIdTable);
+ DeltaBId = PutStringInHashTable ("StdBool", ModuleIdTable);
+ StdArrayId = PutStringInHashTable ("_SystemArray", ModuleIdTable);
+ /* Predefined Array functions */
+ StdArrayAbortId = PutStringInHashTable ("_abortArray", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[CreateArrayFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("createArray", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[UnqArraySelectFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("uselect", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[ArrayReplaceFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("replace", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[UnqArraySizeFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("usize", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[ArrayUpdateFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("update", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[ArraySelectFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("select", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[ArraySizeFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("size", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[_CreateArrayFun] = PutStringInHashTable ("_createArrayc", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[_UnqArraySelectFun]= PutStringInHashTable ("_uselectf", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[_UnqArraySelectNextFun]= PutStringInHashTable ("_uselectn", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[_UnqArraySelectLastFun]= PutStringInHashTable ("_uselectl", SymbolIdTable);
+ ArrayFunctionIds[_ArrayUpdateFun]= PutStringInHashTable ("_updatei", SymbolIdTable);
+ FunTypeClass.tac_uniprop = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ FunTypeClass.tac_possign = BIT(1);
+ FunTypeClass.tac_negsign = BIT(0);
+ GeneralTypeClass.tac_uniprop = ALLBITSSET;
+ GeneralTypeClass.tac_possign = ALLBITSSET;
+ GeneralTypeClass.tac_negsign = ALLBITSCLEAR;
+ OpenDefinitionModules = NIL;
+#ifdef CLEAN2
+ void ClearOpenDefinitionModules (void)
+ {
+ OpenDefinitionModules = NULL;
+ }
+ void AddOpenDefinitionModule (SymbolP moduleNameSymbol, DefMod definitionModule)
+ {
+ DefModList openModule;
+ openModule = CompAllocType (DefModElem);
+ openModule->mod_name = moduleNameSymbol;
+ openModule->mod_body = definitionModule;
+ openModule->mod_next = OpenDefinitionModules;
+ OpenDefinitionModules = openModule;
+ }