path: root/backend/backendconvert.icl
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Diffstat (limited to 'backend/backendconvert.icl')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/backend/backendconvert.icl b/backend/backendconvert.icl
index 980042b..163fb4c 100644
--- a/backend/backendconvert.icl
+++ b/backend/backendconvert.icl
@@ -383,7 +383,8 @@ backEndConvertModules p s main_dcl_module_n var_heap attr_var_heap be
backEndConvertModulesH :: PredefinedSymbols FrontEndSyntaxTree !Int *BackEndState -> *BackEndState
backEndConvertModulesH predefs {fe_icl =
- fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl_common,icl_global_functions,icl_imported_objects,icl_foreign_exports,icl_used_module_numbers, icl_modification_time},
+ fe_icl =: {icl_name, icl_functions, icl_common,icl_global_functions,
+ icl_type_funs, icl_imported_objects,icl_foreign_exports,icl_used_module_numbers, icl_modification_time},
fe_components, fe_dcls, fe_arrayInstances}
main_dcl_module_n backEnd
// sanity check ...
@@ -398,7 +399,8 @@ backEndConvertModulesH predefs {fe_icl =
= backEnd
# backEnd
= abort "front end abort" backEnd
-*/ #! backEnd = appBackEnd (BESetMainDclModuleN main_dcl_module_n) backEnd
+ #! backEnd = appBackEnd (BESetMainDclModuleN main_dcl_module_n) backEnd
#! backEnd
= appBackEnd (BEDeclareModules (size fe_dcls)) backEnd
#! backEnd
@@ -442,7 +444,8 @@ backEndConvertModulesH predefs {fe_icl =
#! backEnd
= appBackEnd (BEDeclareIclModule icl_name.id_name icl_modification_time (size icl_functions) (size icl_common.com_type_defs) (size icl_common.com_cons_defs) (size icl_common.com_selector_defs)) (backEnd -*-> "BEDeclareIclModule")
#! backEnd
- = declareFunctionSymbols icl_functions functionIndices icl_global_functions (backEnd -*-> "declareFunctionSymbols")
+ = declareFunctionSymbols icl_functions functionIndices
+ (icl_type_funs ++ icl_global_functions) (backEnd -*-> "declareFunctionSymbols")
#! backEnd
= declare main_dcl_module_n icl_common (backEnd -*-> "declare (main_dcl_module_n)")
#! backEnd
@@ -470,6 +473,16 @@ backEndConvertModulesH predefs {fe_icl =
= currentDcl.dcl_common
+ # backEnd
+ = foldSt beExportFunction exported_local_type_funs backEnd
+ with
+ exported_local_type_funs
+ | False && currentDcl.dcl_module_kind == MK_None
+ = []
+ // otherwise
+ = flatten [[r.ir_from .. r.ir_to-1]
+ \\ r <- [icl_type_funs!!1]]
# backEnd = bindSpecialIdents predefs icl_used_module_numbers backEnd
#! backEnd = removeExpandedTypesFromDclModules fe_dcls icl_used_module_numbers backEnd
= (backEnd -*-> "backend done")
@@ -483,7 +496,9 @@ declareOtherDclModules dcls main_dcl_module_n used_module_numbers
declareOtherDclModule :: ModuleIndex DclModule -> BackEnder
declareOtherDclModule moduleIndex dclModule
- | moduleIndex == main_dcl_module_n || moduleIndex == cPredefinedModuleIndex || not (inNumberSet moduleIndex used_module_numbers)
+ | moduleIndex == main_dcl_module_n
+ || moduleIndex == cPredefinedModuleIndex
+ || not (inNumberSet moduleIndex used_module_numbers)
= identity
// otherwise
= declareDclModule moduleIndex dclModule
@@ -494,7 +509,9 @@ defineOtherDclModules dcls main_dcl_module_n used_module_numbers
defineOtherDclModule :: ModuleIndex DclModule -> BackEnder
defineOtherDclModule moduleIndex dclModule
- | moduleIndex == main_dcl_module_n || moduleIndex == cPredefinedModuleIndex || not (inNumberSet moduleIndex used_module_numbers)
+ | moduleIndex == main_dcl_module_n
+ || moduleIndex == cPredefinedModuleIndex
+ || not (inNumberSet moduleIndex used_module_numbers)
= identity
// otherwise
= defineDclModule moduleIndex dclModule
@@ -518,9 +535,11 @@ declareDclModule moduleIndex {dcl_name, dcl_modification_time, dcl_common, dcl_f
= appBackEnd (BEDeclareDclModule moduleIndex dcl_name.id_name dcl_modification_time (isSystem dcl_module_kind) (size dcl_functions) (size dcl_common.com_type_defs) (size dcl_common.com_cons_defs) (size dcl_common.com_selector_defs))
defineDclModule :: ModuleIndex DclModule -> BackEnder
-defineDclModule moduleIndex {dcl_name, dcl_common, dcl_functions,dcl_instances}
+defineDclModule moduleIndex
+ {dcl_name, dcl_common, dcl_functions, dcl_type_funs, dcl_instances}
= declare moduleIndex dcl_common
- o` declareFunTypes moduleIndex dcl_functions dcl_instances.ir_from
+ o` declareFunTypes moduleIndex dcl_functions
+ [{ir_from = 0, ir_to = dcl_instances.ir_from}, dcl_type_funs]
removeExpandedTypesFromDclModules :: {#DclModule} NumberSet -> BackEnder
removeExpandedTypesFromDclModules dcls used_module_numbers
@@ -654,7 +673,6 @@ declareFunctionSymbols functions functionIndices globalFunctions backEnd
functionName :: {#Char} Int [IndexRange] -> {#Char}
functionName name functionIndex icl_global_functions
-// | trace_t ("|"+++toString functionIndex)
| index_in_ranges functionIndex icl_global_functions
= name
= (name +++ ";" +++ toString functionIndex)
@@ -744,28 +762,30 @@ instance declareWithIndex (TypeDef a) where
declareWithIndex typeIndex moduleIndex {td_ident}
= appBackEnd (BEDeclareType typeIndex moduleIndex td_ident.id_name)
-declareFunTypes :: ModuleIndex {#FunType} Int -> BackEnder
-declareFunTypes moduleIndex funTypes nrOfDclFunctions
- = foldStateWithIndexA (declareFunType moduleIndex nrOfDclFunctions) funTypes
+declareFunTypes :: ModuleIndex {#FunType} [IndexRange] -> BackEnder
+declareFunTypes moduleIndex funTypes ranges
+ = foldStateWithIndexA (declareFunType moduleIndex ranges) funTypes
-declareFunType :: ModuleIndex Index Int FunType -> BackEnder
-declareFunType moduleIndex nrOfDclFunctions functionIndex {ft_ident, ft_type_ptr}
+declareFunType :: ModuleIndex [IndexRange] Int FunType -> BackEnder
+declareFunType moduleIndex ranges functionIndex {ft_ident, ft_type_ptr}
= \be0 -> let (vi,be) = read_from_var_heap ft_type_ptr be0 in
(case vi of
VI_ExpandedType expandedType
- -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName ft_ident.id_name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions)
+ -> beDeclareRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (functionName ft_ident.id_name functionIndex ranges)
o` beDefineRuleType functionIndex moduleIndex (convertTypeAlt functionIndex moduleIndex expandedType)
-> identity) be
- functionName :: {#Char} Int Int -> {#Char}
- functionName name functionIndex nrOfDclFunctions
-// | trace_tn (name+++(if (functionIndex < nrOfDclFunctions) "" (";" +++ toString functionIndex)))
- | functionIndex < nrOfDclFunctions
+ functionName :: {#Char} Int [IndexRange] -> {#Char}
+ functionName name functionIndex ranges
+ | index_in_ranges functionIndex ranges
= name
- // otherwise
- = name +++ ";" +++ toString functionIndex
+ = (name +++ ";" +++ toString functionIndex)
+ where
+ index_in_ranges index [{ir_from, ir_to}:ranges]
+ = (index>=ir_from && index < ir_to) || index_in_ranges index ranges;
+ index_in_ranges index []
+ = False
defineTypes :: ModuleIndex {#ConsDef} {#SelectorDef} {#CheckedTypeDef} -> BackEnder
defineTypes moduleIndex constructors selectors types