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3 files changed, 40 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/sucl/absmodule.dcl b/sucl/absmodule.dcl
index 30fc4dd..fd2060a 100644
--- a/sucl/absmodule.dcl
+++ b/sucl/absmodule.dcl
@@ -5,11 +5,9 @@ definition module absmodule
from rule import Rule
:: Module sym pvar tsym tvar
- = { //exportedtypesymbols :: [tsym] // Exported type symbols (from DCL)
- //, typealias :: [(tsym,Rule tsym tvar)] // Alias types
- typeconstructors :: [(tsym,[sym])] // All constructor symbols of each declared algebraic type
- , exportedsymbols :: [sym] // Exported function/constructor symbols
- //, aliases :: [(sym,Rule sym pvar)] // Macros
- , typerules :: [(sym,(Rule tsym tvar,[Bool]))] // Info from type rules (actual type and argument strictnesses)
- , rules :: [(sym,[Rule sym pvar])] // Rewrite rules of each symbol, absent if imported
+ = { typeconstructors :: [(tsym,[sym])] // All constructor symbols of each declared algebraic type
+ , exportedsymbols :: [sym] // Exported function/constructor symbols
+ , typerules :: [(sym,Rule tsym tvar)] // Principal types of symbols
+ , stricts :: [(sym,[Bool])] // Strict arguments of functions
+ , rules :: [(sym,[Rule sym pvar])] // Rewrite rules of each symbol, absent if imported
diff --git a/sucl/absmodule.icl b/sucl/absmodule.icl
index fad7cf6..9b9d472 100644
--- a/sucl/absmodule.icl
+++ b/sucl/absmodule.icl
@@ -27,49 +27,12 @@ Includes.
Module implementation.
-> module * *** **** *****
-> == ( ( [****], || Exported types
-> [(****,rule **** *****)], || Type alias rules
-> [(****,[*])] || Constructor symbols for algebraic type symbol
-> ),
-> ( [*], || Exported symbols
-> [(*,rule * ***)], || Alias rules
-> [(*,(rule **** *****,[bool]))], || Typerule for symbol
-> [(*,[rule * ***])] || Rewrite rules for symbol, absent if imported
-> )
-> )
:: Module sym pvar tsym tvar
- = {// exportedtypesymbols :: [tsym] // Exported type symbols (from DCL)
- //, typealias :: [(tsym,Rule tsym tvar)] // Alias types
- typeconstructors :: [(tsym,[sym])] // All constructor symbols of each declared algebraic type
- , exportedsymbols :: [sym] // Exported function/constructor symbols
- //, aliases :: [(sym,Rule sym pvar)] // Macros
- , typerules :: [(sym,(Rule tsym tvar,[Bool]))] // Info from type rules (actual type and argument strictnesses)
- , rules :: [(sym,[Rule sym pvar])] // Rewrite rules of each symbol, absent if imported
+ = { typeconstructors :: [(tsym,[sym])] // All constructor symbols of each declared algebraic type
+ , exportedsymbols :: [sym] // Exported function/constructor symbols
+ , typerules :: [(sym,Rule tsym tvar)] // Principal types of symbols
+ , stricts :: [(sym,[Bool])] // Strict arguments of functions
+ , rules :: [(sym,[Rule sym pvar])] // Rewrite rules of each symbol, absent if imported
-> newmodule :: module * *** **** *****
-> newmodule = (([],[],[]),([],[],[],[]))
-> addtalias :: **** -> bool -> rule **** ***** -> module * *** **** ***** -> module * *** **** *****
-> addtalias ts exp tr ((tes,tas,tcs),defs)
-> = ((cond exp (ts:tes) tes,(ts,tr):tas,tcs),defs)
-> addtsymdef :: **** -> bool -> [*] -> module * *** **** ***** -> module * *** **** *****
-> addtsymdef ts exp ss ((tes,tas,tcs),defs)
-> = ((cond exp (ts:tes) tes,tas,(ts,ss):tcs),defs)
-> addalias :: * -> bool -> rule * *** -> module * *** **** ***** -> module * *** **** *****
-> addalias s exp r (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs))
-> = (tdefs,(cond exp (s:es) es,(s,r):as,ts,rs))
-> addsymdef :: * -> bool -> rule **** ***** -> bool -> [rule * ***] -> module * *** **** ***** -> module * *** **** *****
-> addsymdef s exp t imp rr (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs))
-> = (tdefs,(cond exp (s:es) es,as,(s,(t,[])):ts,cond imp rs ((s,rr):rs)))
diff --git a/sucl/cli.icl b/sucl/cli.icl
index 2c808d0..8949eff 100644
--- a/sucl/cli.icl
+++ b/sucl/cli.icl
@@ -124,12 +124,12 @@ exports :: Cli -> [SuclSymbol]
exports m = m.exportedsymbols
-> typerule (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs)) = fst.maxtypeinfo ts
+> typerule (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs)) = maxtyperule ts
typerule :: Cli SuclSymbol -> Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable
typerule m sym
-= fst (maxtypeinfo m.typerules sym)
+= maxtyperule m.typerules sym
> rules (tdefs,(es,as,ts,rs)) = foldmap Present Absent rs
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ typerule m sym
clistrategy :: Cli ((Graph SuclSymbol SuclVariable) SuclVariable var -> Bool) -> Strategy SuclSymbol var SuclVariable answer | == var
clistrategy {typeconstructors=tcs,typerules=ts,rules=rs} matchable
- = ( checkarity (typearity o maxtypeinfo ts) // Checks curried occurrences and strict arguments
+ = ( checkarity (typearity o maxtyperule ts) // Checks curried occurrences and strict arguments
o checklaws cleanlaws // Checks for special (hard coded) rules (+x0=x /y1=y ...)
o checkrules matchable (foldmap id [] rs) // Checks normal rewrite rules
o checkimport islocal // Checks for delta symbols
@@ -163,11 +163,17 @@ clistrategy {typeconstructors=tcs,typerules=ts,rules=rs} matchable
where islocal rsym=:(SuclUser s) = isMember rsym (map fst rs)
islocal rsym = True // Symbols in the language core are always completely known
-typearity :: (Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[Bool]) -> Int
-typearity ti = length (arguments (fst ti))
+typearity :: (Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable) -> Int
+typearity ti = length (arguments ti)
-maxtypeinfo :: [(SuclSymbol,(Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[Bool]))] SuclSymbol -> (Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[Bool])
-maxtypeinfo defs sym = extendfn defs coretypeinfo sym
+//maxtypeinfo :: [(SuclSymbol,(Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[Bool]))] SuclSymbol -> (Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[Bool])
+//maxtypeinfo defs sym = extendfn defs coretypeinfo sym
+maxtyperule :: [(SuclSymbol,Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable)] SuclSymbol -> Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable
+maxtyperule defs sym = extendfn defs coretyperule sym
+maxstricts :: [(SuclSymbol,[Bool])] SuclSymbol -> [Bool]
+maxstricts defs sym = extendfn defs corestricts sym
> constrs ((tes,tas,tcs),defs) = tcs
@@ -176,7 +182,7 @@ maxtypeinfo defs sym = extendfn defs coretypeinfo sym
complete :: Cli -> [SuclSymbol] -> Bool
-complete m = mkclicomplete m.typeconstructors (fst o maxtypeinfo m.typerules)
+complete m = mkclicomplete m.typeconstructors (maxtyperule m.typerules)
> showcli = printcli
@@ -310,3 +316,19 @@ Compiling clean parts into module information...
> ctgraph = updategraph ctroot (fn,[last targs,troot]) tgraph
+mkcli ::
+ [(SuclSymbol,Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable)]
+ [(SuclSymbol,[Bool])]
+ [SuclSymbol]
+ [(SuclTypeSymbol,[SuclSymbol])]
+ [(SuclSymbol,[Rule SuclSymbol SuclVariable])]
+ -> Cli
+mkcli typerules stricts exports constrs bodies
+= { typeconstructors = constrs
+ , exportedsymbols = exports
+ , typerules = typerules
+ , stricts = stricts
+ , rules = bodies
+ }